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BCS 201 Nema odmora dok traje obnova!

- Syllabus -
General Information
ASU Listing: BCS 201, 4 credits,
Time: individual supervised wor, !i"weel# immersion event,
$nstructor: %ro&' (ano Sipa, dano'sipa)asu'edu, *ttp:++www'pu!lic'asu'edu+,dsipa -&&ice *ours LL .4/C, 0"T* 12:12"1:12 telep*onicall# 0"3 4pm"
10pm at 440 .14 442/
BCS 102 or e5uivalent pro&icienc# attained elsew*ere is t*e onl# prere5uisite'
Please feel free to e-mail me any time you have any questions before, in the course of or after the course
bje!tives Students are e6pected to wor toward level 2 language sills in reading 7woring pro&icienc#, wit* ot*er sills e6ceeding level 189 as de&ined !# t*e
US $nteragenc# Language :oundta!le 7$L:9' T*is pro&icienc# level is e6pected to !e reac*ed &ollowing t*e ensuing BCS 202' T*is level o& pro&icienc#
corresponds to t*e advanced level as de&ined !# t*e American Council on t*e Teac*ing o& ;oreign Languages 7ACT;L9' Tae a loo at t*e $:L scale, t*e
<usti&ication !e*ind it, and an ela!orate description o& t*e levels:
-n t*e (e&ense Language $nstitute scale o& &oreign language comple6it#, w*ic* ranges &rom 1 7simplest9 to 4 7most di&&icult9, t*e value o&
Bosnia=c+n>+Croatian+Ser!ian is 1, wit* onl# languages suc* as Ara!ic, ?orean, @apanese and C*inese !eing more di&&icult' Ample individual wor will !e
needed to reac* t*e desired level during a two"mont* course'
"et#odolo$y T*e course will principall# use t*e communicative contrastive approac*' Unlie t*e $ntensive Alementar# Bosnia=c+n>+Croatian+Ser!ian course,
w*ic* seeed to introduce t*e core grammar o& Bosnia=c+n>+Croatian+Ser!ian, t*is course will onl# review t*ese structures and touc* upon several &iner points
o& grammar 7ver!al adver!s, impersonal s#ntactic structures, etc'9 w*ile at t*e same time introducing t*e C#rillic script' $n general, t*e course will !e &ocused
on !uilding reading and listening *euristics as well as tec*ni5ues o& e&&icient conversation and correspondence' Alements o& grammar"and"te6t met*odolog#
will !e mediated !# simpli&ied decision"maing sc*emata and *euristics' Special emp*asis will !e put on t*e cross"cultural di&&erences' See t*e e6planation o&
*ow sc*emata and *euristics *ave !een used in teac*ing morp*olog# at *ttp:++www'pu!lic'asu'edu+,dipa+&dslsam'*tm
Course utline T*e coursewor consists o& t*e &ollowing: a9' individual composition, and e6ploration wor, !9' *omewor assignments, c9' individual audio
and computer la! wor, d9 immersion activities' T*is course will put a muc* *ig*er emp*asis on t*e active participation on t*e part o& t*e students t*an did t*e
$ntensive $ntroductor# Bosnia=c+n>+Croatian+Ser!ian' T*e studetns are e6pected to deliver t*e &ollowing ever# two wees a9 complete all relevant review
e6ercies &rom 101"102 at *ttp:++www'asusilc'net+scr101 7and *ttp:++www'rompir'co'#u+prirucni in t*e last &our"wee period9, !9 3rite two one"page
compositions wit*in t*e topic o& t*e &our"wee period, c9 Send two translations o& t*e te6ts &rom t*e course we! page
7*ttp:++www'pu!lic'asu'edu+,dsipa+s#l2'*tm, clic on t*e Sc*edule, t*en on t*e topic &or an# given period9, d9 send two translations o& 200"word te6ts &rom
dail# papers 7#ou can use t*e tagger *ttp:++www'asusilc'net+cgi"!in+newtepa<gu'plBlangCsr9'
