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IBM solutions

Point of view
July 2009

Investing in great relationships: how smarter collaboration

can help retail banks turn customers into advocates.
“ To delight customers, banks need a major makeover that
requires significant changes in their strategies, processes
and underlying technologies. The path isn’t easy or fast,
but it does exist, and banks are beginning to follow it.” 1
— CGI Group Inc.

Imagine this:
Carolyn needs to deposit a check from her brother-in-law into her savings account. She
heads to the nearest branch of her bank during her lunch break. After waiting in line for a
few minutes, she approaches the teller, David, and hands him a check and deposit slip.
From her account record, David sees that she has recently filled out an online application
for a home-equity line of credit. He asks whether she’s heard anything yet. Carolyn replies
that she hasn’t and that she’s eager to know whether she’s been approved.

David sends an instant message to a colleague in the loan department, who works at
an office hundreds of miles away. The loan officer checks Carolyn’s status and sees
that there’s one more piece of documentation he needs. Carolyn is able to produce the
required document within hours, leading to her loan approval the very next day. And as it
so happens, this helps the loan officer meet his weekly goals.

Without David’s attention, the approval may have taken much longer. Carolyn is very
pleased with the high level of service she experienced, and she lets her friends and family
know. Her brother-in-law has been looking for a new bank in town. He’s impressed by
Carolyn’s story and opens an account that week.

This bank has turned a customer into an advocate by empowering its employees to work
smarter to address the customer’s every need. Tellers, loan officers and other employees
can work together to meet business goals. They are strengthening relationships, eliminat-
ing bottlenecks in the way they work, and making better decisions faster. And it’s making
the bank more successful.

Chances are, Carolyn’s brother-in-law was looking for much
more than a convenient banking location. You’ve probably
seen it yourself: Customers are becoming more informed
consumers of financial services. They’re researching fees and
interest rates, they’re listening to others’ opinions, and they’re
becoming more selective. Consumers know that banks are
vying for their business. And competition is fierce.

How to stand out from the competition? Surprisingly, it’s not

about fees and interest rates. Or new products and services.
Rather, retail banks are differentiating by becoming customer
centric, investing in rich and deep customer relationships. And
that means much more than staying open later or greeting cus-
tomers with friendly hellos. Customer-centric retail banks focus
on providing the right services and products at the right times,
regardless of location or channel.

Key to richer customer relationships is being able to offer

the services and products customers need — perhaps even
before they realize they need them. This is a powerful tool for
turning customers into advocates, and it can be in the hands
of practically every bank worker, regardless of role. How? By
enhancing employees’ ability to collaborate in order to access
the right expertise and information when they need it.

“Developing a new view of clients and advocacy is an impor-
tant first step in converting clients into advocates. To make a
meaningful change within your enterprise, you must be able
to take new insights on client advocacy and turn them into
tangible actions focused on key interaction points.”
— IBM Institute for Business Value2

In retail banking, one thing remains constant: Banking customers around the globe make it clear that they
customers mean business prefer to have their financial needs met by only one financial
In the 1990s, retail banks trended toward establishing an institution. But they require proof that one bank can provide
online presence, believing that customers would eventually for all of their requirements before they’ll open or transfer
conduct most, if not all, of their business online. This turned accounts. These customers need to experience superior ser-
out not to be the case. Instead, retail banking customers are vice, convenient delivery — and holistic advice that addresses
looking for much more than 24x7 account access; they want a all facets of their financial situations.3
one-stop shop that revolves around their needs to help them
meet their unique financial goals. And when customers find The problem that many banks face in becoming more customer

that relationship, they tend to be very loyal. centric and providing that proof is that they’re not making the
best use of the information and knowledge base they have.
In large part, these kinds of personal relationships have become There may be no avenue for collaboration among employees or
more important because customers are better informed and between employees and senior management. And the people
have more choices. This is especially true for first-time custom- who need customer data most may not have an easy — or
ers, such as those in developing countries, who may not have any — way to access it. Banks need to provide their people with
been exposed to banking. They place high importance on a smarter way of working to take advantage of their collective
relationships and personal attention. knowledge and turn it into more value for their customers. By
helping their people collaborate, banks can better meet cus-
tomer expectations and operate more efficiently.

