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Anonymous World Classic Literature Series

An annotated edition.
Tara "iles#ie
aka. goffikgurl666
aka. XXXmidnitegoffXXX
aka. XXXbloodyrists666XXX
$ant%an "um and O#&ious Troll
With 2 Extra Stories by
Table of contents
#y $mmortal %
#y $mmortal 2& Wake #e '( $nside ))
#y $mmortal 2& *angz % +e ,enom --
A ,am(re Wil .e/r 0urt 1ou 2"%
Bonus Story 2. $3m .ot 4kay 252
Bonus Story 2. 6host of 1ou 252
7hara!ter illustartion& Ebony 8Enoby8 +ark3ness +ementia 9a/en Way 26:
;#y $mmortal< !hara!ter relationshi( !hart 262
=o say that My Immortal has a 8(lot8 might be something of an o/erstatement. $t3s more like a loose
!olle!tion of bad ideas and miss(elled words !entered around o/erly long (assages about the author3s
fashion sense and fa/orite bands. =he story is set in some weird> dysto(ian /ersion of the 0arry otter
uni/erse where the struggle between good and e/il has been re(la!ed with an eternal struggle between
8goths8 and 8(re(s>8 and e/ery main !hara!ter is either gothi!> emo> bisexual> a satanist> a /am(ire> or
any !ombination of these. =he story follows the (rotagonist E#ony ar'(ness ementia Ra&en Way>
a )th year student at 0ogwarts who wanders around ha/ing random sex with 0 emo !lones and then
des!ribes her outfit for se/eral (aragra(hs. =hat3s seriously about it. =here are many other things that
ha((en in the story> but none of it follows any logi!al (rogression> so re!ounting it here would be a
(ointless endea/or. =he story is written in first?(erson through Ebony3s (ers(e!ti/e> sin!e 6ilesbie
!ouldn3t e/en bother to pretend that she wasn3t writing her own (ersonal self?insertion fantasy #ary?
Sue bullshit.
=he (lot of My Immortal has an astounding number of (roblems> the least of these being that normal>
muggle bands are allowed to ha/e fre@uent !on!erts in an all?wizard /illage> that the story doesn3t
attem(t to follow any laws of (hysi!s> or that multi(le (assages in the story are re(eated /erbatim.
0ere3s a short !he!klist of mistakes fanfi!tion authors often make when writing. Aet3s see if My
Immortal !ommits any of them.
S)ellin*+"rammar+,sa*e Errors- *un fa!t& My Immortal a!tually has fewer !orre!tly s(elled words than it has
Canon Ra)e- Are you fu!king kiddingB My Immortal rewrote the book on !anon ra(e. 1ou wouldn3t e/en know
this was a 0arry otter fanfi! if somebody didn3t tell you beforehand.
OOC C%aracters- Stands for 84ut of 7hara!ter.8 A few @ui!k exam(les ? 0arry is now a bisexual goth /am(ire
with a (entagram s!ar> 0ermione3s name is now B3loody #ary Smith> and 0edwig is no longer a (et owl> but
,oldemort3s bisexual ex?lo/er.
,nnecessary+Poorly Written Se. Scenes-"Draco climbed on top of me and we started to make out keenly against
a tree. He took of my top and I took of his clothes. I even took of my bra. Then he put his thingie into my you-know-
what and we did it for the first time."
O&era#undant Po)/Culture Re0erences- Whereas most fanfi! authors work their stu(id (o(?!ulture referen!es in
subtly> =ara takes the o((osite a((roa!h and a!tually centers her story around her fa/orite bands and fashion> and
o!!asionally throws in something about the 0arry otter series.
,nnecessary Series Crosso&ers- Sur(risingly> My Immortal does a fairly good Cob of a/oiding this (roblem. =hat
is> until #orty #!fli shows u( with his blak tim ma!hine to sa/e the day. 1es> #arty #otherfu!king #!*ly from
ack to the !uture. A((arently he3s also now a goth and ga/e his +elorean a new bla!k (aint Cob to mat!h the
goffik nature of the story. =here3s also sort of a brief !ameo by =om Bombadil> of Aord of the 9ings fame> ex!e(t
he is now Cust one of ,oldemort3s many alternate identities.
Illo*ical Pro#lem/Sol&in*-"#$ %$$M T& H'($ %&M$ $)T*' +&!!I,- #./ #$ 0$$D T& '11 +& &0
+&!!I- '0&*$)I' DI$T% &* #$ #I11 %2*$13 1'0D-,*'%H/45
But it3s really im(ossible to !a(ture all of the insanity of My Immortal through words. 1ou ha/e to read
it for yourself. So> without further ado> here is the worst fanfi!tion e/er written.
!io1er E.cretion Ad&isd2
-$ncyclopedia Dramatica
My Immortal
Chapter 1.
'06 %pecial fang7 8get it9 co7 Im goffik: ; my gf 8ew not in that way: raven9 bloodytear7<<< = helpin me wif da story and
spelling. 2 rok/ >ustin ur da luv of my depr77ing life u rok ;/ M,* *&)/
0i my name is Ebony +arkDness +ementia 9a/en Way and $ ha/e long ebony bla!k hair EthatDs how $
got my nameF with (ur(le streaks and red ti(s that rea!hes my mid?ba!k and i!y blue eyes like lim(id
tears and a lot of (eo(le tell me $ look like Amy Aee 8'06 if u don?t know who she is get da hell out of here/:.
$Dm not related to 6erard Way but $ wish $ was be!ause heDs a maCor fu!king hottie. $Dm a /am(ire but
my teeth are straight and white. $ ha/e (ale white skin. $Dm also a wit!h> and $ go to a magi! s!hool
!alled 0ogwarts in England where $Dm in the se/enth year E$Dm se/enteenF. $Dm a goth Ein !ase you
!ouldnDt tellF and $ wear mostly bla!k. $ lo/e 0ot =o(i! and $ buy all my !lothes from there. *or
exam(le today $ was wearing a bla!k !orset with mat!hing la!e around it and a bla!k leather miniskirt>
(ink fishnets and bla!k !ombat boots. $ was wearing bla!k li(sti!k> white foundation> bla!k eyeliner
and red eye shadow. $ was walking outside 0ogwarts. $t was snowing and raining so there was no sun>
whi!h $ was /ery ha((y about. A lot of (re(s stared at me. $ (ut u( my middle finger at them.
;0ey EbonyG< shouted a /oi!e. $ looked u(. $t wasH. +ra!o #alfoyG
;WhatDs u( +ra!oB< $ asked.
;.othing.< he said shyly.
But then> $ heard my friends !all me and $ had to go away.
'06 I% it good@ A1B tell me fang7/
Chapter 2.
'06 !ang7 ; bloodytear7<<< = helpin me wif da chapta/ T# preps stop flaming ma story ok/
=he next day $ woke u( in my bedroom. $t was snowing and raining again. $ o(ened the door of my
!offin and drank some blood from a bottle $ had. #y !offin was bla!k ebony and inside it was hot (ink
/el/et with bla!k la!e on the ends. $ got out of my !offin and took of my giant #79 t?shirt whi!h $
used for (aCamas. $nstead> $ (ut on a bla!k leather dress> a (entagram ne!kla!e> !ombat boots and bla!k
fishnets on. $ (ut on four (airs of earrings in my (ier!ed ears> and (ut my hair in a kind of messy bun.
#y friend> Willow 8'06 *aven dis is u/: woke u( then and grinned at me. She fli((ed her long waist?
length ra/en bla!k hair with (ink streaks and o(ened her forest?green eyes. She (ut on her #arilyn
#anson t?shirt with a bla!k mini> fishnets and (ointy high?heeled boots. We (ut on our makeu( Ebla!k
li(sti!k white foundation and bla!k eyeliner.F
;4#*6> $ saw you talking to +ra!o #alfoy yesterdayG< she said ex!itedly.
;1eahB SoB< $ said> blushing.
;+o you like +ra!oB< she asked as we went out of the Slytherin !ommon room and into the 6reat 0all.
;.o $ so fu!king donDtG< $ shouted.
;1eah rightG< she ex!laimed. Iust then> +ra!o walked u( to me.
;0i.< he said.
;0i.< $ re(lied flirtily.
;6uess what.< he said.
;WhatB< $ asked.
;Well> 6ood 7harlotte are ha/ing a !on!ert in 0ogsmeade.< he told me.
;4h. #y. *u!king. 6odG< $ s!reamed. $ lo/e 67. =hey are my fa/orite band> besides #79.
;WellH. do you want to go with meB< he asked.
$ gas(ed.
Chapter 3.
'06 %T&A !1'MMI0+ D' %T&*3 A*$AB &-/ odderwi7e fangs ; da goffik ppl = da good reveiws/ !'0+% '+$0
*'($0/ oh yeah9 T# I don?t own dis or da lyrics = +ood ,hralotte.
4n the night of the !on!ert $ (ut on my bla!k la!e?u( boots with high heels. 'nderneath them were
ri((ed red fishnets. =hen $ (ut on a bla!k leather minidress with all this !orset stuff on the ba!k and
front. $ (ut on mat!hing fishnet on my arms. $ straightened my hair and made it look all s(iky. $ felt a
little de(ressed then> so $ slit one of my wrists. $ read a de(ressing book while $ waited for it to sto(
bleeding and $ listened to some 67. $ (ainted my nails bla!k and (ut on =4.S of bla!k eyeliner. =hen
$ (ut on some bla!k li(sti!k. $ didnDt (ut on foundation be!ause $ was (ale anyway. $ drank some
human blood so $ was ready to go to the !on!ert.
$ went outside. +ra!o was waiting there in front of his flying !ar. 0e was wearing a Sim(le lan t?shirt
Ethey would (lay at the show tooF> baggy bla!k skater (ants> bla!k nail (olish and a little eyeliner 8'06 '
lot fo kewl boi7 wer it ok/:.
;0i +ra!oG< $ said in a de(ressed /oi!e.
;0i Ebony.< he said ba!k. We walked into his flying bla!k #er!edes?Benz Ethe li!ense (late said 666F
and flew to the (la!e with the !on!ert. 4n the way we listened ex!itedly to 6ood 7harlotte and #arilyn
#anson. We both smoked !igarettes and drugs. When we got there> we both ho((ed out of the !ar. We
went to the mosh (it at the front of the stage and Cum(ed u( and down as we listened to 6ood
;1ou !ome in !old> you3re !o/ered in blood
=hey3re all so ha((y you3/e arri/ed
=he do!tor !uts your !ord> hands you to your mom
She sets you free into this life.< sang Ioel 8I don?t own da lyrics ; dat song:.
;Ioel is so fu!king hot.< $ said to +ra!o> (ointing to him as he sung> filling the !lub with his amazing
Suddenly +ra!o looked sad.
;WhatDs wrongB< $ asked as we moshed to the musi!. =hen $ !aught on.
;0ey> itDs ok $ donDt like him better than 14'G< $ said.
;9eallyB< asked +ra!o sensiti/ely and he (ut his arm around me all (rote!ti/e.
;9eally.< $ said. ;Besides $ donDt e/en know Ioel and heDs going out with 0ilary fu!king +uff. $
fu!king hate that little bit!h.< $ said disgustedly> thinking of her ugly blonde fa!e.
=he night went on really well> and $ had a great time. So did +ra!o. After the !on!ert> we drank some
beer and asked BenCi and Ioel for their autogra(hs and (hotos with them. We got 67 !on!ert tees.
+ra!o and $ !rawled ba!k into the #er!edes?Benz> but +ra!o didnDt go ba!k into 0ogwarts> instead he
dro/e the !ar intoHHHHHHHHH the *orbidden *orestG
Chapter 4.
'06 I sed stup flaming ok ebony?s name is $0&3 nut mary su &-/ D*',& I% %&& I0 12( wif her dat he is acting
defrent/ dey nu eechodder b= ok/
;+9A74G< $ shouted. ;What the fu!k do you think you are doingB<
+ra!o didnDt answer but he sto((ed the flying !ar and he walked out of it. $ walked out of it too>
;What the fu!king hellB< $ asked angrily.
;EbonyB< he asked.
;WhatB< $ sna((ed.
+ra!o leaned in extra?!lose and $ looked into his gothi! red eyes Ehe was wearing !olor !onta!tsF whi!h
re/ealed so mu!h de(ressing sorrow and e/ilness and then suddenly $ didnDt feel mad anymore.
And thenHHHHH suddenly Cust as $ +ra!o kissed me (assionately. +ra!o !limbed on to( of me and
we started to make out keenly against a tree. 0e took of my to( and $ took of his !lothes. $ e/en took of
my bra. =hen he (ut his thingie into my you?know?what and we did it for the first time.
;4hG 4hG 4hG < $ s!reamed. $ was beginning to get an orgasm. We started to kiss e/erywhere and my
(ale body be!ame all warm. And thenH.
;W0A= =0E 0EAA A9E 14' +4$.6 14' #4=0E9*'JE9SG<
Chapter 5.
'06 %T&A flaming/ if u flam it men7 ur a prep or a posr/ Da only reson Dumbledeor swor is co7 he had a hedache ok an on
tup of dat he wu7 mad at dem = having seCC/ A% im nut updating umtil I get five good revoiws/
+umbledore made and +ra!o and $ follow him. 0e ke(t shouting at us angrily.
;1ou luda!ris foolsG< he shouted.
$ started to !ry tears of blood down my (allid fa!e. +ra!o !omforted me. When we went ba!k to the
!astle +umbledore took us to rofessor Sna(e and rofessor #!6onagall who were both looking /ery
;=hey were ha/ing sexual inter!ourse in the *orbidden *orestG< he yelled in a furious /oi!e.
;Why did you do su!h a thing> you medio!re dun!esB< asked rofessor #!6onagall.
;0ow dare youB< demanded rofessor Sna(e.
And then +ra!o shrieked. ;BE7A'SE $ A4,E 0E9G<
E/eryone was @uiet. +umbledore and rofessor #!6onagall still looked mad but rofessor Sna(e said.
;*ine. ,ery well. 1ou may go u( to your rooms.<
+ra!o and $ went u(stairs while the tea!hers glared at us.
;Are you okay> EbonyB< +ra!o asked me gently.
;1eah $ guess.< $ lied. $ went to the girlDs dorm and brushed my teeth and my hair and !hanged into a
low?!ut bla!k floor?length dress with red la!e all around it and bla!k high heels. When $ !ame outH.
+ra!o was standing in front of the bathroom> and he started to sing L$ Cust wanna li/eD by 6ood
7harlotte. $ was so flattered> e/en though he wasnDt su((osed to be there. We hugged and kissed. After
that> we said goodnight and he relu!tantly went ba!k into his room.
Chapter 6.
'06 shDt up prep7 ok/ A% I wnot update ubtil u give me goood revows/
=he next day $ woke u( in my !offin. $ (ut on a bla!k miniskirt that was all ri((ed around the end and a
mat!hing to( with red skulls all o/er it and high heeled boots that were bla!k. $ (ut on two (airs of
skull earrings> and two !rosses in my ears. $ s(ray?(ainted my hair with (ur(le.
$n the 6reat 0all> $ ate some 7ount 7ho!ula !ereal with blood instead of milk> and a glass of red blood.
Suddenly someone bum(ed into me. All the blood s(illed o/er my to(.
;BastardG< $ shouted angrily. $ regretted saying it when $ looked u( !ause $ was looking into the (ale
white fa!e of a gothi! boy with s(iky bla!k hair with red streaks in it. 0e was wearing so mu!h eyeliner
that $ was going down his fa!e and he was wearing bla!k li(sti!k. 0e didnDt ha/e glasses anymore and
now he was wearing red !onta!t lenses Cust like +ra!oDs and there was no s!ar on his forhead anymore.
0e had a manly stubble on his !hin. 0e had a sexy English a!!ent. 0e looked exa!tly like Ioel #adden.
0e was so sexy that my body went all hot when $ saw him kind of like an ere!tion only $Dm a girl so $
didnDt get one you si!ko.
;$Dm so sorry.< he said in a shy /oi!e.
;=hatDs all right. WhatDs your nameB< $ @uestioned.
;#y nameDs 0arry otter> although most (eo(le !all me ,am(ire these days.< he grumbled.
;WhyB< $ ex!laimed.
;Be!ause $ lo/e the taste of human blood.< he giggled.
;Well> $ am a /am(ire.< $ !onfessed.
;9eallyB< he whim(ered.
;1eah.< $ roared.
We sat down to talk for a while. =hen +ra!o !ame u( behind me and told me he had a sur(rise for me
so $ went away with him.
Chapter 7. Bring me 2 life
'06 wel ok u guy7 im only writting dis cu7 I got E god reviuws. n T# I wont rite da nCt chapter til I git TI0 god vons/ %T&
!1'MI0+ &* I11 *$A&*T 2/ $vony isn?t a Marie %ue ok she isn?t perfect %H$% ' %'T'0IT%/ n she has problem7 shes
depressed = god7 sake/
+ra!o and $ held our (ale white hands with bla!k nail (olish as we went u(stairs. $ was wearing red
Satanist sings on my nails in red nail (olish 8'06 c doe7 dat sound lik a Maru %ue ; u@:. $ wa/ed to ,am(ire.
+ark misery was in his de(ressed eyes. $ guess he was Cealous of me that $ was going out with +ra!o.
Anyway> $ went u(stairs ex!itedly with +ra!o. We went into his room and lo!ked the door.
We started fren!hing (assi/ely and we took off ea!h others !lothes enthusiasti!ally. 0e felt me u(
before $ took of my to(. =hen $ took off my bla!k leather bra and he took off his (ants. We went on the
bed and started making out naked and then he (ut his boyDs thingy in mine and we 0A+ SEX. 8c is dat
;4h +ra!o> +ra!oG< $ s!reamed while getting an orgasm when all of a sudden $ saw a tattoo $ had ne/er
seen before on +ra!oDs arm. $t was a bla!k heart with an arrow through it. 4n it in bloody gothi!
writing were the wordsHHHH ,am(ireG
$ was so angry.
;1ou bastardG< $ shouted angrily> Cum(ing out of the bed.
;.oG .oG But you donDt understandG< +ra!o (leaded. But $ knew too mu!h.
;.o> you fu!king idiotG< $ shouted. ;1ou (robably ha/e A$+s anywayG<
$ (ut on my !lothes all huffily and then stom(ed out. +ra!o ran out e/en though he was naked. 0e had
a really big you?know?what but $ was too mad to !are. $ stom(ed out and did so until $ was in
,am(ireDs !lassroom where he was ha/ing a lesson with rofessor Sna(e and some other (eo(le.
;,A#$9E 4==E9> 14' #4=0E9*'7JE9G< $ yelled.
Chapter 8.
'06 stop flassing ok/ if u do den u r a prep/
E/eryone in the !lass stared at me and then +ra!o !ame into the room e/en though he was naked and
started begging me to take him ba!k.
;Ebony> itDs not what you thinkG< +ra!o s!reamed sadly.
#y friend BDloody #ary Smith smiled at me understatedly. She fli((ed her long waste?length gothi!
bla!k hair and o(ened her !rimson eyes like blood that she was wearing !onta!t lenses on. She had (ale
white skin that she was wearing white makeu( on. 0ermione was kidna((ed when she was born. 0er
real (arents are /am(ires and one of them is a wit!h but ,oldemort killed her mother and her father
!ommitted sui!ide be!ause he was de(ressed about it. She still has nightmares about it and she is /ery
haunted and de(ressed. $t also turns out her real last name is Smith and not 6ranger. ESin!e she has
!on/erted to Satanism she is in Slytherin now not 6riffindoor. F
;What is it that you desire> you ridi!ulous dimwitG< Sna(e demeaned angrily in his !old /oi!e but $
ignored him.
;,am(ire> $ !anDt belie/e you !heated on me with +ra!oG< $ shouted at him.
E/eryone gas(ed.
$ donDt know why Ebony was so mad at me. $ had went out with ,am(ire E$Dm bi and so is EbonyF for a
while but then he broke my heart. 0e dum(ed me be!ause he liked Britney> a stu(id (re((y fu!ker. We
were Cust good friends now. 0e had gone through horrible (roblems> and now he was gothi!. E0aha>
like $ would hang out with a (re(.F
;But $Dm not going out with +ra!o anymoreG< said ,am(ire.
;1eah fu!king rightG *u!k off> you bastardG< $ s!reamed. $ ran out of the room and into the *orbidden
*orest where $ had lost my /irility to +ra!o and then $ started to bust into tears.
Chapter 9.
'06 stop flaming ok/ I dntn red all da booC/ dis is frum da movie ok so it7 nut my folt if dumbeldor swers/ besui7ds I %$D
H$ H'D ' H$D',H$/ and da reson snap dosent lik harry now is co7 hes christian and vampire is a satanist/ M,* *&)/
$ was so mad and sad. $ !ouldnDt belie/e +ra!o for !heating on me. $ began to !ry against the tree
where $ did it with +ra!o.
=hen all of a suddenly> an horrible man with red eyes and no nose and e/erything started flying
towards me on a broomsti!kG 0e didnDt ha/e a nose 8basically like (oldemort in the movie: and he was
wearing all bla!k but it was ob/ious he wasnDt gothi!. $t wasHH ,oldemortG
;.oG< $ shouted in a s!ared /oi!e but then ,oldemort shouted ;$m(eriusG< and $ !ouldnDt run away.
;7rookshanksG< $ shouted at him. ,oldemort fell of his broom and started to s!ream. $ felt bad for him
e/en though $Dm a sadist so $ sto((ed.
;Ebony.< he yelled. ;=hou must kill ,am(ire otterG<
$ thought about ,am(ire and his sexah eyes and his gothi! bla!k hair and how his fa!e looks Cust like
Ioel #adden. $ remembered that +ra!o had said $ didnDt understand> so $ thought> what if +ra!o went
out with ,am(ire before $ went out with him and they broke u(B
;.o> ,oldemortG< $ shouted ba!k.
,oldemort ga/e me a gun. ;.oG leaseG< $ begged.
;=hou mustG< he yelled. ;$f thou does not> then $ shall kill thy belo/ed +ra!oG<
;0ow did you knowB< $ asked in a sur(rised way.
,oldemort got a dude?ur?so?retarded look on his fa!e. ;$ hath telekinesis.< he answered !ruelly. ;And if
you doth not kill ,am(ire> then thou know what will ha((en to +ra!oG< he shouted. =hen he flew away
angrily on his broomsti!k.
$ was so s!ared and mad $ didnDt know what to do. Suddenly +ra!o !ame into the woods.
;+ra!oG< $ said. ;0iG<
;0i.< he said ba!k but his fa!e was all sad. 0e was wearing white foundation and messy eyeliner kind
of like a (entagram 8geddit: between Ioel #adden and 6erard Way.
;Are you okayB< $ asked.
;.o.< he answered.
;$Dm sorry $ got all mad at you but $ thought you !heated on me.< $ ex(elled.
;=hatDs okay.< he said all de(ressed and we went ba!k into 0ogwarts together making out.
Chapter 1.
'06 stup it u gay fags if u donot lik ma story den fukk off/ ps it turn7 out b?loody mary isn?t a muggle afert al n she n
vampire r evil dat7 y dey movd houses ok/
$ was really s!ared about ,lodemort all day. $ was e/en u(set went to rehearsals with my gothi! metal
band Bloody 6othi! 9ose 666. $ am the lead singer of it and $ (lay guitar. eo(le say that we sound
like a !ross between 67> Sli(knot and #79. =he other (eo(le in the band are BDloody #ary> ,am(ire>
+ra!o> 9on Ealthough we !all him +iabolo now. 0e has bla!k hair now with blue streaks in it.F and
0argrid. 4nly today +ra!o and ,am(ire were de(ressed so they werenDt !oming and we wrote songs
instead. $ knew +ra!o was (robably slitting his wrists Ehe wouldnDt die be!ause he was a /am(ire too
and the only way you !an kill a /am(ire is with a !?r?o?s?s 8there?s no way I?m writing that: or a steakF and
,am(ire was (robably wat!hing a de(ressing mo/ie like =he 7or(se Bride. $ (ut on a bla!k leather
shirt that showed off my boobs and tiny mat!hing miniskirt that said Sim(le lan on the butt. 1ou
might think $Dm a slut but $Dm really not.
We were singing a !o/er of L0elenaD and at the end of the song $ suddenly bust into tears.
;EbonyG Are you 4JB< BDloody #ary asked in a !on!erted /oi!e.
;What the fu!k do you thinkB< $ asked angrily. And then $ said. ;Well> ,oldemort !ame and the
fu!king bastard told me to fu!king kill 0arryG But $ donDt want to kill him> be!ause> heDs really ni!e>
e/en if he did go out with +ra!o. But if $ donDt kill 0arry> then ,oldemort> will fu!king kill +ra!oG< $
burst into tears.
Suddenly +ra!o Cum(ed out from behind a wall.
;Why didnDt you fu!king tell meG< he shouted. ;0ow !ould you? you? you fu!king (oser muggle
bit!hG< 8c is dat out of character@:
$ started to !ry and !ry. +ra!o started to !ry too all sensiti/e. =hen he ran out !rying.
We (ra!ti!ed for one more hour. =hen suddenly +umbeldore walked in angrilyG 0is eyes were all fiery
and $ knew this time it wasnDt !ause he had a heada!he.
;What ha/e you doneG< 0e started to !ry wisely. 8c dats basically nut swering and dis time he wu7 relly upset n u
wil c y: ;Ebony +ra!o has been found in his room. 0e !ommitted sui!ide by slitting his wrists.<
Chapter 11.
'06 i sed stup flaming up prep7/ c if dis chaptr is srupid/4444 it del7 wit rly sris issus/ sp c = urself if it7 7tupid brw fang7 ;
ma frend raven = hleping me/
;.4G< $ s!reamed. $ was horrorfiedG BDloody #ary tried to !omfort me but $ told her fu!k off and $ ran
to my room !rying myself. +umbledore !hased after me shouting but he had to sto( when $ went into
my room !ause he would look like a (er/ that way.
Anyway> $ started !rying tears of blood and then $ slit both of my wrists. =hey got all o/er my !lothes
so $ took them off and Cum(ed into the bath angrily while $ (ut on a Ainkin ark song at full /olume. $
grabbed a steak and almost stu!k it into my heart to !ommit sui!ide. $ was so fu!king de(ressedG $ got
out of the bathtub and (ut on a bla!k low?!ut dress with la!e all o/er it sandly. $ (ut on bla!k high heels
with (ink metal stuff on the ends and six (airs of skull earrings. $ !ouldnDt fu!king belie/e it. =hen $
looked out the window and s!reamedH Sna( was s(ying on me and he was taking a /ideo ta(e of meG
And Aoo(in was masti!ating to itG =hey were sitting on their broomsti!ks.
;EW> 14' *'7J$.6 E9,S> S=4 A44J$.6 A= #E .AJE+G A9E 14' E+4S 49
W0A=G< $ s!reamed (utting on a bla!k towel with a (i!ture of #arilyn #ason on it. Suddenly
,am(ire ran in.
;Abra Jeda/raG< he yelled at Sna(e and Aoo(in (ointing his womb. $ took my gun and shot Sna(e and
Aoo(in a gazillion times and they both started s!reaming and the !amera broke. Suddenly> +umblydore
ran in. ;Ebony> it has been re/ealed that someone has ? .4444444444444G< he shouted looking
at Sna(e and Aoo(in and then he wa/ed his wand and suddenlyH
0argrid ran outside on his broom and said e/eryone we need to talk.
;What do you know> 0argridB 1ouDre Cust a little 0ogwarts studentG<
;$ #A1 BE A 046WA9=S S='+E.=H.< 0argirid (aused angrily. ;B'= $ A# AAS4 A
;=his !annot be.< Sna( said in a !ris( /oi!e as blood dri((ed from his hand where +umblydoreDs wand
had shot him. ;=here must be other fa!tors.<
;14' +4.D= 0A,E A.1G< $ yelled in madly.
Aoo(in held u( the !amera triumele(hantly. ;=he lens may be ruined but the ta(e is still thereG<
$ felt faint> more than $ normally do like how it feels when you do not drink enough blood.
;Why are you doing thisB< Aoo(in said angrily while he rubbed his dirty hands on his !look.
And then $ heard the words that $ had heard before but not from him. $ did not know whether to feel
sho!ked and ha((y or to bite him and drink his blood be!ause $ felt faint.
;BE7A'SEHBE7A'SEH.< 0argid said and he (aused in the air dramita!lly> wa/ing his wand in the
air. =hen swoo(ed he in singing to the tune of a gothi! /ersion of a song by 5: 7ent.
;Be!ause youDre goffi!B< Sna( asked in a little afraid /oi!e !ause he was afraind it meant he was
!onne!ted with Satan.
;Be!ause $ A4,E 0E9G<
Chapter 12.
'06 stop f9aing ok hargrid is a pedo ; a lot of ppl in amerikan skool7 r lik dat I wunted ; adres da ishu/ how du u no snap
iant kristian plus hargrid isn?t really in luv wif ebony dat was sedric ok/
$ was about to slit my wrists again with the sil/er knife that +rago had gi/en me in !ase anything
ha((ened to him. 0e had told me to use it /aliantly against an enemy but $ knew that we must both go
;.4G< $ =04'60= $= WAS 0A$9grid but it was ,am(ire. 0e started to s!ream. ;4#*6G
.44444G #1 S7A9 0'9=SG< and thenH.. his eyes rolled u(G 1ou !ould only see his red whites.
$ sto((ed. ;0ow did u knowB<
;$ saw itG And my s!ar turned ba!k into the lightning boltG<
;.4G< $ ran u( !loser. ;$ thought you didnDt ha/e a s!ar anymoreG< $ shouted.
;$ do but +iabolo !hanged it into a (entagram for me and $ always !o/er it u( with foundation.< he said
ba!k. ;Anyway my s!ar hurt and it turned ba!k into the lightning boltG Sa/e meG then $ had a /ision of
what was ha((ening to +ra!oHHHHH.,olfemort has him bondageG<
Anyway $ was in the s!hool nurseDs offi!e now re!o/ering from my slit wrists. Sna( and Aoo(in and
0A09$+ were there too. =hey were going to St. #angoDs after they re!o/ered !ause they were
(edofiles and you !anDt ha/e those fu!king (er/s tea!hing in a s!hool with lots of hot gurlz.
+umbledore had !onsti(ated the !ideo !amera they took of me naked. $ (ut u( my middle finger at
Anyway 0argrid !ame into my hos(ital bed holding a bou@uet of (ink roses.
;Enoby $ need to tell u somethnig.< he said in a /. serious /oi!e> gi/ing me the roses.
;*u!k off.< $ told him. ;1ou know $ fu!king hate the !olor (ink anyway> and $ donDt like fu!ked u(
(re(s like you.< $ sna((ed. 0argrid had been mean to me before for being gottik.
;.o Enoby.< 0argrid says. ;=hose are not roses.<
;What> are they goffs too you (oser (re(B< $ asked !ause $ was angry that he had brought me (ink
;$ sa/ed your lifeG< 0e yelled angrily. ;.o you didnDt $ re(lied.< ;1ou sa/ed me from getting a aris
0ilton (? /ideo made from your shower s!ene and being /ued by Sna( and Aoo(in.< Who
#AS=ABA=E+ 8c is dat speld rong: to it he added silently.
;Whate/erG< $ yelled angirly.
0e (ointed his wand at the (ink roses. ;=hese arenDt roses.< 0e suddenly looked at them with an e/il
look in his eye and muttered Well $f you wanted 0onesty thatDs all you ha+ =4 SA1G .
;=hatDs not a s(ell thatDs an #79 song.< $ !orre!ted him wisely.
;$ know> $ was Cust warming u( my /o!al !ordes.< =hen he s!reamed. ;etulus merengo mi kremi!li
roma!io8= all u cool goffic mcr fans out9 there9 that is a tribute/ specially for raven I love you girl/:imo noto okayoG<
And then the roses turned into a huge bla!k flame floating in the middle of the air. And it was bla!k.
.ow $ knew he wasnDt a (re(.
;4J $ belie/e you now wtf is +rakoB<
0airgrid rolled his eyes. $ looked into the balls of flame but $ !ould ! nothing.
;' !> Enobby>< +umblydore said> wat!hing the two of us wat!hing the flame. ;2 ! wht iz n da
flmes8H'H' 2 *$(I$#*% !1'M$% +$DDIT: u mst find urslf 2st> kB<
;$ 0A,E *4'.+ #1SEA* 4J 14' #EA. 4A+ #A.G< 0argrid yelled. d'#BAydore lookd
sho!kd. $ guess he didnDt ha/e a heada!he or else he would ha/e said something ba!k.
0airgrid stormed off ba!k into his bed. ;' r a liar> (rof dumbledoreeG<
Anyway when $ got better $ went u(stairs and (ut on a bla!k leather minidress that was all ri((ed on
the ends with la!e on it. =here was some !orset stuff on the front. =hen $ (ut on bla!k fishnets and
bla!k high?heeled boots with (i!tures of Billie Ioe Armstrong on them. $ (ut my hair all out around me
so $ looked like Samara from the 9ing 8if u don?t know who she i7 ur a prep so fuk off/: and $ (ut on blood?red
li(sti!k> bla!k eyeliner and bla!k li( gloss.
;1ou look kawai> girl.< BDloody #ary said sadly. ;*angs 8geddit: you do too.< $ said sadly too> but $ was
still u(set. $ slit both of my wrists feeling totally de(ressed and $ su!ked all the blood. $ !ried again in
my bathroom and (ut the shades on so Sna( and Aoo(in !ouldnDt s(y on me this time. $ went to some
!lasses. ,am(ire was in the 0air of #agi!al #agi! 7reatures. 0e looked all de(ressed be!ause +ra!o
had disa((eared and he had used to be in lo/e with +ra!o. 0e was su!king some blood from a
;0i.< he said in a de(ressed way. ;0i ba!k.< $ said in an w@ually said way.
We both looked at ea!h other for some time. 0arry had beautiful red gothi! eyes so mu!h like +ra!os.
=henHHH we Cum(ed on ea!h other and started s!rewing ea!h other.
;S=4 $= .4W 14' 049.1 S$#AE=4.SG< shouted rofessor #!6oggle who was wat!hing us
and so was e/eryone else.
;,am(ire you fu!kerG< $ said sla((ing him. ;Sto( trying to s!rew me. 1ou know $ lo/ed +ra!oG< $
shouted and then $ ran away angrily.
Iust then he started to s!ream. ;4#*6G .44444G #1 S7A9 0'9=SG< and thenH.. his eyes rolled
u(G 1ou !ould only see his red whites.
;.4G< $ ran u( !loser.
;$ thought you didnDt ha/e a s!ar anymoreG< $ shouted.
;$ do but +iabolo !hanged it into a (entagram for me and $ always !o/er it u( with foundation.< he said
ba!k. ;Anyway my s!ar hurt and then $ had a /ision of what was ha((ening to
+ra!oHHHHH.,olfemort has him bondageG<
%A$,I'1 !'0+B ; *'($0 M3 +&!!I) 1&&D %I%T' #T! 2* %2AA&BD ; *IT DI%/44444444
H$3 *'($0 D& 2 -0&# #H$*$ M3 %#$'T$* I
Chapter 13.
'06 raven fang7 = gelpin me agen im sory ah tok ur postr of gerard but dat guy is such a fokin seCbom/ A*$AB %T&A
,am(ire and $ ran u( the stairs looking for +umbledore. We were so s!ared.
;+umbledore +umblydoreG< we both yelled. +umbledore !ame there.
;What is it that you want now you des(i!able snobsB< he asked angrily.
;,olsemort has +ra!oG< we shouted at the same time.
0e laughed in an e/il /oi!e.
;.oG +onDtG We need to sa/e +ra!oG< we begged.
;.o.< he said meanly. ;$ donDt gi/e a darn what ,oldemort does to +ra!o. .ot after how mu!h he
misbeha/ed in s!hool es(e!ially with 14' Ebony.< he said while he frowned looking at me. ;Besides
$ ne/er liked him that mu!h anyway.< then he walked away. ,am(ire started !rying. ;#y +ra!oG< he
moaned. 8'06 don?t u fik gay guy7 r lik so hot/:
;$ts okayG< $ tried to tell him but that didnDt sto( him. 0e started to !ry tears of blood. =hen he had a
brainstorm. ;$ had an ideaG< he ex!laimed.
;WhatB< $ asked him.
;1ouDll see.< he said. 0e took out his wand and did a s(ell. =henHH suddenly we were in
,oldem(rtDs lairG
We ran in with our wands out Cust as we heard a !roon /oi!e say. ;Allah Jeda/raG<
$t wasHHHHHHHHHHHH.. ,oldemortG
Chapter 14.
'06 fuk off A*$AB ok/ *aven fang7 = helpin agen. im sory ah kudnt update but I wu7 derperessd n I had ; go ; da hospital
ku7 I slit muh rists. A% im nut updating til u giv me 4F god revoiws/
WA9.$.6& S'# 4* +$S 70A=A $S X=9E#A1 S79A1. ,$4WE9 EX79E=$4. A+,$S+.
We ran to where ,ol!emort was. $t turned out that ,oldemort wasnDt there. $nstead the fat guy who
killed 7edri! was. +ra!o was there !rying tears of blood. Snaketail was torturing him. ,am(ire and $
ran in front of Snaketail.
;9id my sight you des(i!able (re(sG< he shouted as we started shooting him with the gun he =hen
suddenly he looked at me and he fell down with a lo/ey?do/ey look in his eyes.
;Ebony$lo/eyouwiluha/esexwithme.< he said. 8in dis he is siCteen yrs old so hes not a pedofile ok:
;0uhB< $ asked.
<Enoby $ lo/e you will you ha/e sex with meB< asked Snaketail. $ started laughing !rudely. ;What the
fu!kB 1ou torture my bf and then you ex(e!t me to fu!k youB 6od> you are so fu!ked u( you fu!king
bastard.< $ said angrily. =hen $ stabbed him in the heart. Blood (ored out of it like a fountain.
;.oooooooooooooG< he s!reamed. 0e started s!reaming and running around. =hen he fell down and
died. $ brust into tears sadly.
;Snaketail what art thou doingB< !alled ,oldemort. =henHH he started !omingG We !ould hear his
high heels !la!king to us. So we got on our broomsti!ks and we flew to 0ogwarts. We went to my
room. ,am(ire went away. =here $ started !rying.
;WhatDs wrong honeyB< asked +ra!o taking off his !lothes so we !ould s!rew. 0e had a sex?(a!k
8geddit cu7 hes so seCah: and a really huge you?know?what and e/erything.
;$ts so unfairG< $ yielded. ;Why !anDt $ Cust be ugly or (lain like all da other girls and (re(s here ex!e(t
for BDloody #ary> be!ause sheDs not ugly or anything.<
;Why would you wanna be uglyB $ donDt like the (re(s anyway. =hey are su!h fu!king sluts.<
answered +ra!o.
;1eah but e/eryone is in lo/e with meG Aike Sna(e and Aoo(in took a /ideo of me naked. 0argrid says
heDs in lo/e with me. ,am(ire likes me and now e/en Snaketail is in lo/e with meG $ Cust wanna be
with you ok +ra!oG Why !ouldnDt Satan ha/e made me less beautifulB< $ shouted angrily. 8an5 don?t wory
enoby isn?t a snob or anyfing but a lot of ppl hav told her shes pretty: ;$m good at too many thingsG W01 7A.D=
$ I'S= BE .49#AAB $=DS A *'7J$.6 7'9SEG< $ shouted and then $ ran away.
Chapter 15.
'06 stup flaming ok/ btw u suk frum no on evry tim sum4 flams me im gona slit muh rists7/ fang7 ; raven = hlpein/
;Ebony EbonyG< shouted +ra!o sadly. ;.o> (lease> !ome ba!kG<
But $ was too mad.
