Florida Essay Writing Workshop: Professor Charlton Copeland

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1here are a LoLal of ___________________ raw polnLs on Lhe essay porLlon of Lhe llorlda day
porLlon. ?ou can galn Lremendous ground by dolng well on Lhe essays. 1he examlners are noL
aLLempLlng Lo Lrlck you wlLh quesLlons as you mlghL have encounLered ln law school. lf you are
uslng a lapLop for Lhe essay porLlon of Lhe exam, pracLlce all your essay quesLlons wlLh your
lapLop. lf you handwrlLe your essays, make sure lL ls ___________________________________.
8ead Lhe lacL aLLern flrsL! 8eadlng Lhe facL paLLern allows you Lo deLermlne whaL sub[ecL(s) ls
belng LesLed, and speclflcally whaL you are called Lo do. 1he ____________________________
Lhe quesLlon ls exacLly whaL Lhe examlners wanL you Lo answer.
8ead Lhe facL paLLern ______________________. 8ead flrsL Lo geL Lhe overall plcLure of Lhe facL
paLLern. Cn Lhe second readlng, Lake noLes on speclflc ______________________ or facLs, rules
of law and Lhelr excepLlons, and posslble counLer-argumenLs.
Condense sub[ecL ouLllnes Lo ______________________ pages or fewer.
lour sLages Lo Lxam Success:
o SLage 1. 1ell SLorles. 8evlew racLlce Lssay CuesLlons Lo see how lssues arlse. 8egln Lo Lell
sLorles ln your own words LhaL glve rlse Lo Lhe legal lssues. vary Lhe facL paLLern ln ways
LhaL alLer Lhe ouLcome.
o SLage 2. Answer a racLlce Lssay CuesLlon wlLh _________________________ book and
__________ Llme llmlL. 1esL your ouLllne for lLs Lhoroughness and coverage of Lhe maLerlal.
o SLage 3. Answer a racLlce Lssay CuesLlon open book, and ___________________ Llme
o SLage 4. Answer Lhe Craded Lssay CuesLlon (homework) under bar exam condlLlons:
_________________________ book and _________________________ Llme llmlL.

2 | 2012 1hemls 8ar 8evlew, LLC | llorlda Lssay Workshop
8ead for comprehenslon Lo ldenLlfy each sub[ecL LhaL ls belng LesLed (Lhe blg plcLure")
8ead ______________________________________________________________ and underllne
or clrcle key facLs Lo undersLand:
o WhaL has happened facLually?
o Who are Lhe parLles?
o WhaL ls Lhe legal problem?
8ead Lhe facL paLLern __________________________: flrsL Lo undersLand, second Lo lssue spoL
uo ______________ begln wrlLlng lmmedlaLely, ____________________________ your answer.
?our ouLllne ls your roadmap for your essay quesLlon. ?our ouLllne allows you Lo organlze your
Llme and LhoughLs. ?our ouLllne should maLch facLs Lo legal lssues. ?our ouLllne wlll help you Lo
ldenLlfy facL gaps.
SLrucLurlng your essay answer geL you polnLs: follow Lhe call of Lhe quesLlon, e.g. prepare a
memorandum, and use secLlon ____________________________________________. WrlLe
_________________________ paragraphs, Lhls makes lL easler Lo read and grade. 8emember
Lo use correcL legal Lermlnology, and ____________________ all legal Lerms used. 1he llorlda
bar examlners are LesLlng your ablllLy Lo:
o CorrecLly ldenLlfy Lhe ______________________ of law presenLed
o uemonsLraLe your knowledge of Lhe legal __________________ and prlnclples
o CorrecLly analyze and _____________________ Lhe facLs ln Lhe quesLlon Lo Lhe approprlaLe
rule of law. Make a succlncL polnL, counLer-polnL analysls.
o Clearly and conclsely reach a _________________________
1aken LogeLher Lhese lnsLrucLlons, and Lhose Laken from Lhe llorlda 8ar essay quesLlons, are
conslsLenL wlLh Lhe rules LhaL you already know, wheLher l8AC (lssue), 18AC (Loplc) or C8AC
(clalm). Make sure LhaL your analysls conslsLenLly lncludes Lhe facLs of Lhe facL paLLern. 1hey
musL be lncluded ln Lhe essay answer and resLaLed ln your own words.

3 | 2012 1hemls 8ar 8evlew, LLC | llorlda Lssay Workshop
Lssay uest|on #1
urlver's car colllded wlLh vlcLor's car ln 8each CounLy, llorlda, and vlcLor was kllled.
urlver ls resldenL and Chlef LxecuLlve Cfflcer of Leasco, a prlvaLe corporaLlon LhaL leases and operaLes
a hosplLal owned by 8each CounLy. 1he lease provldes LhaL Leasco wlll pay a cerLaln dollar amounL Lo
Lhe counLy each year, lndemnlfy lL from llablllLy arlslng from operaLlon of Lhe hosplLal, and one member
of Lhe counLy commlsslon shall serve as a member of Lhe seven-member board of dlrecLors of Leasco.
Cne monLh prlor Lo Lhe urlver/vlcLor colllslon, Leasco's board of dlrecLors, ln response Lo complalnLs,
held a meeLlng Lo dlscuss urlver's erraLlc behavlor and posslble subsLance abuse problems. AL LhaL Llme,
Lhe board declded Lo Lake a walL-and-see approach Lo urlver's behavlor.
1he 8each CounLy Sherlff ls lnvesLlgaLlng Lhe colllslon and asks a clrculL courL [udge Lo lssue a subpoena
Lo obLaln urlver's medlcal records from hls famlly docLor. urlver ls glven noLlce of Lhe subpoena requesL
as requlred by law and, speaklng Lhrough hls aLLorney, ob[ecLs Lo Lhe subpoena.
1he personal represenLaLlve of vlcLor's esLaLe ls conslderlng flllng a wrongful deaLh acLlon agalnsL
urlver, Leasco, or boLh. 1he personal represenLaLlve makes a publlc records requesL Lo Leasco, seeklng
coples of any mlnuLes of meeLlngs of Lhe board of dlrecLors where urlver's employmenL sLaLus was
dlscussed and a copy of urlver's personnel flle. Leasco refuses Lo provlde Lhe documenLs.
1he personal represenLaLlve seeks a courL order Lo dlrecL Leasco Lo produce Lhe documenLs. urlver
lnLervenes. urlver argues LhaL releaslng hls personnel flle would be boLh unconsLlLuLlonal and ln
vlolaLlon of a law recenLly passed by Lhe llorlda LeglslaLure. 1he recenL law exempLs personnel flles
from Lhe dlsclosure as publlc records and Lhe leglslaLure made a flndlng LhaL such exempLlon ls
necessary Lo proLecL Lhe publlc healLh, safeLy, and welfare."
ulscuss Lhe lssues relaLlng Lo Lhe avallablllLy of Lhe medlcal records, board mlnuLes, and personnel flle
arlslng under Lhe llorlda ConsLlLuLlon. Also, dlscuss Lhe consLlLuLlonallLy of Lhe law recenLly passed by
Lhe llorlda LeglslaLure.

