FIDIC - Guide To The Use of FIDIC 1

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First published by
Fdrti!" I"ter"ti!"le des
I"#"ieurs$C!"seils %FIDIC&
'( )!* +,
C- .((( Lus""e ./
TeI234. /.,5444..
'ubli6ti!"s 34. /. ,54 44 .5
F*34. /.,5444.7
C!pyri#ht FIDIC .8+8
All ri#hts reser9ed2
N! prt !: this publi6ti!" ;y be
repr!du6ed !r tr"s;itted i" "y
:!r; !r by "y ;e"s 0ith!ut
per;issi!" !: the publisher2
In .857 the I"ter"ti!"l Federti!" !: C!"sulti"# E"#i"eers
%FIDIC& published :!r the :irst ti;e :!r; !: st"drd 6!"di$ ti!"s !: 6!"tr6t :!r
0!r<s !: 6i9il e"#i"eeri"# 6!"stru6ti!" es$ pe6illy desi#"ed :!r use i"
i"ter"ti!"l pr!=e6ts2
Se6!"d "d third editi!"s 0ere published i" .8,> "d .877 re$
I" .8+> the E*e6uti9e C!;;ittee !: FIDIC pp!i"ted dr:ti"# 6!;;ittee
6!;prised !: ;e;bers !: the Ci9il E"#i"eeri"# C!"$ tr6ts C!;;ittee %CECC&
0hi6h up t! tht ti;e hd bee" 6hr#ed 0ith ;!"it!ri"# the use !: the third editi!"2
The results !: the 0!r< !: the dr:ti"# 6!;;ittee 0ere ppr!9ed i" .8+7 "d the
:!urth editi!" !: the C!"diti!"s !: C!"tr6t :!r W!r<s !: Ci9il E"#i"eeri"#
C!"stru6ti!" 0s published t the A""ul C!":ere"6e !: FIDIC held i" Lus""e?
S0it1erl"d i" Septe;ber !: .8+72
There re ;"y i;p!rt"t di::ere"6es bet0ee" the third "d :!urth editi!"s "d
these re delt 0ith i" detil i" this Guide 0hi6h #i9es 6!;;e"try !" e6h 6luse
!: the :!urth editi!"2
The E*e6uti9e C!";iittee de6ided t! dr!p the 0!rd @I"ter"ti!"l@ :r!; the title !:
the d!6u;e"t s 0ith sli#ht ;!di:i6ti!" i" 'rt II it is ls! suitble :!r d!;esti6
With the d9"6es i" te6h"!l!#y !: ph!t!$6!pyi"# it is p!ssible t!dy t! pr!du6e
ph!t!$6!pies 0hi6h pper t! be true 6!pies !: " !ri#i"l d!6u;e"t but h9e i"
:6t bee" 6h"#ed 0ith!ut the lterti!"s bei"# ppre"t2 T! 6!u"ter this? the 'rt I
!: the C!"diti!"s hs bee" pri"ted i" t0! 6!l!urs %bl6< "d blue& "d FIDIC
str!"#ly re6!;;e"ds ll users !: the C!"diti!"s t! i"sist tht 'rt I !: the d!6u;e"t
sh!uld be i" the :!r; published by FIDIC2
The CECC 6!;prised the :!ll!0i"# ;e;bers ll !: 0h!; plyed " 6ti9e r!le i"
the preprti!" !: the :!urth editi!"? Aessrs2 -2 SBre"se" %De";r<& Chir;"? R2
Elssser %Ger;"y&? R2 -e;s
%USA&? -2 Kriste"se" %S0ede"& "d K2)2 N!rris %UK&2 The E*e6uti9e C!;;ittee
e*presses its si"6ere th"<s t! the CECC Ae;bers :!r :!ur yers !: ti;e$
6!"su;i"# 9!lu"try 0!r< 0hi6h 0s reCuired t! pr!du6e the :!urth editi!"2 The
;i" resp!"sibil$ ity :!r 6!!rdi"ti"# the dr:ti"# :ell up!" Aessrs2 SDre"se" "d
N!rris "d the E*e6uti9e C!;;ittee 0!uld li<e t! e*press spe6il 6!;;e"dti!"
t! the;2
Duri"# their respe6ti9e peri!ds !: !::i6e s 'reside"t !: FIDIC Aessrs2 Ailler?
Eldrid#e "d Fri6<$Aei=er pr!9ided 6!"sider$ ble supp!rt t! the dr:ti"#
6!;;ittee? The Eur!pe" I"ter"ti!"l C!"tr6t!rs %EIC& !" behl: !: the
C!":ederti!" !: I"ter"ti!"l
C!"tr6t!rs@ Ass!6iti!"s %CICA& "d supp!rted by Ass!6ited
Ge"erl C!"tr6t!rs !: A;eri6 %AGC& plyed 9luble 6!"sul$
tti9e r!le "d FIDIC prti6ulrly th"<s Aessrs2 R2 Aidred %UK&
"d G2 L!di#i"i %Itly& 0h! 0ere ;!st 6ti9e i" this :u"6ti!"
"d 0ere supp!rted by ;"y !thers? "!tbly Aessrs2 R2 )!lli"$
#er %EIC&? E2 Cuisi"ier %Fr"6e&? E2 de Gree: %Netherl"ds& "d
Aessrs2 D2G2 Ar;str!"# "d C2 A!li"eu* %USA&2
Ar2 A"#us Cle9er !: )i" Clr<s!" Ltd? L!"d!" pr!9ided the
<"!0led#e "d dr:ti"# s<ill :!r the i"sur"6e 6luses "d 0s
9luble d9iser !" ris< ll!6ti!"2
Ar2 Christ!pher Seppl !: White F Cse? 'ris? !" behl: !: the
I"ter"ti!"l )r Ass!6iti!" #9e 9luble d9i6e !" the le#l
spe6ts "d 6he6< t! e"sure le#l 6!":!r;ity !: the e"tire d!6u$
;e"t 0s 6rried !ut by Ar2 D9id Wi#ht;" !: Tur"er Ke""eth
)r!0"? L!"d!"2
Fi"lly? the E*e6uti9e C!;;ittee 0ishes t! e*press its th"<s t!
:!r;er A"#i"# Dire6t!r? Ar2 )urt C;pbell? 0h! ssisted the
dr:ti"# 6!;;ittee thr!u#h!ut the re9isi!" pr!6ess "d 0h! hs?
si"6e he retired? u"dert<e" the 6!!rdi"ti!" !: the pr!du6ti!" !:
this Guide2
FIDIC Se6retrit re6ei9es reCuests :r!; ti;e t! ti;e t! ssist i"
the i"terpretti!" !: i"di9idul 6!"tr6ts 0hi6h re bsed up!"
6!"diti!"s !: 6!"tr6t si;ilr t! th!se 6!"ti"ed i" the :!urth
editi!"2 It sh!uld be e9ide"t tht s :ederti!" !: C!"sulti"#
E"#i"eers FIDIC 6""!t 6!"sider itsel: 6!;pete"t t! #i9e le#l
d9i6e "d i" "y e9e"t the le#l i"terpretti!" !: 6!"tr6t 0ill?
i"ter li? depe"d up!" the l0 #!9er"i"# the prti6ulr 6!"tr6t
s 0ell s the pre6ise 0!rdi"# !: the 6!"tr6t2 O"e !b=e6ti9e !:
this Guide is t! i"di6te 0ht the dr:ti"# 6!;;ittee i"te"ded i"
dr:ti"# the 9ri!us 6luses2 The i"terpretti!" !: i"di9idul
6luses i" spe6i:i6 6!"tr6t 0ill be deter;i"ed by the C!urts !r
by rbitrti!"2
The :i"l se6ti!" !: this Guide 6!"ti"s ph!t! repr!du6ti!" !:
FIDIC@s GC!"diti!"s !: C!"tr6t :!r W!r<s !: Ci9il E"#i"eeri"#
C!"stru6ti!"? F!urth Editi!" .8+7 %Repri"ted .8++ 0ith edit!ril
;e"d;e"ts&G? better <"!0" s GRed )!!< 4G2 Withi" the te*t
!: this Guide? the 6luses :r!; Red )!!< 4 re 6!pied "d re
sh!0" i" itli6s2 The itli6i1ed 6luses sh!uld be ide"ti6l t! the
6!rresp!"di"# 6luses i" the :i"l se6ti!"2 I: "y dis6repe"6y is
:!u"d bet0ee" 6!rresp!"di"# 6luses? the reder sh!uld re:er t!
the ph!t! repr!du6ed :i"l se6ti!" t! deter;i"e the 6!rre6t 0!rd$
C!"diti!"s !: C!"tr6t //
)ill !: Hu"tities />
The Te"der />
I"stru6ti!"s t! Te"derers /4
.2 Ge"erl /4
/2 D!6u;e"ts /5
>2 C!;pleti!" "d Sub;issi!" !: Te"ders /5
42 Supple;e"try I":!r;ti!" ReCuired /5
52 A;e"d;e"ts t! Te"der D!6u;e"ts /,
,2 Curre"6y ReCuire;e"ts "d E*6h"#e Rtes
72 Site Visits /7
+2 Te"der )!"d /+
82 )!"us /+
.(2 L!6l Le#islti!" /+
..2 E*;i"ti!" !: Te"ders /+
./2 A66ept"6e !: Te"der /8
E9luti!" !: Te"ders /8
A0rd !: C!"tr6t /8
C!"tr6t A#ree;e"t
'r!6edurl Fl!06hrt >.
The E;pl!yer
The C!"tr6t!r >,
Ge"erl C!;;e"t
Cluse .
.2. Definitions 4(
"d Ar#i"l N!tes 44
.24 Si"#ulr "d 'lurl 44
Notices, C!"se"ts? Appr!9ls?
Certi:i6tes "d Deter;i"ti!"s
Clause / 45
J FIDIC .8+8 7
/2. E"#i"eer@s Duties "d Auth!rity
E"#i"eer@s Represe"tti9e
E"#i"eer@s Auth!rity t! Dele#te
/24 App!i"t;e"t !: Assist"ts
/25 I"stru6ti!"s i" Writi"#
/2, E"#i"eer t! A6t I;prtilly
Cluse >
>2. Assi#";e"t !: C!"tr6t 48
Cluse 4
Assi#";e"t !: Sub6!"tr6t!r@s Obli#ti!"s
Clause 5
52. L"#u#eKs "d L0
52/ 'ri!rity !: C!"tr6t D!6u;e"ts
Cluse ,
,2. Cust!dy "d Supply !: Dr0i"#s "d D!6u;e"ts
,2/ O"e C!py !: Dr0i"#s t! be Kept !" Site
Disrupti!" !: 'r!#ress
,24 Delys "d C!st !: Dely !: Dr0i"#s
,25 Filure by C!"tr6t!r t! Sub;it Dr0i"#s
Cluse 7
72. Supple;e"try Dr0i"#s "d I"stru6ti!"s
72/ 'er;"e"t W!r<s Desi#"ed by C!"tr6t!r
Resp!"sibility U"::e6ted by Appr!9l
Cluse +
C!"tr6t!r@s Ge"erl Resp!"sibilities
Site Operti!"s "d Aeth!ds !: C!"stru6ti!"
Cluse 8
82. C!"tr6t A#ree;e"t
Cluse .(
.(2. 'er:!r;"6e Se6urity
.(2/ 'eri!d !: Vlidity !: 'er:!r;"6e Se6urity
.(2> Cli;s u"der 'er:!r;"6e Se6urity
S!ur6e !: 'er:!r;"6e Se6urity
Cluse ..
I"spe6ti!" !: Site
A66ess t! Dt
Cluse ./
Su::i6ie"6y !: Te"der
Ad9erse 'hysi6l Obstru6ti!"s !r C!"diti!"s
Cluse .>
W!r< t! be i" A66!rd"6e 0ith C!"tr6t
+ JFIDIC .8+8
Cluse .4
'r!#r;;e t! be Sub;itted ,/
Re9ised 'r!#r;;e ,>
.42> Csh Fl!0 Esti;te t! be Sub;itted
.424 C!"tr6t!r "!t Relie9ed !: Duties !r ,4
Cluse .5
C!"tr6t!r@s Superi"te"de"6e
L"#u#e Ability !: C!"tr6t!r@s Represe"tti9e
I"terpreter t! be ;de A9ilble ,5
Cluse .,
C!"tr6t!r@s E;pl!yees
E"#i"eer t Liberty t! Ob=e6t
L"#u#e Ability !: Superi"te"di"# St::
E;pl!y;e"t !: L!6l 'ers!""el ,,
Cluse .7
Cluse .+
.+2. )!reh!les "d E*pl!rt!ry E*69ti!" ,7
Cluse .8
S:ety? Se6urity "d 'r!te6ti!"
!: the E"9ir!";e"t
E;pl!yer@s Resp!"sibilities
Cluse /(
/(2. Cre !: W!r<s ,8
Resp!"sibility t! Re6ti:y L!ss !r D;#e
/(> L!ss !r D;#e Due t! E;pl!yer@s Ris<s 7(
E;pl!yer@s Ris<s
Cluse /.
