Wednesday, May 28, 2014 Edition

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POLITICS Government
VOL 8 NO.603

These are indicative rates based on results of daily surveys of
the foreign exchange market in Monrovia and its environs. The
rates are collected from the Forex Bureaux and the commercials
banks. The rates are not set by the Central Bank of Liberia.
Source: Research, Policy and Planning Department, Central Bank Liberia, Monrovia, Liberia
TUESDAY, MAY20, 2014 L$84.00/US$1 L$85.00/US$1
L$84.00/US$1 L$85.00/US$1
L$85.00/US$1 L$84.00/US$1
MONDAY, MAY26, 2014
TUESDAY, MAY27, 2014
News Extra pg. 5

We will stay here today. We dont mind sleeping here since the president say if we
take off our clothes she will join us, we are waiting for her to come and join us. We
are tired with all these lies. Our husbands sacrifced their lives for this country and
this government dont want to honor their memories for doing what they did for this
country. We have children to cater to. Nancy Jallah, AFL widow
World News
Citizens of Four Counties
Decry poor Agreements
Nigerian Army Afraid to use force After
Locating Abducted Girls

Page 2 |
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
rom March to April, West Africa was hit by an
outbreak of the deadly Ebola Virus which claimed
over 100 lives in Guinea and several other countries
including Sierra Leone before few cases were
reported across the Liberian-Sierra Leonean border mainly in
the town of Foya in Lofa County. Senegal closed its border
with Guinea after a suspected case was reported.
Authorities at the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare in
Liberia blew the Ebola trumpet loud announcing measures to
prevent the spread of the virus and at the same time appealed to
the international community for support to combat the spread.
In the wake of fresh cases resulting into fve deaths reported in
next-door Sierra Leone this week, a senior Senator in Liberias
National Legislature, Senator Cletus Wotorson(UP, Grand
Kru) believes the Ebola noise made by health authorities was
much ado about and intended to extort money from donors.
Senator Wotorson during a regular Senate session alleged that
the pronouncement concerning EBOLA outbreak in Liberia
was a ploy to attract donor funding.
While the senate was discussing the refusal by Health and
Social Welfare Minister Dr. Walter Gwenigale to reinstate
two dismissed health workers, Senator Peter Coleman(CDC,
Grand Kru) was making a case about the Health ministers
deliberate refusal to adhere to an agreement reached between
the lawmakers and the Health Minister during the mediation of
the striking workers and the impact on the Country.
As Senator Coleman made his point, Senator Wotorson
remarked: What kind of EBOLA? That thing your did to get
donor funding your say EBOLA in Liberia.
The Senior Grand Kru senators comments caught Senator
Coleman in his tracks, forcing him to abruptly end his
speech. Senator Coleman however did not respond to Senator
Wotorsons rants.
Minister Gwenigales defance
Senator Coleman who heads the Senate Committee on
Health, in response to a concern raised by Senator George
Tengbeh(Unity Party, Lofa County) that Minister Gwenigale
had refused to live up to an agreement regarding the
reinstatement of the dismissed health workers during the
mediation process said, the minister was adamant.
Senator Coleman told plenary that all efforts by him to prevail
on the Health Minister to re-instate the dismissed health
practitioners failed and asked plenary to invite the health
minister to give reasons for his defant posture.
Said Senator Coleman: Ebola is in Sierra Leone and it
threatens neighboring counties along Sierra Leone border. We
cannot sit and handle another go-slow in the health system so;
I beg the plenary that action be taken either the Minister of
Health be called before this plenary to tell us why he decided
to unilaterally sack the President and secretary General of the
National health Association against the advice of the Liberian
Senator Coleman in further comments said Dr. Gwenigale had
told them that he had the backing of the Executive.
Unlike Senator Colemans suggestion that the senate cite the
minister to appear, Senator Wotorson opposed the appearance
of the Health Minister and recommended that the Senate write
the President who is the immediate boss of the Minister to
inform her about the Ministers decision.
Health Minister not God
Senator Wotorson went on to declare: Gwenigale is not a
God. Let the committee go back to him and tell him to re-
instate the health workers or get back to President Sirleaf and
tell her about the gravity of the situation then to go and do
something drastic that might not help the country.
For his part, Senator Armah Jallah(National Party of Liberia,
Gbarpolu County) described as the lack of political will the
delay in reinstating the dismissed health workers by the health
Senator Jallah said: We cannot allow the health sector of the
country again to be sent into chaos on the basis of failure by an
offcial to re-instate two health workers. The size of those two
health workers compare to the health system of the Country,
I dont think we should allow their removal from offce to be
able to entertain the third strike action in the health sector. The
Minister of health must see reasons to ensure that these people
are placed back on the payroll.
He also challenged his colleagues to ensure that there is
appropriate budgetary allocation to ensure that the concerns of
the health workers are addressed.
MOH Confrms Ebola Presence
Liberias Minister of Health and Social Welfare on March 30
confrmed the presence of the Ebola virus in Liberia, disclosing
that testing carried out on samples collected from suspected
patients in France confrmed two positive cases of the virus.
Dr. Gwenigale told FrontPageAfrica at the time that one of the
deaths reported in Foya, Lofa County was confrmed from the
tests from France as positive with the Ebola virus.
Said Dr. Gwenigale: The lady who died from Foya was a
result of Ebola and the woman taking care of her is still alive.
However, she left Foya to come down to Firestone to her
husband. We have searched and found her and has already
instructed Dr. Mabande, the Medical Administrator at the
Firestone Hospital to isolate her from people.
The confrmation prompted Dr. Peter Coleman appeal for
an amount of US$1.2 million to help prevent the virus from
Senator Coleman said: The process for containing an
epidemic is costly and a budget has been drawn up in the
tone of one point two million United Sates dollars to contain
this because it entails a lot of different things ranging from
public awareness to sending the specimen of cases to foreign
countries for testing.
European Union Steps in
The appeal for funding heeded results with the European
Commission in Brussels providing 500 000 (Euros) to
help contain the spread of the deadly virus in Guinea and
neighbouring countries, which include Liberia. The EU
promised it was sending a health expert to Guinea to help
assess the situation and liaise with the local authorities.
"We are deeply concerned about the spread of this virulent
disease and our support will help ensure immediate
health assistance to those affected by it," said Kristalina
Georgieva, EU Commissioner for International Cooperation,
Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Response. "It's vital that we act
swiftly to prevent the outbreak from spreading, particularly to
neighbouring countries."
The Commission stated that the funding was intended to be used
by the its humanitarian partner organization Mdecins Sans
Frontires for clinical management, including the isolation
of patients and psychosocial support, the tracing of suspected
cases as well as the training and supply of personal protective
equipment for health workers. It also disclosed that there will
also be community-based awareness raising initiatives so as to
help diminish the risk of the further spread of the virus.
The EU is following closely how the situation develops with
its Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC). It is
also working with international partners, notably the World
Health Organization (WHO), to track the outbreak, the
Commission stated in its release.
At least 60 people have died from an outbreak of the deadly
virus in Guinea with the outbreak moving from the jungle to
the Capital, Conakry with unconfrmed reports that fve have
also died from the disease in Liberia, stated the EU release.
The announcement of Ebola presence sparked fears amongst
Liberians altering the traditional Liberian way of greeting and
interacting through the handshake as many took precautionary
measures to ward off the disease.
Liberia emergency experience