4 | 2012 1hemls 8ar 8evlew, LLC | llorlda Lssay Workshop
Samp|e out||ne of Answer #1
ueLermlnlng wheLher urlver has any argumenLs agalnsL Lhe dlsclosure of medlcal records
llorlda 8ules of Clvll rocedure - subpoena may be lssued for producLlon of evldence, where Lhe
requesL ls noL unreasonable or oppresslve. lf no crlmlnal or clvll acLlon has commenced, Lhen
subpoena requesL may be lnapproprlaLe.
llorlda 8ule of Clvll rocedure recognlzes Lhe common-law paLlenL-physlclan prlvllege.
Powever, a physlclan musL comply wlLh a valld subpoena.
llorlda ConsLlLuLlonal Law - Lhe llorlda ConsLlLuLlon conLalns a rlghL Lo prlvacy, whlch proLecLs
lndlvlduals from governmenL lnLruslons. 1he subpoena requesL by Lhe sherlff consLlLuLes
governmenL acLlon. 1he sLandard for lnvadlng an lndlvldual's rlghL Lo prlvacy ls a compelllng
governmenL lnLeresL LhaL ls narrowly Lallored. ls Lhe crlmlnal lnvesLlgaLlon a compelllng
governmenL lnLeresL? ls lL narrowly Lallored?
ueLermlnlng wheLher Lhe urlver has argumenLs agalnsL Lhe dlsclosure of Lhe 8oard mlnuLes
llorlda ConsLlLuLlonal Law - clLlzens have a rlghL Lo access records made ln con[uncLlon wlLh Lhe
offlclal buslness of Lhe publlc body, offlcer, or employee of Lhe sLaLe.
ls Leasco a publlc body" for purposes of Lhe llorlda ConsLlLuLlon? WhaL ls Lhe effecL of Leasco's
operaLlon of Lhe counLy-owned hosplLal?
uoes Lhe servlce of Lhe counLy commlssloner (an offlcer of Lhe sLaLe) Lransform Lhe Leasco
meeLlngs lnLo publlc meeLlngs under Lhe llorlda ConsLlLuLlon? 1he counLy commlssloner serves
ln hls/her offlclal capaclLy.
Was Lhe Leasco meeLlng regardlng urlver's alleged erraLlc behavlor ouLslde Lhe realm of offlclal
buslness for purposes of Lhe llorlda ConsLlLuLlon?
ls urlver's flle a publlc record for purposes of Lhe llorlda ConsLlLuLlon? lf Leasco ls a publlc body,
Lhen any acL relaLed Lo lLs offlclal buslness ls a publlc record whose dlsclosure ls approprlaLe.
Lven lf Lhe flle musL be dlsclosed pursuanL Lo Lhe llorlda ConsLlLuLlon's granL of Lhe rlghL of
access Lo publlc records, does such a dlsclosure vlolaLe urlver's rlghL Lo prlvacy? 1hls ls ldenLlcal
Lo Lhe analysls for urlver's medlcal records, requlrlng a narrowly-Lallored approach Lo meeL a
compelllng governmenL lnLeresL.
llorlda ls a rlghL Lo work [urlsdlcLlon, buL consLralnLs conslsLenL wlLh Lhe publlc welfare can be
lmposed on Lhe rlghL. uoes Lhe dlsclosure of Lhe personnel flle for a prlvaLe, clvll sulL comporL
wlLh Lhe publlc welfare?

3 | 2012 1hemls 8ar 8evlew, LLC | llorlda Lssay Workshop
llorlda ConsLlLuLlonal Law: A sLaLuLe musL (1) embrace only one sub[ecL, (2) have language LhaL
ls noL vague or overbroad, and (3) be reasonably relaLed Lo Lhe publlc welfare. uoes Lhe sLaLuLe
comporL wlLh Lhese crlLerla?
1o Lhe exLenL LhaL Lhe llorlda ConsLlLuLlon allows excepLlons from lLs dlsclosure requlremenLs,
Lhe excepLlons musL be ln Lhe servlce of Lhe publlc lnLeresL. uoes Lhe sLaLuLe's [usLlflcaLlon of
publlc healLh, safeLy and welfare" comporL wlLh Lhe requlremenL LhaL Lhe publlc necesslLy for
Lhe excepLlon be sLaLed speclflcally? uoes a sLaLuLe LhaL exempLs all personnel record from
dlsclosure sweep Loo broadly?

6 | 2012 1hemls 8ar 8evlew, LLC | llorlda Lssay Workshop
Samp|e Answer
I. Med|ca| kecords
urlver has Lhree posslble argumenLs under Lhe llorlda ConsLlLuLlon as Lo why hls medlcal records should
noL be made avallable Lo Lhe 8each CounLy sherlff: lmproper subpoena, physlclan-paLlenL prlvllege, and
rlghL Lo prlvacy.
A. Improper Subpoena
ln llorlda, a subpoena may be lssued for Lhe producLlon of Langlble evldence and may be served by Lhe
clerk of Lhe courL or any aLLorney on record, so long as Lhe requesL ls noL unreasonable or oppresslve.
normally, a subpoena ls lssued as a dlscovery Lool. Pere, a crlmlnal or clvll case has yeL Lo be flled ln
con[uncLlon wlLh Lhe accldenL. urlver may argue LhaL, because no charges have been broughL agalnsL
hlm for Lhe accldenL, Lhe sherlff ls noL enLlLled Lo any dlscovery. 1herefore, Lhe subpoena may noL be
proper, and urlver and hls physlclan may noL be compelled Lo Lurn over Lhe medlcal records.
8. hys|c|an-at|ent r|v||ege
urlver may also argue LhaL hls medlcal records are proLecLed by Lhe physlclan-paLlenL prlvllege. llorlda
recognlzes a common-law physlclan-paLlenL prlvllege whereby a physlclan ls prohlblLed from dlscusslng
a paLlenL's medlcal lssues wlLhouL Lhe consenL of Lhe paLlenL. Powever, lf a courL glves noLlce Lo Lhe
paLlenL and compels Lhe physlclan Lo provlde medlcal records, Lhe physlclan musL comply. Pere, lf Lhe
subpoena ls valld, urlver's famlly physlclan musL release urlver's medlcal records.
C. k|ght to r|vacy
llnally, urlver may argue LhaL Lhe subpoena vlolaLes hls rlghL Lo prlvacy. 1he llorlda ConsLlLuLlon
conLalns a rlghL Lo prlvacy LhaL provldes each clLlzen wlLh Lhe rlghL Lo be lefL alone from governmenL
lnLruslon. urlver may argue LhaL Lhe subpoena requesLed by Lhe counLy sherlff and lssued by Lhe courL
ls governmenL acLlon LhaL lnfrlnges upon Lhls rlghL. All challenges Lo an lndlvldual's rlghL Lo prlvacy are
sub[ecL Lo a sLrlcL scruLlny LesL. 1hus, Lhe governmenL musL have a compelllng lnLeresL, and Lhe acLlon
musL be narrowly Lallored. Pere, whlle Lhe counLy sherlff has a compelllng lnLeresL as a publlc offlclal
lnvesLlgaLlng a crlme, hls lnvesLlgaLlve means may noL quallfy as narrowly Lallored. 1he sherlff may be
requlred Lo flrsL use LradlLlonal lnvesLlgaLlon Lechnlques ln order Lo gaLher enough evldence Lo charge
urlver wlLh a crlme. Cnly afLer urlver ls charged wlLh a crlme may Lhe courL order a subpoena for Lhe
medlcal records Lo keep urlver's rlghL Lo prlvacy lnLacL.
II. 8oard M|nutes
under Lhe llorlda ConsLlLuLlon, every clLlzen has a rlghL Lo access publlc records and meeLlngs. 1hls rlghL
lncludes Lhe rlghL Lo lnspecL or copy any publlc record made or recelved ln connecLlon wlLh Lhe offlclal
buslness of any publlc body, offlcer, or employee of Lhe sLaLe. vlcLor's personal represenLaLlve has Lwo
argumenLs LhaL he has a rlghL Lo coples of Lhe board meeLlng mlnuLes.
llrsL, he can argue LhaL Leasco ls a publlc body" wlLhln Lhe meanlng of Lhe llorlda ConsLlLuLlon. Whlle
Leasco ls a prlvaLe corporaLlon, lL does buslness wlLh 8each CounLy. 1he company leases and operaLes a