Banks can’t afford dormant information This information sharing must take place within the context of
Untapped information, ranging from dormant information to valu- an employee’s tasks and activities. Security-rich collaboration
able information in employees’ heads, is everywhere in banks. tools that are designed to be easy to learn and use can help
And tapping into this information and expertise can unlock employees quickly respond to — and anticipate — customer
significant opportunities. Dormant — or siloed — information is needs. In addition, when employees can collaborate with their
data that exists in one application or database and can’t be colleagues and make great decisions, job satisfaction and
accessed by the people who need it. This is commonly the employee retention rise.
result of merger and acquisition activity or databases that may
have been developed with only one use in mind, such as those
Information + context + collaboration =
customer advocates
for checking account histories. “Advances in technology keep
The formula for creating customer advocates is straightforward:
stoking demand for more sophisticated portfolio and risk-
Combine the right information with context and collaboration.
management tools for investors and staff. The net result is that
The information in this equation is data your bank probably
firms must continue to spend just to maintain parity.”4 When
already has — such as loan amounts, applications in process,
banks want to move toward customer centricity, change and
and checking and savings account balances. Context, in this
innovation become imperative.
sense, means the job role of the employee and the situation of
Here’s an example: If only a bank manager has access to a the customer. And smarter collaboration means using tech-
customer’s auto loan information, then a teller would never see nology to empower the employee with that information and a
that the loan is coming to an end — and wouldn’t be able to offer simple way to communicate. Collaboration-enabled business
the customer a new loan for a new car at a great rate. An oppor- processes not only help drive productivity and adaptability,
tunity to create an advocate would be lost. When information they can also foster deeper relationships.
exists in silos or is only available to one individual, banks aren’t
making the most of it. When the same information is shared, it
becomes a potent tool for enriching relationships.

Smarter collaboration
People work smarter when collaboration is embedded in
the way they work.
• Help people across departments and the enterprise
work together in cost-effective ways.
• Discover, share, apply and preserve expertise.
• Turn relationships into business advantages.
• Speed business processes and reduce costs.

Building a foundation for working smarter
With the right collaboration technology, you gain the potential to erase
Collaboration tools, such as Web portals and Internet-based
boundaries, build relationships and save money. Your employees can
services that emphasize information sharing and collaboration, find the answer to a question in seconds from an expert across the
can help bank employees provide the personalized service cus- country or halfway around the world. They can combine information
tomers are looking for by enabling cross-channel, event-based to make faster business decisions.
selling. They can help branch managers and key executives
keep a close watch on how branches are performing — down to • Connect— When it comes to differentiation from the competition,
the employee level. The tools can provide the information that the customer experience can be a trump card. Collaboration software
can help you do more than just support relationships and drive
forms the basis for any necessary remediation. They can even
efficiencies—it can help you create communities and build advo-
enable you to tap into customer thinking about service offerings
cacy. You can create dialogues that foster productive relationships
and strengthen relationships through community features.
both inside and outside your organization. And you can figure out
Many branches, one tree: how smarter what people want before they ask for it.
collaboration fosters common goals • Collaborate — Even if a customer service representative in a call
center and a loan origination officer are a thousand miles apart,
To meet overarching business goals, everyone — not just
their ability to come together and make decisions quickly can make
upper-level managers — needs access to information and
or break a client relationship. The right collaboration tools can help
expertise. It should be easy for any bank employee, in nearly
people in departments across the institution come together and
any job role, to get the information he or she needs, and that
make decisions quickly in realtime using e-mail, instant messaging,
information should be tailored to individual job roles and tasks.
social networking, document sharing, Web conferencing, telephony
It should also be easy for employees to communicate and or videoconferencing.
collaborate when and where they need to so they can gain • Innovate — Innovation isn’t just about creating groundbreaking
deeper insight into their customers’ needs and provide increas- products and services. It’s about creating a business culture that
ingly customer-centric levels of service. By working smarter fosters quick thinking and new ideas. Available at their fingertips,
through collaboration and with the help of greater insight, dashboards give executives the information they need about
employees can make quicker, more informed decisions that customer trends. Enterprise social networking enables people to
promote customer satisfaction and loyalty. discover and share knowledge and expertise in profiles, blogs,
wikis and other tools. And mashups offer new ways to combine
information and quickly generate insights.
• Optimize — In tough economic times, smart banks must be more
efficient than ever, both in terms of people’s behaviors and the
infrastructure that supports the way they work. Low-cost col-
laborative environments, leveraging Linux® technology and open
productivity tools, can free up costs. Instant messaging technology
enables people to come together via online meetings and communi-
cate in realtime, just about anytime. The result? Less need for travel
and more cost-effective interaction with colleagues.