/.2. I"sur"6e !: W!r<s "d C!"tr6t!r@s ECuip;e"t 7.
/.2/ S6!pe !: C!9er 7/
Resp!"sibility :!r A;!u"ts "!t Re6!9ered 7>
/.24 E*6lusi!"s
Cluse //
//2. D;#e t! 'ers!"s "d 'r!perty 74
I"de;"ity by E;pl!yer
Cluse />
Third 'rty I"sur"6e %i"6ludi"# E;pl!yer@s
/>2/ Ai"i;u; A;!u"t !: I"sur"6e 75
/>2> Cr!ss Libilities 75
Cluse /4
A66ide"t !r I"=ury t! W!r<;e"
/42/ I"sur"6e A#i"st A66ide"t t! W!r<;e"
J FIDIC 1989
Cluse /5
/52. Evidence "d Ter;s !: I"sur"6es
!: I"sur"6es
!" C!"tr6t!r@s Filure t! I"sure 77
/524 Compliance 0ith '!li6y C!"diti!"s 77
Cluse /.
I"sur"6e !: W!r<s 7+
I"sur"6e !: C!"tr6t!r@s ECuip;e"t 7+
S6!pe !: C!9er 7+
Resp!"sibility :!r A;!u"ts "!t Re6!9ered 78
Cluse />
Third 'rty I"sur"6e %i"6ludi"# E;pl!yer@s 'r!perty&
Cluse /5
E9ide"6e "d Ter;s !: I"sur"6e 78
AdeCu6y !: I"sur"6es 78
Re;edy !" E;pl!yer@s Filure t! I"sure 78
C!;pli"6e 0ith '!li6y C!"diti!"s 78
Cluse /,
Compliance 0ith Sttutes? Re#ulti!"s
Cluse /7
/72. Fossils +(
Cluse /+
/+2. Patent
Cluse /8
/82. Interference 0ith Tr::i6 "d Ad=!i"i"# 'r!perties +/
Cluse >(
>(2. Avoidance !: D;#e t! R!ds +/
!: C!"tr6t!r@s ECuip;e"t !r +/
Te;p!rry W!r<s
>(2> Transport !: Aterils !r 'l"t +>
>(24 Waterbome Tr::i6 +>
Cluse >L
:!r Other C!"tr6t!rs +4
>.2/ Facilities :!r Other C!"tr6t!rs +4
Cluse >/
>/2. Contractor t! Keep Site Cler +5
Cluse >>
>>2. Clearance !: Site !" C!;pleti!" +5
Cluse >4
!: St:: "d Lb!ur +,
Rtes !: W#es "d C!"diti!"s !: Lb!ur +,
.( J FIDIC .8+8
E;pl!y;e"t !: 'ers!"s i" the Ser9i6e !: Others +,
Reptriti!" !: Lb!ur +7
-!usi"# :!r Lb!ur +7
A66ide"t 're9e"ti!" O::i6erM A66ide"ts +7
-elth "d S:ety +7
Aesures #i"st I"se6t "d 'est Nuis"6e +7
)uril !: the Ded ++
Supply !: F!!dstu::s ++
Supply !: Wter ++
Al6!h!li6 LiCu!r !r Dru#s
Ar;s "d A;;u"iti!"
Festi9ls "d Reli#i!us Cust!;s +8
Dis!rderly C!"du6t
Cluse >5
>52. Retur"s !: Lb!ur "d C!"tr6t!r@s ECuip;e"t +8
Re6!rds !: S:ety "d -elth
Rep!rti"# !: A66ide"ts +8
Cluse >,
!: Aterils? 'l"t "d W!r<;"ship 8(
!: S;ples
Cost !: Tests
Cost !: Tests "!t 'r!9ided :!r
Deter;i"ti!" 0here Tests "!t 8.
'r!9ided :!r
Cluse >7
!: Operti!"s
"d Testi"#
:!r I"spe6ti!" "d Testi"#
>724 Rejection
Independent I"spe6ti!"
Cluse >+
Examination !: W!r< be:!re C!9eri"# up
Uncovering "d A<i"# Ope"i"#s
Cluse >8
Removal !: I;pr!per W!r<? Aterils !r 'l"t
Default !: C!"tr6t!r i" C!;pli"6e
Cluse 4(
!: W!r<
Engineer's Deter;i"ti!" :!ll!0i"# Suspe"si!"
lsti"# ;!re th" +4 dys
Cluse 4.
J FIDIC .8+8
Commencement !: W!r<s
Cluse 4/
4/2. Possession !: Site "d A66ess Theret!
Failure t! Gi9e '!ssessi!"
"d F6ilities
Cluse 4>
:!r C!;pleti!" .((
Cluse 44
442. E*te"si!" !: Ti;e :!r C!;pleti!"
C!"tr6t!r t! 'r!9ide N!ti:i6ti!"
"d Detiled 'rti6ulrs
442> I"teri; Deter;i"ti!" !: E*te"si!"
Cluse 45
452. Restri6ti!" !" W!r<i"# -!urs
Cluse 4,
4,2. Rte !: 'r!#ress
Cluse 47
Liquidated D;#es :!r Dely
!: LiCuidted D;#es
)!"us :!r C!;pleti!"
Cluse 4+
Certi:i6te .(5
O9er !: Se6ti!"s !r 'rts .(,
4+2> Substantial
C!;pleti!" !: 'rts .(,
Sur:6es ReCuiri"# Rei"stte;e"t .(7
're9e"ti!" :r!; Testi"# .(7
Cluse 48
482. De:e6ts Libility 'eri!d .(+
!: Outst"di"# W!r< .(+
"d Re;edyi"# De:e6ts
482> C!st !: Re;edyi"# De:e6ts .(8
4824 C!"tr6t!r@s Filure t! Crry Out .(8
E*te"si!" !: De:e6ts Libility ..(
N! Re;edyi"# !: De:e6ts i" Dred#i"# ..(
W!r< :ter C!;pleti!"
Cluse 5(
5(2. C!"tr6t!r t! Ser6h
Clause 5.
5.2. Vriti!"s ../
Instructions :!r Vriti!"s ..>
Cluse 5/
Valuation !: Vriti!"s ..4
Power !: E"#i"eer t! Fi* Rtes ..5
./ JFIDIC .8+8
5/2> Vriti!"s E*6eedi"# .5 per 6e"t
Cluse 5>
5>2. N!ti6e !: Cli;s
C!"te;p!rry Re6!rds ..8
5>2> Subst"titi!" !: Cli;s
Filure t! C!;ply ./(
'y;e"t !: Cli;s ./.
Cluse 54
542. C!"tr6t!r@s ECuip;e"t? Te;p!rry W!r<s "d .//
AterilsM E*6lusi9e Use :!r the W!r<s
Re9esti"# "d Re;!9l ./>
542/ E;pl!yer "!t Lible :!r D;#e ./>
542> Cust!;s Cler"6e ./>
Re$e*p!rt !: C!"tr6t!r@s ECuip;e"t
5425 C!"diti!"s !: -ire !: C!"tr6t!r@s ECuip;e"t ./4
542, C!sts :!r the 'urp!se !: Cluse ,> ./4
5427 I"6!rp!rti!" !: Cluse i" Sub6!"tr6ts ./5
542+ Appr!9l !: Aterils "!t I;plied ./5
Suitbility !: C!"tr6t!r@s ECuip;e"t
're:ere"6e :!r L!6l 'r!du6ts ./5
C!"tr6t!r@s Arr"#e;e"ts :!r Ser9i6es ./5
-1rds !" Site ./5
Ai"te""6e !: R!ds? et62 ./5
Cluse 55
Cluse 5,
5,2. W!r<s t! be Aesured ./,
Cluse 57
572. Aeth!d !: Aesure;e"t ./7
572/ )re<d!0" !: Lu;p Su; Ite;s ./7
Cluse 5+
5+2. De:i"iti!" !: @'r!9isi!"l Su;@ ./+
5+2/ Use !: 'r!9isi!"l Su;s ./8
5+2> 'r!du6ti!" !: V!u6hers ./8
J FIDIC .8+8 .>
Cluse 58
De:i"iti!" !: @N!;i"ted Sub6!"tr6t!rs@ .>(
582/ Nominated
Sub6!"tr6t!rsM Ob=e6ti!"
t! N!;i"ti!"
Desi#" ReCuire;e"ts t! be E*pressly Stted .>.
'y;e"ts t! N!;i"ted Sub6!"tr6t!rs .>/
5825 Certi:i6tes !: 'y;e"t t! N!;i"ted .>>
Cluse ,(
,(2. A!"thly Stte;e"ts
A!"thly 'y;e"ts
,(2> 'y;e"t !: Rete"ti!" A!"ey
,(24 C!rre6ti!" !: Certi:i6tes .>7
,(25 Stte;e"t t C!;pleti!" .>7
,(2, Fi"l Stte;e"t .>7
,(2+ Fi"l Certi:i6te .>+
,(28 Cessti!" !: E;pl!yer@s Libility
,(2.( Ti;e :!r 'y;e"t .>8
Curre"6y !: A66!u"t "d Rtes !: E*6h"#e .4(
'y;e"ts t! C!"tr6t!r .4(
'y;e"ts t! E;pl!yer
Curre"6y !: A66!u"t "d 'y;e"ts .4.
'l6e !: 'y;e"t .4.
Ad9"6e 'y;e"t
Cluse ,.
Appr!9l !"ly by De:e6ts Libility
Cluse ,/
,/2. De:e6ts Libility Certi:i6te
,/2/ U":ul:illed Obli#ti!"s
Cluse ,>
,>2. Default !: C!"tr6t!r .44
,>2/ Vluti!" t Dte !: Ter;i"ti!" .45
,>2> 'y;e"t :ter Ter;i"ti!" .4,
,>24 Assi#";e"t !: )e"e:it !: A#ree;e"t .4,
Cluse ,4
,42. Ur#e"t Re;edil W!r< .47
Cluse ,5
N! Libility :!r Spe6il Ris<s
Spe6il Ris<s
.4 J FIDIC .8+8
t! W!r<s by Spe6il Ris<s .48
'r!=e6tile? Aissile
,525 Increased C!sts risi"# :r!; Spe6il Ris<s .48
,52, Outbre< !: Wr .5(
,527 Removal !: C!"tr6t!r@s ECuip;e"t .5(
!" Ter;i"ti!"
i: C!"tr6t Ter;i"ted .5(
Cluse ,,
'y;e"t i" E9e"t !: Relese :r!; 'er:!r;"6e .5/
Cluse ,7
,72. E"#i"eer@s De6isi!"
,72/ A;i6ble Settle;e"t
Filure t! C!;ply 0ith E"#i"eer@s De6isi!"
Cluse ,+
,+2. N!ti6e t! C!"tr6t!r
,+2/ N!ti6e t! E;pl!yer "d E"#i"eer
Ch"#e !: Address
Cluse ,8
,82. De:ult !: E;pl!yer
,82/ Re;!9l !: C!"tr6t!r@s ECuip;e"t
,82> 'y;e"t !" Ter;i"ti!"
,824 C!"tr6t!r@s E"title;e"t t! Suspe"d W!r<
,825 Resu;pti!" !: W!r<
Cluse 7(
7(2. I"6rese !r De6rese !: C!st
SubseCue"t Le#islti!"
Cluse 7.