;Whate/erG .ow u !an go anh ha/e sex with ,am(ireG< $ shouted. $ stormed into my room and !losed
my bla!k door with my blood?red key. $t had a (i!ture of #arylin #anson on it. 0e looked so sexy in a
way that reminded me of +ra!o and ,am(ire. $ started to !ry and wee(. $ took a razor and started to slit
my wrists. $ drank the blood all de(ressed. =hen $ looked at my bla!k 67 wat!h and noti!ed it was time
to go to Biology !lass.
$ (ut on a short ri((ed bla!k gothi! dress that said Anar!hy on the front in blood red letters and was all
ri((ed and a s(iky belt. 'nder that $ (ut on ri((ed bla!k fishnets and boots that said Ioel all o/er them
with blood red letters. $ (ut my ebony bla!k hair out. Anyway $ went downstairs feeling all sad and
de(ressed as usual. $ did sum ad/an!ed Biology work. $ was turning a bloody (entagram into a bla!k
guitar. Suddenly the guitar turned to +ra!oG
;Enoby $ lo/e youG< he shouted sadly. ;$ dnot !are what those fu!ker (re(s and (osers fink. 'r da most
beautiful girl in the world. Before $ met you $ used to want to !ommit sui!ide all the time. .ow $ Cust
wanna fu!king be with you. $ fu!king lo/e youG.< =henHHHHH. he started to sing ;+a 7hroni!les
of Aife and +eath< Ewe !onsidered it our song now !uz we fell in lo/e when Ioel was singing itF right
in front of the entire !lassG 0is singing /oi!e was so amazing and gothi! and sexxy like a !ross between
6erard> Ioel> 7hester> ierre and #arilyn #anson 8'06 don?t u fink dos guy7 r so hot. if u dnot no who dey r get
da fuk out od hr/: .
;4#*6.< $ said after he was finished. Some fu!king (re(s stared at us but $ Cust stu!k u( my middle
fingers Ethat were !o/ered in bla!k nail (olish and were entwined with +ra!oDs nowF at them. ;$ lo/e
youG< $ said and then we started to kiss Cust like 0ilary +uff Ei fukin hK dat bit!hF and 7## in a
7inderella Story. =hen we went away holding hands. Aoo(in shouted at us but he sto((ed !uz e/eryone
was !la((ing by how sexy we looked 2gether. =hen $ saw a (oster saying that #79 would ha/e a
!on!ert in 0ogsmede right then. We looked at ea!h other all sho!ked and then we went 2gether.
Chapter 16.
'06 u no wut/ sut up ok/ proov ; me ur nut prep7/ raven u suk u fuken bich gimme bak mah fukiDn swteet ur supsd ; rit dis/
*aven wtf u bich ur suposd to dodis/ T# fang7 ; britneyE<EE = techin muh Dapnese/
We ran ha((ily to 0ogsmede. =here we saw the stage where 67 had (layed. We ran in ha((ly. #79
were there (laying L0elenaD. $ was so fu!king ha((yG 6erard looked e/en sexier than he did in da
(i!tures. E/en +ra!o thought so> $ !ould totally see him getting an ere!tion but it didnDt matter !uz $
knew know that we were da only true ones for ea!hother. $ was wearing a bla!k leather minidress and
bla!k leather (latinum boots with red ri((ed fishnets. +ra!o was wearing a bla!k baggy #79 t?shirt
and bla!k baggy (ants. Anyway> we stated moshing to 0elena. We fren!hed. We ran u( 2 the front of
the band to stage?di/e. Suddenly> 6erard (ulled off his mask. So did the others. We gas(ed. $t wasnDt
them at all. $t was.>HHHHHHHHH.. ,olsemort and da +eath +ealersG
;Wtf +ra!o im not going to a !on!ert wid uG< $ shouted angrily. ;.ot after what ha((ened to me last
timeB E/en if its #79 n u no how mu!h $ lik them<
;What !ause weHyou knowH< he gadgetted un!omfortbli !ause guys donDt like to talk a bout you?
;1eah !ause we you knowG< $ yielded in an angry /oi!e.
;We wonDt do that again.< +ra!o (romised. ;=his time> weDre going with an ES749=.<
;4#*6 wtfM Are you gi/ing into the mainstreamB< $ asked. ;So $ guess ur a (re( or a 7hristina or what
;.4.< he muttered loudly.
;9 u be!oming a (re( or whatB< $ shootd angrily.
;EnobyG $Dm notG ls !ome with meG< 0e fell down to his knees and started singing L+a world is bla!kD
by 67 to me.
$ was flattened !ause thatDs not e/en a single> he had memorized da lyrks Cust % meG
;4J then $ guess $ will ha/e to.< $ said and then we fren!hed % a while and $ went u( 2 my room.
BDloody #ary was standing there. ;0aCimemashite gurl.< she said ha((ily Eshe s(ex Ia(anese so do i.
dat menz Lhow do u doD in Ca(aneseF. ;B=W Willow that fu!king (oser got ex(uld. she failed al her
klasses and she ske((ed math.< 8an6 *'($0 2 !2-I0 %2-/ !2- 2/:
;$t ser/es that fuking bi!h right.< $ laughed angrily.
Well anyway we where felling all de(rezzed. We wuts!hed some goffi! mo/ies like +as nite#A9E b%
xmas. ;#aybe Willow will die too.< $ said.
;Jawai.< BDloody #air shook her head enrgti!ally lethrig!ly. ;4h yeah o ha/e a !onfession after she
got ex(uld $ murdered her and den loo(in did it with her !ause heDs a ne!(hilak.<
;Jawai.< $ !ommnted ha((ily . We talked to ea!h other in silen!e for da rest u/ da mo/ie.
;40 0E1 B=w> im going to a !on!ert with drako tonight in 0ogsmeade with m!r.< $ sed. ; $ need to
wear like da hotset outfit E,A.<
BDAoody #airy .odded E.9E6eti!AAAl1. ;4mfg totally lets go sho((ing.<
;$n 0ot =o(i!> rightB< $ asked> already getting out my s(sh!ial 0ot =o(i! Aoiyalty !arde.
;.o.< #y head sna(ed u(.
LW0A=B< my head s(uin. $ !ould not belie/e it. ;BDAoody #ary are u a 9EB<
;.4444G.4444G< She laughed. ;$ found some !ool goffi! stores near 0ogwarts thatDs all.<
;0u told u abut them< $ askd sure it would be +rako or +iabolo or ,am(ireEdonDt e/en SA1 that nam
to meGF. 4r me.
;+umblydore.< She sed. ;Aet me Cust !all our broms.<
;4#**6 +'#BA1+49EB< $ asked @uietly.
;1ah $ saw the ma( for 0ogsmeade on his desk.< She told me. ;7ome on letDs go.<
We were going in a few (unkgoff stores SE7$AAA1 for the !on!erts in 0ogsmeade. =he sales(erson
was 4#6 04==E9 =0A. 6E9A9+ EX7E= .4= 7A'SE =0A=DS $#4SS$BAE and he ga/e
me a few dresses. ;We only ha/e these for da real goffs.<
;+a real goffsB< #e and BDAoody #ary asked.
;1ah u wouldnDt belie/e how many (osers ther are in this town manG 1esterday loo(in and sna( tried
to buy a goffi! !amera (ou!h.< 0e shook his head. ;$ dint e/en no they had a !amera.<
;4#*6 .4 =0E$9 64..A S1 4. #E A6A$.G< $ !ried> running out of the !hanging room
wearing a long bla!k dress with lots of red tulle !oming out and /ery low?!ut with a huge slit.
;4h my satan you ha/e to buy that outfit< =he sales(erson said.
;1eah it looks totlly hot.< said BDAoody #ary.
;1ou know what $ am gona gi/e it to you free !ause u look really hot in that utfit. 0ey are you gonna
be at the !on!ert tonightB< he asked.
;1eah $ am a!tually.< $ looked ba!k at him. ;0ey B=W my nameDs ebondy darkDness dementia =A9A
way whatDs yoursB<
;=om 9id.< 0e said and ran a hand through his bla!k?dyed hair. ;maybe $Dll see you there tonight.<
;1eah $ donDt think so !ause $ am going there with my bf drako you si!k (er/G< $ yelled angrily> but
before he !ould beg me to go with him> 0argrid flew in on his bla!k broom looking worried. ;4#*6
EB4.+1 ' .EE+ 4= 6E= BA7J $.=4 =0E 7AS=AE .4WG<
Chapter 17.
'06 I sed stup flming da stryo/ if ur a prep den dnot red it/ u kin tel weder ur a prep or not by ma Gui7 it7 on ma hompage.
if ur not den u rok. if u r den !&&&&&- 2!!!!!!!!!!/ p7 willo isn?t rely a prep. *aven pl7 do dis il promis ; giv u bak
ur postr/
=om 9iddle ga/e us some !lothes n stuff % free. 0e said he wud hel( us wif makeu( if he wunted koz
he was relly in2 fashin n stuff. Ehes bisezualF. 0argird ke(t shooting at us to !um ba!k 2 0ogwarts.
;W=* 0argridB< $ shouted angrily. ;*u!k off you fCu!king bastard.< Well anyway Willow !ame.
0argird went away angrily.
;0ey bit!h you look kawaii.< she said.
;1ah but not as kawaii as you.< $ answered sadly !ause WillowDs really (retty and e/erything. She was
wearing a short bla!k !orset?thingy with blood red la!e on it and a blak blood?red miniskirt> leather
fish?nets and bla!k (oiny boots that showed off how (ale she wuz. She had a really ni!e body wif big
bobs and e/erything. She was thin enouff 2 be anorexi!.
;So r u going 2 da !on!ert wif +ra!oB< she asked.
;1ah.< $ said ha((ily.
;$Dm gong with +iabolo.< she anserred ha((ily. Well anyway +ra!o and +iabolo !ame. =hey were
both loking extremely hot and sexy and u !ould tell they thoufht we were ot 2. +iabolo was wearing a
bla!k t?shirt that said L666D on it. 0e was wearing tons off makeu( Cus like #arylin #anson. +ra!o was
wearing bla!k leather (ants> a gothi! bla!k 67 t?shirt and bla!k ,ans he got from da War(ed tower.
BDloody #art was going 2 da !on!ert wif +ra!ola. +ra!ola used to be !alled .a/el but it tuned out dat
he was kidna((ed at birth and his real family were /am(ires. =hey dyed in a !ar !rash. .a/el !on/erted
to Satanism and he went goth. 0e was in Slitherin now. 0e was wearing a bla!k Wur(ed t?shirt> bla!k
Ceans and shoes and bla!k hair wif red streekz in it. We kall him +ra!ula now. Well anyway we al went
2 +ra!oDs bla!k #er!y?Bens Egeddit !uz wer g(ffikF that his dad Au!ian ga/e him. We did (ot> !oke
and !rak. +ra!o and $ made out. We made fun of dose stu(id fuking (re(s. We soon got thereHH.$
6erard was da sexiest guy e/aG 0e lo!ked e/en sexier den he did in (ix. 0e had long ra/en blak hair n
(ier!ing blue eyes. 0e wuz really skinny and he had n amazing ethni! /oi!e. We moshed 2 0elena and
sum odder songz. Sudenly 6erard (olled of his mask. So did the other membez. $ gas(ed. $t wasnDt
6erard at allG $t was an ugly (re((y man wif no nose and red eyes... E/ery2 ran away but me and
+ra!o. +ra!o and $ !ame. $t wasHH.,lodemort and da +eath +eelersG
;' moroni! idiotsG< he shooted angstily. ;Enoby> $ told u to kill ,am(ire. =hou ha/e failed. And
nowHHH.$ shall kill thou and +ra!oG<
;.o no (leaseG< We begged sadly but he took out his knife.
Sudenly a gothi! old man flu in on his broomsti!k. 0e had lung bla!k hair and a looong bla!k bread.
0e wus werring a blak robe dat sed La/ril la/igneD on da ba!k. 0e shotted a s(el and ,lodemort ran
away. $t wasHHHHHHHHHHHHH+'#BA1+49EG
Chapter 18.
'06 I %$D %T2A !1'MMI0+/ if u do den ur a fuken prep/ fang7 ; raven = da help n stuf. u rok/ n ur nut a prep. fang7 for
muh sewter/ ps da oder eson dumbeldor swor is ko7 he trin ; be gofik so der/
$ woke u( the next day in my !offin. $ walked out of it and (ut on some bla!k eyeliner> bla!k
eyesharrow> blood?bed li(sti!k and a bla!k really low?!ut leather dress that was all ri((ed and in stri(es
so you !ould see my belly. $ was wearing a skull belly ring with bla!k and red diamonds inside it.
E+a night before +ra!o and $ rent ba!k to the skull 8geddit skull ko7 im goffik n I like deth:. +umbeldore
!hased ,lodemort away. We flew there on our brooms. #ine was bla!k and the broom?stuff was
blood?red. =here was la!e all o/er it. +ra!o had a bla!k #79 boom. We went ba!k to our rooms and
we had you?know?what to a Ainkin ark song.F
Well anyway $ went down to the 6rate 0all. =here all da walls were (ainted bla!k and da tables were
bla!k too. But you fould see that there was (ink (ant underneath the bla!k (ant. And there were (astors
of (oser bands e/erywhere> like Ashlee Sim(son and the Ba!kstreet Boys.
;W=*G< $ shouted going to sit next to BDloody #ary and Willow. BDloody #ary was wearing a bla!k
leather mini with a 6ood 7hraloote t?shirt> bla!k fishnets and bla!k (ointy boots. Willow was wearing
a long gothi! blak dress with blood red writing that was all la!y and !ame u( to your thighs and bla!k
boots and fishnets. ,am(ire> +ra!ula and +ra!o !ame. We started to talk about who was sexier> #ikey
or 6erard Way or Billie Ioe Armstrong. =he boys Coined in !ause they were bi.
;=hose guys are so fu!king hot.< .a/el was saying as suddenly a gothi! old man with a bla!k beard
and e/erything !ame. 0e was the same one who had !hassed away ,lodemort yesterday. 0e had
normal tan skin but he was wearing white foundation and he had died his hare bla!k.
;HHHHHH.+'#BAE+49EB2G< we all gas(ed.
;W=*B< $ shouted angrily. ;$ thought he was Cust wearing that to s!are ,olsemortG<
;0ello e/eryone.< he said ha((ily. ;As u !an see $ ga/e the room a makeo/er. WhCat do u fink about
E/eryone from the (oser table in 6ryiffindoor started to !heer. Well we goths Cust looked at ea!h other
all disfusted and shook our heads. We !ouldnDt belie/e what a (oser he wasG2.
;B=W you !an !all me Albert.< 0E 7AAAE+ AS WE AE*= to our !lasses.
;What a fu!king (oserG< +ra!o shouted angrily as we we to =ransfomation. We were holding hands.
,am(ire looked really Cealous. $ !ould see him !rying blood in a gothi! way 8geddit9 way lik +erard: but $
didnDt say anything. ;$ bet heDs ha/in a mid?life !risisG< Willow shouted.
$ was so fu!king angry.
Chapter 19. im n!t o" i promi#e
'06 pl7 stup flaming da story if u do ur a foken prep n ur Delous ok/44 frum noG un im gong ; delt ur men reviow7/444 T#
evonyd a poorblod so der/4 fang7 ; raven =m da help/44
All day we sat angerly finking about +umbelldore. We were so fu!king (issed off. Well> $ had one
thing to look forward too? da #79 !on!ert. $t had been (ost(honed> so we !ould all go.
Anyway> $ went to the !ommon room sadly to !ut !lasses. +ra!o was being all se!reti/e.
$ asked what it was and he got all mad me and started !rying all hot and angsty Ernt sensit/e bi guyz so
;.o one fu!king understands meG2< he shouted angrily as his bla!k hare went in his big blue eyes like
Billie Ioe in Boule/ard of Borken +reamz. 0e was wearing bla!k baggy (aints> a bla!k #79 t?shirt
and a bla!k die. 8geddit insted of tie ko7 im goffik: $ was wearing a blak leather low !ut to( with !hains all
o/er it all o/er it a blak leather mini> bla!k high held boots and a !ross belly fing. #y hair was al u( in
a messy relly high bun like Amy Aee in 6ong 'nder. 8email me if u wana see da pik:
;A!!use meB What about meG< $ growled.
;Buy?but?but?< he grunted.
;1ou fu!king bastardG< $ moaned.
;.oG WaitG $tDs not what it fu!king looks likeG< he shouted.
But it was to late. $ knew what $ herd. $ ran to the bathroom angrily> !ring. +ra!o banged on the door. $
whi((ed and whe((ed as my blody eyeliner streammed down my !heeks and made !ool tears down my
fe!es like BenCi in the /ideo for 6irls and Bois 8raven that is soo our video/:. $ =444J 4'= A
7$6A9E=E E.+ S=A9=E+ =4 smoke (ot.
Suddenly 0argrid !ame. 0e had a((earated.
;1ou ga/e me a fu!king sho!kG< $ shouted angrily dro((ing my (ot. ;Wtf do you fink youDre doing in
da gurlDs roomB<
4nly it wasnDt Cust 0argrid. Someone else was with him tooG *or a se!ond $ wanted it 2 b =om 9id or
maybe +ra!o but it was +umblydore.
;0ey $ need to ask you a @uestion.< he said> (ulling out his bla!k wanabe?goffik (urse. ;What are u
wearing to the !on!ertB<
;' no who #79 rG< $ gas(ed.
;.o $ Cust saw there was a !on!ert dat a lot of gothz and (unx were going 2.< 0e said. ;Anyway +ra!o
has a sur(rise for u.<
Chapter 2.
'06 I sed I dnoty ker wut u fink/ stof pflamin ok prep7/4 fang7 ; raven = da help/4 oh yah btw ill be un vacation in
transilvania = da neC H day7 so dnot eCpect updat7.
All day $ wondered what the sur(rise was. #eanwhile> $ (ot on a blak ledder mini> a blak !orset with
ur(le la!e stuff all o/er it> an bla!k gothi! !om(a!t boots. #79 were gong 2 do the !on!ert again> sin!e
,olxemort had taken o/er the last one. $ slit my wrists while $ moshed 2 #79 in my bedroom all night>
feeling ex!ited. Suddenly someone kno!ked on the door while $ was trying on sum bla!k !lothes and
moshing to *ang u % da ,enom. $ gut all mad and turned it of> but sa!redly $ ho((ed inside dat it was
+ra!o so we !ould do it again.
;Wut de fu!king hell r u doingG< $ shouted angrily. $t was Aoo(inG ;9 u gonna !um ra(e me or what.< $
yelled. $ was allowed to say dat be!ause +umblydore had told us all 2 be !areful around hem and Sna(
sin!e he was a (edo.
;.o> a!tshelly 8geddit9 hell: kan $ (lz burrow sum !ondemns.< he growld angrily.
;1ah> so u !an fuk ur six?yr?old gurlfriend> huhB< $ shouted sarkastikally.
;*uker.< 0e said> gong away.
Well anyway> $ (ut on some bla!k eyesharow> bla!k eyeliner> and some bla!k li(sti!k and white
foundation. =hen $ went. +en $ gas(edHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.Snake
and Aoo(in were in da middle of da em(ty hall> doin it> and +obby was wat!hingG2
;4h my god you luda!ris idiotG< they both shooted angrily when they saw me. +obby ran away !rying.
+ey got u(> though. .ormally $ wood ha/e ben turned on E$ lu/ !ing guyz do itF but both of them were
fuking (re(s. Ebtw snake is mo/d 2 griffindoor nowF
;W=* is that why u wanted !ondomsB< $ asked sadisti!ally. 8c I speld dat:
;4nly you wouldnDt gi/e them to meG< Aum(kin shouted angrily.
;Well you shoulda told me.< $ re(layed.
;1ou dimwitG.< Snake began 2 shoot angrily. And thenHHH$ took out my bla!k !amera and took a
(i! of them. ' !ould see that they were naked and e/erything.
;Well x!use meG< they both shouted angrily. ;What was dat al aboutB<
;$t wuz to bla!kmail u.< $ snarked. ;So now next time you see me doing it with my boyfriend you !ant
fuking rat me out or $Dll show dis to +umbledork. So fu!k off> u bastardsG< $ started to run. =hey !hased
me but $ threw my wound at them and dey tri((ed o/er it. Well anyway> $ went outside and there was
,am(ire> looking extremely fu!king hot.
;W=* whereDd +ra!oB< $ asked him.
;4h heDs bein a fu!king bastard. 0e told me he wouldnDt !um.< ,am(ire said shaking his hed. ;'
wanna !um with meB 2 the !on!ertB<
=henH.. he showed me his flying !ar. $ gas(ed. $t was a bla!k !ar. 0e said his dogfather Serious Blak
had gi/en it 2 him. =he li!ense (late on the front sed #79666 on it. =he one on da ba!k said
LE.4B1D on it.
HHH.$ gas(ed.
We flew to the !on!ert hall. #79 were there> (laying.
,am(ire and $ began 2 make out> moshing to the muzik. $ ga(sed> looking at da band.
$ almost had an orgasim. 6erard was so fu!king hotG 0e begin 2 sing L0elenaD and his sexah beautiful
/oi!e began 2 fill the hall. HHH.And den> $ heard some !rrying. $ turned and saw +ra!o> !ryin in a
Chapter 21.
'06 fuk u ok/ u fokng suk. it7 nut ma fult if it7 speld rong ok ko7 dat bich ravern cu7 it fok u prep7/4 woop7 so7 raven fang7
= da help. btw transilvana roC hrad/4 I even gut ; go ; da kasel wer drkola was flimed/
Aater we all went in the skull. +ra!o was !rying in da !ommon room. ;+ra!o are u okayB< $ asked in a
gothi! /oi!e.
;.o $Dm not u fuking bit!hG< he shouted angrily. 0e stated to run out of the (la!e in a sui!idal way. $
stated to !ry !uz $ was afraid he would !ommit sui!ide.
;$ts ok Enoby.< said ,am(ire !omfortly. ;$ll make him feel better.<
;' mean youDll go fu!k him wont youG< $ shouted angrily. =hen $ ran 2 get +ra!o. ,am(ire !ame too.
;+ra!o (lease !omeG< he began to !ry. =ears of blood !ame down his (ail fa!e. $ wuz so turned on !uz
$ lo/e sensiti/e bi guyz. Eif ur a homo(hone den fuk ofGF
And thenHHHHHHHHHH.. we herd sum footste(sG ,am(ire got out his blak in/in!ibility !oke.
We both gut under it. We saw the Canitor #r. .orris there> shouting angrily with a flashlight in his
;W04SE =0E9EG< he shouted angrily. We saw *ilth !ome. 0e went unda da in/isibility !loke and
started to meow loudly.
;$S A.12 =0E9EG< yelled #r. .orris.
;.o fu!k u you (re((y little (oser sun of a fuk!ing bi!hG< ,am(ire said under his breast in a disgusted
;EX7'S #EG EX7'S #E W04 SE+ +A=G< yelled #r. .orris. +en he heard *il!h meow. ;*ilth is
der any2 unda da !loakG< he asked. *ilth nodded. And thenHHHHHHHHH.,am(ir fren!hed meG
0e did it Cus asHHHHHHHH.. #r. .orris was taking of da !loakG2
;W0A= +A?< he yelled but it was 2 late !uz now we were ruining away frum him. And den we saw
+ra!o !rying n bustin in2 tearz and slitting his rists outside of da s!hool.
;+ra!oG< $ !ried. ;9 u okayB<
;$ guess though.< +ra!o wee(ed. We went ba!k to our !offins fren!hing ea!h other. +ra!o and $
de!ided to wat!h Aake la!id 8c isnt da depre77in: on the gothi! red bed together. As $ wuz about 2 (ut in
the /ideo> my eyes rolled u( and suddenly $ had a /ision of something that was ha((ening now. =here
was a knok on the door and *ug and da #ystery of #agi! walked into the s!hoolG2
Chapter 22.
'06 stfu/ prep7 stup flaming ok if u dnot lik it fuk of I no it7 mr. noris it7 raven?s folt ok/44 u suk/4 no Dus kidding raven u
fokieng rok prep7 suk/4
All day e/eryone talked about the #isery of #agi!. Well anyway> $ woke u( the next day. $ was in my
!offin so $ o(ened the door. $ was wearing blak la!ey leather (aCamas. =hen $ gas(ed.
Standing in front of me whereHHHHHH. BNloody #ary> ,am(ire> +iabolo> +ra!o> +ra!ula and
$ o(ened my !rimson eyes. Willow was wearing a tight bla!k leather to( with (i!tures of bloody roses
all o/er it. 'nder that she wart a bla!k (oofy skirt wit la!e on it and bla!k gothi! boots that was
atta!hed to the to(. ,am(ire was wearing a baggy Sim(le lan t?shirt and baggy bla!k (ants and ,ans.
+ra!o was wearing a bla!k #79 t?shirt and blak Ceans and a leather Ca!ket. 0e looked Cust likee 6erard
Way> and almost as fu!king sexy. ,am(ire looked like Ioel #adden. BDloody #ary was wearing a
tight bla!k (oofy gothi! dress that she had ri((ed so it showed of all her !learage with a white a(ron
that said Lbi!hD and other swear words and #79 lyri!s on it kind of like one dress $ had seen Amy Aee
wear on!e. +arkness Ewho is IennyF was there too. She was wea/ing a ri((ed gothi! bla!k dress with
ri((ed stuff all o/er it and a la!e?u( to( thing and bla!k (ointy boots. So were 7rab and 6oyle. $t turns
out that +arkness> +iabolo> 7rab and 6oyleDs dad was a /am(ire. 0e !ommitted sui!ide by slitting his
wrists with a razor. 0e had ra(ed them and stuff before too. =hey all got so de(ressed that they be!ame
goffik and !on/erted to Stanism.
;4#*6< $ yielded as $ Cum(ed u(. ;Why the fu!k are u all hereB<
;Enoby something is really fu!ked u(.< +ra!o said.
;4J but $ need to (ut my fu!king !lothes on first.< $ shouted angrily.
;$tDs all right. We ha/e to go now and you look kawaii anyway. 1our so fu!king beautiful.< +ra!o said
in a sexy /oi!e.
;4h all right.< $ said smiling. ;But you ha/e to tell me why your being all ere!ti/e.<
;$ will $ will.< he said.
So $ Cust (ut on some bla!k eyeliner> bla!k li(sti!k and red eyeshadow and white foundation. =hen $
!ame. We all went outside the 6reat 0al and looked in from a widow. A fu!king (re( !alled Britney
from 6riffindoor was standing next to us. She was wearing a (ink mini and a 0ilary +uff t?shirt so we
(ut u( our middle fingers at her. $nside the 6reat 0all we !ould see +umbledork. 7ornelia *udged was
there shouting at +umbledore. +oris 9umbridge was there too.
;=0$S 7A..4= BEG< she shouted angrily. ;=0E S7044A #'S= BE 7A4SE+G<
;=0E BA9J A49+ $S AA..$.6 =4 J$AA =0E S='+E.=SG< yelled 7ornelia *udge.
;14' A9E .4= *$= =4 BE =0E 9$.7$AA A.1 A4.6E9G< yelled 9umbridge. ;14' A9E
=44 4A+ A.+ 14'9 AAO0E$#E9S $S +A.6E94'SG 14' #'S= 9E=91 49 ,4A+E#49=
W$AA J$AA 14'9 S='+E.=SG<
;,ery well.< +umbledore said angrily. ;Butt we !annot do this. We !anDt !lose the s!hool. =here is
only one (erson who is !a(able of killing ,oldemort and she is in the s!hool. And her name
isHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH..Enony +arkDness +ementia 9a/en
+ra!o> 7rab> 6oyle> +arkness> Willow> ,am(ire and BDloody #ary looked at ea!h otherHHH$
Chapter 23.
'06 dhut da fok up biches/4 ur Dus Delos ko7 I gut 4FFFF reviow7/4 fang7 ; raven = da help n telin me bout da booC gurlu
rok let7 go shopin ;getha/
=he door o(ened and roffesor 9umbridge and 7ornelia *udge stom(ed out angrily. =hen +umbledum
and 9umbridge sawed us.
;#9. WA1 W0A= =0E BEE A9E 14' +4$.6G< 9umbridge shouted angrily. +umbledore blared
at her.
;4o(s she made a mistakeG< he !orru(ted her. ;She means hi e/erybody !um inG<
Well we all !ame in angrily. So did all the other students. $ sat between +arkness and +ra!o and
o((osite BDloody #ary. 7rab and 6oyle started 2 make some morbid Cokes. =hey both looked exa!tly
like ,ille ,ollo. $ eight some 7ount 7ho!ula and drank som blood from a !u(. =hen $ herd someone
shooting angrily. $ looked behind me it wasHHH,am(ireG 0e and +ra!o were shooting at ea!hother.
;,am(ire> +ra!o W=*B< $ asked.
;1ou fu!king bustardG< yelled +ra!o at ,am(ire. ;$ want to shit next to herG2<
;.o $ doG< shouted.
;.o she doesnDt fu!king like u> you son of a bit!hG< yelled +ra!o.
;.o fu!k you motherfu!ker she la/es me not youG< shouted ,am(ire. And thenHHHHHH he
Cum(ed on +ra!oG Eno not in dat way u (er/F =hey started to fight and beat u( ea!h other.
+umbldore yelled at them but they didnDt sto(. All of a suddenHH a terrible man with red eyes and no
nose flew in on his broomsti!k. 0e had no nose and was wearing a gray robe. All the glass in the
window he flew thru fell a(art. Britney that fu!king (re( started to !ry. ,am(ire and +ra!o sto((ed
fightingH.$ sho((ed eatingH.E/eryone gas(ed. +a room fell silentHHHHHHH.,olzemortG
;EbobyH..EbonyHH.< +arth ,aler sed e/illy in his ras(y /oi!e. ;=hou ha/fe failed ur mission. .ow
$ shall kill thou and $ shall kill ,am(ire as well. $f thou does not kill him before then $ shall kill +ra!o
;lz donDt make me kill him (lzG< $ begged.
;.oG< he laughed !rudely. ;Jill him> or $ shall kill him anywayG< =hen he flew away !a!kling.
$ bust into tears. +ra!o and ,am(ire !ame to !ontort me. Suddenly my eyes rolled u( so they looked all
!ool and gothi!. $ had a /ision were $ saw some lighting flash and then ,oldremot !oming to kill +ra!o
while +ra!o slit his wrists in a de(ressed way.
;.oG< $ s!reamed sexily. Suddenly $ lo!ked u( and sto((ed ha/ing the /ision.
;Ebony Ebony aure you alrightB< asked +ra!o in a worried /oi!e.
;1eah yeah.< $ said sadly as $ got u(.
;E/eryfingDs all right Enoby.< said ,am(ire all senseti/e.
;.o its notG< $ shouted angrily. =earz of blood went down my fa!e. ;4#*6 what if $Dm getting
(ossessed like in +a 9ing 2G<
;$ts ok gurl.< said BDloody #ary. ;#aybe u should ask roffesor Sinister about what the /isions mean
;4k bi!h.< $ said sadly and den we went.
Chapter 24.
'06 prep7 stup flaming da story ur Dus Delous so fuk u ok go ; hel/44 raven fag7 = di help/
Well we had +e/iation next so $ got to ask roffessor =re/olry about the /isions.
;Jonni!hiwa e/erybody !ome in.< said roffesor Sinister in Ia(anese. She smelled at me with her
gothi! bla!k li(sti!k. SheDs da !oolest fu!king tea!her e/er. She had long dead bla!k hair with blood
red ti(s and red eyes. Ehr mom woz a /am(ire. SheDs also haf Ia(anese so she s(eaks it and e/eryfing.
she n bDloody mry get along grateF SheDs really young for a tea!her. 2day she was wearing a bla!k
leather to( with red la!e and a long goffik bla!k ri((ed dress. We went inside the bla!k !lassroom with
(astors of Emily the Strong. $ ra!ed my hand. $ was wearing some bla!k naie olish with red
(entagrams on it.
;What is it EbonyB< she asked. ;0ey $ lo/e ur nail (olish whereDd u get it> 0ot =o(ikB<
;1eah.< $ answered. All the (re(s who didnDt know what 0= was ga/e me weird looks. $ ga/e them the
middle finger. ;Well $ ha/e to talk to you about some fings. When do you want to due itB<
;0o about nowB< she asked.
;4J.< $ said.
;4J !lass fu!king dismissed e/ery2.< roffesor =re/olry said and she let e/ery2 go. ;Ex!e(t for you
Britney.< she (ointed at Britney and sum other (re(s. ;lease do exor!ize EgedditF 2 on (age ".<
;4J $Dm ha/ing lotz of /isions.< $ said in a worried /oi!e. $Dm so worried is +ra!o gong 2 die.
Well she ga/e me a bla!k !ry(tal ball to lo!k in. $ looked at it.
;What do you !B< she asked.
;$ said $ see a bla!k gothi! skull and a (entagram.<
Suddenly there was a kno!k at the door. $ looked at it. $t was +ra!o. 0e was looking really sexy
wearing a bla!k leather fa!et> a bla!k gothi! Ainkin ark t?shirt and blak 7ongress shoes.
;4kay you !an go now> see ya !unt.< said roffesor Sinister.
;Bye bit!h.< $ said wa/ing.
$ went to +ra!o and ,am(ire was sitting next to him. We both followed +ra!o together and $ was so
Chapter 25.
'06 stop flaming ok if u dnot den il tel >ustin ; bet u up/4444 n il tel al da nred7 ; put vrtu7 in ur computer/44444444444
!2- 22/4 raven fang7 for de help/4
$ was so ex!ited. $ fellowed +ra!o wandering if we where going 2 do it again. We went outside and
then we went into +ra!oDs bla!k !ar.
;Ebony what the fu!k did rofesor =re/olry say.< whis(ered +ra!o (otting his gothi! whit hand with
b/lak nail (olish on mine.
;She said she would tell me what the /isions meant torromow.< $ grumbled in a sexy /oi!e. 0e took
out a heroin !abaret and s(iked it> and ga/e it to me to s(ork. 0e started to fly the !ar into a tree. We
went to the to( of it. +ra!o (ut on some #79.
;And all the things that you ne/er e/er told me
And all the smiles that are e/er gonna haunt me.< sang 6erardDs sexy /oi!e. We started tiling of ea!h
otherDs !lo/es fe/ently. 0e took of my blak thong and my bla!k leather bar. $ took of his bla!k boxers.
=henHHHHHHHHH he (ut his trobbing you?know?what in my tool sexily.
;4#*6 +ra!o +ra!oG< $ s!reamed ha/ing an orgism. We stated fren!hing (assi/ely.
SuddenlyHHHH $ fell aslee(. $ started ha/ing a dream. $n it a bla!k guy was shooting two goffik
men with long bla!k hair.
;.oG lease donDt fu!king kill usG2< they (leaded but he Cust ke(t shooting them. 0e ran away in a red
;.oG 4h my fu!king godG22< $ shouted in a s!ared /oi!e.
;Ebony whatDs wrongB< +ra!o asked me as $ woke u( o(ening my i!y blue eyes.
$ started to !ry and tears of blood went down my fa!e. $ told +ra!o to !all ,am(ire. 0e did it with his
blak Aikin ark mobile. Butt the worst thing was who the ((l who were shot in the dream
whereHHHHHHHHH Au!ian and SeriousG222
Chapter 26.
'06 A*$AB %T2A !1'MI0+ %D' %T*3 &-/4 if u dnot lik da story den go fok urself u fokeng prep/ 2 %2-/444 oh y and I
wu7nt beng rasist ok/44
A few mutates later ,am(ire !ame 2 da tree. 0e was wearing a blak leather Ca!kson> bla!k leather (ants
and a 6ood 7hralotte t?shirt.
;0i ,am(ire.< $ said flirtily as $ started to sob. +ra!o hugged me sexily tryont to !omfrot me. $ started
to !ry tears of blood and then told them what ha((ened.
;4h fu!k itG< ,am(ire shouted angrily. 0e% started to !ry sadly. ;What fu!king di!k did thatG<
;$ donDt know.< $ said. ;.ow !ome on we ha/e 2 tell +umbledor.<
We ran out of the tree and in2 da !astle. +umblydor was sitting in his offi!e.
;Sire are dads ha/e been shotG< +ra!o said while we wi((ed sum tears from his white fa!e. ;Enoby had
a /ision in a dreem.<
+ubleodre started to !o!kle. ;0ahahahaG And 0ow due u as(e!t me to know EbonyDs not di/isionalB<
$ glared at +umbledore.
;Aook motherfu!ker.< he said angrily as +umbeldore gas(ed 8c is da toot of crakter:. ;' know /ery well
that $Dm not de!isional. .ow get some fu!king ((l out there to look for Series and Au!ian? (orntoG<
;4kay.< he said in a intimated /oi!e. ;Were are theyB<
$ fought about it. =hen all of a suddenH.. ;Aongdon.< $ said. $ told him whi!h street. 0e went and
!alled some (eo(le and did some stuff. After a few mistunes he !ame ba!k and said (eo(le were going
out looking for them. After a while someone !alled him again. 0e said that they had been found. +ra!o>
,am(ire and $ all left to our rooms together. $ went with +ra!o to wait in the nurses offi!e while
,am(ire went to slit his wrists in his room. We looked at ea!h otherDs gothi!> der(eressed eyes. =hen>
we kissed. Suddenly Serious and Au!ian !ame in on stret!hersHHHHHHHHH.and roffesor
Sinister was behind themG2
Chapter 27. $ampir% &il ne$er h!rt !
'06 u no wut/444 I dnot giv a fok wut u prep7 fink abot me/4444 so stup flaming da foking story biche7/4444 fang7 ; raven
= ur luv n sport n help i luv u gurl so7 i kodnt update lol I wu7 rly depre77d n I silt muh rists I had ; go ; da hospital rraven
u rok gurl/44444444444444444444
E/ery2 in the room stated to !ry ha((ly? $ had sa/ed them. +rako> Au!ian> Serious bond ,am(ire all
!ame to hug me. =he nurse started to gi/e them medi!ine.
;7um on Enoby.< said roffesor Sinatra. She was wearing a gothi! blak leader dress with a !orset to(
and real /am(ir blood on it and fuking bla!k (latinum boots. ;$ ha/e to tell you the fu!king (erdition.<
$ lo!ked at Au!ian> Serifs> +rake and ,am(ire. =hey nodded.
$ smelled ha((ily and went into a dark room. $ had !hanged rofesor Sinister took out some bla!k
!ards. She started to look into a bla!k !ru!ible ball. She saidHHHHHHHHH ;=ara> $ see drak
times are near.< She said badly. She (eered into da balls. ;1ou see> you must go ba!k in time.< She
took out a =ime?=oner like BDloody #ary had. ;When ,oldemint was in 0ogwarts before he be!ame
(owerful he gut his hearth borken. .ow do you fink he would still be!ome ,olxemort if he was in
lo/eB< $ shook my head. ;' must go ba!k in time and sedou!e him. $t is the only way. $f he is still e/il
then you must kill him. 1ou !an !ome to my room tomorrow and you !an do it.<
;4kay.< $ said sadly. We did dethz tu!h sin. $ went outside again sadly.
;What fu!king ha((enedB< asked +ra!o and ,am(ire.
;1eah what ha((enedB< asked +arkness> Willow and Boldy #aryB
$ was about to tell them butt e/ery2 was there. =hey were !elebrating Au!ian and Sirius being fond.
E/eryone was (roud of me butt $ Cut wonted 2 talk 2 +ra!o. =hey were !heesing my name and some
re(orters were there> trying to inter/iew +umblydore. A banner was (ut u(. Aotz of fu!king (re(z were
there o/iously tring 2 be b goffik wering the 0$# sign on their handz? de(ite them not ha/ing akshelly
heard of him. E/en #r. .oris looked ha((y. A blak and red !ake had been brought out. 7rabbe and
6oyke set u( some fireworx in the sha(e of skulls from WesleyDs Whizard Wises.