7 | 2012 1hemls 8ar 8evlew, LLC | llorlda Lssay Workshop
hosplLal LhaL Lhe counLy owns. vlcLor's personal represenLaLlve could argue LhaL Leasco makes declslons
ln board meeLlngs LhaL affecL Lhe counLy because of Lhe counLy's ownershlp lnLeresL. 1herefore, he
could argue LhaL Leasco ls, aL leasL ln parL, a publlc body." Leasco could Lhen counLer LhaL lL ls noL a
publlc body" because lL merely leases Lhe space from Lhe counLy Lo run Lhe hosplLal and Lhe counLy
reLalns no rlghLs ln Lhe lease Lo conLrol or operaLe Lhe hosplLal. As such, Leasco ls purely a prlvaLe
buslness venLure and noL sub[ecL Lo a publlc records requesL.
Second, vlcLor's personal represenLaLlve can argue LhaL vlcLor has a rlghL Lo access Leasco's board
meeLlng mlnuLes because a member of Lhe counLy commlsslon was presenL aL Lhe meeLlng. 1he llorlda
ConsLlLuLlon allows access Lo any record made or recelved ln connecLlon wlLh Lhe offlclal buslness of any
offlcer of Lhe sLaLe. Pe can argue LhaL Lhe counLy commlssloner ls an offlcer of Lhe sLaLe and LhaL parL of
hls offlclal buslness as a counLy commlssloner ls Lo slL on Leasco's board of dlrecLors. Leasco, on Lhe
oLher hand, ls llkely Lo argue LhaL Lhe counLy commlssloner was noL offered a spoL on Lhe board ln hls
offlclal capaclLy as commlssloner and LhaL Lhe meeLlng dld noL lnvolve any of hls offlclal buslness as
commlssloner. 1he courL would have Lo declde Lhls facL, however, Lhe lease provlslon LhaL requlres a
counLy commlssloner Lo slL on Leasco's board of dlrecLors alds Lhe personal represenLaLlve's argumenL
LhaL belng aL Lhe meeLlng was parL of Lhe commlssloner's offlclal buslness.
noLwlLhsLandlng Lhe argumenLs above, Leasco ls llkely Lo asserL Lhe defense LhaL Lhe board of dlrecLors'
meeLlng was ouLslde Lhe realm of offlclal buslness. Leasco ls ln Lhe buslness of runnlng a hosplLal. ln
conLrasL, Lhe meeLlng ln quesLlon concerned urlver's erraLlc behavlor and posslble subsLance abuse
problem. AlLhough urlver ls Lhe presldenL and chlef execuLlve offlcer of Leasco, Lhere ls noLhlng ln Lhe
facLs Lo lndlcaLe LhaL Lhe board of dlrecLors dlscussed urlver ln any offlclal capaclLy or how hls personal
problems affecLed Lhe buslness. 1he personal represenLaLlve may counLer by offerlng Lhe common-
sense argumenL LhaL of course Lhe erraLlc behavlor and posslble subsLance abuse problem of Lhe
presldenL of a corporaLlon affecLs LhaL corporaLlon and was Lhe Loplc of Lhe meeLlng.
III. ersonne| I||e
urlver has Lhree posslble argumenLs agalnsL Lhe release of hls personnel flle. llrsL, lL ls noL a publlc
record and Lherefore cannoL be ordered released. As was dlscussed ln Lhe prevlous secLlon, Lhls
argumenL Lurns on wheLher Leasco ls consldered a publlc body." lf Leasco ls consldered a publlc
body," any personnel record, because lL relaLes Lo offlclal buslness, could be obLalned wlLh a publlc
records requesL.
Second, urlver could argue LhaL release of hls personnel flle ls an lnvaslon of hls prlvacy, vlolaLlng Lhe
llorlda ConsLlLuLlon. Pe could argue LhaL Lhe release of Lhe flle by courL order ls an unnecessary
governmenL lnLruslon. 8ecause vlcLor's personal represenLaLlve has noL yeL flled sulL agalnsL urlver, Lhls
argumenL has merlL. 1here appears Lo be no [usLlflcaLlon on Lhese facLs LhaL vlcLor's personal
represenLaLlve be glven access Lo urlver's employmenL flle.
llnally, urlver could argue LhaL Lhe release of hls personnel flle lnfrlnges on hls rlghL Lo work. llorlda
clLlzens are granLed Lhe rlghL Lo work. 1hls rlghL, however, ls noL absoluLe and ls sub[ecL Lo reasonable
resLralnL ln Lhe lnLeresL of publlc welfare. urlver could argue LhaL Lhe release of hls personnel flle

