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2014/5/27 -NO.

Eleven chemical weapons inspectors abducted in Syria
Reconciliation held in al-Qadam and Assali
Legitimate Body
says Presidential
Election is illegal
Mujahideen army
controls Brej and
Coming days to
bring about big
Marowh appointed Coalitions
representative in Amman
Page NO.2 The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 (490) 2014/5/27
Marowh appointed Coalitions representative in Amman
Mujahideen army controls Brej and Helan
Mohammed Mraweh is ap-
pointed, as a representative,
to run Coalition offce in
Jordan after Syrian ambas-
sador Bahjat Suleiman was
expelled, according to op-
position sources. No off-
cial statement has yet been
issued by Jordanian gov-
ernment.Syrian ambassador
Bahjat Suleiman left Jordan
after being declared per-
sona non grata and ordered
to leave within 24 hours,
over recurring insults of
the Kingdom and its polic-
es following the launch of
Eager Lion Maneuvers.
Amman said the decision
Syrian army colonel, Iyad
Ali Harfouch was killed
along with 70 soldiers dur-
ing severe battles with Mu-
jahideen Army fghters,
who dominated Brej and
Helan towns near Aleppo
Central Prison and the In-
dustrial city, advancing to-
ward Aghoub hill.
implies no change in the
Kingdom`s policy toward
Syria`s crisis, Syria can
appoint a new ambassador,
the source said.On a paral-
lel context, Hanan al-Balkhi
will be representing the Co-
alition in Norway.
Coming days to bring about big changes
Opposition sources said
there has been a prevail-
ing international trend to
provide opposition mili-
tants with anti-craft missiles
and surface-to-air missile
(SAM).the coming days
will bring about big chang-
es in power balance with
SAA, sources indicated.
Page NO.3
The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 (490) 2014/5/27
Father Paolo alive, op-
Reconciliation held in
al-Qadam and Assali
Reconciliation is about to
take place in al-Qadam and
Assali districts in Damascus
northern countryside, under
which more than 4700 mili-
tants will emerge out with-
out weapons and only 2 %
will leave with their weap-
ons to other areas.
A Jesuit priest missing since
July is alive in an area of
northern Syria that is con-
trolled by an Islamist op-
position group allied with
Al-Qaida, opposition, source
saidThe priest disappeared
from the northern Syrian city
of Raqqa on July 28. A web-
site favoring the Syrian gov-
ernment previously reported
that the priest had been exe-
cuted, but neither the Vatican
nor the Italian government
could confrm the claim.
Ajnad al-Sham controls Qanafez village
Eleven chemical weapons inspectors abducted
in Syria
Abdel Azim: Opposition to stay out of election
Legitimate Body says Presidential Election
is illegal
Dozens of army soldiers
were killed in Qnafez vil-
lage in Hama countryside
while clashing with Ajnad
al-Sham in the central prov-
ince of Hama.
An 11strong teams from the
international chemical weap-
ons watchdog have been
kidnapped on a fact-fnding
mission in the central Syr-
ian province of Hama, Syr-
General coordinator of the
opposition National Coor-
dination Committee (NCC),
Hassan Abdel Azim, said
that opposition parties have
decided, under the present
circumstances, not to partici-
pate in Syrian Presidential
election.we have been in-
formed that the government
is willing to have us in the
ian foreign ministry said on
Tuesday.Eleven people --
fve Syrian drivers and six
other members of the Or-
ganization for the Prohibi-
tion of Chemical Weapons
team who were on board two
vehicles -- have been kid-
napped, the ministry said.
On the other hand, Organiza-
tion of chemical weapons de-
nied the Regimes story.
cabinet, but we have turned
down the offer; we think that
every party should be includ-
ed in the solution, Abdel
Azim declared.
Legitimate Body in Aleppo
has banned in a statement
participation in the upcoming
presidential election, whoev-
er takes part in the elections,
under any circumstances, is
an accomplice in the regime`s
crimes, the statement read.

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