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Republic of Botswana CONTRACT PART 1


EDTON 1"""
T#e Con$itions of Cont%act a%e
Short Form of Contract First Edition 1999, (the Green Book) available separately from the International
Federation of Consulting Engineers (FIDIC).
hen !ompleted by both "arties# this $ppendi% forms part of the $greement !ontained in the Form of &ffer and
1 With the exception of the items for which the Employers requirements hae !een inserted, the
Contractor shall complete the followin" information !efore su!mittin" his offer#
$ %ead the releant clause in the &eneral Conditions 'in the &reen (oo)* when completin" the data
required !elow#
Sub'Clause te( an$ $ata
'.'.' Do!uments forming the Contra!t listed in the order of priority D%aftin) nst%uctions to t#e
P%ocu%in) Depa%t(ent
Co(pl* wit# inst%uctions
)i+en below in t#is colu(n
fo% options ,in bol$ t*pe
face- t#at (a* be $elete$
Co(plete fo%( fiel$s in left
#an$ colu(n b* $ouble on spaces p%o+i$e$
an$ inse%tin) $ata pe%
)ui$ance in t#is colu(n/
0#en co(plete$1 $elete t#is
%i)#t colu(n an$ $%a) t#is
line to %i)#t #an$ boun$a%*/
A$2ust colu(n spacin) an$
set pa)e b%ea.s as
Do!ument (delete if not appli!able)
(a) (he $greement
(b) "arti!ular Conditions
(!) General Conditions
(d) (he )pe!ifi!ation
(e) (he Dra*ings
(f) (he Contra!tor+s tendered design
(g) (he bill of ,uantities
Do!ument Identifi!ation

'.'.- (ime for Completion days .ote this period is !alendar days
and in!ludes all *eekends# publi!
holidays et!.
'./ 0a* of the Contra!t is the la* of Bots*ana
0a* of the Country is the la* of Bots*ana
Change the la* of the !ontra!t if
su!!essful tenderer *ill not a!!ept
the la* of Bots*ana
'.1 0anguage is English
2.' "rovision of )ite is on the Commen!ement Date Change the data if this is not the
3ef .o. 44444444 "age ' of 5 C'.2 Contra!t Data for FIDIC )hort Contra!t
5.' $uthorised person is
(el 6 Fa% 6 e mail .
(his is the person in the "ro!uring
Department *ho has the authority
to a!t for the Department
5.2 .ame and address of the Employer+s representative.
(el Fa%
E mail
Optional/ Onl* use an$
co(plete if an e&te%nal fi%( #as
been appointe$ to ca%%* out
ce%tain $uties of t#e E(plo*e%
in t#e cont%act/ T#ese $uties
M3ST be notifie$ sepa%atel* to
t#e Cont%acto%/ Delete t#is %ow if
not use$/
/./ "erforman!e )e!urity is for an amount of " and in the form
!ontained in "art ' of the Contra!t# )e!tion C'.5 Forms of
&ptional. )pe!ify the amount in
"ula (not a per!entage of the
tendered total).
1.' 3e,uirements for Contra!tor+s design (if any) are stated in
)pe!ifi!ation Clause .o+s
It *ould be most unusual for the
!ontra!tor not to be re,uired to do
some design# hen!e the details
need to be spe!ified in the )!ope
of ork.
8.2 "rogramme is to be submitted *ithin '/ days of the
Commen!ment Date and in the form stated in )pe!ifi!ation
Clause .o.
Change the time if ne!essary.
Insert the !ross9referen!e to the
8./ $mount payable due to failure to !omplete is " per day up to
a ma%imum of ':; of sum stated in the $greement Change the ma%imum per!entage
if appropriate
-.' < ''.1 (he "eriod for notifying defe!ts is 5=1 days !al!ulated from the
date stated in the noti!e under )ub9Clause >.2
Change the number of days if
':.2(e) If instru!ted by the Employer the day*ork rates to be used for the
purpose of valuing ?ariations are7 ((enderer to !omplete)
(ypi!al rates for labour# e,uipment
and materials *ill need to be
inserted by the tenderer
Item 3ate
''.' (he orks shall be valued on the follo*ing basis# *ith a (a%
Invoi!e being submitted *ith ea!h statement7
Select one of t#e followin) an$
$elete t#e ot#e%s/ Follow t#e
Gui$ance Notes on pa)e 45 of
t#e G%een Boo.
0ump sum "ri!e *ith interim payments based on
nse%t eit#e%6
stage payment linked to approved
Contra!tor+s !ash flo* proposal
valuation of the orks !ompleted
0ump sum pri!e *ith s!hedules of rates and *ith interim
payments based on
0ump sum pri!e *ith bill of ,uantities and *ith interim payments
based on
)!hedule of pri!ed a!tivities# *ith interim payments made for ea!h
a!tivity# *hi!h has been !ompleted.
3ef .o. 44444444 "age 2 of 5 C'.2 Contra!t Data for FIDIC )hort Contra!t
3e9measurement *ith tendered bill of ,uantities
Cost reimbursable based on valuation a!!ording to the follo*ing
definition of @!ost+7

)tate *hat the basis for defining
!ost is.
''.2 "er!entage of value of Aaterials and "lant
Aaterials >:;
"lant -:;
Change these per!entages as
''.5 "er!entage of retention is 1 ;
''.8 Curren!y of payment is the Bots*ana "ula Change as appli!able
''.> 3ate of interest ; per annum (his is interest on late payment by
the Employer and should be at
least 2; above the prime lending
rate of !ommer!ial banks.
'/.' Insuran!es
(ype of !over $mount of Cover E%!lusions (his is the !over that the Employer
re,uires the Contra!tor to provide
and may be spe!ified in "ro!uring
Department pro!edures.
Be realisti! and rather the
Department take some risk
through spe!ified e%!lusions.
(he orks# Aaterials#
"lant and fees
(he sum stated in the
$greement plus '1 ;
Full repla!ement !ost
(hird "arty inBury to
persons and damage
to property
&ther Cover
'1.5 $rbitration
(he 3ules are
(he appointing authority is
(he pla!e of $rbitration is Bots*ana
&nly !hange these details *ith
approval from the $ttorney
General+s offi!e. In most !ases
arbitration should be !ondu!ted in
line *ith the $rbitration $!t of
Bots*ana and held in Bots*ana
3ef .o. 44444444 "age 5 of 5 C'.2 Contra!t Data for FIDIC )hort Contra!t

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