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Yaquelin Cervantes

Mr. Vinson
U.S. History
March 5, 2014
The 1950 are an era of change and inconformitys. This is made
apparent in the radical change in their music from soft and innocent to
rocknroll, theyre progressive and questioning way of thinking, as well as the
new everyday convenience items. The 1950s do not deserve its reputation as
an era of political, social, and cultural conformity.
Music has always been a part of are lives, and before the 1950s the
more popular music were the blues and jazz, both low and mellow sounding,
but during the 1950s music started gaining life. Popular artist of that time
were Elvis Presley, Richie Valence, and buddy Holly. Document D shows that
teens All day long you been/ Wantin' to dance / Feelin' the music from head
to toe / 'Round and 'round and 'round you go "School Days"- by Chuck Berry.
Document H talks about teenagers that felt marginalized, and would listen to
songs about high school sweethearts, wild parties, and fast cars. Document H
shows that songs were breaking taboos with their lyrics, and even song
artists, an example of this is that after the televise performance of Elvis
Presley singing hound dog on the Milton Berle Show he was only filmed
from his torso up because of his hip movements.
Equality thoughts are communist thoughts, or so McCarthy declared.
From 1947 to 1954 it is known as the second red scare or McCarthyism after
its most famous supporter, who accused hundreds of people to be spies for
the Soviet Union.
Document E shows that while some people believed that activist for racial
equality where not communist that did not mean that they were trusted.
Document E also shows that you could not trust anyone, because if you spoke
against McCarthy you would be considered a communist, and if you stayed
silent then you were a cowered for not standing up for what you believe in or
what you think is right. Document C shows that even the housewife was
questioning if this was all life was.
The need for more household convenience increased. When the war
ended, many young men and women decided it was the best time to get
married causing a huge increase of households, and so a demand for more
houses and household convenience items such as refrigerators went up, this
also cause what we know as the baby boomers. Document A shows the
output of televisions, air conditioners, and cloths dryers, and their increase as
the years passed. Document B shows cookie cutter houses, these houses
were made quickly to house all of the new families. Document G shows a
young family watching a television set, as you can see the three children all
seem to be the same age, no doubt that they are part of the baby boomers.
As you can see the 1950s does not deserve its reputation as an era of
political, social, and cultural conformity. Its radical change in music, their
way of thinking, and their household needs. This topic is historically
important because it was the beginning of are modern living style, and the
evolution of music.

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