$ (ut on my $n/isibility !oke with ,am(ire and +ra!o and we sneaked outside 2gether.
Chapter 28.
'06 I sed stop gflmaing da story it wu7 a miskat wen profsor relory sed dat ok/44444444 +& ; !&-$0+ H$11/4444 2
%2-/ fang7 ; fily = da help/4/ raven hav fun wif kiwi/4444444
We went in2 a blak room. =he wallz were blak with (ortraits of gothi! bands lik #79> 67 and #arlin
#ason all o/er them. A big bla!k !offin was in the middle. 9ed /e/let lined da blak box. =here were
three !hairs made of bones with real skullz in dem. $ wuz wearing a blak !orset bar wif (ur(le stuff on
it> fishnet su!kings and a blak leather thong underneath.
$ sat down one of da !hairs dis(ersedly. So did +rako and ,am(ire.
;Are you okayB< ,am(ir asked (otting his albastard hand on mine. 0e was wearing bla!k nail (olish. $
was wearing blak nail (olish with red !rosses on it.
;1ah $ guess.< $ said sadly. +rako also (ot his hand on mine sexily. $ smiled sadly with my blak
li(sti!k. ;=he (roblem isHHHHHHHHH.$ ha/e to sedu!e ,olxemort. $ll ha/e 2 go bak in time<
+ra!o started to !ry sadly. ,am(ire hugged him.
;$tz okay Eboby.< he said finally. ;But what about meB 'r not gonna brake u( or anyfing> are youB<
;4f !oarse notG< $ gas(ed.
;9eallyB< he asked.
;Sure.< $ said.
We fren!hed sexily. ,am(ire looked at us longingly.
=henHHHH $ took off +ra!oDs #79 shrift and sedu!t/ely took of his (ants. 0e was hung lik a
stallone. 0e had re(la!ed the ,am(ire tattoo that said Enoby on it. Bla!k roses were around it. $
gas(ed. 0e lookd exa!tly lik 6erard Way. ,am(ire took a /ido !amera. E$ had sed it wuz ok b%F.
$ took of my !lothes den we were in % da rid of r lif.
We started fre!hing as we !limbed into the !ofin. 0e (ut his s(o!k in my you?know?what and (assi/ely
we did it.
;$ lo/e you Eboby. 4h let me feel u $ need 2 feel u.< he s!reamed as we got an orgasm. We wat!hed
,am(ire filmed e/erything (erfe!tly. SuddenlyHHHHHHHHHH.
;W0A= =0E *'7J 9 ' +4$.6G<
$t wasHHHHHHHHHH.Sno(e and rofesor #!6oggleG222
Chapter 29.
'06 sot das fok up/44 ur Dus Delou7 ko7 ur prep7 so fok u/4444 raven u rok gurl fang7 = da help M,* *&) <<</
;4h my satanG2< we s!reamed as we Cam(ed out of da !offin. Sna( and rofessor #!6oonagle started
to shoot at us angrily.
;7'# .4WG2G< rea!her #!6ongel yielded. We did guiltily. We left the room (utting on our !lothes.
Snoo( garbed the !aramel and (ut it in his (o!ket.
;0ey what the fu!kG222< ,am(ire shooted angrily.
;1eah buster what the fu!k are u going to do with the fu!king !ameraB< +ra!o demonded all
(rote!ti/e> looking at me Aongley with his gothi! red eyes. ;Aook> +umblehor noes your little se!ret
and if u do dis again> then u will go to St #angoDs. So gi/e ba!k da !ameraG2222<
0ahahaha the #ystery of #ogi! thinks he is !razy there is no way dey wil belie/e him. Snoo( laughed
;1es so shut your m(uth you inlosent foolsG< yelled roffesor #!6oggle. She made us !um into a
weird room with white stones all around it. =here were all these werid tools in it. +ra!o started to !ry
all sexy and sexiti/e 8geddit ko7 hes a seCbom lol tom felnot rule7 = lif but nut as muCh as gerard ur seC on leg7 I luv u
u fokeng rok mary me/444:.
$ started to !ry tearz of blood 8it hapn7 in vrampir kronikl7 raven sed so ok so fok u/4:. ,am(ire took out a bla!k
honker!hief and started to wi(e my red eyes.
And thenHHHHHH.. he and Snoo( both took out guns using magi!. =hey started to shoot ea!h
other angrily. .on of the ballots gut on ea!hodder yet. $ took out my wand.
;7rosioG< $ shouted. Sna( stated 2 s!ram he dro(d da gun. But it was too late. Both of them had run out
of ballets. $ S=4E+ +A 7'9SE. rofesor #!6oogle did a s(ell so that we were all !hained u(. She
took out a box of tools. +en she said ;4J Ser/erus $Dm going 2 go now.< She left. Sna( started to
laugh e/illy. ,am(ire started to !ry.
;$tDs ok Enoby.< said +ra!o. ;E/ergreen will be all right. 9emember the !ideo u took of Snake.<
Sna(e laughed again. And then...he took out some whi(sG2G2222
Chapter 3.
'06 stop flaming da story ok u dnot no wut7 even gona happen ok/4444 so !21 2/444 if u flam u wil be a prep so al
flamer7 kan kiss muh ass/444 so7 = so7 = sayin al7himers is dongerous but dat7 da mysteries opinin ko7 sosiety basically
suC. fang7 ; raven u rok bich/444
;.oG22< we s!reamed sadly. Sna( stated loafing meanly. 0e took out a kamera an/illy.
=henHHHHHHHH he !ame tords +arkoG2G 0e took sum stones out of his (oket. 0e (ut da stones
around +ra!o and nit a !andle.
;What the fu!k r u doingG< $ shooted arngrily. Snoo( laughed meanly. 0e (olled down his (ants. $
gas(ed? there was a +ork #ark on his you?know?wutG22G
0e wa/ed his wand and a nife !ame. 0e ga/e da knife 2 me.
;' must stab ,rom(ire.< he said to me. ;$f u donDt then $Dll ra( +ra!oG2<
;.o you fu!king bastradG2< $ yielded.
But den +ra!o looked at me sadly with his e/il goffik red eyes dat looked so de(ressant and sexy. 0e
lookd exa!tly like a (entragram 8lol geddit ko7 im a satanist: between Jurt 7obain and 6erard. But then $
looked at ,am(ire and he looked so smexy too wif his goffik bla!k hair. $ thought of da time when we
s!rewed and the time $ did it with +ra!o and +umblydore !ame and the tame where +ra!o almost
!ommited sui!ide and ,am(ire wuz so s(orti/e.
Sni(e laughed angrily. 0e started to (rey to ,olxemort. 0e started to do an in!a(a!itation dan!ing
around the stokes whi((ing +ra!o and ,am(ire. Suddenly an idea $ had. $ !lozd my eyes and using my
/am(ire (owers $ sent a tele(atheti! massage to +rako and ,am(ire so they would destru!t Sna(e.
;+umbeldork will get uG< +ra!o shooted.
;1ah Cust wait ubtil da #ystery find outG22< ,am(ire yelled. #eanwhile $ took out my wand.
;1ou ridi!ulus dondderhedG222< Snoo( yielded. 0e took off all of +ri!oDs !lothes. Iust as he was about
to ra(e himHHHHHHHH.
;7rosioG< $ shited (ointing my wound. Snoo( s!remed and started running around da room s!reming.
#eanwhile $ grabed my blak mobile and sent a txt 2 Serious. $ sto((ed doing !ru!io.
;1ou dunderhedG222 $m going to kill?< shooted Sna(e but suddenly Ser/erus !ame.
Snake (ut the whi( behind his bak. ;4h hello Se/ $ wuz Cust tea!hing them sumthing.< he lied. But
suddenly Ausian and rofesor =re/olry !ame in2 da room and they and Serious unlo!ked the !hains
and (ut dem around Sna(. =hen rofesor =re/olry said L7ome on Ebony letDs go.<
Chapter 31.
'06 I sed shut da fok up u Guiephs/444 stop kalin ebony a mary su ok u dnot even no wut7 gong ; happen ok so fuk u/4444
fang7 ; muh bff raven = di help/4444
;$ always knew u were on ,oldemortDs side> you sun of a bit!a 8bufy roC/444:.< Serious said 2 Sna(e.
;.o $Dm not $ was tea!hing them somefingG2< Sna( !lamed.
;4h fu!king yeahB< $ took some blak ,olremortserum out of my (oket and ga/e it to Ser/erus. 0e
made Sna( dirnk it. 0e did arngrily. =hen Aus!ious took out a ta(e re!order and started (laying it while
he did !urses on Sna(. =hen roffesor Sinister and Au!ian made us get out wif them while Sna(e told
his se!retes. Au!ian took ,am(ure and +ra!o to the nurse after thanking me a millon times. rofesor
=re/olry took me to a dark room. .ow $ wuz going to go ba!k in time to sedou!e ,olxemort. #o/ing
(osters of #79 and .ri/ana were all o/er. 0ermoine> +arkness and Willow !ame too. BDloody #ary
ga/e me a blak bag from =om 9idDs store.
;Whatz in da bagB< $ asked rofesor =re/olry.
;' will !.< she said. $ o(ened thee bag. $n it was a sexy tite low?smut bla!k leather gothi! dress. $t had
red korset stuff and there was a silt u( da leg. $ (ut it on. #y frendz hel(ed me (ut on blak fishnetz and
blak (ointy boots Willow had !hosen. Willow and +arkness hel(ed me (ut on bla!k eyeliner and blod?
red li(shti!k.
;1ou look fu!king kawaii> bit!h.< BDloody #ary said.
;*angs.< $ said.
;4k now youDre going to go ba!k in tim.< said roffesor Sinister. ;' will ha/e to do it in a few
sessionz.< She ga/e me a blak gun. $ (ut it in a stra( on my fishnetz like in 9edisnet E/ill. =hen she
ga/e me a bla!k time?tuner. ;After an hour use da time torner to go ba!k here.< roffesor =re/olry
said. =hen she and BDloody #ary (ut a ensi/e in front of me. E/ery2 went in front of it.
;6ood lukG2< E/erryone shooted. +arkess and Willow ga/e me dethDs tou!h sin. =henHHH.. $
Cum(ed sexily in2 da ensi/e.
Suddenly $ was in fornt of teh S!hool. $n front of me wuz one of da sexiest goth guyz $ had e/er seen.
0e was wering long blak hair> kinda like #ikey Way only bla!k. 0e had gren eyes like Billie Ioe
Amstrung and (ale whit skin. 0e wuz wearing a blak ri((ed u( suit wif ,ans. $t
wasHHHHHHHH.=om BombodilG2222
Chapter 32.
'06 I sed stup fflaming I no his nam i7nt tom bodil dat wu7 a mistak/4444 if u dnot lik de story den u kan go skrew urself/
44444 2 %2-/444444
;0i.< $ said flirtily. ;$m Enoby Way da new student.< $ shok my (ale handz wif their blak noil (olish
wif him.
;+a nameDs =om.< he said. ;But u kan !all me Satan. +atz ma middle nam<
We shok hands. ;Well !ome on we ha/e 2 go u(stairs.< Satan said. $ followed him. ;0ey u ha((en to be a fan of 6ren +ayB< 8sin7 mcr and evine7en7 dont eCist yet den: $ asked.
;4h my fuking god> how did u knowB< Satan gas(ed. ;a!tually $ like g! a lot too.<8geddit co7 gc did that
song I Dust wanna live that?s ounded really .Fs:
;omg me tooG< $ re(lied ha((ily.
;guess what they ha/e a !on!ert in hogsment.< satan whis(ered.
;hogsmentB< $ asked.
;yeah thatDs what they used to !all it in these time before it be!ame 0ogsmeade in 2:::.< he told me all
sekrti/ly. ;and theres a really !ool sho( !alled 0ot?;
Lto(i!G< $ finshed> ha((y again.
0e froned !onfusedly. ;noo its !alled 0ot $shoo.< 0e smiled skrt/li again. ;then in 2--K dey !hangd it
to hot to(i!.< he moaned.
;ohh.< now e/erything was making sense for me. ;so is dumblydor your (rin!e(illB< $ shouted.
;uh?huh.< he looked at his bla!k nails. ;im in slitherinD<
;4#f6 S0#E =44G< $ S09$E+JE+.
;u go to this skullB<8geddit cos im goffik: he asked.
;yah thatDs why im here im .EW.< $ S#EAAE+ 0Aili.
Suddenly dumblydore flew in on his broomstu!k and started shredding at us angrily. ;.4 =AAJ$.6
$. =0E 0AAASG< he had short blonde hair and was wearing a (olo shirt from Amrikan ogle outfters.
;S='$+ 64**SG<
satan rolled his eyes. ;his so mean to us goffs and (unks Cust be!ose weDre in slytherine and weDre not
$ turned around angrily. ;a!tually $ fink mebe its be!os ur da barke lord.<
;wtfB< he asked angrily.
;oh nuffin.< $ said sweetly.
then suddenlynHHHHHH. the floor o(ened. ;4#*6 .4 $ S7EA#E+ AS $ *EEA +4W..
e/eryone looked At #E weirdly.<
;hey where r u goinB< satan asked as $ fell.
$ got out of the hole n it was bak in the (ensi/e in (rofessor tre/olryDs !lassroom. dumblydum wuz
dere. ;dumblydore $ think $ Cust met u.< $ said.
;oh yeah $ rememba that.< dumblydor said> trying to be all goffik.
sinister !ame in. ;hey dis is my !lassroom wait wtf enoby what da hell r u doingB<
&<um.< $ looked at her.
;oh yea0 $ forgot bout that.<
;wth howB< $ s!reamed forgetting she was a tea!her for a se!ond. but shes a goff so its ok.
(rofessor sinster looked sad. ;um $ was drinking /oldemortserum.< she started to !ry bla!k tears of
de(ression. dumblydum didnDt know about them.
;hey r u !rying tears of bloodB< he asked !uriously> tu!hing a tear.
;fu!k offG< we both said and dumblydum took his hand away.
(rofessor sinster started !rying again in her !hair> sobbing lim(id tears. ;omfg enobyH$ think im
addi!ted to ,oldemortserum.<
'06 %$$ 2 !&--I0+ A*$AB +& !&- 2*%$1))B D'TB %$*2% I%%2B ;& +& ; H$11/444444;
Chapter 33.
'06 I sed shut up it7 nut my folt ok if u don?t lik da story den ur a prep so fuk u flamer7/4444 ps im nut updating ubtil u giv
me fiv god review7 nd di7 tim I men it/444444 2 %2-/4444 fang7 raven = di help il promi7 to help u wif ur story lol74
;4h my fuking godG2< $ shooted sadly. ;Shud we get u 2 St #angaDs> bit!hB<
;0el noG< she said. ;Aizzen Egogy> $ need ur hel(. .ex tim u go bak in tim> do u fink u kod ask =om
Andorson % sum hel(B<
;Sure $ said sadly. $ went outside the door. +ra!o was thereG222 0e wuz wearing a big blak 67 tshit
whi!h wuz his (anamas.
;0ey Sexxy.< $ said.
;0owDd it go EnobyB< he asked in his /oi!e was so sexy and low kinda like 6erard Way when hes
;*ine.< $ re(onded. We stared 2 go bak in2 da dorm.
;0ow far did u go wif SatanB< +rako asked Cealously.
;.ot 2 far> lol.< $ borked.
;Will you ha/ to do it with himB< +ra!o asked angstily.
;$ ho( not 2 farG222< $ shouted angrily. +en $ felt bad % shooting at him. $ said sorry. We fren!hed.
;What ha((ened 2 Sni(eB< $ growled.
;' will see.< +ra!o giggled mistressly. 0e o(ened a doorHHHHHSna( nd Aum(kin werz thereG22
Serious waz (okering dem by staging dem wif a blak nife.
;.4444 AOG2222< Aum(kin bagged as Serious started 2 suk his blood. $ laffed statisti!ally. $ tok
some (hotons of him and Sna( bing tor@ued. Eok $ no dis iz men but fink abot it ((l dey r (edoz nd
Sna( trid 2 ra( dem and neway sadiztz rok haz any2 seen shrak atak " lolzF. We took sum of Sni(eDs
blod den +rako and $ went bak 2 our roomz. We sat on my goffik blak !offin. #y !lo/es were kinda
drity so $ (ot on a blak leather outfit fingie kinda like da 2 Suelene haz in 'ndreworld. Eif u ha/enDt
herd of it den *'J 'G222F . $ (ut on some blak (latform high heelz. +arko (ut on Ldesolition li/erzD by
#79. +enHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.we storted 2 take of ea!hotherz !lozez. $ tok of his
shit nd he had a six?(ak> lolz. We started 2 mak out lik in +a 6rudge. 0e (ot his wetnes in my u?know?
what sexily. $ gut an orgy.
;4h +ra!oG222222G2 4h mi fuking gud +ra!oG2222< $ s!reemed (assi/ely as he got an eru!tation.
;$ lu/ u =aEbory.< he whis(red sexily and den we fel as(lee( lol.
Chapter 34.
'06 %H&T D' !&- 2A A*$AB/4444 hav u even red de story/44 u r proly al Dust prep7 nd posrs so !2- 2/444 fang7 ;
raven = da help/4
$ wook u( in da !offin de next day. +ra!o waz gone. $ got u( and (ut on a blak tight sexah drsss that
was all ri((ed at da end. =here wuz red korset stuff going u( da fornt and da bak and it !ame u( 2 my
knees. =here wuz a slit in da dress lik in mr P mr simth. $ (ot on ri((ed blak fishnets and blak stilton
bo?ots. SuddenlyHHHHHHH. Sorious !o!ked on da door. $ ho(ened it.
;0i $bony.< he said. ;6ezz wut u ha/e 2 !um 2 rofesor SinistorDs offi!e.<
;4k.< $ said in a de(rezzd /oi!e. $ had wanted to fuk +ra!o or maybe lessen to #79 or E/onez!en!e. $
!ame anyway.
;So what the fu!k ha((ened 2 Sni(e and Aoo(inB< $ asked Sorious flirtily.
;$ fu!king tortured them.< he answered in a statisti! way. ;=hey r in Abkhazian now> lol.<
$ laughed e/illy.
;Where r +ra!o and ,am(iraB< $ muttered.
;+ey are x!used form skool 2day.< Sodomize moaned sexily. ;9ite now they are wat!hing +a
.igtmare b% Xmas.<
We went into da offi!e. roffesor Sinister was there. She was wearing a goffik blak dress that was all
ri((ed all o/er it kinda lik da one Amy Aee wears in this (i!
E htt(M She wuz drinking some ,olximortserum.
She took out da ensi/ and the time?torner.
;Enoby> you will ha/e to do anozzer session now. Also $ need u to get me da !ure % being adikited.<
she said sadly. ;6ood lu!k. *angzG<
And thenHHH.$ Cum(ed into the rinsi/e again. Suddenly $ looked aroundHHHHH$ was in da
6rate 0all eating 7ount 7hor!ula. $t was mourning. $ was sitting next to Satan. 4n a table was a tall
gottik man wif long blak hair> (ail skin and blue eyes wering a suit and blak 7ron/rese shoes. 0e
looked Cust like 7harlyn #anson. $ noti!edHHhe was drinking a (ortent.
;Whose heG22< $ asked.
;4h> datz rofesor Slutborn.< Satan said. ;0eDs da ortents tea!herHHHH..EbonyB<
;1ahB< $ asked.
;+id u know dat #arylin #ason is (laying in 0ogsemade tonightB And they r showing =he Exer!ise at
da mo/ies b% dat.<
;WellH...want 2 go 2 da !ontort and da mo/ie wif meB<
Chapter 35. go#t of !
'06 fang7 ; su7i = da idea/4 u rok/ fuk of prep7/44444444 fang7 ; raven = di help u rok gurl/4 ps im gong ; end da stroy
rlly sun so !2- 2/444 oh yah nd if u no eny gofik nam7 pl7 tel me ko7 I ned 4 = serius/4 fang7.
$ went in2 da 7onmen 9oom finking of Satan. Suddenly $ gas(edHHHHHH..+ra!o wuz thereG222
$ gras(ed. 0e lo!ked as hut as e/a werring blak ledder (ants> a blak Aonken rak t?shrit and blak
;+ra!o what da fuk r u dongG222222< $ gos(ed.
;0uhB< he asked. =hen $ remembred. $t wuznDt +ra!o. $t was Au!anG2 0e stil had two arms.
;4h hi Au!ianG2< $ sed. ;$m Ebony the new student lol we shook handz.<
;1ah Satan told me abot you.< Ausian said. 0e (inted to a groo( of sexxxy gottik guyz. =hey where
siting in a !orner kutting. $t wuz Serious> ,am(ireDs dad andHHHHHHSna(G All of them were
wearing blak eyeliner and blak 6ood 7hralootte band shirts. ;Aizzen $Dm in a goth band wif those
guys.< he said. ;Were (laying 2nite at da #arylin #ason show as ba!k?u(.
;49A1.< $ ESJE+.
;1eah.< he said. ;Were !alld XBlakX=earX. $ (lay teh gutter. S(arta!us (lays da drums< he said
(onting to him. ;Sna( (lays the boss. And Iamez (lays the guitar to e/en fo we !all him Samaro> after
Samara in da ring.<
;0ey bastards.< $ told them they ga/e me +ethz tu!h sin. Suddenly $ gas(ed again. ;But donDt u ha/e a
lead singerG< $ asked. Au!ian looked dawn sadly.
;We uzd to but she did. She !ontem(ted sui!ide by silting her rists.<
;4h my fuking godG22 +atz so fuking sadG2< $ gas(ed.
;$ts okay but we need a new led snigger.< Samaro said.
;WelHHH..$ said $m in a bnad myself.<
;9illyB< asked Sna(. $ !udnt beli/e it. 0e used 2 b goffikG222
;1eah were !alled Blody 6othik 9ose 666. +o u wanna hr me singB<
1eah said e/eryone. So the guys tok out der guitarz. =hey began to (ay a song bi 8geddit ko7 bi guy7 r sooo
seCah/44: 6urn +ay.
;$ wok dis em(t stret on da bole/rad of broken dremz.< $ sang sexily 8I dnot own da lyrik7 ; dat song:..
E/ery2 gas(ed.
;Eno(byB Will u Coin da bandB lzG2< begged Au!ian> Samoro> Serious and Sna(.
;'mHH.ok.< $ shrugged. ;Are we gong to (lay tonightB<
;1ah.< they said.
;4k.< $ said but $ new dat $ had 2 get a new outfit. $ walked outside wondering how $ kud go forward in
time. Suddenly someone Cum(ed in fornt of me. $t wuzH..#orty #!fliG2 0e was wering a blak bnad
tshrit and blak bagy Ceans.
;What da hell r u dong hereG22< $ asked.
;$ wil hel( u go frowad in tim Enoby.< he said siriusly +enHHH.he took out a blak tim ma!hine. $
went in2 it andHHHHHHHH..sudenly $ wuz forward in timG222
Chapter 36.
'06 I sed stop flaming ok/444444444 I bet u r al proly old srevinty yr old7/444 ps A&*T$*%2B 2* ' A*$A/4 o ya nd
fang7 ; raven = di help/444 hav fun in englond gurl/44444
$ loked around in a de(resed way. Suddenly $ saw rofesor Sinister. BDlody #ary> So!rates and +ra!o>
,am(ire and Willow were their to.
;4#*6 Sorius $ saw u nd Samaro and Sni( nd e/eryoneG22222 $ kant belee/ Sna( uzd 2 b goffikG
;1ah $ no.< Serious said sadly.
;4h hey there bit!h.< rofesor =re/olry said in an emo /oi!e dirnking some ,olxemortserom.
0i fuker.< $ said. ;Aizzen> Satan asked me out to a gottik !ornet and a mo/ie so $ need a sexah new
outfit for da date. Also $Dm (layng in a gothi! band so $ need an ootfit for that too.<
;4h my satanG2< 8geddit lol7 ko7 shes gofik: gas(ed BDlody #ary. ;Want 2 go to 0ot =o(ik to sho( % ur
;4#*S> letz ha/e a groo( kutting sessionG22< said rofesor =re/olry.
;$ !anDt fu!king wait % dat but we need 2 get sum stuff first.< said Willow.
;1ah we need sum (ortions for rofesor =re/olry so she wont be adikted 2 ,olxemortserum anymore
nd alsoHHHH.sum lu/ (otion % Enoby.< +arko said resultantly.
;Well we ha/e (otions klass now.< Willow said so letDs go.
We went sexily to otionz !lass. But Sna( wasnDt there. $nstead there
wasHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH7ornelio *u!kG22222
;0ey where the fu!k is +umblydoreG222< +ra!o shouted angrily.
;S=*'G2< shooted 7ornelia *u!k. ;0e is in Azkhabian now wif Sni( and Aoo(in he is old and week he
has kan!er. ;.ow do ur workG222<
#y friendz and $ talked arngrily.
;7an you BEAE,E Sna( used to be gottikG2< ,am(ire asked sur(risedly.
;+A=O $=G22< 749.EA$4 *'J S044=E+ A9.69$A1. ;$# 6E==$.6 94*ES49 B9$+6EG
0e stom(ed out angrily.
#i frendz and $ began talking again. $ began to drink some blod mixed wif beer. Suddenly $ saw
0argrid in da !u(board.
;W=* is he doingB< $ asked. =hen $ looked at +ra!o. 0e wuz wearing tonz of eyeliner nd he lo!ked
shexier den e/a. SuddenlyHHHHH;0A969$* W'= +A *4J 9 ' +4$.6G22< he shooted.
$ looked aroundHHHHH.0airgrid wuz (utting sumfing in my glass of blodG22 +arko and ,am(ire
started 2 beat him u( sexily.
;6od u r su!h a (osrG2< $ shooted at 0airgrid. Suddenly $ looked ar what he was (utting in da blood. $t
wasHHHHHHAmnesia ortionG222
Chapter 37.
'06 &- $(*3&D3 IM +&0+ &0 (&,'TI&0 &0 D' !*I%T &! >213 %& IM $$D$* +&00' $0D D' !I- &*
2AD'T IT I0 #$$). fang7/4 oh yah nd prep7 stop flaming sa story/44 raven fang7 = da help c ya gurl afta vocation/44
+A9J4DS 4.= 4* ,$EW A4A
,am(ire and $ !haind 0airgrid 2 da floor.
;4h mi fu!king satanG22< Enoby said. She wuz so hot. ;#aybe $ !ud uze Amnesia (otion 2 make Satan
foll in lo/e wif me fasterG2<
;But u r so sexy and wonderful aneway =ata>< said ,am(ire. ;Why would u need itB<
;=o make e/eryfing go faster lol.< said Enoby.
;But you wont ha/e to do it wif him or anyfing> will uB< $ asked Celosly.
;4#*6 u guyz r so s!aryG22< said Britney> a fu!king (re(.
;Shut the fuk u(G2< said Willow.
;4k well anyway lets go 2 rofesor =re/olryDs room.<
+ra!o> Ebory and $ went to rofesor SiniaterDs room. But rofesor Sinister wasnDt there. $nstead =om
9id was.
4h hi fu!kers he said. Aizzen> $ got u sum kewl new !lo/ez.
$ took out da !lo/es from da bag. $t was a goffik blak leather miniskirt that said L666D on da bak> bla!k
stilton bootz> blood red fishnetz and a blak !orset.
;4#6 fangzG< $ said hugging him in a gothi! way. $ took da !lothes in da bag.
;4J rofesor Sinister isnt hr what the fuk should we doB< asked +ra!o. Suddenly he loked at a sign on
da blak wall.
;4h my fuking satanG2< $ s!reamed as $ read it. 4n it said E/ry2 rofesor Sinister is away. She is too
gottik she is in Azkhabian now. 7lasses shal be taught by +ubledork who is bak but he shall not be
(rin!i(al % now. Sin!erely rofesor 9umbridge.
;4#*6G222< $ shoted arngrily. ;0ow !ould they do thatG22<
Suddenly +umblydore !ame.
;W0A= +A 0EAA 9 ' +4.6 $. #1 4*$7EG2< he began to shoot angrily. Sudwenly $ saw #orty
#!flyDs blak tim ma!hineG222 $ Cum(ed sedu!ti/ly in2 it lea/ing +ra!o and ,am(ire. Sudenly $ wuz
ba!k in timG22 $ looked around. $t wasHHHHHrofesor SlutbornDs effa!eG $ sneaked around.
Suddenly $ saw da Amnesia (otion on his desk. $t wuz blak wif blood?red (entagramz in it. $t was the
sha(e of a !ross. $ (ut it in my (oket. Suddenly da door o(ened it wuzHH..rofesor SlutgornG22
4#6 wut r u doing fuker he shooted angrily $ donDt kno wut da fuk r u +4$.6 $ S04'=E+
;4h sorry $ wuz Cust looking around koz $ thought it wuz !lass.< you said finally ho(ing he !ouldnDt !
da (otion in ur (o!ket.
;4h ok u !an go now.< said rofesor Slutborn.
1ou went to the !onmen room after (utting on my !lothes. Silas> Samaro and Sna( were there
(ra!ti!ing ,am(irez will .e/er 0urt ' by #79.
;4h hi you guys.< $ said sedu!ti/ely. ;Wheres SatanB<
;4h heDs !umming.< said Serious. ;B=W u !an kall me 0ades now.< Suddenly Satan !ame. 0e was
wearing a smexxy blak leather Ia!kson> blak !ongres shoes> a Sli(not t?shirt and a blak tie.
;4k $ will see you guyz at da !on!ert.< $ said and then $ went with Satan.
Chapter 38.
'06 wut doe7 every4 fink if I end da strory and den I add sum more ; it after vocation@ oh yah asnd prep7 stup flaming if u
dnot lik dat story den take muh Gui7 ok den u wil c if ur gofik or not/4444444
Satan and $ walked 2 his !ar. $t wuz a blak !ar wif (entagrams all o/er it. 4n da li!ense (late said 666
Cust lik +ra!oDs !ar. $ went in it sedukti/ly. Stan started 2 dri/e it. We talked about Satanism Elolz he
wuz named after SatanF> kuttting> musik and being goffik.
;4h my satan> 6erard is so fuking hotG22< ,olxemort agreed as we smoked sum weed. 8ko7 bi guy7 r hot
dey r so sensitive I luv dem lol goe7 fuC a bi guy:
;Aol> $ totally de!ided not 2 !omit sui!ide when $ herd 0ilena.< $ said in a flirty /oi!e. ;HHH.0ey
Satan do u know da !ure % when ((l r adikted 2 ,olxemortseruemB<
;WellHHHHHH< he thought. ;$ fink u ha/e 2 drink ,am(ire blod.<
Suddenly ,olxemort (arked da !ar behind a blak mo/ie theater. Satan and $ walked outside. We went
in2 da mo/ie tether were they were showing da Ex!er!ist. $n it a boy and a gurl were doing it sudenly a
!ereal killer !ame lol. Satan and $ laughed at da blood koz weDre sadists.
While Satan was wat!hing da mo/ie> $ had an idea. $ took SatanDs gothi! blak .ightmare b% 7hristmas
!igar sexily from his (oket and (ut sum Amnesia (otion in it. $ (ut it bak in his blak Emile the Strange
bag. Satan turned arund and started 2 smoke it. Blak !loudz wif red (entagramz ind em started 2 fly
around e/erywhere.
;4#6G222< Satan said Cum(ing u(. $ gas(ed koz $ wuz afraid hed notizd. ;Enoby gess whatB<
$ new that the amnesia had worked.
;Amnesia (otion has not been in/ented yet so it will not work.< 0e said. ;2 badd !oz $ wanted 2 use
sum on u.<
;Jul.< $ raised my eye suggestingly. And denHHH. he tok of my !lo/es sexily and we started 2 make
out. $ tok of his shit. 0e had six?(ak Custr lik 6erard WayG22 We fren!hed.
;X!uze me but u r going 2 ha/e 2 lea/eG222< shooted da lady behind us she was a (re(.
;*uk uG22< $ said. SuddenlyHHHHHHH. $ attaked her suking all her blood.
;.ooooooG22< she s!reamed. All the (re(s in da theater s!reamed but e/eryone else !ra((ed koz Satan
and $ loked so !ute 2gether. Satan and $ started to walk outside.
;Oomg how did u do thatB< ,oldremort asked in a turned?on /oi!e.
;$Dm a /am(ire.< $ said as we went into the !ar.
;SiriuslyB< he gas(ed.
;1ah siriusly.< $ said drinking sum beer. Satan started 2 dri/e da !ar. $ smelled ha((ily.
;$tz too bad we didnDt get 2 ! da rest of the mo/ie> donDt u finkB<
;1ah.< $ said as we kised (assi/ely. Satan (arked in a blak dri/eway next 2 da (la!e where +ra!o and $
had wat!hed 67 for the frist time. We went inside where #arylin #ason wuz (laying and started to
mosh lol.
;Anti?((l now u/e gone 2 far Ieus Jrist Su(erstarG2222< s!reamed #arlin on da stage. We did the
de/il fingers. $ started 2 dan!e really !lose to Satan. 0e was so shmexayG2 0e looked at me all emo
with his gothi! red eyes and he looked exa!tly like #ikey Way. $ almost got an orgaismG2 Suddenly
#arylin #ason sto((ed singing.
;$ wood like to (easantHHHHH..XBlakX=earXG22< he said. $ ran onstage. Au!ian> Samaro> Sna(
and 0ades were there. =hey started 2 (lay their instilments. $ got onstag.
;Wel if u wonted honesty datz all u had 2 sayG2222< $ sang. 8I dnot own da lyeriC ; dat song: #y /oi!e
sounded lik a (entagram betwen Amy Aee and a gurl /ersion of 6erard Woy. E/eryone !la((d. Satan
got an eru!tation. ;$D# .'= 4JA1G2< $ sang finaly. Suddenly Au!ian started (laying da song wrong
by mistak.
;4#*6G2< yielded Iames. ;Wut the fu!kB<
;Woo(s im soryG< said Au!ian.
;1ou fuking ashholeG2< Iames shouted angrily.
;' guys are su!h (re(zG22< Sna( said. ;7um on it wuz a mistakeG2<
;1ah itz not his faultG22< said Serious.
;.o he ruined the fu!king songG2< yelled Samaro.
;' guys sto(G22< $ shotoed angrily but it waz 2 late. =hey all began 2 fight. Sudenly Samaro took out
hiz nife.
;4#*6 noG22< shouted Au!an but it wuz 2 late Iames tried 2 shoot off his arm.
And denHHHHHHHHHHH$ Cum(ed se!xily in front of da bulletG22
;.oG222< yielded e/eryone but it wuz 2 late suddenly e/eryfing went blak.
Chapter 39. I 'm ' (rolling )enio!#* lol%
Disclaimer6 I do not own the HA series and I am not the real )))bloodyrists<<<))).
'0II I am an eCtremely immature pathetic idiot girl9 I know. &ut of boredom9 I crack this girlJs passy for fun 8and it took
less than . minutes to do it too: and will probably get in a shitload of trouble. #hich I probably deserve Jcause IJm being a
troll right now. Meh.
'nd I present to you M3 crappy part in this story. 8'nd take note I havenJt even finished reading this fic yet9 but instead skip
over to skim chapter H..: !lame9 laugh9 do whatever you want "preps."
$> the Ameri!an retail wearing british /am(ire Sue> !oughed u( blood.
Satan kneeled down beside me.
8.ooooooooooooooooG +on3t dieG8
$ ga/e him a rueful smile. 8$3m sorry. $t3s something $ had to do> to fufill my duty as the noble gothi!
#ary Sue.8
Satan sobbed. 8$ lo/e you Ebony.8
8$ lo/e you two. $3ll...$3ll see you in hell.8 $ mumbled> already finding my surroundings fading to bla!k.
B3loody #ary Smith suddenly (o((ed into the room for no a((arent reason. She frowned when she
realized the room was oddly @uiet> but at the sight of Ebony3s lifeless body> she s!reamed. 0er fa!e
be!ame (ale with horror. She s!reamed for the healers> +umbledore> #!google> and e/ery single
gothi! (erson she !ould think of.
Suddenly> a glow started to surround the body of Ebony. E/eryone stared in sho!k. 0er body started to
lift e/er so slowly and then> to e/eryone3s sho!k> it started to in!inerate.
When e/eryone realized what was ha((ening> they rushed o/er to try to res!ue the body> but it was too
late> the Sue be!ame nothing more then a (ile of ashes.
A loud resounding of e/eryone bellowing 8.444444444444444444444...GG8 filled the room.
A flash of white light from the ashes then started to boun!e around the room. E/eryone !owered in fear
and were tem(orarily blinded. When it was all o/er> things !hanged.
All the silly goth !lothes dro((ed from e/eryone3s bodies 8'0III will refuse to eCplain how the hell that
happened.: and> in their (la!e> !lothes the !hara!ters would normally wear in !anon a((eared on their
When e/eryone got o/er the sho!k of be!oming free of the gofi!k (ower> e/erybody !heered. E/eryone
started singing 3+ing dong the sue is dead...3 Well> that is> until all the 0 !hara!ters realized the true
im(li!ations of be!oming more !anon like again.
All the !hara!ters who were su((osed to be dead fell to the floor> their bodies !old and lifeless. 0arry
and ,oldemort started dueling. 4n the left side of the two> the battle of the Aight Side and the +ark
Side were rea!hing a !limax.
And> be!ause the re(la!ement author also likes to s!rew around with !anon> +ra!o and 0ermione fled
the s!ene and got married.
+own in hell> Ebony shed a single tear be!ause of her !urrent situation. A situation that would li/e on
for all eternity. 4r at least until the end of fanfi!tion time.
She lost it all> but she knew she had to remain strong. .othing would e/er break her down.
She looked down o/er her (ale body> and frowned. 3Where are my emo !lothesB3 She asked herself in
And then it o!!ured to her...
*or her shirt> she was wearing a bright (ink (olo with a little seagull on the Eright or leftB $ !an3t
rememberF side. Below that> she was wearing a denim miniskirt with the 8destroyed8 look on it. aired
underneath that skirt were leggings with a little moose at the bottom. And then Ebony realized> on her
shoulder> she was !arrying a (retty bag with an eagle on it that said Ai/e 1our Aife written all o/er the
Ebony su(ressed the urge to s!ream. 0ere she was de!ked out in !lothes (re( to the extreme wearing
stuff from Aber!rombie and *it!h> Ameri!an Eagle> A.+ 0ollister.
ani!ked> Ebony hastily tried to take off the 0ollister (olo> but underneath it> there was another
0ollister (olo underneath. Ebony frowned> and looked under her shirt. All she saw was a bra
underneath Edare $ (oint out it3s from the Aerie line a/ailable at Ameri!an EagleBF. Ebony tried to
remo/e the shirt again. But to her frustration> there was yet again another (olo to re(la!e it.
8=0$S $S '.A46$7AA A.+ +4ES .4= #AJE A.1 SE.SEGG8 Ebony bellowed out to the air. She
failed to see the irony in her statement> how hy(o!ryti!al her words were> seeing as she was (ra!ti!ally
!alling the kettle bla!k here.
Ebony slit her writs and mumbled to herself> 84migod.8
I$nd ,rap !ic.
'0II &h yeah9 if you wanna see the original content this chick had planned for this chapter9 I accessed it through the
document manager thingy9 which I copied and pasted9 so you can read it here6
'06 stfu prep7 git a lif/444444 2 %2,-/44 oh and form now on il be in vocation in englind until lik august so I wont be
able ; update = a while9 lol7. fang7 ; evry4 hu revoiwed eCpect da prep7 hu flamed !&- 2/4 M,* *21$B <<</444
$ woke u( in da .orseDs offa!e on a s(e!ial gothik !offin. 0airgrid wuz in da bed o((osite me in a
!omma !oz ,am(ir and +ra!o had bet him u(. #r. .oris was !leaning the room.