Curre"6y Restri6ti!"s
Cluse 7/
7/2. Rtes !: E*6h"#e
Curre"6y 'r!p!rti!"s
7/2> Curre"6ies !: 'y;e"t :!r 'r!9isi!"l Su;s
J FIDIC .8+8
Restri6ti!"s !" E*pe"diture .7>
C!"tr6t!r s E!i"t Ve"ture .7>
Spe6il 'r!9isi!" :!r Duties "d T*es .7>
Fourth Edition 174
J FIDIC .8+8
Standardisation b!th i" te6h"i6l "d d;i"istrti9e ;tters is esse"til
:!r the stis:6t!ry 6!;pleti!" !: pr!=e6ts !: 6i9il e"#i$ "eeri"#
6!"stru6ti!"2 C!"stru6ti!" pr!=e6ts t!dy usully 6!"ti" ele;e"ts !:
pl"t "d ;6hi"ery t! :!r; prt !: the 6!;pleted pr!=e6t "d this
;<es the 6!"tr6t 6!"diti!"s ;!re 6!;ple* th" i" the pst 0he" pl"t
0s usully i"stlled u"der seprte 6!"$ tr6ts :ter 6!;pleti!" !: the
6!"stru6ti!" 6!"tr6t2 I" dditi!"? the t!tl :i""6e :!r ;=!r pr!=e6t
is "!0 6ust!;rily dr0" :r!; se9erl s!ur6es "d the li<elih!!d tht the
O0"er 0ill be ble t! !bti" dditi!"l :u"di"# t! ;eet subst"til 6!st
!9er$ru"s hs be6!;e e*6eedi"#ly re;!te? i: "!t i;p!ssible2
I" !rder t! 6!;plete pr!=e6t 0ithi" the reCuired ti;e "d bud#et it is
esse"til tht e6h phse !: its preprti!" "d e*e6uti!"? strti"# 0ith
the ssess;e"t !: :esibility "d ter;i"ti"# 0ith the h"di"# !9er !: the
6!;pleted pr!=e6t by the C!"tr6t!r t! the O0"er? be :!r;ulted 0ith
pre6isi!" i" !rder t! li;it delys? disputes "d u":!resee" dditi!"l
The !b=e6t !: this publi6ti!" is t! 6!;;e"t !" the Cluses
6!"ti"ed i" the :!urth editi!" !: the C!"diti!"s !: C!"tr6t :!r W!r<s
!: Ci9il E"#i"eeri"# C!"stru6ti!" published by the I"ter$ "ti!"l
Federti!" !: %i"depe"de"t& C!"sulti"# E"#i"eers
%FIDIC&2 The e*te"t !: the 6!;;e"ts !" the Sub$Cluses di::ers
6!"siderbly? s s!;e Cluses re ;!re 6!;ple* th" !thers? "d the
le"#th !: 6!;;e"try sh!uld "!t be t<e" t! re:le6t the rel$ ti9e
i;p!rt"6e !: the sub=e6t ;tter2
)y 0y !: i"tr!du6ti!" s!;e "!tes re i"6luded relti"# t! the
te"deri"# pr!6edure re6!;;e"ded by FIDIC2 A!re 6!;;e"try !" this
te"deri"# pr!6edure 6" be :!u"d i" the FIDIC publi6ti!" e"titled
Te"deri"# 'r!6edure %'r!6edure :!r !bti"i"# "d e9lu$ ti"# te"ders :!r
6i9il e"#i"eeri"# 6!"tr6ts& 9ilble :r!; FIDIC Se6retrit2
There re !b9i!us d9"t#es t! usi"# detiled 6!"tr6t pr!9i$ si!"s bsed up!"
st"drd :!r; !: 6!"tr6t 0hi6h h!lds re$ s!"ble bl"6e bet0ee" the
reCuire;e"ts "d i"terests !: the prties 6!"6er"ed "d i" prti6ulr ll!6tes
:irly the ris<s "d resp!"sibilities bet0ee" the 6!"tr6ti"# prties2 I" the
;=!rity !: 6ses the 6!"tr6ti"# prties 0ill re6t :9!urbly t! 6lerly stted
!bli#ti!"s "d this 0ill d! ;u6h t! 9!id u"stis:6t!ry per:!r;$ "6e?
i"6resed 6!sts "d disputes 0hi6h 6" rise i: the trust tht "eeds t! e*ist
bet0ee" the prties t! 6!"stru6ti!" 6!"tr6t is l6<i"#2
The use !: st"drd 6!"diti!"s !: 6!"tr6t 0ill "!t !"ly :6ilitte the su66ess:ul
6!;pleti!" !: 6!"tr6t but 0ill? i" ll pr!bbility? result i" l!0er te"der pri6es? s
te"derers 0ill be :;ilir 0ith the 6!"diti!"s tht 0ill pply u"der the 6!"tr6t2 This
i;plies tht they 0ill "!t "eed t! ;<e :i""6il pr!9isi!" :!r 6!"tr6t 6!"diti!"s
0ith 0hi6h they re "!t :;ilir "d 0h!se 6!"se$ Cue"6es they ;y h9e di::i6ulty
i" ssessi"#2 The 0idespred use !: st"drd 6!"diti!"s !: 6!"tr6t ls! pr!9ides
stble bsis :!r tri"i"# "d edu6ti"# pers!""el resp!"sible :!r 6!"tr6t
;"#e;e"t "d 9!ids their h9i"# t! 0!r< 0ith e9er 6h"#$ i"# 6!"tr6t
JFIDIC .8+8 .7
The FIDIC C!"diti!"s !: C!"tr6t :!r W!r<s !: Ci9il E"#i"eer$ i"#
C!"stru6ti!" 0ere :irst published i" .8572 Up t! tht ti;e there 0ere "!
6!"diti!"s 0hi6h hd bee" spe6i:i6lly prepred t! #!9er" i"ter"ti!"l
6!"tr6ts2 The :irst editi!" !: the FIDIC C!"diti!"s %the Red )!!< s it
Cui6<ly be6;e <"!0" be6use the title 0s l!"# "d the 6!9er 0s red& 0s
published t ti;e 0he" i"ter"ti!"l 6!"tr6ti"# 0s i" its b!!; peri!d
"d the "eed :!r st"drd set !: 6!"diti!"s be6;e ppre"t2 The :irst
editi!" 0s bsed !" :!r; !: 6!"tr6t i" use i" the U"ited Ki"#d!;
0hi6h 0s published by the I"stituti!" !: Ci9il E"#i$ "eers %ICE& "d thus
9ery ;u6h re:le6ted trditi!"s "d le#l syste; tht 0ere spe6i:i6lly )ritish2
A se6!"d editi!" 0s issued i" the ;id$si*ties but this did "!t 6h"#e the
6!"diti!"s 6!"ti"ed i" the :irst editi!"? it ;erely dded 'rt III t! the
:irst editi!"2 This 'rt III 0s dr:ted t! pr!9ide prti6ulr 6h"#es t! the
Ge"erl C!"diti!"s 0he" the d!6u;e"t 0s t! be used :!r dred#i"# "d l"d
re6l;ti!" 6!"$ tr6ts2
A third editi!" 0hi6h did i"9!l9e 6!;plete re9isi!" 0s published i"
.877 "d 0s 66!;p"ied by " e*pl"t!ry d!6u$ ;e"t e"titled @N!tes !"
D!6u;e"ts :!r Ci9il E"#i"eeri"# C!"$ tr6ts@2
FIDIC ;i"ti"s 6!;;ittee? the Ci9il E"#i"eeri"# C!"tr6ts C!;;ittee
%CECC&? 0hi6h ;!"it!rs the use !: the Red )!!< "d is resp!"sible :!r rep!rti"#
t! the FIDIC E*e6uti9e C!;;ittee2 I"
.8+> the CECC d9ised the E*e6uti9e C!;;ittee tht i" s!;e Curters the
d!6u;e"t 0s bei"# 6riti6ised by E;pl!yers %O0"$ ers& :!r bei"# t!! A"#l!$
S*!" i" its 6!"6ept "d l"#u#e? pre$ su;bly the result !: :r 0ider use
th" it hd pre9i!usly e"$ =!yed2 Certi" ;e"d;e"ts 0ere ide"ti:ied 0hi6h
0ere bei"# pplied l;!st 6!"siste"tly by E;pl!yers "d it 0s 6!"sidered
d9isble t! bri"# the C!"diti!"s i"t! li"e 0ith 6urre"t pr6ti6e2 A"!ther :6t!r
0s tht i" ;"y 6ses 0here the C!"diti!"s 0ere bei"# used :!r pr!=e6ts i"
de9el!pi"# 6!u"tries? the represe"tti9es !: the E;pl!yer did "!t h9e the
bredth !: uth!rity t! dele#te duties t! the E"#i"eer 0hi6h it hd bee"
e"9is#ed tht they 0!uld h9e 0he" the third editi!" 0s prepred "d it 0s
:elt desirble t! re6!"6ile the C!"diti!"s 0ith 6urre"t 6ir6u;st"6es2
A66!rdi"#ly? the E*e6uti9e C!;;ittee reCuested the CECC t! prepre
:!urth editi!" "d the :!ll!0i"# is brie: su;;ry !: the ter;s !: re:ere"6e
Change !"ly 0here 6h"#e is "e6essry2
Maintain the bsi6 r!le !: the E"#i"eer2
6l!se tte"ti!" t! s!;e spe6i:i6 t!pi6s su6h s )!"ds "d Gur"tees?
App!rti!";e"t !: Ris<? I"sur"6e? Cli;s 'r!6e$ dures? Certi:i6tes "d
'y;e"ts "d Dispute 'r!6edures2
Endeavour t! updte the l"#u#e s! tht it is ;!re u"derst"d$ ble t! th!se
6hr#ed 0ith d;i"isteri"# the C!"diti!"s !" site2 There 0ere s!;e pr!6edurl
di::ere"6es i" the dr:ti"# pr!6ess s 6!;pred 0ith the third editi!"2 I" the
preprti!" !: the third editi!"? represe"tti9es !: the C!"tr6t!rs@ Ass!6iti!"s
hd pr$ ti6ipted l;!st s 6!$dr:ters "d it hd bee" i"di6ted !" the
.+ JFIDIC .8+8
6!9er !: the C!"diti!"s tht the d!6u;e"t 0s ppr!9ed by the 9ri!us
6!"tr6t!rs@ #r!upi"#s thr!u#h!ut the 0!rld2 F!r the :!urth editi!" it 0s
#reed tht the 6!"tr6t!rs@ represe"tti9es 0!uld h9e 6!"sultti9e sttus
duri"# the dr:ti"# pr!6ess but the :i"l d!6u;e"t 0!uld be the s!le
resp!"sibility !: FIDIC2 Eur!pe" I"ter"ti!"l C!"tr6t!rs %EIC& 0ere
;"dted by the C!":ed$ erti!" !: I"ter"ti!"l C!"tr6t!rs@ Ass!6iti!"s
%CICA& t! rep$ rese"t CICA i" this 6!"sultti9e r!le "d the ETC
represe"tti9es 0ere ssisted by t0! represe"tti9es !: the Ass!6ited
Ge"erl C!"tr6t!rs !: A;eri6 %AGC&2
I" dditi!"? duri"# the 6!urse !: the re9isi!" there 0s 6!"sider$ bly ;!re
6!"sultti!" 0ith the W!rld )"< th" hd bee" the 6se i" pre9i!us
re9isi!"s2 Als!? FIDIC 0s ble t! be"e:it :r!; ;eeti"#s 0ith
represe"tti9es !: the E!i"t Arb Fu"ds? 0h! h9e subst"til e*perie"6e i"
;!"it!ri"# the use !: the third editi!"2 FIDIC #retly ppre6ited the
!pp!rtu"ity :!r 6!"sultti!" 0ith b!th !: these b!dies? but this 6!"sultti!"
d!es "!t i;ply tht either !r#"isti!" ppr!9es the :!urth editi!" i" its
The CECC ;e;bers ls! 9iled the;sel9es !: the !pp!rtu"ity t! 6!"sult
e*perts i" the :ields 0here they the;sel9es did "!t 6li; "y prti6ulr
e*pertise !ther th" pr6ti6l e*perie"6e2 I" prti6u$ lr this pplied t!
i"sur"6e "d l02
This b!!< dels 0ith e6h spe6i:i6 6luse "d #i9es 6!;;e"try up!" the
6luse by th!se resp!"sible :!r the dr:ti"# but it 0ill pr!bbly be help:ul t
this p!i"t t! su;;rise the pri"6ipl 6h"#es :r!; the third editi!"2
Part II %C!"diti!"s !: 'rti6ulr Appli6ti!"& hs bee" #retly e*p"ded by
#!i"# :r!; " ide ;e;!ire t! :irly 6!;pre$ he"si9e set !: :ully
de9el!ped e*;ple 6luses2
Part II hs bee" pri"ted s seprte 9!lu;e2 This e"bles 'rt I %Ge"erl
C!"diti!"s& t! be tt6hed t! the te"der d!6u;e"ts i" their pri"ted :!r;2 This
pr!9ides stis:6t!ry e9ide"6e tht "! 6h"#es h9e bee" ;de therei" "d
tht 0hte9er 6h"#es re reCuired 0ill be e::e6ted by " e"try i" 'rt II2
The pre9i!us 'rt III %Dred#i"# "d Re6l;ti!" W!r<s& hs
bee" i"6!rp!rted i"t! 'rt II2
The listi"# !: the 9ri!us C!"tr6t!rs@ Ass!6iti!"s "! l!"#er ppers but
this d!es "!t ::e6t the use !: the C!"diti!"s by ;e;bers !: CICA Ae;ber
The style !: the l"#u#e "d the ly!ut !: the 6luses hs bee"
;!der"ised t! s!;e de#ree but the seCue"6e "u;beri"# !: the 6luses hs
bee" preser9ed2
r!le !: the E"#i"eer hs bee" ;i"ti"ed2
The r!le !: the E;pl!yer hs bee" ;de ;!re 9isible2 Where i"6reses i"
6!st !r e*te"si!"s !: ti;e re t! be deter;i"ed by the E"#i"eer? he hs "
!bli#ti!" t! 6!"sult 0ith b!th the E;pl!yer "d the C!"tr6t!r be:!re
;<i"# his deter;i"ti!"2
Every e"de9!ur hs bee" ;de t! ;i"ti" the !9erll bl"6e
!: ri#hts "d !bli#ti!"s bet0ee" the t0! prties t! the 6!"tr6t2
Current pr6ti6e hs bee" re:le6ted i" the "e0 editi!"2
Procedures h9e bee" set !ut i" #reter detil "d i" " 6ti!"$
!rie"tted 0y2
The C!"diti!"s 6ter :!r lr#er de#ree !: 'l"t2
Greater re6!#"iti!" hs bee" ;de !: the :6t tht s!;e desi#" !: 'er;"e"t
W!r<s is? !" !66si!"? ;de the resp!"sibility !: the C!"tr6t!r2
p!ssible? e::!rts h9e bee" ;de t! hr;!"ise 0ith the C!"diti!"s !:
C!"tr6t :!r Ele6tri6l "d Ae6h"i6l W!r<s %the Iell!0 )!!<&2 -!0e9er?