Senator Wotorsons comments Tuesday raised further doubts
regarding the response of Liberia with the prevention of
diseases and emergency in the past where relief intended
for affected people could not actually reach the targeted
Many Liberians are still arguing that the Ebola noise was a
scheme by health offcials to request funding from government
and international organizations. With no laboratories and
trained health practitioners in preventing viruses as deadly as
Ebola, there are some who held the belief that Liberia lacks the
capacity to fght Ebola.
New outbreak of Ebola
In the wake of lingering doubts, the Ebola virus appears to still
be around the West African sub region with new cases reported
in Sierra Leone. It has been reported that fve people have died
in Sierra Leone's frst confrmed outbreak of Ebola virus, the
World Health Organisation (WHO) said on Monday, signaling
a new expansion of the disease which regional offcials said
had been brought under control.
Ebola, a haemorrhagic fever with a fatality rate of up to
90 percent, is believed to have killed some 185 people in
neighbouring Guinea and Liberia since March in the frst
deadly appearance of the disease in West Africa.
Previously, several suspected cases of Ebola were recorded in
Sierra Leone early on in the West African outbreak, but they
later tested negative for the disease.
In a statement posted on its website, the WHO said the outbreak
in Sierra Leone was located in an area along the country's
border with Guinea's Guckdou prefecture, where some of
the earliest cases of the disease were recorded.
"Preliminary information received from the feld indicates
that one laboratory-confrmed case and fve community deaths
have been reported from Koindu chiefdom," it said.
The WHO said it was deploying six experts to the area along
with essential supplies.
The West African outbreak spread from a remote corner of
Guinea to the capital, Conakry, and into Liberia, causing panic
across a region struggling with weak healthcare systems and
porous borders.
A total of 258 clinical cases have been recorded in Guinea since
the outbreak was frst identifed as Ebola, including 174 deaths
- 95 confrmed, 57 probable and 57 suspected - according to
the WHO.
No new cases of Ebola have been detected since April 26 in
Conakry, where an outbreak could pose the biggest threat of
an epidemic due to the city's role as an international travel hub.
First discovered in DR Congo and Sudan in 1976, several
outbreaks of this viral haemorrhagic fever have been reported
in East and Central Africa, but not in West Africa.
Guinea is one of the least developed countries, periodically hit
by epidemics such as meningitis, yellow fever and especially
cholera. On 22 March the Guinean Government revealed that
Institute Pasteur in France had identifed the Ebola flovirus in
samples of cases initially associated with Lassa fever.
The highly contagious, human to human transmission of Ebola
occurs by simple contact with blood and body fuids. No
vaccine or treatment is yet available for this pathogen, one of
the world's most lethal with a case fatality rate of up to 90%
depending on the strain.
Wednesday, May 28, 2014 Page 3
Torli H. Krua,, Founder Universal Human Rights International (UHRI)
IN 2005, DURING Liberias frst post war election there was
nothing unusual and worth grasping the attention of the entire
world than sudden rise to political prominence of soccer icon
George M. Weah who had a great deal of youthful followers.
WEAHS SUCCESSFUL SOCCER career gave him the
reputation and popularity which nearly made him to sail to the
Presidency of Liberia to become the frst post war president
with the mandate to bring back to life a devastated nation.
THERE WAS NO other platform available to Weah and his
followers than a new wine in new bottle, forming a new
political party, the Congress for Democratic Change (CDC)
which was founded on the basis of serving as the conduit for
pushing the agenda of the underprivileged segment of the
society popularly known as the masses.
THE CDC WAS dubbed the party of the masses, the grass root
political party and other names that made the party create an
impression that it was founded to bridge what has been seen
in Liberian politics as a gap between the elites and ordinary
Liberians population.
TRUE TO THE intent of the CDC, to gain the sympathy of
vast majority of the population because in many countries in
Africa and elsewhere, it is evident that there are more poorer
people than the rich therefore politicians who claim to be the
savior for the poor are considered the best choice.
UNDER THE NEWLY formed CDC arrangement, individuals
began emerging as the torchbearers to champion the cause
of the masses and ensure that when elected to state power,
ordinary Liberians are provided an opportunity to have a say
in the body politics of the country through decision making.
THE LIKES OF Alomiza Ennos, Hannah Brent, Joyce Musu
Freeman, Geraldine Doe Sheriff, Rufus Neufville, Edward
Forh, Kettehkumehn Murray, Titus Barclay, Victoria Lynch
amongst others all emerged as the so-called servants of the
Liberian people, begging for the mandate from electorates to
represent them at the Capitol in order to make good laws
that will alleviate poverty and improve the well-being of those
down the ladder.
THE LIBERIAN MASSES as they are called by politicians
heeded to the call of the self proclaimed saviors and
overwhelmingly elected them to power with the CDC winning
10 out of 14 Representatives seats in Montserrado County and
also claiming the two senatorial seats for the county.
ON THEIR WAY to power these individuals ridding on
the popularity of the CDC defeated individuals who were
considered elites including Clemenceau Urey, Nathaniel
Richardson, Rudolph Travers amongst others.
IN SIX YEARS, the gap between the masses candidates and
the masses themselves widened with some of the so-called
masses candidates taking bribe to ratify contracts that will not
beneft the Liberian people. CDCs lawmaker Alominza is on
record for making receipt to receive a bribe from the National
Oil Company of Liberia for the ratifcation of oil agreements.
THE PERFORMANCES OF the masses lawmakers at the 52nd
National Legislature is history as the body was dominated by
lawmakers from the masses party, the CDC but yet dozens of
concessions contracts were signed that are today making no
signifcant impact in the life of the ordinary Liberian people.
AFTER A SWEET taste of power acquisition of wealth, the
masses candidates are now turning their backs away from the
people who elected them, shunning the CDC.
GERALDINE DOE SHERIFF who defeated prominent
individuals including Wilson Tarpeh, Alhaji G. V. Kromah,
Clemenceau Urey and other candidates on the platform of a
masses candidate, after more than six years in luxury now feels
the party, the CDC that propelled her to power can no longer
achieve its objectives
n May 16, 2014, the Harvard Kennedy School (HKS)
launched a $500 million dollars fundraising campaign.
HKS claimed the funds will "allow HKS to provide a
new level of leadership and innovation while bringing
meaningful and positive change to the world." HKS invited its
super star, Liberian
President, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf to showcase its global leadership
While President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has done many important
things for Liberia and Africa for which she was awarded the
Nobel Peace Prize, her two-term record on democratic leadership
disqualifes her as an envoy of Kennedy's values of public service
and democracy on the world stage. It is
important for HKS not only to train "exceptional public leaders",
HKS must also model on the global stage its values by associating
*only* with leaders committed to strengthening democracy-no
matter who they are and even if such a move hurts fundraising
John F. Kennedy is known worldwide for strengthening democratic
institutions, empowering ordinary folks through the Peace Corps
and public service, evidenced by President Kennedy's favorite
quote, *"Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you
can do for your country."* Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf,
on the other hand, has demonstrated an extraordinary contempt for
democracy by usurping the authority of citizens to vote for local
government offcials.
The Liberian constitution gives the president vast powers, including
the power to appoint all cabinet members and their deputies, heads
of all government agencies and public corporations and governors
of all political sub-divisions in the entire country.
In 2009, President Sirleaf struck a devastating blow at the very
core of the republican form of democracy by seeking new powers
to exclude citizens from electing local government offcials who
control many basic aspects of their lives. President Sirleaf argued
and won the authority to appoint all mayors and city councilors,
adding to her already vast powers. This act by HKS super star
and outstanding fundraiser has rendered the republic impotent by
usurping the powers of citizens to vote. It is incomprehensible
and unjustifable for an elected offcial who sought the vote of
Liberian citizens to effectively disenfranchise voters immediately
after they voted to make her Africa's frst female president.
This undemocratic act in a republic, not a monarchy, jeopardizes
security, justice and access to equal opportunities. For example, in
obtaining the power to appoint government offcials in nearly all
aspects of government, President Sirleaf has worked to establish
undue powers in her own hands and in the hands of the elite few,
including her sons, friends and family members.
Considering the many top government offcials recruited from
HKS, including the dismissed Airport Manager and other relatives
and friends of the president represented in high-salaried positions
within the Sirleaf Administration, one can conclude that the
administration has done more to enrich members of the elite, her
sons and family members than it has done to improve the quality of
life for ordinary Liberians.
The administration set its own standards for who can work in
government (including educational requirements that would be
unavailable to ordinary Liberians) as well as corresponding salaries
and benefts that far exceed those paid to public servants across
America. For an impoverished
post-confict country with an annual budget of $583 million,
Liberian representatives earn at least $84,000 per year while cabinet
ministers and heads of public corporations can take home up to
$180,000 excluding benefts such as gas slips, medical benefts, and
housing privileges.
Compare that to salaries earned in Massachusetts, where the annual
budget is $36 billion dollars, lawmakers earn $62,000 yearly. In
New Hampshire with a budget of $11 billion dollars, senators and
representatives earn $100 yearly. In both cases, lawmakers receive
no cars, gas slips, no armed
body guards, or other tangible benefts. Liberian citizens live on
less than one dollar a day but the elite offcials' excessive and costly
travels include frst class airline tickets. The Sirleaf administration's
standards are unrealistic, given the revenues generated by Liberia.
The high salaries and benefts, in practice, only beneft the Liberian
elite and these policies are helping to create an elite ruling class
and permanently sowing the seeds of discord and more political
According to, Liberia has 85% unemployment (
rate_2012_0.html). Most citizens lack access to electricity, running
water and basic services. In fact, Liberia, a country of 43,000 sq.
miles has only one registry of motor vehicle located in the capital
city Monrovia, where the 4.5 million citizens must travel up to
300 miles go to get driver's licenses and register their vehicles.
Imagine how Americans would feel if President Obama appointed
all governors, including Governor Patrick of Massachusetts, all
mayors and directors of public transit such as Massport. Imagine
living in a country so centralized that every citizen must travel to
one offce to get drivers' license and vehicle registration. In Liberia,
citizens must also travel to the centralized post offce to mail letters
and every citizen must rent mail boxes because the Liberian Postal
Service does not deliver to homes. President Sirleaf wheels more
powers in Liberia than the
queen of England who rules over a monarchy, not a republic and
who lacks the powers to appoint all mayors, including the mayor
of London.
According to the May 16, 2014 Harvard Crimson article, President
Johnson Sirleaf was very clear about her primary role. "My frst
role is to inspire women," she said. "You must accept the fact that
will be vulnerability in response to (disaffected citizens') needs...
and that's part of what leadership is all about." After benefting
from the ballot cast by Liberian citizens, the president immediately
began to undermine the voting powers of citizens in a country where
bullets, not ballot determined the leaders in the past two decades.
Irving Christo said: "*Democracy does not guarantee equality
of conditions; it guarantees equality of opportunities."* By
concentrating undue powers in her own hands and in the hands of
children, family and friends, systematically widening the gap
between flthy rich Liberians and dirt poor citizens, by closing all
avenues of opportunities for Liberians without access to American
colleges and
universities and deliberately eroding democratic institutions
through unjustifable disenfranchisement, President Sirleaf earned
for herself a seat at Harvard's fundraising table. However, I am
surprised that the HKS has betrayed the values of President Kennedy
by turning a blind eye to President Sirleaf's actions designed to
weaken democracy and snatch ballot powers from citizens who
have struggled for two decades to transition from bullets for ballots.
Torli H. Krua is founder of the Universal Human Rights International
(UHRI). UHRI promotes democracy and citizens' initiatives in
Africa and refugee rights in the United States of America. Krua,
a resident of
Brockton, MA is a native of Tappita, Nimba County, Liberia and
pastor of Dorchester-based Ziah Mission Church. Please send
comments to:
Is Masses Politics Worth
THE FORMER MASSES candidate said The party will never
achieve its initial goal of forming an institution with the sole
purpose to emancipate our people, the downtrodden included,
from the dungeon of poverty to the celestial heights of a decent
life through participatory democracy with the imperialistic
tenets currently entrenched in the party.
MURRAY IS GONE, same as Neufville, Alominza, Titus
Barclay and several other masses candidates who have now
acquired little wealth to live an appreciable level of life in
Liberia but they cannot point to what difference they made in the
lives of the masses during their tenure at the Capitol Building.
WHAT MORE CAN Liberian electorates say about candidates
who preach the politics of massescracy during political
campaigns but upon getting their votes abandon the masses and
become the elites.
THE CDC HAS certainly become the platform for individuals to
claim that they are candidates for the masses in order to ascend
to state power but later abandon the masses to become elites.
THIS BRINGS TO bear whether the politics of masses is worth
preaching in Liberia.
Page 4 |
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
It is still one of the tragedies of human history that the children of darkness are
frequently more determined and zealous than the children of light. (KING)
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The Reader's Page
I hope you've saved enough money cause you are also on your way
out of the Senate when your current expires!
Regardless of any spirited attempt to save face the resignation of
Hon. Geraldine Doe Sheriff, a sitting senator from the capital, and
a former chairperson, would undoubtedly hurt the main opposition,
CDC. And using derogatory remarks to dismiss the signifcance of
her departure would only accentuate the immaturity of her detractors
at the helm of the party.
Every political organization has its own problems: rifts and rivalries.
But they should be fxed to not fester, and lead to defections of core
members together with their followers. Such internal hemorrhage
occurred during the last presidential elections. Geraldines election
to the senate was a great moment for the CDC brand; lets hope her
exit isnt momentous to the fortunes of the party.
Pluralistic democracy affrms regular transfers of power from one
party to another; thats why Liberia isnt a one - party state. And the
necessity for stability dictates that another party other than UP wins
in 2017. Is CDC ready? It is sad that a once alert party which gave
hope to our young and restless population is sleep - walking: they
ought to wake up or lose again.
This has been said again and again that CDC is a party of number
not ideas, people come there to get the numbers and work their way
out on the political steeps . Many are call but few chosen , there are
so many leaders in the CCD ,the mighty party in line for one of the
world loved people(GEORGE WEAH) ,who just want to win their
seat or post of which they are wishing for. when will the MIGHTY
CDC learn. 2017 is here again what are we doing, what is the game
plan ? There seen to be more problem come 2017 power take over .
will CDC stand the heat from the Liberian people ? now that every
Liberian are politicians .Let wait and ccccc
this too is Liberia many fools and less educated people outcome of
less education and know how in the society will Liberia continues
like this after 155 or 56 yrs of independence? sorry CDC for when
u were fghting to put her into position with pride and honor we all
fght to put the old mother into position and now we all seen what is
happening in our land and the same goes to the cdcians on a woman
leadership and leaders many will pass through CDC for their ways
out and success cause that is the only easy to go through guys we all
coming very soon as time goes on hail CDC hail ALL
I don't see CDC to do anything better comes 2017. Another party
will show strength in 2017, but not CDC.
Let think about different party.
The Editor,
he $73 millions District Development Fund (DDF)
appropriation by the House of Representatives is the most
fascination and best develop strategy ever in the history of
our nation. Simply put, for over 160 years of our nation's
existence, our development strategy has primarily been giving money
to administrative districts under the executive without positive national
development to ordinary people. The executive has been receiving
millions of dollars every year in the budget for healthcare, education,
agriculture, road construction and many other development projects
without any beneft for local people.
All over our nation, in rural villages and towns , there are no
developments. Many parts of our nation has no roads, no hospitals,
no education facilities, and lack of basic social services. The people in
rural parts of our nation has been denied from the governance decision
making process, leaving all the critical decisions to the executive,
mainly in a centralize fashion in Monrovia. It is time for a change.
Constitutional Basic for District Fund by Electoral Representation
Article 80 (e) of the Liberian constitution clearly states: " Immediately
following a national census and before the next election, the Elections
Commission shall reapportion the constituencies in accordance with
the new population fgures so that every constituency shall have as
close to the same population as possible; provided, however, that a
constituency must be solely within a county."
This means that electoral district are the direct representation of the
people. Therefore, the distribution of the DDF to electoral district is
very necessary, because it allows ordinary people to decide how their
money will be spend, and not few people running administrative
districts. Who are best suited to determine the most urgent needs of
the people? The people themselves and not some administrative heads
or executive offcers, who have proven to be incompetent and abuser
of the public trust. Thus, the $73 millions going into electoral districts
, will empower the people, to directly participate in the governance
decision making process. This development strategy must be supported
by all well meaning Liberians.
Legislative Authority to Appropriate Such Money
Article D of the Liberian Constitution clearly states that, in section ii.
"no monies shall be drawn form the treasure except in consequence of
appropriations made by legislative enactment." So the action taken by
the House of Representatives is in accordance with their constitutional
province. Some people, and the Senate are opposing this action of the
House, on the basic that this new law will enhance Representatives
chances for re-election: So what ! Was the Representatives not elected
to use the public resources in the interest of the people? So the
Representatives should not pass good laws in the interest of the people?
Then why should we have election to elect Representatives? This issue
should not be about the Representatives but whether this development
strategy is best for local development impacts. If the Senate prefer,
they may increase the funding by $30 millions, making it two millions
additional for each county, to represent each senator from a county.
Economic Stimulus Package
The $73 millions DDF is also an economic stimulus package that can
unleash job creation all across the nation. The legislature can create a
jobs program that will allow only residents from a district to participate
in development projects (construction and other services) that are
funded by the DDF. This will reduce the pressure on the executive to
provide jobs.
Deconcentration and Re-distribution of Power
The $73 millions DDF is another powerful means, since the creation
of our nation-state, to deconcentrate and re-distribute power from a
centralize governance operating system, in Monrovia, to the rest of the
country. This means that the DDF will put political power right where
it belongs, in the hands of the people. The DDF will empower ordinary
citizens, at the local level, to participate in their governance decision
making process, and determine their own development needs. Thus,
the executive would be able to focus on long term capital projects,
relieving them from the stress of ordinary citizens protesting the lack
of development impact and jobs. Let the executive focus on national
development while the $73 millions is use to impact local developments.
We cannot allow the zealous and dark behavior of more than 160 years
of an imperial executive to keeping suffering our people.
$73 millions Ideological and Philosophical Debate
The appropriation of $73 millions, to electoral districts, opens up for
the frst time, in our nation history, a real ideological debate concerning
the concept of democracy and citizens' self government. This draws
upon the old debate concerning the state of nature and the social
contract. On the one hand are those who continue to insist that we do
governing business, the same old way for more than 160 years, through
an imperial executive; while a new school emerges for citizens' self
determination. These were the same kinds of philosophical ideas that
endures the state of nature debates, echoing from Thomas Hobbes,
John Locke, Montesquieu, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, David Hume, and
more recently John Rawls concerning his Theory of Justice.
The general arguments has been between the right of the state to
manage the affairs of the people and the right of the people to determine
their own destiny. This means that those who opposes the $73 millions
to electoral districts does not believe in the fundamental idea for the
people to participate in the governing decision making process, of how
the national wealth of the nation should be distributed. The opponents
holds a Socratic view for the philosophy Kings, to decide what is best
for society, and not for the people to decide for themselves. This is a
kind of utilitarian thought that violates the whole purpose for the social
Down with the imperial presidency, it is time for the people to decide
self government and unleash the potential of citizenship rule, in small
towns and villages all across our rural nation. It is a disgrace that in this
technological advance age, our nation does not even have a national
public library, students are either sitting on the ground in classrooms
across rural Liberia and/or teachers lacks basic instructional materials,
education in Liberia is simply a MESS, poor healthcare delivery, bad
roads, lack of decentralize government services and the list goes on
and on.
What Does This Means for 2014 Senatorial Elections
The $73 millions for electoral districts could not have come at a better
time when the nation is holding another election, this time for half of
the senate. Simply put, all those who opposes this funding for electoral
districts should gain additional reason why they must be voted out of
the senate. Voters should not tolerate the continuous disregard for their
own welfare and re-elect any senator, who will not support the idea, for
citizens to participate, in the determination of how the nation's wealth
should be distributed.
On the Altar of Jehovah, I pledge undying resistance to the failed
imperial executive development strategy. Excuse me while I throw
About the author:
Chorphie Charlie
Philadelphia, USA
Robert Sirleaf was a Vice President at Wells Fargo Bank in
Charlotte, NC; a city which is evolving into the banking Mecca of
the US. So we agree that if there was an FBI raid at his residence, it
would make not only the Charlotte Observer newspaper, but the
rumor mill of a bustling Liberian community which makes Peytons
Place seems like a convent.
And if the truth shall come out, let us wait rather than attempting
at preempting it through a pinch of peppered prevarications. Should
politics be the motive for this new smear campaign, Weah, Robert
and Neyor would each make a great senator.They are professionals,
patriots, compassionate, and business - minded; criteria necessary
for an effective senator in Liberia.
Instead of discouraging some of the brightest and best, we should
be welcoming them to take on the diffcult task of running one of
the poorest and most backward real estates in the world. Avoiding
political instability in the next fve years would need skills, courage,
and charisma; therefore, we protect Liberia by giving a chance to
those who can bring these attributes along.
Wednesday, May 28, 2014 Page 5
idows of
dead and
soldiers of
the Armed Forces of Liberia
Tuesday stripped in front of
the capitol building in demand
of benefts owed them by the
Liberian government.
The widows said their
decision to go nude stems
from the fact that they
have for the past months
assembled at the capitol in
silent protest to seek redress
from lawmakers on their late
husbands benefts due them
by the government of Liberia
but no lawmaker was willing
to listen to them.
The issues of widows
of former AFL Soldiers
demanding benefts started as
far back as the administration
of the late Transitional
government chairman
Charles Gyude Bryant,
immediately following the
countrys civil confict.
During that time Chairman
Bryant gave each of the
women ten thousand Liberian
dollars (L$ 10,000.00)
and promised that their
plight would be addressed
after the taking over of
a democratically elected
government, which brought
onboard the leadership of
President Ellen Johnson
The widows after the
inauguration of President
Ellen Johnson Sirleaf
engaged the government and
promises were made but did
not yield any result.
In 2010 President Sirleaf as
part of her campaign strategy
for a second term invited
Widows to the Executive
Mansion after they threatened
to vote against her for failing
to address their plight and
gave them twenty thousand
(US$ 20,000.00) and
promised to fnally address
their plight if she was elected
for a second term. In her
words president Sirleaf said
to the women, This money is
for your Christmas you do me
I do you and youll know,
said President Sirleaf then a
candidate in the elections.
Madam Nancy Jallah in her
late 50s is one of the over
25 widows who besieged the
capitol building on Tuesday.
In an interview she said
they are tired of waiting and
We will stay here today. We dont mind sleeping here since the president say if we take off our clothes she will
join us, we are waiting for her to come and join us. We are tired with all these lies. Our husbands sacrifced
their lives for this country and this government dont want to honor their memories for doing what they did for
this country. We have children to cater to.
Nancy Jallah, AFL widow
being ignored by offcials of
government and that going
naked was their last option.
We will stay here today we
dont mind sleeping here
since the president say if we
take off our cloths she will
join us; we are waiting for her
to come and join us, we are
tired with all these lies, she
Our husbands scarifed their
lives for this country and
this government dont want
to honor their memories for
doing what they did for this
country. We have children to
carter to.
After over an hour of
protest that stalled the fow
of traffc the women were
later disbursed in a peaceful
manner by offcers of the
Liberian National Police
(LNP) with supporting
comments from senator
Joyce Musu Freeman Sumo
of Montserrado County.
Henry Karmo (0886522495)

