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urbanism durabil
- infrastructura
- spatiu public
- confort
- sprawl vs control
- Alvaro Siza Evora
- Atelier 5 Siedlung
- social housing
- Poundbury
- Norman Foster - Norman Foster
Utopic vs realizabil
Universitatea Spiru Haret Facultatea de arhitectura anul 3 2012-2013 Maria Duda
Oras satelit
Alvaro Siza, Malagueira Alvaro Siza, Malagueira
Universitatea Spiru Haret Facultatea de arhitectura anul 3 2012-2013 Maria Duda
Malagueira was designed as a suburban community on the outskirts of vora, an old
Roman town of about 40,000 that was the capital of the Alentejo region, located about
100 miles east of Lisbon. Malagueira is a large,low-rise, high density complex of about
1200 dwellings built over a period of about 20 years on a 27 hectare site between two
existing barrio communities.
The dwellings at Malagueira are patio or atrium types with an ell-shaped group of rooms on two sides of a small interior patio.
There are two similar types, both built on an 8m x 12m plot, one with the courtyard in front and the other with the courtyard at the
rear. Both have living, dining and kitchen spaces at the courtyard level with an interior stair leading to bedrooms and terraces above.
The two types can be combined in several different ways resulting in different patterns of solid and void. This manipulation of the
paired combinations is a key to the rich concatenated rhythm that is achieved with a pallet of only two dwelling types. Wall heights
vary from entry gate height, to the second floor height to a vent wall that is perpendicular to the street and extends to the height of
the second floor roof. This range of wall heights coupled with the alternating position of the patios and terraces results in a rich
three-dimensional composition. The construction follows the topography so the houses step along the street as well as stepping three-dimensional composition. The construction follows the topography so the houses step along the street as well as stepping
perpendicular to the street. This further adds to the compositional variety. Seen from a distance, the houses seem to be taller than
just 2 floors as they step up the contours giving the impression of a much denser, taller, terraced organization. The very limited
pallet of doors and window shapes also vary in height with the contours furthering the concatenated organization of walls. The
houses are designed to be added on to over time by the occupants so that they can begin as a simple two room house built on one
level that can be transformed into a much larger dwelling with several bedrooms, multiple baths, and roof terraces. The incomplete
quality of the evolving houses within the walled volume helps break down the strict repetition typical of most low cost housing.
Universitatea Spiru Haret Facultatea de arhitectura anul 3 2012-2013 Maria Duda
Universitatea Spiru Haret Facultatea de arhitectura anul 3 2012-2013 Maria Duda
Universitatea Spiru Haret Facultatea de arhitectura anul 3 2012-2013 Maria Duda
Universitatea Spiru Haret Facultatea de arhitectura anul 3 2012-2013 Maria Duda
Universitatea Spiru Haret Facultatea de arhitectura anul 3 2012-2013 Maria Duda
Universitatea Spiru Haret Facultatea de arhitectura anul 3 2012-2013 Maria Duda
Universitatea Spiru Haret Facultatea de arhitectura anul 3 2012-2013 Maria Duda
Universitatea Spiru Haret Facultatea de arhitectura anul 3 2012-2013 Maria Duda
Universitatea Spiru Haret Facultatea de arhitectura anul 3 2012-2013 Maria Duda
Universitatea Spiru Haret Facultatea de arhitectura anul 3 2012-2013 Maria Duda
Universitatea Spiru Haret Facultatea de arhitectura anul 3 2012-2013 Maria Duda
Universitatea Spiru Haret Facultatea de arhitectura anul 3 2012-2013 Maria Duda
Universitatea Spiru Haret Facultatea de arhitectura anul 3 2012-2013 Maria Duda
Universitatea Spiru Haret Facultatea de arhitectura anul 3 2012-2013 Maria Duda
Universitatea Spiru Haret Facultatea de arhitectura anul 3 2012-2013 Maria Duda
Universitatea Spiru Haret Facultatea de arhitectura anul 3 2012-2013 Maria Duda
Universitatea Spiru Haret Facultatea de arhitectura anul 3 2012-2013 Maria Duda
Universitatea Spiru Haret Facultatea de arhitectura anul 3 2012-2013 Maria Duda
Universitatea Spiru Haret Facultatea de arhitectura anul 3 2012-2013 Maria Duda
Universitatea Spiru Haret Facultatea de arhitectura anul 3 2012-2013 Maria Duda
Universitatea Spiru Haret Facultatea de arhitectura anul 3 2012-2013 Maria Duda
Universitatea Spiru Haret Facultatea de arhitectura anul 3 2012-2013 Maria Duda
Universitatea Spiru Haret Facultatea de arhitectura anul 3 2012-2013 Maria Duda
Universitatea Spiru Haret Facultatea de arhitectura anul 3 2012-2013 Maria Duda
Universitatea Spiru Haret Facultatea de arhitectura anul 3 2012-2013 Maria Duda
Universitatea Spiru Haret Facultatea de arhitectura anul 3 2012-2013 Maria Duda
Atelier 5
Siedlung Halen
Herrenschwanden, Berne
The development includes 33 larger dwellings (type 12 houses), 41 smaller dwellings
(type 380 houses) and five studios for a total of 79 units. The dwellings have between
four and six room and are either four or five meters wide. There are many variants four and six room and are either four or five meters wide. There are many variants
from one dwelling to the next, as is illustrated by the blueprints for the units above.
