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“Only until you have climbed the mountains can you look
behind you and see the vast distance you have covered, and
remember those you’ve met along the way who made your
trek a little easier”.

My Report has finally been completed, after many miles of

weary travel, I look back to those who helped us turn it into
reality and offer our heartfelt thanks: to God, for the strength
and wisdom: to our Instructor Father Victor, for his precious
time and instructions. And last but certainly not the least, to
each other, whose presence served help more than anyone.




















In this research I studied the impact of videogames on college going
boys. I have take in to account the variables like age, number of hours
playing videogames, aggressive behavior, Late sleep in night etc., in order to
drive a relationship between videogames and user. From this topic I chosen a
specific topic how video games spoil sleep among college going boys. For
this I had chosen the variables “number of hours playing video games” and
“late sleep due to playing videogames”. The perception was differed from
person to person. A broader age bracket of 18 – 25 was taken for this


A video game is an electronic game that involves interaction with a

user interface to generate visual feedback on a video device. The word video
in video game traditionally referred to a raster display device. However, with
the popular use of the term "video game", it now implies any type of display
device. The electronic systems used to play video games are known as
platforms; examples of these are personal computers and video game
consoles. These platforms range from large computers to small handheld
devices. Specialized video games such as arcade games, while previously
common, have gradually declined in use.

The input device used to manipulate video games is called a game

controller, and varies across platforms. For example, a dedicated console
controller might consist of only a button and a joystick. Another may feature
a dozen buttons and one or more joysticks. Early personal computer games
often needed a keyboard for game play, or more commonly, required the
user to buy a separate joystick with at least one button. Many modern
computer games allow, or even require, the player to use a keyboard and
mouse simultaneously.

Video games typically also use other ways of providing interaction

and information to the player. Audio is almost universal, using sound
reproduction devices, such as speakers and headphones. But other feedback
may come via haptic peripherals, such as vibration or force feedback, with
vibration sometimes used to simulate force feedback.

While many "hardcore" gamers build their gaming PCs themselves,

many choose to go with prebuilt or custom-built gaming PCs. These PCs can
often be more expensive than building one's own, with higher premiums
attached to high-end brands. Different companies offer varying degrees of
customization, some almost as much as building it oneself. There are
however, drawbacks to building one's own computer. Assembling a
computer means being personally responsible for any problems that may
arise, both during the assembly phase, and after it's in regular use. Instead of
using a single technical support hotline to cover your entire system, often
you will have to deal with individual component manufactures yourself. Due
to the wide inconsistencies in after purchase support from component
manufactures, trying to get support can be a daunting task for even the most
patient of persons. Customer support is a major reason why even extreme

gaming enthusiasts may look to a system integrator for their custom PC
builds. There are many positive aspects in choosing to build your own
system. You are no longer tied to specific configurations that system
integrators may force you to stick to. You can often obtain much better
pricing on individual components, and thus save quite a lot of money on a
comparable system. The entire product range of manufactures are open to
you in a way that allows you to choose a case, color, or brand more to your

Gaming laptops are the mobile equivalent of gaming desktops and are
usually more expensive than their desktop counterparts. Currently, some
feature inbuilt graphics processors, which tend to use a lot of battery power,
so one concern among GPU manufacturers is to reduce power usage. One
recent development by NVIDIA is SLI for laptops. Generally, gaming
laptops are not considered "rigs" as the term can also refer to the physical
size of the system.

Due to the relatively small size that the hardware has to fit in, cooling
the heat intensive components is a major problem affecting the performance
of such laptops, usually causing degraded value for money performance
wise. Attempts at using the same performance hardware as desktops usually
end in a decreased clock frequency of graphics chips to reduce heat, causing
the poor value for money.


This research paper was basically indented towards identifying,

how does videogames affect the sleep of the college going boys?

The power to produce an outcome or achieve a result.

Video games are played at the arcade, at home on a television or
personal computer, and as a handheld portable game. They are packaged in
large consoles, game packs that can only be played on the same
manufacturer's hardware (i.e. Nintendo, Sega Genesis, and Sony Play
station), and as CD-ROMs. Made up of a program that instructs the
computer to display specific visual and audio effects, video games utilize
cutting-edge technology in order to provide fast paced entertainment. Recent
statistics show that 70% of all children in the United States have home video
game systems. Over four billion dollars is spent on arcade video games

College going boys:

A student of college or university.