Page 6 |
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Wade C. L. Williams,
he head of the Liberia
Revenue Authority
Mrs. Elfreda Tamba
said the lease
agreement with the National
Social Security and Welfare
Corporation (NASSCORP), for
the prospective headquarters of
the entity is yet to be concluded.
Mrs. Tamba responding to
media reports that the LRA is
about to begin operations by
July this year and that the new
entity has negotiated a rent with
NASSCORP that will see the
LRA paying around US$700,000
annually for rent of a portion of
the building located at the ELWA
junction in Paynesville, said that
the entity is negotiating with
NASSCORP but there is still a
sticky issue that has slowed the
ratifcation of the contract.
We have not consummated a
lease agreement with NASCORP,
we are near consummation and
this process is in collaboration
with the GSA, and the ministry
of Finance, Mrs. Tamba told
FrontPageAfrica on Tuesday.
Continued Mrs. Tamba: The
main sticky issue has been
the rent amount; getting
NASSCORP to agree on the
proposal from the government.
We sent to them (when I say
we, I mean collectively as a
government), to NASSCORP a
copy of a draft lease agreement
and prior to that, NASSCORP
wrote us, informing us that the
rent amount that had been agreed
to was low, and not suffcient
enough to provide them a 5%
return on the investment made,
with workers compensation.
Mrs. Tamba said the LRA has
been holding meetings with the
NASSCORP management since
2013 and it continues to hold
discussions with them adding
that the matter is now before the
(NASSCORP) board.
But the LRA boss confrmed
reports that the entity is set to
secure the building to enable
it move in by July to begin
operations on a full-scale.
It is the anticipation that the
headquarters is going to be in
that building. Even today we
have a meeting with the minister
to see how we can consummate
that lease agreement, she said.
Looking forward to it
Mrs. Tamba said the LRA is
looking to occupy the building
if the contract is secured for at
least fve years according to the
current draft of the agreement.
She said the government has
set a net outfow ceiling of
US$600,000 meaning that what
the GoL is willing to pay to
NASSCORP will not exceed
US$600,000 minus taxes but the
latter is still resisting.
The Minister of Finance
attempted to even reduce the
lease amount that NASSCORP
had initially agreed to and then
NASSCORP emphasized more
their position with respect to the
5% return, she said.
Continued Mrs. Tamba: The
Ministers mandate is that
there should be a ceiling with
respect to the net outfow of
600,000, meaning that what the
government can pay in terms of
net outfow should not exceed
US$600,000. As you may know,
the rent amount includes built-in
taxes, so whatever Mr. X charges
for rent, he has to include in
there the real estate tax because
it is a business, so Mr. X wants
to recover, so he/she includes
in there the real estate tax
which is 1.5%on the investment
amount and the withholding (the
percentage on any rent payment
that should be withheld at the
point that the government goes
to make payment), in this case
government is the withholding
agent. In another case it could
be a business an individual that
is the withholding agent that
will withhold on behalf of the
She said even though
NASSCORP is part of the overall
structure of government, the
entity contends that the building
represents investment made by
contributions from workers.
They have a concern; they said
they did a study and that study
requires a minimum of at least
5% for sustainability purposes,
she said.
The built-in taxation is close
to maybe 30% (all of the taxes
combined and there are two
types, the real estate and the
income), so NASSCORP has
valued their building based on
their cost; their investment at
US$12Million. So, there is a
1.5% real estate tax on the value
of that building.
Jlateh Pajebo, Architectural
consultant for the LRA told FPA
that the building was chosen
based on the study of a Liberian
architectural frm styled Caesar
Architects which chose the
NASSCORP building as the only
building that had the required
manageable space to host the
LRAs new headquarters. He
said the study was done at the
time the building was in the
process of construction.
We inherited a document from
the Caesar Architects, its a
professional architectural frm
here in Liberia, they have done
a comparative study of buildings
that could possibly serve as the
headquarters of the LRA, he
studied at least four buildings,
exclusive of the NASSCORP
properties, said Pajebo.
E. J. Roye was included in this
study, Murex Plaza and others,
but the E.J. Roye was the most
prominent among the buildings
that were surveyed. E.J. Roye
is good in terms of location and
all of that and it had its own
backdrops in terms of parking
space, the length of time to
renovate, the cost to it and the
duration that it will take to get
it up and running. There was lot
of damages that needed to be
handled professionally.
Mr. Pajebo said the building has
a total of 66,000 square feet and
about 43,000 is useable meaning
in architectural term the space
that one can conveniently put
furniture in for people to use and
move around.
There are other obstructions that
come into the space like stairwell,
elevator shafts. The building, for
how it is constructed, it has this
geometric space, curves and all
of that; you cant put a squared
corner table in a corner where
there is a rounded wall, so we
just declared those spaces as lost
factor, he said.
If the contract is consummated
the building is set to host a total
of 650 staff members of the
entity out of the earmarked 1,100
total workers.
Those that will be seated in this
headquarters should be around
650 and each person (when
planning by rule of thumb)
should be allowed around 200
square feet, said Pajebo.
That would far exceed even
the 66,000 if every space there
was available for use. So,
seeing the challenge, we had to
implore different methods and
approaches to the space planning
Mrs. Tamba said her clarifcation
stems from media reports that
the contract had already been
signed and sealed.
We thought to clarify; because
the report that I heard on the
radio mentioned that we had (1)
consummated the lease (2) we
were going to occupy a portion
of the building with another
tenant and so we thought that it
was necessary for us to provide
that clarifcation for the public,
he said.
We are hoping to conclude
with the minister today and
then get back to PPCC because
we had originally sent to PPCC
the request at a reduced rate
and so we will need to get to
NASSCORP and then get back
to the PPCC. On the frst draft
PPCC responded, PPCC knows
that is the only building in the
country that can house the LRA
in terms of space. This is why
when the process started we
looked at it from a technical
Wednesday, May 28, 2014 Page 7
Grand Bassa County:
between Grand
Bassa County
administration and
the United Methodist Churchs
Department of Community
Services (UMC-DCS) is
reportedly creating delays
in the completion of a 40-
bed health center project in
the countys most populated
Following the signing
of a Memorandum of
Understanding (MOU) on
May 21, 2013, the county
administration and the UMC
in collaboration with the local
community looked determined
to completing the project
which would provide health
services to over 30,000 people
in Wee statutory district but an
allege bridge of the same MOU
suggests that the project is far
from realization.
The county administration
has opted to open a tripartite
account at a local bank which
will require the signature of all
parties, namely; UMC DCS,
the countys development
offce and the local community.
The county administration
insists that the initiative is a
joint project, therefore; the
church should not appear to be
the implementer.
Speaking to FrontPage Africa
on Tuesday via cell phone, the
county Information Offcer
Eddie Williams said the project
is not for the glorifcation of
anyone and no one party must
have the most say in it.
We are not going to give
the money to the church. The
church is not implementing
for the county and no one
person is implementing for
the other, Mr. Williams said
But the offce of UMC-
DCS has rejected the county
administrations move as
it claimed that the county
administration has gravely
bridge the MOU signed one
year ago.
The Deputy Director of the
UMC-DCS told FPA that the
situation has prompted several
long and tough discussions
between the County and
his offce, stressing that the
MOU does not mentioned the
opening of a tripartite account,
something he said, will
create massive bureaucracy
that will stall the project
Mr. Adolphus Dupley said it
will be a whole new discussion
and negotiation to proceed
with the project because
according to him there are
already set policies and
donors requirements that his
department operates within.
The MOU, which is in FPAs
possession, states that the
UMC-DCS is mandated to:
In collaboration with the
other parties, manage all
funds for the implementation
of the project consistent with
its policies and that of its
international parties.
As clearly as the MOU defnes
the role of the three parties
in implementing the project,
the county administration is
adamant that the opening of an
account which will be managed
by two technical committees
in collaboration with the
community is most expedient
for accountability sake.
The MOU further states that
the Church provides 55%
(US$167,179.00), the County
administration provides 40%
(US$121,527.41) and the local
communities contribute 5%
(US$ 15,190.93) which sums
up to a three party collaborative
effort for the implementation.
Currently, the project is at roof
level with all works done so
far been underwritten by the
UMC-DCS as part of its 55%
obligation stipulated in the
agreement while the county
administration ponders how
its portion of the funds will be
By all indications the UMC-
DCS might be unwilling to
allow the county administration
deviate from the MOU while
the county administration
seems resolve to preventing a
direct cash-fow to the church
holding, a concept that the
church cannot implement for
the government.
Considering the ongoing
disagreement between the
UMC-DCS and the county
administration over policy
issues or fscal issue many
residents who are longing for a
health center fear that politics
is driving the two parties to the
Interestingly, some of the key
players have attributed politics
to being the mean factor for all
the projects setbacks.
The District Statutory
Superintendent, Mr. Abel
Nyounbol said the political
ulterior motive of the UMC-
DCS Director, Mr. Jonathan
Kaipay is preventing him from
reasoning with the county
administration over the matter
but Mr. Kaipays deputy at
the UMC-DCS told FPA
that all the moves by county
administration are politically
UMC-DCS boss, Jonathan
Kaipay who is presently away in
Norway, has attracted massive
attention over the past months
after he openly announced
his interest in contesting in
the pending October 2014
Senatorial election for Grand
Bassa County.
Mr. Kaipays critics have
slammed him for what they
termed as raiding on the
success of the UMCs projects.
With the ongoing stalemate
over the health center project,
some observers argue that
the administration does not
want the project completed
before the election because it
might politically glorify the
projects head, Mr. Kaipay.
The local project Coordinator,
Isaac C. Roberts told FPA that
he has observed that the county
administration is politicizing
the project because they do
not want someone to carry the
If this is the approach the
county seat is taking then
they are not doing right to
us because you dont expect
to enjoy power from the
people you care less about.
Government does not want
to provide the 40% because
when the 40% is received by
Jonathan Kaipay he will carry
the glory and maybe if he takes
part in the election he will
win, said Mr. Roberts.
But the County Information
Offcer, Eddie Williams refuted
the claims and said, The
county administration is not
going that route to politicize
the situation because the
project does not belong to Mr.
Kaipay; it is the church that the
county is working with and not
the head of the department.
In a letter dated September
26, 2013, the project joint
committee requested an
approval for the release of fund
to procure roofng materials to
commence the roofng of the
building but up to now the fund
has not been remitted.
The letter which was directly
addressed to the Grand Bassa
Assistant Superintendent
for Development, Adonis
Z. Greaves requested that
US$19,441.50 be made
available as the countys initial
contribution to the project.
The letter justifes that there
might also be a disagreement
between the county
administration and the Project
Joint Committee over how
the countys contribution will
be made towards the project
especially with the local
Project Coordinator criticizing
the county administration. It
seems the Project committee
was left in the dark as the
county authority decided how
the money would be disbursed
to them.
On many occasions, residents
of District Three have lamented
the numerous diffculties they
face in the absence of a referral
health center. There are about
fve major public clinics in
the District, which strive to
provide health services for the
more than 40,000 people. The
only referral hospital is the
LAC health Center is which
miles away from the districts
main and most populated town,
Compound Three.
Following a one day
capacity building training
for community leaders in
the district by the DCS as
stipulated in the MOU,
residents appealed to the
UMC-DCS Director for his
intervention in fast tracking the
medical center project but Mr.
Kaipay clarifed that he will
have to seek the permission
the church authority before
responding to their plea.
Page 8 |
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
In keeping with the vehicle and Traffc Law; Title 38,
approved May 9, 1972, and published in 1978, the
Government of Liberia is pleased to announce the approved
rates for Third Party Compulsory Motor Insurance Policy
in Liberia. These rates take effect January 2, 1996.
Approved Rates Sticker Price
No. Category of Vehicles Price
1 Taxi US$300.00 $ 15.00
2 Transport Pick-Up
S/Size-1/2 Ton 400.00 15.00
M/Size- 1 Ton 425.00 15.00
B/Size 1 Ton 450.00 15.00
3 Transport Buses
S/S-Max 18 Persons 550.00 15.00
M/S-30 Persons 600.00 15.00
B/S-30 Over Persons 650.00 15.00
4. Transport Truck
10 Tons (10 Tires) 720.00 15.00
12 Tons (12 Tires) 750.00 15.00
14-18 Tons (18 Tires) 800.00 15.00
Trailer-22 Tires 1,000.00 15.00
5 Private Car (PC + Personal Plate
Sedan 150.00 15.00
Jeep 225.00 15.00
6 Business Car (BC)
Sudan 175.00 15.00
Jeep 225.00 15.00
7 Pick Up
PP 250.00 15.00
BP 300.00 15.00
8 Business Truck (BT)
10-Tons (10 Tires) 575.00 15.00
12-Tons (10 Tires) 600.00 15.00
14-18 Tons (18 Tires) 640.00 15.00
Trailer (22 Tires) 800.00 15.00
9 Business Bus (BB)
S/S-Min 6-8 Persons 250.00 15.00
S/S-Max 18 Persons 440.00 15.00
M/S- 30 Persons 480.00 15.00
B/S-30 Over Persons 520.00 15.00
10 Private Bus (PB)
S/S-Max 18 Persons 335.00 15.00
M/S-30 Persons 385.00 15.00
B/S-30 Over Persons 420.00 15.00
11 Private Truck (PT) 575.00 15.00
12 Private Motorbike 150.00 15.00
13 Business Motorbike 125.00 15.00
Please ask Pearl 0886 578 981/ Lucinda 0886 514 623
/ 0777 514 623 / AB 0886 529 776
American Underwriters Group
JG Bull BLDG, Randall Street, Adjancent DITCO Store

