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Three Approaches to Public Administration

- PA lacks coherence and contains three relatively distinct approaches that
grow out of different perspectives on its functions.
view it as a managerial endeavor, similar to practices in the private sector.
emphasize its political aspects, stressing the 'publicness' of PA.
view it as a distinctly legal matter, noting the importance of sovereignty,
constitutions, and regulation in PA.
- Each of these approaches stress different values, procedural and structural
arrangement for the operation of PA. We are going to deal with the
the gist of these three approaches
how each is present in the various central activities of contemporary PA
[1] The Managerial Approach to PA
1) General Characteristics
- tends to minimize the distinction b/ public and private administration.
- PA is essentially the same as big business and ought to be run according to
the same managerial principles and values (businesslike manner, nonpolitical)
- rooted in the 19th century civil service reformers who complained at 'the
spoils system' (corruption, inefficiency, and the emergence of a class of
- appointment : based on 'merit' and 'fitness' rather than political partisanship
- tenure : based on their efficiency and effectiveness
- depend on the existence of politics and administration dichotomy.
- put forward by Woodrow Wilson (1887), "PA is a field of business".
- (values) PA is geared toward maximizing effectiveness, efficiency, economy
- This approach became the orthodox or classical view of how the public
service should be run.
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2) Organizational Structure - Bureaucratic Organization
- maximize the amount of output per unit of input (efficiency)
- stress the need for a division of labor (specialization): become expert at~
- requires coordination
- hierarchy : a chain of authority
- programs & functions be clearly assigned to specific organizational unit
(overlapping authority)
- organized along formalistic line
- classified according to "scientific principles and one organized into a
rational scheme.
- selected based on merit.
3) Criticism
- Some criticize that PA is evaluated through administrative values such as
efficiency (good) or inefficiency (bad) in terms of a mathematical relationship
of 'inputs' to 'outputs'.
4) View of the Individual
- promotes an impersonal view of individuals
- dehumanization to be the special virtue of bureaucracy, viewing the
bureaucrat as a "cog" in an organization machine over which one has virtually
no control
- the worker has to adapt to the machine ; the machine is not engineered to
suit on individual worker's physical, mental, social, and emotional
- is considered essential to the maximization of efficiency, economy, and
5) Cognitive Approach
- emphasizes a scientific method in developing knowledge.
- cognition as a science, Woodrow Wilson in 1887(The Study of Administration)
L. White(1926), L. Gulick & L. Urwick(1937).
- contribute to developing generalization about administrative behavior.
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6) Budgeting
- favoring rational budget system
- building cost-effectiveness considerations into the formulation of budgets.
7) Decision-making
- rational decision making - consider all plausible alternatives and choose the
one that most cost-effective
[2] The Political Approach to P.A.
1) General Characteristics
- public administrators participate in public policy making in the sense of
practical reality.
- stress the values of representativeness, political responsiveness, and
ex) (US) The Federal Civil Service Reform Act of 1978 - representativeness.
(Korea) ( )-representativeness
(representativeness), (reponsiveness)
- Values b/ managerial and political approaches conflict with each other.
- Sometimes, hard to measure effectiveness
2) Organizational Structure
- rather than emphasizing the characteristics of a hierarchical organizations,
stress the extent and advantages of political pluralism within PA, reflecting
the values, conflicts, and competing forces to be found in a pluralistic society
- enable competing groups to counteract each other by providing political
representation to various groups.
3) Criticism
- overlapping of missions and programs
- make government unmanageable, costly "inefficient"
4) View of Individual
- to aggregate the individual into a broad social, economic, or political group.
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- turn an individual into a "member of group", identifying the individuals interest
as being similar to those of others
ex) affirmative action (minority, women), , black vote, farm vote,
U.R. round, , labor
- the individual personality exists, but it is addressed in collective terms.
5) Cognitive Approach
- bases decisions on the opinions of the public, interest groups, and media.
- techniques : elections, public opinion surveys, content analysis of letters,
review of citizen's view
6) Budgeting
- views budgets as political, rather than business, document, (allocations are
formal statements of how the political system ranks competing values.)
- contributed to incrementalism, a budgeting process that tends to accept
agencies current budgets as a base to next year's allocations will be made
7) Decision Making
- incremental style of decision making called "muddling through"
[3] The Legal Approach to PA
1) General Characteristics
- views PA as applying and enforcing the law in concrete circumstances
- the movement toward the judicialization of PA - the tendency for
administrative processes increasingly to resemble courtroom procedures.
- derived from two main sources
administrative law ( , ,
constitutional law (hearings in case of cruel investigation, unusual
punishment, sexual harrassment): to protect equality and privacy
- values (rule of law)
due process of law (procedural due process) - to protect fundamental
fairness, individuals from malicious, arbitrary, unconstitutional deprivation
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of life, liberty, or property
substantive rights - equal protection of the laws - maximization of
individual rights and liberty as a positive good
equity - stands for the value of fairness
2) Organizational Structure
- on that will maximize the use of adjudicatory (adversary procedure)
3) Criticism
- downgrading of the cost-effectiveness reasoning associated with the
managerial approach.
4) View of the Individual
- consider the individual as a unique person in unique set of circumstance.
(ex) Before a mandatory maternity leave could be imposed on a pregnant
public school teacher, she was entitled to an individualized medical
determination of her fitness to continue on the job.
- member of class in a class-action suit
- reasonable person.
5) Cognitive Approach
- Inductive Case Analysis ( )
- Deductive Legal Analysis ( )
- Normative Reasoning
- Adversary Process
6) Budgeting
- emphasizes constitutional integrity and the need to protect constitutional rights
(Rights Funding)
7) Decision making
- Precedential Incrementalism
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