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Contents...................................................................................................................................... 1
Executive Summary..................................................................................................................... 1
Situation Analysis......................................................................................................................... 2
Market opportunity and Issues..................................................................................................... 4
Obectives.................................................................................................................................... 4
!ar"et market.............................................................................................................................. #
$ositionin" .................................................................................................................................. #
Marketin" Strate"y....................................................................................................................... %
Marketin" Mix.............................................................................................................................. &
Control Measures....................................................................................................................... 1'
Marketin" Or"ani(ation.............................................................................................................. 14
)inancials .................................................................................................................................. 1#
Executive Summary
Electronic Payment System Pvt. Ltd (E-pay) was established with the motto of making
different types of payment easier for the public. s !epal is booming in the area of
1 * $ a " e
network and technology" users of internet" mobile phones and many sophisticated
services are increasing. So the entrepreneur of the company found out the opportunity in
recharging mobile phones" making the payment of internet and other services in an easier
way and established this company on in #$%% .&. 't is located in the (
floor of )rade
)ower" )hapathali" *athmandu. )he company had initially tied up with !)+ and !cell
as its dealer but later on it did make a contract with ,roadlink" -)L and &ishhome and in
future it will soon go with the other companies too.
.irstly it is trying to capture the *athmandu city" but it wants to have its services
throughout the !epal. .or now public can either make their payment through its P/S or
its *iosk 0achine. 1here *iosk machine is a self payment machine through which
people can pay for the services they like 2uickly and get some bonus in some of its
services too. *iosk machine has got mainly the ( parts" dvertising Screen" )ouch
Screen" +ash acceptor and bills payable. /n the touch screen people will find the icons of
different services written both in !epali and English and can push the cash they want to
from cash acceptor side and receives bill from bills payable side. Payment is made within
3-%3 seconds in average. 1e are planning to promote *iosk of this company because
people still feel insecure while doing transaction from these kinds of machine even if it is
easy and we do get bonus using it.
Situation Analysis
Electronic Payment System Pvt. Ltd is the first company to launch the electronic payment
system in !epal. ,ut E-pay is far behind it competitors. So we did situation analysis of its
2 * $ a " e
customers" competitors" and conte4t and about the company itself in order to find out
where the company is lagging behind.
a. +ustomers
1e have targeted teenagers and working people because for now the largest revenue
to the company is from the commission of recharging mobile phones. s the number
of people spending on recharging mobile phones is teenagers and working people" we
have targeted them as our potential customer. +urrently there are *iosk machine in
many shopping malls" departmental stores etc. in future it has plan to e4pand to
different hospitals" offices and the colleges.
b. +ompetitors
)here are different forms of competition for the kiosk machine. .or e4ample e-sewa"
i-pay" pay-point" and recharge card etc. Even though e-pay offers higher commission
to its dealers and sub dealers" e-sewa has captured a huge market share and its
promotion is everywhere.
Pay-point has also lunched kiosk machine in some places and trying to add more
services than e-pay are offering. So it has become a bigger challenge for the company
to add more services in order to meet its competition.
c. +ompany
't is a sole proprietorship company. )he entrepreneur has already lunched this
machine in different countries. 't was established with the initial investment of 3
million. 't has placed almost around ($ kiosk machines in *athmandu" Lalitpur"
,haktapur and ,anepa. 'n future it has plans to establish this machine in all 53
d. +onte4t
People are spending more and more in recharge cards as world has become a single
room where you can listen to someone who is millions km far from your location
within a minute. People are wishing an easy way to make payment of their utilities
+ * $ a " e
like electricity" water" telephone" cable tv etc. so it is providing a convenient way for
public to take the services they want in short and easy way.
People are getting some bonus on recharging from this system so they are avoiding
scratch card and using this machine whenever it is available.
Market opportunity and Issues
't has got the huge market opportunity because of the increasing number of mobile phone
users and internet users. Every single person in the city almost has one mobile phone and
they spend most of their money in recharging it. *iosk machine is new for !epalese
market and people whenever see this" they want to use it and once they use it they do
recharge from it again and again. Even without a good promotion and any advertising this
company is not in loss because of the transaction from its points and *iosk.
0arketing ob6ectives is related to target markets and focus on influencing their behavior.
)he strategic focus will be towards increasing company awareness and convincing the
marketplace that our product and service is superior to that of the competition and by
educating customers about the product benefits.
)he ob6ectives of the marketing plan are strategically centered on following three criteria7
%. )o create a visibility of product and strong consumer awareness towards the use of
kiosk machine.
#. )o focus on target market and positioning of the product.
8. )o establish a wide brand recognition through the capture of market shares in the e-
payment system.
4 * $ a " e
Target market
1e have segmented our market according to the geographical region and age group.
ccording to geographical region" for now we have targeted *athmandu valley as our
target market. /ur targeted age group are7
ge group %5 -#3
ge group #3-(3
1e have targeted college going students and working people because largest revenue
earned by the company is from the commission of recharging mobile phones. s the
number of people spending on recharging mobile phones is teenagers and working
people" we have targeted them as our potential customer.