P.O. Box 68, Harbel Margibi County, Republic of Liberia
Tel: 231-76998848/49 eFax: +1(404) 506-9617
E-mail: /

(This Ad is being re-advertized because none of the applicants met the basic requirements)

Liberia Civil Aviation Authority is accepting applications from qualified and experienced professionals
with background in Mathematics or Physics to serve as Air Traffic Controller within the Air Traffic
Management Department of the CAA.
Job Title: Air Traffic Controller
Place of Work: Liberia Civil Aviation Authority / Robertsfield, Liberia
Reports to: Manager (ATMD), Liberia Civil Aviation Authority

Position Summary:
The Air Traffic Controller shall under the supervision of Senior Air Traffic Controller be responsible to
ensure the safe, orderly and expeditious movement of Air Traffic in the lower airspace of the skies of
Liberia by providing Air Traffic Services (ATS) and Aeronautical Information Services to ensure the safe,
orderly and expeditious movement of Air Traffic in the lower airspace of Liberia. The Air Traffic
Controller shall report to the Manager Air Traffic Management Department.
Job Duties and Responsibilities
Prevent collision between aircraft arriving at or departing from Roberts/Spriggs and aircraft
transiting the Roberts Terminal Control Area/Control Zone (TMA/CTR) below 10,000
feet/Flight Level 100;
Prevent collision between aircraft on the maneuvering area and obstructions on that area; and
Expedite and maintain safe and orderly flow of air traffic.
Prepare on-shift duty report prior to turnover.
Respond to emergency distress calls and other unexpected events.

Required Education & Qualification
A BSc Degree in Mathematics or Physics
Must have at least 3 years experience in either of the above fields


The Air Traffic Controller must have proficient knowledge in the following areas:

P.O. Box 68, Harbel Margibi County, Republic of Liberia
Tel: 231-76998848/49 eFax: +1(404) 506-9617
E-mail: /

- English grammar fluency and composition;
- Communicate fluently and distinctly to airmen within Liberias territorial airspace; and
- Must have knowledge in Microsoft word-processing, Excel and Power-point.

The Air Traffic Controller must be able to demonstrate the following skills:
- Team building;
- Professional competence and independent judgment;
- Use of analytical discretion problem-solving;
- Firm in decision-making;
- Articulate and proficient oral communications skills;
- Computer literacy in Microsoft - word-processing;
- Possess stress and time management skills.
- Ability to work quickly and accurately under pressure.
- Be self-disciplined

Personal Attributes
- The Air Traffic Controller must maintain strict confidentiality in performing duties assigned.
- Be honest, respectful and trustworthy.
- Be culturally aware and sensitivity.
- Must be flexible and demonstrate sound work ethics.
Employment Opportunity
Liberia Civil Aviation Authority is an equal opportunity employer and considers all applicants on the
basis of merit.
How to Apply
Please send your applications, along with your Resume and references attached to:

Human Resource Section
Liberia Civil Aviation Authority
Robertsfield, Liberia.

Deadline for submission of application is June 10, 2014.