For this research, a few hypotheses was enacted,

i) Do the video games encourage college boys to be

ii) How does video games affects sleep?
iii) Do the videogames decrease sleep?
iv) Do parents scold boys while playing videogames?

From these I chosen

How does videogames affects the sleep of the college going



Since its beginnings in 1970s, the video game industry has

experienced tremendous growth. This explosion of the video game industry
has had many people questioning the detrimental effects of video games.
The main concern is with the violence within these games.
As early as the 1980s, researchers began considering
whether videogame play is addictive (Dill & Dill, 1998). Egli
and Myers (1984) identified “compulsive” behaviors
associated with video game play, finding that about 13% of
the adolescents they surveyed sacrificed other activities and
compulsively invested money and time in gaming. Braun
and Giroux (1989, p. 101) called video games “the perfect
paradigm for induction of ‘addictive’ behavior.” A
psychotherapist (Klein, 1984) noticed that some of his
teenaged clients exhibited what he would term addictive
behavior regarding video game play (e.g., stealing money or
spending lunch money to play videogames). Suler (2004)
provides a balanced view of cyber addictions, noting that
some level of devotion to a hobby is healthy, but that in
pathological addictions, the bad outweighs the good.
In January, 2001, U.S. Surgeon General David Satcher released the
most exhaustive U.S. government study to date on youth and violence from
a public health perspective, which found that “The impact of video games on
violent behavior remains to be determined.”
In 1999 the Government of Australia performed the most
comprehensive unbiased review ever done of all research on the effect of
games and found that, “The accumulating evidence — provided largely by
researchers keen to demonstrate the games’ undesirable effects — does
indicate that it is very hard to find such effects and that they
are unlikely to be substantial.”
In 1994, the industry established the Entertainment Software Rating
Board (ESRB), an independent, voluntary
ratings system for computer and video games that Senator Joseph Lieberman
has called “the best media rating system in existence.” The ESRB has rated
over 7,000 products, the vast majority of which are appropriate for everyone
over the age of six.
The industry created the Advertising Review Council (ARC) of the
ESRB, to ensure that marketing campaigns and advertisements placed by

U.S. computer and video game software makers are responsible, truthful,
and accurate.
Who plays videogames?
Contrary to popular myth, the majority of people who
play computer and video games are adults, not kids, as
evidenced by the findings of a 2000 survey by Peter D.
Hart Research Associates:
◗ The average age of computer and video game players
is 28 years old;
◗ Sixty-one percent of all game players are age 18
and over;
◗ Thirty-five percent of game players are over 35
years old;
◗ Forty-three percent of video and computer game
players are women;

Who buys videogames?

Parents are in control

Its adults, not kids, who actually purchase nine out of

Ten computer and video games sold in the United States. Of people under 18
who buy games, more than four out of five 84 percent say they get their
parents’ permission before they do so, according to the 2001consumer
survey. Similarly, in the survey by Peter Hart, 83 % of parents said they “try
to watch or play, at least once, every game that their child plays to determine
whether it is appropriate.”
In an April 2001 report on the marketing of entertainment products to
children, the Commission said of video and computer games: “It is clear that
most parents are able to play a watchdog role when they choose to do so...
According to parents’ responses [to the FTC’s survey], even more
parents (83%) are involved in the actual purchase transaction; 38% report
that they usually purchase or rent the games, and another 45% of parents do
so together with the child.”

Why people play videogames?

People play video games for a wide variety of reasons.
More than half of respondents to the IDSA’s 2001 consumer survey say that
playing video games relieves Stress, roughly half believe video games are a
good entertainment value for the money and more than a third

say video games are an interactive social experience that
can be shared with friends and family.
The 2001 consumer survey found that 43 percent of the most frequent
game players play with other family members, while 25 percent of the most
frequent game players play video games with one or both parents.

As game sales have risen

Youth violence has decline
Perhaps the most compelling counterpoint to the
argument that video game use does not cause violent
behavior in young people is the fact that youth violence
fell dramatically in the 1990s over exactly the same
period that video game use skyrocketed. According to the U.S. Department
of Justice Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Program, between
1994 and1999 violent crime among 15-39 year olds
Decreased dramatically. Further, the data shows that the
Biggest decrease (39%) came from juveniles between the ages of 15 to 17.