Branch managers Advisers
Branch managers are concerned with meeting their goals, so When helping customers make decisions that will affect their
they need the information that can help them be proactive in financial lives for years to come, advisers need access to
making sure they do. For example, if new account openings more than the newest product in the bank. With an easy way
are below target, they need to know why. With the right tools, to review customer history — including, for example, how many
bank managers can see exactly which account representatives times a customer has tapped into savings over a 12-month
are not meeting expectations and can investigate possible rea- period — advisers can offer much more than a high-interest-rate
sons for this. Then managers can take action to remediate the certificate of deposit or five-year plan. They can give personal-
problem by providing the support or education their employees ized advice based on past financial concerns and activity and
need. And they can easily see the results. help customers create more-solid financial foundations.

Tellers Phone representatives

Bank tellers must provide deep and personalized levels of When is a checking account balance more than just a checking
service to customers. They require empowerment and support account balance? When phone representatives see it in context
via access to information about their customers and collabora- of the bigger financial picture. With collaboration tools, these
tion with their colleagues. Tellers should have access not only representatives can have the information they need to suggest
to the account at hand but also to information regarding other products that might serve even the best checkbook balancer
products and services that would be of value to that customer. better, such as interest-bearing checking or money market
In addition, tellers need fast and simple ways to communicate accounts. And because suggestions are based on customer
with their peers and management when they have questions or history and not simply on new products, customers may be
need advice. Through blogs, instant messaging applications more likely to purchase. And they may very much appreciate
and Web portals, tellers can keep up with branch goals, learn a bank that’s looking out for their needs.
about new products and services, and make great decisions
that empower them and their customers.

“Using the solution from Virgil and IBM,

we believe that we offer the fastest, most
convenient access to financial data now
available in the Netherlands.”
— Theo van Koningsveld,
manager of electronic distribution wholesale,
Rabobank International

