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Patumahoe Village Incorporated

General Meeting Minutes April 8th 2014

Patumahoe Tennis Clubrooms
Meeting Opened at 7.00 pm

Present: Wayne Carter, Alan Cole, Bruce Carter, Vicki Lacy, Glenn Hunter, Andrew Sinclair, Emma Murtagh, Paula

Apologies: Vicky Murray, Gary Morriss, Kay Carter, Debbie Langton

1. Minutes of previous meeting March 11 2014
Minutes of the previous meeting taken as read and accepted - Moved Vicki Lacy, Andrew Sinclair

2. Treasurer's report
Presented by Vicki Lacy - Moved Andrew Sinclair, Paula Crosswell

3. Correspondence
Invoice from NZ Post for PO Box fee $135
Payment approval agreed. - Moved Glenn Hunter, Andrew Sinclair

4. Welcome to the neighbourhood street party
Discussion moved onto the neighbourhood street party to be held on Sunday 13 April 11am - 2pm on the last empty
section in Searle Drive.
Purchases so far:
$118-00 Daffodil bulbs,
$13 bags,
$85.47 Postcards of Te Ara O Whangamaire, and gift tags
Some incidentals may need to be purchased and approval has been given to the purchase of the small gift for the
owners of the section.

Emma Murtagh
The Looking After Locals project will provide the sausages, sauce, and bread. Emma will print out the flyers which will
be drawn tonight after the schedule has been finalised. Also, has arranged for the use of the school gazebos,
pinboards tables and chairs. Emma will also use her contact list to compile a list of clubs, organisations and groups to
hand out. Emma has offered to help PVI with delivery of flyers.

Will doorknock the residents to remind them of the event and will arrange for the BBQ to be set up on the day. Will
also provide extra hands to help set up. Glenn Hunter will conduct a guided walk of the village. The local volunteer
fire service will be along to inform the new residents of the services offered.

All agreed to the proposed schedule and outlay.
(Emma Murtagh - gave her apologies and left the meeting).

2. 19 March 2014 - Community meeting feedback
Discussion around this meeting was primarily regarding the concerns that people had, and some of the unanswered
questions that had been addressed in subsequent follow up posts. It was reiterated that the event was purely to
initiate community discussion in order to determine from informed community whether there was support for
community input into this reserve.

It was concluded that discussion - as long as it informed - would continue to allow for an authentic community
response when development occurred and opportunities for input were given.

PVI will look at ways to do this effectively in the future.

3. Other business
A general discussion on traffic impacts in Patumahoe took place, with clear indication that everyone considered it to
be a concern, although one person expressed a belief that roads would change when necessary. As this is an
ongoing project for several groups in Patumahoe, there was no action proposed for PVI to take on this discussion.

Feedback on the Jim Diers event was requested. Disappointment was expressed on the lack of grassroots
community people attending. Many of those invited were already leaders in business, council and community and
were not the usual audience for this speaker at a local level. It was expressed that this was a missed opportunity to
engage the target groups of the Looking After Locals project. This feedback was provided in the context of giving
direction for further events.

Meeting closed at 8.30 Next meeting is Tuesday 10 June 2014
Patumahoe Village Incorporated

General Meeting Minutes March 11
, 2014
Patumahoe Junior Boys Rugby Club
Meeting Opened at 7.15pm

Present: Paula Crosswell, Andrew Sinclair, Louise Sinclair, Vicki Lacy, Glenn Hunter, Julie Evans, Emma Murtagh, Ron

Apologies: Simon Bennett
Moved that apologies be accepted
Moved Louise, Paula CrosswellAgreed

1. Minutes of previous meeting:
Moved that previous minutes were accurate
Moved: Louise, Vicki Agreed

2. Treasurers report Vicki presented financial report. Glenn noted that Paulas contract is covering travel expenses. Also noted
that the AGM needs to be set for early August as Glenn is away from mid-August.

Move that the financial report is accepted
Vicki, Glenn Agreed

3. Correspondence
None noted

4. General Business
1. Patumahoe hill:
Powerpoint has been circulated for feedback.
FCN will have an article in Thursdays paper and information is going out in school newsletters. Ron said there is room for
a sign near the school sign.
Flyers will be hand delivered to the new subdivision and the rest of Patumahoe residential area.
The idea of the public meeting is for information sharing and to begin to guage community support for future plans for the
summit area. If there is substantial support then we will need to understand what is required next before the consent
Paula expressed concern that support gathered now could fade away and that raising public awareness at the time of the
consent process would be more effective.
Andrew hoped that presenting the power point would be a shared process with an introduction/chairing by Peter Hardy.
After power point, record feedback/suggestions and have evaluation forms.

2. Website Upgrade
PVI needs software upgraded. Funding for this was in the DIA budget with the approximate cost being $1500. Need to add LAL
pages. Paula will be included in the discussions with Tanya and Emma.

Emma working on a number of projects but primarily waiting on the outcome of the Jim Diers workshop before finalising
the annual plan.
Ron commented that it had been a very positive start with lots of contact with different groups and Emma meeting with the
local board.
Evolution of the Steering committee - Currently meeting once a month and they have agreed to stay together until the end
of June. See what happens after Jim Diers. DIA require a certain type of governance and reporting for LAL project. Emma out and
about looking to shoulder tap people for this role. Would like to see the transition of new steering committee in May/June. Any
suggestions very welcome.
4. Signs

Thanks Simon for the progress so far.

5. PVI and LAL communication

Good to keep working on how we can share knowledge, ideas and future event planning. LAL is required to
consult and develop the annual plan. Street parties are very good events for getting community ideas in a
relaxed setting. PVI experienced in running these and happy to work with Emma in having a party in the new
Links on PVI website and school websites/newsletters

Meeting closed at 8.45pm. Next meeting is Tuesday April 8

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