h9i"# re#rd t! the di::eri"# "ture !: the 0!r<s s!;e "!tble di::ere"6es
re;i"2 This 0!uld "!t pre$ 9e"t the t0! sets !: 6!"diti!"s bei"# used by
di::ere"t 6!"tr6t!rs !" the s;e site2
The ;teril i" this Guide d!es "!t :!r; prt !: the C!"diti!"s "!r is it
i"te"ded t! be i"6!rp!rted i" the C!"diti!"s !ther th" by the use !: e*;ple
6luses2 Further? it d!es "!t purp!rt t! #i9e " uth!ritti9e le#l i"terpretti!" !:
the C!"diti!"s? but it is e"$ 9is#ed tht it 0ill be help:ul i" the u"derst"di"# !:
the i"te"t !: the C!"diti!"s "d i" dr:ti"# prti6ulr 'rt II C!"diti!"s2
F!r the su66ess:ul 6hie9e;e"t !: pr!=e6t the :irst esse"til is t! h9e Dr0i"#s
"d Spe6i:i6ti!"s? bsed up!" 6!;pete"t desi#"s? t!#ether 0ith )ill !:
Hu"tities t! e"ble the pr!bble 6!st !: the W!r<s t! be estblished2
These d!6u;e"ts? t!#ether 0ith the C!"diti!"s !: C!"tr6t? :!r; the le#l
d!6u;e"t 0hi6h? u"der the ppli6ble l0? de:i"es the ri#hts "d !bli#ti!"s !:
the t0! prties? the E;pl!yer "d the C!"tr6t!r? i" their relti!"ship :!r the
relisti!" !: the pr!=e6t2 -!0e9er? the le#l d!6u;e"t ls! estblishes the
0!r<i"# relti!"$ ship 0ithi" 0hi6h " e;pl!yer 6" e*pe6t t! re6ei9e :r!;
" e::i6ie"t 6!"tr6t!r s!u"dly e*e6uted pr!=e6t t! ti;e "d 6!st2 ECully?
6!"tr6t!r 6" e*pe6t res!"ble 0!r<i"# 6!"diti!"s? :ir "d bl"6ed
ppli6ti!" !: the C!"tr6t "d t! be pid pr!;ptly 0ht he is e"titled t!
T! 6hie9e !pti;u; results it is esse"til tht 0he" te"ders re i"9ited?
te"derers re "!t e*pe6ted t! 6!9er i" the rtes they Cu!te :!r ris<s 0hi6h they
6!uld "!t res!"bly :!resee !r e9lute t the ti;e !: preprti!" !: their
It is i" the E;pl!yer@s i"terest :!r hi; t! ssu;e resp!"sibility u"der the
C!"tr6t :!r 6!sts risi"# :r!; e9e"ts 0hi6h ;y "e9er !66ur? 0hi6h lie !utside
the C!"tr6t!r@s 6!"tr!l !r 0hi6h 6""!t be 6!9ered by i"sur"6e t
res!"ble pre;iu;2 Su6h e9e"ts re 6lssi:ied i" the :!urth editi!" s
E;pl!yer@s Ris<s2
/( JFIDIC .8+8
A#i"st this b6<#r!u"d 6!;pete"t "d e*perie"6ed 6!"tr6t!rs
re ble t! sub;it 6!;petiti9e te"ders? 0ith!ut the "eed t! i"6lude
lr#e 6!"ti"#e"6y su;s t! 6!9er u"predi6tble h1rds2 The
E;pl!yer 0ill !"ly ;eet the 6!st !: su6h h1rds i: they 6tully
Cl!se 6!!perti!" "d te;0!r< bet0ee" E;pl!yer? C!"tr6t!r
"d E"#i"eer? 0ithi" the :r;e0!r< !: the C!"tr6t? 0ith ;u$
tul desire t! pr!du6e stis:6t!ry e"d pr!du6t by 0ell !r#"i$
sed? s:e "d e::i6ie"t ;eth!ds? 0ill redu6e t! ;i"i;u; the ris<
!: delys !r ;isu"derst"di"#s2 Whe" ;istrust !r l6< !: 6!":i$
de"6e !66urs tr!ubles ;y rise "d 6!"tr6t ;y ru" i"t! di:$
:i6ulties2 N! 0!rdi"# i" the C!"tr6t 6" pre9e"t this :r!; hp$
pe"i"# i: !"e !r b!th !: the prties !r the E"#i"eer :ils t! per$
:!r; his duty u"der the C!"tr6t resp!"sibly "d 6!rre6tly2
The FIDIC C!"diti!"s !: C!"tr6t h9e bee" 0ritte" :!r use
0here the ser9i6es !: " i"depe"de"t E"#i"eer re used :!r super$
9isi!" !: 6!"stru6ti!"2 The C!"diti!"s pr!9ide u"der Sub$Cluse
/2, tht 0here the E"#i"eer is reCuired t! e*er6ise his dis6reti!"
he shll 6t i;prtilly2 I: the E"#i"eer is " e;pl!yee !: the
E;pl!yer? su6h i;prtility is still reCuired2
J FIDIC .8+8 /.
The FIDIC C!"diti!"s !: C!"tr6t e"9is#e tht 6!"tr6t!r 0ill be sele6ted by
the E;pl!yer :!ll!0i"# 6!;petiti9e te"deri"#2 FIDIC hs published d!6u;e"t
e"titled @Te"deri"# 'r!6edure@ 0hi6h prese"ts syste;ti6 ppr!6h t! the
sele6ti!" !: te"derers "d the !bti"i"# "d e9luti"# !: te"ders2 It is i"te"ded t!
ssist the E;pl!yerKE"#i"eer t! re6ei9e s!u"d 6!;petiti9e te"ders 0ith ;i"i;u;
!: Culi:i6ti!"s "d :!r;ulted s! tht they 6" be Cui6<ly "d e::i6ie"tly
ssessed2 At the s;e ti;e? e9ery e::!rt hs bee" ;de t! pr!9ide the
!pp!rtu"ity "d i"6e"ti9e :!r 6!"$ tr6t!rs t! resp!"d esily t! i"9itti!"s t!
te"der :!r pr!=e6ts they re 0ell Culi:ied t! i;ple;e"t2
E*perie"6e hs sh!0" tht? :!r ;=!r pr!=e6ts "d th!se i"9!l9i"# i"ter"ti!"l
te"deri"#? preCuli:i6ti!" !: te"derers is desirble si"6e it e"bles the
E;pl!yerKE"#i"eer t! estblish? i" d9"6e? the 6!;pete"6e !: :ir;s
subseCue"tly i"9ited t! te"der2 It ls! e"sures tht i"9itti!"s re ddressed t!
ledi"# 6!;p"ies 0h! 0!uld "!t "e6essrily prti6ipte i" !pe" !r u"restri6ted
te"der$ i"#2 Su6h u"restri6ted te"deri"# d!es "!t l0ys :6ilitte ppr!$ prite
6!;petiti!" be6use the "u;ber !: te"derers ;y be s! #ret s t! ;<e the !dds
#i"st te"deri"# su66ess:ully u"66eptble2 Additi!"lly? preCuli:i6ti!" hs
the d9"t#e !: redu6i"# the i":lti!"ry e::e6t 0hi6h ;ust rise 0here :ir;s
i"6ur u"pr!du6$ ti9e e*pe"se i" sub;itti"# lr#e "u;ber !: te"ders i" the <"!0l$
ed#e tht hi#h pr!p!rti!" !: these ;ust be u"su66ess:ul2
A :l!06hrt illustrti"# the re6!;;e"ded pr!6edures :!r the pre$ Culi:i6ti!" !:
te"derers? :!r !bti"i"# te"ders "d :!r !pe"i"# "d e9luti!" !: te"ders is
repr!du6ed !" subseCue"t p#es2 The d!6u;e"ts issued t! te"derers %the Te"der
d!6u;e"ts& "!r$ ;lly 6!;prise C!"diti!"s !: C!"tr6t? Spe6i:i6ti!"? Dr0i"#s?
)ill !: Hu"tities "d :!r; !: Te"der? t!#ether 0ith I"stru6ti!"s t! Te"derers2
All e*6ept I"stru6ti!"s t! Te"derers be6!;e C!"tr6t d!6u;e"ts !" 0rd
!: C!"tr6t2 It is usul t! se"d the Te"der d!6u;e"ts t! te"derers u"der 6!9er
!: letter 0hi6h sh!uld be li;ited t! ide"ti:yi"# the d!6u;e"ts "d #i9i"#
the re6ipie"t " i"9itti!" t! te"der2
C!"diti!"s of Contract
The C!"diti!"s !: C!"tr6t 0ill 6!"sist !: 'rt I "d 'rt II !: the Red )!!<2 The
C!"diti!"s set !ut the le#lK6!"tr6tul rr"#e$ ;e"ts tht 0ill pply t! the
C!"tr6t2 The pri"6iples "d the ;eth!d t! be :!ll!0ed i" their preprti!" re
des6ribed i" lter 6hpter !: this Guide2
The Spe6i:i6ti!" 0ill de:i"e the s6!pe "d the te6h"i6l reCuire$ ;e"ts !: the
C!"tr6t2 The Culity !: ;terils "d the st"drds !: 0!r<;"ship t! be
pr!9ided by the C!"tr6t!r ;ust be 6lerly des6ribed? t!#ether 0ith the e*te"t? i:
"y? t! 0hi6h the C!"tr6t!r 0ill be resp!"sible :!r the desi#" !: the per;"e"t
0!r<s2 Detils ;ust be i"6luded !: s;ples t! be pr!9ided "d tests t! be 6rried
!ut by the C!"tr6t!r duri"# the 6!urse !: the C!"tr6t2 A"y li;itti!"s !"
the C!"tr6t!r@s :reed!; !: 6h!i6e i" the !rder? ti;i"# !r ;eth!ds !: e*e6uti"#
the 0!r< !r se6ti!"s !: the 0!r<s
// J FIDIC .8+8
;ust be 6lerly set !ut "d "y restri6ti!"s i" his use !: the site !: the
0!r<s? su6h s the pr!9isi!" !: 66ess !r sp6e :!r !ther 6!"tr6t!rs? ;ust be
The Dr0i"#s ;ust be i" su::i6ie"t detil t! e"ble te"derers t! ssess
66urtely? i" 6!"=u"6ti!" 0ith the Spe6i:i6ti!" "d the )ill !: Hu"tities? the
"ture "d s6!pe !: 0!r< i"6luded i" the C!"$ tr6t2 O"ly rrely is it
p!ssible t! pr!9ide? t te"der st#e? 6!;plete set !: dr0i"#s s! :ully
detiled tht the 0!r< 6" be e*e6uted 0ith!ut "y :urther dr0i"#s
be6!;i"# "e6essry2 O" ;!st 6!"tr6ts supple;e"try dr0i"#s 0ill be
issued :ter 0rd s 0!r< pr!6eeds2
)ill of Quantities
The )ill !: Hu"tities is list !: ite;s #i9i"# des6ripti!"s "d esti;ted
Cu"tities !: 0!r< t! be e*e6uted u"der the C!"tr6t2 The Red )!!<
ssu;es re;esure;e"t :!r; !: 6!"tr6t? l$ th!u#h tht d!es "!t
pre6lude the i"6lusi!" !: "u;ber !: lu;p su; ite;s i" the )ill !:
Hu"tities pr!9ided tht the s6!pe !: 0!r< t! be 6!9ered by e6h lu;p
su; ite; is deCutely de:i"ed2 The Tender
It is hi#hly desirble 0he" i"9iti"# 6!;petiti9e !::ers :r!; "u;ber !:
te"derers? tht the te"ders re6ei9ed sh!uld be bsed s :r s p!ssible !"
eCul ter;s "d 6!"diti!"s "d prese"ted i" st"drdised ;""er2 I" this
0y e9luti!" "d 6!;pris!" be$ t0ee" the te"ders re6ei9ed 6" be ;de
;!re si;ply "d 66u$ rtely 0ith less ris< !: ;isu"derst"di"#s? err!rs "d
!;issi!"s2 The Te"der is the ;!st i;p!rt"t si"#le d!6u;e"t sub;itted by
the te"derer2 It is here tht e6h te"derer 6!":ir;s tht he hs red "d
u"derst!!d the reCuire;e"ts !: the Te"der d!6u;e"ts "d bsed !" su6h
reCuire;e"ts it is here tht he sttes his te"der su; :!r u"dert<i"# "d
:ul:illi"# ll his !bli#ti!"s u"der the C!"$ tr6t2 It is there:!re esse"til
:!r the E;pl!yer tht ll Te"ders re6ei9ed re stted i" ide"ti6l ter;s "d
thus it is "e6essry :!r the E;pl!yer? 0he" i"9iti"# Te"ders? t! pr!9ide
te"derers 0ith st"drd :!r; !: te"der 0hi6h e6h te"derer is reCuired t!