U.S Surgeon generals repot

Prompted by the shootings at Columbine High School
in April 1999, Congress and the Clinton Administration
asked U.S. Surgeon General David Satcher to evaluate
recent research on the incidence, causes, and prevention of youth violence.
The Surgeon General’s findings were released January 17, 2001. The report
— the most exhaustive U.S. government study to date on youth and violence
from a public health perspective — found that there is no research to support
the notion that violent media leads to long-term violence rather than only to
some aggression.
With regard to the research on video games, the Surgeon General’s
report said, “The overall effect size for both randomized and correlational
studies was small for physical aggression and moderate for aggressive
thinking....The impact of video games on violent behavior remains to be
At the press conference releasing the report Satcher went on to say,
“We clearly associate media violence to aggressive behavior. But the impact
was very small compared to other things. Some may not be happy with that,
but that’s where the science is.”

Computer games to be labeled Following Youth Protection Act

The Landtag (State parliament) in Vienna has unanimously adopted an

amendment to the Wiener ugendschutzgesetz (Vienna Youth Protection Act)
concerning computer and video games, which entered into force on 1
December 2008 and includes an obligation for computer games to be
properly labeled. Packaging must now display the standard PEGI (Pan-
European Game Information) symbols which have been developed at
European level by the Interactive Software Federation of Europe (ISFE). As
well as an age rating, the symbols provide information about problematic
content such as violence, sex and racism.

Until now, the age group for which games are suitable under youth
protection rules has not always been clearly marked. Providing information
about game content has not been obligatory. Since computer games are
distributed in the same way throughout Austria, games with the PEGI
symbols are also sold in the other Bundesländer which, it is assumed, will
soon follow Vienna's example.

During the transitional period to the end of 2009, computer games

labelled using the Unterhaltungssoftware Selbstkontrolle (German
entertainment software voluntary monitoring organisation - USK) rating
system will still be available for sale. However, most games already carry
the PEGI symbols. The Bundesstelle für die Positivprädikatisierung von
Computer- und Konsolenspielen (Federal Office for the positive rating of
computer and console games - BuPP) may also be asked for advice on
whether a game is too complicated for children.

Combat obesity among youth

As the obesity crisis among the teens is looming large, the UK
authorities are looking at interactive computer games as one of the solutions.

The hope is that gaming systems like Nintendo Wii would induce
more physical activity in the children and thus make them break out of a
sedentary lifestyle. A pilot project involving groups of overweight children
is on in the East Midlands.
Like many regions of Britain, obesity has risen sharply in the East
Midlands, particularly among boys. The proportion of boys who are obese
increased from 0.9 per cent in 1995 to 17.3 per cent in 2006, while in girls it

rose from 12 per cent to 14.7 per cent in the same period.
Highlighting the new scheme in his annual report, Sir Liam
Donaldson, the chief medical officer, England, said that video gaming was a
major cause of overweight and obesity in children and young adults.
He said that as stopping children playing video games was
unlikely, studies and public health strategies were now focusing on the way
systems could be used to improve health.
Researchers investigating the energy expenditure of sedentary and
dynamic, interactive video game play found that the latter could increase the
number of calories burnt by 42 per cent. They concluded that if children
engaged in active play for 60 minutes a day over a year, they would burn
approximately 7.5 lbs of body fat.

Gaming violence and aggressive behaviour

Gaming violence and aggressive behavior in youths have been

commonly perceived by researchers as directly related to each other. It is
believed that media violence, especially in computer games making children
more aggressive and behaviorally unbalanced. This is a belief espoused by
Grossman (2002).

As a large proportion of gamers are in their teenage years or younger,

their cognitive and emotional development stages are more susceptible to
external influences. Considering the cultural significance and permeation of
computer games and the fact that they are leisurely and interactive medium
which have significant educative potential, gaming violence does affect
youth aggression to some degree.

