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Griffin Schutte 5/27/14 1B Integrity Essay

Literary Nobel Prize winner Albert Camus once said, Integrity has no need of rules.
His words superbly surmise the ambiguity of integrity. He is saying that integrity is a concept
that need not be defined or concisely described in a phrase or two. Camus is identifying the
vague and unspecified nature of integrity that makes it so hard to define. What makes a person of
integrity? Camus would say that very question is superfluous as integrity is evident and that is
enough to determine someones integrity. However, assume that integrity did have rules and a
concrete definition. In such a sense, what would make a person of integrity? In todays riveting
world there are billions of people and characters, each one comprised of a specific collection of
characteristics that dictate who he or she is. Those who are compilations of the traits honesty,
decency, and vulnerability are the select few of integrity.
People of integrity possess a certain set of character traits that, when compiled, amount to
integrity. Honesty is at the forefront of those traits. It is easier to identify both people of integrity,
and those lacking integrity when the person in question is a cultural icon. Steve Jobs, founder of
Apple and one of the most influential people in history, was not the man most believed him to
be. Revolutionaries and innovators are often commended for pushing boundaries. Steve Jobs was
one such innovator and his story was been retold in the biography Steve Jobs: The Man who
Thought Different by Karen Blumenthal. However, despite his tag as a revolutionary, Jobs was
found in conflict with basic moral standards, bringing his character into question, He was
getting bored with it, and the combined risk of getting shot or getting caught selling something
illegal was too great (Blumenthal 33). This is in reference to Jobs illegal business selling
devices that hijacked telephone calls. This dishonest financial venture is in sharp contrast to the
essentials of integrity. Granted this occurred when Jobs was young but his immoral enterprise
was not an isolated incident of dishonesty. When Jobs was working for Atari, he recruited his
friend, Steve Wozniak, to help him with a project. He promised Wozniak half of the $700 he
would make. However, Jobs received a $5,000 bonus and only gave Wozniak $350 according to
Atari reports. When asked about the payments today, Jobs said, I dont know where that
allegation comes from (Blumenthal 53). This is a clear demonstration of the logical fallacy of
evasion, as Jobs is avoiding directly answering the question, what did you do with the $5,000
bonus? Jobs repeated dishonest behavior is indicative of his lack of integrity.
Those written into literature and their distinct personalities exist as concepts. Throughout
literature people of integrity are frighteningly rare, and altogether more prevalent are those
whose integrity has been corrupted or who simply lacked integrity from the start. In William
Goldings Lord of the Flies both examples are apparent. Jack, the choir leader, is one of
questionable integrity from the beginning, Youre talking too much, said Jack Merridew.
Shut up, Fatty (Golding 21). His derision towards Piggy ostracizes the corpulent boy and
makes a statement toward Jacks lack of integrity. Jack is further characterized as lacking
integrity as events progress. His decency embarks on such declivity that he attempts murder,
Jack made a rush and stabbed at Ralphs chest with his spear (Golding 177). This absence of
integrity is contrasted by a gradual decay apparent amongst his peers. Nevertheless, the other
boys who crash on the island suffer lapses of their own. The mass incantation on the beach
indicates how a loss of integrity has contributed to anarchy, Kill the beast! Cut his throat! Spill
his blood! (Golding 152). These characters born from Goldings cynical perception of humanity
give a startling indication regarding the core of human nature. In addition, they suggest that
integrity must be maintained in order to avoid its disappearance.
Despite the prevalence of immoral and perverse characters, people of integrity are
represented in literature. They can be identified by their decency, but also by their vulnerability.
In The Scarlet Ibis by James Hurst, a young boy Doodle displays integrity. Doodle is born
fragile, frail, and flimsy. His head is too big for his body and his parents neglect to name him
until he survives three months. However, that doesnt prevent him from developing his morality.
When Doodles family witnesses the death of an elegant bird Doodle displays his sense of
decency, Im going to bury him (Hurst 5). This decision shows an awareness that Doodle
possesses, not only of decorum in the face of death but also of compassion for those who have
fallen. Despite the strength of character Doodle displays, he is a victim of his vulnerability.
Doodle is disadvantaged by his disability, but that is not his ultimate undoing. Doodles death is
due in part to his physical deficits but more so to his loneliness. When his brother is so overcome
with rage that he sprints away into a storm Doodle cries out, Brother, Brother, dont leave me!
Dont leave me! (Hurst 6). His words show how desperate Doodle is to have friendship. When
Doodle, expecting a reciprocal display of decency, needs help the most, none is there. When he
fights to get back to his brother his physical inability to do so highlights his emotional
vulnerability. People of integrity find strength in displaying decency. However by holding others
to their own standards of morality they become vulnerable.
Honesty, decency, and vulnerability are all elements of a person of integrity. However,
there are circumstances in which one could express characteristics fundamentally contrasting
those above and still maintain their integrity. The concept that those who do not always speak the
truth lack integrity is misleading. For instance, Doodle himself is characterized as dishonest by
his brother in The Scarlet Ibis by James Hurst, His favorite lie was about a boy named Peter
who had a pet-peacock with a ten-foot tail (Hurst 3). Doodles stories could not be farther from
the truth but instead of being deceitful they are imaginative. Doodles stories are lies, but they
are also illustrations of his desires. The innovation and idealism expressed in Doodles fictional
tale are no detriment to his integrity despite not falling in accordance with the trait of honesty.
Integrity, a convoluted conceptual chaos, is a microcosm of the world. The ambiguity in
its meaning is near unrivaled, which begs the question, what is integrity? Integrity is inherently
dependent on corporeal vessels to contain it. Abiding by common knowledge, integrity is
expressed through peoples words, actions, and inactions. Nevertheless, integrity cannot be
limited to those of flesh and blood; instead it also applies to every individual character in the
ever-expanding universe of literature. Characters show their integrity, or lack thereof, through
words on paper, papyrus, parchment, and post-it. Decency, shown through compassion, empathy,
and respect is a core element of integrity. Honesty, representing oneself and others truly and
without omission, characterizes one of integrity. Vulnerability, expressing ones feelings and
trusting others to respond in kind opens a window of opportunity for integritys downfall. These
three traits are rare in the literal and figurative worlds, and the presence of integrity is far
eclipsed by the absence of it. Ultimately, humanity can only hope that integrity persists,
perseveres, and propagates.

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