6!;$ plete "d si#"2
The :!r; !: Te"der 0hi6h is i"6luded t the e"d !: the :irst 9!l$ u;e !: the
Red )!!< :!ll!0i"# 'rt I !: the C!"diti!"s !: C!"$ tr6t is re6!;;e"ded
:!r this purp!se2 It is sh!rt? it is 6ler "d 0he" si#"ed "d sub;itted
6retes le#lly bi"di"# "d 9lid !::er2
It is 6!;;!" :!r Te"ders t! be ide"ti:ied by te"der re:ere"6e !r 6!"tr6t
"u;ber 0hi6h sh!uld be dded t! li"< the Te"der t! the pr!=e6t i" Cuesti!"2
The !r#"isti!" t! 0hi6h the Te"der is bei"# sub;itted ;ust be
stted i" the ppr!prite sp6e !" the :!r;2
The su; t! be e"tered u"der pr#rph . !: the Te"der is the
te"derer@s t!tl Te"der su;? 0hi6h sh!uld be the s;e s the t!tl
J FIDIC .8+8
:r!; the su;;ry p#e !: the )ill !: Hu"tities2 The ;!u"t shll be e"tered i"
0!rds "d i" :i#ures "d i" the e9e"t !: dis6rep$ "6y bet0ee" the t0! it is
6!;;!" pr6ti6e i" ;!st 6!u"tries tht the 0ritte" ;!u"t shll pre9il !9er
the ;!u"t e*pressed i" :i#ures2
The su; #reed ;y 9ry duri"# the e*e6uti!" !: the pr!=e6t depe"di"# !"
0ht 6ir6u;st"6es !66ur? e2#2 the i"stru6ti!" !: 9riti!"s? the !66urre"6e !:
u":!resee" e9e"ts? 0hi6h i" 66!r$ d"6e 0ith the C!"diti!"s !: C!"tr6t
e"title the C!"tr6t!r t! dditi!"l %!r redu6ed& py;e"t2
U"der pr#rph 4 the E;pl!yer ;ust stte the ti;e duri"# 0hi6h he reCuires the
Te"der t! re;i" 9lid "d !pe" t! 66ept"6e2 This ti;e sh!uld be deCute
t! per;it pr!per e9luti!" "d 0rd pr!6edures t! be 6!;pleted2
I" the e9e"t tht the stted ti;e pr!9es t! be i"su::i6ie"t? the E;pl!yer ;y
s< te"derers t! e*te"d the peri!d !: 9lidity !: their Te"ders :!r :urther
";ed peri!d2 At the s;e ti;e te"$ derers sh!uld be s<ed t! e*te"d the
9lidity !: "y te"der b!"d 66!rdi"#ly2 Te"derers re :ree t! e*te"d !r "!t? i:
s! reCuested? "d i" the e9e"t tht they 6h!!se "!t t! d! s!? the E;pl!yer hs
"! ri#ht t! 6sh !r h!ld their te"der b!"d2
The E;pl!yer ;ust ls! :ill i"? be:!re the issue !: the Te"der d!6u;e"ts? the
"e6essry detils i" the list #i9e" i" the Appe"di* t! Te"der? i" 66!rd"6e 0ith
the N!tes t the :!!t !: the Appe"$ di*2
N! re:ere"6e is #i9e" t! 6!9eri"# letter i" the :!r; !: Te"der #i9e" i" the
Red )!!<2 The 6!;pleted Te"der is? i" ;"y 6ses? su::i6ie"t i" itsel:2 I:
te"derers re i"9ited !r reCuired t! sub;it supple;e"try i":!r;ti!"? they
sh!uld d! s! u"der seprte 6!9eri"# letter "d i" su6h 6se it ;y be
"e6essry :!r te"der$ ers t! dd re:ere"6e t! this letter i" the Te"der be:!re
sub;is$ si!"2
I"stru6ti!"s to Tenderers
Instructions t! te"derers ;ust be prepred t! ;eet the reCuire;e"ts !: i"di9idul
6!"tr6ts2 Their purp!se is t! 6!"9ey i":!r;ti!" "d i"stru6ti!"s 0hi6h
pply duri"# the te"deri"# peri!d2 A"y ;teril !" 0hi6h it is i"te"ded t! rely
:ter 0rd ;ust be i"$ 6luded else0here? e2#2 i" the C!"diti!"s !: C!"tr6t !r
the Spe6i$ :i6ti!"2
The :!ll!0i"# "!tes pr!9ide #uide t! sub=e6ts t! be 6!9ered? but
they re "!t "e6essrily e*husti9e2
.2 General
this hedi"# sh!uld be i"6luded brie: detils !: the !r$ #"isti!"
%G!9er";e"t? Ai"istry? Deprt;e"t? Auth!rity? et62& 6lli"# :!r Te"ders?
t!#ether 0ith " !utli"e !: the pr!=$ e6t t! be 6!9ered by the C!"tr6t2
/4 J FIDIC .8+8
A"y stipulti!"s re#rdi"# :ir;s "d pers!"s Culi:ied t! te"$ der? su6h s
pri!r preCuli:i6ti!" "dK!r reCuire;e"ts i" the e9e"t !: :!r;ti!" !: =!i"t
9e"tures? sh!uld be stted? t!#ether 0ith detils !: "y spe6il reCuire;e"ts
t! estblish the 9lid$ ity !: the Te"der "d the uth!rity !: the si#"t!ry? e2#2
'!0er !: Att!r"ey2
Te"derers ;ust be d9ised i: the su66ess:ul te"derer 0ill be reCuired t!
estblish l!6lly re#istered 6!;p"y :!r the pur$ p!se !: the C!"tr6t2
/2 Documents
A list !: d!6u;e"ts issued t! te"derers sh!uld be i"6luded t!#ether 0ith
i"stru6ti!"s s t! 0hi6h !: these d!6u;e"ts ;ust be 6!;pleted by the
te"derer "d h"ded i" !" the sub;issi!" dte2
I: the Te"der d!6u;e"ts re "!t issued :ree !: 6hr#e the" the su; reCuired
:!r the !ri#i"l set "d :!r "y dditi!"l sets sh!uld be stted "d
0hether py;e"t is t! be ;de i" l!6l !r eCui9le"t :!rei#" 6urre"6y2
Te"derers sh!uld be d9ised s t! h!0 the e*tr sets !: d!6u;e"ts 6" be
!bti"ed "d ls! !: pr!6edures t! be :!ll!0ed :!r the retur" !: the
d!6u;e"ts by u"su66ess:ul te"derers2
>2 Completion and Submission of Tenders Concise i"stru6ti!"s s t!
the ti;e? dte "d pl6e :!r the sub;issi!" !: Te"ders sh!uld be #i9e"2
It sh!uld ls! be ;de 6ler t! te"derers tht ll e"tries "d si#"tures
sh!uld be i" i"delible i"< "d tht "! ersures !r dditi!"s re per;itted
!ther th" th!se "e6essry t! 6!rre6t err!rs2 All su6h 6!rre6ti!"s ;ust be
It is "!r;l t! s< :!r ;!re th" !"e 6!py !: the Te"der? i" 0hi6h 6se
te"derers sh!uld be i"stru6ted s t! the ;""er i" 0hi6h the Te"ders re t!
be p6<#ed2
It is usul t! stipulte tht !"e set !: d!6u;e"ts sh!uld be 6lerly
;r<ed @Ori#i"l Te"der@ "d !thers ;r<ed @C!py@? "d tht i: there re
dis6rep"6ies the Ori#i"l Te"der t<es pre6ede"6e2 'h!t!6!pies !: the
Ori#i"l Te"der ;i"i;ise the ris< !: dis6rep"6ies2
The te"derer sh!uld be t!ld 0hether? i: he hs h"ded i" his Te"der be:!re
the :!r;l sub;issi!" dte !r hs se"t it by p!st? he hs the ri#ht t! 0ithdr0?
;!di:y !r 6!rre6t it :ter dispt6h2 This 0!uld "!r;lly be per;itted?
pr!9ided tht reCuest :!r ;!di:i6ti!"? et62? hs bee" re6ei9ed by the
E;pl!yer either i" 0riti"# !r by 6ble? tele* !r :6si;ile tr"s;issi!"
be:!re the ti;e set :!r re6ei9i"# Te"ders2 The Ori#i"l Te"der s
;e"ded 0!uld the" be 6!"sidered s the !::i6il !::er2
Supplementary Information Required. Tenderers sh!uld be d9ised !:
"y supple;e"try i":!r;$ ti!" t! be sub;itted 0ith the Te"der
d!6u;e"ts? su6h s de$ tils !: the pr!p!sed sureties :!r "y per:!r;"6e
#e"erl ter;s !: i"sur"6e %see Sub$Cluse /52. !: the C!"di$ ti!"s !: C!"tr6t&
the 6!"stituti!" !: the te"derer@s !r#"is$ ti!" t!#ether 0ith the ddress t! be
used :!r the purp!ses !: the C!"tr6t? preli;i"ry pr!#r;;e !: 0!r< %the
I"stru6$ ti!"s t! Te"derers sh!uld #i9e " i"di6ti!" !: 0ht is re$ Cuired& "d
list !: ;=!r ite;s !: C!"tr6t!r@s ECuip;e"t reCuired :!r the purp!se !:
e*e6uti"# the 0!r<s2
A :!re6st !: lb!ur "d st::? l!6l "d :!rei#"? ;y be re$ Cuested2 Where
Te"der su; hs bee" reCuested !" the bsis tht it is d=ustble by res!" !:
6h"#es i" the 6!st !: lb!ur? ;terils "d tr"sp!rt? the te"derer sh!uld? u"less
the prti6u$ lrs re #i9e" by the E;pl!yer i" the Te"der d!6u;e"ts? be
reCuested t! i"di6te the :!r;ul !r :!r;ule 0hi6h he 0ishes t! use s the bsis
:!r d=usti"# the su;2 I: his :!r;ul is t! be i"de* bsed? !::i6illy published
i"di6es sh!uld be used2 These 0!uld "!r;lly be i"di6es published i" the
6!u"try 0here the pr!=e6t is t! be l!6ted2 The te"derer sh!uld ls! pr!9ide
the ";es !: "y sub6!"tr6t!rs he pr!p!ses t! e;pl!y? t!#ether 0ith
detils !: th!se prts !: the 0!r<s pr!p!sed t! be sub6!"tr6ted2
It ;ust ls! be ;de 6ler i" the I"stru6ti!"s t! Te"derers t! 0ht e*te"t the
supple;e"try i":!r;ti!" is reCuired by the E;pl!yer purely t! de;!"strte
tht the te"derer hs u"der$ st!!d the e*te"t "d "ture !: the 0!r< "d the
pr!#r;;e reCuired "d t! 0ht e*te"t? i: t ll? the supple;e"try i":!r$ ;ti!"
is reCuired s prt !: the !::er :!r i"6lusi!" i" the C!"tr6t d!6u;e"ts !"
