ICE Guidance Memo - Procedures For Identification of Gang Members & Reporting of Gang Statistics (8-24-07)

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Depllrtlnclll of Hurnelllnd Sectlrii~·

~25 I Street, NW
\\'3shlslglOil. DC" 20.5){)

u.s. Immigration
and Customs

AUG 2 4 2007


FROM: Marcy M. F01111an i~, (41 f--

Director CJ
SUBJECT: Procedures for thc Identifieation of Gang Members and
Associates and the Reporting of Gang Statistics

The purpose of this memorandum is to annOlffice the initiation of a national validation project
and provide updated guidance on the criteria used to define gang membership and reponing
procedures for gang enforcement statistics. ICE Headquarters (HQ), Office of Investigations
(Of), initiated Operation Community Shield (OCS) in Febmary 2005 to address the public
safety threat posed by transnational gangs. To ensure the accurate reporting of gang member
and associate arrests, it is essential that all field offices be Imifonl1 in their reporting,

Statistical Validation Project

In un effort to validate the statistics generated to date with Ol's reporting requirements, the
Human Rights Violators and Pnblic Safety Unit (HRVPSU) will immediately initiate a national
validation project. HRVPSU will be working with 01 Exeeutive Infonl1ation and Operations
East and West to distribute OCS reports to the field for validation. S,AC offices will verify
cun'cnt arrest data on gang mcmbers and associates since the last validation project in October
2006 and provide HRVPSU information on any discrepancies. 01 Operations will transmit
these reports under separate cover.

To ensure the accuracy of future OCS statistics, HRVPSV Program Managers Will, on a
weekly basis, review the statistics generatcd as a result of gang en forcement entries i11l0 TECS,
Enforce, SEN, and ICEGangs, and subsequently preparc a monthly report for the SAC field
offices. All SAC orGces will review the monthly OCS rcpol1 and immediately notify
HRVPSU of any discrcpancies. Compliance with this rcporting procedure is necessary to
identify potential problem areas and ensure accuracy in reporting gang statistics.

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Memorandum for Special Agents in Charge Page 2
Procedures for Reporting Gang Enforcement Statistics Related to Operation Community Shield

Operation Communit

Reporting Gang Member and Associate Arrests

For the purposes ofreporring DCS statistics, all definable gang members, associates and
collateral arrestees are to be counted as an OCS arrest when processing either the
Enforce or TECS database. The HRVPSU created TECS P
for reporting DCS enforcement actions.
Memorandum for Special Agents in Charge Page 3
Procedures for Reporting Gang Enforcement Statistics Related to Operation Community Shield

While TECS remains the case management system for 01 and will become the system that OCS
statistics are drawn !Tom, the submission of a Significant Incident Report (SIR) is critical for HQ
reporting. The Significant Enforcement Notification (SEN) system is the primary mechanism for
the initial reporting of gang member, gang associate an . est orts
have been completed in TECS andlor ENFORCE.

cc: Director, Office of Detention and Removal Operations

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