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CLS419 Clinical Microbiology II Mycology Page 19

Rotation II Basics of Mycology Case Studies & Study Questions

Basics of Mycology Study Questions

1. True or False. Fungi resemble plants in that both contain chlorophyll.

2. True or False: Arthroconidia reproduce by fragmentation.

3. The two growth forms of fungi include:
a. Yeast and hyphae
b. Yeast and mould
c. Blastoconidia and mould
d. Conidia and hyphae

4. A mass of branching intertwined hyphae forming a matt of growth is known as:
a. Hyphae
b. Conidia
c. Mycelium
d. Favic chandeliers

5. Blastoconidia that have elongated are known as:
a. Hyphae
b. Pseudohyphae
c. Arthroconidia
d. Racquet hyphae

6. The India ink stain is used to detect what part of a yeast cell?
a. Chlamydoconidia
b. Pseudohyphae
c. Blastoconidia
d. Capsule

7. A fungus that has a yeast phase that grows at 35C and a mold phase that grows at 30C is
referred to as:
a. Dimorphic
b. Polymorphic
c. Bimorphic
d. Anamorphic

8. The purpose for using a KOH preparation when doing a direct examination for fungi is to:
a. Dissolve the keratin to unmask the fungus elements
b. Stain the hyphae and conidia of the fungi
c. Reveal capsules that may be found around yeast cells
d. Kill any bacteria that may be present in the specimen

9. In the Lactophenol aniline blue stain, what reagent stains the chitin in the fungal cell wall?
a. Aniline blue
b. Phenol
c. Lactic acid
d. Glycerol

10. What is the atmospheric requirement for fungi to grow?
a. Anaerobic
b. Ambient air
c. 5-10% CO

d. >10% CO

CLS419 Clinical Microbiology II Mycology Page 20
Rotation II Basics of Mycology Case Studies & Study Questions
11. Of the following techniques, which one is the best for maintaining the juxtaposition of the fungal
elements and can be kept in the laboratory permanently?
a. Tease preparation
b. Scotch tape preparation
c. Slide culture

12. Which of the following approaches is NOT used in the identification of fungi?
a. Growth rate
b. Colony morphology
c. Microscopic appearance
d. Methylene blue stain

13. What is/are the benefits to performing a direct mount examination on every specimen submitted
for fungal culture?
a. Allows you to send out an immediate preliminary report to the primary care provider so they
can initiate treatment or look for other diagnoses
b. Enables you to know if special media needs to be inoculated
c. Allows you to observe the yeast phase of dimorphic organisms
d. May provide a clue as to the identity of the causative agent without having to wait for the
fungus to incubate
e. All of the above

14. Match the media with its general use (answers can be used more than once and items can have
more than one answer):

_____ Mycosel agar a. Nonselective, primary isolation media
b. Demonstrate phenol-oxidase enzyme
_____ Sabourauds Dextrose agar c. Promotes blastoconidia, chlamydospores and
hyphal formation
_____ Brain Heart Infusion agar d. Selective media
e. Stimulates spore formation and pigmentation
_____ Cornmeal Tween 80 agar f. Used to demonstrate yeast phase of dimorphic
_____ Inhibitory Mold agar

_____ Niger Seed agar

_____ Potato Dextrose agar

15. Match the image with its descriptive term.

_____ Mycelium

_____ Nodular organ

_____ Spiral hyphae

_____ Racquet hyphae

_____ Favic chandelier




CLS419 Clinical Microbiology II Mycology Page 21
Rotation II Basics of Mycology Case Studies & Study Questions
16. Match the picture of the asexual structure with its descriptive term.

_____ Blastoconidia

_____ Arthroconidia

_____ Macroconidia

_____ Microconidia

_____ Phialoconidia

_____ Sporangiospores






17. List three general rules for good collection of fungal specimens.

18. A nurse calls you and asks how to collect a toenail sample for a fungal culture. Give complete
instructions that you would give to the nurse. Then describe a basic outline of what process you
as a clinical laboratory scientist will follow relating to direct examination, specimen processing
and fungal culture setup when you receive the specimen in the lab.

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