Wednesday, May 28, 2014 Page 9
REMOVAL: Samuel A. Striker Funeral Home: Friday, May 30, 2014 at 3:00 PM
UNIVERSITY OF LIBERIA AUDITORIUM: Friday, May 30, 2014 from 4:00 p.m. ~ 5:00
WAKE KEEPING: A service of songs, praise and tributes will be held at St. Thomas
Episcopal Church on Friday, May 30, 2014 from 6:00 pm ~ 9:00 p.m. All tributes will be
made during this period. If you wish to be listed to make a tribute during the wake, please
email or text Rufus Berry at or @ 0886-362332.
of her Life and Eucharist of the Resurrection for the peaceful repose of her soul will be said
on Saturday, May 31, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. at St. Thomas's Episcopal Church, Camp Johnson.
As a tradition in the Episcopal Church, tributes during the service are limited only to Fatus
family, the church and government. There are no exceptions.
INTERMENT: Kaiser Memorial Lawn Cemetery Brewerville
In lieu of fowers, the families ask that anyone who so desires may contribute to the Fatu
G. White Educational Fund (The aim is to provide full scholarship to bright but fnancially
needy students at the University of Liberia and the J. Dwalu Kimber School in Brewerville).
You may contact Vida Mensah, (+231-770-770760), Yatta Sherif (001-773-577-9957) or Rufus Berry @ (+231-
886-362332 or +231-555-206065) for more information regarding the fund.

Fatu Gittens-White
July 13, 1954 ~ May 2, 2014
Page 10 |
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
s the 2014 political
season closes in,
Liberias main
political parties
are beginning to see some
huge dividends and as others
are losing numbers, others are
collecting those numbers and
increasing their base.
The Liberty Party of Cllr.
Charles W. Brumksine will on
Wednesday see the entry into
its ranks, two key heavyweights
from Gbarpolu and Nimba
Counties. These heavyweights
are two women formerly of the
ruling Unity Part who have made
huge impacts in the political race
of their respective counties.
Edith Gongloe Weh former
Superintendent of Nimba
County, also the only woman
to challenge Nimba County
Senator Prince Y. Johnsons
choice, Thomas Grupee in the
2011 presidential and legislative
elections in Nimba County
and Rep. Gertrude T. Lamin of
Gbarpolu County.
LPs national Chairman Atty. J.
Fonati Koffa confrmed that the
two women would be joining
the party on Wednesday and told
FrontPageAfrica that the coming
onboard of the two, reaffrms the
partys commitment to increasing
the political participation of
women in the decision making
process of the country.
It means two things, frst, the
Liberty Party does not have to
wait for a 30% law; as you can
see, 30% of our representatives
and senators are females, said
Atty. Koffa.
So these two prominent
females are now on board. In our
willingness to compete were
putting forth very qualifed
candidates with proven records
of success.
Cllr. Koffa revealed to
FrontPageAfrica that Mrs.
Gongloe Weh is set to be a
candidate for the LP in Nimba
County in the 2014 Special
Elections come October adding
that Wehs name has been sent
forward by the LP County
Executive Committee for
subsequent endorsement at the
County convention in keeping
with the rules of the party.
Gongloe-Weh, the Giant
An unnamed LP offcial referred
to Mrs. Weh as the political
Giant Killer that is set to cause
huge upset in the race for the
Nimba senatorial seat against
long serving Senator Prince Y.
Johnson, who had since 2005
called the political shots in the
populous county.
People in the LP believe that
Gongloe-Weh an accomplished
journalist, politician and
administrator and a former
superintendent of the county, is
the only potential opposition to
Senator Johnson.
Nimba County has always
had many general but none
including PYJ who has served
as senator for nine years has
been able to impact the lives of
the people of Nimba County,
a source of the LP who chose
to remain anonymous told
Mrs. Edith Gongloe Weh during
her tenure as superintendent of
the county was quite successful
in bringing reconciliation to
Nimba County and the people
of Nimba needs such an
experienced person to move it
Weh seems to have a good
understanding of the political
terrain of Nimba and a lot
of people see her as a strong
woman endowed with abilities
not inferior to those of her
male counterparts. Gongloe-
Weh came close to winning
the elections in 2011 when she
came second to winner Thomas
Grupee, securing 42, 071 votes.
Mrs. Gongloe-Weh, a strong
advocate on womens issues has
often criticized the lack of equity
for women in key positions in
the governance process of the
country, terming it as something
that has slowed down the pace
of development in many parts of
Gertrude Lamin who is currently
a representative of district #3 in
Gbarpolu County is a force to
reckon with. She is the choice
of current Senator Armah Jallah
who is set to cause some upset
for the Congress for Democratic
Change (CDC) candidate and
the current Unity Party senator
Theodore Momo. The LP regards
Lamin and Weh as a net gain for
the party.
ecent Global
Witness report had
revealed that out
of 68 concession
agreements passed by the
National Legislature and
endorsed by the Executive
only two of the agreements met
international standard while
the rest remain questionable
hereby raising mounting public
In the face of these public
outcries condemning
almost all of the concession
agreements passed into law
across the country a local non-
governmental organization
Social Entrepreneurs for
Sustainable Development
(SESD) in collaboration with
the Sustainable Development
Institute (SDI) are holding
a dialogue workshop on
development captioned where
next for Liberia Agriculture
The two-day dialogue

Kennedy L. Yangian kennedylyangian
which runs from May 26-
28 2014 is taking place at
the organizations Duazohn
Headquarter with over 50
participants from four of
the 15 counties affected by
these concession agreements,
Gbarpolu, Grand Bassa, Grand
Kru, Maryland and Sinoe
The group say that the dialogue
is intended for communities
affected by the four major
palm oil companies operating
in the country, Equatorial Palm
oil, Golden Veroleum Liberia,
Sime Darby and the Maryland
Oil Palm Plantation to come
to together to discuss the
issues they face with the rapid
expansion of the monocultural
plantation onto their customary
The aim of the dialogue
according to the two local
NGOs is to bring communities
together so that they could
share their experiences and
discuss their hopes for Liberias
agriculture sector.
In a press briefng the group
added that communities
involved in the dialogue will
examine Liberias agricultural
policy which aims to support
small holder agriculture but
will ask the question-why
are the communities losing
their land to concession when
Liberians need to produce
more food in order to feed
The two groups however
indicated that the communities
should also be organized
into network of communities
affected by the agricultural
concessions, which aims to
advocate for the affected
communities rights across the
At the close of Tuesdays
dialogue the citizen revealed
in the community declaration
read by their spoke person that
the concession agreements
signed between the government
and the oil palm and rubber
plantation companies in the
four affected counties were
signed without their consent or
involvement as land owners.
Acknowledging that we the
owners of our land, and that the
land our life, our bank, hospital,
supermarket, noting that we
have suffered to cultivate our
land; that our felds with their
soils are our heritage and that
we rely on and need this land
for our survival said Alex
Nyemah Maryland County
Chairman Association of
Conscious Citizens and spoke
person of the four counties.
In the seven -count declaration
Nyemah claimed that their
customary rights to their
land must be respected and
recognized at as land owners,
concession agreement be
amended as they violate their
rights, as indigenous people
and land owners must be
involve in all decisions about
their land.
The declaration furthered that
customary land planted and
cleared without the fee prior
and informed consent must be
returned to them so that they
can have reserved farmland
to make their livelihood, just
reparations must be paid to
communities whose land and
properties have been damaged
or destroyed while MOUs
which do not adequately
beneft communities and do
not respect their rights must be
Further expansion by all oil
palm and rubber plantation
companies be halted until
the issues are resolved, said
Nyemah in closing.
Wade C. L. Williams,

Wednesday, May 28, 2014 Page 11

he Ebola virus now
threatening Sierra
Leone is one of the
deadliest known
to man, with more than 100
confrmed deaths from the
disease in West Africa since
On Monday, the World
Health Organization reported
that fve people have died in
Sierra Leone's frst confrmed
outbreak of Ebola virus,
signaling a new expansion
of the disease which regional
offcials said had been
brought under control.
Ebola, a haemorrhagic fever
with a fatality rate of up to
90 percent, is believed to
have killed some 185 people
in neighbouring Guinea and
Liberia since March in the
frst deadly appearance of the
disease in West Africa.
Previously, several suspected
cases of Ebola were recorded
in Sierra Leone early on in
the West African outbreak,
but they later tested negative
for the disease.
In a statement posted on its
website, the WHO said the
outbreak in Sierra Leone
was located in an area
along the country's border
with Guinea's Guckdou
prefecture, where some of the
earliest cases of the disease
were recorded.
"Preliminary information
received from the feld
indicates that one laboratory-
confrmed case and fve
community deaths have
been reported from Koindu
chiefdom," it said.
The WHO said it was
deploying six experts to the
area along with essential
The West African outbreak
spread from a remote corner
of Guinea to the capital,
Conakry, and into Liberia,
causing panic across a
region struggling with weak
healthcare systems and
porous borders.
A total of 258 clinical cases
have been recorded in Guinea
since the outbreak was frst
identifed as Ebola, including
174 deaths - 95 confrmed, 57
probable and 57 suspected -
according to the WHO.
No new cases of Ebola have
been detected since April
26 in Conakry, where an
outbreak could pose the
biggest threat of an epidemic
due to the city's role as an
international travel hub.
However Guinean health
offcials announced two
new confrmed cases on
Friday in an area previously
untouched by the virus.
The disease is thought to have
killed 11 people in Liberia.
Ebola is endemic to
Democratic Republic of
Congo, Gabon, Uganda and
South Sudan, and scientists
initially believed that Central
Africa's Zaire strain of the
disease was responsible for
the infections in Guinea and
However researchers later
published a study saying the
West African outbreak was
caused by a new strain of
According to a May 23
statement by the World Health
Organisation (WHO), 258
cases of viral haemorrhagic
fever, of which 174 have
resulted in deaths, have been
reported in the Republic of
Out of the 258 cases, the
Guinean government has
said that 146 were confrmed
Ebola cases, 95 of them
Ebola has also been reported
in neighboring Liberia and
Sierra Leone, with a total
of 10 confrmed deaths,
including one reported on
Monday, out of more than a
dozen cases.
The tropical virus can fell its
victims within days, causing
severe fever and muscle
pain, weakness, vomiting
and diarrhoea -- in some
cases shutting down organs
and causing unstoppable
No medicine or vaccine
exists for the virus, which is
named after a small river in
the Democratic Republic of
Since the frst case of Ebola
was identifed 38 years ago
in the Democratic Republic
of Congo (then Zaire), the
virus has killed around 1,400
Experts say that although it is
extremely virulent, the virus
can be contained because it
kills its victims faster than it
can spread to new ones.
The incubation period
between exposure and the
frst symptoms varies from
two to 21 days.
There are fve species of
the virus, of which three are
particularly dangerous with
fatality rates from 25 to 90
percent, according to the
It is transmitted through
contact with the blood, body
fuids, secretions or organs of
an infected person.
The virus has been known
to spread at burials where
mourners touch the body, but
doctors and nurses have also
fallen ill after failing to take
adequate precautions.
Even testing blood specimens
for the disease presents "an
extreme biohazard risk",
states the WHO, and is
done only in the strictest
containment conditions.
People have contracted the
virus after handling infected
chimpanzees, gorillas,
monkeys, forest antelope and
porcupines, dead or alive, in
the Ivory Coast, Congo and
The only approach for the
moment is to isolate patients
and promptly bury the dead,
said the WHO.
Hospital staff should use
gloves, masks and goggles,
and disinfect religiously.
"Several potential vaccines
are being tested but it could
be several years before any
is available," says a WHO
"A new drug therapy has
shown some promise in
laboratory studies and is
currently being evaluated."
The virus's natural reservoir
animal, possibly the bat, is
believed to reside in rain
forests in Africa and areas of
the Western Pacifc.
Five New Deaths in Neighboring Sierra Leone
Signals Expansion of Disease
IPI calls on new president to uphold
constitutional protections for media
gypts new president should hit the reset button on press
freedom by immediately dropping charges against 16
journalists accused of sedition, the International Press
Institute (IPI) said today.
Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, the military commander who helped engineer
last years putsch against a democratically elected government, faces
only token opposition in this weeks election and seems destined to
become the countrys next leader. Al-Sisi served as defence minister
in the interim government until he stepped down on March 26 to run
for president.
Al-Sisi has sent mixed messages during his campaign, saying he
supported freedoms but that they should not lead to chaos that would
harm the state, according to news reports. Voting takes place today
and tomorrow.
It is imperative for Egypt that the next president move immediately
to free journalists who have been unjustly jailed, in some cases for
months without a trial, and to announce that he will uphold the rights
of press freedom and unfettered access to information guaranteed
under the new Constitution, IPI Executive Director Alison Bethel
McKenzie said. Candidate al-Sisi has talked about the need
for a stable, secure Egypt and that is a goal we share. Robust and
independent media that refect diverse views can help achieve that
Bethel McKenzie also urged the new president to curb police
intimidation of media workers, who have endured attacks from
street mobs and security agents while covering demonstrations that
followed the July 3, 2013 coup.
At least eight journalists have died on the job and dozens of others
have been wounded since then. The most recent death occurred on
March 28 when Mayada Ashraf, a 22-year-old journalist for the
independent El-Dostour newspaper, was shot while reporting on
clashes between security forces and supporters of ousted president
Mohamed Morsi in the Cairo suburb of Ain Shams.
Sixteen Egyptian and foreign journalists are being held on terrorism-
related charges. These include three foreign staffers of the Al
Jazeera television network - Mohamed Fahmy, Peter Greste and
Baher Mohamed - who were arrested on Dec. 30, 2013 for allegedly
supporting terrorists. Abdullah Elshamy, an Egyptian working for Al
Jazeera who was arrested and jailed on Aug. 14, 2013, is in grave
health because of a hunger strike he began in January to protest his
IPI issued a report in February calling on the interim government
and future leaders to free journalists and to improve safety for media
workers. The Journalists under siege report was based on a fve-
day emergency visit to Egypt by an IPI delegation. The trip began on
Jan. 25, three years to the day after the start of Egypts Arab Spring
revolution, and was prompted by concerns that journalists were
becoming an unacceptable target if not outright scapegoats for the
tumultuous politics that have engulfed the country in the past three
Taking into account the approval of a new Constitution in January, the
report urged the Egyptian government to state publicly that it will
abide by the letter and spirit of the new [January 2014] Constitution
including Articles 70, 71 and 72 that provide guarantees of press
freedom, freedom of publication and the independence of the news
The report also urged Egypts president to:
* Appoint an independent prosecutor to investigate reports that police
have beaten detained journalists, violated their rights of access to legal
counsel and illegally confscated and/or destroyed media equipment.
* Launch training for police and armed forces personnel to recognize
accredited journalists as neutral non-combatants.
By freeing the jailed journalists and taking steps to improve the
safety and security of all media workers, the new leadership in Egypt
could go a long way in ensuring that the public has independent
sources of information during what will be another new era for
the country, Bethel McKenzie said. We urge the president to act
immediately, to ensure media safety and pluralism from the outset of
the new administration.
IPI is a global network of editors, media executives and leading
journalists dedicated to furthering and safeguarding press freedom,
promoting the free fow of news and information, and improving the
practices of journalism. Formed in 1950 at Columbia University by
34 leading editors from 15 countries on the belief that a free press
would contribute to the creation of a better world, IPI today includes
members in more than 120 countries and holds consultative status
with the United Nations and the Council of Europe.

