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First I would like to note I love the background you used in the first page, and

that can stick for the rest of the pages. Also the color scheme and font should
be consistent
*also please note that you can (and should) take artistic creativity on any and
all of these pages. You have the freedom to make them as appealing as possible.
(Page 1): Title: How to get Generation Y in your restaurant
In this page I would like you to creatively put in two stock photos
(Files PHOTOA and PHOTOB) Also, I would like you to put in some screenshots grou
ped together
in it as well (Files SSA, SSB, and SSC) Also, I would like you to put in my logo
pretty big (attached as 1(3)).
Then I have 4 points that I would like you to put in.
The title of these 4 points should be: Eyefull works in 4 simple ways
*note: these should be numbered:
(1) Gets Generation Y hungry for your food
(2) Gives them everything they need to know about your restaurant
(3) Gives them incentive
(4) Combiness all aspects of social media for Gen Y
Just a note for you: The purpose of this page is to introduce the answer to thei
r problem: Eyefull. I would like the logo pretty big to introduce the applicatio
n, and then the 4 ways should be at the bottom of the page, but still big enough
to grab their attention.
(Page 2) Title: (1) Gets Gen Y Hungry For Your Food
In this page I would like you to include screenshots ( files SSD and SSB) I woul
d like you to also add screenshot (file SSA), and put a speaking bubble coming f
rom the picture of food that reads YOUR FOOD!. I would also like you to include st
ock photo (file PHOTOC). These can all be arranged and set as creative as you li
ke. I would also like the following two paragraphs on the page When Generation Y
is gazing at delicious, professional food they get hungryvery hungry. What happen
s when they get hungry?...They want to eat So lets show this generation what youre
serving and get them hungry for your food. Because when theyre hungry for your f
oodwell you know what happens ?
(Page 3) Title: (2) Gives them everything they need to know
In this page I would like you to include screenshots (SSE, SSA, and SSC), also p
lease include stock photo (PHOTOD). Screenshot SSE should have a speaking bubble
coming from the screen that says Let them find what makes your restaurant great!.
Screenshot SSA, should have a circle around the icon of a phone and a speaking
bubble coming from it that says Let them call and order. Screenshot SSC should hav
e a speaking bubble from the screen that says Now they can find your location and
get directions right to you. I would also like the paragraph: You are proud of yo
ur restaurant. There are so many things that make it special. Why keep this info
rmation a secret? Show Generation Y and everyone else what makes your restaurant
different and why they should spend their money on your delicious food.
(Page 4) Title: (3) Gives them incentive
This page should have Screenshot (File SSA) and a speaking bubble from the disco
unt on the screenshot that says Any discount you want!. Also put in a graph that i
s going up and the speaking bubble from this should say Track your results. Then p
ut in stockphoto (File PHOTOE) and have speaking bubble that says Get Gen Y spend
ing $ at your restaurant Also I would like the point 43% of Gen Y looks for discou
nts before buying anything.
(Page 5) Title: (4) Combines all of Social Media for Gen Y
In this page I would like to communicate that eyefull encompasses all aspects of
different social media platforms. The way I pictured this was somehow connectin
g the logos from instagram, facebook, pinterest, and twitter all to the eyefull
icon logo. (attached as FINAL_4c_PNG). I would also like you to include screenshot
s (SSA, SSF, and SSG). Screenshot SSA should have the icon (the one that looks l
ike an arrow coming from a square) circled and then a speaking bubble coming fro
m here that says Now they can share your photos will 1000s on Facebook, Twitter, a
nd Instagram.
(Page 6) I would like this page to be the cover page. This will actually be the
real first page. On this page I would like to have the word: EYEFULL in trench and
this should be big. Also I could like the icon (FINAL_4c_PNG) and the slogan: Vi
sual marketing for the visual generation. This page should be simple yet fun. Ple
ase get as creative as you like with this page.
Additional Files attached attached

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