Lesson Plan For Thomas Jones Maori Haka Presentation

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Lesson Plan for Thomas Jones

Maori Haka presentation

Length of lesson- 40 minutes
Number of students- 6,7 or 8.
Module- Learning about maori haka.
Learning aim- The students will learn more about the maori haka, why it is
used, when they are performed and have the opportunity to take part in one as
a group.
Lesson objectives- By the end of this lesson, students will be able to
explain what a haka is and why they are being performed and know how it feels
to perform one.
Personal objectives- My objectives for my professional development are
to learn how to research a specific topic and confidently teach it to a group
whilst trying to include people and to expand on the classes past experience and

Entry assessment- Firstly I will ask questions to see what they already know
about the haka and move from there. Show a video of a basic haka to see if
anyone has performed one before and to set the tone of the class.
Introductory activities- Pukana. A voice and hand action game involving
maori words and actions used in the haka. It will warm everybody up and I will
see who is confident and who is not.
Awareness talk- Inform the class of the goals, basic overview of the lesson
and what I expect behaviour wise.
Introduction to haka- Ask for everyone opinion of haka. What are they used
for, when and how are they performed? How do you feel when performing a
haka? Get past experience from class.
Show a video of different hakas. Some performed very well in perfect unison,
loud and proud, with others done quite badly with out of time actions, unclear
dialogue and unconfident participants. A flash mob haka which has satirical value
but still lies within the confines of tradition.
Expand on other countries that perform the haka and slight differences between
the cultures. Show a video of a maori kapahaka group performing the haka in
London to a large group of people who have never seen one before. Talk about
how the actions of a small group of people can have such a large impact of
people as it has over 170,000 views.
Cultural awareness. Every culture is different but maori is part of New
Zealand so it is important to embrace it and share it among other cultures.
Enforce the importance of diversity as well as the ability to be proud of who you
are and of New Zealanders as a whole.
Maori costumes- What they wear and what its made out of. Ta Moko, tipare,
piupiu, korowai. The significance of the black, red and white colours that are the
three colours on the maori flag.
Practical work- Teach them the importance of Ka Mate haka, translation,
history (where and who it came from). Teach them words, actions and
Performance in front of a group or alone in a classroom. Students can vote.

Reflection time- Class seated in front of me. Ask students how they enjoyed
it and whether or not they achieved the lesson objectives.
I can evaluate whether or not I have achieved my personal objective.

Lesson evaluation- I had a good subject matter of the content and was
able to provide accurate information to the students.
I allocated as much time as possible to course content and provided students
with sufficient opportunities to learn and ask questions.
I communicated clearly, was positive and enthusiastic about the subject matter,
my students achievements and their efforts to learn and improve.

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