Page 12 |
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Al-Varney Rogers 0886304498
ith less than
a year to the
end of the
Development Goals [MDGs]
it seems that African countries
prospect of achieving the
deliverables set out in the
MDGs are farfetched.
The MDGs has eight goals
but African Leaders grouped
Africa's deliverables into
six pillars namely structural
economic transformation and
inclusive growth, Science and
innovation, people-centered
development, environmental
sustainability, natural resources
management, and disaster
risk management, Peace and
Security and Finance.
Several African countries
including Liberia have
proven unable to achieve the
deliverables as spelled out in
the MDGs and are now looking
to post 2015 but Liberias
Finance Minister Augustine
Ngafuan puts the blame for the
failure of African countries in
achieving MDGs on unfulflled
commitments by western
"One of the challenges of the
MDGs was that some of the
commitments made to fnance
the MDGs were not followed
through or actualized by some
of those who made those
commitments," said Minister
Minister Ngafuan continued:
"The developed world pledged
to double the number of aid
that will come to Africa, the
developed world pledged 0.7
percent of their national income
to development assistance, but
that did not happen."
According to the Foreign
Minister only few countries in
the developed world lived up
to their commitments to Africa.
"Accounting for what happened
proved that very few members
of the developed world met
those commitments," Ngafuan
He said, Africa is seeking that
its common position is refected
in the global development
Ngafuan asserts that the
Common African Position is
more consolidated than the
Millennium Development
Africas numerous problems
Minister Ngafuan named
power defcit, strengthening of
trade, climate change and illicit
fnancial fow as problems
affecting the continent.
"What Africa losses in illicit
fnancial fow is more than
what Africa gets in Aid,
Ngafuan said.
He explained that strengthening
regional and continental
trade will help boost Africa's
economy."We trade more with
Asia, Europe and America than
our neighbors."
Minister Ngafuan furthered
that power defcit is a structural
economic problem and drives
away investors from the
"Power defcit is a structural
problem in the economy. The
cost of power in West Africa
is ffty-two cent per kilowatt
one of the highest in the world,
we have to work on our power
defcit," Ngafuan said.
Theyve failed
A member of the civil society
disagrees with the new model
adopted by African leaders,
the Common African Position
Saydee Mombo, a civil
society activist believes that
the creation of the Common
African Position [CAP] on post
2015 development is meant to
cover the failure of African
leaders on the MDGs.
"African leaders have observed
that they have failed, so what
they are trying to do is that they
are fnding new thing [CAP]
to use as a cover up," Mombo
Mombo said, the formation
of policy paper has never
been Africa's problem adding
that the lack of sincerity and
political will has been the
Mombo explains that the
document prepared is
"impressive" and that it is
no different from the global
document on post 2015.
He continued: "This document
is no different from global
Foreign Minister Ngafuan Blames Western Countries
for Africas failure in MDGs
document that talks about
post 2015, the document is
very impressive, it is well
prepared but our fear is that
the implementation of those
policies, many at time African
leaders prepare documents
but the political will is not
there, we want to see it been
implemented post 2015."
He argued that Africa is yet
to achieve fve percent of
the MDGs adding that they
[African Leaders] come up
with new ideas.
"Let us look at MDGs, Africa
is yet to achieve fve percent
of the MDGs than we talking
about post MDGs."
Corruption undermines
Mombo said, corruption in
government and the lack
of transparency are serious
problems if not addressed will
continue to impede Africa's
He said: "Africa is one of the
richest continents in the world
again we are poor, this comes
from African leaders inability
to manage our resources, where
do we take this money from to
support this ideas when African
leaders are not transparent,
they do not prosecute people
who take our money, who are
those that make Africa poor is
African leaders."
Monboe said, African leaders
are largely responsible for
the poor state of affairs of the
"We question their commitment
and sincerity, honesty and
policy implementation. They
take all of our money misuse
it, misplace it, the money does
not disappear in thin air, it
disappears in the thin pockets
of African leaders at the end
you see them richer than the
continent, all of the richest
people in Africa are the people
who serve in government,"
Mombo said.
According to an Executive
Mansion Release, President
Ellen Johnson Sirleaf,
performing the National
Launch of the CAP on the post
2015 Development Agenda at
the Foreign Ministrys C. Cecil
Dennis Auditorium on Monday
said, the intent is to move
Liberians from externally
driven initiatives toward
domestically inspired action.
ooking out towards the Atlantic Ocean from United Nations Drive,
pillars of smoke rise up above the walled compounds of Monrovias
beach-front propertieshigh walls that shield foreign executives and
Liberias elite from the tin shacks that house the city's poorest and
line the beach from where the smoke curls up into the sky. The beach is a "no-
go" area for most Liberians.
Quita, 25, lives in one of the shacks in Trench Town, as the beach slum
is called. At frst glance, in pink jeans and skimpy orange shirt, she looks
younger than her years. But her eyes betray a hardness that refects her brutal
upbringing. Further investigation reveals that she doesnt really know how
old she is. She only knows she was very small when the rebel group United
Liberation Movement of Liberia for Democracy (ULIMO) swept through her
village and called her to its ranks. She was given an AK47 a big gun for
a small girl. I was dragging it with me everywhere because when I leave it
behind I will be dead.
In pidgin English she explains how she became a child soldier following the
disappearance of her parents: I had to be a fghter to survive because I dont
want for man to rape me. So I got to take gun too to secure myself save
myself. Quita was one of at least 15,000 child soldiers fghting in Liberias
civil war, a confict that has continued to shape a generation. Her lips start
to tremble, she squints her eyes against the sun refecting off the white sand
outside the shack. They made me kill people.
Many child soldiers were killed, but innocent victims they were not. They
were trained killers. Emboldened by narcotics and sadistic commanders,
they committed horrifc acts of violence. We had to do bad things in our
communities because we were given orders to do by our commanders, one
former child soldier said. We did whole lot of killings, massacre, because if
you couldnt do that as an order given to you, you would have been kill also.
We cant go back in to our community because of the bad we did to immediate
friends, people that we grow up together with. Rape and other things were
done and now they count that against us.
Quita, and thousands like her, cant go home either. Shunned by the civilian
population around them, they formed their own communities. They continue
to call each other by their war names, and respect the rank each held in confict
a confict the rest of Liberia is trying hard to forget.
Ten years on, many former soldiers now have children of their own. The
children are raised in communities where drugs and violence are commonplace,
exposing a generation born into relative peace to the scars and trauma suffered
by their elders. Their parents carry permanent reminders scars, shrapnel
still lodged in fesh, limbs amputated.
Moses lost his left leg in a mortar attack. Two of his childhood friends were
killed instantly. Each day he must struggle up and down the bank outside his
shack to wash down by the beach. Unlike other members of his community, he
cannot work as a security guard nor can he dig sand as a construction worker.
He spends his day outside the supermarket begging alongside others with
While they cannot escape the trauma of their past, many former soldiers crave
the respect they once commanded. Wielding violent weapons, money, food
and women were easily attained. Moses, like many former child soldiers, has
gone from being feared, to then despised. Today, he's just a vagrant and an
Drugs are as much a way of life for Moses and his contemporaries today as
they were in the days of fghting in the "Small Boy Units". Groups of young
men and a few women sit around smoking large marijuana joints, often laced
with heroin. In town, others sit in the dark shells of burnt-out buildings, faces
illuminated by the fash of a lit match under tin foil as heroin is heated. Many
children became addicted during the war, and afterwards, severely traumatized
and without support, many turned to drugs as a form of self-medication. If
you retrospect about the past you may probably go insane or do something out
of the way, a child soldier told me. So thats why we take drugs, just to calm
down, move our minds from the pains we are undergoing.
Janice Cooper leads a mental health project for the Carter Center in Liberia,
one of the few organizations trying to tackle mental health in Liberia. She left
Monrovia with her family during the war, but has returned to do what she can
to help the country heal. No small feat in a nation of so many.
One of the things it is easy to forget is that many of the perpetrators of
violence were themselves victims," she said. "Many young people were forced
to fght and to commit very hideous crimes. Along the way they were often
given drugs to make them do some hideous things and so they suffer trauma
as a result of what they did as well as a result of what they saw. They suffer
trauma also because they have fashbacks of what happen to them as well as
the danger, torture, and the physical violence that they perpetrated on others.
Liberia, thanks to the Carter Center, has an established mental health policy.
Due to the withdrawal of state funds however, most programs have failed.
I would defnitely say mental health is often the hardest thing to get donor
funding for, said Cooper, Its the frst thing that gets dropped. There is, I
think, still not an understanding that comprehensive health means mental
health as well. And it is not easy to be able to show outcomes in mental health
as in say malaria vaccination. It is very easy to say how many malaria vaccines
were given out or how many bed nets were given out and you can tick off that
box and say weve done it. I think that is why it is not sexy for donors to fund.
In a country with many challenges, the welfare of drug addicts guilty of wartime
atrocities is not high on a long list of competing priorities. Unfortunately
though, ignoring their suffering is not solving the problem. Time alone will
not heal their scars.
As for me sitting down here, Quita says outside her shack on the beach, I
could not fnd no one to come to my aid. So I just decided to start taking drugs.
Sometimes it make me fne. Sometimes I just feel like I am not a real human
being because no one to tend to us no one to hear our cry. No one.
Pulitzer Center Grantee Robin Hammond is a freelance photojournalist born in
New Zealand. He has been part of the photo agency Panos Pictures since 2007.
The winner of four Amnesty International awards for Human Rights.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014 Page 13