All of the houses have private gardens. The gardens are often the roof of another
dwelling and since their planting, have created a hanging garden-like landscape. You
can use and build on the roof of the occupant below.
There is a cafe and a small shop, swimming pool and underground parking. The
development is surrounded by protected woodland, to be shared by all of the
Universitatea Spiru Haret Facultatea de arhitectura anul 3 2012-2013 Maria Duda
Universitatea Spiru Haret Facultatea de arhitectura anul 3 2012-2013 Maria Duda
Universitatea Spiru Haret Facultatea de arhitectura anul 3 2012-2013 Maria Duda
Universitatea Spiru Haret Facultatea de arhitectura anul 3 2012-2013 Maria Duda
Universitatea Spiru Haret Facultatea de arhitectura anul 3 2012-2013 Maria Duda
Universitatea Spiru Haret Facultatea de arhitectura anul 3 2012-2013 Maria Duda
Universitatea Spiru Haret Facultatea de arhitectura anul 3 2012-2013 Maria Duda
Universitatea Spiru Haret Facultatea de arhitectura anul 3 2012-2013 Maria Duda
Universitatea Spiru Haret Facultatea de arhitectura anul 3 2012-2013 Maria Duda
Fotografie: Nikolaus Schletterer
Universitatea Spiru Haret Facultatea de arhitectura anul 3 2012-2013 Maria Duda
Studiu de caz Halen
Siedlung Talmatt
Siedlung Previ-Lima
Universitatea Spiru Haret Facultatea de arhitectura anul 3 2012-2013 Maria Duda
Siedlung Thalmatt, 1974
Sited on the same hillside as Siedlung Halen which was built nearly 15 years earlier, the Thalmatt houses by Atelier 5
may be seen as evolving from the same concepts as Halen and represent the culmination of the Atelier 5 application
of the idea of "village" to the design of collective housing. There are only 18 dwellings at Thalmatt, and while there is a
sense of formal repetition and detail and material consistency, there is great variety within a general typology of a
party-wall type of dwelling. Stepping down a south-facing slope overlooking the Aare River, the houses are arranged in
two terraces on each side of a pedestrian walkway running parallel to the slope. Three-story dwellings are located on
the steeper part of the slope above the walkway and two-story houses below. The houses above are similar in form,
dimension, and character, while the houses below differ widely. Elements of the houses pass over the walkway, which
connects an entrance courtyard and parking garage with public spaces along the walk. Access to all houses is from this
common public circulation spine. Basic construction is in-situ lightweight concrete bearing walls and slabs. The
compact village ambiance is very obvious from the point of arrival and throughout Thalmatt. Like Halen, absolute
dwelling privacy and connection to private outdoor space has been a principal design idea. But Thalmatt seems more dwelling privacy and connection to private outdoor space has been a principal design idea. But Thalmatt seems more
dense and overgrown than Halen; almost a medieval hill town overgrown with the foliage of centuries, entirely hidden
from view.