;4h mi satan wut ha((enedG< $ s!reamed. Suddenly ,olxemort !ame. 0e loked less mean then usual.
;6et the fuk out u fu!king bastardG22< $ yielded.
;=hou hath nut killd ,am(ire yetG22< he said arngrily. Sudenly he started 2 !ry tearz of blood al
;,olxemortB 4#*6 whatDs wrongG222< $ asked.
SudenlyHHH. Au!ian> rofesor Sinister and Serious !ameG BDlody #ary and ,am(ire were wif dem.
E/ery2 was holding blak boxez. ,4AXE#49= +$SAAE9+.
;4#*6 Enoby ur ali/eG222< S!remed ,am(ire. $ hugged him and BDlody #ary.
;What the fuk ha((enedB< $ asked dem. ;4h my satanG22 Am $ lik dead nowB< $ gos(ed.
;Enoby u were almost shotG22< said Serious. ;But da ballet !ould not kill u sin!e u were form anodder
;But fangz anywayG2< said Au!ian holding oot his arm. $ gas(ed. 0e had two armsG
;4#6 $ !ant bele/e ,am(irzD dad shot uG2< $ gas(ed.
;Well 2 be honest Sna( wuz (ozzesd by Sna( bak den.< said Iames.
;1ah he wuz a s(y.< Serious said sadly. ;0e wuz really a +eath +ealer.<
;And he wuz su!h a fuking (oser 2G22< said Au!ian. ;0e didnDt e/en realy no hu 67 were until $ told
him.< Well anyway e/eryone tarted 2 gi/e me (resents. $ was o(ening a blak box wif red 666s Ethere
wuz a d/d of !or(s bride in itF on it when $ gas(ed. #r. .oris looked u( angrily !oz he hKed gothz.
;0ey haz aneone fuking seen +ra!oB< $ asked gothikally.
;.o +ra!o told me he wood be wat!hing 0oes of Wax.< said rofesor =re/olry. ;0e duzznDt know dat
ur better. Anyway da norse said u !ould get u(. 7um onG2<
$ got u( sui!idally. Au!ian> Serious and rofesor Sinister left. $ wuz wearing a blak leather nightgun.
'nder that $ had on a sexxy blak leather bra trimed wif blak la!e> with a mat!hing thong that said
goffik gurl on the butt and sexy fishnetz that kind hooked on 2 my thong Eif u donDt get da idea
massage me ill tell uF. $ (ut on a blak fishnet to( under a blak #79 t?shirt> a blak leather mini with
blak la!e and !ongress shoes. $ left the hos(italDs wings wif BDlody #ary> Willow and ,am(ire.
;4#*6 letz !elebrateG22< gas(ed Willow.
;We !an go ! 0ose of Wax wif +ra!oG2< giggled ,am(ire.
;Aetz go lizzen 2 67 and kut oursel/z 666G22< said 0ermoine. We o(ened da !onmen room door
sexily. And denHHH..$ gas(edHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH +ra!o wuz there doing it wif
Sna(G2222222222222222222222222 0e wuz wearing a blak tshirt wif 666 on da front and baggy
;' fu!king (re(G22< we all yielded angrily.
;1ah u betrayed usG222< shooted ,am(ire angrily as he took out his blak gun.
;.o u donDt understandG2< s!reamed +ra!o sadly as he took his thingie out of SnakeDs.
;.o shit u fuking suk u (re((y bastardG222< said Willow trying 2 attak him Eu rok girlG2F. $ ran
sui!idally to my room $ sexily took a steak out.
;Enoby noG22222< s!reamed +ra!o but it wuz 2 lK $ had slit muh ritsts wif it suddenly e/eryfing went
blak again.
'n-'non-'uthor-#ho-#ill-%ilently-0ot-*eveal-Her-Identity-ecause-%heJs-'-,oward 6A
'.-.'. >ust a troll with rocks for brains.
Chapter 4. +,+- .omeone ha# ta"en my acco!nt o$er-
TH$ IDI&TJ% 0&T$6 #ell... this was in the doc area... might as well let the whole world see what the real Tara wanted to
show us... Have a nice day/
'06 stfu prep7 git a lif/444444 2 %2,-/44 oh and form now on il be in vocation in englind until lik august so I wont be
able ; update = a while9 lol7. fang7 ; evry4 hu revoiwed eCpect da prep7 hu flamed !&- 2/4 M,* *21$B <<</444
$ woke u( in da .orseDs offa!e on a s(e!ial gothik !offin. 0airgrid wuz in da bed o((osite me in a
!omma !oz ,am(ir and +ra!o had bet him u(. #r. .oris was !leaning the room.
;4h mi satan wut ha((enedG< $ s!reamed. Suddenly ,olxemort !ame. 0e loked less mean then usual.
;6et the fuk out u fu!king bastardG22< $ yielded.
;=hou hath nut killd ,am(ire yetG22< he said arngrily. Sudenly he started 2 !ry tearz of blood al
;,olxemortB 4#*6 whatDs wrongG222< $ asked.
SudenlyHHH. Au!ian> rofesor Sinister and Serious !ameG BDlody #ary and ,am(ire were wif dem.
E/ery2 was holding blak boxez. ,4AXE#49= +$SAAE9+.
;4#*6 Enoby ur ali/eG222< S!remed ,am(ire. $ hugged him and BDlody #ary.
;What the fuk ha((enedB< $ asked dem. ;4h my satanG22 Am $ lik dead nowB< $ gos(ed.
;Enoby u were almost shotG22< said Serious. ;But da ballet !ould not kill u sin!e u were form anodder
;But fangz anywayG2< said Au!ian holding oot his arm. $ gas(ed. 0e had two armsG
;4#6 $ !ant bele/e ,am(irzD dad shot uG2< $ gas(ed.
;Well 2 be honest Sna( wuz (ozzesd by Sna( bak den.< said Iames.
;1ah he wuz a s(y.< Serious said sadly. ;0e wuz really a +eath +ealer.<
;And he wuz su!h a fuking (oser 2G22< said Au!ian. ;0e didnDt e/en realy no hu 67 were until $ told
him.< Well anyway e/eryone tarted 2 gi/e me (resents. $ was o(ening a blak box wif red 666s Ethere
wuz a d/d of !or(s bride in itF on it when $ gas(ed. #r. .oris looked u( angrily !oz he hKed gothz.
;0ey haz aneone fuking seen +ra!oB< $ asked gothikally.
;.o +ra!o told me he wood be wat!hing 0oes of Wax.< said rofesor =re/olry. ;0e duzznDt know dat
ur better. Anyway da norse said u !ould get u(. 7um onG2<
$ got u( sui!idally. Au!ian> Serious and rofesor Sinister left. $ wuz wearing a blak leather nightgun.
'nder that $ had on a sexxy blak leather bra trimed wif blak la!e> with a mat!hing thong that said
goffik gurl on the butt and sexy fishnetz that kind hooked on 2 my thong 8if u don?t get da idea massage me
ill tell u:. $ (ut on a blak fishnet to( under a blak #79 t?shirt> a blak leather mini with blak la!e and
!ongress shoes. $ left the hos(italDs wings wif BDlody #ary> Willow and ,am(ire.
;4#*6 letz !elebrateG22< gas(ed Willow.
;We !an go ! 0ose of Wax wif +ra!oG2< giggled ,am(ire.
;Aetz go lizzen 2 67 and kut oursel/z 666G22< said 0ermoine. We o(ened da !onmen room door
sexily. And denHHH..$ gas(edHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH +ra!o wuz there doing it wif
Sna(G2222222222222222222222222 0e wuz wearing a blak tshirt wif 666 on da front and baggy
;' fu!king (re(G22< we all yielded angrily.
;1ah u betrayed usG222< shooted ,am(ire angrily as he took out his blak gun.
;.o u donDt understandG2< s!reamed +ra!o sadly as he took his thingie out of SnakeDs.
;.o shit u fuking suk u (re((y bastardG222< said Willow trying 2 attak him Eu rok girlG2F. $ ran
sui!idally to my room $ sexily took a steak out.
;Enoby noG22222< s!reamed +ra!o but it wuz 2 lK $ had slit muh ritsts wif it suddenly e/eryfing went
blak again.
IdiotJs 0ote6 2gh... I know... terrible... but then again9 this wouldnJt be called the Jworst fanfic ever if not for the fact that
the writing standards meets the level of a day old fetus...
Chapter 41.
'06 ; every4 hu kep7 flaming di7 +IT % 1I!///// I bet u proly odnt no hu gerod way is ur proly al prep7 and po7ers////////
44444 neway sum4 hakked in; mi akkount in 0ovember and dey put up my last chaptah but now der is a new 4. im surry =
nut updating g = a while but ive been rilly bi77y. im trying ; finish da story b= da new movie kum7 out. Im gong on vacation
= a mons I wont be bak until abott ; weeks. &M!+ drako i7 so hot in all da piC = da new movie///444 I wunted dem ; put a
kameo by geord way lol he hsud play drako. if u flame ill slit muh ris7t7////////44 raven u rok gurl hav fun in ingland.
When $ wook u( $ wuz in a strange room. $ loked around $ wuz wearing da same outfit $ had when is
(erformed wif XBlakX=earXGGGGG22 $ looked arund !onfusedly. $t wuz da .orseDs offi!e but it looked
difrentGG 4n da wall wuz a (ik of #arlyin #unzonGGG2222 8Dust imagin dat he is an .Fs goffik band ; ok ko7 he
is more old den panic@/ at da di7cko or mcr: der wuz also a goffik blak Beatles !alander with a (i!ture of the
beetlez werring iyeliner and blak !lo/es. 4n it said L2-K:.D
;4#*6GGG $m ba!k in =im againGGGG222< $ s!reamed loudly. Suddenly SatanEdis is a!tually /oldimort %
(hoto refrenssGF. ,oldimort wuz wearing a blak leather Ia!kson> blak tight Ceans and fishnet (antz. 0e
looked so sexah $ almost had an orgyGGGG22
;4#*6 Enoby r u ok.< 0e asked gothikally.
;1ah $m okay % ur in%mation.< $ sna((ed sexily. ;4#6 am $ deddBBB< koz $ remembered $ had
Cum(ed in front off da bullet from IameDs gun. $ also rememberd !ing +rako doing it wif Sna(GGGG222
$ guessed dat when $ had slit mi wrists $ had went bak in tim instead of dieing. $ knoew $ !ould go
forward in time if $ found a time?toner or da tim ma!hine.
;.o ur not dead.< Satan reassured sui!idally as he smokd a !igarette sexily and smoke !ame all o/er
his fa!e. ;'r a /am(ire so u kant die frum a bullet. 7um on now lets go ! how 0airyDs dad is doing.<
$ noo dat da real reason $ didnDt die from da ballet was koz $ was from da future. ;W=*GGGG Iames
almust shot Au!iiousGGG< $ said indigoally. $ knew that Iames had really ben (ossezzed> but $ didnDt
want him2 know $ knew.
;1ah $ know but he had a heada!he he wz under a lot of stress.< Satan reasoned e/illy.
;$ guess thatDs ok.< $ said be!ause Iames hadnDt really shot Au!ian. Also $ noo that Au!ian wood now
ha/e 2 arms instead of 2. $ walked sedukti/ly outside with Satan. Suddeni $ saw a totally sexi goffik bi
guyGGGGG22 0e had ble!hed blond hair wi/ blak streaks u( 2 his ears and he wuz wearing goffik blak
iliner> a blak 6reen +ay shirt Eit showed billy Coel wi/ bolnd hair sin!e it was da eightiesF> blak
!ongress shoes and bla!k baggy (ants. 0e walked in all sexly like 6errd way in the /ido for $ +onDt " u
lyk $ did yesterday and you !ud see a blak tear on his fa!e lyk da wmn in dat /ideo. ;0ey.< 0e sed all
@wietly and goffi!ally.
;Who da fu!k is thatB< $ asked angrly !os $ did nut kno him.
;+is isH0edwigGGGGGGGGG22< Sed ,olximort. ;0e used to be in XBla!kX=earX 2 but he had 2 dro((
out koz he broke his arm.
;0ey 0edwig.< $ said sedu!ti/ely e/n tho $ wuz nut tring to b.
;Aol hi Enoby.< 0e answered but then he ran away b!os he had hair of magi!al !reature. 0e was
humming Wel!um 2 da Blak rade under his breth8 I no dat is not .Fs but pretend it is ok//:
;Bye.< $ sed all sexily.
;+at was 0edwig. 0e used 2 b my boifreind but we broke u(.< Satan said sadly> luking at his blak
;4#*6 $ !an get u bak 2getherG< $ said fingering something $ didnDt know wuz in my (o!ket? a blak
Jute is What we Aim % !ideo i(od that $ !ould take /ideos wif 8du7 ne4 el7e no about dem@@@ dey kik a77////:.
;4k u !an %get about ur !lass for now> 0edwig. $m going 2 show u something grateGGGG2< $ led them to
da 6reat 0all. ;7um on u guys.<
Au!ian> Iames> Serious and Snake were all in da 6rate 0all. Au!ian woudnt talk wi/ Iames be!ause he
had tried 2 shoot him.
;6o fuk urself you fukking dou!heG< he shouted at him. ;+rako is ne/er gong 2 b frends with /am(ire
;1ah go fu!k urself SamaroG< Sna(e agreed but $ noo he wuz lying koz it had been his folt Iames had
almost shot Au!ian.
;B @uiet u guys.< $ said sexily. #i (lan waz working oot great. .ow $ kood make ,oldement good
wi/out doing it with himG .ow ,am(ireDs dad wood ne/er die and ;4J Satan and 0edwig> u guys !an
start making out.< $ said and $ started 2 film dem wi/ da i(od.
;Jool.< said Serious as ,oldemort and 0edwig started 2 make out sexily. We wat!hed as tdey started 2
take ea!h odderz !lo/es off sexily. Samaro> Serious> Snake and Au!ian all wat!hed koz dey wer (rolly
bi. $ noo Sna(e was bi.
;4h my fukking godGGGG ,oldimortG ,oldimortG< s!reamed 0edwig as his glo!k tou!hed ,oldemortDs.
But suddenly e/erything sto((ed as da door o(end and in kameHHHHHH+umblydore and #r.
Chapter 42. /a 0la" para/e
'06 omg da new book i7 kumming out rlly soon I kant wait///4444. I fink dat snap will be really the same person as
(olCimort ko7 dey are both haff-blood so dat will eCplain y he kild dumblydore and he hated hairy/////4444 nd den hairy wil
have ; kommit suicide so voldimort will die ko7 he will rilly be a horcroC/////444 omg I hope draco nd harry get ;getha dat
will be so shmeCCy9 wont it@@ If dey don?t den >-* is hamophobic/////444444 fang7 = da help wiv facts9 medusa u rok///444
$ sat de(ressedly in +umbledorkDs offi!e wi/ 0edwig> Satan> Iames> Serious> Sna( and Au!ian.
+umbledore was sitting in front of us !ruelly. 0e looked more young den he did in da future. 0e had
taken da i(od away and wuz now lizzening 2 a shitty A/ril Ae/ine song.
;What da hell is this anywayBB< he !a!kled meanly. $ ho(ed he didnDt find out dat $ was frum another
;Whate/er u do donDt blame $bony> u Cerk.< Satan said.
;1ah> siriusly she was trying to get Satan and 0edwig ba!k together.< Serious said de/iantly.
;Be @uiet you Satanists.< +umbledore !o!kled. ;$f ur lu!ky $Dll (robably send u all to AkazabanGGG =hat
will tea!h u to !o(olate in da 6reat 0all.< 0e !hanged the song on da i(od 2 a nDSyn! song. Suddenly $
noti!ed sumfing strong about da $(od. $t was slowly !hongingG +umblydore didnDt note!e.
;1ou fu!king (oser.< $ muttoned.
;$ bet youD/e ne/er herd of 67.< Iames said. Jnow $ knew waht da iod was !honging in2? #orti
#!*lyDs tim ma!hineGGGGG22
;Shut u( IomesGGG< +rakoDs dad shouted.
;1eah shut u(GGGG< Snake said (re((ily.
;.o u shut u( +umblydoreGGGGGGGG2222< said =om.
;$D/e had enough of u Satanists in my s!hoolGGGG< shouted +umbledore s(uriously.
Suddenly $ grabed da iod from him. ;E/ry2G Ium( in b% itz 2 lKGGG $ Cum(ed in2 it. But only 2 odder
(erson Cum(d in. $t wasHH..Satan.
;1ou dunderheadsGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG2222222222< s!reamed +umbledore wisely as we went.
$ looked around. $ wuz in da Slitherin !onmen room wi/ Satan. $ was wearing a blak (laid miniskirt
with hot (ink fishnetz> a sexy blak #79 !orset and blak stiletto boots with (ink (entagroms on dem.
#y earrings were blake Satanist sins and my ra/en hair was all around me to my mid?bla!k.
;0ey kool where iz disB< he asked in an emo /oi!e.
;+is is da future. +umbeldoreDs iod dat he tried to take away from me wuz really also a tim ma!hine.<
$ told him.
;Jool whatDs an i(at!hB< he whim(ered.
;$tDs somefing u use 2 lizzen 2 musi!.< $ yakked.
;4#*6 kool wait whatz a %?letter?wurd % dirtB< he esked in his sexah /oi!e.
;'m $ guezz sandBBBB< $ laid !onfuesdly.
;1ah $ wuz Cust triinyg to make sure u were stil da same (erzon.< 0e trium(hently giggled.
Suddenly some of my friends walked in.
;4#6 youDre fu!king ali/eG< said 6inny wearing a blak leather Co!ket> blak baggy (ants and a goffik
bla!k *rum *irst to Aast shirt. $ ex(lained 2 her why $ was ali/e.
;Joni!hiwa> bit!h.< said Willow. She was wearing a blak !orset showing off her boobs with la!e all
around it and red sti(es on it. With it she waz wearing a blak leather miniskirt> big blak boots> white
foundation> blak eyeliner> red eyeshadow> and blak li(sti!k.
;0ey> motherfu!ker.< Said +iabolo with his red hair. 0e waz wearing a bla!k BA=+ t?shit and blak
baggy (ants.
;0ey whose that> $bonyB< BDloody #ary @uestioned as she walked in wearing a bla!k t?shit with a red
(entarom on it with la!e at the bottom> red letther (ants with blak la!e> and bla!k stolettoes.
;4h its Satan.< $ told her and she nodded knowing da truth.
Suddenly Satan started to !ry.
;Are you okay SatanB< we asked !on!ernedly.
;4#*6 ur from da futureGG2G What if u donDt like m anymore koz were from difrent timesBBBBB< he
;.o $ still like you.< $ said sexily to him.
;4k.< 0e said ressuredly. $ let him lizzen 2 =eenagers by #79 on my i(od while $ was about to go
outside to find out some fingz. $ ga/e +iabolo a signal to kee( Satan o!!u(ied. Satan fell aslee(. $ took
the iod. $ was about to walk outside. rofesor Sinister ran inGGGGGGG2222 She was wearing a gothi! blak
minidress with de(ressing blak stri(es> white and blak stri((ed tights> and red !on/erse shoes. She was
wearing A4=S of blak iliner.
;4h my fu!king god> whereDs +ra!oGGGG222 0ow did Sna( get ba!k hereGGG $ tohot he wuz in
AzerbaiCan.< $ asked sadly.
;Ebony $ was so worried abott u but $ know you !anDt fu!king die be!ause youDre a /rom(ire. Sna(e
!ame ba!k be!ause that girl Britney freed him. $ ne/er liked her she was a bad student.< =re/olry said
;=hat bit!hGGGGGGG22 +id she also free 0argrid and Aoo(inB< $ shouted angrily. $ hated Britney be!ause
she was a fu!king (re(.
;1es they are on the loose at this s!hool. +umblydore is ba!k 7ornelia is on his way to hel( e/ry2. =ell
e/ry2 u see to lo!k themsel/es in their !onman roomGGGGGG< =re/olry said worriedly.
;4J. But whereDs +ra!koBBBB 0ow !um he was doing it with Sna(BBBBB<
;$ dunno why but $ know he almost tried 2 !ommit sui!ide after he saw u almost kill urself.< she said.
;4#6 datDs terribleGGGGGGGG< $ gas(ed. Satan was still aslee(> so he !ouldnDt tell what was going on.
=hen $ said ;Aizzen e/ry2> $ ha/e sumthing im(tent to do. in hr e/ry2 stayGGGGGGGGG< wi/ dat $ ran out.
;6ood lu!k =araGGGGGGG22< e/eryone !ried.
$ ran sexily down the staris in2 da 6rate 0all while da (ortraits around looked at me s!aredly. =here
was hardly ne2 else in the stairs nd tere was an atmos(here of horrer. 4n da way $ saw Britney
laughing on da stairs. She was wearing a a slutty (ink shirt wi/ flowers on it> a blu Cean skirt
Aber!romie and (ink stiletoos. She looked Cest like a (entagram of those fu!king (re(s 0ilery +uff and
Aindsey Aohan.
;1ou fu!king bit!hGGGGG222< $ shouted angrily.
;.o> your totally a bit!h. .ow ,oldemort will like totally kill uG< she laughed.
;7ru!iousGGGGGGGGG2< $ shouted sele!ti/ely (ontifi!ating my blak wand and she started s!reaming koz
she was being tortured and $ laughed sodisti!ally.
;.oGGGGGG2 0el( meGGGGGG2 leaseGGGGGGGG2< Britney s!reamed terrifiedly.
$ (ut u( my middle finger at her. $n her hand $ saw da /ideo !amera Sna(e and Aum(in had used to
take da /ideo of me. $ (ut the ta(e of ,oldimort doing it with 0edwigg onto it. =hen $ !ontinued to
rown down the stairs with the !amera. When $ had rea!hed da 6rate 0all $ saw ,am(ire otter. ;4#6
,am(iraGGGG222< $ yielded.
We hugged ea!h udder ha((ily. 0e lo!ked at me wif his gothi! red eyes and s(iky blak hair. Around
them were blak eyeliner and iShadow. 0is 0e wus wearing a blak leather Ia!kson> ledder (ants> a
anik at da +isko !on!ert shirt and his blak !ongress shoes. 0e looked mor like Ioel from 6ood
7harlote than e/er. 8did u hear der song da river it roC///4:;$ wus so worried you diedG< moaned ,am(ire.
;$ know but $m a /am(ire lol. When $ woke u( $ wuz ba!k in 2-K:> so neway $ bought ,oldimort from
when he was yung with me.<
;WhereDs +ra!oB< $ asked s(uriously.
;+ra!oB 1ou mean that fukking (oser who betroyed youB< ,am(ir snarkled with anger in his sexy
;$ .4 B'= WE 0A, 2 *$.+ 0$#.< $ SE+ S#A9=1.
;$Dll do it den.< 0arry said angstily.
;4J.< $ argreed. SuddenlyHHH.all da lights in da room went out. And denHH.da +ork #ark
;4h my fu!king satanGGGGG< 0arry shouted.
;$ fink ,oldimort has arri/d.< $ sed anxiously. ;*u!k> $ ha/e to find +ra!oGG2 $ guess we shood
;4k.< ,am(ire sed dia((erating. Sadly $ ran into the 6reat 0all.
Chapter 43.
'06 I fink after dis I wil hav abott ; or three mor chapter7. !ang7 ; all muh revyooers not das flamers if u flamed sis story
den u suk/////////444444 if u flam den fukk u///444
$ walked sexily into the 6reat 0all. $t was em(ty ex!e(t for one (erson. +ra!o was thereGG 0e sat der in
deddly bloom in his blak 666 t?shirt and his baggy blak (ants. 0e had slit his wristsGGGGG222 $ felt mad
at him for ha/ing sexwith Sna(e but $ felt sorry for him. 0e looked Cust like 6erard Way with his red
eyes and his (ale white fa!e.
;+ra!o are you okayBBBB< $ asked.
;$Dm not okay.< he s!reamed de(ressedly. $ thought of the #79 song nd $ got e/en more de(ressed koz
that song always makes me !ry. $ ga/e him a (ot !igarette and he started to smoke it.
;4h +ra!o why did you do it with that fu!king bastard Sna(eB< $ asked teardully.
;$?< +ra!o began to say but suddenly Au(in and #r. .orris a((earated in2 da roomGG =hey didnDt see
;$m so glad we me and Sna(e were freed.< said Aoo(in.
;+am> this Cob would be great if it wasnDt % da fukking studentsG< #r. .orris argreed.
;o( addelumGGGGG222< $ yielded angrily (ointing my wand at them.
;.ooooooooGGGG2< Au(in shouted as !hains !ame on him. #r. .orris ran away.
;1ou fukking (er/.< $ said laughing wi/ de(ths of e/il and de(ressedness in my /oi!e. ;.ow u ha/e 2
tell us where ,oldimort is or $Dm gong 2 torture uGGGG<
;$ donDt now where he isGGGG2222< said Aoo(in. Suddenly Satan and ,am(ire ran in2 da room. ,am(ir
didnDt know who Satan was really.
;4h my satan> we were so worried about u guysGG2< ,am(ire said. $ looked sexily at +ra!o with his
goffik red eyes with !onta!ts> blak t?shirt that said 666 on it and (ale skin like 6erord Way> ,am(ir
with his sexy blak hair and red eyes Cust like *rank $ero and Satan who looked Cist like Brandan 'rie
$ sele!ti/ely took the !aramel from my (o!ket. And thenH.. $ began fren!hing +ra!o sexily. Aoo(in
gas(ed. +ra!o began to take all of his !lo/es off and $ !ould see his white sex?(a!k. =hen ,am(ire
took his own !lotes off too. We all began making out 2gther sexily. $ took off my blak leather bra> my
blak la!e thong and the rest of my !lothes. E/ery2 took their glo!ks out ex!e(t % me im a girl lol. ;4h
mi satanGG +ra!oGGGG< $ s!reamed as he (ut his hardness in my thingy +en he did da same fing to 0arry.
$ began making out wi/ Satan and he Coined in. ;4#SGGG222< !ried ,am(ire. ;4h ,am(ireG
,am(ireGGG< $ s!reamed s!reamed. ;4h SatanGGGGG< yelled 0arry in (leasore. Aoo(in wat!hed in sho!k.
Wee took turns doing torture !urses on him koz we were all sadists.
HHHH.a big blak !ar that said 666 on the li!ense (late flew strait through da windows. And Sna(
wuz in itGGGGGGG22
Chapter 44.
'06 well I hav noffing ; say but evrt4 stup glamming ok//444 if any gofik ppl r reading dis den u rok///44 omg I stil kant
wait = da movie///4 tom fleton is so hot lol i hop harry wil bekum gofik ko7 mi frend told me he i7 rlly emo in dis book////
4444 omfg im leeving dubya pretty soon kant wait/// Di7 wil prolly be da last chaptah until I kum bak.
;+atDs mi !arGGGG< shooted +ra!o angrily. But suddenly it was re/ealied who was in da !ar. $t
;$ shall free you Aoo(in but first you must hel( me kill these idioti! donderheads.< he said !ruelly from
the !ar as it flew !ir!umam!izing abo/e us. ;Ebony +arkDness +ementia 9a/en Way must be killed.
+en the +ork Aord shall ne/er dieGGGG<
;1ou fu!king (re(GGG< yelled +ra!o. =hen he loked at me sadly. ;$ forgot to tell u> Ebony. Sna(e made
me do it with him. $ didnDt really ha/e sexx him but heDs a ro(eistGGGG<
We all (ut our !lothes on @ui!kly ex!e(t Satan. We were so s!arredGGGG2 But Satan didnDt !hange.
$nstead he !hanged into a man with gren eyes> no nose> a gray robe and white skin. 0e had !hanged
intoHHHH ,oldemontGGGGGGG222
;$ knew who thou were all along.< he !a!kled e/illy and sar!asti!ally at me. ;.ow $ shall kill thee
allGGGGGG< =hunder !ame in da room.
;.o (lz donDt kill usG< (leaded ,am(ire. Suddenly Willow> BDloody #ary> +iabolo> 6inny> +ro!ula>
*red and 6orge> 0argrid> #!6onagall> +umblydore> Serious and Au!ian all ran in.
;What is da meaning of disB< +umblydore asked all angrily and ,oldimort lookd away 8bcos dumblydore
is da only whi7ard he is scared of.: 0e did a s(ell and suddenly his broomsti!k !ame to him sexily.
,olxemort flew abo/e the roof e/illy on his broomstik.
;4h my gothG< Slugborn gos(ed. 8geddit kos im goffik:
;=he +ark Aord shall kill all of you. =hen you must submit to himGGGG< Sna(e eCa!ulated mena!ingly.
;1ou fu!king (re((y fagsG< Serious shouted angrily.
;$ know a four?letter word % dirt> 79'7$A='SGGG< s!reamed 0arry but da s(arks from his wand only
hit +ra!oDs !ar. $t fell down Sna( @ui!kly !rowled out of it and (i!ked u( the !ideo !amera.
;4h my fu!king godGGG2< $ !ried be!oze the /ideo of me in da bathrum> the /ideo of me dong it wif
+rako and the /ideo of Satan doing it with
;$f you kill me then deze !ideos will be shown to e/eryone in the skull. =hen u !an be Cust like that
goffik girl aris 0illton.< 0e laughed meanly.
;.oG< $ s!remed. ;*1$ $ ha/ da (i!ter of u doing it with Aoo(inGGGG22<
;Whats she talking abottBBBBBB< Au(in slur(ed as he sat in !hains.
;$ saw 2 sheDs gunna show e/ry2 da (i!terGGG222< 0arry shouted angrily.
;Shut u(GGG222D< Aum(kin roared.
;*oolish ignoramusesGGGGGG< yielded ,oldemort from his broomsti!k. ;=hou shall all dye soon.<
;=hink again you fu!king muggle (oserGGGGG2< 0arry yelled and then he and +iablo and .a/el both
took out blak gunsG But ,oldimort took out his own one.
;' guyz are in a Aatin stand?ofGGGGGGG222< $ shouted des(ariedrly.
;A!!o .e/elDs wandGGG22< !ried ,oldrimort nd suddenly .e/ilDs wind was in his hands. ;.ow $ shall
kill thee all and E/ony u will dieGGGGGGGG22222<
0e maid lighting !ome all o/er da (la!e.
;Sa/e us EbonyG< +umbledark !ried.
$ !ried sexily $ Cust wanted 2 go 2 the !ommen room and slit my wrists with mi friends while we
wat!hed Shark Attak " and Saw 2 and do it with +ra!o but $ knew $ had 2 do somefing more im(otent.
;AB9A JE+AB9AGGGGGGGGGGG22222< $ shooted.
My Immortal 21 2a"e Me 3p In#i/e
3ep9 the %ekwel that wasnt really a sekwel. $nDoy while you can. i might delete it completely9 unless the admins get to it
first. !lame me if you want9 I dont give a fuck.
Chapter 1.
'06 %rry dat I havnt riten any nu chaps9 but sum4 hakd my old akont9 K nw I hav ; use dis 4. If yu dnt lik goffik stuff thn yu
a prep79 so fuk of//44
$ lookd at ,oldrimort as he flw b!k> httn da wall.
;1u wll (ay % dis<> he sad sexily.
$ tied 2 !lose my eys nd fink abot ete Wentz and his sexynis. $ !udnt bar da (ain anymore. Al $ wnatd
wuz 2 g 2 my rom and !ut my rists.
;1u r al lik da rst<> $ said sua!ialy. ;Al yu wnt 2 du is lrd it o/r us goffz. 1u di!ktate wat we !n nd !nt
du> yu mtherfukr<.
;0w dar yu tlk 2 me lik dat<> Woldermort sid as he buort out his wi(> nd bgan 2 wi( me. $ !ried sexily.
$ thried to fink abot et Wentz nd hs sexy boby> bt da foght ke( goin awy.
;Sum2 hel( me<> $ !ried sau!ialy.
Sudenly !am Samaro> ,am(ires dad.
;+i<> 0e siad as he gut hiz gun ut and shot ,oldsermort.
;A9999999999< ,oldadork yeld as he flw awy on his broom. $ trid 2 find Samaro but he wuz
'06 #u7 dat good. If yu flme it9 dan yu a prep//4
Chapter 2.
'06 Dis is da nects chptr. Dnt flame yu posers//4444
+ombledor went u( 2 a (ra( named Britney and sid> ;Well done Britney> you ha/ sa/d us on!e agin<
W0A= +A *'J<> $ yelded at him. ;$ +id al tghart hard wrk> yu mthrfukr<.
;Ebony +arkDness +ementia 9a/en Way> yu did noffing as we wre bing turtured by da +irk lord. 1u
wll be snt to yu room<.
+at nite $ !reid. =hat bit!h took all da !ridit. =ht mthrfukr will (ayGG
+a mext day> a new grl strtd at skool. 7 wuz anther fukn (re(. 0er name will aris 0ilton. 7 hd only
fond out dat ! wuz a @wit!h nt dat long ago and ! mde sure to b mean to us goffs.
7 s(illd aflass of wtar on ,am(ire.
;1 da fuk did yu do that> yu bit!h<> $ yeld dat hr.
;Wat!h da mouuth<> ! said.
Aftr ! wuz gne> $ lokd at +ra!o> noing dat he wanted 2 do it wtih me.
A.& +ont fukn flame> yu (sers.
Chapter 3.
Dnt fukn flam me yu bitchs. I bt yu a prep//4444 Dis capt is = *aven9 yu wll alwys be in our haerts.
+at nite> me and +ra!o went to our rooms. +ra!o tok hus to( off> and $ did da smae.
0e began to sux on my boobs. $ sexily !ried out in (ian. 0is mouth tasted tendr. 0e den sto(ed> and
look at me. 0e lokd lik 6erald Way. 0e den went and tok is (aints off. $ saw his you know wat> and
began to sux on it. +ra!o !reied su!idally as $ suxed on it.
;Sto( it< he yelled sexly.
While $ stll had his you know what in his mouth> $ siad> ;if you wus out know> yu r (re(<.
;+onDt fuken tell me wat to do> +ra!o yelled at me sexily. 0e then lieftd the room nakd.
$ !udnt bare it. So $ !ut my slf wile listn to the radio.
;'nother turning point a fork stuck in the road Time grabs you by the wrist directs you where to go %o
make the best of this test and donJt ask why ItJs not a Guestion but a lesson learned in time ItJs
something unpredictable but in the end itJs right I hope you had the time of your life5 da band sang.
;E/n da radio is mo!king me now<> $ fukn yelld.
'06 I hope dat wu7 good. Alea7 no flame7//444
Chapter 4.
'06 Don?t kukn flame me yu prep7. 3u only Delu7//444 ,atn wayt = da new !& albun// Aete #nt7 loks so hot//4
+a next day> my bnd strtd 2 (ly. 7ra!o d!ided 2 @it da bnd !uz of wat we did lst nite. $ wuz wrin a bl!k
67 to( wh!h wuz ri(d and shrt lethr skrt> wh!h wuz also ri(d. $ hd bl!k li(ti!k on nd wite fondason
and bl!k eylinr. $ had a (ntagrm n!kl!e around my n!k and $ had a (onty hi?heeld bots. #y har wuz al
mesd u(. $ wor bl!k ey !ont!ts. We d!ided to rite sum nu songz. 2 of dem wuz !ald ;Brak " of da
system<. We (lyd it and e/ry2 lu/d it.
;To da depf of hell. #her %atan ring7 hi7 el7 +offs of da world7 %lit da rist ; da beat< $ sang.
We den (lyed sum oldr songz. =heal lu/d it.
;#e die = noffing ledn our rist our 1et our lifs be none = our pact b cmpete<> $ sang da next songz.
Bitney and da nu grl !am u( and sad dat we wer lam. $ll shw dat bit!hGG222 7 (uld da (lg> wat a bit!hGG
We wre tld to la/e !uz da t!herz tld us 2. *uk them. +ey alwd (re(z ms! 2 b (lyd lik dat fukn bit!h
aris hu sonded lik S0$=GG222222
;1 !nt dey (ly stuf lik #y 7hem 8If u don?t no dey r den fuk off//: !uz dat is rel mus!<> $ fukn yeld at them
;+at is is a detntion Elbony<> said da t!her. *'J. B$=170GG
Chapter 5.
'06 3 da fuk r yu al sayn im nt me@ #lll I am//4444 %o fuk of yu preps//444
#e and Bloody #ary were sitn outsid wen we saw a (ostr !um u(. $t sed dat *4B were (layn dat nite.
;$ so lu/ *4B<> sad ,loody #ary.
;1ea> but $ !nt stand ete anymor> sn!e he gos out wth dat bit!h Ashlee EWhy !unt ! fukn dieGG2222F.
But $ stll lu/ der nu song<> $ r(lid.
So dat nite we got !hnged in2 sum nu !lth dat $ gt frm 0ot =o(! 8if u dont no wat dat is9 den fuk off:. Wat $
wor wuz a bl!k korset wit wuz ri(d and a blud red leather miniskrt. $ had blud li(stik on aswll. $ had
lng bl!k lethr army bots aswel wh!h were tite as.
When we gt dar we saw sum of our frendz nd we wt!hed *4B (layd. +ey wre amzng. ete Wentz lukd
as e/r.
atri!k sng dar bst $ e/r herd.
;I donJt blame you for being you ut you canJt blame me for hating it %o say9 what are you waiting for@
-iss her9 kiss her I set my clocks early Jcause I know IJm always late< atri!k sang.
$t wuz so amzng dat $ had a orge.
Aftr da shw> me nd Bloddy #ary brorte *4B !n!rt tees nd gt ete nd atrik 2 sgnd dem.
;+at wuz so fukn kol siad Blodoy .ary.
'06 If yu dunt thnk dat im rely me den fuk off.
Chapter 6.
'06 3 da fuk r u al bng meen ; me. 2 gt noider wat its ik bng goff9 u fukn prep7//4 >st fuk off//444 3 cnt u tak me sireusly@
Im a Dok ; u r u. den fuk off// *aven9 I so fukn mis u9 y didu hav; hng urslf.
#e P Bloody #ayr wnt in2 da tolet gt out of our we bgan (sh agnst e!h othr. $ flt hr swet on my skn.
;0u neds guys wen we h/ e!h othr> ! told me.
;$ fukn hat +ro!o<> $ ylded sixily> ;$ bt he is !hetn onme by h/ng it wif ,am(ire. 0es dne it bfor<.
We den sat dwn nd listnd 2 sum 67 whle sltn our rist. +en aftr dat> we den wnt b!k 2 our roms. 4n our
way> we sw +ra!o wth dat slut> aris. 0e wuz wearn (re(z !lthin.
;' BAS=E+GG22< $ yled su!a!idally. ;*'J 4**<.
0e den wnt 2 da boys tolets> mst likly 2 ha/ sexs.
Wile we wlkd b!k 2 our roms> we gt anothr detenton frm #r .oris. +at basted mst fukn di fr wat he
(ut me thruGG22.
'06 Im a goff9 cu7 u dnt no wat u r tlkin abut.
Chapter 7.
'06 %tp flming me9 u prep7//44 !uk u als >ustin9 u tretd me lik sht = lung//4 Thnk ; my sis = da spnsh stff
+a nxt day> $ wok u( frm my !offn> wh!h hd blud red !o/ern> i/ !hnged it !uz $ gt bred of my old 2. $
gt !hangd into a bl!k shrt skrt wth red st(s> nd da 67 to( $ gut frm da !n!ert $ wnt 2. $ (utt on a bl! tigt
lethr C!kit> and sum lng biits dat wnt u( 2 my nees. #y har wuz al mst u(> nd $ hd bl!k mke u( on. $ hd
blud red ey !nta!ks on.
we hd a nu te!hr. 0e wuz relly hot nd he s(ke rely god s(nish. Ie lokd alut lik Ioel frm 67GG
;0o(la nnos> !mo eta ustd esa n!hi. #i nombre es /andersleld (aro ustd (ude todo lamida yo Sombra.