However, it is Jenkins belief that the results of these studies are are
based on the work of researchers who represent one relatively narrow school
of research, namely the study of media effects. Jenkins states that “this
research includes some 300 studies of media violence. But most of those
studies are inconclusive and many have been criticised on methodological
grounds. In these studies, media images are removed from any narrative
context? In these studies, the subjects are asked to engage with content they
would not normally would not use and may not understand, making for
inaccurate results. Additionally, the laboratory testing environment differs
greatly from environments where games are normally be played (Jenkins
2005). It is also possible that most of the studies found “a correlation, not a

causal relationship, which means the research could simply show that
aggressive people like aggressive entertainment? (Jenkins 2005).

Crime and violence

However, several major studies by groups such as The Harvard
Medical School Center for Mental Health, The Journal of Adolescent Health,
and The British Medical Journal have shown no conclusive link between
video game usage and violent activity." One study did find an increase in
reports of bullying, noting, "Our research found that certain patterns of video
game play were much more likely to be associated with these types of
behavioral problems than with major violent crime such as school shootings
One of the first widely accepted controversial video games was developer
Exidy's 1976 title Death Race, in which players controlled cars that ran over
pixelated representations of "gremlins". The game caused such an outcry
that it was pulled from store shelves and profiled on 60 Minutes. Long
Island PTA president Ronnie Lamm pushed for legislation in the early 1980s
to place restrictions on how close video game arcades could be to schools,
asserting that they caused children to fight. Portrayals of violence allegedly
became more realistic with time, and so politicians such as U.S. Senator
Joseph Lieberman conducted hearings during the 1990s regarding what he
referred to as "violent video games" which, in his opinion, included such
games as Mortal Kombat. His sentiments have been echoed by certain
researchers, such as Dr. Craig A. Anderson who testified before the Senate,
"Some studies have yielded nonsignificant video game effects, just as some
smoking studies failed to find a significant link to lung cancer. But when one
combines all relevant empirical studies using meta-analytic techniques [it
shows that] violent video games are significantly associated with: increased
aggressive behavior, thoughts, and affect; increased physiological arousal;
and decreased pro-social (helping) behavior." Anderson himself was later
criticized in a 2005 video game court case for failing to cite research that
differed from his view. Much of the research has been criticized for
overstating effects, ignoring negative results and using unstandardized and
unreliable measures of aggression.

Brain research and videogames

Researchers in the British journal Nature (1998) report
that the brain releases dopamine, a pleasure chemical,
during video game play. New brain research (Bartholow,

Bushman & Sestir, 2006) is the first to show that violent
video game players show reduction in healthy, empathic
brain responses to real-life violence such as gun attacks
and that those with these less empathic brain responses
were more likely to behave aggressively in the laboratory.
Walsh (2004, 2006) explains that youth exposure to video
game violence results in long-lasting effects due to the
nature of the teenaged brain. For example, the adolescent
brain is actively learning impulse control and how to deal
with sexual and violent urges and is particularly vulnerable
to the violent and sexual imagery prevalent in video games.

As part of their experiments, Dr. Markus Dworak and colleagues from

German Sport University Cologne performed overnight sleep studies, and
before and after visual and verbal memory tests. The results showed that
after playing the interactive computer game, the boys took longer to fall
asleep, spent less time in slow-wave sleep -- the type that helps a person
form factual memories - and spent more time in stage 2 non-REM sleep - the
stage of sleep first crops up right after the initial, "drifting-off" phase of
sleep, and precedes deep, slow-wave sleep.

Studies in children have shown that playing interactive video games

can lead to significant increases in heart rate, blood pressure and respiratory
rate, "and thus a higher arousal state of the central nervous system," the
investigators note.

Pre- and post-computer game cognitive tests also showed a decline in

verbal memory performance after playing the hour-long computer game
session. This is an "interesting" finding, the researchers say, one that
suggests that strong emotional experiences, such as playing a computer
game or watching a thrilling movie, could decisively impact the learning
process. "Because recently acquired knowledge," they explain, "is very
sensitive in the subsequent consolidation period, emotional experiences
within the hours after learning could influence memory consolidation
considerably." Watching the movie did not affect memory performance or
overall sleep patterns, but it did significantly reduce "sleep efficiency" -
actual time spent sleeping versus the total time spent in bed. It's possible, the
investigators say, that they picked the wrong movies for the experiment, as
none of the boys judged the chosen films as very thrilling to watch.

