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Number Toss

Language Aims: To practice numbers from for example 0 to


Time: 10 minutes

Preparation: You need a small ball such as a tennis ball.

Procedure: 1. Ask students to stand up and make a

2. Tell the students you will throw the ball
to one of the students. That student
catches the ball and then says any number
between 0 and 10 (e.g. "4")
3. The student on the right must then say the
number that comes after (i.e."5"). The
student on the left says the number before
(i.e."3"). Note: If the student who has the
ball says the number 10, the student on
the right says "0" and the student on the
left says "9". It is probably a good idea to
practice this first to make sure students
understand the rules of the game.
4. After the students say the numbers, the
student who caught the ball throws it to
another student and Steps 2 and 3 are
repeated. If a student says an incorrect
number, he/she must leave the circle.
5. The last student(s) left standing wins.

Running dictation
Language Aims: To practice reading, writing, speaking and

Time: 15 minutes.

Preparation: Cut a suitable text into four (or more) pieces

and attach the pieces on the wall somewhere
in the classroom so that the students can
easily see it.
Procedure: 1. Put the class into pairs. Tell students to
prepare pen and paper.

2. Pin or tape a few copies of the chosen text

either on the classroom walls or just outside
the class. Students should not be able to read
the text from their seats.

3. Explain that this is a race. Student 'A'

should get up and run to the text, then
read and remember as much as they can.
After this they must return to student 'B'
and dictate what they have remembered.
Student 'B' then writes this down.
Students should change roles half way
through the text. The first pair to rewrite
the text (without spelling or other errors !)
is the winner.

Word race
Language Aims: To review vocabulary or grammar points
from previous lessons (e.g. tense forms,
vocabulary of description, general
knowledge, prepositions, etc.)

Time: 15 - 20 minutes

Preparation: Write down the questions you plan to ask the

students. Move desks to the sides of the

Procedure: 1. Divide the class into two or three teams

of equal numbers. The students to bring
the chairs out into the middle of the
2. Each team should form a row; students
sit in chairs one behind the other to
form a line perpendicular to the white
3. Assign each member of the teams a
number from 1 (front of the row) to the
maximum number of team members
(the end of the row).
4. Ask a question and then say a
number. For example, "What is the
opposite of 'up'? Number 5." The
student who is number 5 on each team
runs to the board to write the
answer. The first correct answer gets a
point for his/her team. Pushing,
stealing the other team's pen, and
erasing the other team's answer is
subject to penalty.

M i me
Language Aims: To review word fields (transportation, job,
moods, animals, …)

Time: 10 - 15 minutes

Preparation: Make a list of 8 - 10 modes of

transportation. Include the verb that goes
with the noun (e.g. ride a bicycle; drive a
car; fly a plane).

Procedure: 1. Select a student to come up to the front of

the class. Show the student the first phrase
(e.g. ride a bicycle). Do not let the rest of
the class see it.

2. Tell the student to act out that action

without using any words or
sounds. Encourage the student to exaggerate
the action.

3. The other students try to guess verbally

what he/she is doing by making a sentence in
the present continuous tense (e.g. "You are
riding a bicycle.").

4. The student who says the complete

sentence correctly then gets to select a
classmate to go up and act out the next

Variation You can do this activity with all kinds of

word families. Or let the student mime what
they had for dinner last night.
Vocabulary Anagram
Language Aims: A simple activity to expose students to a
particular lesson topic and to help them
recall and expand their vocabulary.

Time: 10 minutes

Preparation: None

Procedure: 1. Put the class into pairs or groups of three.

2. Write the phrase 'Happy New Year' (or
any other word or phrase of your choice)
on the board and tell students that they
have five minutes to make as many words
as possible from the letters in Happy New
Year. They can only use the letters once
and may not add any letters that are not in
the word or phrase.
3. Explain that the group with the most
words wins. At the end of 5 minutes ask
the groups to count their words to
determine the winner.

Check the winning groups answers. The

group to call out the words whilst you
write them on the board. You may also
like to follow up by inviting other
members of the class add other words that
the winning group missed.

Variation Ask your students to write a story that

includes all the words on the board.

What’s that?
Language Aims: To review the names of things found in a

Time: 10 minutes

Preparation: Look around the classroom and make a list

of the names of about ten items.
Procedure: 1. Tell students you're going to do a quick
vocabulary quiz with them so they need
to have a pen and a piece of rough paper.

2. Tell them that you will point to something

in the room and they must write down the
English word for that object. (They are
not allowed to talk or share answers with
other students or use their dictionaries.)

3. Say "Number 1" and point to an object

(e.g. a chair). The students then write
down the word for that object on their
paper: In the example they would write
down: 1. chair.

4. Then say "Number 2" and point to a

different object. (This could be something
more difficult like the whiteboard or a
cassette recorder.) Students continue to
write the words for these things on their

5. Continue until you have pointed to about

10 things around the room. (These could
include: a pencil case, a schoolbag, a
dictionary, the light switch, a whiteboard
marker, etc.) Then tell students to stop

6. Students can then compare answers or you

can do a check of their answers straight
away by pointing again to the items and
asking students for the English words.
(You will need to refer to the list you
made before class to help you remember
the order of the items.) Write the correct
spelling of these words on the board so
that students can check their answers and
correct any pronunciation errors as
students say the names of the objects.

Word tennis
Language Aims: To practise or revise any vocabulary group
Time: 8 minutes

Preparation: none

Procedure: 1. Divide the class into 4 groups

2. Call out a word group e.g. vegetables.
3. Team A serves by saying a word, Team B
returns the serve by adding their word.
Team C returns again by finding another
word. Team D follows with their word.
4. The game ends when one team can’t think
of another word in this category.
5. Then call out another word group (e.g. the

You can play it whith all kind of word

groups (e.g. rooms in a house, drinks,
adjectives, question words,…)

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