Gradin$ %oli!y Students will !e graded on t*e A 7e6cellent9 to A 7&ail9 scale depending on pro&icienc# level reac*edT*e coursewor will contri!ute toward t*e
&inal grade appro6imatel# as &ollows: %articipation:20 D, Eomewor:12 D,FuiGGes:12 D,0idterm e6am: 20 D,;inal e6am: 10 D
Course materials T*ere will !e no speci&ic te6t!oo &or t*is course' Students will use real"li&e te6ts, !ot* written and spoen, along wit* a series o& e6ercises
and scenarios prepared !# t*e instructor' Eowever, students are encouraged to o!tain a Ser!oCroatian " Anglis* and Anglis* " Ser!oCroatian dictionar#,
pre&era!l# 0orton BensonHs' Students s*ould *ave at least one *undred s*eets o& paper, inde6 cards, !lac and red pencils, as well as marers' Ample material
is availa!le on"line 7see E' !elow9' Iou can also order BensonHs dictionar# at *ttp:++www'amaGon'com+' La! wor resources are at:
*ttp:++www'asusilc'net+!cs201 7*omewor9, *ttp:++www'asusilc'net+scr101 7review9, *ttp:++www'asusilc'net+cgi"!in+newtepa<gu'plBlangCsr 7te6t tagger9,
*ttp:++www'asusilc'net+lema<2'*tm 7lemmatiGer9, *ttp:++www'rompir'co'#u+prirucni'
S!#edule FCFuiG, 0AC0idterm A6am, ;AC;inal A6am, T JTe6t, S " Scenario
3ee Topic Krammar $mmersion La! 3or Te6ts and scenarios F+A
$ntroduction, Summar# o& level
18 sillsL Social li&e $: Eome,
&amil#, &riendsL (iseases and
t*eir treatment
:eview 1: Cases,
&unctions, pronominal
and nominal endingsL
1' BCS ta!le )
2' ;i6ing
E3 OosiP 7selected9
A"lessons 1,2
(L$: 104$ntro, Te6!oo 1
LemmatiGe &our te6ts
0ovie 1,2
T: Eouse planL 0# &amil#,
0atrimonial o&&ers &rom newspapers,
:eal Astate CatalogsL S: Selling a
*ouse, Kossiping a!out oneQs
neig*!ors, Risiting a doctor N more
Social li&e $$: Koing out,
movies, t*eaters, !ars,
restaurants, s*opping
:eview 2: Tenses,
government, &orms
1' Ca&S Sara<evo
2' Soccer
E3 OosiP 7selected9
(L$: Te6t!oo 2, A"
lessons 1,4,2
E3: 202!g1, 202!l1"2
LemmatiGe &our te6ts
0ovie 1,4
T: T*eater program, 0enu,
Tewspaper review o& nig*t li&e in
Belgrade, Articles a!out pricesL S:
(eciding w*ic* movie to see,
-rdering a t*ree"course meal, Krocer#
s*opping N more
F: Aver#
Law, %olice, -&&ice, ;orms
:eview 1: %ronouns,
Tumerals, Adver!s,
1' BCS ta!le )
2' Soccer
E3 OosiP 7selected9
(L$: :eview 1N2
A"lessons .,/
E3: 202cg1, 202cl1"2
LemmatiGe &our te6ts
0ovie 2,.
T: Articles a!out crime and legal
processes, common &ormsL S:
$nterrogationL Legal process, Ketting
t*ings done wit* aut*orities N more
F: Aver#
%olitics, media, *istor#,
Rer!al Adver!s 1' Concert
2' Lam! roasting
E3 OosiP 7selected9
(L$: Te6t!oo 1
A"lessons 4,U
E3: 202dg1, 202dl1"2
LemmatiGe &our te6ts
0ovie /,4
T: %rinted and radio news, including
war reports S: Campaigning,
Conducting an interview, $ssuing
T*e ac5uisition o& t*e reading and writting sills in t*e C#rillic alp*a!et is mandator# in t*is course 7as opposed to t*e &acultative ac5uisiton at t*e intermediate
level9' T*e course &eatures documents in t*e C#rillic scripts and its &irst t*ree wees &eautre intensive drills in t*e use o& t*e C#rillic script'
&' (inks to Course and )ost-Course "aterials
%lease visit t*e s#lla!us page at: *ttp:++www'pu!lic'asu'edu+,dsipa+s#l2'*tm and &ollow t*e lins to e"learning and ot*er on"line resources'

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