Importance or benefit of the study
This study investigated motivations of usage, common
usage scenarios and the attitude towards videogames
among college students and how it affects sleep while
playing in night. The study will contribute valuable learning’s
about the field of videogames to the broader academic
knowledge base. The advantages of this study are that this
will contribute previously unavailable data to the field. To the
best of the knowledge, no study has compared the
videogames and less sleep due to playing in night .This study
is helpful to know that continuous usage of mobile phones not only affect
our health but also our family intimacy is also being affected.

Research design
The basic point of this research paper was to analyze how videogames
affects college going boys differently. For this, a few hypotheses had been
developed which have been stated above. I observed the behavior of
boys through different means so that the hypotheses that
I have come up with can be verified or proven otherwise.
Considering the extensive nature of the topic under study and the level on
which I were, it was obvious that I had to bind my research to a
controllable scale. For this purpose, my research was limited to data related
to a city namely Trichy. Dependant and
Independent variables were identified as per the data collected. The age
bracket that was being analyzed for this purpose was between 18-25 years
of age that is covering the young and adult age group. I selected this
group because I believed that a major chunk of population of
boys in this age bracket.

Some of the techniques that were used to collect the data for my
was mainly qualitative as no previous data was available on such a topic
especially for Trichy. They were as follows:

1. Surveys – a sample size of 100 will be surveyed constituting college
going boys. This survey
would help us to analyze how does video games affect sleep of the college
going boys while playing in night? The surveys would provide me with data
directly filled out by the boys themselves.

Data collection method

I have adopted a questioner method to collect the required information
for my research. The data was collected in 2009 from Jamal Mohamed
College. It took a couple of days to collect the entire questioner back. The
main variables which were kept in view while making the questionnaire
were the number of hours playing videogames and late sleep due to playing
games. I closed the data collection after received 100 responses.

Difficulties & Help

I collected this data in Jamal Mohamed College, which having
majority of students are boys. So I had chosen this college for data
collection, I chosen the students from 18 – 25 years. My friends helped me
lot for data collection, without them I didn’t complete this research. I faced a
difficulty was, first I gave 110 questioner to collect from that I got only 90
only. So I gave another 10 questioner to round 100.

Description of Place
Jamal Mohamed College was founded in 1951, as an affiliated college
to the University of Madras and then affiliated to Bharathidasan University,
Tiruchirappalli, when it was formed in 1984. Jamal Mohamed College is
situating in Khaja nagar, Trichy.


Statistical surveys are used to collect quantitative information about

items in a population. Surveys of human populations and institutions are
common in political polling and government, health, social science and
marketing research. A survey may focus on opinions or factual information
depending on its purpose, and many surveys involve administering questions
to individuals. When the questions are administered by a researcher, the

survey is called a structured interview or a researcher-administered survey.
When the questions are administered by the respondent, the survey is
referred to as a questionnaire or a self-administered survey.
The survey had an introduction giving a brief overview
of the proposed Study. This was followed by an explanation
of the process of filling out the survey and the statement
that the respondent may choose to end the survey at any
time and no data would be collected. The respondents could
then continue to the survey questions on confirming that
they had read the instructions and terms. No personally
identifiable data was collected. No
Compensation for responding to the survey was offered. The
survey had closed ended questions. It collected demographic
information like age and education level. Then the survey
moved on to collect usage and behavioral characteristics
such as, number of hours playing video games, and Late
sleep due to playing games. Estimated time required to fill
out the study questionnaire was 5 minutes.

I used SPSS software to process the data, in that
software I used two methods.
i) Frequency test

These tests are used to find out the result.

Frequency test
Frequency test are a way of displaying this chaos of numbers in an
organized manner so such questions can be answered easily. A frequency
distribution is simply a table that, at minimum, displays how many times in a

data set each response or "score" occurs. A good frequency distribution will
display more information than this although with just this minimum
information, many other bits of information can be computed.


ANalysis Of VAriance (ANOVA) is such an important statistical

method that it would be easy to spend a whole module on this test alone.
ANOVA is a parametric test which assumes:

• data is numerical data representing samples from normally distributed

• the variances of the groups are "similar"
• the sizes of the groups are "similar"
• the groups should be independent

A one-way ANOVA allows us to test whether several means (for

different conditions or groups) are equal across one variable. One-way anova
means, if a single cause (independent variable) has any effect on a single
dependent variable. Minimum three groups are must for anova. It is used to
compare the mean to find effect. Post-hoc tukey test was done to determine
which of the groups differ from other goups.