52 Amendments to Tender Documents
It is p!ssible tht e*pl"ti!"s? re9isi!"s? dditi!"s !r deleti!"s t! the d!6u;e"ts
issued t! te"derers ;y be "e6essry duri"# the te"deri"# peri!d2 Te"derers
sh!uld be t!ld h!0 these 0ill be delt 0ith? the "!r;l ;eth!d bei"# by :!r;l
dde"d2 I: te"derer is i" d!ubt b!ut the ;e"i"# !: s!;e ite; i" the Te"der
d!6u;e"ts? he sh!uld be d9ised t! "!ti:y the E"#i$ "eer "!t lter th" #i9e"
"u;ber !: dys %e2#2 4/ dys& be:!re the Te"der sub;issi!" dte2 The E"#i"eer
0ill the" issue t! ll te"derers " e*pl"ti!" i" the :!r; !: " dde"du;2 E6h
dde"du; sh!uld be 66!;p"ied by re6eipt :!r; 0hi6h ;ust be retur"ed s!
tht the E;pl!yer "d the E"#i"eer h9e 6!":ir;ti!" tht e6h te"derer hs
re6ei9ed ll the "e6essry i":!r;ti!"2 Filure t! 6<"!0led#e re6eipt !: "
dde"du; ;y result i" re=e6ti!" !: Te"der2 The dde"d be6!;e prt !: the
Te"der d!6u;e"ts "d the "u;bers issued sh!uld be i"serted by te"derers i"
the sp6e pr!9ided i" pr#rph . !: the :!r; !: Te"der2
Te"derers 0!uld "!r;lly be reCuired t! sub;it their !::ers stri6tly i"
66!rd"6e 0ith the reCuire;e"ts !: the Te"der d!6u;e"ts2 I: te"derers re
per;itted t! !::er " lter"ti9e Te"der? "y deprture :r!; the d!6u;e"ts issued
t! te"derers sh!uld be 6lerly ide"ti:ied "d detiled2 The !pti!" t! sub$ ;it
lter"ti9e Te"ders ;y ;<e the e9luti!" pr!6ess di:$ :i6ult2
/, J FIDIC .8+8
6. Currency Requirements and Exchange Rates Tenderers
sh!uld be reCuired t! #i9e "!ti6e t! the E;pl!yer !: the 9ri!us
6urre"6ies i" 0hi6h they ;y 0ish t! be pid i: the C!"tr6t is 0rded
t! the;2 This i":!r;ti!" sh!uld be supplied s s!!" s p!ssible :ter
i"9itti!"s t! te"der h9e bee" issued "d "!t less th" #i9e" "u;ber
!: dys %e2#2 4/ dys& be:!re the Te"der sub;issi!" dte2
The E;pl!yer ;y 0ish t! spe6i:y i" the I"stru6ti!"s t! Te"$ derers tht
py;e"ts 0ill be ;de !"ly i" the 6urre"6ies !: the 6!u"tries :r!;
0hi6h the #!!ds "d ser9i6es re t! be 6$ Cuired2
The Te"der d!6u;e"ts sh!uld i"6lude s6hedule i" 0hi6h te"derers
re6!rd the su;s i" the 9ri!us ppr!9ed 6urre"6ies tht t!#ether
6!"stitute their t!tl Te"der su;2 This s6hedule be6!;es prt !: the
C!"tr6t 0he" 0rded2
It is 6!;;!" pr6ti6e t! reCuire te"derers t! sub;it their Te"ders i"
si"#le 6urre"6y $
!: the 6!u"try i" 0hi6h the W!r<s re t! be
e*e6uted2 I: this is the 6se it is "e6essry t! de:i"e the rtes !:
e*6h"#e 0hi6h h9e bee" used t! 6!"9ert the 9ri!us 6urre"6ies? i"
0hi6h py;e"t is reCuired? i"t! si"#le 6urre"6y u"it2 As ;!re th"
!"e te"derer ;y reCuest prt py;e"t i" !"e prti6ulr 6urre"6y? it is
pre:er$ ble tht the e*6h"#e rtes t! be used sh!uld be 6!"siste"t "d?
there:!re? tht they sh!uld be de:i"ed by the E;pl!yer "d "!ti:ied by
hi;? !r the E"#i"eer !" his behl:? t! e6h te"derer res!"ble ti;e
be:!re the dte !: sub;issi!"2 I" 66!rd"6e 0ith Sub$Cluse 7/2/ !:
the C!"diti!"s !: C!"$ tr6t? these rtes shll be stted i" 'rt II !r? i:
"!t s! stted? shll be th!se pre9ili"#? s deter;i"ed by the Ce"trl
)"< !: the 6!u"try i" 0hi6h the 0!r<s re t! be e*e6uted? !" the dte
/+ dys pri!r t! the ltest dte :!r the sub;issi!" !: Te"ders !r s
pr!9ided :!r i" the Te"der2 The rtes Cu!ted re i"6!rp!rted i" the
C!"tr6t 0he" 0rded2
I" !rder t! ssist i" :!r0rd bud#eti"# it is use:ul t! reCuest te"derers t!
pr!9ide " esti;te !: the py;e"ts t! be ;de by the E;pl!yer t! the
C!"tr6t!r duri"# the peri!d !: the C!"tr6t? pre:erbly i" Curterly
The esti;te !: py;e"ts re:erred t! b!9e d!es "!t be6!;e prt !: the
C!"tr6t "d sh!uld "!t be re#rded s bi"di"#2 The :i#ures ;y h9e t!
be re9ie0ed "d d=usted s the 0!r< pr!6eeds2 E*pe"diture u"der
'r!9isi!"l Su;s 0ill ::e6t the :i#ures? "d s! ls! 0ill 6h"#es i" the
s!ur6e !: supply !: ;terils "d ;!di:i6ti!"s t! the pr!#r;;e !r
9riti!"s !: the W!r<s2
72 Site Visits
It is 6ust!;ry t! e*pe6t te"derers t! 9isit the site !: the pr!=e6t duri"# the
te"der peri!d2 Detils sh!uld be #i9e" !: the dte "d rr"#e;e"ts :!r
9isiti"# 0he" st:: !: the E;pl!yer "d
J FIDIC .8+8 /7
the E"#i"eer 0ill be !" site t! "s0er Cuesti!"s "d 0he" "y e*pl!rt!ry 0!r<
6rried !ut 0ill be 9ilble :!r i"spe6ti!"? e2#2 b!reh!le 6!res lid !ut "d
e*pl!rt!ry dits lit2 A su;;ry !: ll Cuesti!"s "d "s0ers theret! sh!uld be
issued t! ll te"derers2 Te"derers sh!uld "!t be restri6ted i" their site 9isits "d
detils !: 0h! t! 6!"t6t :!r :urther 9isits sh!uld be #i9e"2
+2 Tender Bond
If te"der b!"d is reCuired? pr! :!r; 9ersi!" !: su6h b!"d sh!uld be i"6luded
i" the Te"der d!6u;e"ts2 The ;!u"t !: the b!"d sh!uld be stted "d the
6urre"6y !r 6urre"6ies re$ Cuired2 I" ll 6ses the surety !r sureties ;ust be
stis:6t!ry t! the E;pl!yer2 I: te"der b!"d hs bee" reCuested? "y Te"der
tht hs "!t bee" s! se6ured 0ill be re=e6ted u"less !ther0ise i"di6ted2
Te"derers sh!uld be d9ised tht the b!"d 0ill be relesed :ter spe6i:ied peri!d?
!r erlier i: !"e !: the Te"ders hs? 0ithi" the peri!d? bee" 66epted by the
E;pl!yer "d " 66eptble per:!r;"6e se6urity hs bee" sub;itted by the
su66ess:ul te"$ derer2 It sh!uld ls! be ;de 6ler 0ht 0ill hppe" t! the
te"der b!"d i: the te"derer 0h! hs bee" 66epted :ils t! pr!9ide
per:!r;"6e se6urity 0ithi" spe6i:ied "u;ber !: dys :ter bei"# reCuested t!
d! s!2 Usully the te"der b!"d 0ill be :!r:eited2
82 Bonus
If b!"us i" relti!" t! erly 6!;pleti!" is t! be i"6luded i" the C!"tr6t?
te"derers sh!uld be re;i"ded t! stte i" the sp6e pr!9ided i" the Appe"di* t!
Te"der 0ht pr!p!rti!"s !: l!6l "d :!rei#" 6urre"6ies they 0ish t! re6ei9e i:
they er" it2
Local Legislation
If there re "y l!6l l0s !r de6rees !r "y spe6il rr"#e$ ;e"ts 0hi6h the
E;pl!yer 0ishes the te"derers t! "!te pr$ ti6ulrly? these sh!uld be listed i"
the I"stru6ti!"s t! Te"der$ ers2 It sh!uld be ;de 6ler tht the list is "!t
..2 Examination of Tenders
Tenderers sh!uld be d9ised tht the E;pl!yer? !r the E"#i$ "eer !" behl: !:
the E;pl!yer? ;y s< "y te"derer :!r 6lri:i6ti!" !: his Te"der? but tht "!
te"derer 0ill be per;it$ ted t! lter his Te"der su; :ter Te"ders h9e bee"
!pe"ed2 Clri:i6ti!"s tht d! "!t 6h"#e the Te"der su; ;y? i: they re
66eptble? be i"6!rp!rted i" the C!"tr6t2
It sh!uld be ;de 6ler tht ll Te"ders ;ust re;i" 9lid :!r spe6i:ied 9lidity
peri!d "d "y e*te"si!" theret! #reed t! by the respe6ti9e te"derer2
/+ JFIDIC .8+8
Te"derers sh!uld be d9ised i: "y :6t!rs !ther th" the Te"der su;?
su6h s :!rei#" 6urre"6y pr!p!rti!"s? re t! be t<e" i"t! 66!u"t 0he"
e9luti"# Te"ders2
./2 Acceptance of Tender
The E;pl!yer 0ill "!r;lly stte tht he d!es "!t bi"d hi;$ sel: t! 0rd
the C!"tr6t t! the te"derer sub;itti"# the l!0est te"der !r t! "y te"derer2
E9luti!" of Tenders
Tenders :!r ;=!r "d i"ter"ti!"l 6!"tr6ts re #e"erlly !pe"ed i" publi6
0he" the ";es !: the te"derers re ""!u"6ed t!#ether 0ith the Te"der
su;2 N! !ther detils re #i9e" t tht ti;e2 There:ter the Te"ders re
6he6<ed "d studied by the E"#i"eer !" behl: !: the E;pl!yer2
O"e !: the :irst ts<s !: the E"#i"eer is t! estblish 0hether the Te"ders
re rith;eti6lly 6!rre6t "d? i: they re "!t? h!0 t! !9er6!;e "y
err!rs2 A"!ther ts< is t! 6he6< tht the Te"ders re resp!"si9e? tht ll the
reCuired i":!r;ti!" hs bee" pr!9ided "d tht e9erythi"# is 6!"siste"t 0ith
the ter;s !: the Te"der d!6u$ ;e"ts2
I: err!rs? !;issi!"s !r i"6!"siste"6ies re ppre"t ;eeti"# sh!uld be
held 0ith the l!0est te"derer? "d p!ssibly 0ith !"e !r t0! !ther te"derers?
t! 6lri:y the p!siti!" "d t! #ree h!0 t! del 0ith the p!i"ts i" the e9e"t !:
" 0rd2 At su6h ;eeti"#s? te"$ derers sh!uld "!t be per;itted t! 6h"#e
the subst"6e !: their Te"ders2 I: it d!es "!t pr!9e p!ssible t! 6lri:y "d
#ree h!0 di::ere"6es re t! be res!l9ed? the prti6ulr Te"der sh!uld be
treted s u"resp!"si9e "d "! :urther 6!"siderti!" sh!uld be #i9e" t!
tht Te"der2
A0rd !: C!"tr6t
When the E"#i"eer hs 6!;pleted the e9luti!" !: te"ders? "d hs
!bti"ed "y "e6essry 6lri:i6ti!"s? he 0ill ;<e re6!;$ ;e"dti!" t!
the E;pl!yer !" the 0rd !: the C!"tr6t2 I: the E;pl!yer #rees 0ith
the E"#i"eer@s re6!;;e"dti!" "d is i" p!siti!" t! 0rd the C!"tr6t
i;;editely he 0ill issue Letter !: A66ept"6e t! the su66ess:ul te"derer2
O" !66si!"s 6erti" steps ;y still be "e6essry be:!re the E;$ pl!yer 6"
0rd the C!"tr6t? e2#2 G!9er";e"t ppr!9l !r rti$ :i6ti!" !: l!"
#ree;e"t2 I" su6h 6se? the E;pl!yer ;y de6ide t! issue t! the
p!te"til C!"tr6t!r letter !: i"te"t2 Su6h letter sh!uld stte the
6!"diti!"s tht ;ust be ;et be:!re the 0rd 6" be ;de2 I" ;!st 6ses
letters !: i"te"t re 0!rded i" su6h 0y s t! 6rete "! 6!;;it;e"t !"
the prt !: the E;$ pl!yer "d the p!te"til C!"tr6t!r 6rries !ut "y
preli;i"ry 0!r< !r i"6urs 6!sts t his !0" ris<2 S!;eti;es letter !:
i"te"t #i9es i"stru6ti!"s t! the p!te"til C!"tr6t!r t! t<e s!;e
6ti!"? su6h s t! !rder ;terils "d 'l"t !r t! 6rry !ut li;ited 0!r<2 I"
this 6se? it is "e6essry :!r the letter !: i"te"t t! be
6ler b!ut h!0? "d t! 0ht e*te"t? the p!te"til C!"tr6t!r 0ill be pid :!r
0ht he d!es i:? :!r "y res!"? the C!"tr6t is "!t ulti;tely e"tered i"t!2
I" ;!st 6ses it is the E;pl!yer@s Letter !: A66ept"6e 0hi6h? t!#ether 0ith
the te"derer@s Te"der? 0ill :!r; bi"di"# C!"tr6t bet0ee" the t0! prties? 9lid
:r!; the dte !: issue !: the Letter2 I: !" 66!u"t !: err!rs? !;issi!"s !r
i"6!"siste"6ies i" the Te"$ der? !r :!r "y !ther res!"? "y 6h"#es h9e bee"
te"tti9ely #reed t ;eeti"# !: 6lri:i6ti!"? the E;pl!yer@s letter ;y
6!"stitute !"ly 6!u"ter$!::er "d the C!"tr6t 0ill !"ly be bi"d$ i"# !" the dte
tht the C!"tr6t!r 6<"!0led#es "d 6!":ir;s? i" 0riti"#? #ree;e"t t! the ter;s
!: the Letter !: A66ept"6e2
The C!"diti!"s !: C!"tr6t? Sub$Cluse 82.? ;<e pr!9isi!" :!r the e*e6uti!" !:
C!"tr6t A#ree;e"t bet0ee" the prties 0hi6h 0ill re6!rd ll the ter;s !: the
C!"tr6t bet0ee" the;2 -!0e9er? the e*e6uti!" !: this d!6u;e"t is "!t "!r;lly
"e6essry t! 6rete le#lly bi"di"# 6!"tr6t2
Ne9ertheless? i" s!;e 6!u"tries C!"tr6t A#ree;e"t is reCuire$ ;e"t !: l0 t!