Universitatea Spiru Haret Facultatea de arhitectura anul 3 2012-2013 Maria Duda
Universitatea Spiru Haret Facultatea de arhitectura anul 3 2012-2013 Maria Duda
Universitatea Spiru Haret Facultatea de arhitectura anul 3 2012-2013 Maria Duda
Universitatea Spiru Haret Facultatea de arhitectura anul 3 2012-2013 Maria Duda
Universitatea Spiru Haret Facultatea de arhitectura anul 3 2012-2013 Maria Duda
Universitatea Spiru Haret Facultatea de arhitectura anul 3 2012-2013 Maria Duda
Universitatea Spiru Haret Facultatea de arhitectura anul 3 2012-2013 Maria Duda
Lo Collomb
Universitatea Spiru Haret Facultatea de arhitectura anul 3 2012-2013 Maria Duda
Regenerare urbana
Universitatea Spiru Haret Facultatea de arhitectura anul 3 2012-2013 Maria Duda
Universitatea Spiru Haret Facultatea de arhitectura anul 3 2012-2013 Maria Duda
Universitatea Spiru Haret Facultatea de arhitectura anul 3 2012-2013 Maria Duda
Universitatea Spiru Haret Facultatea de arhitectura anul 3 2012-2013 Maria Duda
Oras nou
Leon Krier,
Poundbury, Dorchester
1993 -
Universitatea Spiru Haret Facultatea de arhitectura anul 3 2012-2013 Maria Duda
"The masterplan is to the construction of a city what the constitution is to the life of a nation. It is much more than a specialised technical
instrument and is the expression of an ethical and artistic vision. The masterplan represents the legislative form of such a vision; it is the
geometric expression and the necessary complement of the law.
To guarantee its efficiency, the masterplan must have the rudimentary simplicity of moral precepts. It is divided into five parts:
1. A plan of the city, defining the size and form of its urban quarters and parks, the network of major avenues and boulevards.
2. A plan of each quarter, defining the network of streets, squares and blocks.
3. The form of individual plots on each urban block: number, shape, and function of floors that can be built by plot.
4. The architectural code describing materials, technical configurations, proportions for external building elements (walls, roofs, windows, doors,
porticoes and porches, garden walls, chimneys) and all built elements that are visible from public spaces.
5. A code for public spaces, defining the materials, configurations, techniques and designs for paving, street furniture, signage, lighting and 5. A code for public spaces, defining the materials, configurations, techniques and designs for paving, street furniture, signage, lighting and
The aim of the codes is to improve the quality of normal, regular and inevitable building, to create a "conventional" architecture of quality and
encourage the routine realisation of utilitarian buildings by way of long-established traditional building types, to reserve architectural expression
and artistic rhetoric for the construction of public buildings and the embellishment of public spaces.
Thus, the masterplan has to ensure not only the harmonising of often divergent interests but also the expression of the natural differences
between private and public architecture. It is from this dialectic that the profound character of places one day worthy of the title 'historic centre'
will spring."
Leon Krier
"Choice or Fate"
Universitatea Spiru Haret Facultatea de arhitectura anul 3 2012-2013 Maria Duda
Universitatea Spiru Haret Facultatea de arhitectura anul 3 2012-2013 Maria Duda
Universitatea Spiru Haret Facultatea de arhitectura anul 3 2012-2013 Maria Duda
Universitatea Spiru Haret Facultatea de arhitectura anul 3 2012-2013 Maria Duda
Universitatea Spiru Haret Facultatea de arhitectura anul 3 2012-2013 Maria Duda
Universitatea Spiru Haret Facultatea de arhitectura anul 3 2012-2013 Maria Duda
Universitatea Spiru Haret Facultatea de arhitectura anul 3 2012-2013 Maria Duda
Universitatea Spiru Haret Facultatea de arhitectura anul 3 2012-2013 Maria Duda
Universitatea Spiru Haret Facultatea de arhitectura anul 3 2012-2013 Maria Duda
Universitatea Spiru Haret Facultatea de arhitectura anul 3 2012-2013 Maria Duda
Universitatea Spiru Haret Facultatea de arhitectura anul 3 2012-2013 Maria Duda
Universitatea Spiru Haret Facultatea de arhitectura anul 3 2012-2013 Maria Duda
Universitatea Spiru Haret Facultatea de arhitectura anul 3 2012-2013 Maria Duda
Universitatea Spiru Haret Facultatea de arhitectura anul 3 2012-2013 Maria Duda
Universitatea Spiru Haret Facultatea de arhitectura anul 3 2012-2013 Maria Duda
Universitatea Spiru Haret Facultatea de arhitectura anul 3 2012-2013 Maria Duda
Universitatea Spiru Haret Facultatea de arhitectura anul 3 2012-2013 Maria Duda
Universitatea Spiru Haret Facultatea de arhitectura anul 3 2012-2013 Maria Duda