A(remderemos hay sbre (esidilas<> he tld us. 0e s(ke so sexy dat $ almst hd a orgnisb. We begn 2 wrk.
0e wuz der 2 r(la!e dat (er/at Au(un.
;0eso hot<> sad Blody #atry.
;$so wun2 go out wif him> $ sadi. $ ddnt !uz +ra!o hd Csut !hetd on me wif dat slut Bitney.
So we wnt awy 2 our rum 2 slt our ristz> wile lisnin to da lng Aif P def by 67 8if yu dunt no wat sng dat is9
den fuk off//4:.
'06 Dunt fukn flam me//4 Da reson y my wrtn nt god at dat momnt is dat my profredr is died. I cunt do anifing abut dan//
*aven9 Ido dis = u. *IA 4LL;-;FF.
Chapter 81 (he 4et#et +ife I# )onna 5ill 6o!
'06 Dnt fukn flame me u prep7//44 Dis is = u *aven *IA 4LL;-;FF..
+a nxt !las> dmbldor !alld me u( 2 his ofi!e. 0e wuz dis tiem wering a #79 to( Edat fukn (oserF.
;+is is /ry im(ortnant stuf Enoby<> he tlled me. ;Sma( nd Au(im hs es!abe. +ay wll b tukn % u. ' r in
;+ey bettr nt tri n tak (i!s of me nakd agan. $ dunt wnted 2 be lik da slut (asis. $ dunt wnt aex ta(s of
me on da net<> $ ylled foffikly.
;7am dwn> Ebobyu. Al u h/e 2 do is ke( a klow !ober> !uz snao( and lu(n !an b lukn anywer<>
dubldork said 2 me su!idaly.
;6ret<> $ yled sixely> ;$ nw ha/ (er/rts aftr me> grest<.
$ ran bak 2 da !ommnrum nd slo(d my rst wil listning 2 0old 4n by 67. Al $ wnted 2 do wuz kil
myslf. $ dei!ded 2 bed. But wen $ gt my rum> $ saw Sma(e der. Bloody #ayr wuz der bt ! wuz dead. $
sw al thes bum wunds on her bdy.
;+i u mothrfukr<> $ yled at sn(e.
'06 Don?t fukn rport me us posers//44
Chapter 91 Chapter 1.
'06 3 dnt u bliev dat it is relly me@ Is it cu7 dar so mny poser hu fink dat dey can btend ; b me@ ,u7 Im da reel Tara.
Sexly> Sombre !am in nd Ci!kd Sma( ut of da windo. Sna( yled su!idally as he fel 2 da flor.
;7um wif me> Sombre tld me saxily.
So $ folo hm 2 +umblidarks ofist. Wen $ gt der> $ sw +unblidorf (enixs. $t wuz red nd hot.
+umblidor wnt u( 2 me. 0e wuz woryd.
;$ is nt saf % u 2 b hre. $nf!t it is nt saf % any2 2 b here now. +is skool must b lose dwn<> he tld e/ery2
in da offise.
ro 6ondagol smild. +at bit!h wnted dis skool dwn % ages. *ugde lukd h((y. 0e did nt ha/ 2 deel wif
da skol anymor> so dat wuz gud % him. 0anrid wuz sad. 0e lu/d dis skool so m!h.
All $ wnted 2 do wuz go 2 my room nd slit my rist. $ !udnt bar it. $ nu $ hd 2 go homeH
7ha(ter 2:& $ am a big *A= troll
Authors .ote& =his is not =ara. $ ha/e ha!ked into her a!!ount> and $ will rather kee( my name se!ret>
fearing that a !razy goffMemo kid might murder me. EnCoy.
Suddenly +umbledore de!ided to get rid of the e/il Enoby on!e and for all.
;Aet us !ut our wrist<> he told e/eryone in the offi!e. ;0ere is a knife that $ ha/e !on/enently ha/e on
Enoby !ould not wait to !ut herself. So she @ui!kly ran u( to +umbledore and gra((ed the knife out of
his hand. Aike in an e(i! s!ene in a mo/ie> in whi!h in all the trailers ha/e in them> Enoby !ut her wrist.
Suddenly> she dro((ed dead.
E/eryone begins to sing> ;1ay> the 6off is dead<.
So after this e/ent> it was dis!o/ered the all the sex s!enes in the first story was all in Enobys head> and
that the sex in 7ha(ter " was Enoby for!ing +ra!o to ha/e sex.
Sna(e and Au(in were not sex addi!ts> but trying to (ro/e that Enoby was illegally !utting herself and
being 6off> whi!h was illegal within the wizardry !ommunity> for it was to muggle like. =his was
howe/er was (ro/en when Enoby !ut herself> and died.
Bloody 6othi! 9ose 666 renamed themsel/es $ Ao/e #y Aife> and they began to sing re((y songs
instead of 6offi! songs> whi!h wasnDt a real genre in the first (la!e.
6ood 7harlotte> #y 7hemi!al 9oman!e and *all 4ut Boy ne/er (layed at 0ogwarts> but instead was in
Enobys head> whi!h all her so !alled friends (layed along to kee( her ha((y. =hey were afraid that she
would killed herself if she found out.
And to end this story> lets ha/e a Britney S(ears song be (layed o/er the !redits&
&h baby baby How was I supposed to know that somethinJ wasnJt right here oh baby baby I shouldnJt
have let you go 'nd now youJre out of sight9 yeah %how me how you want it to be tell me baby Jcause I
need to know now oh9 because My loneliness Is killing me 8and I: I must confess I still believe 8still
believe: #hen IJm not with you I lose my mind give me a sign hit me baby one more time
+is!lamer& $ do not own any of this stuff> not e/en Enoby E(ulls a sad fa!esF.
Chapter 11.
'06 Hu da fuk hakd my acont@ Its nt fnny//4
$ !udnt belie/ it. $ wuz stndng at da trian as $ waitd 2 gt on. ,am(ire wuz der> wif a dre(rezzd luk on
his fa!.
;Wat is r:ngB< $ askd hm.
;#y un! nd unt hat goffik (e(s. $ll ha/ 2 gt !hnge b% $ gt hme<> ,am(ire tld me.
$ bgan 2 !ri se!ily. $ !udnt bar h/ing nt 2 b goffik % dat lng tme. $ flt so srry % ,am(ire dat $ wnted 2
slit my rist.
$ wll e u 2 !eek u( on u<> $ sad 2 hm. All he did wuz fround.
;dunt tll dem dat im hu $ am<> he tld her.
+a tranti( wuznt dat lng. We rote sum nu Bloody 6othi! 9ose 666 sngs> wh!h were gud.
+en $ gt 2 da staton nd der watng wuz my lit bro #ilo Agenesis WayH
'06 Ive gt a nu bf +areth (andersleld nd I fink I wll b abl ; do it wif hm. Dunt flam me u prep7//44
Chaptr 12.
'06 Dnt flme me u rpeps//44 Its nly cu7 ya Delu7//444 +areth u r my onli reson = dis gud = nofink lif
$ wnt 2 my rum. $t wuz all drk> !uz $ hatd da lite. 2 da sde> der wuz my !ofn> wh!h wuz !o/r wif (r(le
slk. Al o/r da walls wuz (ostrs of 67> #79> *4B> Gda+isko> nd E/rnes!ent. $n my !ubid wuz my
goffik !lths dat $ gt frm 0ot =o(ik.
$ gt !hnged in2 a shrt skrt dat wuz ri(d> a #79 8der goifk: to(> nd a lethr Cakt. $ hd all my o/r my fa!e>
lik a emo 8,u7 $mo nd +okik I% D' %'M$ THI0H//4: os dat no2 !ud se my ugly fa!. $ wor blk li(tik> whte
(wdr o/r my fa!e> nd bl!k ilinr. $ hd a (eer of bl!k !huks on.
#y lit bro #ilo wuz werng a 6+ 8, der r gokik too: to(> wif tigh Cens on. 0is hiar wuz al s(i!kd u(. 0is
skn wuz (ale> nd his teef wer drwling % blud. 0is !h!ks were blud red> nd he hd a hatrd luk on his fase.
$ wnt 2 da diner tble nd nd we hd human meet> all !o/rd in blud> !uz al my famli is /am(irs> nd r aalso
gofik. +er wuz no lite on !uz we hatd da lite. $ dnk diet !oke mixd wif blood> !uz $m a /a(ire.
Aftr dat> we wt!hd on t/ a (ersn ha/ his blud suxd by a /am(ir. We den slit our rists whle listn 2 6+.
+en my mun nd dad wnt 2 der rum. #e nd my lit bro #ili wt!hd da nitemare b% xmas> nd den !orsb
brde> nd we tok herion> nd slit our rist again.
$ de!ded 2 !hek u( on my flks. $ wnt 2 my rum> nd luk insid nd $ saw my mon nd 0ugrid nakd on da
bed doin it. $ su!idaly has a orgnism.
;Wat da fuk<> $ yeld at her> ;Wat da fuk r u doin<.
#y dad wlkd in> sh!k> !uz had Cst done it wif b% hnd.
;1<> he yled sixely. ;1 did u ha/ 2 do dis 2 me<.
0e wlkd off P so did i. $ wlk awy> so da (rk> wer $ slit my rist. All $ wntd 2 do wuz kil mislf. 1 did dey
ha/ 2 do dat. Suddnly> $ saw a (ostr get (ut u(> wh!h said dat anik da +isko wer (layng in my twon. $
!udnt belieb/ it.
'06 Dunt fukn flme me u prps. 2 r only Delu7//444444 +ofik is a wrd//4 nd im nt a wanabe9 I 'M ' +&!!//4444 Do u evn
no wat a gof rely is// Dat cu7 u a prep//444 %o !uk o!//
Chapter 13.
'06 Dunt fukn flam me u prep7//44 my ritng nd spllng is alrite//4444
)C)C)C)C)<<<)C)C)C)C) 8, ive chnged dat9 r u k wif dat9 or do u stll hat me:
+at day> $ wnt P gt tikets. +a day of da !on!rt> $ in/ted ,am(ier. 0is un! nd ant fought he wuz gng 2 a
re( shw> so dey ddnt mnd. 0e (ikd me u( in hs bl!k mer!> wh!h had blud red lethr sheets. 0e wuz
werng a anikG to(> nd tite bl!k Cens> wh!h were ri(d. 0s hair wuz nt bl!k> lik he usely hd> bt munly
blu. $ kisd him nd $ hd an orgnism.
$n da !ar> we smked (ot> nd gt al hi. $ red a dre(resing bok> nd we listnd 2 #79> and den we listnd 2 G
da+isko. We den slt our rits> whle listning to 67. We den gt 2 da !on!rt.
We gt 2 da frnt of da !rwd nd mshed rite out frnt. $ saw 'rie> nd $ hd a orgnism.
;+ey r so fukn koolGB< $ yled.
;1eh> bt dey r nt as kool as u r<> ,a(ire said to me saxily. 0e kisd me agan nd $ hd an anther oranism.
;Time is never time at all you can never ever leave without leaving a piece of youth and our lives are
forever changed we will never be the same the more you change the less you feel believe9 believe in me9
believe<> da bnd sung.
;$ so lu/ dis sng. =hs has 2 b der bst one dey/e ritn<> $ tld /am(ire su!idaly.
;Sam> bt $ lu/ u bettrGG<> he sexily.
$ wnt awy 2 by sum anikG to(s> bt on my way> $ sw a goffik kid dat $ sen b%&
$t wuz SatanHH..
Chapter 14.
'06 Dunt fukn flam me u rp7//4
;+i<> $ yled hm as $ (uuld a smll.
;St( he sed< $m nt Woldanort. $ wuz kdna(d b% da #arylin #ansn shw<.>
so is wuznt u al da tim<> $ sed 2 hm
;1ah> P $ ned 2 tll u sumfing<> 0e sed 2 me. ;' ha/ 2 fnd da bll ofda fur!har. $t wll te!h u hu 2 dfet
Wer is is it<B $ askd hm.
;$n da #inisy<> 0e tld me. ;dat hll n!t 2 da on dat ,am(ires 6dfafa gts klld<.
As he sed dat> he wuz mo/d awy by da !rwd. $ d!id 2 by da t(s> nd wnt bak 2 ,am(ire.
;We gt 2 go fnd dos bllz< $ sed 2 hm
;okuy<m> he sed.
'06 im nt a Dok9 im bng seryus//444444 dunt flme u rpap7//444
Chapter 151 I 2rite .in# 7ot (rage/ie#
'06 Dat is a A/daDisko sng9 I herd dem ply it liv//44 2 dunt no anyfng prep//4 Dis chap hs a bg twst ; da stry/@ *IA *aven
4L;-;FF. I 1uv 2
We d!ided 2 mos abt mor. So we moshd rite da frnt> lukng in2 'rie se!ily $s. 0e wuz so ht dat $ gt an
5#hen the lights are dim and your heart is racing as your fingers touch his skin. IJve got more wit9 a
better kiss9 a hotter touch9 a better fuck Than any boy youJll ever meet9 sweetie you had me +irl I was
it9 look past the sweat9 a better love deserving of $Cchanging body heat in the passenger seat@ 0o9 no9
no9 you know it will always Dust be me<> 'rie sng. +ey ddnt (ly ani of der nu stuuf !uz dat stuuf wuz
(re( mus!GG2222 P if suxd.
Afta dey wnt of stge> we watd % da baku( bnd 2 !um on. We d!ded 2 tolet P we didit. ,a(ire (t hs stik
fingy in2 my u no wat> P da likwed stuuf bgan 2 enta mi u no wat. $ s!reemd su!iadaly as he redrew da
stik fingy frm my u no wat. 0e den wnt P suxd on my b::bz> saxng da mlk frm it. $ s!remd e/n mor.
Afta dat> we slt our rists whle listning 2 da blak (erde. We den enCtd heryon in2 our bodys P strted 2
!ri in (an.
Afta dat> we wnt out of da tolet 2 listn 2 da baku( bnd. +ey wer waring msk on. +ey wer snging (re(
mus!> lik dat stu(d bittney s(eers sng. +ey toke der msk of.
+ey wer ,alfamort P his def estersHHHH.
'06 If u kep flamng me9 I wll kil mislef//4444
Chapter 16 888e/it/888
'06 I dunt car wat u suy9 im gong ; kep ritng di7 stry//444 2 cnt kep rportng me9 bt i wll kep gong// dis chpta is scry bdw.
;' shal !n/ert or +$GG2222< ,oldsmort yeld in dat old @way. +a +ef +elas wnt P kild a fw of dat
goffx> !uz da ddnt wnt 2 b!um (re(z. 2 of dem hd der heed !t of.
;+at is wat gong 2 h((nd if u dunt !n/rt< he yelf
+er is nowy dat im gong 2 b!um a (re(<> gof kid yeld. $t wuz 7oln 6re/y> but dat wuz nt wat dey !ld
hm animore. 0e wuz nw !ald 9ea(a. 0e ds!o/d dat hs rul fafer wuz a mss kila. So he b!am goff P
Cond Sli/alin.
;=ho nt dar s(ek 2 me lik dat<> ,oldaermort yeld su!idaly.
;We wll bw 2 u<m> he yled.
,oldabort id a s(ll dat !ud ha/ klld hm> bt $ Cmbd P gt hm outof da wey. We kwi!kly gt awy. $ !udnt gt
o/a wat hd ha(n. #e> 9e(a P ,am(ir wnt bak 2 da tolet 2 slt our rist !uz of wat hd ha((nd. $ wnted
hm 2 diGG222 We d!ided nt 2 g bak der. $ ho(d Gdadisko wer saf !uz der wud b kild if ,oldernor fond
out dat dey wer goff.
'06 I hop di7 wu7 bata@ ; dos hu dnt lik da rap bit9 i gt rid of it. 0w r u fin@@
Chapter 17.
'06 Dis is da nu chap. Iv gt a nu beta cld shadwkng. %o der is no reson ; flam me animor//444444
We @ui!kly got through the (eo(le who had be!ome (re(s be!ause of what ,oldemort had done. We
walked down the road as @ui!kly as we !ould. We tried to find ,am(ireDs !ar> whi!h was (arked
When we got there> it had been destroyedG
;4h #y 6odG< $ yelled sadly> ;What are we gonna doBG<
;$t looks like we are gonna ha/e to walk home>< 9ea(a said.
;But thatDs miles away> how !an we do thatB< $ asked him.
$ looked around P there was a demon. $t was wearing bla!k !loaks> P it floated in the sky. $t was a
dementor. We began to run !ause we knew that they su!ked the life out of you. But we were too late. $t
was beginning to su!k on 9ea(a.
;.oG< $ yelled> as the dementor was su!king the life out of 9ea(a. ;+o something> ,am(ireG<
,amire got out his wand P summoned a stag (atronus that killed the dementor. We were safe again.
But 9ea(a wasnDt. 0e was dying. =he sight of him dying made me want to slit my wrist> but $ didnDt
ha/e the time> as the +eath Eaters were !oming.
'06 I hop dat wu7 betta@ 0o flamng ple7//4444
Chapter 18.
Here is the edited version of the neCt chapter...
By the time we got ba!k to the house> it was burnt down. $t was a big sho!k !ause no one ex(e!ted it at
;So what are we going to do now>8 ,am(ire asked =ara. ;Where will we go to nowB<
;$ bet it3s the +eath Eaters that did this to me. =hey know where $ li/e. 4#6> where are all my
!lothesBG8 $ s!reamed sui!idally. ,am(ire tried to !alm me down> but it was no good. $ wanted to kill
;We will get ba!k at them> those (re(s> those bastardsG< ,am(ire said to me. 0e was as angry as $ was.
What were we to do. $ had nowhere to go at all. $ was homeless.
Be!ause of this> me and ,am(ire slit our wrists while listening to #793s 8$ don3t lo/e you8. $ !ried
be!ause $ lost my !lothes. =hose fu!king BAS=A9+SG =hey will fu!kin3 (ayG
$ de!ided to !all a friend. $ !alled her u(> and she said> ;What is it> my bit!hG<
;$3/e got a (rob>8 $ told her> 8my house is burnt downG lease (i!k me u(G<
So as we were waiting> ,am(ire took his (ants off> and $ took mine off tooG 0e then Cizzed in my
mouth. =hen> after that> he (ut his throbbing manhood into my muff> and we did it. $ then grabbed his
balls and he s!reamed sexily as $ did that. But it wasnDt the same as +ra!o> with his li(s> and how he
looked like Ioel from 67. 0e was so fu!king hot. 0ot in his Ceans> why did he dum( me> that fu!king
bastard> he must fu!king dieG $ !ouldnDt kee( doing it> !ause $ ke(t thinking of +ra!o and his sexy eyesG
$t was then that Willow> my friend> (ulled u( in a /an. She looked so hot with what she wore. With the
shirt> bla!k mini skirt with red stri(es> and her messy hair> she was fu!kinD hotG She was wearing (ink
!ro!s and tight bla!k CeansG
;7ome in>< she saidHH.
)D is needing editing fang7/
Chapter 19.
'06 Di7 is da nCt chapd9 fnag7 ; %hado = luking thru di7 stuff9 u fukn roC//4444 !lame di7 den u r rep//444
0ewest chapter6 edited and good to go/...
4n the way to WillowDs house> we slit our wrists while listening to =een S(irit by .ir/ana Eif you donDt
know them then fu!k off you (re(sGF. We then talked about de(ressing things that made me want to slit
my wrists again. $ then read a de(ressing book> whi!h also made me want to slit my wrists. Why the
fu!k did $ kee( ha/ing these thoughtsB Was it !ause of me doing it with ,am(ireB *u!k> $ wanted to
kill myself.
We then got to her house> whi!h was all goffik and stuff. $t looked like an old !astle> whi!h had
gargoyles all around it. $t looked a lot like that house from Edward S!issorhands Eif you donDt know
what that mo/ie is> then *'7J 4**GF We went into the house> and there was all these (osters of 67>
ani!G At the +is!o> 9itex of s(eing> #79> *4B> 6+> .ir/ana> E/anes!en!e> and the other goffik
bands. Willow was so fu!kinD !ool. She was a fu!kinD hottieG #an> $ wanted to do it with her.
;So> what is wrongB< she said.
;,oldemort has burned my house down> and burnt all my !lothes Ehe must fu!kinD (ay for what he has
doneF. Stan has told me to look for some ball that is meant to see the future.<
;$ see>< Willow said. She s(oke so sexily that $ got an orgasm. ;=his ball !an tell us how to defeat the
+ark AordG $t will tell us his weakness.<
;7ool> then we must look for it now>< $ said to her.
;.o> Emoby> you must stay here and rest> for tomorrow we will lookG< she told me.
So we got some food> whi!h was a !ow> and some good !at food. $t was also !o/ered with blood> and
we had blood mixed with milk as well. Before we ate> we (rayed to the +e/il by humming this&
;%tan wonderful9 ,urse this dinner9 's youo others. 1et them be tortured9 eaten upon9 !or not
accepting you e the one that will punish them 'nd send them to Hell/< we hummed. =he +e/il was
+en ,am(ire sed a (eom 2 (lez da +e/il&
I wait all my life to fade into darkness eneath my bed I keep my rope #hich will hang on the day of
reckoning %howing the flag of what my life means
They hurt me no more9 never again They will me sided with me9 not against They will feel the hurt9 with
the power of guilt They will feel sorry for me at last
It has been siCteen fucking years %ince I had to not live with suffering Dead I will be at last9 no feelings
what so ever I lie there cold and naked9 waiting
%he left me there to lie in wast %he will be one of them to feel the guilt %he will end her life9 Dust as I
will %he will be forgotten9 Dust like me
They were the ones to fuck things up To put me in the shit I am in My one last wish is to see them suffer
1ike I have suffered for siCteen years
I know that when I?m gone9 I will be forgotten I know that when I take the last leap That all will be
gone9 but that is good !rom that day on9 I will suffer no more
They will find me naked and cold I will talk to them nor move 0o breath will come from my mouth 'nd
then the waiting game will be over
E*angz 2 6areth ,andersleld % alowing me 2 us diz (eom. ' roxGG22 666F
After we had finished our food> we slit our wrists> and (raised the +e/il. We then wat!hed 7or(se
Bride> whi!h made me want to do it with ,am(ire. So me and 7am(fire went to WillowDs !an and
banged around in it. So $ su!ked onto ,am(ireDs !o!k and su!ked in his !reamy load> after whi!h he
had an eCa!ulation and the s(erm !ame out> whi!h $ su!ked in as well. =hen we began to kiss ea!h other
hard. =hen my little bro> #ilo> !ame into the /an and banged around with us as well. #ilo and ,am(ire
su!ked on ea!h of my boobs at the same time. =hen #ilo (ut his di!k into my holy hole. =hen ,am(ire
(ut his (enis into #iloDs ass> whi!h we wat!hed for an hour> but #ilo !ould not take it anymore> and
had to sto( it to get out of the !ar.
;What is wrongB< $ asked him. ;+onDt get all (re((y on meG<
;But itDs my first time> and $ !ould not take it anymore. $Dm only 22.< Be!ause $ had had enough> and
so had ,am(ire> we went ba!k indoors. Willow got a !at that she had and slit its snout> and ga/e it u(
as an offering to Stan.
;6i/e us better tomorrow and allow us to defeat the (re(s>< she said. She was so fu!kinD hot then that $
got an orgasm.
'06 Hopdat wu7 gud@ <<< *&)//4
Chapter 2.
'06 Dis is wat da lst few chaps ment ; b lik. Dunt funk rport me//4444M
Bi da tim we gt bak 2 da hose> it wuz brnt dwn. $t wuz a bg shok !uz no2 x(!td it al.
;So swat our we gong 2 du nw<> ,amire tlkd tara. ;We wll we go 2 nwB<
;$ bt itz da def buildas dat sis diz 2 me. +ay no wer $ li/d. 4#6> wer r al mi !holthes<> $ s!remd
su!iali. ,am(ir trid 2 !am me dwn> bt it wuz no gud. $ wntd 2 kil mislef.
;We wll gt bak dem> dos (r(z> dos bastdGG< ,am(re sed 2 me. 0e wuz as angi as $ wuz. Wat wer we 2
du.i hd noher 2 go al. $ wwuz humless.
7uz of diz> me nd ,am(ire slt our list wile lixtn 2 #79 $ dnt lu/ u lik $ l/u u yestadayGG $ !reid dta $ lst
my !lthz. +os fukn BAS=+. +ey wll fukn (a1GG22222
$ d!ided 2 rung a friedn. $ ringd her u(> P ! sed> ;Wat is it> mi bit!hzGG<
;$/ gt a (robz<> $ tlkd her<> mi hose is brnut gownGG22> (lez (ike me u(GB<
So az we wer wiatng> ,amire tuk hiz (ainteez of> P $ tuk my of toGG22> 0e den (izzd in my moth. +em
afta dat> e (ut hiz shi!hi thngy in 2 mi u?no?wat> P we did it. $ den gra(d hiz balz P he s!remd saxily
as $ did dat. Bt it wuznt da sam az +ra!o> P his li(z> P hw he lukd lik Coul frm 67. 0e wuz so fukn ht.
0t in hiz Cens> whi did he dmb me> dat fuknn Bastd> he mst fukin +ieGG222. $ !udnt ke( dong it> !uz $
kee( finking of *ra!o> P hiz se!y $zGG222
$t wuz den dat Willow> mi firend (uld u( in a serena /an. She lukd so hot wif wat she wor. Wif da shrt
bl!k mini s!rit> wif red str(z> to sa mezzy haor> ! wuz fukn hotGG222 7 wuz wering (nk !hukz> P bl!k
tght CenzGG2
7um in<> ! sedHH.
Wil in willowz hai!e> we slt our ritz wil lztne 2 =een s(irt> by .ir/ana Eif u dunt no dem den fuk of u
(re(zGG22F. We den tlkd obut de(rzzing fingz> dat mad me wnt 2 lit my tits agan. $ den red a d(rezing
buk> wik alzo wntd 2 mak me slt my wist. $ da kuk ke(t ha/ng diz fougtB Wuz it !uz of me dong it wif
,an(ire. *uk $ wntd 2 kil mielfd.
We den gt 2 her hoze> wh!h wuz al goffik P stuuf. $t lukd lik an old !asstle> wh!hhad gargilz al arund
it. $t luk alt lik dat hoze frm Edwrt szizorz handz Eif u dunt wat dat mo/e iz> den *'J 4***GG2222F we
wnt in2 da hoze> P der wuz al diz (sterz of 67> Gda+isko> 9itex (f s(eing> #79> *4B> 6+> .ir/sna>
E/ene!zent> P da otha foffik ndz. Willo wuz so fukn kool. P zhe wuz a fukn hotteeGG2222 #an $ wntd
2 do it wif hr.
Oo wat iz wrng> ;zhe sed.
;,oldamort haz burnd mi houze dwn> P brnt al my !loth Ehe muzt fukn (ay % wat he haz donF. Stan
haz tld me 2 luk % sum bll> dat ment 2 ! da futor<
;$ !<> willo ded. 7 s(ok so zexily dat $ gt an organizm. ;+iz bll !n tel uz hw 2 defet da fark lordGG222 it
wil tel uz hiz weknizz.
;Jool> den we muzt luk % it nw<> $ sed 2 hr
;.o emoby<> u muzt sty her P rezt % 2moro we wil lukGG22222<> she askd me.
So we gt sum food> whit wuz a kow> P sum gog kat food. $t wuz alzo !o/rd wif blud> P we hd blud
mixd wif mlk az well. B% we eta> we (ayd 2 da +e/il by hyming diz&
;%tan wndrful ,ur7e di7 dina '7 u do ; othas 1t dem b tortad eetn uon = nt akkeptng u b da 4 dat wil
puni7h dem K snd dem ; Dell//444459 we humd. +a d/ul wuz (lezd.
Afta we hd finshd our fud> we slt our riztz> ) (razd da +e/l. We den wt!hd da !orsb brid> we mad me
wnt 2 do it wif ,anire. So me P 7am(ire wnt 2 willoz !an P bngd arond in it. So $ suxd on2 ,am(ir
u?no?wat P suxd in al hiz (izz> denhe hd an eCe!tonP da smerm !am ut> whit $ suxd in as wel. +en we
bgan 2 kiz e!h otha hard. +en my lit bro milo !m into da /an P bng arong wif uz @ell. .ilo P bam(ire
suxd on e!h of mi b::bz da samtim. +en milo (ut hiz u?no wat in2 mi holey fing. +en ,am(ire (ut hiz
u?no?wat in2 miloz holey fingy> wh!h we (ashd % a huor> bot milo !ud nt tak it animor> P hd 2 st( it 2
get out or da !ar.
;Wat iz rong<> $ azkd him. ;unt be a (re( onme<.
;Bt itz my fixt tim> P $ !ud nt tak it anomore. $m onli 22<. 7uz $ hd enogh> P so has ,am(ire> we wnt
bak in doorz. Willlo gt a kat dat ! hd P slit itz fout> P ga/ it u( az an offaing 2 stan
;6i/ uz betternss 2morro
P alow uz 2 defet dem ore(<> ! sed. 7 wuz so kukn hot den dat $ gt a organizm.
'06 I do nt wnt a beta animor as i do nut trst any4 hlping me out wif mi stori otha dan *aven *.I.A
Chapter 21.
'06 >ustn9 fukn lev mi akont alon////////44 if u kept hakng in; dis akont9 I fukn rng da polise//////////4 dis not Dok////////444
!nag7 agin = gereth = getng mi akont bak9 u fukn foC////////////4
So ew gt in2 willowQz s(rt(ak /an> P we deri/ed 2 da minster of maCi!k. We gt ut of da !an P wnt 2 da
(olis box> dat we gt in2> P we wnt in2 da man rum % da (la!. +er wuz Wurmtail> gardng da ,am(ir>
willow P #ilo snekd (as da def deeler> $ surdu!ed him.
;*any abita a!ton<> $ aksd hm. 0e sed yez P he den (t hiz stiky fingy in2 mi u no wat Pwe di it.
;So(GGGGGGGG22<> $ !remd su!ialily> !uz $ wuz in so mu!k (an. So $ so(d P run of> !atng u( wif Bam(ire
) da otha gis. We wlkd (asd da (lase wer ,am(ireQs dogfafer ded. ,am(ir !ryd /ut $ !amd im dwn.
We den gt 2 da (lase wer al da orbz wer ke(t> P we !amd a!rzz da 2 dat sed Eboby +ementa +arkQness
9a/en Way. $ (ikd it uR> bt sum def buildas wlkd in2 da rum. 2 of dem tuk of der massk.
$t wuzHHHH. +ra!oGGGGGGGGG22222
A.& +at $ nt u(datd % a lng tim> bt da hakd gt diz akontGGGGG2 So fangz % da su(rt. 2 da (erzon dat is
o(lning 2 (t da stry on hr akont> do fukn dar>it ix my fukn stry> nt urz. 6t itBGBGGB
7ha(ter 22& 7ha(ter 22
A.& So( fmaing me u (re(zGGGGG22 9a/en> dizx 2s uGGGG22222 #97 94XSGGGGGGGG
;4#S< $ fukn yled. ;1 da fuk id u Cond doz (re(z. ,olme/ort tryd 2 kil u> u fukn dumhed<
;By he fretnd 2 kil u<> +ra!o sed.
;+ats ok<> $ sed senaly 2 hm.
;0w u fukn der do dat<> yled da otha +ef +eelet. ;' wil b (unshd wif def< ! tuk her masl of> P it wuz
dat fukn slut aris.
;$ dona fukn kiil u fukn bt!h<> $ yled se!ily.
;' !nt> !uz im StanistGGGGGGGGG2222<> ! !remd.
;.o u nt> u r fukn (osr. $nly goffz !n b satniztGGGGGGGGGG2222<> $ fukn (izd utGGGGGGGGGG22222222.
;,oldermrf tlz da rulz arund her nw> u fukn no gud goff. % nw on> all goffz will +$GGGGGGGG22222<> dat
fukn (ser yld. $ !udnt belie/ it> $ !udnt b a goff animor. $ wnted to go P slt my rits> P listnd 2 sum
#79P sum 9itez of s(rng> bt $ nu $ hd 2 sumfing abut arid. So $ did a s(ll> bt ! blikd it.
;Wat da fuk<> $ yledGGGGGGGGG22
;'s (re(z ha/ da (owr of ,oldesnort> so u !unt defet me> u fukn goffGGGGGGGG22<
$ wuz so fukn (izzd da $ !ud nt tak it. Sudnly> ! hite me wif a blot of gren lite. $ wuz dedHHHHH
'06 #u7 dat better@/@
My Immortal 21 9ang% 4 :e ;enom
Chapter 1.
'06 dis i7 da reel seGwel to My Immortal9 k@ fang7 8get it@ ,u7 I?m goffick and a vampire@: to my new frend )anthan +um9
hu is also my nu beata. !ang7 lso = leting me use yur &&&,. 2r so awsum9 its liek raven came bak an now has a kok/
=he s(ell boun!ed hamlessly against ,olzemorteDs robes. 0e ten laffed in a (re((y way.
;hahaha< he laughed knowingly ;$s that the bst thou !an doethB< 0e then raised something abo/e his
hed> whi!h from where me> ,am(ire> +ra!o> +iabolo and BDAoody #ary stood a((eared to be a
(o(si!kle stik sha(ed lik a tam(on.
;.ow thou shalt all dieth< he said> raising the a((aratus abo/e him so sexily $ nearly wet myself.
,am(ire and +ra!o !ried fe/ently. +iabolo ran off sui!idally. BDAoody #ary began slitting her wrists.
$ gras(ed.
And thenHHHHHHHwe heard a noiseG2 a dud a(eered and wai/ed a tor!h in ,aldemooreDs fe!e.
;bakGG222 Ba!> beastG2 $ warned yaG< he shooted angrily. =hen sum wind blew> and his tor!h got Ciggy
wit it before it be!ame smoke. ,olsimoret looked fearful as he blue away.
;*angz for sa/ing us< $ said to the nu!umer. 0e was a tall %)?yo man with (ale skin> but not so (ail that
$ !ould tell he was not a /am(ire or a zombie Ethe later of whik reminds of the goffi!k ro!ker and his
gof/i!k wifeF. 0is eyes were a su!!ulent blue !olor that $ instantly lost myself in. 0is hair was short
and a brownish blonde !olour> and he had a short beard that was starting to white. 0e wore a blak tshirt
with red stit!h markings at the hems. 4n the shirt> it read> in blood red !oloring ;' got Bri!k?rolled< on
the front and ;6off % lyf< on teh ba!k. A (ear of denim blue Ceans !o/ered his waste and legs> with a
small leather tag that sed ;Ae/iDs<. 0e had on blue so!ks and some white tennis shoes with red
markings on them. =he la!es were an offwhite !olor> so that they looked almost like string !heese
shreds that were starting to get mouldy.
0e slimed at me ;.. #y name is Bri!kbuilder 9obert Oanganese ortuguese Siamese Aebanese
7hinese Ia(anese 7antonese =hollerson> but you !an !all me Bri!k or Bob the Builder.< 8)an dis is u/
444: 0e then (ulled out a sti!k of butter and began eating it in a goffi!k way.
;+u yu go to 0ogwartzB< $ asked. ;1ah> $ got there at the start of term. $ rode u( on a mysti!al uni!orn
that only $ look !ool riding on. 0er name was Butters!ot!h> and she had a horn made of butterG2<
;Well> $Dm in Slitherin 0ouse> uB<
Bri!k then did a dan!e that !onsisted of Cum(ing around like he was on both the E and the X taken
between Lthe !ra!kD. Wen he ended this ritul> he said ;iDm in 0uffle(uff> whi!h is yellow like butterG
And thereDs all u !an eat butter thaG 9 u !oming with meB<
$ thought about it for a while> then nodded.
;Enoby> we ha/e to get ba!k to the !astleG22< BDAoody #ary shrieked.
;6o> $Dll ket!hu( with you lKr> bi!h< $ said annoyedly.
She !ried tearz of blood and ran off with ,am(ire and +ra!o who were still !rying tears of blood from
;Aets go> bit!hG< Bri!k said moodily as he hi((y ski((ied to the !astle. $ followed.
Chapter 2.
'I06 Arep79 stup falamine the stolry9 if u dnot liker it9 then fukc of/44 2 kante like sumting until u tired it/444 !ang7 to
)anthan +um = helpeing me writer tis chaperter.
When we gut to the 0uffle(ufr !ommen ruum> Bri!k ran o/er to tha frigerator and got out lots of stix of
butter. 0e used his goffi!k eyes to melt the butter into glasses that he ga/e 2 us 2 drink. 0e drank about
%) glasses> his age. We talked lK in2 the nite> and agreed to /isit +umbleydoredDs offi!e the next day.
$ went to my !offin later that niet and !losed the lid to slee(. $ looked o/er at WillowDs !offin next to
mine> wishing that she hadnDt taken a steak to the heart earlier. At leest she was in immortal goffi!k
=he next moening> $ went to the gargoyle outside +umbeldureDs artifi!e> when suddenly> $ saw Bri!k
standing in the !orner. 0e was eating something sexily. $ a(ro!hed him.
;Bri!kG22 W=* r u doingB $ asked.
;$ C's= K Su# !0i7kEn #!.u6gEtSGGG2< he said in a stiletto /oi!e.
;alrighte> we need to get (ast this garley< $ seid to him.
;Alou meD Bri!k said> tuning to fa!e the stature. ;stik of buttrG< he shoted. Butt nothing ha(endG22
;Stix of butte%rG< he tried agenG And nuthting ha((enedG ;%) sti!ks of butrG< he s!reemed.
Iust then> ,am(ire !ummed o/er to us. ;Aet meD he said angrily. ;=ub of marg?;
Bri!k got all /iolent then> and his eyes flashed a goffik red !olor as he began stu(inating him. ;+onDt
say that word around me> motherfu!kerG22< he shouted sadlyG2
=hen a figure wearing a bla!k robe a((roa!hed us. 0e was wearing a bla!k robe made of !otton. 0is
shoes !la!kled against the soft floor. 0e mo/ed o/er to the gargoyle> whi!h trembled be% him.
=he door o(ened. Bri!k began another assault. 0e talked the strangr to the floor> where his hood fell
offGGGG2 $t was ,aultkee(erG2222
;,oltemirtG< $ s!reamed.
;1our #omG< Bri!k shouted ha((ily 8that?s rick?s name for (ol7emonte:
+ubledre then !ame out. 0e looked around and saw the fight.
9ite then> $ was feeling sui!idal. ;*ite it> EbobyG2G2< 6andalf said to me in a !herry?fla/ored /oi!e.
But $ kudnDt any longer. $ Cust wanted 2 take out my !ut to blade myself.
;$ shalt ha/e mine re/engeth nowethG< ,litman said> ready to kill us all.
Chapter 3. )etting (o 5no& Bric".
' fuckin? 06 Hello9 everybody 8especially +oths and +off7:. I am )anthan +um9 Tara?s beta and 8as of the other day: !.