Online representatives Challenge
Behind the “click to chat” button on bank Web sites is a real Rabobank International comprises 288 banks that provide a
person waiting to answer practically any question customers wide range of financial services to businesses and consumers
may have. These representatives, when armed with compre- in the Netherlands. To offer the best rates, prices and advice to
hensive customer information, can make the same insightful customers, Rabobank must have the quickest possible access
suggestions as phone representatives — at any time of the day to stock market data, interest and exchange rates, and other
or night — and at the convenience of the customer. financial information. But like most large banks in its market-
place segment, Rabobank used separate internal applications
With the right information, the right tools and the right levels of to tap into the various data sources. This process forced staff
empowerment, virtually every bank employee can add to the to toggle through several interfaces to find all of the pertinent
enrichment of customer relationships. data for a customer, making it hard to offer fast, quality advice.
Maintaining the various applications was also costly. To better
Information access and collaboration: bank on
serve customers, Rabobank needed to deliver financial insight
the differences you’ll see
more efficiently.
When employees are empowered with the information they
need to work smarter and make great decisions for your cus- Solution
tomers, you can bank on better customer satisfaction, higher Rabobank became the first bank in its marketplace segment to
customer retention rates and the transformation of customers integrate financial data sources into a centralized, customizable
to advocates. As a result, you may see revenue increase as portal. Based on software from IBM and IBM Business Partner
your employees become more satisfied with their jobs and Virgil, the portal enables staff to provide faster, more accurate
even more committed to helping your bank meet its goals. advice, and it allows customers to track relevant data in realtime
via the Web. Virgil’s technology leverages IBM WebSphere ®
Rabobank International provides faster financial
software to integrate directly with the data sources, making
insight through a realtime Web portal
it possible to stream financial data as it changes, without
Having started as a group of small rural banks in the late 19th
multiple applications.
century, Rabobank International is now a large conglomerate
comprising 288 local banks that provide a wide range of Benefits
financial services and products to Dutch retail and business • Staff and customers can access the data they need 35
marketplace segments. Rabobank International is part of the percent more quickly.
larger Rabobank Group, a marketplace leader in virtually • Lower application costs cut total cost of ownership by 15
every financial services area. percent, enabling an 18-month ROI.
• First-to-market functionality increases customer satisfaction.

IBM: helping retail banks grow, now and in IBM WebSphere Portal and IBM Lotus software
the future IBM WebSphere Portal and IBM Lotus ® software are industry-
IBM has deep, firsthand experience in the banking industry, leading portal and collaboration technologies that can provide:
especially when it comes to transforming traditional branches
• A single interface for a dispersed workforce.
into customer-centric, collaborative banks that drive results.
• Integrated instant messaging, social networking tools,
We’re here to help you define your bank’s business imperatives
e-mail, calendars and group scheduling.
and explore the technologies that can result in a smarter way to
• Integrated, online productivity tools.
work and an increased competitive advantage.
• Capabilities that help individuals and teams work
Our professionals apply business, industry and technology when, where and how they choose.
expertise to creating banking solutions that drive real busi- • Enhanced value as more tools, technologies and
ness value. We’re your trusted single source to solve the most processes are added.
complex — and the simplest — problems and to help you reach
your goals. We combine our extensive banking industry knowl-
IBM has financing solutions for businesses of practically all
edge and experiences with best practices we’ve gleaned from
sizes and in nearly every location. With financing from IBM, you
other industries. We’ve invested strongly in capabilities required
can consolidate contracts for hardware, software, services and
to address significant banking issues, and our global presence
ancillary suppliers; help free up cash for other strategic invest-
means that you can access resources around the world via a
ments; and take advantage of IBM’s status as a world leader of
single local source. Our delivery track record speaks for itself:
multivendor IT financing.
consistent, flexible and cost-effective.

We can help your company realize short-term ROI by increas-

ing system-wide performance. Together, we can help build a
flexible solution for now, and for the future.

Supported by IBM Software Services for Lotus For more information
For more information about services that support Lotus and To learn more about IBM retail banking solutions and how they
WebSphere Portal products, go to: can be augmented by IBM communications and collaboration
technologies, please contact your IBM sales representative or IBM Business Partner, or visit:


© Copyright IBM Corporation 2009
1 Jame Cofran, “Toward the Promised Land of Delighted Customers: Ten Commandments for Transforming Lotus Software
Your Bank,” CGI, 2007, IBM Software Group
2, 4 IBM Institute for Business Value, Building client advocacy: New opportunities for wealth management firms, One Rogers Street
January 2008. Cambridge, MA 02142
3 IBM Institute for Business Value, No bank is an island: Get global before globalization gets you, Banking
Community Call, April 2008. Produced in the United States of America
July 2009
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