company can claim to be different and better than another company in numerous ways
so the company needs to choose the service with competitive advantage that would stick
in the customer9s mind. So" *isok will be positioned in the market on the basis of
following things7
*isok provides fastest and easiest service
*isok will help to save time and money
)he positioning statement for this product is7 :Easy to pay" E-pay;
# * $ a " e
Marketing Strategy
)his pro6ect report discusses the <0arketing Strategies of kiosk machine<. )he strategy to
be used from this pro6ect is simple7 continuously making people aware about using the
product to improve the competitive position and financial performance. 't is no longer
sufficient to 6ust be competitive. +ompany" which has to survive" has got to have
competitive advantage. So" it is necessary to take strategic initiative in the short run to
achieve the desired :positioning; in future. /ne has to foresee tomorrow.
.ollowing are the implementation strategy of the pro6ect in order to promote the product
and meet the pro6ect ob6ectives7
oal One! Increase Market Exposure"A#areness
)o create a visibility of product and strong consumer awareness towards the use of kiosk
machine this will increase revenue.
$% Creating Advertising Campaigns
-sing several different channels of advertising will increase the degree of recognition
of kiosk and can be used to inform and persuade customers. )he following are the
advertising channels that will be used7
)rade shows
!ewspaper and maga=ine
% * $ a " e
&% Publicity
Stands or special displays of using the product and its various services wherever
kiosk is installed (malls" hospitals). Providing helpers in each kiosk with
communication support materials for a better approach and demonstrating the use of
product and company differentiation information (use of e-pay).
'% (ord o) Mout*
)his can be done by telling others about the product and service. 1ord of 0outh
remains the most popular form of advertising but it takes time to establish. ,y
spreading the positive word" it captures new customers. .or e4ample" colleges visit of
') managers to provide the concept of *iosk machine.
oal T#o! Identi)ying Target Market And Positioning O) T*e Product
)he positioning strategy based on advantages over the competition will focus on the
following benefits7
-Easy payment method (recharge" electricity payment and other utilities)
-Saves time as it provides 2uick service
-dditional bonus (3? bonus on recharge amount)
oal T*ree! Increase +rand ,ecognition
)o establish a wide brand recognition through the capture of market shares in the
e-payment system
+randing Strategy
'ncreasing the self presence through advertisements
'ncreasing the competition within the firm
, * $ a " e
@ielding economies of scale in advertising
Marketing Mix
*iosk is a self payment machine through which we can make the payment of different
services 2uickly and easily. 't has got ( parts i.e dvertising screen" touch screen" receipt
printer and cash accepter. dvertising screen is of %A; which displays the advertisement
of different companies like !)+" !cell" &ishhome etc. touch screen is of %5; which
displays the icon of the services provided by the company in both nepali and English
language. +ash accepter accepts cash and receipt printer gives print of the bill payment.
+ompany will further place it in other district also in near future. +ompany will give the
paid advertisement of other upcoming service providers so that it will increase its
't is playing the role of intermediary between different service providers like ntc" ncell"
broadlink" dish home etc and the general public. 't takes (.B? on average of commission
from these service providers and provides services to the public. Ceneral public will get
the same advantage that they get in recharge cards. ,ut in recharging balance of ntc they
will get e4tra 3 ? as a bonus when they do from *iosk. )hey give certain bonus to their
dealers and sub dealers on the basis of their transaction. !ow they are providing 8? on
ntc" 3? on ncell and broad link and #? on dish home but they should decrease this
commission amount after they capture the huge market share. 'n order to attract more
target customers" bonus ? should be given in other services as well.
& * $ a " e
!ow they have placed the *iosk in only three districts but it has planned to place it all
over the !epal in coming days. 0ainly it has been installed in crowded areas like malls
and buskpark. Some of the place in *athmandu Dalley where *iosk has been installed is
+ivil 0all" !amaste Super 0arket" !aya ,uspark" People9s Pla=a etc. 1e think e-pay
should also place the *iosk in some popular college area where there is a huge inflow of
students. *iosk should also be visible and accessible for working people so it should be
placed in corporate houses also. Eowever" its prime locations should be as below7
Prime locations7
Stores and malls" where they give consumers access to online catalogs.
.inancial institutions and corporations" where they enable consumers to participate in
online investment services.
+olleges and universities" where theyFre used by students to enroll in classes" access
transcripts" pay tuition bills.
!ow for promotion they are only providing brochures and stickers for its dealers and sub
dealers but they should also be placing hoarding boards in dealers place and in visible
areas of *athmandu like )hapathali" )hamel" Sworkhutte" +habel etc. )he promotion of
kiosk can be done by placing kiosk helper where the transactions are not good enough.
*iosk helper demonstrates how to use the service in order to attract and aware the local
targeted people. 't can give bonus or gift hampers for its loyal customers and dealers. 't
should even place its stall in different trade e4hibitions" concerts" food festivals etc.
- * $ a " e
,asically the customers will get the service by going physically to the kiosk terminal and
perform the various transactions as per their need.
P*ysical evidence
)he physical evidences for the e-payment services provided by the company are the
various kiosk terminals where the transaction takes place.
)he :people portion; are the people who the company has hired to take care of certain
tasks and operations within its business. )hese are the people who will run the company9s
support desk" take care of customer service" ') officers" employees and management of
the company.
Control Measures
+ontrols help management measure results and identify any problems or performance
variations that need corrective actions. +ontrol is the way that we catch failures in
implementation or strategy. )he company may have implemented poorly" set the
wrong marketing mi4" aimed at the wrong target market" or done poor initial research.
1' * $ a " e
+ontrols are being established to cover implementation and the organi=ation of our
marketing plans7
$% Implementation Control
'mplementation control is done to e4amine whether the company is pursuing its best
opportunities with respect to markets" products" and channels. 't can be done through
11 * $ a " e
12 * $ a " e
1+ * $ a " e
Type o)
Prime ,esponsibility Purpose o) Control Approac*
I% Annual-plan
)op managementG
middle management
)o e4amine whether the
planned results are being
H Sales analysis
H 0arket-share analysis
H Sales-to-e4pense ratios
H .inancial analysis