8 | 2012 1hemls 8ar 8evlew, LLC | llorlda Lssay Workshop
lnLerrupLs Lhls rlghL because lL could puL hls company ln a bad poslLlon. Pls sLrongesL argumenL ls LhaL
Lhe release of hls personnel flle, lf lL does ln facL lnfrlnge on hls rlghL Lo work, has noLhlng Lo do wlLh Lhe
publlc welfare. 1he flle would noL be used ln a crlmlnal Lrlal, buL lnsLead ln a wrongful deaLh sulL, whlch
ls dlfflculL Lo connecL Lo publlc welfare. As such, lf urlver can prove LhaL Lhe release of hls personnel flle
acLually lnfrlnges upon hls rlghL Lo work, he has a sLrong llkellhood of success.
IV. 1he Const|tut|ona||ty of the Statute
1he personal represenLaLlve would successfully challenge Lhe consLlLuLlonallLy of Lhe new sLaLuLe LhaL
exempLs personnel flles from dlsclosure as publlc records. ln llorlda, a sLaLuLe musL (l) embrace only
one sub[ecL, whlch sub[ecL musL be brlefly expressed ln Lhe sLaLuLe LlLle, (ll) have language LhaL ls noL
vague or overbroad, and (lll) be reasonably relaLed Lo Lhe publlc welfare. Pere, Lhe sLaLuLe seems Lo
meeL all requlremenLs because lL (l) ls relaLed Lo one sub[ecL, (ll) does noL seem Lo be overbroad, and (lll)
seems reasonably relaLed Lo Lhe publlc welfare. 1he law ls mlsslng a LlLle, however, whlch may be
AddlLlonally, Lhe llorlda ConsLlLuLlon provldes LhaL Lhe leglslaLure may enacL a sLaLuLe LhaL exempLs
cerLaln lLems from dlsclosure as publlc records, so long as such law sLaLes wlLh speclflclLy Lhe publlc
necesslLy [usLlfylng Lhe exempLlon and ls no broader Lhan necessary Lo accompllsh Lhe sLaLed purpose of
Lhe law. 1he sLaLuLe ln quesLlon does noL seem Lo meeL Lhese crlLerla. llrsL, Lhe sLaLuLe does noL
speclflcally sLaLe Lhe publlc necesslLy, buL lnsLead lL generally sLaLes LhaL Lhe exempLlon ls necessary Lo
proLecL Lhe publlc healLh, safeLy, and welfare." Second, Lhe sLaLuLe does noL seem Lo be sufflclenLly
narrowly Lallored Lo meeL consLlLuLlonal requlremenLs. 1he sLaLuLe exempLs all personnel flles from
belng dlsclosed as publlc records, and lL falls Lo Lake lnLo accounL posslble lawsulLs agalnsL publlc
offlclals ln whlch Lhelr [ob performance ls aL lssue. 1herefore, Lhe sLaLuLe ls llkely unconsLlLuLlonal.
1hemls 8ar 8evlew. All rlghLs reserved.

9 | 2012 1hemls 8ar 8evlew, LLC | llorlda Lssay Workshop
Lssay uest|on #2
Acme roducLs, lnc. (Acme), a llorlda corporaLlon, manufacLures small power Lools. Cne of lLs producLs
ls an elecLrlc-powered nall gun. Acme's reglonal sales manager calls on 8aslc 8enLals (8enLals), anoLher
llorlda corporaLlon whlch operaLes several ouLleLs ln llorlda. Acme's sales manager Lells 8enLal's
presldenL LhaL Acme's nall gun ls safe, dependable, affordable, durable, and can be used for nalllng all
Lypes of wood and wood producLs. 8enLals buys 30 of Acme's nall guns aL $200 each and sends Lhem Lo
lLs ouLleLs for renLal.
enny wanLs Lo make a plece of furnlLure from 8razlllan walnuL, a very hard wood. She goes Lo Lhe
nearby 1ampa, llorlda, sLore of 8enLals and she renLs a nall gun manufacLured by Acme. 1he nall gun
saL on Lop of Acme's orlglnal shlpplng carLon. 1he followlng sLaLemenL was prlnLed on Lhe ouLslde of Lhe
carLon: SulLable for nalllng all Lypes of wood and wood producLs." When enny aLLempLs Lo nall Lwo
pleces of wood LogeLher, Lhe e[ecLed nall from Lhe nall gun falls Lo peneLraLe Lhe wood, bounces
backward, and sLrlkes enny ln Lhe lefL eye, resulLlng ln a LoLal, permanenL loss of vlslon ln LhaL eye and
parLlal, permanenL braln damage.
enny reLalns an aLLorney and Lhe aLLorney hlres an experL. 1he experL expresses hls oplnlon LhaL Lhe
nall gun has a deslgn defecL LhaL caused Lhe nall Lo bounce off Lhe hard wood. uurlng dlscovery, lL ls
revealed LhaL Lhe nall gun, when dellvered Lo 8enLals by Acme, had a warnlng label LhaL sLaLed,
uAnCL8: uC nC1 CL8A1L unLLSS WLA8lnC 8C1LC1lvL L?LWLA8." Powever, Lhe nall gun used by
enny had been cleaned wlLh a heavy-duLy solvenL deslgned for removlng grease from resLauranL
equlpmenL by an employee of 8enLals afLer a prlor renLal. As a resulL of Lhls cleanlng, Lhe adheslve
whlch aLLached Lhe label Lo Lhe nall gun dlssolved, Lhe warnlng label fell off, and was noL replaced or
uurlng dlscovery lL ls furLher revealed LhaL several monLhs before enny's renLal of Lhe nall gun, Acme
dlscovered LhaL lLs nall gun would mlsflre when worklng wlLh very hard wood resulLlng ln Lhe nall
bounclng off Lhe wood. Acme concluded LhaL Lhe rlsk Lo Lhe publlc was small lf Lhe user of Lhe nall gun
wore proLecLlve eyewear. Acme furLher concluded LhaL Lhe cosL of recalllng all of lLs nall guns or
noLlfylng purchasers abouL Lhe mlsflrlng or warnlng Lhe publlc abouL Lhe mlsflrlng would have a ma[or
flnanclal lmpacL on Acme's proflLablllLy. Acme, Lherefore, Look no acLlon.
?ou are Lhe law clerk for Lhe Lrlal [udge asslgned Lo enny's complalnL. repare a memo for your [udge
LhaL dlscusses Lhe clalms LhaL enny may brlng agalnsL Acme and 8enLals, defenses whlch may be
advanced by Acme and 8enLals, and Lhe llkely ouLcome under llorlda law. lnclude ln your dlscusslon Lhe
Lypes of damages LhaL enny could seek.

