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Pastors Notes:


I get a witness? God is so
good. I stood outside the
hospital on Monday and talked with a lady who
was visiting her husband who had just had surgery, but she testified about how good God has
been. Now that is the right attitude! We all have storms and difficulties that come our way, but
we need to recognize that in all that, GOD IS GOOD!!!!! I just want to revisit the points I made
Sunday night about This is not the time to give up. Satan used 4 major things to cause us
discouragement: 1) Fatigue when we dont get enough rest, we dont think right and we dont
have the best observations about the stuff going on in our life. 2) Frustration stuff that didnt
used to bother us, now is a bother and creates frustration. 3) Failure When you are tired and
frustrated, you began to listen to the voices that say you are a failure and you will never finish
what the Lord has started. The devil is a LIAR!!! 4) Fear You can actually become paranoid
and become introverted. So how do you overcome this kind of discouragement: 1) GET
SOME REST!!!! Sleep brothers & sisters. Rest! 2) Reorganize the dream is still alive and
the work is still needing to be donewe simply may have to change the way we go about it. Get
rid of some things and place things in a different priority. 3) Remember the Lord Dont
forget about all the other times He has healed you, been there for you, delivered you, assisted
you.Get your eyes on Him and not your problems or circumstances. 4) RESIST
Discouragement Recognize what is happening and declare that you are not going to allow this
to come on you. Work through the other steps to head off discouragement.

In talking with a person on Monday afternoon, it became apparent to me that they were trying to
use physical strength to fight a spiritual battle. That does not work, brothers & sisters. We
cannot fight spiritual things with physical ability. It will wear you down and leave you depleted
and discouraged. After praying with the person, they re-committed their life to Christ and now
hove everything they need to wage war against the things that are pushing against them. Do you
know without reservation that Jesus Christ is the Lord of your life and you are living the life to
please Him? If you arent sure, START THERE!!!!!! Make sure that He sits on the throne of
Lordship in your life. Then make sure that you are following His commands and walking the
pathway He has ordained for your life. If you are going somewhere that He has not ordained for
your life, that wont work either. This is all about obedience! I believe that better days are
ahead for you. REST, REORGANIZE, REMEMBER, & RESIST..those things will move
you in the right direction.

This Sunday night, June 1, the Mission Team that went to Honduras in April will be sharing their
experiences and showing you the evidence of the work that is being done by your support of

Woodruff Church of God e-Edition Newsletter
May 27, 2014

missions. This team is excited to share with you the events of that week of ministry and
cherishes your attendance and support of them as they share. PLEASE, make sure that you are
in attendance Sunday night.

We are also pleased to announce that Territorial Overseer of the Western Honduras will be here
during the week of Camp Meeting along with his whole family. They will be with us in Church
on Sunday morning, June 8
. Pastor Manuel will be preaching the Word and some of his
children will be doing some ministry in our Childrens Department as well. What a great
opportunity to show our love and support for the work they are doing in Honduras.

We are always in need to some volunteers to help us in areas of ministry. Now every
ministry is not a classroom or passing the offering plate. Yet each area is important and
provides such a help in making our church appealing to the people who walk through our doors.
If you want to help your church, you want a place to service and you are dependable and faithful,
please see Bro. Terry ASAP.

The Annual Church of God Camp Meeting, held at the Mauldin Camp Ground, is quickly
approaching. This is the 100
year of the Church of God in SC. There is a flyer attached so that
you can see the speakers and know the schedule of services. We always have a good number of
Woodruff folks who attend these meetings. Make your plans to join in on these services. Our
own choir will be part of a mass choir on Tuesday night, June 10

SCHOOL CLASS for Adult Women of all ages starting, Sunday June 1 in Room
403 (old addition) and a HOME/Activity GROUP starting Friday, May 30th,
6:30pm at the home of Jeanne Nemitz. Our first course of study will be the
book by TD Jakes, Woman Thou Art Loosed. The WWV Team will be as
follows: Teachers: Mendy Nemitz and Jill Simmons and Support and Team
Members: Heather Hammons and Jeanne Nemitz. Please see the Spotlight
Board in the Hall for more detailed information or call Jeanne Nemitz at 476-
2819. We look forward to seeing you.

Prayer List

AMERICA, Kim Roberson, Megan Laster, Tommy Wallace, Brenda Cobb, Frank Patterson,
Beatrice Granger, Judy Crowe, Tonya Gibson, Judy Smith, Jason Ball, Judy Platton, Daryll
Crowe, Robbie Crowe, Ethel Cooper, James Tillman, Kay Simmons, Larry Buchannan, Ashley
Anders, Joyce Murry, Allie Rose Bryant, Debbie Crowe, Curtis Thackston, Carol Hopson, Robin
Jacquot, Joan Whyel, Margret Bright, Matthew, Danny Cooper, Avery Craig, Gail & Aurther
Harris, Brenda Brittian, Albert Godfrey, Wayne Hudson, Coleman Family, Sonya Stephens
Family, Dianne, Those needing jobs, Caregivers, Shut-Ins, & Those in nursing homes

Here is a list of some upcoming fundraisers and ways you can get involved with our upcoming
trip to Jamaica:
1. Penny Wars HAVE BEGUN!
-This will involve every ministry department, we will have penny jars set up outside of the
sanctuary of the church and they will be able to donate pennies in their departments jar and
the winner will have the head of the department pie Jason at our send off part July 6th after
church. If we raise over $1000.00 in Penny Wars then Pastor Terry will also get to pie Jason.