1ike Tara9 I am a goth9 but am not into Devil worship 8instead9 I worship 'theias9 the +reek god of apathy:. Tara has not
been feeling well the past few days9 but she asked me to continue her fic during her absence. efore we begin9 I?d like to
point out a few things. !irst9 I beta read Tara?s work before she posts it on the site9 so when you flame her9 you?re also
flaming me. %top it9 prep7/ 'lso9 this chapter will be rick-centric 8meaning it will be written in rick?s A&(: so you can
get to know rick better. &kay9 that?s it from me. $nDoy9 and if you dare flame9 I?ll flame you back/
1our #om held his !andy !ane abo/e his head as he (re(ared to mutter out the words that would seal
our doom. Ebony was struggling to o/er!ome the urge to !ut herself Eand !ouldnDt be!ause she had no
kni/es with whi!h to !ut herselfF. #eanwhile> +umblefu!ker stood hel(lessly at the doorway and
e/erybody else had run off.
But $ was seething with rage. 1our #om had said the #?wordG $ was so (issed offG 0ow dare that
fu!kinD asshole say su!h a thing in my (resen!eG 4f !ourse> +umbass was also to blame S he was the
one who set the fli((inD (assword to be that uns(eakable word. $ wanted to ki!k his fu!kinD ass> but not
before $ had dealt with 1our #om.
;1our #om> why are you so !ruelB< $ asked.
;Be!ause> little Bobby> $ am S;
;$tDs LBob the BuilderD> assholeG< $ shouted.
;Whate/er. $ shalt kill all thine friends and then go destroy all the butter in the !astleG<
;=he fu!k you willG< $ shouted before ta!kling him to the ground. 0e then got u( and left> his arms
bleeding in a (re((y way.
;Are you alright> EbonyB< $ asked as $ (ulled her u(. She nodded> and $ stared into her goffi!k red eyes.
$ felt something then> or rather> some things. 4ne $ felt in my !hest. =he other> in my (ants. 7ould it be
that $ was falling in lo/e with someone thirty years my CuniorB 7ould there be lo/e between a %)?year
old and a 2)?year oldB
;Well done> Bri!kbuilderG< +umbledore said as he a((roa!hed.
;0ey> man> $ gotta ask you something. Why the fu!k do we ha/e L$ !anDt belie/e itDs not butterGD at the
breakfast table> or lun!h or dinnerB Be!ause $ !an definitely belie/e itDs not butterG< $ asked angrily.
;We do that be!ause the s!hool needs more funding> you son of a bit!hG< +umbledwarf said as he
ski((ed away.
$ growled in anger. ;7Dmon> Ebony> letDs go>< $ said as she began dragging me off to the great hall.
When we got there> all the other students were eating> in!luding ,am(ire> +iabolo> +ra!o> and
BDAoody #ary.
;1ou fu!kersG Why didnDt you hel( us outside +umbledoreDs offi!eB< Ebony asked angrily.
;1eahG< $ Coined in.
;Well> $ got s!ared>< +ra!o said.
;And we got hungryG< said e/eryone else.
Well> we sat down and began eating lun!h. $ took a hot roll> but as soon as $ saw the yellow s(reading
substan!e> $ knew it wasnDt butter. $t wasnDt e/en L$ !anDt belie/e itDs not butterGD. $t was that
gawdawful ex!use of a s(read that !ouldnDt e/en hold a butter knife to butterG
;,M3LEF,C4ER222< $ shouted as loudly as $ !ould Ewhi!h was Cust as loud as a howlerF> feeling
fully infuriated. Iust then> the deli/ery owls !ame and dro((ed the mail onto the students. A news(a(er
hit me on the head. $ unrolled it and read it. #y fa!e fell at the sight of the headline&
,nited States President/Elect 3arac' O#ama s)ends C%ristmas in Ha1aii 1it% t%e Troo)s
Ebony !ould see the anger in my goffi!k eyes. ;WhatDs wrong> Bri!kB< she asked.
;0ow the fu!k did Bara!k 4bama> Iohn #!7ain> and 9al(h *u!kinD .ader do better than a sti!k of
butterBG We wouldnDt be in this mess if the freakinD (eo(le had Cust /oted for the butterG< $ said> getting
u( be!ause $ was too angry to remain seated. ;$Dm goinD for a walkG< $ said as $ stormed out.
$ didnDt see it> but Ebony got u( and followed me. We went into the *orbidden *orest together.
There. Done. 7o& re$ie&* f!c"er#-
Chapter 4.
'I06 Hey9 it?s )anthan +um again. >ust writing another chapter for Tara?s story. I showed her the previous chapter9 and
she was very pleased with it/ 6: I?m a lucky guy to have a +! like her9 even though I have a man-crush on my &,. 'nyway9
same deal as last chapter6 enDoy9 or I?ll do unto you what you do to me 8it?s a little thing called the +olden *ule:. 'nd it?s
still in rick?s A&(.
We went dee( into the *orbidden *orest. By this time> $ was aware that Ebony had been following me>
and that $ was no longer mad at +umbledore. =hough the in!ident in the great hall still filled my heart
with hate. $ knew $ had to a!t @ui!kly S the s!hoolDs su((ly of butter wouldnDt last long against 1our
#om and his followers. But $ still had time.
;Bri!kB< Ebony asked. ;Are you okayB<
;$f you donDt mind me asking> why do you !all ,oldemort L1our #omDB<
$ took out a sti!k of butter and began mun!hing on it> talking between mouthfuls. ;Well> Ebony> you
see S Emun!h> mun!hF S some time ago> he !ame to me in a dream S E4h> damn> thatDs good butter> $
ho(e it ne/er runs outF S and said ;$Dm 1our #omG< S E!run!h> !run!hF S and the name stu!k. *u!k>
thatDs good butterG< $ said as $ (o((ed the last morsel of the sti!k into my waiting mouth. $t felt good
going down.
9ight then> we heard some rustling in the bushes> whi!h s!ared us.
;Bri!kG What was thatB< Ebony asked me in a !on!erned /oi!e.
;$ donDt know> but $ Cust melted some butter in my (ants>< $ said. $ndeed> the !rot!h of my blue Ceans
had be!ome dis!olored with moisture S whi!h ha((ens when $ either forget $ ha/e sti!ks of butter in
my (o!kets> or $ wet myself. $ donDt know whi!h a((lied in this !ase. $t didnDt matter> though> be!ause
at that /ery moment in time> a !reature a((eared. $t was a man from the na/el u(> and a horse from
there down. $t was a !entaurG
;Ew> gross> Bri!kG< Ebony said disgustedly at my last !omment.
;ea!e> strangers>< the !entaur greeted. ;$ am *irenze.<
;$Dm !alling you 7enarius>< Ebony said while sedu!ti/ely blinking her eyelids. $ (retty mu!h got a
hard?on from the sight.
;H9ight> well> $Dll be going now>< the !entaur formerly known as *irenze said as he dashed off into
the forestDs de(ths.
;What a fu!king (re(G< $ said> noting how EbonyDs style made him un!omfortable S a !hara!teristi! of
how a (re( a!ts in the (resen!e of esteemed goffz like oursel/es.
;$ !ouldnDt agree moreG< Ebony said. We stared into ea!h otherDs eyes> noting how goffik they
a((eared. 'n!ons!iously> we mo/ed towards ea!h other> the only sound being the owls hooting as the
sun shone through the bran!hes of the trees Ethough there was /ery little light at allF.
We wound u( making !ream?of?us sou(. lain and sim(le. 'nless you donDt get my drift> in whi!h !ase
you are a (re(G
Chapter 5.
'I06 Hey9 it?s )anthan +um here once again. I showed Tara my previous chapter late last night9 and she was also pleased
with my output. %he is Guickly getting better9 so this?ll probably be the last chapter that I fill in for9 at least for a while.
&nce more9 I?ll remind you preps to mind your place if you know what?s best for you. That said9 we?ll have one more
chapter in rick?s A&( 8at least for a while:.
$t was late afternoon when we finally got our nude sel/es out from under the linen blanket we had
shared as we got on our !lothes and (a!ked u( our makeshift !am(. By this time> !lasses had ended for
the day> but Ebony and $ didnDt !are. Ebony didnDt !are about the !lasses> and $ didnDt either> be!ause
weDre both goffi!k like that. =hat> and EbonyDs a /am(ire as o((osed to a full?on wit!h> and $Dm hiding
a dark se!ret from her. .o> $Dm not going to tell you be!ause then youDll tell Ebony> and my dark se!ret
wouldnDt be so dark or se!ret anymore now> would itB 4h> and donDt tell her $ ha/e a dark se!ret> either.
=hat would be bad. *or me.
Anyway> we went ba!k to the !astle. We hung out in the Slytherin 7ommon 9oom with +ra!o and a
fine?lookinD (ie!e of adoles!ent tail named ansy arkinson. Ebony !alls her ansy. $ !ould go either
way> if you know what $ mean EwinkF.
Soon> it was time to go to dinner. $ was hesitant at first> be!ause $ still remembered the in!ident in the
great hall a few hours earlier. But Ebony (romised me it wouldnDt be so bad this time. 4n to( of that>
ansy would be going with us> so we went without hesitation. $n retros(e!t> dinner wasnDt as bad as $
thought> mostly be!ause there was finally 8emphasis on that word: butter at the tableG $ was so ha((y that if
+umbledore was standing near me> $ would ha/e $talianed him 8it?s like !renching9 eCcept it?s Italian in origin:
in a heartbeat Eand he wouldD/e done the same sin!e heDs a faggotF.
After dinner> me> Ebony> +ra!o> and ansy got into +ra!oDs !ar and flew to 0ogsmeade be!ause weDd
heard that Belo/ed Enemy was (laying there. When we got there> we (aid for some ti!kets and (i!ked
out some seats. =he lead singer took the stage> and Ebony got wet at the !rot!h be!ause he was so
;Damn you9 get outta my head/ 3ou are my endless disease. Die if you can9 if you please. Damn you9
get outta my head/ -ill me9 she lingers on and on. How dare they forbid it9 my virus undead/< he sang
as the !rowd swayed to the beat.
$ s!reamed while eating a sti!k of butter and wa/ing my buttery hands in the air wildly. As the band
finished and got off stage> $ sli((ed (ast se!urity and got on stage> where $ did a dan!e like as though $
was on both the E and the X taken between Lthe !ra!kD before $ took the mi!ro(hone and announ!ed>
;Ebony +arkDness +ementia 9a/en Way> thereDs something $ realized sin!e the other day S $ lo/e
Ebony gas(ed> but $ !ouldnDt see it !learly> nor !ould $ hear it. But $ tou!hed her> and that was enough
for me as se!urity handed me o/er to the (oli!e> who then @uote?un@uote ;took me into !ustody<.
Chapter 6.
'06 -9 Im bak9 ppl7/ I wu7nt felling gud l.ly9 but now im fin. !ang7 to )+ = helping me wid the last feu chaptrs. I liek ur
$ went 2 bed melan!holily thet nigt b?!uz theyd ta!hen Bri!k 2 AzerbaiCan. Eye tried to slee(> but $
miszd Bri!k two mu!h. SoHHHH$ didnDtDt slee( at all that nit. But something eels existad that $
!ouldnot sha(e out. Why arest Bri!kB
;Be!use Bri!k (o(ed your !herry for teh six hundred sixty sixth time> EnobyG< +umbledorea said to
me in the dreem $ was ha/ing awakeGG2222
;$Dm not a sluteG2< $ shouted> but then $ HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHfell
=he nxt mrnng> $ slunked in2 +ubledures offi!ina 8I tot u the %pnish word for office: and found sum flu
(ower. $ used it 2 tele(ort too Asskissban. =he gards there smled me and ga/ me sum hot !o!o.
;9 u here 2 ! Bri!kB< the warden asked me. $ noded.
Bri!k was in a !ell. $t was small from da looks of itl.
;Ebodgy> im glad to se uG2< he.
=he head wy/ern forked him with a !lib. ;.u talking to strangursG< shouted.
;But $ no herGGGG22222222<Bri!k sweated.
;4kay< the /arren said signing off.
;So im here< $ s(ooned sexily.
;4kay> Ebondy> $ need u to du me a fa/or< Bri!k said> getting out a sti!k of butr.
;$needutogreasethebarsandmybodytoletmeouttahere< Bri!k said so fast that $ kud barley understand
him. So $ greased those and he was free. We stalked ba!k to the !astle.
Chapter 7.
'06 It?s )+ again. Tara wanted to post one more chapter before the 0ew 3ear9 but feels too depressed to write9 so I?ll fill
in for her once again. I assume that you?ve figured it out by now that when Tara writes9 it?s from the A&( of $bony9 and
since I?m writing9 it?ll be rick?s A&(. &kay9 enDoy9 and no fuckin? flamers/
Ebony and $ ran until we were ba!k at the !astle. $ was a free man againG $Dd done nothing wrong> so
that (ro/es how big of (re(s the law enfor!ement (eo(les are. But we had no time to !elebrate. $
wanted to know how someone knew $ was to be arrested> and 1our #om was still out there
somewhere> (lotting something diaboli!al. $ had to sa/e myself and the s!hoolDs su((ly of butterG
We sent ansy to talk with +umbledore about ex(unging my !riminal re!ord. =hen> Ebony went off to
+umbledarkDs offi!e to feedG And then $ went to +umbledorkDs offi!e to see if there was any butter left
in the kit!hens. =his is what it all boiled down to&
? #y !riminal re!ord had been righteously ex(ungedN
? +umbledord was well on his way to be!oming a /am(ire Eand not Cust any /am(ire S a gay /am(ireGF
? =here was still butter in the kit!hen> whi!h is where $ needed to go next.
We went towards the kit!hen area> where we saw that (re((y (ainting of a fruit bowl. Ebony tried
eating the fruited !an/as. ansy tou!hed her !herry. $ rubbed my (i!kle.
=hen the elf known as +obby !ame and ti!kled the fu!kinD (ear. =he (ainting swung aside to allow us
entran!e to the kit!hens. $ then did what $ always do& $ ate all the butter> then blamed it on
+umblefu!ker and 1our #om.
;,M3LEF,C4ER222 YO,R MOM222< $ s!reamed angrily.
;.i!e going> assholeG< +umbledumb !hided. $ was so (issed off> $ dunked +obby into a (ot of boiling
water. 0e died> and nobody would know Eex!e(t for meF that stewed house elf would be on the menu
for the next meal. =he other house el/es (ani!ked and fled in terror.
;$Dm not a terroristG< $ shouted. 9eally> $Dm not. $ Cust get angry sometimes. But the stu(id el/es
wouldnDt listen.
$ found a few (ie!es of (ar!hment on a !ounter> left there rather !ons(i!uously. $t was e/iden!eG $t
!hroni!led how Au(in and Sna(e had found a new a!!om(li!e in their heinous (er/ersion. $t was the
midget> *litwi!kG
$ de!ided to take an oath right then and there. ;By my hand> 1our #om will dieG<
Chapter 8.
'06 Arup79 donut flame dis chapter its importunt ; me/4 !ang7 tu )+ = da help.
We kwikly left da kit!hens. Bro!k had maed a huge mess. And +umbeldore was lying dead on fleur.
We now had a leak. anty did some stuff> and soon we wur hot on da trale of midgetmanG
I no it7 short9 but Im sad dat ;FF. is gawne/
Chapter 9. Bang (he :ol/r!m#.
'06 Arips9 dnot mocha me/ Dis i7 not a Doek/ Im sere-us/ 0 no flaming either/
As we wur running down da !ore and door> Bri!k suddently sto((ed. ;$tDs time % my dayly !uttinD
session< he sed deli!iously. We Coined him and !ut our sel/es> after whi!h $ made sum roonds to su!k
e/ery2Ds blud. We then rTsumTd our !hase. .ot long after> tho> Bri!k saw a newsstand. 0e sho(ed to
reed an (a(er. =his is the hedline he saw.
3arac' O#ama s1orn in as 55t% President o0 ,nited States6 7oe 3iden ascends to !ice Presidency
9ight then> Bri!k?BobDs eyes began twit!hing and glowing with the (assion of a woman tou!hing
herself when sheDs all alone> but Bri!kDs a man so he woodnot note i!e> u dunderheaded (re(z. 0e was
flaming madG2 Eno> not like u> (r(exF 0e looked liek he was about to shit a bri!kG222G2
;Butter wsa su((osed 2 winG22222 $Dm so fu!kinD mad right now> $ !ould shit a bri!kG22< shitted B.J.
;Bri!k> we ha/e 2 goG22< $ said angrily.
;7ome !um> we !an all go 2 #!+nlds< said 7erebral alsy. So we all went gaily.
;$ fEeA s4 f'!Ji.D s'i7i+aAG< Bri!k said after eating 666 #!7ains Egeddit> !uz im goffi!k and a
santaistGF. We were almist dune mrun!hig when ,ozemor showed u(G22222222222GGGGG2
;We ha/e no tme % uG< ransye shooted> but 6eneral 6rie/ous wouldnDt take no for an anwar. 0e
!hased down and !ho((ed to (ie!esG222
;4#6GG2< $ s!reamed.
=here lie 1axley> who had been filling in fore ,ladimir who was (resently ha/ing sum muggle whore
!lean off hiser manly !lo!k E!> o(re(sB $ said that and not u?no?wotG $m not as immature as u sai S im
all growed u(G22F
HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH..< said !hief musketeer and head !hef 6oron
9omstein> lead singer of the goffi!k band 9ammstein. 0e then !ut his throat> and 1axley diedGGG2
;4#*6G< !ried 6ordon Brown as he took out a razor blade to kill the outgoing (resident of the 'nion
for Ameri!a.
;$Dm on it< se!luded Ia!k Bower of the (re((y show 2K 8did u no thot?s the drinking age in Bimbabweasel/@:.
2 B 7ntnuDdH
7ha(ter 2:.
An& 4#6> wut do u (re(s wunt from meBM 1 !ont u shut u( an stu( beng (re(zBG2 *angsz 2 X6 fer teh
hel(. $m glade u li!ked itG222
Ass the day wore on> we all grew tired of our (ursuit of the (er/erted midget and de!ided to !all it a
day wasted on !hasing a (etrified> o/ergrown gnome. We returned to the !astle ha((ily. Bri!k left us as
we went into the Slytherin 7ommon 9oom. Iust as $ was about to start getting ready for bed> +ra!o
entered. 0e was wearing a bla!k leather unitard with the words ;$m gotik> you motherfu!king (re(zG<
8an6 I wish Hot Topik had tis shrit caus den I could sho it off ; u prep7/: 0e was also wearing four la!ed shoues and
a lot of bla!k eyeliner. 0e looked exa!tly like 7heaster Bannigton 8if u don?t know who heis9 get teh fuek outta
;0ey> EnobyG Wanna see a gotfi!k !on!ert 2niteB< he asked.
;1eah> why notB< $ ri((led.
;7Dmon> $ ha/e the !ar all warmed u(G2<
We went out into the !ar and flew all the way to 0ogsmeade where all the !on!erts are held. =here was
Ainking arker> and 6ood 7harlotte with hints of #79.
$ was so hot to see the stati! 8an6 geddits@ ,ause Im gothicek and a %atinist/44444: lineu(> $ began running
around like a little baby does before it !an learn to break the law. 'nfortunately> we learned of a
terrible a!!ident down the rod.
;#y friends> Aikin art had a terrible a!!ident down the rodGGGGG2< s!reamed #ike Shinindoah> who
has su!h goffi!k almond?eyes. ;E/ery member of the band is tombly inCuredG< 8an6 I spruked up da
language9 cause evry4 se7 gavelly: ;But #79 will !o/er their song L,alentineDs +ayD<.
;4#*6G< $ s!reamed haafhartedly. $ wanted to saw the members of A$ E!ause theire Aying $n ie!es>
like in one of their songs 8if u dont know which sung9 ill kill u stupid prep/ I noe where u live/: But $ lo/e #79> so
$ stayed for them. 6erard Way is so hot anywayG2
%o now you?re gone
'nd I was wrong
I never knew what it was like to be alone
&n (alentine?s Day/ &n (alentine?s Day/ Sang 6erardDs sexy as e/er /oi!e.
After the show> $ dis!o/ered th +ra!o left wihtou meG22
$ was (issed until $ heard 6erard make a (ost?season announ!ement& ;$Dll take one lu!ky girl from the
audien!eHHHHHHHHHHHHHyouG< he (ointed at meG
;1es> youG<
$ ner/esly went on stage as e/eryone else left us in (ie!es Eon!e more> (re(zH$ no /oodooGG Boogey
woogey woogeyG2F
Well> we met u( and talked about stuff and then went to grab some food. E/entully> we !rawled into
the same bed as mine Eit was mine> or 9 u 2 stoo(id to undermine thatBGF nakedGGG 0e wastreled no time
in (utting his boy?twiggie in me girl holeG22
;Enboy> $ wanna telly ou some good newsG< 6erard said.
;What is itB<
;$tDs so good> $Dll tell nowG<
;What the fu!k is itB<
;WeDre +.A?relatedG<
$ !ried> realizing that almost all of my most goffi!k off gotfri!k dreams was !umming 8geddit cause I slept
with my brother +erard in seC@: torture.
$ sle(t till the next morning whenHHHHHHHHHHHH
;$ 64= 14' .4WG $AA =EAA =0$S =4 +'#BAE+49E> 14' SJ'.JG<
#u7 it guud9 darling@ Al7 reveiow9 or I won?t post again till I get tweety good 4s//4
Chapter 11.
'06 &-9 I haf a feu anoncments ; make. !urst9 I changled my %0 cause I lyke the new 4 betr. 'lso9 I?m going to vacation in
da place wher they movied "Twilite5 for a few days9 so )+ will fill in = mie. %peeking of the devil 8getdit9 cause I?m
%tanaistic/:9 he will write = my behalve. !ang79 )an-man/ 'd no flaming9 preps9 or I be mad///4
$ looked from 6erardDs dead?hot body to the midgeted young man> who was wearing russet?!olored
robes and a bla!k hood !ause he wanted to be a gothik (er/ert. =he room was silent as the diminuti/ely
demoni! 8geddit@: rofesor *litwi!k stood o/er us. 0e kee( shuting about how he was going to get us
ex(elled from 0ogwarts. Suddenly the door o(ened.
;4#*6> this is hotG< Ao(ekin stated as he entered> with Sno!one !umming from behind 8getit9 cause he?s
a fang and hes in love with 1oumpkin: ;.i!e going> *litminG<
;=heyDre not su((osed to know about usG< *limmaker said angstilly.
;4h> itDs ok> they use the same brand of !ondems as usG< Sna((le added fruiti!iously. ;Besides> you
were the last to Coin us> and that was be!ause we des!ribed how good you are at being a (er/erted little
;Sto( that (igmy?!ra(G< shrieked *leetweek.
;WhatB 1ou may be small> but your assets arenDt soG2< re(lied roomilus.
;$ didnDt mean to<
=he door o(ened again and #!6ottagal !ame in with +umbledore. She was wearing a bla!k long?
slee/e shirt with a sterling sil/er ne!kla!e and a brown ankle?length skirt. +umbledore was wearing
(ur(le robes that had little yellow stars on them that looked like (entagrams. =hei walked o/er to all of
us and got madG ;4#F6> what hte flying F,C4 is going on hereBG< +umbbelldork s!reamed so
loudly that his /oi!e !ould be re!orded and used to make a howler.
;1ou should be ashamed of all your sel/esG 1ouD/e all single?handedly rooned the 0ogwarts tradition
and ex(erien!eG $Dm going to re(ort this to 7onrelius *ruito(iaG< #!7o!kle shriekDd.
She was about to mo/e when a !li!king noise was herd and that was when she noti!ed that something
had gotten under her skuht. ;$ see Aomedome> $ see *rants> $ see sexy ass?(antiesG< !alled *lit(er/Ds
;EEEG< she !rief as she lifted u( her red skirt to let the (oi/oited little (erson out Ehe was !arrying a
!amera sha(ed like a dildoF. She raised it so hi that we !ould all see her wearing some white satin 8an6
it?s almost spelled like %atan9 lol: (anties with a (i!ture of a large maryCewwana leaf on the !rot!h. 6erard
fainted> the three bumbling (er/erts began working the me!hani!s of the nether reiCons> and
+umbledore gas(ed as he looked on at the mira!le.
;#ini?ro/a> $ didnDt know you wore thoseG $t almost makes me want to be!ome strKG2<
;=hen do so> and be @ui!k about itG< she re(leated> and soon the two (arents were *ren!hing
(a!ifi!ally. E/entually> they smiled while breaking a(art.
;E/eryone> $ de!lare this day to be 6reat .ational Bisexual Ao/e +ayG< +umbledore shouted
gothi!ally. =he two lo/ers almost litrally ki!ked me and 6erard out of bed so that they !old get it on
themsel/es. Aast $ saw of them> they wee !rawling under the !o/ers and !lo/es were going airborne.
6erard !auth the (anties and (ut thim on 2 hide his manlioness> whi!h made me sad and hot at the
same time.
$ was angry> but at that moment> the whole (la!e shook like there were earth@uakes in the house.
Thumple- Thumple- Thumple- Thumple
;4#*6> the house is falling a(artG< 6erard !ried out as he suddenly !ame too. We were about to o(en
the door but it bangedG
BA.6G =he door went.
Suddenly it o(ened and 0airgriddy entered slowly> rubbing his head as he got u( Ehe had to !rawl thru
the doorway !ause heDs so small for a giantF. 0e rose till his head hit the !eiling !ause heDs so tall for a
man. 0e began lion?roaring some stuff.
IN MOST "OFFI$ WAY TRANSPIRA3LE2999 8'06 Hagrrid is bi9 and is hot bIc of that:<
;But 0argid> $ donDt need 2 B sa/edG< $ (rotesti!led.
;1eah> giant man?dudeG< 6erard multi(lied.
CAN 8+eddit9 cause I like metal:2 7IF WE NOT LEA!E NOW8 THERE WILL 3E SERIO,S
Well> we left the (la!e e/illy !ause if we didnDt ten we woodnDt be Satanistas now> would we> (re(zB
We got onto 0a!kridDs bla!k Skullbolt 2::K Ehe sold the bike and used da VmoneyV % da broomsto!kF
and he started it u(. Soon> we were in the sky. 0owe/er> a (roblem soon !ame u(.
;WE SEE# =4 0A,E S4#E EX=9A 64**$7J WKG WE .EE+ =4 AAA 64 4. 64**$J
A.49EX$A +$E=S 49 WE W$AA S'9EA1 AA.+?79AS0G2<
$ looked down and was sexy to find that that !ute little (er/ert was !linging onto my robes. $ lifted him
and realized he looked exa!tly like my infant !hild.
;Baby want sum milkB< $ asked> taking of my shit and bar. 0e began su!kling away sexily.
;WE 64..A 79AS0G2GG2< 0argrid warned as we began a notsosubtle !rashingG
*ollowing the !rash?im(a!ting on the ground outside of a (ala!e des!ribed to my be 0airigrid as
Beauxbatons> $ realized Cust how mu!h $ missed my Bri!k?roller> my ,am(ire> and my blonde bubble?
headed bit!h boy.
1ungest 4 yet = dis chaptie/ -9 da neCt group of stuffs is all u9 babe/ 1uv ya/4 #e shood get it on weselves sumtime soon/
Chapter 12.
'I06 It?s )anthan +um again/ *emember me@ I know it?s been a while9 cause Tara?s done most of the writing since the last
time I wrote9 but I?ve been proofreading her works to her greatest satisfaction. I?m upset that some of you preps are still
flaming her O C3( I( ,3(--- It?s not funny/ How would you like it if someone flamed one of your fics@/ Huh@/ 'nyway9
we?re back in rick?s A&(9 and as a sidenote9 Tara and I now both own the profile9 and I?ve added my stuff to Tara?s.
Damn9 I love that woman/ I agree9 we should work the mechanics sometime soon/ I?m currently planning a trip to
(ictoria?s %ecret in preparation for that/ #hat do you want@ %cented candles9 goffick lingerie9 a vibrator9 what@ Thanks/
Well> $ was stu!k in the boyDs dormitory of the 0uffle(uff wing of the !astle. Ebony was gone
somewhere> and it had been a few days sin!e last $ saw her. =his left me without a sense of fullness. $t
got so bad that $ had to resort to doinD what $Dm doinD right now& masturbating. Somehow> on!e youD/e
lost your /irginity> wha!kinD off doesnDt feel as good anymore. Am $ right> fellow goffz> or amiriteB
re(z> you donDt get to answer !ause youDre all still /irgins and always will be> so youDd ne/er be able
to truthfully answer this @uestion.
Anyway> it was time for me to be lea/inD the dormitory and head down to the great hall for some good
olD?fashioned food. En route> $ ran into Ernie #a!#illan Eor as $ !all him> ;=he #a!<> and whene/er he
!omes to me with !onfiden!e issues> $ tell him that heDll always be far better than Iohn #!7ain> who is
not worthy of the title ;#a!< Eand who righteously lostHbut not to butterG
6999999999999999GF. $ndeed> only ;=he #a!< and ;#a!<+onaldDs are worthy of the
(restigious titleF.
;0ey> Bri!kG< =he #a! greeted. ;Aisten> um> thereDs this big dan!e !oming u( real soon in 0ogsmeade>
and $ wanna ask this really hot !hi!k from 9a/en!law to go with me> but $ donDt know how to ask her.
What should $ sayB<
$ smirked before re(lying. E/er sin!e be!oming a goff> =he #a! has had more ladies to fu!k than any
other guy> e/en guys older than him. 6irls (ra!ti!ally line u( to be his next girlfriend> e/en if all they
want is a (ity?fu!k. Be!ause of this> he has be!ome one of my best friends besides Ebony and her grou(
of su(er?best friends. But now was the time to be re(lyinD to my friendDs (lea.
;Well> =he #a!> sim(ly take this to heart& 1ou are now> and always will be> far better than Iohn
#!7ain. =ell her this> and sheDll ne/er wanna hang with any other guy besides you.<
;Wow> thanks> Bri!kG $Dm goinD to tell her that right awayG< he thanked> then ran out.
#eanwhile> $ !ontinued to the great hall. =hough the air smelled deli!ious enough to eat> $ was not
(leased by the menu. Stuffed li/er> sushi> steamed /egetables> min!emeat (ieH it wouldnDt fill for me.
So $ left the area Emu!h to the disa((ointment of my fellow 0uffle(uff goffz> but $ see them all the time
in the !ommon room anywayF and instead went to the !am(us #!+onaldDs for dinner Eyes> there is a
#!+onaldDs on the 0ogwarts !am(us> or did you stu(id (re(s not read that (art of the storyBF. 4n!e
there> $ ate se/eral !hi!ken #!.uggets with se/eral glasses of 7oke Ethe drug> not the sodaF. $ wAs
+eBa=i.g WhEt0e9 t4 gEt =h4sE o9 a *iAe=?o?*iSh Sa.dWi7h 8'In6 He*e9 !i%h39 fIsHy9 !i%h3P
c&m$ h$r$9 c&m$ h$r$Pc&m$ t& f2c-i0? p'p' s& i ,a0 kIl1 y&u9 +uT y&u9 %c'l$ y&u9 %kIn 3o29 d$eA-f*y 3o29
p1a,e 3o2 o0 a %t$aMeD b2n 'nD e't 3o2///:
Aa=e9 t0a= n$g0t> $ wAs $n *o9 a 9eAl =rEa= bE!AuSe =hE mA! WaS g4i.D t4 aSk =hE f$nE
($e7e 4f 9a,e.!AaW tAiA t4 t0e +a.!E. i= wAs So BeAu=i*uA t0a= i Al#oSt StAr=e+
wEei.D. t0iS iS w0a= hE sAi+.
;#i.e9aAe9/A 8aI06 tHaT?s Th$ bIt,h Th$ m'c #a% a%kIn+:> i Jn4w =hAt $ a# n4w> An+ aAwAyS
w$lA bE> m'!0 bEt=e9 t0a. C4h. m7!Ai.. i. dArJnEsS o* t0a=> w$lA y4u 6o =o =o#o9r4w
.i6h=Ds +a.!E w$t0 mEB<
;$ d4nD= rEaAl1 f'!Ji.D !ArE> y4u 0o= ($e7e 4f EyE?!An+yG *u7k 1eSG<
$ nEa9l1 !9iEd =hEn. As *a9 aS y4u9 a,e9a6e 6o*f 6oEs> =hE mA! WaS !4m$nD $n=o 0iS
oWn 9a=hEr Wu$!Jl1. aAl 0e .eEdEd WaS s4mE g4f*i7k En7o'rAgEmEn=> a.d $ gA/E h$m
=hE bAs$!S> w0i7h 0e #aStErEd $nStAn=l1 aAl By 0i#sEl*. i* i We9e 0eAd#aStEr 4f
0o6wAr=s> =hEn $ w4uAd +e7lArE h$m 9eAd1 t4 g9a+uAtE. h4wE/Er> $ wAs StAr=i.g =o
7o#e +oWn *r4m #y 0i6h> So $ nEe+e+ t4 h$dE s4 n4b4d1 !4uAd SeE mE w0e. i 9a. o't
4f =hE mAg$! 0i6h. +e*tAy> $ C'me+ bEh$n+ a BuSh =o 0i+e.
When $ !ame out from behind the bush> my high had ended> and $ felt the em(tiness on!e again. $ was
about to deCe!tedly head to the 0uffle(uff boyDs dormitories when =he #a! (ulled me aside to thank
me. We started (eeing on the bush $ had Cust hid in EthatDs how $ thank (lants for sa/ing my ass> and my
(iss is e/en more a!idi! than stoma!h a!idGF.
;Wow> Bri!k> your ad/i!e really workedG She said yes> so now $Dm all set to a!@uire another S=+G
Wanna trade blood againB<
;.ot really. $Dm still fightinD off the Sy(hilis from your last transfusion. And there was the 0, before
;4kay> well> when you get better> !ome see me> okayB<
;Will do> =he #a!G By the way> what do ex(e!t to get this timeB<
;6onorrhea> or maybe e/en A$+S if $Dm lu!ky.<
;*or sure>< $ said as $ finished> zi((ed u( my (ants> and sla((ed =he #a!Ds ass before enterinD the
!astle and feelinD immensely lonely. $ @ui!kly went to the 0uffle(uff !ommon room and got naked.
=hen> $ started to masturbate. $ was a lone lion king> all alone in his domain sa/e for one sultry and
sexy mattress. $ went to work and was about to start eCa!ulatinD all o/er the (la!e when someone
entered. $t was ,am(ire.
;AAA000G< $ s!reamed as $ blew my load on him. 0e seemed almost stunned by the a!t> and had $
not remembered Ebony tellinD me about his gay (ast> $ would ha/e been sur(rised by his !alm rea!tion.
;H0ey> Bri!k. $ wanted to talk to you about Ebony> but $ !an see that now is not a good time for that.
$Dll Cust !ome ba!k later>< he said as he left.
;1ouDre damn right itDs a bad timeG< $ shouted as $ threw thirty used !ondoms at the now?!losed door.
=hen $ got to thinkinD about what $ had been thinkinD about earlier in the e/eninD> and de!ided that with
+umbleloser out of the way> $ !ould name myself headmaster of 0ogwartsG $ would do it right now
Enot the sex> !ause $ Cust did it by myselfFG
$ left the !ommon room as $ was Efu!k !lothes> manGF. A few (eo(le turned to look at my little sti!k of
butter 8you know9 the one guys have between the frontal part of the area where the legs connect to the body@:> but
nobody said anythinD. $ guess they were all taken aba!k by its sheer beauty> handsomeness> and
hotness. 4nly #r. .orris had to !om(lain.
;+amn my s@uibby eyes> why the fu!k is there a student struttinD through the hallways .AJE+BG<
;+4.D= A44J> *$A=0> =0E S$60= 4* $= W$AA?;
;=oo lateH<
While #r. .orris took *ilth to the hos(ital to restore the sight to the !atDs blind eyes> $ !ontinued my
stroll to the headmasterDs offi!e. =he statue o(ened automati!ally !ause it ne/er saw a hot and naked
student body before. $t was a goffik gargoyle.
$nside +umbledoreDs offi!e> all the (aintinDs of (ast headmasters and headmistresses began mumblinD
angrily with ea!h other. $ think it was be!ause they were somehow ;offended< by my naked self. $ was
determined> howe/er> to be!ome both the youngest headmaster in the history of 0ogwarts> and the least
!lothed one at that. $ found a (ie!e of (ar!hment on the desk> on whi!h $ wrote& ;I8 3ric'#uilder
Ro#ert <an*anese Portu*uese Siamese Le#anese C%inese 7a)anese Cantonese T%ollerson8 do
%ere#y ta'e t%e oat% o0 t%e o00ice o0 t%e Headmaster o0 Ho*1arts Sc%ool o0 Witc%cra0t and
Wi=ardry8 and 1ill run it %o1e&er I see 0it><
$ was too tired then to do anythinD offi!ial> so when it be!ame offi!ial> $ went ba!k to the 0uffle(uff
dormitory. $ got into my to(?bunk bed E=he #a! slee(s below meF.
;0ey> Bri!kB 1ou still awakeB<
;Aisten> thanks again for hel(ing me earlier.<
;.o sweat.<
;And !ongratulations on be!oming headmaster. What are you going to do firstB<
;$ was thinkinD that tomorrow> $Dd get you ready to graduate> !ause goffz are the smartest (eo(le in the
world. 1ou may not know this> but $ heard you ask her out> and $Dm !on/in!ed that thereDs nothing
more $ !an tea!h you> !ause youD/e already gained a mastery of anything $ !ould e/er tea!h youG<
;ButH$ donDt wanna lea/e youG<
;1ou wonDt ha/e to> whi!h is why $Dll make it so that ex!e(tional students su!h as yourself !an
!ontinue to li/e at 0ogwarts and rea( all the benefits of being a goff.<
;Wow> thanks> Bri!kG 1ouDre the greatestG<
;$ know $ am.<
;.ight> mate.<
And we fell aslee(. =oday was the best day $Dd e/er had without Ebony sin!e the day $ met her.
Chapter 13.
'I06 Tara?s still taking a break from writing so here I9 )anthan +um9 am9 writing about some stuff. Today9 I shall be
writing about rick9 who in turn will be writing about a guy who writes about a guy who writes about a girl who writes her
name into history by doing something unforgettable. 'lso9 this?ll end on a cliffhanger9 which Tara will work around neCt
time. *eady@ Here we go/ &h yeah9 I almost forgot9 no preps.
Well> $ woke u( the next morning. .othing sur(risinD at all. $ was still on to(> and was still naked
Eokay> $ was wearinD a !ondom> but does that really !ount as a garmentBF> with =he #a! dire!tly below
me. *ellow goffz> you guessed it& nothinD sur(risinD at all E(re(s would still be tryinD to figure this out S
or would ha/e Cum(ed to the way wrong !on!lusionF. .o> $Dm not gay> $ Cust like beinD on to( of
(eo(le. $t makes me feel su(erior> and as $ woke u( and yawned> $ felt like a huge fu!kinD winner.
=oday was going to be my first day as the administrati/e head of 0ogwarts. 0ogwartsH0ogwarts.
0mm> that name seems old. $tDs about as old as the s!hool> whi!h is in itself too old to still be standing.
0mHmy first offi!ial dilemma. =o tear down and rebuild> or notB $n the end> $ de!ided that would be
the way to go. 4n!e the !astle was rebuilt> $Dd rename it> and only then would it truly be mine. So $
went to my offi!e Eformerly +umbledun!eDsF and !alled some (eo(le> who !ame o/er in the afternoon.
=hey were Cust about to get started whenH
;W%at t%e 0lyin; 0uc' is *oin; on %ere?2<
$gnorinD +umblestu(idDs insultinD outburst> $ @ui!kly began CottinD some stuff. $ wrote about a guy who
wrote about a guy who wrote about a girl that wrote her name into history by doinD somethinD
unforgettable. Sounds like Ebony. Man-%igh. And then the first of the huge balls known as wre!kinD
balls Efor the benefit of (re(z 8grr:> the (ro(er (ronun!iation is reh<"in= 0!h<all#F hit the Astronomy
tower hard?onG .o> $ donDt ha/e one at the moment> but then again> $ did not know until now that
/iolent destru!tion makes me su(er?horny.
