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WHS Workplace Inspection Checklist

for Office Environments

Campus: Faculty/School/Unit
Inspection Site:
Inspection Date:
Workplace Inspection eam:
!ame: !ame:
1. 5.
2. 6.
3. 7.
4. 8.
" #es $ " !o !% = Not Applicable
Office Safety an& Er'onomics # ! !% Comments
Desk and chair suitable for reuired tasks
!hairs are easil" ad#ustable $hei%ht and back
'ootrests and docu(ent holders a)ailable
$*here reuired&
+a"out of *ork area is suitable for tasks and
reduces bendin% , t*istin% , o)erreachin%
Adeuate rest breaks taken durin% repetiti)e
tasks or those tasks reuirin% sustained postures
$t"pin% , sittin% etc&
-ea)" or freuentl" used ite(s are stored at
*aist hei%ht
+aptops onl" used for short periods or additional
er%ono(ic euip(ent pro)ided
.ersons protected fro( sharp ob#ects
'ree standin% fittin%s $e.%. filin% cabinets ,
bookcases& secure and stable
All recommendations for workstation ergonomics are based upon Australian Standard AS 3590 - 1990 Screen based Workstations, part
2 Workstation !urniture"# $%efer to t&e following diagram to assist in interpretation of t&e following assessments'
%CU ( OHS Workplace Inspection Checklist for Office Environments 1
-ei%ht of *ork surface
/f fi0ed 1 682(( to 722(( abo)e floor
/f ad#ustable 1 582(( 1 732(( abo)e
floor le)el
/s the area of the *ork surface sufficient3
4idth 1 1522(( (in.
Depth 1 522(( (in.
/s there sufficient le% roo(3
4idth 1 822(( (in.
Depth 6 552(( (in
-ei%ht 6 582(( (in
!an user %et to *orkstation *ithout i(pedi(ent3
$(&eck t&at t&e desktop is t&in, c&air arms are
not in t&e wa) and t&ere is clear legroom#'
7ie*in% distance bet*een e"e and screen is
bet*een 422(( 6 722(( $ar(8s len%th&
/s the screen located to pre)ent %lare3
4hen head is erect9 the top of screen should be
in line *ith the e"es.
Are all often used ite(s *ithin eas" reach3
$*&e) s&ould be wit&in normal arm reac& wit&
minimum trunk mo+ement#'
Are the user8s forear(s parallel *ith the desktop
or arched sli%htl" do*n*ard3 $*&is can be
ac&ie+ed b) lowering t&e desk to suit t&e user,
or, wit& a fi,ed - &eig&t desk, raising t&e c&air'
/s the ke"board detached fro( the screen to
ensure a co(fortable *orkin% position3
)anual Han&lin' asks *)H+ # ! !% Comments
Are there lar%e9 a*k*ard or hea)" ob#ects to be
:as" access to freuentl" used ite(s 6 stored
bet*een knee and shoulder
-ea)" ite(s are stored at *aist hei%ht
;tep ladders or step stools are used to access
ite(s stored on hi%h shel)es.
Adeuate space for use of appropriate (anual
handlin% techniues or (echanical aids
Adeuac" and ser)iceabilit" of liftin% de)ices ,
stackin% aids , trolle"s , handcarts etc
Housekeepin' # ! !% Comments
'loors9 includin% aisles9 passa%e*a"s and
landin%s 1 clean and in %ood condition
Access , e%ress points al*a"s kept clear
;tora%e areas 6 obstruction free and tid"
4ork Areas 6 clean and tid"
<idiness 1 tea (akin% , rest areas
4aste disposal bins 1 adeuate and ser)iced
In&oor Environment # ! !% Comments
7entilation , airflo* is adeuate
+i%htin% suitable and adeuate for tasks
=lare le)els satisfactor" for tasks
<e(perature ran%e co(fortable
No s(okin% polic" (aintained
Noise le)els (eet standards
%ccess / E'ress # ! !% Comments
%CU ( OHS Workplace Inspection Checklist for Office Environments 2
.assa%e*a"s 1 free fro( obstructions9 electrical
cords and other trip ha>ards
:0its 1 accessible9 si%nposted9 adeuatel" lit9 not
Adeuac" of traffic flo*
!ondition of floors9 carpets9 stair treads9
handrails9 landin%s9 etc
Fire Safety # ! !% Comments
'ire euip(ent ser)iceabilit" 6 inspected and
ta%%ed *ithin last 6 (onths.
'ire euip(ent adeuac" 6 ri%ht t"pe
'ire euip(ent accessibilit"
;tora%e of fla((able (aterials
'ire escape facilities and e)acuation plans and
procedures in place
First %i& an& Hy'iene # ! !% Comments
'irst aid kit,s easil" accessible and in pro(inent
'irst aid si%na%e 6 clearl" )isible
'irst Aid ?it is checked re%ularl" and stocked
*ith appropriate contents
'irst Aid @fficers identified and accessible.
<reat(ent record card is in the kit and is used.
Ablutions 1 adeuac"
;uppl" of runnin% *ater9 soap9 to*els9 etc
Area for clothin% stora%e $if reuired&
Emer'ency ,roce&ures # ! !% Comments
;ite e(er%enc" plan readil" a)ailable
4arden contact details readil" a)ailable
:(er%enc" checklists readil" a)ailable $bo(b1
threat9 che(ical9 radiation etc&
:(er%enc" e)acuations , drills practiced at least
once per annu(
:(er%enc" euip(ent a)ailable and accessible
e.%. e"e *ash bottles or delu%e sho*ers
Audibilit" of sirens and alar( si%nals
Electrical Safety # ! !% Comments
;er)iceable li%ht fittin%s
;er)iceable po*er outlets
Adeuac" of po*er outlets $uantit" and ratin%&
No double adaptors9 or pi%%"backin%
.o*er leads9 e0tension cords and po*er boards
are in %ood *orkin% order.
:lectrical euip(ent tested and ta%%ed or risk
assess(ent indicatin% test , ta% not reuired
Office E-uipment # ! !% Comments
:uip(ent is in %ood condition A ser)iceable
/nstruction and trainin% pro)ided for use of
;tep ladders , step stools etc 6 suitable and
Stora'e %reas # ! !% Comments
Accessible and free of obstructions
;tora%e is safe9 orderl" and secure so ite(s
cannot fall
;afe retrie)al possible
Inspection eam .ea&er//epresentative Si'nature
%CU ( OHS Workplace Inspection Checklist for Office Environments 3
Site /epresentative Si'nature
/eme&ial %ction Statement /eport
I&entifie& /isk %ction to 0e aken 1y Whom ar'et Date Date
%CU ( OHS Workplace Inspection Checklist for Office Environments 4
23 Site )ana'er or their /epresentative
43 Campus OHS Committee Chair *for ta0lin' at ne5t OHS Committee )eetin'+
63 )ana'er7 Campus Operations
83 Campus Human /esources Consultant

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