Communicative Approach Teaching Method

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Communicative Approach Teaching Method

Judith Fernandez Diaz
Universidad Latina


Communicative Approach Teaching Method
During these times the English learning process has improved a lot, since many investigators have found
different methods to teach. Those methods have definitely adduced great benefits to the learning process, but still,
society is missing some important clues for this procedure to be more accurate, at least in Costa Rica. Nowadays
several elements are playing a big role when teaching English, such as technology, which has been a wonderful tool
for education with its amazing advanced features. Nevertheless, what could these elements provide to the learners if
they are not emotionally or psychologically prepared? A learning manner involves not only the person itself, or the
elements that educators can bring to class, but also how well prepared the individual is to receive the new input, that is
where the mind comes sideways. The Communicative Approach Method not only facilitates the student to get along
with the environment and the new target language, but also to explore their minds deep inside to let the new
information in. In such cases, the communicative approach method can be successfully applied through Neuro-
Linguistic, obtaining then, the self- confidence of the learners, the comfortable environment of the class, and facility of
the teachers to understand the behavior of the students.
Teachers must always be facilitators who guide their students to accomplish the goal when learning, and
having educators who can improve the learners process by digging in their minds and understanding their behavior
would be the most recommended technique to approach that objective. An interesting term that will help professors to
manipulate the students performance, while they are teaching, is called Neuro- Linguistic Programming. Neuro -
linguistic Programming or NLP is a method that allows human beings to successfully develop their behavior when
socializing, and to control their minds by using simple, but powerful psychology in order to guarantee confidence and
motivation. This technique provides the opportunity to reach important personal and interpersonal achievements that
will help people in their daily life. It has been find that this method involves a lot of important elements NLP explores
the inner workings of the human mind: how we think, how we develop our desires, goals and fears and how we
motivate ourselves (What is Neuro-Linguistic Programming or NLP?( n.d). By using the most powerful organ of
our body, the brain, people will have complete control of their awareness and this will give them the chance to
understand what they are, or what can they obtain . At the same time, it will give them the opportunity to use their
skills, and to perform important and difficult tasks that they might have not done in the past, such as working,
studying, or having a relationship. The psychology of the method enables and pursuits the real and total confidence of
the person, giving the extraordinary and useful tool that is necessary in every single persons life: self-confidence.
NLP was created in the early 70s by Richard Bandler, and so far, it has provided outstanding results to those ones
who put it into practice. An interesting fact about this method is that it can be used in several fields. It has shown
amazing results when used with students who did not have the enough control of their minds, therefore, having
inconveniences like frustration, nervousness, low self- esteem, among other factors that interrupted their learning
process. According to, Tosey & Mathison,( 2003). NLP is commonly used to offer solutions to problems encountered
in teaching, such as classroom management.

The Communicative Approach Method (CA) is applied to get to know the person itself through real and live
communication mediated by teachers. It represents a great improvement of many methods that can be done in class,
providing a calm and comfortable environment for the learner and teacher. The CA was discovered by Robert Lang in
the early 70s, finding interesting evidences about how people could react according to the type of communication
they have, Communicative language teaching makes use of real-life situations that necessitate communication.
The teacher sets up a situation that students are likely to encounter in real life. Galloway (1993), in this case, the
method encourages the students to talk about their own lives, their own problems, or responsibilities. It is very
common to observe classes where students are only reading or listening, where they have to fill in the blanks, or
complete some exercises about any specific lecture, being the teacher a kind of dictator who is in charge to set
instructions. The idea of a student reading or writing is highly important, as all the four skills, however, those skills
might not be properly performed by the student if he/she has not enough confidence to open to a new culture, new
information. What about the self-confidence of the students to enroll such a difficult task as learning a new language?
The idea is of the method enables the person to perform a real conversation by expressing their own feelings, the
teacher has two main roles: to facilitate that performance of the students, and also to be part of the group of people in
process. The communicative approach taught through neuro-linguistic methods defines the idea of expanding the
strategies, not only to the language itself, but also the process of teaching people to face psychological situations
where they can get to know themselves.
Acquiring a new language is not easy; it requires a very good discipline. The relationship between student and
teacher is still been unbalanced in many places. Some of the advantages of the CA are: the educator will be the
mediator through the whole process, being just a spectator, but at the same time, controlling and watching their
students behavior to get their concepts. This could help the professor to have a clear idea of what the students want,
what makes them feel good or bad. According to, Lighthouse (2012), An advantage of this approach is that students
will have a good knowledge of the roots of the language and will be able to read text proficiently. In schools where
the communicative approach is applied, the classroom embraces calm and relaxing environment where students can
speak and mistakes are not pointed out, since the clue is for them to open to the group first. Some disadvantages of this
technique are: the teacher must be knowledgeable A language teacher cannot limit himself only to textbooks or
teaching aids, even the poshest or the most contemporary (Peculiarities of the Communicative Approach in
Teaching English, 2003) Due to the fact that the facilitator is one of the group but he/ she is also a guide and since the
speaking part is the most used in this process, the educator must have a very good understanding of the language.
In order to achieve the communicative approach, there are some useful activities that professors can apply in
their classes. It is relevant to remember that this method, it is not only focused on grammar or listening only. This
procedure contains all the four skills, but it is also to dig inside the students mind to insert motivation and to build
confidence. It is very important to have the correct materials in class in order for the method to work, such as correct
visual aids, fresh air, interactive objects for any type of activities and also a nice environment. Giving once in a while a
stimulus to the person can help them to rest, and gain energy to continue, for example, some candies or a little break.

The communicative approach requires the group of people to be in contact most of the time, therefore, lessons where
students can be sitting in circle, pairs or groups will definitely work, besides, the teacher as it was mentioned before, is
only a facilitator who is part of the group. Also, at the beginning of the lesson, students might feel frustrated, nervous,
or curious. The objective is to enter in their minds and do a brain washout, to teach them how to feel good by solving
problems in class, the more they do every day and the better they feel, the more motivated they will be. The use of
vocabulary that is attached to their daily routines is very important. Students need to organized their thoughts and then,
express them. The whole process does not mean that it has to be taught by experts. Teachers do not specifically teach a
subject, but people. The CA together with the NLP is the most obvious way to teach because it works with the most
powerful computer on earth, the brain.
As a conclusion, the communicative approach can help teachers to improve the students performance, leading
them to recognize better what they think and how they feel. Encouraging them to express what they have inside while
they are leaning a new language. It is important to have into account that sometimes no matter how many materials an
institution can have in their classrooms, the teacher must always be willing to understand that every student is different
and unique, that some of them might have personal issues. All those circumstances can be corrected with the
motivation and confidence that a person can seed in another. The mind of humans is beautiful but complicated, with
the correct input and the proper communication; everybody can have a fun and a great learning process.


What is Neuro-Linguistic Programming or NLP? (n.d.)
Retrieved from

Tosey, P & Mathison, J. (2003). Neuro-linguistic programming: its potential for learning and teaching in formal
Retrieved from

Galloway, A (1993). Communicative Language Teaching: An Introduction and Sample Activities.
Retrieved from
Lighthouse ,B (2012) . The Communicative Approach in Education.
Retrieved from
Peculiarities of the Communicative Approach in Teaching English (2003)
Retrieved from

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