6rete bi"di"# C!"tr6t irrespe6ti9e !: the e*is$ te"6e !: Te"der "d Letter
!: A66ept"6e2 I" su6h 6ses? i" prti6ulr? the C!"tr6t A#ree;e"t ;ust be
6re:ully prepred t! 6!;ply 0ith the reCuire;e"ts !: the rele9"t l02
A" e*;ple :!r; !: C!"tr6t A#ree;e"t is i"6luded t the e"d !: the :irst 9!lu;e
!: the Red )!!< :!ll!0i"# 'rt I !: the C!"di$ ti!"s !: C!"tr6t "d ;y be
used i" the e9e"t tht the E;pl!yer 0ishes t! e*e6ute :!r;l #ree;e"t2
I" su6h e9e"t it is i;p!rt"t t! e"sure tht the e*6t 0!rdi"# !: the C!"tr6t
A#ree$ ;e"t? i"6ludi"# the d!6u;e"ts listed s :!r;i"# prt there!:? pr!perly
re6!rds 0ht hs bee" #reed2
The prties ;ust e"sure tht the si#"t!ries "d ;eth!d !: si#"$
ture re i" 66!rd"6e 0ith ll the ppli6ble l0s2
N!teP The FIDIC publi6ti!" @Te"deri"# 'r!6edure@ ;e"ti!"ed t the be#i""i"# !: this
6hpter? #i9es :uller detils !: ll st#es !: te"deri"# "d sh!uld be studied
by ll th!se i"9!l9ed i" su6h pr!6ess2
>( JFIDIC .8+8
The FIDIC C!"diti!"s !: C!"tr6t re bsed !" the ssu;pti!" tht the
E;pl!yer? the :irst prty? 0h! hs de6ided t! h9e 6erti" 0!r<s 6rried !ut :!r
the i;ple;e"tti!" !: pr!=e6t? "d is sp!"s!ri"# the W!r<s? hs de6ided t!
sele6t suitbly Culi:ied C!"tr6t!r? the se6!"d prty? t! e*e6ute the W!r<s2
It is ls! ssu;ed tht the sele6ti!" !: the C!"tr6t!r 0ill h9e bee" ;de
thr!u#h 6!;petiti9e te"deri"# bsed !" te"der d!6u$ ;e"ts prepred :!r the
pr!=e6t by C!"sulti"# E"#i"eer2 This pr!6ess hs bee" delt 0ith i" the
pre6edi"# se6ti!"2
The FIDIC C!"diti!"s !: C!"tr6t 6""!t pply 0ith!ut " E"#i$ "eer bei"#
pp!i"ted by the E;pl!yer t! d;i"ister the C!"tr6t2 Usully this
0!uld be the C!"sulti"# E"#i"eer 0h! hs desi#"ed the pr!=e6t "d prepred
the te"der d!6u;e"ts2 The E"#i"eer is "!t prty t! the C!"tr6t? but he plys
" i;p!r$ t"t r!le i" the de9el!p;e"t pr!6ess !: the W!r<s2 The duties tht
the E"#i"eer hs t! per:!r; re de:i"ed u"der the C!"tr6t "d he ;ust h9e
the "e6essry dele#ted uth!rity :r!; the E;pl!yer i: he is t! be ble t!
per:!r; the;2 The dele#ti!" !: this uth!rity is usully t! be :!u"d i" the
A#ree;e"t bet0ee" the E;pl!yer "d the C!"sulti"# E"#i"eer2
FIDIC 0ill s!!" publish " updted ;!del :!r; !: su6h " #ree$ ;e"tP
Clie"tKC!"sult"t A!del Ser9i6es C!"tr6t %The GWhite
)!!<G O
6lled IGRA&2
The A#ree;e"t 0ill stipulte s the pri;ry duty !: the E"#i"eer tht he 6re:ully
!bser9es the reCuire;e"ts !: the E;pl!yer i" the relisti!" !: the pr!=e6t2 It is
i;p!rt"t t! "!te? h!0e9er? tht the C!"diti!"s !: C!"tr6t bet0ee" the
E;pl!yer "d the C!"$ tr6t!r stipulte tht 0here? u"der the C!"tr6t? "y !: the
E"#i$ "eer@s duties re dis6reti!"ry? the E"#i"eer shll 6t :irly be$ t0ee" the
E;pl!yer "d the C!"tr6t!r "d pply the C!"tr6t i" " u"bised ;""er2 The
C!"diti!"s re bsed up!" this :u"d$ ;e"tl pri"6iple "d this reCuire;e"t
pplies e9e" i: the E"#i$ "eer is ;e;ber !: the E;pl!yer@s st::2 The
C!"tr6t!r 0ill? !: 6!urse? h9e t! ssess 0hether !r "!t he hs 6!":ide"6e i"
the bility !: " i"$h!use E"#i"eer t! t<e i"depe"de"t de6isi!"s2
As stted i" the se6ti!" deli"# 0ith the te"deri"# pr!6ess? the E;pl!yer
"!ti:ies the su66ess:ul te"derer tht he hs bee" 0rded the C!"tr6t by issui"#
Letter !: A66ept"6e 0hi6h re6!rds "y 6h"#es t! the the Te"der d!6u;e"ts s
sub;itted by the C!"tr6$ t!r? resulti"# :r!; #ree;e"t bet0ee" the E;pl!yer "d
the C!"$ tr6t!r? "d the C!"tr6t 'ri6e2
The E;pl!yer 6!"se"ts t!? !r de6li"es? reCuests by the C!"tr6t!r t! ssi#" "y
p!rti!" !: the W!r<s? prepres the C!"tr6t A#ree;e"t %i: "y& :!r
e*e6uti!" by b!th prties? ppr!9es the 'er:!r;"6e Se6urity "d the i"surers
s 0ell s the ter;s !: the i"sur"6e p!li6ies sub;itted by the C!"tr6t!r2 The
E;pl!yer 0ill 0ish t! e"sure tht the 6!"tr6t 0!r<s i"sur"6e is i" 66!r$ d"6e
0ith the l0s "d re#ulti!"s !: the 6!u"try i" 0hi6h the W!r<s re t! be
e*e6uted "d tht the p!li6y deCutely 6!9ers the E;pl!yer@s Ris<s "d the
dedu6tible li;its re 66eptble2
JFIDIC .8+8 >5
'r!9ided it is 66eptble t! the E;pl!yer the C!"tr6t!r 0ill "!r;lly use
his 6ust!;ry s!ur6es :!r the pr!9isi!" !: se6u$ rities "d i"sur"6e2
The E;pl!yer ;<es the d9"6e py;e"t %i: "y& #i"st suitble
#ur"tee :r!; the C!"tr6t!r "d uth!rises the C!"tr6t!r t! ;!9e !" t!
the Site2 Duri"# the peri!d !: the C!"tr6t the E;pl!yer ;<es py;e"ts
t! the C!"tr6t!r s 6erti:ied by the E"#i"eer t! be due u"der the C!"tr6t2
The E;pl!yer t<es !9er Se6ti!"s !: the W!r<s s they re6h subst"til
6!;pleti!"? i: this is reCuired u"der the C!"tr6t? "d ulti;tely t<es !9er the
0h!le !: the W!r<s :!ll!0i"# the issue !: Certi:i6tes by the E"#i"eer2 I" the
e9e"t !: the C!"tr6t!r be6!;i"# lible :!r liCuidted d;#es? the E;pl!yer
;y dedu6t " ;!u"t i" 66!rd"6e 0ith the C!"diti!"s !: C!"tr6t2
The E;pl!yer ;y uth!rise 0!r< t! be 6!;pleted by !thers i: the C!"tr6t!r
is i" de:ult2 The E;pl!yer 6" ter;i"te the C!"tr6t i" the e9e"t !: the
C!"tr6t!r :ili"# t! per:!r; !r i" 6erti" !ther 6ir6u;st"6es de:i"ed i"? "d
sub=e6t t!? the l0 #!9er"i"# t! the C!"tr6t2 The E;pl!yer? i: he de:ults?
6" ls! be sub=e6t t! 6"6ellti!" !: the C!"tr6t by the C!"tr6t!r !r t!
suspe"si!" !: 0!r< by the C!"tr6t!r2
The E;pl!yer "d the E"#i"eer sh!uld ;i"ti" su6h 6!"t6t 0ith e6h !ther s
0ill :6ilitte s;!!th "d u"hi"dered pr!#ress !: the W!r<s2 The E;pl!yer
sh!uld resp!"d? 0ith!ut dely? !" ll ;tters :!r 0hi6h the E"#i"eer is
reCuired by the C!"tr6t t! 6!"sult the E;pl!yer be:!re issui"# " i"stru6ti!"?
deter;i"i"# " ;!u"t t! be dded t! !r dedu6ted :r!; the C!"tr6t 'ri6e !r
#r"ti"# " e*te"si!" !: ti;e2
The Contractor
The !bli#ti!" !: the C!"tr6t!r is t! e*e6ute "d 6!;plete the W!r<s? :!r
0hi6h he hs sub;itted his Te"der? 0ithi" the ti;e spe6i:ied i" the C!"tr6t2
I" dditi!" he hs " !bli#ti!" t! re;edy "y de:e6ts 0hi6h pper duri"#
the De:e6ts Libility 'eri!d2
As s!!" s is res!"bly p!ssible :ter re6ei9i"# "!ti:i6ti!" :r!; the E"#i"eer? the
C!"tr6t!r shll sub;it the se6urities? #ur"$ tees "d i"sur"6e p!li6ies
reCuired by the C!"tr6t "d shll 6!;;e"6e the W!r<s2 -e prepres the
6!"stru6ti!" pr!#r;;e? pr!9ides ll "e6essry ;terils? C!"tr6t!r@s
ECuip;e"t? Te;p!$ rry W!r<s? ;"#e;e"t? superi"te"de"6e "d lb!ur "d
sele6ts the ;eth!d !: 6rryi"# !ut the W!r<s2 The C!"tr6t!r is "!t
resp!"sible :!r the desi#" "d spe6i:i6ti!" !: the 'er;"e"t W!r<s u"less
e*pressly pr!9ided :!r i" the C!"tr6t "!r :!r "y Te;p!rry W!r<s "!t
desi#"ed by hi;2
The C!"tr6t!r re6ei9es "d 6!;plies 0ith i"stru6ti!"s :r!; the E"#i"eer 6ti"#
!" behl: !: the E;pl!yer "d is resp!"sible :!r the 6re !: the W!r<s
thr!u#h!ut the 6!"stru6ti!" peri!d u"til the W!r<s re !::i6illy t<e" !9er by
the E;pl!yer !r re dee;ed t! be t<e" !9er by the E;pl!yer2
>, JFIDIC .8+8
The C!"tr6t!r is resp!"sible :!r his !0" st:: "d 0!r< :!r6e "d :!r
t<i"# !ut s!6il "d !ther i"sur"6es i" respe6t !: his pers!""el2 -e ;ust
6!;ply 0ith ll ppli6ble l0s? by$l0s "d re#ulti!"s "d e"sure tht ll
th!se :!r 0h!; he is resp!"sible ls! 6!;ply2
U"der "!r;l 6ir6u;st"6es the C!"tr6t!r desi#"s ll Te;p!$ rry W!r<s
"d sub;its his pr!p!sls? 0ith supp!rti"# 6l6ul$ ti!"s? t! the E"#i"eer
:!r 6!;;e"t2 I:? duri"# the 6!"stru6ti!" peri!d? he e"6!u"ters u":!resee"
physi6l !bstru6ti!"s !r 6!"di$ ti!"s !" the Site he "!ti:ies the E"#i"eer
0h! issues rele9"t i"stru6ti!"s2 The E"#i"eer 0ill re9ie0 the
6ir6u;st"6es "d :ter 6!"sultti!" 0ith b!th prties 0ill deter;i"e t!
