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INVOICE INV: 1 4 4 0 Save A Life Foundation, Inc.

9950 W Lawrence Ave Sle 300

Schiller Park, Illinois 60176
847-928-9683 Fax 847-92R-9684
Date: March 24, 2004

TO Attention: N . Balach
Chicago Public Schools
Chicago, Illinois

Commitment from Chicago Public Schools for training $24,500

elementary school students in life supporting first aid
skills which will take place in approximately 15 schools
with approximately 2400 students.

Suh-Tntal s 24,500,00
Please make all checks payable to the Save A Life Foundation, Inc. ,00
Include a copy of this invoke.
Total s 24,500.00

p o. 7 S~Zt=><^i. (z>

Nellie V.BalfchTManiigcr. Office of CEO

09^14^2005 17-. 07 SOUE P LIFE FOUNDATION -> 17735531302 NO.668 G>02

Save A Life Foundation, Inc.

9950 W L a w r e n c e A. we., Suite 3 0 0
Schiller Park. I I . 6 0 1 7 6
□ ale - Invoice #

9/6/2005 1695

Bill To

C h i c a g o P u b l i c Schools
Accounts Payable
P O B o * 66 I
C h i c a g o . 1L 6 0 6 9 0 - O 6 6 I

P O. (la Sain \>y

Due On receipt

Description Qty Rate Amount

Commicnient f r o m Chicago Public Schools fur (raining elementary school atutfcnM I 21.JOO.00 ^3,500.30
in life supporting first aid skills w h i c h w i l l take place in approximately I 5 schools
with a p p r o x i m a t e l y 2 4 0 0 students
VendorU 30817 ^ tP&j&W


P.P. {/y<5Lf>f+f
KCPT f ^ R E C

Approvn _
Nellie V BafaStlManager,
8 CUTice oi' CEO ~
Thank yo\i for helping »* Snvc Live*
Total ~t?fly3ftf>6»

Service C h o r e e o f I 5 % per month w i l l be asaested on balances after 3 0 days

Payments/Credits £0 00

Balance Due 3*4,50(1.00

09^3B^2O05 09:51 SOUE ft LIFE FOUNDATION -n 17735531501 NO.693 DQ2

S a v e A Life F o u n d a t i o n , Inc.
9950 W Lflwence Ave., Sbiie 300
Schiller Park. IL 60176
Date Invoice *

9/28/2005 1706

Bill To

Chicngo Public Schools

Accounts Payable
P O Box 66 1
Chicago, IL 60690-0661

Sow by
1035089 Due on receipt

Description □ty Rats Amount

For the remainder on the Commitment from ChLcogo Public Scliools for training 4,500.00 4,500 00
elementary school student* in life supporting first aid skills nhith will take place in
approximately 15 schools with approximately 2400 students. This is fov the
2005-2006 school year.
Vendor W30817

Manager, Office
Otrice aCCE<
Tlmnk you for helping ui Suvt Li*«
Total £4.500.00

Service Charge of I 5% per month will be assessed on balances aftor 30 dflys

Payments/Credits £0.00

Balance Due £4,500.00

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