Monrovia -
Liberian journalist
has invoked two
separate Freedom of
Information (FOI)
requests on the Executive
Mansion and the Public
Procurement and Concession
Commission (PPCC) for a
copy of the Executive Mansion
renovation contract.
Journalist Sam Zota of The
NEWS Newspaper says the
FOI requests are intended to
provide an insight about the
status of work at the Executive
Mansion since the contract
started nine years ago.
Journalist Zota said the two
requests were separately
submitted last Thursday to the
two institutions with carbon
copies sent to the Press Union
of Liberia (PUL), Liberia
Media Center (LMC), The
Carter Center (TCC) and
other relevant national and
international institutions.
The right of access to
information or freedom of
information is a fundamental
human right now enjoyed by
over 4 billion people in 90
countries around the world.
Under Liberias FOI law,
everyone has the right to
request and receive information
from all public agencies of the
Government of Liberia and any
private entity that performs
duties normally carried out
by the government, provides
public services or receives
public funds or benefts.
Fire gutted the Executive
Mansion on July 26, 2006
as President Ellen Johnson
Sirleaf was about to host a
special luncheon in honor of
visiting presidents as part of
activities to mark the countrys
independence celebration.
Since the incident, the
Executive Mansion has been
undergoing renovation but
without public information on
the contract.
The Coordinator of the
Presidents Project Delivery
Unit (PDU) Gyudeh Moore
recently told journalists that
he lacks knowledge about
contract for the renovation of
the Executive Mansion.
Funds have reportedly been
allotted in successive fscal
budgets for the renovation of
the Mansion. In the 2013/14
fscal budget, US$7,789,100
was allotted to renovate the
Executive Mansion.
President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf
expressed disappointment over
the slow pace and quality of
ongoing renovation works at
the Executive Mansion during
a recent visit there.
Commission on Higher Education Director General long Corruption tale

rom the beginning
of the corruption-
allegation drama
between the
Government of Liberia and
Judge Melvin Johnson and
Ellen Corkrum (known in
the Press as the Pair), some
Liberian Citizens at home were
blaming the alleged corruption
scandal on the dual citizenship
status of the pair and called
on lawmakers to deny the
application for dual citizenship
to be legal in Liberia. To
set the record straight, we
published an article title: "Can
a Dual Citizenship Holder
be Extradited?" The article
was not meant to take side in
However, the message
delivered by the pair at the
forum held May 25, 2014
under Liberia Destiny Debaters
seems to suggest that the 2-year
old corruption-allegation
drama appears to be reaching
a crisis proportion; and we
need to raise a white fag for a
permanent cease fre and truce
not only for peace but also for
the following reasons to wit.
Dual Citizenship Holders Have
No Right in Liberia
At the May 25, 2014 forum, the
pair brought with them an anti-
corruption petition to be signed
by Liberians at home and
abroad for circulation to the
Government of United States,
ECOWAS, United Nations,
and other world bodies in
order to pave the way for the
appropriate legal action against
Ellen-Johnson Government
for corruption (we stand to be
corrected in our quotation).
However, it is sad to report that
the major roadblock that this
petition will encounter is that
a dual citizenship holder has
no right in Liberia to petition
the impeachment, prosecution,
or removal of any sitting
government offcial from offce
for any offense against the
citizens or the country. Under
the current Laws of Liberia,
the right to do so is exclusively
reserved for people holding
only Liberian citizenship,
supported by the voice of
the international community.
In short, dual citizenship is
not recognized under current
Liberian laws.
Therefore, since more than
85 per cent of those expected
to sign the anti-corruption
petition are dual citizenship
holders in the Diaspora, the
Lawmakers in Liberia, who are
vested with the powers under
the constitution to impeach or
remove elected offcials from
public offce, will invoke
these anti-dual citizenship laws
in order to dismiss the Pair's
petition with prejudice.
Liberians Want to Avoid the
Charles Taylor Experience
The 1980 Military Coup was
ushered into power in order to
eliminate rampant corruption
and misuse of public offce.
But in the frst year of the coup,
newspapers began carrying
daily stories of corruption
in low and high places in
government. Charles Taylor
was then serving in government
as GSA Director. Taylor knew
about the corruption scandal
but did nothing to resign in
order to exonerate himself.
Instead, Taylor mysteriously
disappeared from the country
and surfaced in the United
States where he was accused
of stealing over US900,000
from Liberia. The Government
of Liberia fled a extradition
petition to the U.S. Department
of State and Department of
Justice. But nothing happened.
In the years that followed,
instead of fght to exonerate
himself from the corruption
allegations, Taylor mobilized
support from Liberians in
the Diaspora and returned to
Liberia in December of 1989,
accusing the Doe government
of corruption and gross abuse
of human rights. This is how
the 14-year civil confict started
and destroyed Liberia.
Thus, if the pair believes the
corruption allegation against
them is truly false, the best
honorable recourse is to use
the law in order to prove
their innocence. In so doing,
they could either wait until
the Government of Liberia
pursues them in court or wait
until the statute of limitation
for the allegation ends where
they would be free to fle a
defamation lawsuit against the
Government of Liberia.
But the anti-corruption petition
is not a viable option for peace
in Liberia. At the height of the
civil crisis in 1990, the world
advised Taylor to wait for the
new elections scheduled 1991
for Doe to leave; but he insisted
that the time was too long.
Therefore, in order to avoid
the Charles Taylor experience,
the pair is advised to abandon
the petition drive and use the
legal recourse or wait for the
2017 general elections. We do
not want trouble makers and
opportunists to take advantage
of the petition in order to
undermine the hard-earned
peace in Liberia.
Corruption-Allegation Drama
Undermines Pair Future Career
The truth is, the 2-year
corruption allegation drama
is undermining the pair's
future career advancement
than President Ellen-Johnson
Sirleaf. After 2017, President
Ellen will be out and the pair
would like to return to Liberia
in order to utilize their skills
and education under the new
elected President. But will the
new President trust the pair
to be appointed to work in
sensitive areas of government
when they were seen secretly
recording people voices in
President Sirleaf Government?
Of course, not. The same is
true in the United States. And
the price for whistle blower
everywhere in the world is
lifetime isolation from sensitive
and confdential information.
However, in the case of Liberia,
the only surest way to remove
this fear or confdence crisis
over the pair is to completely
quit the recording spree and
abandon the controversial
anti-corruption petition now.
The pair should also abandon
the news media and treat
every news story with silence
and contempt. Many people,
especially Liberians, have
short memory. The memory of
their fear and confdence crisis
will mysteriously disappear
as soon as the pair disappears
from the news media--press,
web, facebook, twitter, etc.
In Liberia, we believe in the
theory that says: "Out of sight,
Out of mind."
Therefore, the term "
permanent cease fre" as used
in this article means quit the
recording spree and abandon
the anti-corruption petition.
The term "truce" as used herein
means completely withdraw
from the news media war
and focus on advancing the
pair career for the future. In
short, the pair should focus on
repairing their image for the
future, not on the past.
Arthur B.Dennis, MPA, MSW,, Contributing Writer
Page 14 |
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Nigerian Army Afraid to use force After Locating Abducted Girls


he United Nations
decided late last
week to add Nigerian
Islamist group
Boko Haram to its list of
terrorist organizations formally
recognized as being associated
with al Qaeda.
The UN said in its statement
that Boko Haramwhose name
loosely translates to Western
education is a sinhas
maintained a relationship with
the Organization of Al-Qaida
[sic] in the Islamic Maghreb for
training and material support
Nigerian president Goodluck
Jonathan has been referring
to the group as a terrorist
organization since last year and
arresting members accordingly.
But his countrys battles with
Islamism have been launched
onto the international stage
since Boko Haram abducted
hundreds of schoolgirls last
month. This has put Nigeria
on the map in a way Jonathan
would have done best to avoid.
It has also put Nigeria on this
particular map of countries with
recognized al-Qaeda affliates.
judge in southern Iran
has ordered Facebook
founder and CEO Mark
Zuckerberg to appear
in court to answer complaints by
individuals who say Facebook-
owned applications Instagram and
Whatsapp violate their privacy,
semioffcial news agency ISNA
reported Tuesday.
It quoted Ruhollah Momen Nasab,
an offcial with the paramilitary
Basij force, as saying that the
judge also ordered the two apps
blocked. It is highly unlikely that
Zuckerberg would appear in an
Iranian court since there is no
extradition treaty between Iran and
the United States. Some Iranian
courts have in recent years issued
similar rulings that could not be
carried out.
LAHORE Pakistan (Reuters) -
25-year-old woman
was stoned to death by
her family outside one
of Pakistan's top courts
on Tuesday in a so-called "honor"
killing for marrying the man she
loved, police said.
Farzana Iqbal was waiting for the
High Court in the eastern city of
Lahore to open when a group of
around dozen men began attacking
her with bricks, said Umer
Cheema, a senior police offcer.
Her father, two brothers and former
fance were among the attackers,
he said. Iqbal suffered severe head
injuries and was pronounced dead
in hospital, police said.
All the suspects except her father
escaped. He admitted killing
his daughter, Cheema said, and
explained it was a matter of honor.
Many Pakistani families think a
woman marrying her own choice
of man brings dishonor on the

igerias military
knows where more
than 200 schoolgirls
abducted last month
by Islamist militants are being
held and is studying how to
rescue them, Chief of Defense
Staff Air Marshal Alex Badeh
The good news for the parents
of the girls is that we know
where they are, but we cannot
tell you, Badeh told human
rights activists yesterday in the
capital, Abuja, in remarks that
were broadcast on Radio Nigeria
today. We want our girls back, I
can tell you that our military can
and will do it. But cant kill our
girls in the name of trying to get
them back.
Boko Haram, which Nigerias
President Goodluck Jonathan
described as the al-Qaeda of
West Africa, abducted the girls
from the northeastern town of
Chibok on April 14. The U.S.
and U.K. sent teams to Nigeria
to help the government fnd

