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Worship Itinerary June 2014

June 1, 2014 7th Sunday of Easter

Bible Study: John 17:1-11 Spirit Of Witness
Sermon: Acts 1:6-14 Quietly Moving Forward
In our hurry up and get it done world, God invites us to take things slowly.
Thought for the Day
Never be in a hurry; do everything quietly and in a calm spirit. Do not lose your inner peace for anything
whatsoever, even if your whole world seems upset.
The theme of restoration unifies these readings. In Acts, the disciples ask Jesus if it is the time
when he will restore the kingdom to Israel. The psalmist extols God as the Father of orphans and
the protector of widowsthe One who restores the fortunes of the weak, the One who provides
for the needy. The epistle exhorts the faithful to bear their suffering a while longer, for God will
restore, support, strengthen, and establish them in due course (5:10 NRSV). In the Gospel,
Jesus assures the faithful that they no longer need restoration, for he will glorify them as God has
glorified him. Indeed, the point of restoration is summed up in Jesus hope that we may all be
one, as he and God, his Mother and Father, are one.

Call to Worship
Let the earth quake. Let the heavens pour down rain in the presence of our mighty God.
Let the wicked flee like smoke in a mighty wind. Let the unrighteous tremble and shake
like thunder in the mountains.
For God, the Father of orphans, the Mother and protector of widows, rescues the perishing, but
sends the rebellious to a parched land.
Sing to God, O kingdoms of the earth. Sing praises to our God.
Awesome is our God in the sanctuary of heaven. Awesome is the One who gives power to the
Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel. God is greatly to be praised.

June 8, 2014 Day of Pentecost
Bible Study: Acts 2:1-21 Pentecost Sunday
Sermon: John 20:19-23 The Gift Of The Holy Spirit
We are one in the Spirit.
Thought for the Day
The Holy Spirit . . . calls, gathers, enlightens, and makes holy the whole Christian church.

Wind and fire, discordant voices and languages, vivid dreams and visions, and an outpouring of
the Holy Spirit establish the inauguration of an entirely new era. With the ushering in of the Holy
Spirit, the disciples are empowered to proclaim the gospel of the risen Christ. The Apostle Peter
captures the moment and preaches to the crowd, witnessing to the death and resurrection of Jesus
Christ and to the forgiveness of sins. Through word and sacrament, the Holy Spirit enables us to
believe in and proclaim Christ as our savior. Pentecost, and its celebratory nature, calls us to
move from our safe, convenient upper rooms into the world around usa world that thirsts for
a redeeming word and a loving gesture. Through the gift of the Holy Spirit, the church is invited
to celebrate this day with great joy and thanksgiving.

Call to Worship
A new era has dawned:
an era ushered in by Gods Holy Spirit,
an era heralded by rushing wind and flames of fire.
Unfamiliar voices startle our expectations.
God has sent the Holy Spirit to lead us onward.
The Spirit comes and we are transformed.
A new age has begun.
Praise God for new life!
Praise God for the birth of the church,
born of the power of the Holy Spirit!

June 15, 2014 Trinity Sunday
Bible Study: Genesis 1:1-2:4a This Is Good.
Sermon: Matthew 28:16-20 Our Call To Action
God creates, redeems, and makes holy. We are invited to join in this saving work.
Thought for the Day
In the Son and in the Spirit, God comes to us totally.

From the beginning to the ending of existence, Gods unselfish bounty and purposes are shown
in each of todays scriptures. The Trinity is present in each moment of creation, making
humankind in Gods image and likeness. In pondering the infinite wonders of the universe, the
psalmist is overwhelmed by Gods majesty and by Gods care for each one of us. We are
empowered with all authority in heaven and on earth by the Creator, Christ, and Holy Spirit to
bring Gods peace and love to all: in discipleship, baptism, and teaching. Grace, love, and
communion abound in Gods presence.

Call to Worship
One: The Lord God grants us life and salvation.
All: O Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth.
One: The Lord God created the moon, the stars, and all things.
All: O Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth.
One: We are made in the image of our Lord God.
All: We praise and thank you, O Lord.
One: Fill us with your Holy Spirit, Lord.
All: Renew us in body and spirit this day by the power of your Word.

June 22, 2014 2nd Sunday after Pentecost
Bible Study: Romans:6:1-11 New Life In Christ
Sermon: Matthew 10:24-39 Spiritual Irony
Discipleships high demands are encouraged by Gods abiding care.
Thought for the Day
The God who calls us cares about us.
As we leave the Easter-Pentecost cycle behind, we turn to the Ordinary Season of lections that
are chosen chronologically, rather than thematically. Each week, the Psalm will relate to the
lesson from the Hebrew Scriptures. The Epistle readings will take us through Pauls letter to the
church in Rome, and the Gospel lessons will take us chronologically through Matthews account
of Jesus life and ministry. Todays readings, disparate though they may be, all hold a sense of
irony as fortunes are reversed, opposites are lifted up, and harsh realities are held in tension with
the hope and trust we strive to proclaim as people of faith. Our yearning to be heard by God
amidst deep anguish is reflected in Hagars story.

Call to Worship
Lift up your voice.
God hears the cry of the faithful.
Sing praise to Christ.
Christs name is worthy of praise.
Turn now to God.
God awaits us here.

June 29, 2014 3rd Sunday after Pentecost
Bible Study: Matthew 10:40-42 Holy Welcome
Sermon: Jeremiah 28:5-9 Seeing Gods Child In Everyone
Let us never forget that we are Gods children.

Thought for the Day
One of the great contributions of Jesus to religious thought is his uninhibited association of himself with
God, and each person with God.

Todays scriptures speak of trust in God, even in difficult times. In Genesis, Abraham sets out to
accomplish an impossible, agonizing task, only to find that Gods love has gone before him to
provide all that he needs. Psalm 13 speaks of struggle, where God seems hidden; yet even then,
the psalmist understands that Gods love is steadfast and that life will return with joy. The epistle
proclaims freedom from sin and abundant life in Jesus Christ. The Gospel encourages people to
welcome others as God has welcomed us. In all these God provides: a ram for the sacrifice,
steadfast love to those who despair, righteousness instead of sin, and a welcome for all people.

Call to Worship
Come, everyone, come and worship!
God welcomes us all.
Come, all whose hearts are heavy.
God welcomes us all.
Come, all who doubt.
God welcomes us all.
Come, all who trust in God.
God welcomes us all.
Come, everyone, come and worship!

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