Lucas Mace Indictment

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M A Y 2 7 2 0 U
Case Number:
Grand Jury Term INDICTM ENT
M ay of 2 0 14
The State of Ohio,
A thens County
Count 1: Dereliction Of Duty, ORC 2 92 1.44(A )(1), M 2
Count 2: Dereliction Of Duty, ORC 2 92 1.44(A )(1), M 2
Count 3: Dereliction Of Duty, ORC 2 92 1.44(A )(1), M 2
Count 4: Dereliction Of Duty, ORC 2921.44(A)(1), M 2
Count 5: Obstructing Justice, ORC 2 92 1.32 (A )(1), F5
Count 6: Failure to Aid A Law Enforcement Officer, ORC 2921.23(A),
Count 7: Dereliction Of Duty, ORC 2921.44(A)(1), M 2
Count 8: Dereliction Of Duty, ORC 2 92 1.44(A )(1), M 2
Count 9: Obstructing Justice, ORC 2 92 1.32 (A )(3), F5
Count 10 : Obstructing Justice, ORC 2 92 1.32 (A )(1), F5
Count 11: Possessing Criminal Tools, ORC 2 92 3.2 4(A ), F5
Count 12 : Theft in Office, ORC 2 92 1.41(A )(1), F5
THE JURORS OF THE GRAND JURY of the State of Ohio, within and for the
body of the County aforesaid, on their oaths, in the name and by the authority of the
State of Ohio, do find and present:
; Defendant Lucas W. M ace
Athens County Prosecuting Attorney
Courthouse . A thens, Ohio 457 0 1 . 7 40 -592 -32 0 8
Count One Dereliction Of Duty - M2
Date of Offense On or about March 28,2014
On or about the date of the offense set forth above, in the County of Athens,
unlawfully did while being a law enforcement officer negligently fail to serve a lawful
warrant without delay..
The offense is contrary to the form of the statute in such case made and provided, and
against the peace and dignity of the State of Ohio.
Defendant Lucas W. Mace
Count Two Dereliction Of Duty - M2
Date of Offense On or about March 29, 2014 to May 21, 2014
On or about the date of the offense set forth above, in the County of Athens,
unlawfully did while being a law enforcement officer negligently fail to serve a lawful
warrant without delay.
| The offense is contrary to the form of the statute in such case made and provided, and
against the peace and dignity of the State of Ohio.
Defendant Lucas W. Mace
Count Three Dereliction Of Duty - M2
Date of Offense On or about May 22, 2014
On or about the date of the offense set forth above, in the County of Athens,
unlawfully did while being a law enforcement officer negligently fail to serve a lawful
warrant without delay.
The offense is contrary to the form of the statute in such case made and provided, and
against the peace and dignity of the State of Ohio.
Defendant Lucas W. Mace
Count Four Dereliction Of Duty - M2
Date of Offense On or about May 22, 2014
On or about the date of the offense set forth above, in the County of Athens,
unlawfully did while being a law enforcement officer negligently fail to serve a lawful
warrant without delay.
The offense is contrary to the form of the statute in such case made and provided, and
against the peace and dignity of the State of Ohio.
K E L L E R J. B L A C K B U R N
A thens C ounty Prosecuting A ttorney
Courthouse . Athens, Ohio 45701 . 740-592-3208
Defendant Lucas W. Mace
Count Five Obstructing Justice - F5
Date of Offense On or about May 22, 2014
On or about the date of the offense set forth above, in the County of Athens,
unlawfully did, with purpose to hinder the discovery, apprehension, prosecution,
conviction, or punishment of another for a crime or to assist another to benefit from the
commission of a crime, harbor or conceal the other person or child.
FURTHERMORE, and the crime committed or alleged to have been committed by the
person aided was Possesion of Heroin, a felony.
The offense is contrary to the form of the statute in such case made and provided, and
against the peace and dignity of the State of Ohio.
Defendant Lucas W. Mace
Count Six Failure to Aid A Law Enforcement Officer -
Date of Offense On or about May 23, 2014
On or about the date of the offense set forth above, in the County of Athens,
unlawfully did negligently fail or refuse to aid a law enforcement officer, when called
upon for assistance, in preventing or halting the commission of an offense, or in
apprehending or detaining an offender, when such aid could have been given without a
substantial risk of physical harm to the person giving it.
The offense is contrary to the form of the statute in such case made and provided, and
against the peace and dignity of the State of Ohio.
Count Seven
Lucas W. Mace
Dereliction Of Duty - M2
Date of Offense On or about May 23, 2014
On or about the date of the offense set forth above, in the County of Athens,
unlawfully did while being a law enforcement officer negligently fail to serve a lawful
warrant without delay.
The offense is contrary to the form of the statute in such case made and provided, and
against the peace and dignity of the State of Ohio.
