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India is a country with cultural diversity. India has witnessed a lot many vindictive mean minded, foul
mouthed politicians till now. They give hatred speeches to divide Indians into Hindu and Muslims ,
Dalit and Uper cast. They always followed divide and rule policy . The biggest failure of our
democracy may lie in the fact that we have elevated politicians beyond the law. They talk about
Muslim Votes , Hindu Votes and create a fine line of religion between the masses for their own
benefit. Rare are politicians who talk about country's development or any constructive idea. They
keep blaming the ruling party and keep highlighting the current issues to divert the attention of voters.
Politicians always played the political card against the voters in India .Hindus who wanted to celebrate
their religious freedom were made to feel guilty. Muslims who wanted to be part of mainstream India
were made to feel guilty. They filled Indias psyche with fear and hate. They hated all indigenous,
grass-root thinkers. They hated Sardar Patel, Lalbahadur Shashtri, Morarji Desai, Charan Singh,
Chandrashekhar, PV Narsimha Rao, Atal Bihari Vajpayee and now Modi.
Politicians always believed that voters can be fooled over religious issues and fake statistics of
development but this friday, which is celebrated as an auspicious day by Muslims across the world we
witnessed a change in India's mood.It, turned out to be auspicious also for the Bharatiya Janata Party
(BJP) leader and Indias future Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The massive victory of BJP was
celebrated like a festival in India. It was because Modi delivers what he had promised: A Congress-
free India. He is a nationalist with the promise of economic and cultural revival . The results were
historic ... It is evident that the Indian voter has delivered an significant verdict
It may be time for Indian national congress to introspect. No family name will work unless there's real
work to endorse it. It may be a time for SP and BSP to think above cast and creed.
Modi made good governance and development the main focus of his campaign, deriding Gandhi as a
"princeling" who had little concept of the aspirations of the 551 million people who voted in the bitter
and protracted six-week contest.
I can't remember the last time the teen has changed channels from a music channel to a political
speech. This elections the youth participated actively and encouraged others to vote for the nation.
These elections are nothing short of being revolutionary. Just think of the scale of the change. For
such a change in any other country, you would have had a massive rebellion. This is the beauty of a
democracy- not a single life lost. Over 550 million people voted- minimal violence yet such a
significant change. Congratulations to the political system of India.

India's Expectation from Narendra Modi, the
Prime Minister Elect of India
India has thousands years of depth in its own evolution and culture. It has not been given a
chance to address it. Under Modi, India has gained a new independence from the dynasty
politics.It seems like a situation where many things could change with respect to India's outlook
toward the rest of the world. So, I wonder where the rest of the world stands on this shift in India's
internal politics.
Is India positioned to become the new China in economic terms? What about military and defence
issues? To what extent will Modi's not-inconsiderable charisma and ego play a part?
Among Americans who do business in both India and China, a saying is that in a 30 minute
meeting, Chinese will talk business for the first 25 minutes, then wind up with 5 minutes of
pleasantry, while the Indians will chit-chat avoiding the subject for 25 minutes, and finally give it a
cursory brush off in the last 5 minutes.
When contracts are placed in both, the ones in China get done on time and as specified, while
those in India come in late and not as specified. Shoddy work from China is commonly contracted
to be that way, but it is unavoidable in India.
India must overcome this if it is to compete with China to make the 21st Century its own.
Indians elected Modi with some definite goals; the first one is corruption free development with
decentralization of powers and responsibilities down to local council level which is transparency,
accountability and people's participation.These are the key things for any country's development.
All these things will take more than 5 years even to kickoff. India's mixed economic model
including prevention of huge migration of people to few cities, thereby creating anarchy, slums all
must be prevented; for this to happen, development of basic infrastructure is equally all over India
and proportionate development, encouraging local decision making in utilization of local resources
are key.
The other aspect is dealing with Pakistan army sponsored terrorism and US financial aid to
Pakistan; PM must take a hard line stand on these two issues. Pakistan must handover terrorists
like Hafiz, Dawood to India once for all. no choice; all terror camps must be closed down for ever,
no diplomacy and no discussions Apart from this many people debate on Kashmir Valley. How
can India's own state be termed as occupied ? Kashmir Valley was seceded to India at the time of
Independence ! Democracy in India is vibrant and thriving and we wonder to the envy of how
many countries worldwide ? Specifically, our two neighbours could learn from India after the 2014
elections. Pakistan which is now a confirmed failed state and also came into existence at the same
time as India must look at their neighbours and introspect as to why they are in the position where
they are.
Clearly, India is positioned to challenge as the major economic power in the region. China is hand-
cuffed by its oppressive political and social policies. However, India still has to deal with the
grinding poverty of a huge portion of its population. If these sectors are left behind there will
eventually be a serious bill to pay in the form of political and social unrest, and on that could prove
fatal to its long-term prosperity.

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