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Impact of the Homeless Persons Representation Project

The Homeless Persons Representation Project (HPRP) uses the law to achieve
an end to homelessness in Maryland.
HPRP Programs
Our Staff and Volunteers target legal services on issues that will directly assist someone in moving from homelessness
into housing or in keeping the housing they need. These are examples of some of HPRPs programs:

Helping Homeless Veterans: In 2008, HPRP created Marylands only free legal services program specically for
veterans who are homeless or at risk of homelessness to obtain representation in claims for service-connected disability
benets through the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). In addition to serving veterans at shelters in Baltimore
City and Montgomery County, HPRP opened a legal clinic in 2013 at the VA Medical Center Annex in Downtown Balti-
more as a medical-legal partnership to serve homeless veterans.
HPRP makes a difference: Robert*, a disabled veteran of the U.S. Army came to HPRP when he was facing
homelessness after the VA denied almost all of his claims for disability benets and left him to rely on Food Stamps. An
HPRP volunteer attorney represented Robert in his administrative appeal of the denial, as well as on several new claims,
and successfully won a 100% disability rating. As a result of the volunteer attorneys effort, the veteran will now receive
over $3,000 per month, a back benet award of over $50,000, and will never again face homelessness or have to rely on
Food Stamps.
Ensuring Stability for Homeless Youth: Maryland schools report a 75% increase in the number of homeless youth
who lack a parent or guardian to care for them. HPRP operates two legal clinics to serve unaccompanied homeless
youth at the Rose Street Community Center and the YES! Drop-In Center.
HPRP makes a difference: Sharon is a 22-year old mother who has struggled with homelessness since the
age of 18, but she is steadily building stability with HPRPs support and a lot of perseverance. The Department of Social
Services has repeatedly and illegally terminated Sharons Temporary Cash Assistance benets, which she uses to pay part
of her rent. An HPRP attorney has ensured that her benets are immediately reinstated each time so that she does not
lose her housing. The client reports that with HPRPs help to stabilize her income stream, she now wants to focus on
her education goals.

Eliminating Barriers to Employment: Youthful minor indiscretions can have a devastating impact when looking
for employment as many employers, including the military, will not consider applicants who have any involvement in the
criminal justice system.
HPRP makes a difference: Carl is a 23-year old homeless young man who drives a delivery truck, but always
dreamed of enlisting in the Army. When he was a teenager, however, he was arrested for rogue and vagabond charges.
Though he was never convicted, the Army would not even consider Carl as a candidate because the charges remained on
his record. An HPRP volunteer attorney represented Carl in the expungement of his entire record and he is now clear
to enlist.
Who is HPRP?
HPRP has a staff of 8 attorneys who work with over 500 volunteer attorneys, paralegals and law students to
provide legal services, education and advocacy to prevent and eliminate homelessness. HPRP handles nearly
800 client matters each year.

Client names have been changed to protect condentiality.

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