Oral Anglais Notion of Progress - Odt

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The notion of progress

Why India said to be a country of contradictions ?

I weal deal with the notion of progress and tackle the subject of the india beacause india have an
aspect very modern but the old tradition still remains. Why will try to traet the following issue =
Why india said to be a country of contradictions ?
Is often said that india is a country of poverty but it is sometimes forgotten that india is a country on
the march.
Let us begin with an examination of this modern country at first sight India is a country on the
!"ecause economy of India keeps transforming thanks to the rapid development of the high tech
sector. "esides India #$% has been in increasing by more than &' every year since ())*.
!+econdly india is shifting. +ome women hads good jobs they want breaking out their class social.
+o much so that the mentality of the majority of Indian,s has changed.
-owever in contrast to this country on the march we can see two India.
! .onse/uently to much people cant make end,s meet. 0nd the population doesn,t be on an e/ual
!1or exemple india,s girls go missing 2 in fact the number of girls born is at an all time law.
0n account of families are desperate for sons as they financially more attractive. Indian,s families
want to have boy because they look after the family name and the family business.
!3wing to the poverty India is a country of ine/ualities = people living below 45 cents a day was
*(' in ())6.
7on conclude India is a country of contradictions because the biggest cities are in a forward
movement with the high tech sector for example.
While in rural areas there are too much poverty and old traditions.
0nd Indian,s must fight one,s way out of poverty.
Notion Space and Echanges
7he Internet is one of the most important technological breakthroughs of the ()th century. With the
potencial of internet a lot of people think that the Internet is always beneficial. I,m not agree with
+o 2 What influence does the web have on today,s society ?
I wouldn,t be wrong if I told that it almost changed the life of our generation at all. 0lthough some
people say that the Internet is always beneficial I personally not agree with them. It provides us
with different and freshest information for studying communicating or just developing ourselves.
-owever there are also several drawbacks.
3n the one hand the Internet is a new way of finding information. It increases the speed to find
information with it spending hours in libraries is no more necessary. We just have to go on our
browser and type what we want to know then it shows a thousand of links about it.
Internet also allows a revolution in social life with social networks we can find people with same
taste and discuss of film video games or help us to solve a problems. We can take for example the
flash mob illustrate by a document in our books internet allows to prepare them before is
realisation. 0 lot of people are invited to join the 1lash mob and learn the choreography being hide
from other to keep surprise.
3n the other hand in the amount of informationthat we can find oin internet some are wrong.
Internet can also be a danger for children for example because some of website containshocking
image. 7here also can be a danger for adult because some of swindler collecting online banking
details when people buy something on internet.
We can see an example of these swindler in the document 8 7he power of google 9 in our book. In
this document we learn that some employer of #oogle are sanctions for collecting personal data
from WI!1I networks of inhabitants.
In conclusion in my opinion is a great revolution to find information /uickly or find new friends
and organi:e events with him.
"ut we have to moderate is utilisation because some of information are wrong or people have bad
;otion lieux et formes du pouvoir 2
7he empowerment of citi:ens 2
I < developement of new technologie
!Internet 2 3n the one hand the Internet is a new way of finding information. It increases the speed
to find information with it spending hours in libraries is no more necessary. We just have to go on
our browser and type what we want to know then it shows a thousand of links about it.
Internet also allows a revolution in social life with social networks we can find people with same
taste and discuss of film video games or help us to solve a problems. We can take for example the
flash mob illustrate by a document in our books internet allows to prepare them before is
realisation. 0 lot of people are invited to join the 1lash mob and learn the choreography being hide
from other to keep surprise.
!=obile phones 2 7oday >6' of people on heart have a mobile phone and these mobile phone to
evolve year after year.
7hese new technologies are responsable of the empowerment of citi:ens.
"ecause they have a huge influence on the society
%eople can now record every events with his mobile phones and become amateur journalist. 7hese
recording can also be use like evidence in police investigation to arrest a criminal

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