10 | 2012 1hemls 8ar 8evlew, LLC | llorlda Lssay Workshop
Samp|e Cut||ne of Answer #2:
A. 8kLACn CI WAkkAN1
8reach of express warranLy - Lhe nall gun lncluded on lLs packaglng an express warranLy LhaL lL
was sulLable for nalllng all Lypes of wood." 8ecause Lhe ArLlcle 2 unlform Commerclal Code
(uCC) applles Lo boLh Lhe renLal and sale of goods, enny can brlng sulL agalnsL Lhe
manufacLurer (and 8enLals) for breach of lLs afflrmaLlon LhaL Lhe nall gun would work on all
Lypes of wood.
8reach of lmplled warranLy of merchanLablllLy - 8ecause 8enLals ls a merchanL wlLh respecL Lo
goods such as nall guns. 8ecause Lhe nall gun malfuncLloned whlle enny used lL ln Lhe fashlon
ln whlch lL was lnLended Lo be used, she may have a clalm agalnsL 8enLals.
lnLenLlonal MlsrepresenLaLlon - enny may also have a clalm agalnsL Acme based on lnLenLlonal
mlsrepresenLaLlon. 1hough Acme dld noL know of Lhe nall gun's mlsflrlng on cerLaln hard woods
aL Lhe Llme lL sold Lhe producL Lo 8enLals, lL dld know Lhls before enny's renLal of Lhe nall gun.
Acme's fallure Lo dlsclose Lhls lnformaLlon may consLlLuLe a knowlng falsehood on whlch Acme
knew 8enLals and enny would rely.
negllgenL mlsrepresenLaLlon - enny may have a clalm agalnsL Acme based on negllgenL
mlsrepresenLaLlon. lL musL be esLabllshed LhaL Acme breached a duLy of care Lo elLher/boLh
enny and/or 8enLals ln lLs fallure Lo dlsclose lnformaLlon abouL Lhe gun's mlsflrlng on hard
woods. 1he plalnLlff musL esLabllsh breach, duLy, and causaLlon as ln Lhe ordlnary negllgence
clalm. Lach musL also esLabllsh LhaL Lhey relled upon Acme's mlsrepresenLaLlon.
enny may have a clalm of negllgence agalnsL boLh Acme and 8enLals. enny would be requlred
Lo esLabllsh LhaL Acme breached a duLy of care LhaL caused her ln[ury ln manufacLurlng a
producL LhaL mlsflred when used on cerLaln hard woods. enny would be requlred Lo esLabllsh
LhaL Acme deparLed from an ob[ecLlve, reasonably prudenL sLandard ln lLs manufacLure of Lhe
nall gun.
Acme mlghL defend agalnsL Lhls clalm on Lhe ground LhaL enny was conLrlbuLorlly negllgenL
because she falled Lo wear goggles. Powever, enny's fallure Lo wear proLecLlve goggles may be
excused ln llghL of lLs removal by a 8enLals employee.
enny may also have a clalm for negllgence agalnsL 8enLals. 8ecause Lhe warnlng label came off
whlle a 8enLal's employee was cleanlng lL, Lhe employee's fallure Lo reaLLach Lhe warnlng label
may consLlLuLe a breach of duLy LhaL caused enny's ln[ury. Pere, Loo, enny musL esLabllsh
LhaL 8enLals, Lhrough lLs employee, breached a duLy of care LhaL caused her ln[ury.

11 | 2012 1hemls 8ar 8evlew, LLC | llorlda Lssay Workshop
enny has a sLrlcL llablllLy clalm agalnsL boLh Acme and 8enLals for Lhe nall gun's defecLlve
deslgn. A defendanL may be held llable for selllng or leaslng a defecLlvely deslgned producL.
enny musL esLabllsh LhaL Lhe producL was (1) defecLlvely deslgned, (2) LhaL such defecL exlsLed
aL Lhe Llme Lhe producL lefL Lhe defendanL's conLrol, (3) LhaL Lhe defecL caused enny's ln[ury,
and (4) LhaL Lhe producL was used ln Lhe foreseeable way. enny musL also esLabllsh LhaL a less
dangerous modlflcaLlon of Lhe producL's deslgn was economlcally feaslble.
8aLLery: enny may sue Acme for baLLery based on lLs knowledge LhaL Lhe nall gun would mlsflre
when used on hard woods. 1o Lhe exLenL LhaL Acme knew wlLh subsLanLlal cerLalnLy Lhe
consequences of lLs defecLlve producL, a clalm may be based on an lnLenLlonal LorL. 8ecause
enny was ln[ured physlcally she musL esLabllsh LhaL her ln[ury was caused by Acme's fallure Lo
dlsclose Lhe lnformaLlon LhaL Lhe nall gun mlsflred on cerLaln hardwoods.

12 | 2012 1hemls 8ar 8evlew, LLC | llorlda Lssay Workshop
Samp|e Answer
1o: !udge
lrom: Law Clerk
8e: enny's posslble clalms, lncludlng Lhe amounL of damages she could seek, Lhe corporaLlons' posslble
defenses, and Lhe llkely ouLcome of Lhe case.
I. Introduct|on
enny has several posslble clalms ln boLh conLracL and LorL agalnsL Acme and 8enLals. 1hls courL should
have [urlsdlcLlon over Lhe maLLer because Lhe accldenL occurred ln llorlda and boLh Acme and 8enLals
are llorlda corporaLlons.
enny may choose Lo sue Acme and 8enLals LogeLher or lndlvldually, however lL would be helpful and
[udlclous lf boLh were defendanLs ln a slngle sulL. lL ls lmporLanL Lo remember LhaL llorlda has abollshed
[olnL and several llablllLy. lnsLead, each LorLfeasor ls llable only for hls comparaLlve share of Lhe
plalnLlff's damages. lf only one corporaLlon ls a parLy Lo Lhe sulL, lL may seek conLrlbuLlon or
lndemnlflcaLlon, lf lL has pald more Lhan lLs pro raLe share. 1hls memorandum assumes LhaL boLh
corporaLlons are a parLy Lo Lhe lawsulL and analyzes enny's posslble clalms, lncludlng Lhe amounL of
damages she could seek, Lhe corporaLlons' posslble defenses, and Lhe llkely ouLcome of Lhe case.
II. 8reach of Warranty
llrsL, enny may sue for breach of Lhe express warranLy LhaL was wrlLLen on Lhe nall gun's shlpplng
carLon. 1he producL ls a nall gun, so lL ls a good and falls wlLhln llorlda's adopLlon of Lhe unlform
Commerclal Code (uCC"). enny was renLlng Lhe nall gun from a merchanL who normally renLs ouL
lLems, so Lhe LransacLlon falls wlLhln ArLlcle 2 of Lhe uCC, whlch covers leases. under Lhe uCC, an
express warranLy ls creaLed when a lessor makes any afflrmaLlon of facL or any descrlpLlon of Lhe goods.
Pere, enny can argue LhaL Lhe sLaLemenL, sulLable for nalllng all Lypes of wood and wood producLs,"
creaLed such a warranLy because lL was an afflrmaLlon LhaL Lhe nall gun was sulLable for nalllng wood
and a descrlpLlon of whaL Lhe nall gun could do. She can argue LhaL because Lhls sLaLemenL was wrlLLen
on Lhe orlglnal shlpplng carLon and Lhe nall gun was dlsplayed slLLlng on Lop of Lhls shlpplng carLon, Lhe
lessor, 8enLals, was expressly maklng Lhls warranLy. 8enLals, on Lhe oLher hand, wlll argue LhaL lL dld noL
make Lhls warranLy. lnsLead, lL wlll say LhaL Acme, by wrlLlng Lhe sLaLemenL and shlpplng Lhe nall gun
wlLh Lhls sLaLemenL, should be responslble for maklng Lhe warranLy. Legally, boLh 8enLals and Acme can
be found Lo have made an express warranLy: Acme because lL wroLe Lhe sLaLemenL and 8enLals because
lL dlsplayed Lhe gun ln lLs sLore wlLh Lhe sLaLemenL. 1hus, enny may be awarded acLual and
consequenLlal damages for Lhe breach of an express warranLy by 8enLals and Acme. ConsequenLlal
damages can be llmlLed ln some breach of warranLy cases, however, Lhe llmlLaLlon of consequenLlal
damages for ln[ury Lo Lhe person ln Lhe case of consumer goods ls prlma facle unconsclonable. Any
clalm for llquldaLed damages should be denled because lL does noL appear Lhey were provlded for ln Lhe
renLal agreemenL beLween enny and 8enLals.