Frequency test

Frequency Table


N Valid 100
Missing 0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid 0-1 53 53.0 53.0 53.0
1-2 27 27.0 27.0 80.0
2-3 9 9.0 9.0 89.0
>3 11 11.0 11.0 100.0
Total 100 100.0 100.0


N Valid 100
Missing 0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid not at all 30 30.0 30.0 30.0
rarely 25 25.0 25.0 55.0
only sometimes 34 34.0 34.0 89.0
often 4 4.0 4.0 93.0

always 7 7.0 7.0 100.0
Total 100 100.0 100.0

Frequency test was done to the variables Number of hours playing video
games. 100 participants were participated, there is no missing variable.

Out of 100 53 boys are playing videogames for 0-1 hour.

Out of 100 27 boys are playing videogames for 1-2 hours.
Out of 100 9 boys are playing videogames for 2-3 hours.
Out of 100 11 boys are playing videogames for more than 3 hours.

Most of the boys are playing videogames for 1 hour only when compared to

Frequency test was done to the variables late sleep due to playing
videogames. 100 participants were participated, there is no missing variable.

Out of 100 30 boys are not at all sleeping lately.

Out of 100 25 boys are rarely sleeping lately.
Out of 100 34 boys are only sometimes sleeping lately.
Out of 100 4 boys are often sleeping lately.
Out of 100 7 boys are always sleeping lately.

Most of the boys are sleeping lately sometimes only.

Univariate Analysis of Variance

Between-Subjects Factors

Value Label N
sleepless 1 not at all 30
2 rarely 25
3 only
4 often 4
5 always 7

Descriptive Statistics

Dependent Variable: hrsplayinggame

sleepless Mean Std. Deviation N
not at all 1.8667 1.13664 30
rarely 1.3600 .63770 25
only sometimes 1.9118 .93315 34
often 3.0000 1.41421 4
always 1.5714 1.13389 7
Total 1.7800 1.01085 100

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Dependent Variable: hrsplayinggame

Type III Sum Partial Eta
Source of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Squared
Corrected Model 11.484(a) 4 2.871 3.041 .021 .114
Intercept 190.236 1 190.236 201.530 .000 .680
sleepless 11.484 4 2.871 3.041 .021 .114
Error 89.676 95 .944
Total 418.000 100
Corrected Total 101.160 99
a R Squared = .114 (Adjusted R Squared = .076)

Estimated Marginal Means
1. Grand Mean

Dependent Variable: hrsplayinggame

95% Confidence Interval
Mean Std. Error Lower Bound Upper Bound
1.942 .137 1.670 2.214

2. sleepless

Dependent Variable: hrsplayinggame

95% Confidence Interval
sleepless Mean Std. Error Lower Bound Upper Bound
not at all 1.867 .177 1.515 2.219
rarely 1.360 .194 .974 1.746
only sometimes 1.912 .167 1.581 2.243
often 3.000 .486 2.036 3.964
always 1.571 .367 .842 2.300

Post Hoc Tests

Multiple Comparisons

Dependent Variable: hrsplayinggame

Tukey HSD

95% Confidence Interval

(I) sleepless (J) sleepless (I-J) Std. Error Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound
not at all rarely .5067 .26310 .311 -.2250 1.2383
only sometimes -.0451 .24337 1.000 -.7219 .6317
often -1.1333 .51716 .192 -2.5715 .3048
always .2952 .40782 .950 -.8389 1.4293
rarely not at all -.5067 .26310 .311 -1.2383 .2250
only sometimes -.5518 .25597 .206 -1.2636 .1601
often -1.6400(*) .52321 .019 -3.0950 -.1850
always -.2114 .41546 .986 -1.3668 .9439
only sometimes not at all .0451 .24337 1.000 -.6317 .7219
rarely .5518 .25597 .206 -.1601 1.2636
often -1.0882 .51357 .221 -2.5164 .3399
always .3403 .40326 .916 -.7811 1.4617
often not at all 1.1333 .51716 .192 -.3048 2.5715
rarely 1.6400(*) .52321 .019 .1850 3.0950
only sometimes 1.0882 .51357 .221 -.3399 2.5164
always 1.4286 .60897 .140 -.2649 3.1220
always not at all -.2952 .40782 .950 -1.4293 .8389

rarely .2114 .41546 .986 -.9439 1.3668
only sometimes -.3403 .40326 .916 -1.4617 .7811
often -1.4286 .60897 .140 -3.1220 .2649
Based on observed means.
* The mean difference is significant at the .05 level.