2. T-shirts will be going on sale this Sunday for fundraising and we will be selling them until the
end of June. The shirts will go as follows for prices: *1 for $15 *2 for $25 *3 for $35

3. Pizza Inn on Woodruff Rd- We will receive all tips that evening from 5:00 PM- 9:00 PM.
Come on out and enjoy some good food while supporting missions!

The choir will wear Pink this Sunday.

Important choir practice on Wednesday this week!
No choir/band/p&w practice this Sunday AM, June 1.
The choir will be joining the mass choir for Camp Meeting on June 10th.
Rehearsal for Camp Meeting is tonight at 7 at Tremont Church of God.

Father's Day Bulletin----For $1.00 you can honor or remember a special man, Dad, or friend.
See Judy Crocker in the Lobby to sign up.

Arm N Arm Honduras Project----Don't forget to help us support this project by adding $2.00 in
your tithe envelop. Mark your envelop beside the Ladies Ministries section and write Arm N
Arm. Thanks to all who help us with this.

Bible Study Booklets----"God's Purpose For You" are located in the LM. We did this study a few
years ago and have some left over. This is an awesome study and anyone is welcome to take one
and complete it.

Our monthly meeting will be next Thursday, June 5
at 6:30. Our very own Richie Bishop will be
our speaker for the night. Hope to see you there!

We just wanted all of the church family to know that our senior ministry is alive and well. We
had a great time at our JC meeting this past Thursday night with 82 in attendance. Also the
seniors who attended the Retreat this past Friday and Saturday had a wonderful time renewing
old friendships, making new friends and getting to know each other better.

SAM ministry represents that group of people who have faithfully stood by this church down
through the years and have helped to make our church what it is today, and we plan to be part
of the future of the church as well. We stand ready to do whatever we can to assist the
leadership as well as the membership of WCOG.

If you are 50 years old or more, or you are a grandparent, you are invited to be a part of this
active ministry. We meet monthy on the 4th Thursday at 6:30 PM. We also have a number of
other activities for our seniors, including an annual trip. (Sept.15-18) Our motto is B.A.L.L.
which stands for "BE ACTIVE AND LIVE LONGER". Come on and join with us this month.

Our May activity will be a food eating competition THIS Friday the 30th at 6:00 with location to
be announced. We will discover who can eat the most donuts, marshmallows, oreo cookies,
bananas, hot sauces, brain freezes, and crackers. We will also have a food fight/pie throwing
contest and prizes will be awarded for each competition. Please sign-up if you are coming and
also sign-up in all the categories in which you would like to compete so we have enough food.
Bring some friends and have a lot of fun with food.

Youth Drama at 4:30 this Sunday.

Saturday May 31 Extreme Kidz will take lunches out to needy families in our community. We
will start packing lunches at 8:00 am, everyone is welcome to come help. This is an amazing way
to share God's love with others and invite them to church. We are still in need of chips, water,
and sandwich meat. If you would like to donate these items please see Ms. Donna.

VBS- July 28-Aug 1. We are excited about VBS this year. Boot Camp 2014 will take us through
the basic training steps to become a soldier in God's army.

Sunday, May 25

Praise and Worship 4:30
Drama 6-12 year old 5:00
Drama 2-5 year old 5:30

Upcoming Events:
May 31 - Lunch to community (Bread, sandwich meat, chips, water, and Debbie cake) IF you
would like to donate one of these items see Ms. Donna.
June 22- VBS Meeting at 5:00 in the CLC
June 28- Bike ride and Lunch in the park
June-Date to be announced... Water park
July 28-August 1- Boot Camp Vacation Bible School! (Mark your Calendars) If anyone would
like to volunteer to help at VBS please sign up with Ms Donna.
August 23 Workers Banquet

Ministry Leaders for This Week
Sunday Greeters-Janet Sloan & June Grubbs Sunday School Greeter Robert D. Sloan
CLC Greeter Paul Lundberg Crossing Guard- David Hoyt
Head Ushers Charles OShields & Bobby Brown
Finance Committee Ryan Ballard & Charles OShields
Usher Team #2 Ryan Ballard, Sam Garrett, Walter Housand,
Paul Lundberg, John Nemitz, Paul Nichols, & Phillip Pruitt
Wednesday Bus Pick-up: Phillip and Rob Bus Take home: Clint and Rob
Van 1 Pick-up: Tabitha and Brian Van 1 Take Home: Garren and Thomas
Van 2 Pick-up: Richard and Buster Van 2 Take Home: Tim and Daniel
Wednesday Late Workers: Donna & Staci
NurseryWed- Ann Knight AM Ann Knight & Allison Arnold PM- Stephanie Fowler
Kiddie Church Sunday Night: Tony & Nancy Gentry
Music- Wednesday- Jeanne Nemitz AM-Youth Service PM-Mike Peeler
Praise Team- Maroon Guitar- Korey, Duck, Greg

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