Suddenly> $ heard some s!reaminD from the !astle. $ then realized $ had forgotten to do somethinD
im(ortant earlier. *ortunately> all the goffik (eo(les were already outside with me> so only the (re(s
were still in. 0owe/er> $ didnDt want to get the shGt beat out of me by angry (re( (arents> so $ signed
into law an order sayinD e/erybody must e/a!uate. =o !ut an already short story e/en shorter 8sorry9
preps9 but this is Tara?s fic9 so I don?t mean My Immortal or this fic9 whatever it?s called:> all the (re(s who were
meant to sur/i/e did> and some of them died. $ wish they had all died Ethe (re(s> $ meanF. 4ne (re(>
whose (re((y name was Britney Ein !ase you all forgot> sheDs the 6ryfindor (re( that kee(s (issinD off
Ebony with her (re((iness and (re((y waysF> !ame u( to me haughtily. She looked (issed off> but $
didnDt like her be!ause she wasnDt built to (lease Eif you know what $ mean> winkF. =hat reminds me>
when it !omes to girls> $ find that the bigger the !ushion> the sweeter the (ushinDG
;What the hellBG $ was in the middle of studyinD when the tower began !olla(sinDG $ was half ex(e!tinD
there to be a big ex(losion like at the end of the Aord of the 9ings when Sauron blows u( when his
tower gets killedG<
;1eah> the s!hool needed a fa!e?liftG<
;1ou su!kG<
;re(> lea/e now and ne/er !ome ba!kG *or my next offi!ial a!t> $ hereby ex(el you and all (re(s who
will not !on/ert to the ways of beinD goffi!G<
4n!e that was settled> =he #a! !ame u( to me.
;.i!eG What nextB<
;.ow $ (ronoun!e you> =he #a!> as 0ogwartsDs newest graduate> and S;
;0ogwartsB $ thought you were going to !hange it to something more goffigG<
;1eah> $Dll need the !o?headmistressDs !ounsel before $ do anythingN on that> and thatDll only be after
the !astle is rebuilt to look e/en more !ool and goffi!ker than beforeG<
;1eah> $ guess thatDs her name.<
;7ool. Well> !ontinue.<
;9ight. As $ was sayinD> $ hereby (ronoun!e you a graduate ofHthis hallowed ground for goffzHand
furthermore> will allow you to !ontinue to li/e here. *urthermore Eand this is !om(letely o(tionalF 8I?m
not talkin? to you readers O eCcept for this group of words inside this set of parentheses:9 if you will ser/e as my
ad/isor> $ !an guarantee you a suffi!ient in!ome of golden galleons> blood rubies> and the finest
sa((hires and emeralds as monthly !om(ensation for your !om(anionshi( and ser/i!es rendered to me
and to the s!hool> !ourtesy of that (re( BritneyDs family.<
;4h> hell yeahG But how are you goinD to get all that money from themB<
;4h> belie/e me> $ ha/e a way>< $ said> lookinD into his eyes so that he !ould see into my own goffi!k
eyes. 0e !ould not look away> but nodded.
;1ouDre right as usualG $ a!!e(t all the (ro/isionsG<
;6reat> then itDs settledG Would you be willinD to start now> or is later betterB<
;$ !an start now. What do you re@uire of me> my liegeB<
;$ re@uire some knowledge> s(e!ifi!ally> how $Dm goinD to fund the rebuilding !osts of the s!hool.<
;B>IC5* 6,3 M,(?>93C5I7= :3MB'..--- I7 ,7+6 ' .I7)+? :'6* 6,3=;? .I7)+?<
@'7:?:+6 >3I7?: (@? @,)2'>(. (>':I(I,7 '7: ?8P?>I?7C? 9,> ?;?>6,7?-
,7 (,P ,9 (@'(* 6,3 :?.(>,6?: (@? C'.(+? '7: ?8P?++?: @'+9 (@? .(3:?7(
B,:6-A +umble9ains4n#yarade shouted to me. $ didnDt !are though> be!ause heDs no longer the
headmaster> and fu!k whate/er o(inion he has.
;$Dm re(ortinD this to 6ordon Brown> the rime #inister of the 'nited JingdomG< #!6onagall said to
nobody in (arti!ular Ees(e!ially not to meF. She turned and started to lea/e the area.
;Wait> my sexy and sultry girl?toyG Why not inform the #inister of #agi! about this heinous a!t
;Be!ause you know as well as $ do that the naked beinD o/er there 8that?s me9 rick/: is a terrorist.<
;$Dm not a fu!kinD terroristG $ Cust get angry sometimesG< $ shouted angrily.
;Bri!k> W=* is goinD onB< a familiar /oi!e shouted.
$ turned around> and there stood Ebony> flanked by some other goffi!k (eo(leG $ felt ha((y like $ do
after eatinD a whole (ound of fried butter and down a !ou(le butter beersG
Chapter 14. 7e$er ?no!gh.
'0I6 -oy9 Im back9 ppl7. = I begn9 I?d like ; thonk )+ = de last fuo chappies. 2 rok/44 & yah9 and I ned to tell da
vyoowers what ive been up ;. #ell9 me nad )+ finally got it on on on Trusday nite9 and aftur he putt on a command9 he put
his meatstick in; my slit and we did it ;getheer///44444444444 #hen he left9 tho9 I got so sad that I went to the bathruum to
cut my wrists9 then red the latte st ishue of +off +irl #eekly while I waited = it ; stop bleeding.
2s the dust setld> we got u( from da !rater whi!h was smoking bM! we had Cust !rash?landed in a notso
Sublette way. $ was followed by the ((l $ had !um wM. B% us stood the rubes of the ruins of 0ogwartz.
$n front of that> Bri!k was shooting angrily at +umbledore and #!6lo!kens!h(iel while #r. .orris
used *lounder as a masturbatory ade bM! he had no one else left 2 do it % him.
;Bri!k> W=* is gong onBM< $ asked !onfus!ious.
;Well> Enoby> $ be!ame headmaster a few days ago. $ didnDt want to be!ome headmasturbater at 2st>
but when +umblefork left> $ really had no !hoi!e. Besides> $D/e been li/ing in se!ret in the offi!e % 2
weeks instead.<
;$Dm still headmasterG< +umbledore ex!laimed> but Cust then a boom of thunder sot out of the gray sky.
$ looked u( at the sky> there was not a !loud in it. A grK wind blew (ast us suddenly> and then there was
laughter behind usGGG22
;.yahG $Dm ba!kG< $t wasHHHHH,oldertomG2
Bri!k got all (issed Cust then> and so did $ and 6ahrid.
;Bri!k> !om dwnG< $ shrieked> but Bri!k still looked (ist.
;.ot now> Ebondy> $ ha/e to kill 1our #omG< Bri!k said.
;Wait> did you Cust threaten a family mmber of another student> you lowly?worms !umbagG<
#!6onagain shasked Eitzs a fuoshun of shouterd and askedF.
;We donDt ha/e time % thisG2 =his is a disaster zone hyahG Sum2 must make a sa!rifi!e 2 sa/e usG<
+umbledore shouted as he took leadershi(.
;.o> stu(idG $Dm the headmaster> and $ !all the shots> and 1our #om #'S= +$ESGGGGGGGGGG< Bri!k
s!reamed in su!h a goffikx /oi!k that $ nearly wanted to !ry tears of blood onto 6erardDs shirt bM! it
was su!h a byutiful s(ea!h. 0owe/er> 6erard was still wearing only his manties so $ hard to !ry on
0agridDs shirt.
;4#*6> E.4B1> W01 14' +4 =0A=B< he shouted to the sky also !rying tearz of bluud. +ra!o
!ame out and started !rying two.
,olzeimormon got mad then and made a s(ee!h that was /ery long and made me want to slit my
wrists> Ewhi!h eye deedF and it took until it sto((ed bleeding for him to finally shut u(. 8'I0Q -ay9 Im
aboot ; try ; right a long partagrampa9 so try not ; fall aspeel9 kay@5:
;4#*6> u stu(id ((lzG =hou alt make me want to slit my wrists and gi/e a s(ee!h so long that $ ha/e
to kee( on s(eaking until it sto(s bleedingGGG2 $ need 2 adres ea!h of thou indi/idually so that thou wilt
all know all thine fatesG *ustly> Ebony +arkDness +ementia 9a/en Way. =hou art my ri/al> and $ shalt
kill thou before the end> as well as all thine friends. =hereDs nothing thou !an doeth to sto(eth meth.
.ext> $ mustard salad addressing Bri!kbuilder 9obert Oanganese ortuguese Siamese Aebanese
7hinese Ia(anese 7antonese =hollerson. =houeth mighteth bieth theyeth headmastereth ofeth
0ogwartzeth> buteth thoueth arenoteth (owerfuleth enougheth toeth !hallengeth meth. Bark Bark said
the !oat. #'70 0A944. A==A70E+GG22 =hou wilt knoweth my !oming when thou seeth mu!h
of flying away the snake danubing from the +ark #arketGGG22 .ow thou> +umblebore. $ hath mu!h
hatred for thou. Betwixt thou and $> thou art too old to be ye headmaster anymoreG And $ hate thouG22
As for thou> #iner/a #!6onagallon> $ must say $ ne/er liked thou> but good Cob on turning the old man
to the lightG 7a(tain> weDre taking on waterG .ow> $ shalt address thou> 6erard Way. =hou art a fu!king
mortal> but thou hast the (ower to make stu(id?smart goff girls fall for you. $ want 2 kill thou> but at the
same time> $ feel like $Dm young and horny again> and $ start to see 1 they fall for u lyk yu doo. Still> $
hK goffi!k (eo(le> !ause $ want them 2 dye> and $ want them two die bM! $ hate themG Sid> why the fu!k
did you (our salt into your so!k drawerB $ !ouldD/e gone outside to smoke a !himi!hanga or two> u
motherfu!king son of a bit!hGGG222 .ow its thine turn> +ra!oHHHHHHHHHHHHHHWill u
te!h me to be!um like the old motherfu!ker E$m tal!um (owdering about +uble!heeseburgerF wasB $
want 2 know what itDs like on da other sydeGG2 And 0ogridma((er> you should Cust gi/e u( on the goff
immature tastyfan> bM! u 9 2 old. *inally u> Britney. $ donDt mean 2 sound like a kweer or anything> but
$ think uni!orns and reignboze 9 awsumGGGG222 =hyou aret my daughter> and $ am your daddyG WhoDs
your daddyB $Dm your daddyG 7ome. 7ome to me. 1es> !ome to me. 7ome. 7um. Sweetie> !ome to
daddyG 7ome. 6et your sweet little ass o/er here and gi/e your father a hugG +onDt make me beg nowG
6et o/er hereG 7omeG 74#EG 74.EG 7'# 4.=4 #E AAA *'7J$.6 9EA+1GGGGGGGG
22222222222222222< +id you know that treez ha/e heart atta!ksBBBBBBBMMM
;$D/e had enuff of thisG< +umblemoore (ro!laimed> ste((ing u( to a (odium that a((eared out the
ground like as though it had been raised out of the ground magi!allyGG ;Aea/e Britney aloneG<
;.o< all the goffi!k (eo(le
;$ want it so badG< Britney and Satan orgasmed in (erfe!t unison.
;Wait> whereDs Bri!kB< ,am(ier sket!hed as he !ame to us.
;0iyaG< Bri!k hiyaed> doing a really !ool goff?ninCa ki!k and kno!king ,oldertai! out. Standing u(> he
said something in a /oi!e that X his a!tion.
;$ let you li/eH% nowH<
$ got hot all o/er looking at Bri!k> he looked exa!tly lyk 7a(t. 4rgazmo from the really !ool !ult film
;#ewG #ew> mewG< 0e shooted at Britney and ,olzeboss an imaginary orgazmoradar that !aused
them to blast off 8lyk in the anime: while making a wet in their (aunts. =hey would now oh us Cewels and
gold and all that good stuff. +ont!hu fink 7.. re(orts good newzB
With that> the sun had set !om(letely> and !ourt was dismissed until more e/iden!e !ould be !olle!ted
to analyze the next day.
;0ey> Ebony> wannat !ome see a 67 !on!ert with me and +ra!oB< ,am(ire asked.
;SureG< i said non!halantly.
;$ guess $ will !um 2< Bri!k su((lemented.
;6rK> then itz a dKG<
=hat e/ening> we went 2 tha !on!ert as (lanned. 6erard had to lea/e earlier so he !ould get with his
band to (re(are %2nite. We all rode in +ra!oDs !ar> whi!h we had tamed from the wild after it got lost
in the forbidden forest and we !oodnt find it for " days gra!e Egetit> !ause theyDre goffi!kBF. 4h yah>
"+6 would also be (laying at the !on!ert 2nite.
We did drugs and heroine on the way to the !on!ert. We got all funny then. Bri!k tried to (i!k his ears
with his toes> +ra!o and ,am(ire tried nasal sex> and $ wanted 2 7 what wood ha((en if $ (ut some of
the E in my you?know?what. We made it to the !on!ert safely> but the ride was so mu!h fun.
'nless theyDre all young ((l> how are these (eo(le we show on this s!reenB =he young generation> that
si!k generationH 8'I06 %ry9 im litening ; *ob Bombie9 hu is a goffick ghoust: .o> heDs not in the !on!ert> stu(idG
1 wuud u fink datB
#79 was u( first> singing their song L0elenaD. $t was so fu!king butifel. 6erard e/en winked me be%
he got of stage.
Ate that thyme> $ began to hear sum (e(l shoutingG22 $t was +ra!o> ,am(ire> and Bri!k all ha/ing a
freeway fight.
;$ asked her first> so im here dateG<
;1eah> bt we !ame here in mah !arG<
;=hat $ stole the keys 2G<
;u mothefu!kaG2D
;your granma22G<
;OMF"8 E3ONY8 I WANNA SE$ , ,P2229;<
;HHHHgoffi!k (izzaHHHH<
;What the foking hell 9 u doing here> 0argrateB< iAsked.
;$ 049.1> S4 #E 74#E =W4 64**$7J 74.7E9= 2 7E $* ' $. +A #44+G $* ' .4=>
=0A= 744A. #E I'S= WA$= =$AA 14' 6E= #44+ A.+ WE 7A. SEXG<
;Are yu fu!king insaneBG< $ shouted angrily. ;4f !ourse not $Dm in the moodG 1oure a fu!king adultG
;$ saw Eboby first> (er(sG< Bri!k !heered.
;Who you !alling a (re(> (re(B< +ra!e then added.
;.Dbody< !alled ,am(ire> and they all Cum(ed onto ea!h otherG2 8no not in that way u pervs:. =hey began
to fight and beat u( ea!h otherG
;7an u guyz (lz sto( fiting> "+6 is about to (layG< $ s!reamed.
A feud minutes lKer> the "+6 guys started to (lay. =he were all wering baggy bla!k (olyester !argo
(ants with gofk sil/er metal !hains !oming out of the (o!kets> bla!k tshirts that said Y+6 on them> and
sum bla!k shoes. $ !ouldnt tell if they were wearing bla!k so!ks.
;%o what if you can see the darkest side of me9 no one will ever change this animal I have become< Ioel
#adden sang e!to(i!ally. $ started making out with ,am(ire.
;Ebony> $m mad at uG< Bri!k shouted> and he (un!hed ,am(ire so hard that he fell o/er s(litting blood
from his nose holes.
;4#6> Bri!kG< $ freaked out.
;4 grow a (ear> EnobyG< Bri!k shouted. 0e turned and ran into se!urity ((lzG2
;Where do u fink youre goingB< one of them asked.
;=he fu!k ud like to knowG< Bri!k said> fighting them as if they were 1our #om EAM.& =hatDs Bri!kDs
name for ,olizmortF
;0es resistingG<
;Sir> ur under a restG ' ha/e the rite to shut the fu!k u(G< EAM.& su du yu> (re(zGF
;$ beg to differential< Bri!k said> melting the hand!uffs with his goffi!k yellow eyes. ;$ want you too
dedG< and he killed the guards also with his eyesGGG2
;OMF"8 3RIC4;S A TERRORIST22299< 0airgrid shooted.
;0ow many times do $ ha/e to tell you stoo(id ((lBG2 $m not a fu!kinD extortionistGG2<
Iust then> ,olzemort a((earedG
;$ ne/er left u no< he said in a /ane effort 2 brake the 666th Egetdit> !ause $Dm a satanistaF wall. ;$ ha/e
a se!ret to tell thou altG Bri!kDs a moogleGoneone<
E/erybuddy glared at Bri!k angrily be!ause we were angry to find out that he was not magi!GG2
'I06 0o9 everyting fine wI moi K )anthan +um. Its part of the plort9 prep7//4 >oin me nCt time when I pst da new chpter//
Chapter 15.
'06 &-9 I wonder whatitll take ; get u prep7 ; sshut de !2,k up and sotp flaming teh story/ Im so sick of u9 it makes me
wunt ; kill you all///4!ang7 to mah horny for prooping dis 8geddit@ %atan/4:.
$ didnDt want to blee/e what $ had herd. $ (rayed to g?o?d E$Dm Satanist> so im not saying that goddang
wurdF that it was all a lie. Sanddunes later> $ began running towards the exit.
;Ebony> Ebnoy> wherefore art thou goingB< ,olzemort asked.
;4f fu!k off> u fu!king (re(G< $ shouted ba!k angrily.
;WaitG< he shouted lightly> but $ ke(t storming off.
;WaitG< all my friends !alled> but $ kee(t walking out.
;WaitG Bri<!k shouted but he was the !enter of all my hatred now.
;WaitG< shouted the tea!hers from the skuol> but $ was 2 mad to !are rite now.
;WaitB< stated some (re(s who !ame to tha !on!ert to learn 2 b goffi!k but !oodnt be!ause they didnt
no whut goffi!k is. $ (ut u( all my middle fingers at them.
;WaitrG< ,oldemort !alled to me again> and only this time did $ lissen to what he has to say. ;Wut if $
toold u there was another wayB<
;What> u mean u !loned me and 6erardDs baby into 2 whole bingB< $ asked sar!asmi!ally.
;.o< he snarkled. ;$Dm talking about you !oming aweigh with me for a wileG<
.ow $ was interested. $ wanted to here more. But something didnDt make mu!h sense.
;Something doesnDt add u(2G< $ shrieked. ;1uo arenDt (lanning toHHHkill me> are youB<
$ saw ,ozlemorte taking out a goffi!k bla!k banana thing than hastility (utting it in his (ants. $ didnDt
know what it was. We began walking to his !ar> a bla!k and orange lamborgenie. ,olzemorte was
//earing some gray robes> grey (otatosa!k shoes> and no nose. $ looked @ui!kly into his fa!e. 0e had
no nose still and some sorrowful red?orange eyes> whi!h is a shame he has them be!ause he is su!h a
$ was going with him be!ause he had offered me a release> and $ was going to take him u( on itGG222
Chapter 16.
'M06 I don?t kare abot wut prpe7 think. %T&A !1'MI0+ T$H !&-I0+ %T&*$$///4 !ang7 to )+ for maeking dis chapy
magic/ +offic frenches//4
;0'..EE> weDre hohmG< ,oldemort sang lo/elily as we walked in thru the front door. $ didnDt know
who he was talking about.
;4#*6> you ha/e a 6*BG< $ demented.
;.ot really> $ used to ha/e a wife by the name of ur(le the ill.< he dan!ed.
$ gas(t. ;4#6> you had im(ortan!eB<
Iust then> Britney !ame down. She waz wearing white leather shoes with no so!ks> a flannel skut so
short $ kood see her hot (nk .=EESG> a (lain white tshert> and a red and blue tie. $ fu!kin hK dat little
bit!hG $ ran u( to her to ta!kle her Eno> $ donDt like herGG2F
;0el( meG< she s@ueaked in that irritating /oi!e of hers. =hen she grabbed my shirt and ri((ed it offGG2
1ou !ould only see my bla!k leather bra on my 7learasil ba!k.
;1oure going 2 (ay % thatG< $!e !reamed. Ean $ lo/e s!reaming for goffik bla!k i!e !reamGGGF
Suddenly> we be!ame aware that someone was wat!hing usH
T,9 ppl/
Chapter 17.
'I06 #hat the fucking hell9 prep7@/ Tara is real/ If she wasn?t9 then why would I9 )anthan +um9 still be giving it to her@
Huh@ 3ou preps are unbelievable. 'nd "fellow goff59 you?re Dust a fucking poser prep/ How dare you call yourself one of
the honorable goff7/ #e?re a respectable culture9 and I won?t hear of you taking a shit on it/
$ was fu!kinD (issed. Ebony had !alled me a (re(G =hat fu!kinD bit!h 8'I06 Tara9 I love you///:G
$ walked down some street> mun!hinD on the one !onsolation $ still had& butter. =urninD the !orner>
some (re(s (ointed at me and started laughinD. $ was gettinD e/en more (issed by them> so $ fu!kinD
killed them. =hen $ felt a little better !ause they wouldnDt laugh at me anymore. =hen $ kuntinued 8get
it@ Arep79 don?t answer: to walk. $ finished eatinD the butter $ had. =hen $ remembered $ still had to fu!kinD
rule the motherfu!kinD s!hool> so $ went ba!k and did some stuff that would work out to the benefit of
TR,E goffz 8'I06 Aosers suck/:.
' ;ampre 2il 7e$r @!rt 6o!
Chapter 1.
8'0- ok gy7 dis i7 da real tara ok/ 'n if u say dat its not da real tara den ur a prep/ %o me an 4 of muh frend79 her name7
haly9 we decidd ; mak a nu fanfic/ %o den I askd raven ; help me wit da spellin an stuff. !ang7 raven and hayly/ 2 gy7 both
rok///////// 44444444:
0i my name is Auna Ao/egood. At least thatDs what my mother fu!king (arents !alled me. .ow you
!an !all me #oon ShadDow $/ory =earz *lorin. A!tually my mom was ok but then she killed herself
when $ was nine. $f that wasnDt bad enough my dad would make me do all the housework and if $ didnDt
then he would beat me and ra(e me. So today $ de!ided to run away to my friend 7hoDs house in
=okyo. A!tually 7ho !hanged her name about the same time $ !hanged mine. .ow sheDs Eztli Jyoko.
Eztli means blood> she !hose it !ause she is goffik 8'0- I spelled that right preps ok/: like me. When we
de!ided to be goffik we died 8get it9 cause I?m goffik: our hair. #ine is now long and bla!k with red blue
and (ur(le streaks in it. EztliDs hair was already bla!k sin!e sheDs from Ia(an so she Cust (ut red streaks
in it with blue ti(s. We also dress goffikly> for exam(le today $ was wearing a bla!k slee/eless to( that
had la!ey !orset stuff on the front and it showed off my boobs. $ was also wearing a bla!k miniskirt
with la!e on the ends. $ had bla!k fishnet tights and $ was wearing goffik bla!k armbands. $ had tall
bla!k la!e u( boots on too. Eztli was wearing a long slee/ed to( with !orset stuff on the front and its
slee/es were all droo(y at the ends. She also had a really tight and short mini skirt with !hains on it and
it there was la!e all o/er the bottom. 0er shoes were (laid and they had really big (latforms.
So today we were going ba!k to 0ogwarts on the train. When we got on the train a bun!h of (re(s
stared at us. We stu!k out middle fingers u( at them and they got s!ared and ran away. #e and Eztli
found a !om(artment where out friends BDloody #ary Smith Ewho was 0ermioneF> +arkDnd 0eart
Ewho was IennyF> and 6ianna ,irginia Wyatt +iamond 8that?s you hayley you rock girl/: were all shitting
together> they were wearing all goffik !lothes from hot to(i! like !orsets and sus(enders and big bla!k
tren!h !oats .
;0ey>< we all said de(ressed.
;4h my fu!king Satan> guess why me and Eztli !ame to the train togetherG< $ almost shouted. So then $
told them all about how $ ran away from my dad.
;What a fu!king bustardG< BDloody #ary shouted angrily. E/eryone else agreed.
=hen someone !ame. $t
H. +ra!o #alfoyG
8'0- fang7 8get it: = reedin muh story gy7/ an im guna b on vcation = al of nCt week so only haly cn updat/ pl7 reviow9 but
ony gud 4s//////444444444444:
Chapter 2
'06 &k this is Haylys chapter now me n tara take it in turds hop u liek it CoCoCoCoCo luff yew gurl/
$ started at my (ainted bla!k and (ink nailz as +ra!o !ame.$ !ouldnt look at him not after what had
ha((uned between us last year so $ Cust started (ulling at my !lothes> A bla!k long sle/ed tshirt with
(ink skullz on it and a bla!k miniskit with (ink !on/erse> $ was wearing a bit of eyeliner with some
!lear li(golls and foundation> #y blonde hare was strate nd down to my waste.
0e sat next to me and o((oshite #oon 0i he sed shyly hi i bumbled ba!k $ !ant bele/e that it was only
last skull year he was kising me goodbi and teeling me he nae/ar wntd 2 see me agen. $ WA.=E+ =4
*'J$. '.70 =0A= #4=0A*'JJE9S *A7E 4E.G2. 0e had hurt me so mu!h dat $ nerly tried
2 kill myself> he broke my fart.
$t was @uiet sudenly moon sed why r u being @uit 2 me +ar!o loo(ed u( i told her i had a heda!he and
she began talking 2 B3loody #ary about #793 6erard is so fukin hoot i herd moon say $ !unt take it no
more. $ ran 2 da toilets in tears> +ar!o *ollowd me
$ looked myself in the !ubi!kle and began to silt my rists the blood felt so good i was realy u(set.
6ianna +ar!o !alled iss oof i dnot want 2 talk to youG i s!hemed ba!k&
6ianna if u dnt !um out and talk to me then i3ll ha/e to !um in. he resnorted +ra!o Cust lea/e me alone i
sed !rying sullenly he a((eared in front of me> 6ianna im so sorry he said> i ne/er meant to burt you> $
lo/e you he sed $ belie/ed himn
ok but wat ur gonna do about it i sed
he !leaned in and kisd me his died blak hare tou!hed my fa!e
this is wat im gunna do about it he sed
$ kissed him ba!k> suddenly he gut on to( of me and started to unla!e my !orset i took off his to( and
tite genes 0e started kissing my ne!k sexually den we had sex and we had sex % da frisk time in %
month> $ holed noisily and began to s!ream ahG AhG AhG $ smiled> $ saw a load of 9a/enhoars in da
halway and told them to fuk oof
+en he got oof me zi((sed his troosers and wanked away
+ra!o W=*GBB i !ried angstily flowing him
0e (aused> !um on he sed
4kai $ followed him bak 2 da !om(artmeCt.
Chapter 3.
8'0- ok y rnt me an hayly getin ne revoiws9@@@ srsly hy7 if u red it den u hav ; revoiw9 ok now dats a nu rul///////// an fang7
agen ; raven = helpin me wif da story an spellin and fang7 ; haly = makin a gr. ;nd chapta u gy7 boff rok////////////////
Whene/er 6iana and +rako !ame ba!k into the train room me and B3loody #ary were still talking
about #79 and how sexy 6erard Way was. When 6ianna !ame in then she sat down and looked kind
of mad. +ra!o tried to sit down next to her but she looked really e/il at him and you !ould tell he
thought it was hot but then she told him to lea/e.
8*ine well then !an #oon !ome out here for a minuteBBB8
8Iust gi/e us a minute to talk and then shell !ome out> k.8 =hen he left.
80e kissed meGGGGGG8 6ianna roared.
8But $ thought that you liked him so why are you so mad then.8
8$ ne/er told you guys but at the end of last year he told me $ was a stu(id (re((y bit!h who should be
in 0uffle(uff and then he said he ne/er wanted to see me again. So $ dont know what hes trying to do
this time but $ dont think $ should get ba!k together with him.8
.one of us knew what to say about that so we Cust stared at 6ianna for a minute but we all knew what a
bastard +ra!o was being then +ark3nd 0eart reminded me that +ra!o was waiting to talk to me so $ left
the train !om(artment and went into the hall.
8What to you want> bastardB8 $ yelled.
87ome here.8 And then he took me to a different room that had no one in it then he started to kiss me.
8What the hellGGGG8 $ shouted. But he didnt listen he Cust did a s(ell that made me kee( @uiet. 0e took
off my to( and e/en my bra but then when he started to take off my mini skirt $ ki!ked him in the boy
thingy. =hen $ made him undo the s(ell so $ !ould talk again and $ (ut on all my !lothes and went ba!k
to my own room.
8What did he want8 e/eryone asked me when $ got there.
8$ dont want to talk about that bastard right now> kGGG8 =hey didnt ask again.
=hen it was time to get off the train and go to dinner. After we ate we went to our Slytherin room and
went to bed. #e> 6ianna> Eztli> +ark3nd 0eart> and B3loody #ary were all in the same bedroom
together. EEx!e(t we werent in the same bed you si!koF After they were all aslee( $ was still awake
thinking about what ha((ened with +ra!o on the train. =hen $ heard someone o(en the door.
8Whos thereGGG8 $ whis(ered !ause $ didnt want to wake u( my friends. $t was +ra!oG 0e did the same
s(ell that made me not make noise> and he !limbed on to( of me and started taking off my !lothes and
kissing me. 0e was already naked so he (ut his boys thingy in my girls thingy and we did it together.
0e was really hot and he looked a lot like 6erard Way so $ was really starting to enCoy this. =hen
someone yelled 8#44. A.+ +9A74 W0A= =0E *'7J A9E 14' +4$.6GGGGGGGGGGG8
$t was 6iannaG
8$3m sooryG +ra!o started it> not meG8 $ yelled.
8Well 6ianna my dad says $ !ant ha/e a girlfriend sin!e $m going to work for ,oldymurt so thats why $
had to break u( with you but sin!e $m ba!kat s!hool now $ wanted to get ba!k togetherG But then when
$ !ame in your train room $ saw how buaetiful #oon is and $ wanted to be with her now...8
6iannna looked seriously mad right now..........................
8'0- ok gy7 now im back frum my vaction so i can updat a lot mor but only if i git revoiwews////////////////
Chapter 4.
'0I okai its hayly agen9 tara ur chapat cocked so hard it was kul u rok girlie/4
I wanted to kil dat bastard/4
$ ran !ryin 2 da bathtomb 8geddit@:were $ !ryd> $ !ryd so m!h dat my eyeliner ran doom my fa!e. +enH.
+ra!o walked inG2
$m sory he sed
*'J 4* A44+E9G $ sed $ ran out da roon !ryin> $ (ut oan sum moar iliner and a bla!k (rom?stile
dress wif blk high $ !ame out da room.
$ ran out of da Slytherin /ommon room suddenly $ gut 2 da grate hal.
$ !olla(sed.
Wen $ was !ons!ientious again $ luked u( and saw 2 bois> +E1 WE9 *9'# *'J$. 69$**1.+49G
$t wuzHH0arry otter ands 9on Weasley
9 u ok sed harry
1eh $ sed
Iust den +umbledor and #oon !ame in da !orridor +ar!o was following dem
*uk of +ar!o $ sed
0arry and 9on luked shoked.
$ gut u( and wlked away
0arry and 9on flowed me
7um wif us dey sed.
+ey tuk me 2 dumbelhores offi!e
ro!essor dumblehore dey sed !an 6ianna !um in2 griffindor
Aetz ! wat da sorting hat sez he sed
0e tuk da hat dune and (la!d it on ma hud like he had dun in yr2
+A 0A= SE+ $ S0'A+ 0A, BE. $. 69$*$.+49 A.1WA1 7'O $ WAS.D= E,$A22
We all ga(sed
Suddenly #oon> etzreli> bDloody maru and +ra!o !ame
Chapter 5.
8'0- ok now dis i7 taras chapta agen hayly ur chapta wa7 awsum/4 fang7 = makin anudr gr. 4///4444 an aso fang7 ; raven
= da spelin agen u rok gurl/44 o an fang7 = finly revioewin da story but cud u pl7 mak dem gud revieows@@@@:
#e> Eztli> BDloody #ary> and +rako !ame in +umblydoreDs orifi!e. 6ianna> and those two stu(id
6ryffindor (re(z were in there to and 6iana had the sorting hat on her head.
;0ey guys whats going on here< Eztli said.
6iana started to !ry and said ;=0E S49=$.6 0A= SA1S $ S04'A+ BE $. 691**$.+49GGG
;But 6iana> that would mean your a (re(G W0A= =0E *'7J $S 64$.6 4. 0E9EG< $ roared.
+umbledore Cust handed her some 6ryffindor !lothes. #e and all the Slytherins walked out of the
offi!e and into the Slytherin li/ing room. $ was really !onfused !ause 6ianna was my friend but she
was also a (re( sin!e she was in 6ryffindor. $ de!ided $ need to talk to her so $ ran out of the door and $
wore my in/isilinblity !oat> $ followed some (re((y doosh that was in 6ryffindor and she looked like
0ilary +uf 8'0 I fokin h. dat lil slut/4: to the 6ryffindor room. $ ran u( the stairs to where 6iannas new
rom was. $ o(ened the door andHHHHHH she was ha/ing sexx with 0arry and 9on was holding a
;1ou fu!king horeG222< $ s!reamed at her. =hen $ ran away.
=he next day> we were in !lass 6iana !ame u( to me and said ;0arry is my bf now so you !an ha/e
+ra!o. And $m not dressed like a (re( so you !an tell $ didnDt want to be in 6ryffindor.<
$ de!ided $ was going to forgi/e her so then $ went to tell +ra!o the good news.
8'0- ok I hav a feelin da tid si7 guna b a rly gud chaptr so revieow it pl7 an fang7/:
Chapter 6.
8'06 &k guise dis is Hayly Tara u rok K fankuu = da god revues9ur awsum:
$ !ryd in da room> 0airy P 9on wos ni!e but dey wuz (re(zG2222
$ thort for a bit Sullenly $ had an ideaG22
$ flet around in muh (o!ket % my wand> $ grabbed it and (ulld.
4k guise $ sed ur getting a makeo/er
;64**$J'SG< $ s!hemed
+E1 WAS 0A.+S'#G
0arry wus wearing bla!k skKr (ants and a blak Blink 2K" =shit and 9on wus wearing A red entinies
to( and tite emo Ceans. +ey both had loads of eyeliner on A.+ +E1 A44JE+ 4* *'JJ$.
$ fort of +ra!o
$ ran oout !ring
$ ran 2 da forbidden forest
$ shat under a tree> it had been reigning so $ new id get muh Blak nee?hi boots and muh (ur(ill skit wet
and durty.
$ !ryd so hard $ swore my eyeballs would !um out $ had eyeliner al down ma fa!e> suddenly +ra!o
!ame there.
W01 +$+ ' 7'#G2222 $ S04==E+ A$969$AA1
$ wanted to ! if u wer okai he sed
WEAA $# *$.E $ SE+
' +.= A44J $=G 0E 9ES.49=E+ BAJ
*'J 4* *'J 4*G $ showted
$ 9A. ' 2 0$# A.+ S=A9=E+ =$==$.6 0$# ' BAS=9A+GG2222222222222222222222 $
s!reeemed at him 0e began to bleed as $ (un!hed nd kikd himG
+en #oon !ameG
$ 0A=E 0$# #44.> 0ES A *A9=B9EAJE9 0EAA +4 +A SA# 2 'G22 $ SE+
+en $ ran away lee/ing +ar!o blooding in da foreset.
$ ran in2 0airy in skull $ hugged him den !ried
$ A4, 'G $ sed
$ lo/ u 2 he sed but wats da matter
+ra!os a motherfu!king bastard $ sed
Well $ no dat sed harry
+en $ had 2 go ! (rofezzor #!6onagoogle abut sum =ransfiguration werk $ had to do E7'O $ WAS
+E+ 644+ A= =$=G22F
Wel!um 6ianna she sed
0ello rofezzor $ sed
$Dm (lezzed 2 ha/ u in my hoes
=hank u $ sed
.ao herez da s(els % u
$ saw +ra!o and #oon ootsid da skool dey wer with
,4A+1#'9= A.+ BEAAA=9$7JSG
E+A=S 04W S04JE+ $ W'S A'AOF
Chapter 7.
8'0- hayly ur chaptrt wa7 so gr.////44444 an fang7 ; ravn = da spelin help agen. & an sum retardd prepy dush bag told me
I wa7 a po7er in da review7 I meen srsly wtf. ut oderwi7 fang7 = da gud 4s:
#e dra!o /oldemurt and belatrix lestrang were al walking outside. Suddenly 6iana !ame running
outside too.
;#44. W0A= A9E 14' A9E +4$.6 W$=0 =0E BA9J A49+ A.+ BEAAA=9$X 7'O
S0EDS A +EA=0 +EAAE9GGGG< 6ianna s!reamed as she ran towards me.
;S=*'> theyDre my friends tooG< $ yelled ba!k at her.
6iana sto((ed yelling and said. ;But what if they kill you and +ra!oBBB<
;=hey wonDt !uz weDre e/il to. And whene/er we were talking we said that maybe the sorting hat was
wrong and you should go ba!k in Slytherin.< $ ex(lained.
;But what about 0arry and 9onB =here my frends to.<
;+idnDt you do a s(ell on them that made them goffikB =hat makes them e/il to. +id you noti!e if they
worshi( Stan or notB<
;=hey do. 4#*6 #44.. 1our so smart. .o wonder all the hot goffik guys wanna ha/e sex with
=hat made me really ha((y> e/en though $ didnDt like to brag about how (retty $ was. $ hugged 6ianna.
;1ou know they like you too. $ said.
So then ,oldemurt and Bellatri!ks got there bla!k m!r brooms and flu off on them. 6ianna went u( too
the skull 8geddit cu7 im goffik: and $ started to follow her but then +ra!o took my hand and started (ulling
me to 0airgridDs house.
;+ra!o what the fu!k are you doingGGGG222< $ said angrily.
0e went into 0airgridDs house and !losed the door. ;0agrid isnDt here rite now. $ think hes looking for
the giants agen.<
;Stu(id (re(. $ ho(e they kill him to death. Wait> why are we e/en here.<
;7uz $ ha/e to tell you something. EbonyH $Dm a /am(ire.<
$ gas(ed.
8'0- ok if u reed it den u hav ; revoiw it an no meen revoiwes ok/ 'n prep7 shudnt b reedin da story neway7 so Du77 go fok
urselv7////4444 mcr and gc rok/44:
Chapter 8.
8'06 &- I #&0T %2M *$($#%/4444 2* '11 *$($#I0+ 0 T*'% ,H'AT*% 0 0IT M30/4444 *$(I&# &* I #I1
*IT$ 0& M&'*/ Tara ur chapat was awsum gurl/:
$ wnet bak 2 skul 2 get 0ary and 9on
$=O 4JA$ $ SE+ =4 +E# ,4A+1#'9= +'S .'= W.= 2 J$A ' A.1#4A9G
0arry looked at me
' #'S= 7'#G $ shouted ulling his red 67 to( angstily
+ey both !ame.
We waslked in2 da grounds den saw ,oldymurt and Bellatri!ks
0i $ sed
0i dey said ba!k
We shall kill +umbledoreG Sed ,oldmort
1es my lord sed bellatrix
$ was sho!ked wen 0arry agred
+en $ saw moon and +ra!o !um out 0airgrids !abin
+mbelldhor walkd out of skool
LAB9A JEBAB9AGD We all shooted da s(ell with our wands
+'#BAE+49 WAS +E+
rofezzor #!6onagoogle and rofezzor sn( s!reemed
We al ran away to +ar!os hoes
WE 74'A+.D= 64 BAJ 2 046W$=SG
Wen we gut dere me an moon (ut on sum eyeliner foundation and li(shti!k. She (ut on a blak !orset
and a (ur(le skirt wif blak kne high bots> she luked amazing. $ !rueled muh (ink hair and (ut on a red
la!e dress wif (ointy blak high heels.