'I% Pro)itability
0arketing controller
H )o e4amine where the
company is making and
losing money
H )o evaluate and improve
the spending

Profitability by7
H Product
H )erritory
H +ustomer
H Segment
H )rade channel

III% E))iciency
Line and staff
marketing controller
H Efficiency and impact of
marketing e4penditures
Efficiency of7
H Sales force
H dvertising
H Sales promotion
I.% Strategic
)op managementG
marketing auditor
H )o e4amine whether the
company is pursuing its best
opportunities with respect to
markets" products" and
H 0arketing
effectiveness rating
H 0arketing audit
H 0arketing e4cellence
H +ompany ethical and
social responsibility

Marketing Organi/ation
't ensures to e4amine whether the planned results are being achieved. 't will include
handling efficiency of helping person or demonstrator" dvertising" Sales promotion and
public relation efforts.%3 demonstrators will be handling kiosk and will be supported by a
senior manager within *athmandu.
14 * $ a " e
Particulars 1une 1uly August
Commission ,evenue I#I$$$ AA8B$$ %%A#8#$
Less7 Dariable +osts7
Printing 0aterials #A$($ 8(I(I (%I%I
)otal Dariable +osts #A$($ 8(I(I (%I%I
Contribution Margin 5AIAB$ A3I53# %%3$3$#
Less7.i4ed +osts7
&epreciation E4penses #%I53$ #%I53$ #%I53$
>ent %83$$$ %83$$$ %83$$$
Salaries %$$$$$ %$$$$$ %$$$$$
.uel E4penses %I$$$ %I$$$ %I$$$
Parking Pass 8$$$ 8$$$ 8$$$
dvertisement +osts %$$$$$ %$$$$$ %$$$$$
Total 0ixed Costs 35(53$ 35(53$ 35(53$
2et Income be)ore Tax ##(#%$ 8I($$# 35353#
Less7 )a4 J#3? 3B$38 AB$$% %(8A8I
2et income a)ter Tax %BI%3I #II$$# (8%I%(
1# * $ a " e

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