13 | 2012 1hemls 8ar 8evlew, LLC | llorlda Lssay Workshop
enny may also have a clalm for Lhe breach of Lhe lmplled warranLy of merchanLablllLy agalnsL 8enLals.
1hls warranLy ls lmplled ln Lhe lease conLracL lf Lhe lessor ls a merchanL wlLh respecL Lo goods of LhaL
klnd. AddlLlonally, Lhe merchanLable goods musL be flL for Lhe ordlnary purpose for whlch goods of LhaL
Lype are used. Pere, 8enLals was a merchanL who leased nall guns. enny has a sLrong argumenL LhaL
8enLals breached Lhls warranLy because Lhe nall gun malfuncLloned whlle she was nalllng a plece of
wood, an acLlon LhaL was wlLhln Lhe purpose for whlch a nall gun ls ordlnarlly used. Slmllar Lo above,
enny may seek acLual and consequenLlal damages for Lhe breach of Lhls warranLy.
III. M|srepresentat|on
enny may also have a clalm agalnsL Acme for lnLenLlonal mlsrepresenLaLlon. 1hls LorL occurs when a
defendanL lnLenLlonally mlsrepresenLs a maLerlal facL LhaL he knew was false, LhaL [usLlflably lnduces a
plalnLlff Lo acL, and LhaL causes a plalnLlff ln[ury. enny can argue LhaL Acme commlLLed lnLenLlonal
mlsrepresenLaLlon when lL falled Lo dlsclose LhaL lL knew Lhe nall gun would mlsflre when worklng wlLh
hard woods. Acme wlll asserL LhaL lL dld noL know of Lhls defecL when enLerlng lnLo Lhe conLracL wlLh
8enLals, Lherefore lL cannoL be held llable for Lhls LorL. Powever, Lhe fallure Lo dlsclose new lnformaLlon
LhaL makes a prevlous sLaLemenL false ls consldered an lnLenLlonal mlsrepresenLaLlon. enny wlll have
Lo prove an acLual economlc loss, whlch she should be able Lo do, ln order Lo collecL damages.
AlLernaLlvely, enny may also have a clalm agalnsL Acme for negllgenL mlsrepresenLaLlon. 1hls LorL ls
conflned Lo commerclal LransacLlons and ls llmlLed Lo parLlcular plalnLlffs Lo whom mlsrepresenLaLlons
were made or Lo Lhose Lhe defendanL knew would rely on Lhose mlsrepresenLaLlons. ln addlLlon, Lhe
plalnLlff musL use Lhe lnformaLlon for lLs lnLended purpose. Slmllar Lo a normal negllgence clalm, Lhe
plalnLlff musL prove LhaL Lhere was a breach of duLy, causaLlon, and damages. 1he plalnLlff musL also
prove LhaL Lhe defendanL made a mlsrepresenLaLlon, and LhaL Lhe plalnLlff was [usLlfled ln relylng on
LhaL mlsrepresenLaLlon. Pere, Acme's sLrongesL defense ls LhaL lL does noL owe a duLy Lo enny.
Powever, ln promlslng LhaL Lhe nall gun was flL for a parLlcular purpose and enLerlng lnLo a conLracL,
Acme's argumenL wlll probably fall. enny may recover damages ln Lhe form of rellance (ouL-of-pockeL
damages) as well as consequenLlal damages, lf proved wlLh sufflclenL cerLalnLy.
IV. Neg||gence
enny may have Lwo separaLe clalms of negllgence. 1o prove negllgence lL musL be proven LhaL Lhere
was (1) a duLy of care, (2) Lhe duLy of care was breached, (3) causaLlon, and (4) damages. uuLy ls
measured by an ob[ecLlve, reasonably prudenL sLandard. Lvldence of cusLom ln an lndusLry may be
offered Lo esLabllsh Lhe proper sLandard of care, buL such evldence ls noL concluslve. 8reach occurs
when Lhe defendanL's conducL falls shorL of Lhe sLandard of care requlred. AcLual causaLlon ls Lhe cause
ln facL uslng Lhe buL for" LesL. roxlmaLe causaLlon ls Lhe legal cause, foreseeablllLy of Lhe Lype of harm
suffered ls a key Lo maklng Lhls deLermlnaLlon.
(a) ueslgn uefecL of nall Cun
enny's flrsL clalm ls agalnsL Acme as manufacLurer of Lhe gun. Pere, Lhere ls no quesLlon of duLy,
causaLlon, or damages. As a manufacLurer, Acme had a duLy Lo all foreseeable people who would use lLs