$ !ryd and slit muh rists> e/eryone !ame and askd igf $ wuz ok
1uh im ok fangz $ sed mo((ing u( da blud.
We went in2 da frunt rume
+ere was a no!k at da door
$t wasHH.#ad eye muddyG
0E 0A+ 7'# 2 '= 'S $. ASSJAB$.G2
Chapter 9.
8'0- dis i7 tara agen. ok gy7 now it i7nt fare dat I git al da revieow7 and hayly hadly get7 n e so rember ; revioew her
chaptr7 ;///////4444 and haly ur chaapter wu7 awsum//4 o9 and sum4 sed dat they wantd darco ; beet up mudy an I thot dat
wa7 kin ov funy so im guna do dat9 lol7. If u reed den u hav ; revew an ony gud 4s////44 o an fang7 8geddit9 cu7 im goffik: ;
raven = helpin me wif da spellin///444 stup flamin muh story prep7//////4444444:
When #ad $ #oody !ame into the house +ra!o was really mad. ;What the fu!k are you doing hereGGG<
he shouted sexily.
;$Dm taking you to Akzaban !uz you killed +umblydork.< 0e ex(lained.
;.4 14' A9E.=GGGGGGGG< +ra!o s!reamed at him. =hen he started hitting #oddy and (un!hing him.
=hen he bit #oody on the ne!k and drank all of his blood so #oody was dead now. E/eryone !heered.
;4#*6> +ra!oG Are you a /am(ireBBB 7uz you drank #oodyDs bloodG< said 6ianna.
;1eah. $ guess its not a se!ret anymoreG< said +ra!o shyly.
;0ey +ra!o. 1ou should gi/e me a tour of your houseG< $ said ex!itedly. So then he took me around his
house and showed me e/erything while ,oldymurt> Bellatri!x> and 6ianna waited. =hen he took me to
his room
;#oon> $ really lo/e you and $ want to ha/e sex with you so !an we ha/e sexB< he asked me. $ really
wanted to ha/e sex with him too so $ started taking all of my !lothes off and so did he and then we got
on his bed. We started to kiss (assi/ely and then he (ut his really big glo!k in my girlDs thingy and we
did it together.
;40 40 40 40 40G< $ shouted !uz $ was getting an orgasm. $ didnDt e/en !are if the other (eo(le in
the house heard.
*inally we fell aslee( together. Whenee/er we woke u( we said> ;$ lo/e you< to ea!h other and then we
(ut our !lothes on. $ was wearing a red (laid mini skirt that had ruffly stuff on the bottom and bla!k
fishnets. $ had a bla!k la!e u( !orset with red roses on it. $ was wearing bla!k la!e u( (latform boots. $
(ut on my white foundation e/en though $ was already (ale and tons of bla!k eyeliner. +ra!o was
wearing baggy bla!k (ants with !hains on them and a bla!k #79 Earnt dey so awsumGGGF tshirt. 0e was
also wearing white foundation and lots and lots of bal!k eyeliner. 0e looked so sexy that $ wanted to
ha/e sex with him again but $ didnDt !uz we had to go downstairs !uz the rest were (robably wondering
were we were.
Whene/er we walked downstairs> 0arry and 9on were thereG 4nly they werenDt dressed like (re(s !uz
6ianna had done a s(ell on them to make them goffik.
;4#*6> what the fu!k are you doing hereGGG< $ said.
8'0- omfg dis story i7 rly fun ; rite so dats y me an haly hav a lot of cahptr7 evry day. *emmbr ; revoew haly7 chaptre cu7 I
fink deyre awsum///44 u rok gurl//44:
Chapter 1.
We wer al reeding da daily (ro(het wen we saw a sign da sed #79 P 67 wil ha/ a !on!ertG
We al gos(ed> dat nite> #oon> #e> +ra!do> 0arry and 9on went 2 ! them (lay> $ !ould! moon droling
o/a 6ererd Way> !losse ur m(thG $ sad Aol she sed bak> After we gut bak frm da !on!ert we de!idd we
had 2 go bak 2 hogwerts.
Wen we gut dere $ saw a sine dat sed& WA.=E+& #44.>6$A..A> +9A74> 0A991 A.+ 94.?
+E9 $S A 9EWA9+ B74O +E1 J$A+ +'#BEA049.
$ began 2 !ry> 0airy (ut his arm around me.
$tDs okay he sed wit his sexy /oi!e
Sullenly he (uld da in/in!ibility !loke o/er us and we went 2 da lakeG
+en we had sex " tims in a roe>
0e was ded gud
Sudeently $ gos(d
$= WAS 94*EOO49 #76446AEG
Chapter 11.
8'0- fang7 = finaly revoiwung haly?s chaptrs gy7///// 'n alsso sum4 els sed dat im nut da rel tara #T!/////// I mean I cn
sho u my fb an stuf srsly pm me a7kin me an I wil giv u da link. &dderwi7 fang7 = da gud 47 also speshul fang7 ; raven = da
help u rok guirl//// 'nd u do ; hayly/:
$ saw #!goongal walking by the lake. $ think thatDs were 6iana and 0ary went. But they had the
in/in!ibility !lo!k so they will be ok if they donDt say anything.
Suddenly sna(e !ame u( behind me +ra!o> ,lodemort> and Bellatri!x. Belltrix s!reamed and ran away
and ,oledmurt ran after yeliing ;S=4 $ A4,E 14'G<
;A/abra Je/adraG< $ said as $ (ointed my wond sexily at Sna(.
=hen #!6anggale !ame running from the lake and +ra!o and 6ianna wCere !hasing her and they had
there wombs (ointed at her and they wre yelling s(ells at her and then $ heard 6ianna say ;Abra
Jada/araG< and then #!gangooogle fell o/er and she was dead.
;7ome one guys we need to get away from here< +ra!o said. So then we went into the forest and we
made a !am( there. 6ianna made sum tents a((er so we went under them2 slee(. 6ianna and 0arry
was in one> and me and dra!o was in a different one. $ was wearing really sexy (aCamas. $ was wearing
(ink and bla!k skull shorts that were really really short and showed off my sexy legs. +ra!o was
staring at them but $ (retended nut too noti!e. *or my to( $ had on a bla!k fishnet tube to( that was
really low !ut so you !ould see all my !lea/age. +ra!o was staring at that to.
;0ey +ra!o< $ said sedu!ti/ley. =hen we started fren!hing ea!h other (assiontly and he took off my
!lothes and $ took off his and we did it for the se!ond time.
After we were done then $ asked him if /am(ires li/ed fore/er and he said yes so then $ asked how
someone was made a /am(ire. 0e said that you !ould either be bom one or if you were bitten by a
/am(ire then you would be one too. $ asked if he would bite me so $ !ould be a /am(ire too. 0e said ok
and then he bit me. $ was aslee( for a long time> and then when $ woke u( $ found 9on.
;0i 9on< $ said sexily. 0e said hi ba!k.
$ (ut my mouth on his ne!k like $ was going to kiss him but instead $ bit him too. =hen $ drank all his
blood so he would be dead.
;#oon> what the fu!kG $ know your a /am(ire but 9on was my friendG< said 0arry.
;$m sorry harry. $Dll try not to kill anyone we know from now on.< $ said sadly.
;Well its ok he wasnDt /ery smart anyways.< Said harry.
=henHHHHH. Eztli !ameG ;What are you doing hereG< we all said.
;Well all the goff and (unk kids rebelled against the tea!hers and all the tea!hers who werent goffik we
killed them. So you guys !an !ome ba!k to 0ogwarts now.< Eztli said.
Chapter 12. (he 'plogee 11
8'I0 &kay I think this is the final chapter now- Hayley:
I was sitting in my tent crying 8after all9 I was a self insert9 as per with these shitty fanfics: #hat had Tara and Myself
done@ #ell I could answer that logically9 we had participated in a horrifying case of cannon rape9 M,* references9
R+offik? fetish clothing and above all we had become the epitome of Mary sue.
R,'00&02%? I cried.
't that point everything changed9 Teachers appeared back in their respective classrooms and Harry9 *on9 Hermione9 1una
and Draco were back in their common rooms. The set of Harry potter was bu77ing9 the filming of RHarry Aotter and the
Deathly Hallows? was well underway.
That?s when I reali7ed I wasn?t sitting in a tent with Harry Aotter and Draco Malfoy any more. I was9 of course9 at home9 in
front of my computer mercilessly raping one of the best book series and film franchises of all time alongside a girl who is
claiming to be uber-retard 8 or internet genius: Tara +ilesbie. I looked back over the previous chapters and was appalled
by what I had written. Innuendos9 intentional spelling mistakes9 stupid names for cannon characters that would only ever
appear once in the story and disturbing seCual relations which had been played out by the mind of RTara +ilesbie? littered
the pages. I felt sick9 then I instantly felt sorry for >- *owling9 Daniel *adcliffe and Tom !elton. There was no eCplanation
as to why we did this9 other than that we had too much time on our hands and that I finally wanted to taste the satirical
value that writing a shitty parody of a fan fiction gives you9 I wanted a chance to feel all that and more9 but more than
anything though9 I wanted to work with Tara +ilesbie. 'shamed was an understatement. That?s when I became enlightened9
I reali7ed that I had nothing to $ ashamed of. R#hy@? 3ou may ask9 I will tell you why. ecause this is an eCample of the
content of LFS of this website.
'ppalling spelling and thesaurus overuse is rife here9 as well as Mary sues and lackluster plotlines9 some so loose that they
could barely be described as plotlines at all9 Dust a mass of Dumbled concepts and ideas strung together with cannon rape
and horrific fantasies of horny teenage girls. Then the same people who write this kind of fanfic had the audacity to come
on and slag off Tara +ilesbies RMy Immortal.? Hypocrisy barely describes it. I dread to think what >.- *owling would think
if she came on here and discovered that people are brutally butchering her stories then stitching them up again to suit their
sick fantasies9 come to think of it I also dread to think what Daniel *adcliffe9 *upert +rint9 $mma #atson and Tom !elton 8
because lets face it9 they are who your thinking of via visual representation when you write these piles of HA fanfiction
horse shit: would think of these dreadful amateur attempts at Rliterature? made by folk on here. I for one do not think
chopping up and murdering >- *owlings world is either appropriate or respectful to the woman who created this. 'nd I do
reali7e that it isn?t Dust Harry Aotter you all seem so intent on destroying9 It?s Twilight9 0ightmare before ,hristmas9 ,amp
*ock 8although that #'% shit in the first place: and practically any other film with a Rcult. 8I hate using that word but I
will: fanbase. Do you really think the authors appreciate your %ues? running riot in their worlds@
'fter I wrote and analy7ed all this9 I made a cup of tea and posted chapter 4;. 'ptly named RThe 'pology.?
Chapter 13.
3es. This is "Tara?s5 chapter again.
Did you notice those little Guotation marks around Tara?s@ More importantly9 did you notice the correct usage of grammar
and spelling@
#ell there you go. This is Dust another trolling account. ut don?t worry your pretty little asses9 Hayley was real.
I did rather well9 considering this was my first trolling attempt 8I?m thirteen:. I covered my track well. #ho?s going to
figure out my real accounts@ &nly two people9 other than myself9 know that I?m trolling. ' surprising ammount of people
eCpressed that I am 8was: Tara +ilesbie. I had eCpected nobody to fall for it9 you see.
'nyway9 it started when I made a fake myspace. That continued on toa fake facebook9 where I met dear Hayley. Then came
the fake fanfiction account made with "Tara?s5 new "friend5 Hayley. 3ou?ve been such a help9 love9 without you I might
never have made this "story5.
ut there were some people who were mean to "Tara5. I know she?s an uber-retard 8to Guote Hayley:9 but why should you
all be so mean to her@ I decided that for *aven?s facebook I wuold announce that Tara had to go to the hopital again
because she slit her wrists. I believe that some people had applauded the fact that Tara might die. I don?t think you truly
hated her. %o the lesson here is be nice to super tards that can?t write for shit.
&hP 'nd guess what@ I?m not a "goff5. &r a poser. &r a prep/ >ust sayin?.
I don?t think I?ll delete this account. I imagine that my reader?s reviews are going to be rather fascinating.
Thus concludes my fantastic trolling attempt that could have gone wonderfully well9 had Hayley not stepped into the
picture. I still don?t blame you dear9 this was such fun.
Aeace9 love9 and tacos to you all. 6:
Chapter 14.
8'0 &- +2I%$ DI I% = 2/4444- H'13:8 I know it probably won?t have the same effect now though:
$ wok u( frm my dreem> $ +9E#+ $ wos !le/or an it s!arred muh. 0airy wos sle((ing beside muh and
suldenly $ wus rly horneh so $ woke him u(>
0arry babeh $ sed sexily
Wut he sed slee(ily.
$ wis(erd 2 him den we had sex> $ felt so gudG22 he stuk his wand in muh hole and we did it
Sudanly $ herd a noise dat sunded lik whis(ering> $ was s!red> dra!o !ame>
0i darko $ sed
0i he sed ba!k
=hen he kissed meuh
4#*6 Aee/ me alone u si!ko $ sed running out da tent.$ went further in2 tha forest and $ !ame a!ros a
uni!orn man. +a uni!orn man Cam(ed on yu( of me
Ae/e me alone $ sed 0e didnDt 9AG2222 9AG222222 $ !ryd
+en !ame dra!o> A+,A JEBAB9AG2 0e !ried
0e had su/d muh lire and now da uni!rn man wus ded
0e tuk me bak 2 da tent
#oon wus sad 6inana $ had a weird dreem she sed
4mg me 2 $ sed > she bagn 2 ex(lan and den $ realizdHH.. 4'9 +9EE#S WE9 +A SA#G22
Chapter 15.
8'nII Hayley9 dear9 I hadnJt eCpected you to continue this. I donJt complain9 though. This might be fun. I think I might rape
$nglish in this chapter... >ust to see what itJs like. A*$AB 0& !1'MI0:
gianna i dreemed that i hat intiligins i sed 2 my frend.
omfg me 2 she sed.
ha/in smartiklz waz fun i sed.
yea gianna sed bak 2 me so thin she sed how abut tmrw we go an git sum !rak an !okain 8'0II ecause9
according to the original Tara9 crack and coke are completely different thing: an may b if we git hi den we wil ha/
dat sam dreem agen.
ok sounz gud i sed.
so den i had sum sex wif drako an i had a rly gud tim. !uz i gut an organismGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG
den wen we wok u( in da murnin i (ut on a wite mesh skirt wif s(arlkz an mi shit waz a (ink wif (ees
sines and hartz and faryz an raynboz and uni!urnz an musik notz an smily fases an resy!l sines al o/r it.
#i shuz wer (ink !on/erz. 8'0II Tara 9 where ever she may be9 is shouting at the rest of her friends about what a prep
I am being.:
hey u luk rly sexy sed drako
u 2 i sed bak !u it wuz tru.
den giana !am o/r wif da !rak an !ok. hi letz smok da drugz now i sed.
ok she sed.
so den we smokd it an it wuz rly kul !uz it felt fabluz. sudnly.................................... giana s(rutd an
xtra hedGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG22222222222222222
4#*6 i yeld !uz it wuz rly werd.
den i srtatd runin arund !uz it wuz so werd dat giana hadd 2 heds now.
sudnely i ran in2 a tree. 8'0II Tell me this doesnJt make you laugh. &h9 erm9 it doesnJt@ 0ever mind9 then.:
sun i wok u( in da hos(itl of hogwutz. my fas wuz al !o/rd in bandaCz !uz wene/r i rn in2 da tree i hit
mi fas on it.
ow i sed.
hi sed a /oy!. it waz.............................................................................................C k
8'0II Aoor $nglish language. I wish I hadnJt raped you. I wonJt do it again9 I promise. &h9 and remember when Draco tells
Moon heJs a vampire9 but he says $bony@ lol7. I did that on purpose9 Dust sayin.:
Chapter 16.
>ust wondering...
Do you want M&'* ,H'AT$*B@@@
*eview9 bitches.
If you donJt review9 youJre a stupid poser prep and I hope you die.
Chapter 17.
8'0II 'w9 you guys want more. IJm touched. y the way9 this is +eorgia9 who is not Hayley. Thought you ought to know my
name. &h9 and if you flame I wont insist that youJre a prep9 but instead tell you that you suck balls. y the way9 my fucked
up mind came up with some pretty cra7y shit this chapter. ut I felt that >. -. *owling needed an interesting death.:
8lol8 i sed2 C k roling. 8ur story iz ok> but sinse ur not goffik i ha/2 kill u now> lol8
8wKGGGG8 sed giana 8'0II I refuse to eCplain how she showed up.: 8may b we !an mak her goffik2GGG8 she sed.
8lol ok8
so we ga/e C k rowling sum goffik !lothz. she wor a blak dres wit stra(z an (ur(l korset stuf on it and
da botum waz al frily and it had (ur(l on it2. he shuz wer blak butz wit sil/r buklz and rly big
(latfurmz. she had a blak skul braslet wit beedz an a (are of eerinz wit blak an gray strz on dem. she
had red i shado an blak i linr dat waz runnin al down her fase. she also had blak listik an wit fondatun.
den we died 8geddit cu7 wer goffik: her hare blak wit (ink strekz in it.
8wtf moon. i !ud ha/ Cust dun da goffikus s(ell.8 sed giana.
8stfu.8 i re(lid.
den loo(in !am inGGGGG222 he had hiz hand don hiz (antzGGGGGGGGGGG22222 he luked at C k rolin. den he
(uled out a gun an shot herGGGGGGG
8omfgGGGGGGGGGG222222222222222222222222228 yeled me an giana. den loo(in srtated2 ra(e
8wtf8 i sed. den me and gianna ran away !uz we arr returrded self insertun marysuez an we didnt kno
wut else2 do. den i had buttse!ks wit dra!o wile giana had buttseks wit hary.
8'0II %orry. >ust ignore all that cra7y shit there. 'nd if you donJt review9 the 'M! of Hogwarts 80eville 1ongbottom: is
going to feed your penis to %nape.:
Bon!# .tory 1. IBm 7ot ,"ay
*ifteen?year?old Eternity +emenDtia Iohnson warily took a seat on the 0ogwarts Ex(ress. As she did
so> she heard many giggles in the air. 'gh. Stu(id (re(s. Eternity had ho(ed she wouldnDt see any when
she !ame to 0ogwarts. =hey had made her life in Aos Angeles 0igh S!hool miserable. .ow she was
su((osed to (ut u( with them hereB She sighed sadly> and stared out of the window. $n her misery> she
took her iod out of her Emily the Strange bag and blared on some #y 7hemi!al 9oman!e EAM.&
+onDt they ro!kBF. 4h great. .ow e/en more (re(s were gi/ing her dirty looks. Eternity tried her best
to ignore them. $t wasnDt be!ause Eternity was dirty or deformed or anything. #aybe it was something
to do with her bla!k leather !orset> or her ri((ed bla!k miniskirt or her bla!k !ombat boots or the metal
musi! she was listening to. Eternity hated how (eo(le Cudged her like that Cust be!ause she was a goth.
She was beautiful> with long ra/en bla!k hair with red streaks> deathly (ale i/ory skin and (ier!ing blue
eyes that would make any goth manDs heart beat like a subway train. She was skinny> but had !ur/es in
the right (la!es. But her eyes still bore the sadness of the s!ars of her tragi! (ast.
When she was two> EternityDs (arents Eshe was a (urebloodF had !ommitted sui!ide by slitting their
wrists. She was ado(ted when she was fi/e> but all was not well. 0er new life was hell. She was
!onstantly abused> beat and ra(ed by her new ado(ted (arents. E/ery night> she would sit down and !ry
in her bed. E/en at s!hool> she was always being bullied. 0er life was totally fu!ked?u( and she
!ouldnDt stand it. When she was ele/en> she ke(t getting mail and stuff from 0ogwarts but her ado(ted
(arents wouldnDt let her go. *inally> at fourteen> she was for!ed to run away.
Anyway> Eternity saw someone trying to sit down next to her. She Cum(ed to her feet.
;6et the fu!k out of here you fu!king bastardG< she shouted.
;WhatDs wrongB< asked the (erson. Suddenly Eternity felt !almed down. =he (erson had a /ery low>
sexy /oi!e.
;4h> $Dm sorryG< Eternity a(ologized.
;$tDs all right. .ow !an $ at least fu!king sit hereB< asked the boy.
;*ine.< said Eternity.
=hey boy sat down. Eternity looked at his fa!e. 0e was extremely hot. 0e had long dyed bla!k hair and
blue eyes.
;WhatDs youDre nameB< asked Eternity.
;+ra!o.< he said.
;=hatDs an unusual name. But $ guess $ !anDt fu!king talk. #y nameDs Eternity.< said Eternity.
;7ool.< said +ra!o. Eternity and +ra!o shook hands.
;0ow old are youB< Eternity wanted to know.
;*ifteen. 0ow about youB< asked +ra!o.
=hen> the train sto((ed and +ra!o and Eternity had to se(arate.
Bon!# .tory 2. )ho#t of 6o!
Chapter 1. @elena
aIn6 the other story got a bit boring so here goes and if you?re one of the fuckers who flamed Tara?s story u can go ; hell9
cause she helped with this. I don?t give a fuck when HA takes place. This takes place 0&#9 and it?s M3 story9 so they can
have iAods and 0&*M'1 clothes and shit if I want them ;. %o if you?re against goths or a prep or something then do
everyone a favor and fuck off.
0ermoine 6ranger !he!ked her bla!k li(sti!k in her bla!k makeu( mirror as she trudged her way to the
0ogwarts Ex(ress. Aast year> she (robably would ha/e seen a freak with a bushy mass of hair and
brown eyes.
But after the e/ents of this summer> she !ertainly didnDt. 0ermione had !hanged o/er the summer. 0er
(arents had re/ealed to her during their summer /a!ation in Ameri!a that they were not in fa!t her
(arents at all> rather> both her (arents were wizards? and she had been ado(ted by the 6rangers? the
6rangers> who had s(at on her> abused her> negle!ted her for so long 80ote6 'nd yes9 this is possible because
it is never implied that it?s 0&T true.: =he nights 0ermoine had s(ent suffering in her room> whishing it
would all sto(H=hey refused to re/eal to her who her (arents were and why she had been abandoned.
$n her rage> 0ermione? or #aya> as she was now !alled? had murdered them> using magi!. =his was
unknown to the #inistry. 0ermione s(ent the rest of the summer in =okyo at 7hoDs a(artment with her
and 6inny. She had grown /ery !lose to both of them.
.ow as she embarked the train to her sixth year> #aya swished her nearly waist?length> newly dyed
ra/en lo!ks and blinked her emerald? with the use of magi!? eyes as she ste((ed into a seat on the
0ogwarts Ex(ress. She wore a bla!k leather bustier> a blue (laid mini trimmed with bla!k la!e> ri((ed
bla!k fishnets and bla!k la!e?u( (latform boots. 4n her fa!e was lots and lots of bla!k eyeliner> blood?
red li(sti!k> and mat!hing eyeshadow. 0er skin was (ale white from the la!k of sunlight> and she was
slender> but with !ur/es in all the right (la!es. She took out her iod and (ut on an E/anes!en!e song at
full /olume. Some (re(s stared at her.
;4h my like god> what are you> like> listening toB< gas(ed Auna> who was sitting on another seat with a
bun!h of giggly blonde (re(s wearing a (ink mini> a slutty (ink halter to( and 6u!!i shoes. She looked
exa!tly like 0ilary +uff. Some (re(s next to her giggled. #aya stu!k u( her white?skinned middle
finger at them. =hey gas(ed. 0ermoine went ba!k to listening to her iod. She !hanged the song to an
#y 7hemi!al 9oman!e one and tried to drown out the (re(Ds /oi!es by listening to 6erardDs
in!redible> sexy /oi!e and thinking about him. Suddenly> someone ta((ed her on the shoulder.
;*u!kG< she s!reamed. She looked behind her. ,irginia 8there?s u Tara luvya gurl lol7/: and 7ho> whose
ni!kname is +ementia after her middle name> E*illy u ro!k bit!h> #79 ro!k 666G2F were standing next
to her> looking ex!ited. 6inny was wearing a sexy bla!k !orset dress with red la!ing> (ink fishnets and
bla!k high heeled boots. She was wearing bla!k li(sti!k and eyeliner and her hair was dyed blood?red>
with bla!k ti(s. +ementia had new (ur(le streaks in long> silky ebony hair and was wearing a torn
bla!k #79 t?shirt> a ri((ed bla!k and red (laid mini> safety (in earrings and bla!k !ombat boots with
;Well> thatDs ni!e.< said +ementia.
;4h> sorry. Sit down> my bit!hes.< #aya said Cokingly.
0er friends troo(ed in and sat next to her. #aya noti!ed now who she was sitting behind? +ra!o
#alfoy. As he heard her /oi!e> he looked around !oyly for a s(lit?se!ond and then looked ba!k. 0is
hair was dyed bla!k and sli!ked ba!k 8aIn6 kinda like Tom !elton in the first movie:. 0is eyes were i!y blue
and suggested inner de(ths of darkness.
#aya and the girls high?fi/ed and !hatted for a while. After some time> 6inny asked> ;So ha/e you
seen the guysB<
;1ou mean 0arry and 9onB .o.< said #aya.
;Well> you better find them soon be!ause theyDre gonna be lo/inD your new look.< said +ementia.
Iust then> the train sto((ed. =he girls got out> grinning> freaking out (re(s. #aya didnDt see 0arry or
9on> but she Cust might ha/e seen a boy in leather (ants> a leather Ca!ket> bla!k hair and blue eyes smile
at her.
Chapter 2. (he Bea!tif!l People
aIn6 if ur a prep9 D&0?T *$'D THI% %T&*3. If you?re not please help me out by suggesting some goth bands and movies
for me to reference. ThanC.
After the train ride Eternity and the other students got off the train. Eternity was sho!ked. $n front of
her was a beautiful !astle. A /ery tall bearded man asked them to follow him into little boats. +ra!o
wa/ed good?bye to Eternity and made deathDs tou!h sign 8aIn6 if u don?t know what that is I suggest u fuck off to
a ritney %pears concert or something:. Eternity and the others troo(ed inside the big !astle.
;$s this the s!hoolB< she asked a fourth?year next to her.
;1eah.< said the fourth?year.
;$tDs beautiful.< said Eternity.
;1ou think thatDs beautifulB< a (re((y first?year girl with blonde hair wearing a 0ilary +uff t?shirt
;Why the fu!k notB< Eternity asked defensi/ely.
;1u!k> it looks s!ary to me.< said the girl and Eternity rolled her eyes.
;$gnore her. SheDs Cust another stu!k?u( (re(.< said another girl next to Eternity. Eternity looked at the
girl. She was (retty and looked about fifteen and she had long bla!k hair with (ur(le streaks u( to her
waist and one forest?green eye and one blue one. She was wearing a long flowing bla!k dress under her
s!hool uniform and fishnets and !ombat boots underneath that.
;WhatDs your nameB< Eternity asked her.
;*illi(a 8aIn6 !illy there?s a shout-out ; u girlfriend/: 7larke. 7all me *illy if you want. But my middle
nameDs Shadow. 1ou !ould !all me that too.< she said. =hey shook hands.
=hen they had to se(arate be!ause Eternity had to follow 0agrid and the first?years into a magnifi!ent
hall. Banners were dra(ed e/erywhere and four long tables were in the room.
An old man with a long beard introdu!ed himself.
;$ am rofessor +umbledore. Wel!ome ba!k.< he said. 0e made a long s(ee!h then he brought out an
old wrinkly hat to sort them into houses.
;Aet the sorting beginG< he announ!ed.
Eternity gas(ed then> be!ause the hat burst into song. After he sang the song> e/eryone !la((ed. =he
sound of a((lause filled the large room. Some (eo(le went down to be sorted. When it was EternityDs
turn> she sat down ner/ously on the wooden !hair and her heart beat like thunder.
;SlytherinG< shouted the hat. 0a((iness filled Eternity. 0ow !ould it beB +ra!o looked at her his grey?
blue eyes filled with Coy. Eternity shrugged and sat down at the Slytherin table next to Shadow.
=he night went on and 0ogwarts had a feast. #eanwhile Shadow introdu!ed Eternity to her friends.
E+ra!o was one of them.F She (ointed to a girl with long (ur(le hair with bla!k ti(s wearing ri((ed
Ceans and an Atreyu t?shirt 8aIn6 that?s u9 Tara/:.
;=hatDs El/ira.< she said. =hen she introdu!ed Eternity to another boy with bla!k hair and green eyes.
;0ey> bit!h.< grinned El/ira.
;And thatDs +arren. 0eDs a half?/am(ire.< she said (ointing to the boy.
;0i.< said +arren.
=he four of them talked about #arilyn #anson and the 'nderworld mo/ies for a while and made fun
of 7hristina Aguilera and 0ilary +uff. =hen> it was time to go to the dormitories.
Chapter 3. :!ality
aIn6 look9 I don?t care when the f Harry Aotter is in my version it takes place now. T#9 please come up with some goth
books and movies. If u notice I used some of the gothic bands/ A%6 0& A*$A%.
After dinner Eternity had to get ba!k into a line with the first?years Eshe was (art of them but mu!h
olderF and +ra!o and another girl lead them u(stairs into the Slytherin dorm. 8aIn6 in this story Draco and
Aansy r cousins.: Eternity got to go to the front of the line to talk to +ra!o. She (lunged her booted feet
onto the stone floor and did so until she was at the front of the line. =he other girl talking to +ra!o was
had long ebony lo!ks with blue streaks in them. She wore lots of white foundation and bla!k eyeliner.
She looked Cust like the girl in Ainkin arkDs /ideo for ,rawling. 8aIn6 $ternity looks more like 'my 1ee.:
;WhatDs your nameB< Eternity asked her.
;$Dm ansy arkinson. Well> thatDs what my motherfu!king (arents !alled me. 7all me Sea.< she
;And $Dm Eternity.< said Eternity.
+ra!o Cust smiled shyly at Eternity through his sil/ery?blue eyes and bla!k hair.
=hey walked u(stairs to the dorms. Eternity !ouldnDt hel( noti!ing that the !astle looked a lot like the
one in +ra!ula. As she> +ra!o> Sea and the first?years went u( the stair!ases> a lot of (re(s from other
houses stared at them looking s!ared. A girl with brown hair and brown eyes ke(t staring at them. She
was talking E(robably about !heerleading or some shit like thatF with a girl with long blonde hair.
Eternity stu!k her middle finger u( at the girls. =he girls gas(ed> their eyes got big> and they turned
;Who the hell were theyB< Eternity asked +ra!o.
;0ermione 6ranger. =he girl next to her was Auna Ao/egood.< said +ra!o.
;=heyDre su!h goddamn bit!hes.< said Sea.
;And the biggest fu!king (re(s e/er.< added +ra!o.
Eternity !ouldnDt hel( but agree.
=hey sto((ed at a (ortrait. $t was of a girl with (ale skin> long bla!k hair and bla!k nails. She was the
s(litting image of the lead singer of Sisters of #er!y.
;What the fu!kB Why arenDt we at the doorB< asked Eternity.
;1ouDll see.< said Sea.
;asswordB< asked the girl.
;leeding kisses.< +ra!o said to the girl.
;7orre!t.< said the girl and the (ortrait swung ba!k to re/eal a hole.
=he first years> +ra!o and Sea ste((ed inside. Eternity did too.
Suddenly> she was fa!e?to?fa!e with 6erard Way.
;4h my fu!king godG $ so fu!king lo/e your bandG< she s!reamed.
;0uhB< asked 6erard.
;0old on> hold on. =hatDs not 6erard.< laughed El/ira.
;=hatDs Satan. E/eryone says he looks like 6erard.< said Shadow.
;.ot that thatDs a bad thingG< said +arren.
;+ude> $ love #79.< said Satan laughingly. Eternity smiled and they shook their (allid hands.
Satan had long bla!k hair u( to his !hin> Cust like 6erard. 0is eyes were (ale blue and misty> like tears
Eternity !ried e/ery night. 0e wore bla!k eyeliner and bla!k nail (olish.
;+o you ha((en to like Sli(knot or Sisters of #er!yB< asked Eternity in a flirty /oi!e.
;=hey ki!k assG< agreed Satan. 0e and Eternity immediately began talking.
=he night went on really well. Eternity and her new friends talked about bands like Sli(knot> #79>
E/anes!en!e> 67> #arilyn #anson> Sisters of #er!y> Bauhaus> +ead 7an +an!e> 7hristian +eath> Ioy
+i/ision> =he 7ure> Siouxsie and the Banshees> 7lan of Xymox> *ields of the .e(hilim> Southern
+eath 7ult> %5 6ra/e> X?mal +euts!hland> 6arden of +elight. =hey all agreed that they ro!ked and
they all hated shitty (o( bands like BSB and lay. =hey used razors to slit their wrists when they felt
de(ressed. =he !rimson regret flowed out on their (ale white skin. =hey ga/e ea!h other makeo/ers
with bla!k eyeliner> white foundation and li(sti!k and they read +ra!ula and oint 0orror books out
loud to ea!h other with all the lights turned out and only flashlights.
Eternity felt o/erCoyed. Iust a week ago she had been the only (erson in her s!hool who had dyed bla!k
hair or bla!k eyeliner instead of li( gloss and blonde hair> liked Sli(knot or Ainkin ark or #79 rather
than 0ilary +uff or +estinyDs 7hild> slit her wrists> thought about sui!ide> wore bla!k> sho((ed at 0ot
=o(i! rather than Aimited =oo> swore> liked ro!k or was de(ressed. .ow there were so many wonderful
(eo(le Cust like her. She was e!sasti!.
Chapter 4. Bring me to +ife
Eternity woke u( the next morning. She brushed her teeth> !ombed her hair> and then went to her
!loset. She (ut on a long bla!k dress that was all ri((ed and torn> with (ink stuff underneath Ekind of
like the one Amy Aee wore to the 6rammiesF and then (ut on big bla!k !ombat boots.
Shadow> El/ira and Sea all got u( and
;1ou are so lu!ky> bit!h.< moaned Shadow while she (ut on her own !lothes Ea long bla!k dress with a
!orset at the to(> (ointy high?heeled boots> and fishnetsF.
;1ou ha/e su!h a great body.< added Sea> (utting on a ri((ed bla!k dress with no slee/es that looked
exa!tly like the one the lead singer of her fa/orite goth band had worn to the #=, Awards that year.
EEl/ira (ut on a long bla!k /el/et dress with !rimson la!e.F
Eternity laughed but se!retly she knew what her friends meant. =hey were all skinny> but not as mu!h
as her> and they all only had size?B bras. She sadly (ut her hair u( in a messy half?bun> Ekind of like
Amy Aee has in the /ideo for L6oing 'nderD.F (ut on tons of eyeliner and bla!k li(sti!k> and went
downstairs with her friends.
At the breakfast table> she ate 7ount 7ho!ula !ereal and drank red wine e/en though it was only
breakfast. +arren had made a re@uest for human blood> so he drank that and let his friends try some.
EEternity lo/ed it.F =hey all !linked their glasses.
;=o de(ression.< said Eternity.
;=o darkness.< said Satan.
;=o /am(ires.< said Sea.
;=o hea/y metal musi!.< said Shadow.
;=o Eternity.< said +ra!o.
E/eryone started giggling> ex!e(t for +ra!o. EternityDs (ale !om(lexion turned red.
E/eryone went off to their !lasses. Eternity hated all of the !lasses> e/en though she was good at them.
$n =ransfiguration !lass> Eternity had to sit next to a bun!h of gigging blonde girls. =heir tea!her>
rofessor #!6onagall made a s(ee!h> and then made them (ra!ti!e transfiguration on a bun!h of ants
they would try to turn into (en!ils.
E/eryone was trying> but it didnDt work for them. Suddenly> Eternity found herself (ointing to the ant
and saying a s(ellH
Suddenly> the ant turned into a giganti! bla!k uni!orn with huge bla!k wings and flew out the window.
E/eryone in the room gas(ed.
Aater> rofessor #!6onagall had a talk with Eternity.
;Eternity> you are being mo/ed u( to your fifth year.< she said.
Chapter 5. In the .ha/o&#
aIn6 T'*' I% D' I++$%T !2,-I0+ IT,H $($* '0D 3 TH$ #'3 I?M ' I++$* M,* !'0 '0D +$*'*D I%
MI0$ =$(' %& !2,- 2/ '0D I?M 0&T +I(I0+ 2 2* %#$'T$* ',-/
Eternity was so ha((y. She went to !lass with the other fifth?years> Sea> +ra!o> Shadow> +arren and
Satan. =hat fu!king retard El/ira Ewhose real name was Aindsay like that fu!king ho Aindsay AoanF
had gone all the way ba!k to first?year and they (ut her in 6ryffindor where all the retarded (re(s were
be!ause she !ouldnDt e/en write (ro(erly and she had to get her friends 2 do it for her.
Anyway> Eternity woke u( from her dark slumber and got ready for the !oming day> whi!h she hated
so mu!h. She (ut on a bla!k leather minidress with bla!k fishnets and bla!k (ointy boots. She (ut some
blue streaks in her shower of flowing bla!k ra/en lo!ks. =hen she (ut on some mas!ara> white
foundation> bla!k li(sti!k> and eyeliner. Allt the gothi! bois starred at her> their (ier!ing blue eyes
getting wide. =he (re(s did too but for a different reason. She (ut u( your middle finger at them. =hen
anyway she (ut on sum #79 musi!. She (lunged her bla!k feet into the stone !old ground and walked
to =ransfiguration.
;0ello e/eryone.< said roffesor #!6onagal staring at them out of her giant eyes. ;1ou will all be
doing something different this time. 1ou will all ha/e (artners.< She made e/eryone find a (artner.
EternityDs (artner wasH. +ra!oG
C%aracter illustartion- E#ony @Eno#y@ ar'(ness ementia Ra&en Way
AMy ImmortalB c%aracter realations%i) dia*ram
My Immortal is the most famous> notoriously bad fan fi!tion
e/er written. Based very loosely in the Harry Aotter uni/erse
and featuring the blatant #ary?Sue (rotagonist Ebony Eor often
times 8Enoby8F> it reads like a detailed list of e/erything a fanfi!
author !ould e/er (ossibly do wrong> only taken to exaggerated>
horrifying extremes.
Written by su(er?tard Tara "iles#ie a'a>
$$$#loodyristsCCC$$$> My Immortal was originally (osted
to fanfi! sometime in 2::6> but was subse@uently
deleted by the staff after !ausing a se/ere dro( in the site3s
!olle!ti/e $W. $n fa!t> the fanfi! is so unbelie/ably bad that
many refuse to a!!e(t that it3s real> insisting that =ara was only
trolling and that the story is really a (arody.
9egardless of the author3s intent> My Immortal remains one of
the most !ringeworthy> unintentionally hilarious> so?bad?it3s?
good (ie!es of literature the internets ha/e e/er shat out and is one of the most famous writings of the
2:th A4A 9E=A9+E+ 22st !entury e@ui/alent to su!h authors as Emily +i!kinson> *. S!ott
*itzgerald> and Iohn Steinbe!k.
=his definiti/e !olle!tion also in!ludes the unoffi!ial se@uel My Immortal 21 2a"e Me 3p In#i/e> the
offi!ial se@uels My Immortal 21 9ang% 4 :e ;enom and ' ;ampre 2il 7e$r @!rt 6o!> !o?authored
with $ant%an "um as well as the smash hit s(in?offs I=m 7ot ,"ay and )ho#t of yo! by
3loodytear=CCC. Also in!luded is a guest a((earan!e of O#&ious Troll.

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