Athens County Prosecuting Attorney
Courthouse Athens, Ohio 45701 . 740-592-3208
Defendant Lucas W. Mace
| Count Eight Dereliction Of Duty - M2
; Date of Offense On or about May 23, 2014
i On or about the date of the offense set forth above, i n the County of Athens,
j unlawfully di d whi le bei ng a law enforcement offi cer negli gently fai l to serve a lawful
; warrant wi thout delay.
i The offense i s contrary to the form of the statute i n such case made and provi ded, and
| agai nst the peace and di gni ty of the State of Ohi o.
Count Ni ne
Date of Offense
Lucas W. Mace
Obstructing Justice - F5
On or about May 23, 2014
I On or about the date of the offense set forth above, i n the County of Athens,
! unlawfully di d, wi th purpose to hi nder the di scovery, apprehensi on, prosecuti on,
; convi cti on, or puni shment of another for a cri me or to assi st another to benefi t from the
I commi ssi on of a cri me, warn the other person or chi ld of i mpendi ng di scovery or
apprehensi on.
FURTHERMORE, and the cri me commi tted or alleged to have been commi tted by the
! person ai ded was Possessi on of Heroi n a Felony of the 5th degree, a felony.
The offense i s contrary to the form of the statute i n such case made and provi ded, and
i agai nst the peace and di gni ty of the State of Ohi o.
Count Ten
Lucas W. Mace
Obstructing Justi ce - F5
! Date of Offense On or about May 23, 2014
! On or about the date of the offense set forth above, i n the County of Athens,
; unlawfully di d, wi th purpose to hi nder the di scovery, apprehensi on, prosecuti on,
; convi cti on, or puni shment of another for a cri me or to assi st another to benefi t from the
i commi ssi on of a cri me, harbor or conceal the other person or chi ld.
I FURTHERMORE, and the cri me commi tted or alleged to have been commi tted by the
person ai ded was Possesi on of Heroi n, a felony.
The offense i s contrary to the form of the statute i n such case made and provi ded, and
| agai nst the peace and di gni ty of the State of Ohi o.
Athens County Prosecuti ng Attorney
Courthouse Athens, Ohi o 45701 . 740-592-3208
_ _
Defendant Lucas W. Mace
Count Eleven Possessing Criminal Tools - FS
Date of Offense On or about March 28,2014 to May 23, 2014
On or about the date of the offense set forth above, in the County of Athens,
unlawfully did possess or have under the person's control any substance, device,
instrument, or article, to wit: Cell phone with purpose to use it criminally.
FURTHERMORE, the circumstances indicate that the substance, device, instrument,
or article involved in the offense was intended for use in the commission of a felony, to
wit: 2921.32.
The offense is contrary to the form of the statute in such case made and provided, and
against the peace and dignity of the State of Ohio.
Defendant Lucas W. Mace
Count Twelve Theft in Office - F5
Date of Offense On or about March 28, 2014 to May 23, 2014
On or about the date of the offense set forth above, in the County of Athens,
unlawfully did, while being a public or party official, commit any theft offense, as
defined in division (K) of section 2913.01 of the Revised Code, when the offender
used the offender's office in aid of committing the offense or permitted or assented to
its use in aid of committing the offense.
The offense is contrary to the form of the statute in such case made and provided, and
against the peace and dignity of the State of Ohio.
If you were on post-release control at the time these offense(s) in this particular indictment were
committed, you could be subject to the additional penalty of sentence as set forth in O.R.C.
2929.141 upon conviction of, or plea of guilt to, any new felony herein.
If you are under indictment for or have been convicted of either a felony offense of violence (as
defined in O.R.C. 2901.01(A)(9)) or any offense involving the illegal possession, use, sale,
administration, distribution, or trafficking in any drug of abuse, you are prohibited under O.R.C.
2923.13 from knowingly acquiring, having or using any firearm or dangerous ordnance.
Keller J. ^fackbum, #0080777
Athens County Prosecuting Attorney
Athens County Prosecuting Attorney
Courthouse . Athens, Ohio 45701 ' 740-592-3208
Foreperson of the Grand Jury
This Bill of Indictment found upon testimony
Sworn and sent before the Grand Jury at the
Request of the Prosecuting Attorney.
F'breperson of the Grand Jury
The State of Ohio, Athens County, ss:
I, the undersigned, Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas in and for said County, do
hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of the original
indictment, with the endorsements thereon, now on file in my office.
WITNESS my hand and the seal of said Court, at Athens County, Ohio on May 27,
Ann C. Trout, Clerk
By: Deputy Clerk
K E L L E R J. B L A C K B U R N
A thens C ounty Prosecuting A ttorney
Courthouse . Athens, Ohio 45701 . 740-592-3208

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