Homogeneous Subsets

Tukey HSD
sleepless N 1 2
rarely 25 1.3600
always 7 1.5714
not at all 30 1.8667 1.8667
only sometimes 34 1.9118 1.9118
often 4 3.0000
Sig. .707 .075
Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed.
Based on Type III Sum of Squares
The error term is Mean Square(Error) = .944.
a Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 10.089.
b The group sizes are unequal. The harmonic mean of the group sizes is used. Type I error levels are not
c Alpha = .05.

A one-way analysis of variance was done with number of hours
playing video games and late sleep. Number of hours playing videogames as
independent variable and late sleep as dependent variable. This test yielded a
significant result F(4, 95) =2.871 ;p=.021. A post Hoc Tukey test was done
to determine which of the five groups (rarely, always, not at all, only
sometimes, often) significantly different from other four.

Number of hours playing video games---------------- Late sleep

Number of hours playing video games may decreases the sleeping
hours. Now a day’s videogames are virtual reality in nature so it brings us to
the game. So if we start a game we didn’t notice the time so the number of
hours playing game will increase.
In daytime college going boys are having college, they roundup with
there friends in evening and came to home at night. They start a game for
relaxation, with the interest of game, they for got what happening in home
and the time. They forgot to sleep also, sleep reduced due to playing games
like this.
Mostly in home parents are like to watch serials, so the boys didn’t
entertain with T.V, so they decided to entertain with games. So they start
game for entertainment finally with the interest they will enter in to the
game. So they forget to sleep, these forget may reduce the sleeping hours.
Some times boys may wakeup early to play games. If the game is very
interesting it creates interest among mind and stimulate them to play.

I conducted my research on the How does videogames spoiling sleep
of college going boys? Purpose of this research was to find how students
really like videogames and really videogames spoiling the sleep of the boys.
For this research I used questioner method to collect data’s.
Boys are like videogames, first they start game for entertainment then
it will become due to interest. If they played with interest they forget about
what happening in this world. There world is videogames only they forget to
eat, sleep, read, talk etc.
Boys are getting videogames from shops, from internet, or from
friends. So they didn’t have problem with getting videogames. So they can
use videogames without any trouble.
Videogames are just for entertainment we must use that for
entertainment only, if we addict to videogames we will loss every thing in
our life.


Based on all this research I have come to the conclusion;

Now a day’s videogames industry in peak, child from old

everyone likes to play games. Playing videogames having few positive
effects but the negative effects dominate the positive. From the negative
effects most dangerous effect is late sleep. Now a day’s late sleep is
increasing among college going boys. Late sleep having some negative
effects like exam grade will reduce. If we addict to games we will face
sleepless problem. So we must play games for with in hour, don’t be
addictive to games.





Please tick appropriate answers

a) 18-20 b) 20-22 c) 22-25 d) more than 25

a) Under Graduate b) Post Graduate

Number of hours playing videogames

a) 0-1 hours b) 1-2 hours c) 2-3 hours d) more than 3 hours

Do videogames spoiling your sleep

a) Not at all b) rarely c) only sometimes d) often e) always

Do your grade is reduced due to videogames

a) Slightly b) not much c) highly

Do violent games creates aggression within you

a) Not at all b) rarely c) only sometimes d) often e) always

What type of game you prefer

a) Action b) Adventure c) Sports d) Strategy e) Other specific

Where you play videogames
a) home b) friends house c) gaming centers d) browsing center e) other

Why you play videogames

a) entertainment b) time pass c) entertainment d) escape from work e)
other specify

Where you get videogames

a) friends b) shop c) neighbors d) other specify

How much your parents scold you for playing videogames

a) Not at all b) rarely c) only sometimes d) often e) always

How much pocket money you getting from your parents

a) 0-10 rs b) 10-50 rs c) 50-100 rs d) more than 100 rs


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