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# 1

Specific Heat
1. How much heat must be absorbed by 375 grams of water to raise its temperature by
25C? The specific heat of water is 4.14 !"gC
2. #hich chemica$ i% this reactio% wou$d you &'#() the co%ce%tratio% of to get the
e*ui$ibrium to shift $eft?
(NH4)2CO3(s) 2NH3(g) + CO2(g) + H2O(g)
3. +ases fee$ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.
Reaction Types
-de%tify the fo$$owi%g reactio%s as. acid/ base/ si%g$e rep$aceme%t/ doub$e rep$aceme%t/
sy%thesis/ decompositio%/ combustio%.
Gas Laws
5. Given the following sets of values, calculate the unknown quantity.
P = 1.01 atm V = ? n = 0.0081 mol ! = "5#$
Molar Mass
0i%d the 1o$ar mass of the fo$$owi%g.
2. Ca3'H42
Actiity Series
5redict the products of the fo$$owi%g si%g$e rep$aceme%t reactio%s6 write NR if 7%o reactio%8.
7. $u % &"'
Ca$cu$ate the 9 of H:s/ %ame the hydrocarbo% a%d draw it.
. C2H,,
Specific Heat
1. #hat mass of water ca% be heated from 25C to 5;C by the additio% of 225 !? The
specific heat of water is 4.14 !"gC
2. #hich chemica$ shou$d - add 1')( of to ma<e the reactio% shift $eft?
2 H2 + O2 2 H2O
3. #hich substa%ce wou$d dissociate i%to the greatest amou%t of H= io%s?
Reaction Types
-de%tify the fo$$owi%g reactio%s as. acid/ base/ si%g$e rep$aceme%t/ doub$e rep$aceme%t/
sy%thesis/ decompositio%/ combustio%.
Gas Laws
5. ( gas occu)ies 1.5* + at 1.00 atm. ,hat will -e the volume of this gas if the ).essu.e
-ecomes .00 atm?
Section !" Molar Mass
0i%d the 1o$ar mass of the fo$$owi%g.
2. +a3>'442
Actiity Series
5redict the products of the fo$$owi%g si%g$e rep$aceme%t reactio%s6 write NR if 7%o reactio%8.
7. "(l % P-/0'1"
Ca$cu$ate the 9 of H:s/ %ame the hydrocarbo% a%d draw it.
. C5H,,
Specific Heat
1. #hat amou%t of heat is re*uired to raise the temperature of 5.? g of water by 7C? The
specific heat of water is 4.14 !"gC
2. -f - i%creased the pressure o% the system/ which directio% wou$d the reactio% shift?
2 SO3 2 SO2 + O2
3. #hich substa%ce is the stro%gest base?
Section #" Reaction Types
-de%tify the fo$$owi%g reactio%s as. acid/ base/ si%g$e rep$aceme%t/
doub$e rep$aceme%t/ sy%thesis/ decompositio%/ combustio%.
Gas Laws
5. (t what tem)e.atu.e woul2 ".10 moles of 0" gas have a ).essu.e
of 1."5 atm an2 in a "5.0 + tank?
Molar Mass
0i%d the 1o$ar mass of the fo$$owi%g.
2. 2>'3
Actiity Series
5redict the products of the fo$$owi%g si%g$e rep$aceme%t reactio%s6 write NR if 7%o reactio%8.
7. "(l % &"3'4
Ca$cu$ate the 9 of H:s/ %ame the hydrocarbo% a%d draw it.
. C1H,,
Specific Heat
1. #hich wou$d heat up fastest. 1ercury 3c@;.14;4/ #ater 3c@4.144/ Copper 3c@;.324
2. -f - decreased the temperature o% the system/ which directio% wou$d the reactio% shift?
N2 + 3 H2 2 NH3 + 92 kJ
3. Acids usua$$y taste ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.
Reaction Types
-de%tify the fo$$owi%g reactio%s as. acid/ base/ si%g$e rep$aceme%t/ doub$e rep$aceme%t/
sy%thesis/ decompositio%/ combustio%.
Gas Laws
5. Given the following set of values, calculate the unknown quantity.
P = ? V= 0.*0" + n = 0.00801 mol ! = 11 5
Molar Mass
0i%d the 1o$ar mass of the fo$$owi%g.
2. A$33B2H24
Actiity Series
5redict the products of the fo$$owi%g si%g$e rep$aceme%t reactio%s6 write NR if 7%o reactio%8.
7. (g % 50'
Ca$cu$ate the 9 of H:s/ %ame the hydrocarbo% a%d draw it.
. C?H,,
Specific Heat
1. #hat amou%t of heat is re*uired to i%crease the temperature of 75.; g of water from
22.3C to 32.1C? The specific heat of water is 4.14 !"gC.
2. -f - remoCed some B'2 from the system/ which directio% wou$d the reactio% shift?
2 NO4 2 NO2 + O4
3. -de%tify the +ro%stedD&owry acid/ base a%d the co%Eugate acid a%d base.
HC$ =H2' C$ = H3'
Reaction Types
-de%tify the fo$$owi%g reactio%s as. acid/ base/ si%g$e rep$aceme%t/ doub$e rep$aceme%t/
sy%thesis/ decompositio%/ combustio%.
Gas Laws
5. ( gas occu)ies 11." lite.s at 0.8*0 atm. ,hat is the ).essu.e if the volume -ecomes 15.0
Molar Mass
0i%d the 1o$ar mass of the fo$$owi%g.
2. 5Cu23B'43
Actiity Series
5redict the products of the fo$$owi%g si%g$e rep$aceme%t reactio%s6 write NR if 7%o reactio%8.
7. 6e % "(g$"&'"
Ca$cu$ate the 9 of H:s/ %ame the hydrocarbo% a%d draw it.
. C7H,,
Specific Heat
1. #hat amou%t of heat is re*uired to i%crease the temperature of 2;.; g of water from
22.3C to 32.1C? The specific heat of water is 4.14 !"gC.
2. #hich chemica$ i% this reactio% wou$d you -BC)(A>( the co%ce%tratio% of to get the
e*ui$ibrium to shift $eft?
(NH4)2CO3(s) 2NH3(g) + CO2(g) + H2O(g)
3. #hich substa%ce is the wea<est acid?
4. #hich substa%ce is %eutra$?
Reaction Types
-de%tify the fo$$owi%g reactio%s as. acid/ base/ si%g$e rep$aceme%t/ doub$e
rep$aceme%t/ sy%thesis/ decompositio%/ combustio%.
Gas Laws
*. $alculate the ).essu.e in a "1" +ite. tank containing ". kg of a.gon gas
at "5#$?
Molar Mass
0i%d the 1o$ar mass of the fo$$owi%g.
7. 5Cu23B'43
Actiity Series
5redict the products of the fo$$owi%g si%g$e rep$aceme%t reactio%s6 write NR if 7%o reactio%8.
. 7g % "&$8
Ca$cu$ate the 9 of H:s/ %ame the hydrocarbo% a%d draw it.
?. C1;H,,

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