14 | 2012 1hemls 8ar 8evlew, LLC | llorlda Lssay Workshop
producL. 1he nall gun LhaL Acme manufacLured had a deslgn defecL, whlch caused Lhe nall Lo bounce off
Lhe wood LhaL enny was nalllng and hlL her ln Lhe eye, causlng her permanenL loss of vlslon and parLlal
braln damage. 8uL for Lhe deslgn defecL, Lhe nall would noL have bounced off Lhe wood and hlL enny ln
Lhe eye. lL was foreseeable LhaL a nall gun LhaL has a deslgn defecL could ln[ure an lndlvldual uslng Lhe
devlce. llnally, Lhe deslgn defecL and Lhe nall bounclng off Lhe wood caused enny Lo suffer permanenL
loss of vlslon and parLlal braln damages. 1he real lssue ls wheLher Acme breached Lhe sLandard of care
ln manufacLurlng Lhe gun. 1he acLlons of Acme wlll be measured by an ob[ecLlve, reasonably prudenL
sLandard. lf Lhe company acLed wlLhln Lhe sLandard, lL wlll noL be held negllgenL.
Acme may have Lwo defenses agalnsL enny. 1he flrsL ls LhaL enny was conLrlbuLorlly negllgenL
because she dld noL wear proLecLlve eyewear whlle uslng Lhe gun. ConLrlbuLory faulL occurs when a
plalnLlff falls Lo exerclse reasonable care for her own safeLy and Lhereby adds Lo Lhe legal cause of her
ln[ury. llorlda ls a pure comparaLlve faulL sLaLe. 1he courL musL enLer [udgmenL agalnsL each llable
parLy based on a percenLage of faulL, noL on Lhe basls of [olnL and several llablllLy. ure comparaLlve
faulL applles Lo negllgence cases, producLs llablllLy cases, and sLrlcL llablllLy cases, buL noL Lo lnLenLlonal
LorLs. Pere, Acme would have a hard case Lo make agalnsL enny because Lhe warnlng, Lhrough no faulL
of her own, was noL on Lhe nall gun. As such, lL ls noL clear LhaL she falled Lo acL wlLh reasonable care.
1he second defense ls LhaL enny assumed Lhe rlsk of geLLlng hurL by a nall gun. ln llorlda, a
comparaLlve negllgence [urlsdlcLlon, Lhe plalnLlff's lmplled assumpLlon of Lhe rlsk ls noL LreaLed as a
separaLe defense. lnsLead, Lhe plalnLlff's awareness of Lhe rlsk ls Laken lnLo accounL ln deLermlnlng Lhe
degree Lo whlch Lhe plalnLlff ls aL faulL, buL lL also can be consldered ln deLermlnlng Lhe reasonableness
of Lhe plalnLlff's or Lhe defendanL's acLlons. Agaln, because enny was noL aware LhaL she should be
wearlng proLecLlve eyewear when she was uslng Lhe nall gun, she wlll probably noL be found aL faulL.
(b) negllgenL Pandllng of Lhe nall Cun
enny's second clalm ls agalnsL 8enLals for Lhe negllgenL handllng of Lhe nall gun. When shlpped Lo
8enLals, Lhe nall gun had a warnlng on lL LhaL advlsed users Lo wear proLecLlve eyewear. 8ecause Lhe
warnlng came off whlle an employee was cleanlng Lhe gun and was never reafflxed, 8enLals may be
vlcarlously llable. An employer ls vlcarlously llable for an employee's negllgenL acLlons under
respondeaL superlor. under Lhls Lheory, an employer ls held llable lf Lhe negllgenL acLlons occurred
durlng Lhe scope of employmenL. ConducL wlLhln Lhe scope of employmenL lncludes LhaL whlch Lhe
employee ls employed Lo perform, ls wlLhln Lhe auLhorlzed llmlLs of Llme and space, and ls performed
for Lhe purpose of servlng Lhe employer. Pere, Lhe cleanlng of Lhe gun was wlLhln Lhe scope of Lhe
employee's employmenL as he was cleanlng lL afLer a renLal. 1he real lssue ls wheLher Lhe employee
was negllgenL ln noL reaLLachlng Lhe warnlng label. As was dlscussed above, enny musL prove LhaL
8enLals and lLs employees had a duLy, LhaL Lhey breached LhaL duLy, and LhaL Lhe breach caused her
ln[ury. She should be successful ln provlng all Lhree. 8enLals had a duLy Lo lLs cusLomers, buL for Lhe lack
of warnlng, enny would be wearlng eyewear, and LhaL eyewear would have prevenLed her ln[ury or
made lL less severe. 1he courL would ask whaL a reasonably prudenL employee would do ln LhaL
clrcumsLance. lf a reasonably prudenL employee would have reaLLached Lhe warnlng, Lhen 8enLals wlll

13 | 2012 1hemls 8ar 8evlew, LLC | llorlda Lssay Workshop
be llable for negllgence. 8enLals may also use Lhe assumpLlon of rlsk defense dlscussed above, buL
probably would noL be successful.
enny may seek boLh acLual and punlLlve damages agalnsL boLh defendanLs. 1he measure of damages ln
a negllgence case lncludes all damages lncurred, pasL and fuLure paln and sufferlng, medlcal expenses,
losL wages, and reducLlon ln fuLure earnlng capaclLy. llorlda also recognlzes punlLlve damages ln
negllgence cases. 1hese damages musL be proven and Lhe plalnLlff musL prove by clear and convlnclng
evldence LhaL Lhe defendanL was personally gullLy of lnLenLlonal mlsconducL or gross negllgence.
V. Str|ct roducts L|ab|||ty
enny has a sLrlcL producLs llablllLy clalm agalnsL boLh defendanLs for Lhe defecLlve deslgn of Lhe nall
gun. Any lndlvldual ln Lhe buslness of selllng or leaslng producLs of Lhe Lype LhaL harmed Lhe plalnLlff
can be sLrlcLly llable for a defecLlve producL. As long as Lhe seller ls a commerclal suppller of Lhe
producL, Lhe seller ls sub[ecL Lo sLrlcL llablllLy for a defecLlve producL. 1he seller ls sLrlcLly llable even lf
Lhe seller was noL negllgenL ln any way, and even when Lhe producL ls noL purchased dlrecLly from Lhe
seller. As such, enny could sue elLher Acme or 8enLals under Lhls Lheory.
1o prevall on a clalm of deslgn defecL, enny musL prove LhaL: (l) Lhe producL was defecLlvely deslgned,
(ll) Lhe defecL exlsLed when Lhe producL lefL Lhe defendanL's conLrol, (lll) Lhe defecL caused Lhe plalnLlff's
ln[ury, and (lv) Lhe plalnLlff used Lhe producL ln a reasonably foreseeable way. Pere, enny can prove all
llrsL, enny has an experL LhaL wlll LesLlfy LhaL Lhe nall gun was defecLlvely deslgned. She can also use
Acme's dlscovery LhaL Lhe nall gun mlsflred when nalllng hardwood Lo bolsLer her argumenL. Second,
she can prove LhaL Lhe defecL exlsLed when Lhe producL lefL Lhe defendanL's conLrol wlLh Lhe evldence
LhaL Acme knew of Lhe deslgn defecL several monLhs before enny renLed Lhe nall gun. 1hlrd, enny wlll
argue LhaL Lhe mlsflrlng of Lhe gun caused her eye ln[ury and braln damage. Acme, on Lhe oLher hand
wlll argue LhaL enny was ln[ured noL because of Lhe deslgn defecL, buL lnsLead because of her fallure Lo
wear proLecLlve eyewear. lL wlll polnL Lo Lhe warnlng label on Lhe gun and enny's fallure Lo heed LhaL
warnlng. Acme ls noL llkely Lo be successful on LhaL argumenL because Lhe deslgn defecL was Lhe
prlmary cause of Lhe ln[ury. llnally, enny was uslng Lhe producL ln a reasonably foreseeable way
because she was uslng Lhe nall gun Lo nall wood, whlch ls parL of lLs own producL descrlpLlon.
ueslgn defecLs are [udged by deLermlnlng wheLher Lhere was a reasonable alLernaLlve deslgn avallable
Lo Lhe defendanL and wheLher Lhe fallure Lo use LhaL deslgn has rendered Lhe producL unsafe. 1o
esLabllsh Lhe exlsLence of Lhe deslgn defecL, Lhe plalnLlff musL show LhaL a less dangerous modlflcaLlon
or an alLernaLlve was economlcally feaslble. enny has a sLrong argumenL LhaL such a modlflcaLlon or
alLernaLlve was economlcally feaslble buL Acme dld noL even explore Lhe opLlon because lL declded LhaL
Lhe cosL of recall or warnlng purchasers of Lhe defecL was Loo hlgh. Acme may counLer LhaL Lhere was
no economlcally feaslble, less dangerous modlflcaLlon, however, lLs knowledge of Lhe defecL and lLs
fallure Lo do anyLhlng abouL lL may serlously weaken Lhe argumenL.

