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Virtual University of Pakistan, Lahore.
Lecture No. 1
Suggestion type Important note
Artifact Video lecture
Placement on Time
Line / Page no.
At te specified time in !ideo lecture" instructor e#plained te details of semester pro$ect.
Students" in tis regards are informed tat semester pro$ect %ill &e included 'NL( if specified
&y te instructor. Proper announcement %ill &e made on L)S %it complete details of te
Lecture No. 2
Suggestion type )issing *oncept
Artifact Video lecture
Placement on Time
Line / Page no.
At te specified time in !ideo lecture" te definition -#a&yte .-/0 is missing. -/ is a unit of
information e1ual to one 1uintillion .12
0 or" strictly" 2
&ytes. Te -#a&yte unit of measure
measurement is so large4 Normally it is not used to measure te capacity of data storage
de!ices. An -#a&yte of storage could contain 52"222 years6 %ort of 7V781uality !ideo. In
principle" te ,+8&it microprocessors found in many computers can address 1, -#a&yte of
Lecture No. :
Suggestion type -#ample missing .7enormali;ation of )any8To8)any relations0
Artifact Video lecture
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Denormalization of Many-To-Many relations
*onsider te follo%ing relations
<e create ta&les follo%ing ta&les:
Pro$ectI7 Integer Primary =ey
Pro$ectName String
Start7ate 7ate
-nd7ate 7ate
*urrentStatus *ar
7e!eloperI7 Integer Primary =ey
7e!eloperName String
7e!eloper-mail String
7e!eloper*ell String
7e!eloper>oining7ate 7ate
7e!eloper*urrentSalary Integer
As tis is many8to8many relationsip" so to normali;e te ta&les %e %ill a!e to insert a tird
Pro$ect 7e!eloper
ta&le called ?Pro$ect@7e!eloperA as follo%s
7e!eloperI7 Integer Primary =ey
(ou can merge ?Pro$ect@7e!eloperA ta&le eiter %it ?Pror$ectA or %it ?7e!eloperA ta&le.
As ?Pro$ectA Ta&le as minimum attri&utes" so %e merge ?Pro$ect@7e!eloperA ta&le %it
?Pro$ectA ta&le. No% te ?Pro$ectA ta&le &ecomes:
Pro$ectI7 Integer Primary =ey
Pro$ectName String
Start7ate 7ate
-nd7ate 7ate
*urrentStatus *ar
7e!eloperI7 Integer Primary=ey
7e!eloperTitle String
Lecture No. 1,
Suggestion type )issing *oncept .Summari;ation0
Artifact Video lecture
Placement on Time
Line / Page no.
Summari;ation: Sometimes you may find tat it is not feasi&le to 9eep data at te lo%est le!el
of detail in your data %areouse. It may &e tat none of your users e!er need data at te lo%est
granularity for analysis or 1uerying. Cor e#ample" for a grocery cain" sales data at te lo%est
le!el of detail for e!ery transaction at te cec9out may not &e needed. Storing sales &y
product &y store &y day in te data %areouse may &e 1uite ade1uate. So" in tis case" te data
transformation function includes summari;ation of daily sales &y product and &y store.
Lecture No. 13
Suggestion type )issing *oncept .)a$or types of transformation0
Artifact Video lecture
Placement on Time
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At specified time te !ideo lecture does not contain te full list of ma$or types of
transformation. Cor complete list refer to te andouts" page no. 152"15B in capter no. 13.
Lecture No. 1D
Suggestion type )issing *oncept
Artifact Video lecture
Placement on Time
Line / Page no.
At specified time te !ideo lecture" te point ?Sources migt contain in!alid dataA %as missed.
Note tat sometime its appens tat erroneous data gets entered" and tere may &e multiple
reasons e.g.

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