?ryym W: Untquri Ottt, Go@E, Ts

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V)n^t vnaloey thw,q ua*nnpfinw w oala.

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erwdlodry irn/, OOrvt*rwcpt,
c,o_f,N i4/ti,o{v,
?ryyM W
Most of us are aware how pearls are formed. When
a foreign object settles inside an oyster, a soothing
substance coats the irritant as a defense
mechanism, eventually forming a beautiful pearl.
This is exactly how Batch '83 views its life
Our Assumption education has served as the
foundation on which the virtues we uphold today
are molded. Through challenges and changes, we
only grew better and stronger. We may not have
known that we had it in us when we were prancing
around in our red plaid uniformi,.,.,But the seeds of
substance and empowerment were slowly planted
in our young minds and hearts. As we matured, so
did our unique qualities as women of the
Decades out of high school, we continue to sow the
same seeds of positive values in every life we touch.
There's no better way to give back to our beloved
Assumption and to the rest of the world than by
spreading the same lessons and strengths that have
helped us become the individuals we are today.
Proud to be wor.nen oisulbstance and
empowerment, proud to be Pearl!
Wha! makes the Assurnptidnwoman unieue?
To outsiders looking in, the answer could be
in the way she speaks, walks, dresses, writes,
or even craves for Assumption Tart and
Assumption Siomai. But in trulfr;:her
individuality is rooted in.muth more than
that. She shines from the inside out,
embodying confidence, competence,
conviction, commitment and community.
These are qualities born from years of
Assumption teachings, polished through
time and made manifest in a certain carriage,
behaviour, and outlook in life. The
Assumption alumna radiates confidence in
any ro I e s h e a ss u mes.,,t,tSihe.lis,te!f- a ss u re d
and gifted with the comp*nt to fulfil ::
expectation and even go beyond them. She
knows exactly what sh.q,,.blieves in and, with
co nv i ctio n a n d cl a rity.of,,fUrRose, wi I I f i g:!t
for it tooth and claw,,11e!.With utter grgce
under pressure. She will drive forward to
make a difference in big and smallways, fired
by an understanding of the importance of
transformatiVe'l65dership. Raised in an
environment of sisterhood and community,
she is aware of her great potential to help
shape families, organizations, as well as
entire societies and carries this mission
through with unrelenting commitment.
Above al!, t6s 15 pi:oud to be an Assumption
woman! She is proud to be the person she
haslbecome, whether a mother or CEO (or
Rna de,Villa Singson

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