16 | 2012 1hemls 8ar 8evlew, LLC | llorlda Lssay Workshop
enny ls enLlLled Lo recover damages for any personal ln[ury. A clalm for purely economlc loss generally
ls noL allowed under a sLrlcL llablllLy Lheory. lnsLead, lL musL be broughL as a breach of warranLy acLlon,
slmllar Lo a clalm for harm Lo Lhe producL lLself and consequenLlal damages.
VI. Intent|ona| 1orts
ln addlLlon, enny may sue Acme for baLLery. lf a defendanL lnLended or knew wlLh subsLanLlal cerLalnLy
Lhe consequences of a defecLlve producL, Lhe cause of acLlon can be based on an lnLenLlonal LorL.
8ecause enny was hlL ln Lhe eye wlLh a nall from Lhe nall gun, she can sue Acme for baLLery. 1o
esLabllsh baLLery, enny musL prove harmful or offenslve conLacL caused by Acme's lnLenLlonal acL.
Pere, Lhe ln[ury Lo her eye was Lhe harmful and offenslve conLacL. She can argue LhaL Acme lnLended
Lhls acL because lL knew LhaL Lhe nalls would bounce off hardwood and dld noLhlng Lo warn Lhe nall gun
user of LhaL defecL. enny has a sLrong argumenL because Acme dld know wlLh a subsLanLlal cerLalnLy
LhaL Lhe nalls would bounce off Lhe wood ln Lhls fashlon. As wlLh any lnLenLlonal LorL clalm, punlLlve as
well as compensaLory damages are recoverable. 1he same defenses germane Lo each Lype of LorL are
VII. Conc|us|on
ln concluslon, enny has a sLrong case agalnsL boLh Acme and 8enLals. She has many clalms based ln
conLracL and LorL law and wlll be successful on mosL lf noL all of Lhese clalms.
1hemls 8ar 8evlew. All rlghLs reserved.

17 | 2012 1hemls 8ar 8evlew, LLC | llorlda Lssay Workshop
CnA1Lk 4: 1nLMIS LUCk 13 WkI1ING 1IS
1. CU1LINL!!
o 8eslsL Lhe urge Lo sLarL wrlLlng franLlcally. lnsLead, spend 10-13 mlnuLes ouLllnlng your
answer. ?our ouLllne wlll be brlef buL lL wlll help you organlze Lhe lssues and glve you an
ldea of how Lo allocaLe your Llme. racLlce ouLllnlng.
2. Start w|th an Introduct|on that tracks the ca|| of the quest|on
o CALL Cl 1PL CuLS1lCn: WhaL are enny's clalms agalnsL ACML and 8enLals?
o ln18CuuC1lCn: enny can brlng a clalm based on . agalnsL .
3. Use nead|ngs
!"#$%&' )* !"#$ &''() *+, -."'#/(0 1.234(0 5/6#"$(73#/8 -9:034 ;.4#"2'
;.<9.'78 -."'#//.0 !30.8 (/2 =#/'737973#/(037)
!"#$%&' +* !"#$ &''() *>, ?".(4@ #6 A(""(/7)8 13'".B".'./7(73#/8 C7"347
D3(:3037)8 (/2 5/7./73#/(0 E#"7'
4. Use Short aragraphs
S. Use Lega| 1erms and Words
!"#$%&' ,* C() F.G7".$. ".4H0.''/.''I JKE FL.") 4(".0.''IM N.63/. (00 0.O(0
6. 1kAC (top|c), IkAC (|ssue), or CkAC (c|a|m) for each |ssue and reach a conc|us|on for each |ssue
o uevelop your analysls by wearlng dlfferenL haLs Lo argue Lhe facLs from dlfferenL
7. D|st|ngu|sh ma[or|ty and m|nor|ty pos|t|ons
o Cross-reference Lhe 8esLaLemenL or MC, eLc.
8. Compare and contrast
o Slmllar Lo Lhe ma[orlLy and mlnorlLy poslLlons
o lf you have Lhe opporLunlLy Lo explaln how a parLlcular rule ls dlfferenL from a slmllar rule,
do so.
!"#$%&' -* P#Q 3' (44#$B034. 03(:3037) 2366."./7 6"#$ 4#/'B3"(7#"3(0 03(:3037)R
9. A|| facts be|ong to an |ssue
o use all of Lhe facLs provlded ln Lhe quesLlon. Cnly rarely wlll Lhe quesLlon lnclude facLs LhaL
do noL ralse an lssue.

18 | 2012 1hemls 8ar 8evlew, LLC | llorlda Lssay Workshop
10. Wr|te - A LC1!
o 1he llorlda essay quesLlons Lend Lo LesL mulLlple sub[ecLs (up Lo 3 sub[ecLs and Lhelr
equlLable aspecLs) and conLaln up Lo 10-12 lssues and sub-lssues. A passlng answer ls
Lhorough and wlll generally conLaln an average of 800-1200 words.
11. ract|ce - |n three stages
o 1ell SLorles: revlew pracLlce essay exams Lo see how Lhe quesLlons glve rlse Lo lssues.
Stage 1: Answer a prlor essay quesLlon open book, wlLh your ouLllne and any oLher
maLerlals, and wlLhouL any Llme llmlL. 1esL your ouLllne for lLs deLall and depLh.
Stage 2: Answer an essay quesLlon open book buL ln an hour.
Stage 3: Answer an essay quesLlon under 8ar condlLlons: closed book and wlLh a 1-hour
Llme llmlL.
o uo Lhls for each sub[ecL. ?our wrlLlng wlll become easler and fasLer. 8emember Lo pracLlce
12. nave an approach for each sub[ect
o ulscussed ln Lhls lecLure
13. keduce and synthes|ze your sub[ect out||nes to 10-12 pages (or |ess!)
o 1he process of reduclng your ouLllnes and synLheslzlng Lhe maLerlal Lo 10 pages means LhaL
you have reLalned LhaL lnformaLlon ln your braln and no longer need lL Lo be on paper.
CreaLe a one-page checkllsL for each sub[ecL.



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