Sydney (AFP) -
lobal mining giant
Rio Tinto Tuesday
said it has formalised
an agreement with
Guinea's government to develop
the world's biggest untapped
iron-ore deposit after years
of wrangling over the US$20
billion deal.
The penning of an investment
framework for the Simandou
project with its partners, Chinese
state-run aluminium group
Chalco and the International
Finance Corporation, a division
of the World Bank, provides the
legal and commercial foundation
to push ahead.
"Today is an important milestone
in the development of this world-
class iron ore resource for the
beneft of all shareholders and
the people of Guinea," said Rio
chief executive Sam Walsh.
The Simandou iron ore project
would create Africa's biggest-
ever infrastructure venture,
boost Guinea's annual revenue
by US$1.2 billion through
income tax and royalty payments
and pump billions more into the
nation's economy, Walsh said.
Guinea President Alpha
Conde said it was of "critical
importance" to his country,
which is still recovering from
decades of military dictatorships
and misrule.
"It's a nationwide priority that
goes beyond the mines and far
beyond our generations," he said
in a statement issued by Rio.
Rio Tinto says it has formalised
an agreement with Guinea's
government to develop the
"With transparent and fair
deals, our mining sector has the
potential to be a game changer
for Guinea. This project also
represents a symbol of our
continent's tremendous efforts to
meet its infrastructure challenges
and build inclusive growth".
The investment framework is
expected to be brought before
the Guinean National Assembly
within days for ratifcation.
Once this is done, the partners
will fnalise, within a year, a
feasibility study to confrm
project parameters including
cost and timeline. No date was
given for production to start.
In the meantime, Rio will lead
talks with investors to fnance
the estimated US$20 billion
investment, which will include
a railway to carry iron ore from
the Simandou mountain range to
a deep-water port 650 kilometres
(400 miles) away to export the
The joint-venture includes the
development of the port, the
establishment of fbre optic and
wireless communications, and
more than 1,000 kilometres of
new and upgraded roads.
Guinea President Alpha Conde
leaves after an interview in
Conakry on October 8, 2013
(AFP Photo/Cell
Rio was awarded control of all
four tenements at Simandou --
which it said held 2.25 billion
tonnes of iron ore resources
-- in 2006, but was ordered by
the then military dictatorship
to relinquish two northern
concessions in 2008.
These concessions were given to
BSG Resources (BSGR), a frm
controlled by Israeli billionaire
Beny Steinmetz, which in turn
sold half its rights to Brazilian
mining giant Vale.
The permits were declared void
by the Guinean government last
month, although Conde said this
was part of a wider clampdown
on mining rights and not "case-
specifc" despite claims of
corruption against BSGR.
BSGR has strongly denied the
In April, Rio launched a
complaint in a US district
court against the awarding
of the northern Simandou
mining concessions to the VBG
consortium, which was formed
in 2010 by Vale and BSGR,
appealing for damages over the
loss of the permits.
the schoolgirls, and Israel and
France have pledged assistance.
The U.S. is conducting manned
surveillance fights and using
a drone in the search, and the
U.K. has offered a Sentinel
reconnaissance aircraft.
The authorities may struggle to
rescue the girls because Boko
Haram fghters can hide in their
strongholds in rough terrain
along porous borders, said Peter
Sharwood-Smith, West Africa
manager for security company
Drum Cussac.
A rescue operation would
be very diffcult for anybody,
especially as its very unlikely
the girls are all in the same spot,
he said today by phone from
Lagos, the commercial capital.
If they attempt a rescue it could
all go wrong, but perhaps they
can fnd some sort of negotiated
Swapping Detainees
Abubakar Shekau, the leader of
the group whose name means
western education is a sin,
has threatened to sell the girls in
markets and marry them off.
In another video message,
Shekau said he would hold
onto the girls until the Nigeria
government freed imprisoned
Boko Haram members. On
May 14, Jonathan told Mark
Simmonds, Britains Minister for
Africa who was visiting Abuja,
that he wouldnt enter talks about
swapping Boko Haram detainees
for the girls.
The government will eventually
be pressured into making deals
with Boko Haram away from
media, Murtala Touray, senior
Africa analyst at IHS Country
Risk in London, said in an
e-mailed response to questions.
Nigerian authorities have been
criticized for failing to combat
Boko Haram, which has killed
thousands since its its insurgency
began in 2009.
Id imagine they are trying to
fnd a form of negotiation that
doesnt involve releasing Boko
Haram fghters, Sharwood-
Smith said. I believe there are
still some Boko Haram wives the
government has in detention, and
Boko Haram also need funds.
US Not Sure About Nigeria
Meanwhile the United States
said on Tuesday it did not
have independent information
to confrm Nigeria's claim
to know the whereabouts of
more than 200 kidnapped girls
and questioned the wisdom of
making public such information.
"We don't have independent
information from the United
States to support these reports
you referenced," U.S. State
Department spokeswoman Jen
Psaki said when asked about
Nigerian Chief of Defense
Staff Air Marshal Alex Badeh's
statement that the military knew
where the abducted girls were.
"We, as a matter of policy and for
the girls' safety and wellbeing,
would not discuss publicly this
sort of information regardless."
Wednesday, May 28, 2014 Page 15
rogba is Juve's top
target and though he
has been linked with
a return to Stamford
Bridge, recent reports have
suggested he will snub a move to
his former employers.
Eto'o has hardly endeared
himself to Jose Mourinho and
their relationship appears to be
rocky after he branded him a
The Blues are planning a major
overhaul of their squad and Eto'o
is a free agent this summer.
Reports in Italy indicate Eto'o
is the Bianconeri's contingency
option if they can't land Drogba.
Eto'o scored nine goals in 21
Premier League appearances this
eBron James'
performance pushed
the Miami Heat within
one win of the NBA Finals. For
that, Lance Stephenson and the
Indiana Pacers can blame only
James led the Heat to a 3-1 series
lead in the Eastern Conference
fnals during a 102-90 victory
over the Pacers on Tuesday
night. The four-time NBA MVP
had a game-high 32 points, 10
rebounds, fve assists and two
steals a day after Stephenson said
he showed "a sign of weakness"
by trash talking in the previous
contest. Stephenson was hoping
to frustrate James with his
words, but it appeared to have an
opposite effect.
Kufstein (Austria) (AFP) -
amuel Eto'o and
Cameroon's other World
Cup stars are locked
in a battle with their
federation over bonuses for the
tournament, press reports said.
The African team, who will be
playing in their seventh fnals in
Brazil, beat Macedonia 2-0 in
a warmup match in Austria on
Back home the players face
mounting press criticism over their
wage demands.
The Cameroon government last
week offered 61,000 euros, which
the players rejected, and then
increased it to 68,000 euros, which
was also turned down, Cameroon
daily Le Jour reported.
Le Jour said the players were
demanding more than 120 million
CFA francs (182,000 euros) each.
The daily blasted the demand as
The Nouvelle Expression daily
said there is "tension" over the
bonuses, which have been a regular
problems between the players and
their bosses.
At the 2010 World Cup in South
Africa, when Cameroon failed to
get a point and slumped out after
the frst round, the players received
a reported 65,000 euros.
Madrid (AFP) -
helsea striker Fernando
Torres considers it a
"spectacular prize"
just to get back into
Spain's squad for a World Cup
friendly, but has vowed to fght
to secure a ticket on the plane to
The 30-year-old, who last played
for Spain almost a year ago at the
Confederations Cup in Brazil,
was named by coach Vicente del
Bosque in the national squad for
a warmup game against Bolivia
on Friday.

Romelu Lukaku
scored a hat-trick to
lead Belgium to a
5-1 win over Luxembourg and
boost his chances of being his
countrys frst-choice striker at
the World Cup in the absence of
the injured Christian Benteke.
The substitute Nacer Chadli
and Kevin De Bruyne, with a
penalty, scored the other goals.
The game was also noteworthy
for the debut of Manchester
Uniteds winger Adnan Januzaj,
who made an immediate impact.
He gives us an extra dimension,
said Belgiums coach Marc
Wilmots, but warned Januzaj
was still far off getting his spot
in the starting lineup. He faces a
lot of competition.
Pierre Web picked up a left
shoulder injury while scoring
Cameroons frst goal in a 2-0
victory over Macedonia in a
World Cup warm-up game.
Webo beat Macedonias
goalkeeper Tome Pacovski
with an acrobatic bicycle kick
in the 52nd minute but landed
on his arm and left the feld
immediately. The Fenerbahce
striker, who scored his 18th
goal in 54 international matches,
had his left arm in a sling
though there was no immediate
information on the extent of his
In the 84th minute, Eric
Choupo-Moting scored with a
low shot after loose defending
by Macedonia to double
Cameroons lead.
Volker Finkes team, which has
been drawn in Group A with
Mexico, Croatia and hosts Brazil,
was without Samuel Etoo, who
is recovering from a knee injury.
Russia secured a workmanlike
1-0 victory at home to Slovakia,
with the substitute Alexander
Kerzhakov heading the only goal
eight minutes from time. Fabio
Capello chose a strong side, with


seven almost certain to begin
Russias opening World Cup
game against South Korea in
Group H. Our training sessions
were very intense last week, so
the footballers were not in peak
condition, the coach said.
Niko Kranjcar has been ruled out
of the World Cup through injury.
The Croatia midfelder limped
out of Queens Park Rangers
play-off victory over Derby on
Saturday with a hamstring injury.
Joachim Lw has dismissed
suggestions Germanys pre-
World Cup camp resembles
a hospital due to the number
of injured players and said all
would be ft within days.
The captain Philipp Lahm and
goalkeeper Manuel Neuer have
yet to start training after injuries,
while Bastian Schweinsteiger
and Marcel Schmelzer are
training alone. We will travel
to Brazil with a competitive and
good team, said Lw. The
players are working very well
and as it stands now I am very
satisfed. Some are still injured
and cannot fully train with the
team but they are all training
individually and I am very
confdent that it will work out.
Fernando Torres has dismissed
concerns the Spain players may
be over-tired after a grueling
season as the world and European
champions squad gathered for
Fridays World Cup warm-up
game against Bolivia.
Most of the Spain team will be
drawn from Barcelona, Real
Madrid and Atltico Madrid and
the three clubs were involved
in a tense La Liga title battle
that was only decided on the
fnal day. Real and Atltico
also clashed in Saturdays
Champions League fnal, when
forward Diego Costa came off
injured in the ninth minute and
the full-back Juanfran appeared
to be struggling with an injury in
the latter stages.
Its true that the national team
players have been competing
until very recently, Torres said.
But you forget the tiredness
when you go to a World Cup.
It was the same with other
tournaments in the past and it
went well for us. The players
from big clubs are used to having
long seasons.
Serenity does not really reign in
the den of the Indomitable Lions
currently at training camp in
Austria. While Jean Armel Kana
- Biyik and Aurline Chedjou
have still not trained due to
injuries they picked from their
clubs, big concern around the
star of the team.
Samuel Eto'o drags with a knee
pain that prevents him from
training properly. Absent from
the frst warm-up match of
Cameroon on Monday against
Macedonia, the Chelsea striker
is announced in Barcelona
on Tuesday for treatment.
"Samuel Eto'o Fils, captain of
the Indomitable Lions, will
tomorrow (Tuesday, May 27,
2014, ed) make a return trip
to Barcelona, in consultation
with his doctor," told Raphael
Nkoa, Associated Press of the
selection in statements relayed
by Cameroon- info.
At the same time, Achille Webo
had to give up his place in the
game yesterday due to a shoulder
injury after opening the scoring.
The team reached the quarter fnals
in 1990 but have otherwise failed
to get past the frst round.
Their record has been picked up by
critics in the latest money dispute.
"It is urgent to question the
unfettered mercantilism of the
'soldiers' of another kind for whom
we are still waiting for the frst
prizes on the battle feld," said Le
Eto'o watched from the substitutes
bench as Cameroon, who start the
World Cup in Group A against
Brazil, Croatia and Mexico,
confdently beat Macedonia in
Cameroon coach Volker Finke
suffered a shock however
when Pierre Webo performed a
spectacular scissors kick for the
frst goal in the 52nd minute but
fell on his shoulder and had to be
helped off the feld.
Finke played down the gravity
of the injury to the Fenerbahce
striker, however, saying: "I don't
think it's too serious."
Choupo Moting, who plays in
Germany, scored the second goal.
Cameroon's frst match is against
Mexico on June 13, before Croatia
on June 18 and Brazil on June 23.
Finke did not talk about the bonus
dispute. He said "it is a diffcult
group, but we are not going their
for a holiday."
The team have a second warmup
game against Paraguay in Austria
on Thursday.
PRICE L$40 VOL 8 NO.603 WEDNESDAY, MAY 28, 2014
Declining demand for iron ore from China, as well as the falling price, are factors that
are beyond the post-war nations control, according to the Economist Magazine
RON ORE has played a big part in
Liberias economic resuscitation
since it emerged from civil war
a decade ago, but there could be
trouble ahead. Leaders in the tiny west
African state are concerned about falling
demand from China, the main customer
for its prime commodity export. We are
worried, admits fnance minister Amara
Konneh. The declining demand for iron
ore from China, as well as the falling
price, are factors that are beyond our
Iron ore prices have fallen 11% in the
past month and are now at their lowest
since 2012. China has been almost single-
handedly responsible for the doubling of
demand for iron ore since 2000, and its
imports are still increasing. However,
analysts expect that to change over the
coming years. China announced fnancing
curbs for ore imports in April.
Foreign investors have pumped billions
of dollars into iron ore projects since
peace was restored in Liberia, and revived
production has spurred economic growth
in recent years. But reliance on demand
from a single foreign economy is a worry.
Falling prices have caught Liberia off
guard. Few jobs have been created during
eleven years of peace, nor has the country
diversifed away from resources. Iron ore
now represents about 25% of GDP. If
Chinas market slows, Liberia will be left
scrabbling for revenue elsewhere.

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