Universitatea Spiru Haret Facultatea de arhitectura anul 3 2012-2013 Maria Duda
Universitatea Spiru Haret Facultatea de arhitectura anul 3 2012-2013 Maria Duda
Universitatea Spiru Haret Facultatea de arhitectura anul 3 2012-2013 Maria Duda
Universitatea Spiru Haret Facultatea de arhitectura anul 3 2012-2013 Maria Duda
Universitatea Spiru Haret Facultatea de arhitectura anul 3 2012-2013 Maria Duda
Universitatea Spiru Haret Facultatea de arhitectura anul 3 2012-2013 Maria Duda
Universitatea Spiru Haret Facultatea de arhitectura anul 3 2012-2013 Maria Duda
Universitatea Spiru Haret Facultatea de arhitectura anul 3 2012-2013 Maria Duda
Universitatea Spiru Haret Facultatea de arhitectura anul 3 2012-2013 Maria Duda
Oras nou
Norman Foster,
Masdar, Emiratele Arabe Unite
2007- 2007-
Universitatea Spiru Haret Facultatea de arhitectura anul 3 2012-2013 Maria Duda
Masdar City is an emerging global clean-technology cluster located in what aims to be one of the worlds most sustainable urban
developments powered by renewable energy. Located about 17km from downtown Abu Dhabi, this free zone will eventually be home to
companies, researchers, and academics from across the globe, creating an international hub for companies and organisations focused on
renewable energy and clean technologies. Inspired by the architecture and urban planning of traditional Arab cities, Masdar City
incorporates narrow streets; the shading of windows, exterior walls and walkways; thick-walled buildings; courtyards and wind towers;
vegetation and a generally walkable city.
The design provides the highest quality living and working environment with the lowest possible carbon footprint and includes a northeast-
southwest orientation of the city. This makes best use of the cooling night breezes and lessens the effect of hot daytime winds. There will be
green parks separating built-up areas, not only to capture and direct cool breezes into the heart of the city but also to reduce solar gain and
provide cool pleasant oases throughout the city. The intelligent design of residential and commercial spaces will reduce demand for artificial
lighting and air conditioning. As well, all buildings will surpass the highest sustainable building standards currently set by internationally
recognised organisations.
Carefully planned landscape and water features will aid in reducing ambient temperatures, while enhancing the quality of the street; the
elimination of cars and trucks at street level not only makes the air cleaner for pedestrians but also allows buildings to be closer together, elimination of cars and trucks at street level not only makes the air cleaner for pedestrians but also allows buildings to be closer together,
providing more shade but allowing maximum natural light. The placement of residential, recreational, civic, leisure, retail, commercial and
light industrial areas across the master plan, along with the public transportation networks, ensures that the city is pedestrian friendly and a
pleasant and convenient place in which to live and work.
In light of these design elements and many others, Masdar City has received several awards, including the first World Clean Energy Award in
2007 from the Transatlantic21 Association in Basel, Switzerland. Also that year, the citys design was voted Sustainable Region / City of the
Year at Euromoney and Ernst & Youngs Global Renewable Energy Awards.
Universitatea Spiru Haret Facultatea de arhitectura anul 3 2012-2013 Maria Duda
Universitatea Spiru Haret Facultatea de arhitectura anul 3 2012-2013 Maria Duda
Universitatea Spiru Haret Facultatea de arhitectura anul 3 2012-2013 Maria Duda
Universitatea Spiru Haret Facultatea de arhitectura anul 3 2012-2013 Maria Duda
Universitatea Spiru Haret Facultatea de arhitectura anul 3 2012-2013 Maria Duda
Universitatea Spiru Haret Facultatea de arhitectura anul 3 2012-2013 Maria Duda
Universitatea Spiru Haret Facultatea de arhitectura anul 3 2012-2013 Maria Duda
Universitatea Spiru Haret Facultatea de arhitectura anul 3 2012-2013 Maria Duda
Universitatea Spiru Haret Facultatea de arhitectura anul 3 2012-2013 Maria Duda
Universitatea Spiru Haret Facultatea de arhitectura anul 3 2012-2013 Maria Duda
Universitatea Spiru Haret Facultatea de arhitectura anul 3 2012-2013 Maria Duda
Universitatea Spiru Haret Facultatea de arhitectura anul 3 2012-2013 Maria Duda
Robert Wolf
Universitatea Spiru Haret Facultatea de arhitectura anul 3 2012-2013 Maria Duda
Robert Wolf
Universitatea Spiru Haret Facultatea de arhitectura anul 3 2012-2013 Maria Duda

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