0ht e*te"t? i: "y? the C!"tr6t!r ;y be rei;bursed :!r dditi!"l
6!sts !r #r"ted " e*te"si!" !: the Ti;e :!r C!;pleti!"2
I" the e9e"t !: de:ult by the E;pl!yer the C!"tr6t!r ;y suspe"d
pr!#ress !: the W!r<s !r redu6e the rte !: 0!r< "d 6li; " ppr!prite
e*te"si!" !: ti;e "dK!r dditi!"l py;e"t2 N!r;lly there 0ill be !"e ;i"
!r pri"6ipl 6!"tr6t!r 0h! si#"s the C!"tr6t "d hs !9erll resp!"sibility
:!r the e*e6uti!" "d 6!;pleti!" !: the pr!=e6t2 There 0ill usully be
"u;ber !: Sub6!"tr6t!rs 0!r<i"# !" the Site u"dert<i"# spe6ilist 6!"$
tr6ti"# 6ti9ities2 The Sub6!"tr6t!rs re resp!"sible t! the C!"tr6t!r
:!r ;teril? 0!r<;"ship? per:!r;"6e "d pr!#ress "d the C!"tr6t!r is
resp!"sible u"der the C!"tr6t :!r e6h Sub$ 6!"tr6t!r@s 0!r< "d
O" !66si!"s the E;pl!yer 0ill 0ish t! h9e prti6ulr Sub6!"$ tr6t!r
e"##ed be6use !: his <"!0led#e !: tht Sub6!"tr6$ t!r@s s<ills !r
be6use !: his <"!0led#e !: s!;e pr!6ess? ;te$ rils !r pl"t
prti6ulrly reCuired by the E;pl!yer2 A Sub$ 6!"tr6t!r sele6ted i"
this 0y is <"!0" s "!;i"ted Sub6!"tr6t!r2 O"6e he hs bee"
66epted by the ;i" C!"tr6$ t!r the ltter is resp!"sible :!r the 0!r<
!: the "!;i"ted Sub6!"tr6t!r t! the s;e e*te"t s pplies t! the 0!r< !:
ll !ther Sub6!"tr6t!rs2 F!r this res!" it is i;p!rt"t tht "!;i"ti!" is
"!t ;isused by the E;pl!yer2 Filure t! per:!r; stis:6t!rily by
"!;i"ted Sub6!"tr6t!r 6" 6use ;"y di::i6ulties !" Site2 The prti6ulr
6!"diti!"s pplyi"# t! the pp!i"t;e"t !: "!;i$ "ted Sub6!"tr6t!rs re
delt 0ith i" Cluse 58 ofthe C!"diti!"s2 The C!"tr6t!r ;y !b=e6t t! the
"!;i"ti!" :!r #!!d "d su:$ :i6ie"t res!"s %e2#2 l6< !: e*perie"6e !r
:i""6il stre"#th& "d e"##e;e"t #i"st the 0ishes !: the C!"tr6t!r
0ill pr!bbly disturb hr;!"y !" the Site2 There 0!uld h9e t! be
9ery e*6epti!"l res!"s :!r su6h thi"# t! hppe"2
I" 9ery lr#e !r 6!;ple* pr!=e6ts "u;ber !: 6!"tr6t!rs ;y :!r; =!i"t
9e"ture t! 6t s the C!"tr6t!r2 I" su6h 6ses the s;e pri"6iples pply s i" the
situti!" 0ith !"ly !"e C!"tr6t!r2 I" the 6se !: =!i"t 9e"ture the E;pl!yer
0!uld "!r;lly re$ Cuire tht ll the prties t! the =!i"t 9e"ture h9e =!i"t "d
se9erl libility2
I" pr!=e6ts 0here se9erl 6!"tr6t!rs re !perti"# !" si"#le site u"der
i"di9idul 6!"tr6ts? e6h 6!"tr6t!r ;ust #i9e the !ther 6!"tr6t!rs res!"ble
6!!perti!" "d !pp!rtu"ities :!r 6rryi"# !ut their 0!r< "d this sh!uld be
re:le6ted i" the ter;s !: the 6!"tr6ts "d i" the respe6ti9e pr!#r;;es2
The E"#i"eer is "!t prty t! the C!"tr6t bet0ee" the E;pl!yer "d the
C!"tr6t!r but his ter;s !: e"##e;e"t re set !ut i" " #ree;e"t bet0ee" the
E;pl!yer %Clie"t& "d the E"#i"eer %C!"$ sult"t&2 This #ree;e"t is !:te" i"
the :!r; re6!;;e"ded by FIDIC 0hi6h is e"titled I"ter"ti!"l Ge"erl
Rules !: A#ree$ ;e"t )et0ee" Clie"t "d C!"sult"t %IGRA&2 A"
updted 9ersi!" !: this ;!del :!r; !: #ree;e"t is s6heduled :!r publi6$ ti!" i"
erly .88(2 The "e0 IGRA 0ill stipulte 0ht uth!rity is dele#ted t! the
E"#i"eer by the E;pl!yer "d sh!uld spe6i:i6lly stte i: "y !: the uth!rity #i9e"
t! the E"#i"eer u"der the FIDIC C!"diti!"s is sub=e6t t! restri6ti!"2
The duties u"der the FIDIC C!"diti!"s 0hi6h re ll!6ted t! the E"#i"eer
i"6lude the issue !: i":!r;ti!" "d i"stru6ti!"s t! the C!"tr6t!r s the 0!r<
pr!6eeds? 6!;;e"ti"# !" the C!"tr6$ t!r@s pr!p!sls :!r 6rryi"# !ut the
0!r<? e"suri"# tht ;terils "d 0!r<;"ship re s spe6i:ied? #reei"#
;esure;e"ts !: 0!r< d!"e "d 6he6<i"# "d issui"# t! the E;pl!yer
i"teri; "d :i"l py;e"t 6erti:i6tes2 I" d;i"istrti!" !: the C!"$ tr6t
ll 6!;;u"i6ti!"s 0ith the C!"tr6t!r pss thr!u#h the E"#i"eer? thus
9!idi"# p!ssible 6!":usi!" "d ;isu"derst"d$ i"# lth!u#h ;eeti"#s bet0ee"
the E;pl!yer? the C!"tr6t!r "d the E"#i"eer sh!uld be held re#ulrly2 The
E"#i"eer@s duties 0ill "!r;lly i"6lude i"stru6ti!"s relti"# t! ;"#e;e"t !:
the C!"tr6t "d 6h"#es i" the "ture "d e*te"t !: the 0!r<? the 6!st there!:
"d the ti;e :!r 6!;pleti!"2 F!r e*;ple? the issue !: i"stru6ti!"s t! pr!6eed
0ith !r t! suspe"d the pr!#ress !: the W!r<s is ;tter !: ;"#e;e"t2 I"
!rder t! ;i"ti" 6!":ide"6e bet0ee" the prties it is i;p!rt"t tht the
C!"tr6t pr!perly dis6l!ses the pr!6edures :!r the E"#i"eer@s 6ti!" i" su6h
;tters "d tht the E"#i"eer duly !bser9es su6h pr!6edures2
A"y !: the :u"6ti!"s ll!6ted t! the E"#i"eer i"9!l9e :i""6il ;tters2 The
6erti:i6tes he issues :!r i"teri; "d :i"l py;e"ts i"6lude ll 6!st
ele;e"ts risi"# u"der the ter;s !: the C!"tr6t !ther th" th!se %i: "y&
resulti"# :r!; rbitrti!" pr!6eedi"#s "d the ppli6ti!" !: the liCuidted
d;#es 6luse2 U"der "!r;l 6ir6u;st"6es the py;e"ts 6erti:ied by the E"#i$
"eer 0ill lie 0ithi" the C!"tr6t 'ri6e "d 0ill? there:!re? h9e lredy bee"
uth!rised by the E;pl!yer? but 9riti!"s !rdered u"der Cluse 5.?
:lu6tuti!"s i" the pri6e !: lb!ur? ;terils "d :rei#ht u"der Cluse 7(? 0!r<s
d!"e !r ;terils "d ser9i6es supplied u"der Cluse 5+ "d the settle;e"t !:
the C!"tr6t!r@s reCuest :!r dditi!"l py;e"t u"der su6h Cluses s ./ "d 5>
6!uld e6h result i" " d=ust;e"t t! the C!"tr6t 'ri6e2
The FIDIC C!"diti!"s re bsed up!" the pri"6iple tht the E"#i"eer hs
the uth!rity t! deter;i"e dditi!"l py;e"ts2 This is i" the i"terests !:
e::i6ie"t ;"#e;e"t "d 9!id"6e !: dupli6ti!" !: e::!rt2 It ls! e"sures
tht the Te"der 'ri6e :r!; e::i6ie"t 6!"tr6t!rs 0ill be l!0er th" 0!uld be the
6se i: the C!"tr6t!r did "!t :eel sure tht 0he" he 0s reCuired t! d!
dditi!"l 0!r< his re;u"erti!" :!r su6h 0!r< 0!uld be e9luted by
pr!:essi!"l ble t! =ud#e the 9lue !: su6h 0!r<2 I" the e9e"t the E;pl!yer
0ishes t! li;it the uth!rity !: the E"#i"eer this sh!uld be 6lerly stted i"
'rt II s! tht the C!"tr6t!r is 0re i" d9"6e !: te"deri"# the 6!"diti!"s
>+ JFIDIC .8+8
0hi6h he is reCuired t! 0!r<2 The de#ree t! 0hi6h the E;pl!yer le9es the
E"#i"eer t! deter;i"e ;tters ::e6ti"# the e*te"t "d 6!st !: the W!r<s "d
the ti;e :!r their 6!;pleti!" 0ill depe"d t! lr#e e*te"t !" the i"$h!use
6pbility !: the E;pl!yer2 There$ :!re? the E"#i"eer sh!uld be sele6ted
h9i"# re#rd t! his pr!:es$ si!"l i"te#rity "d his bility t! :ul:il his
!bli#ti!"s u"der the C!"tr6t "d t! d;i"ister the C!"tr6t :irly "d
i;prtilly i" the i"terests !: b!th prties2
I" the e*er6ise !: his duties the E"#i"eer 66epts the resp!"si$ bilities
tt6hed t! the;2 These resp!"sibilities sh!uld be 6lerly de:i"ed i" the
A#ree;e"t bet0ee" the E;pl!yer "d the E"#i$ "eer "d sh!uld be ;de
<"!0" t! the C!"tr6t!r2
As the W!r<s pr!#ress the E"#i"eer 0ill be reCuired by the C!"tr6t t!
#i9e i"stru6ti!"s? #i9e !r re:use ppr!9l !r 6!"$ se"t? ppr!9e 0!r<?
uth!rise py;e"ts? issue 6erti:i6tes? et62 It sh!uld be u"derst!!d by b!th
prties t! the C!"tr6t tht i" #i9i"# ppr!9l !r 6!"se"t "d su6h !ther 6ts
0hi6h re the duty !: the E"#i"eer his !b=e6ti9e is t! e"sure tht the
E;pl!yer re6ei9es the W!r<s t 6!;pleti!" i" 66!rd"6e 0ith the reCuire$
;e"ts !: the C!"tr6t "d tht the C!"tr6t!r is suitbly re0rded :!r the
0!r< he 6rries !ut2
The E"#i"eer@s duty is t! i"terpret the C!"tr6t s 0ritte"2 I" d!i"# s! he
sh!uld e"de9!ur t! deter;i"e 0ht the C!"tr6t!r 6!uld h9e res!"bly
:!resee" 0!uld h9e bee" reCuired !: hi; 0he" prepri"# his te"der2
It is i;p!rt"t t! relise? h!0e9er? tht "either the E;pl!yer "!r the
C!"tr6t!r is :i"lly b!u"d by the E"#i"eer@s i"terpretti!" !r deter;i"ti!"
e9e" i: it is #i9e" i" the :!"" !: de6isi!" u"der Cluse ,72 This Cluse
de:i"es the steps t! be t<e" 0here the E"#i"eer@s de6isi!" thereu"der is
"!t 66eptble t! !"e !r b!th prties2 F!r :urther i":!r;ti!" see the
6!;;e"try !" Cluse ,72
JFIDIC .8+8 >8
The "!tes tht :!ll!0 6!;;e"t up!" s!;e spe6ts !: i"di9idul 6luses !: the :!urth
editi!" !: C!"diti!"s !: C!"tr6t :!r W!r<s !: Ci9il E"#i"eeri"# C!"stru6ti!"2 All 6luses
"d e*;ple sub$6luses re repr!du6ed but the 6!;;e"tries sh!uld "!t be t<e" s
represe"ti"# "y de:i"iti9e i"terpretti!" !: the te*t !: these 6luses2 I" "y #i9e" 6!"tr6t
su6h i"terpretti!" 0ill depe"d? ;!"# !ther thi"#s? !" the l0 #!9er"$ i"# the 6!"tr6t i"
Cuesti!"2 The "!tes re? h!0e9er? i"te"ded t! #i9e users pr6ti6l #uide t! the !perti!" !:
9ri!us 6luses "d t! e*pli" their relti!"ship t! e6h !ther2 The GENERAL
CONDITIONS 6!"ti"ed i" 'rt I sh!uld l0ys be i"6luded i" the te"der d!6u;e"ts i"
their pri"ted :!r; s issued by FIDIC s i" this 0y 6!"tr6t!rs <"!0 e*6tly 0ht is
6!"ti"ed i" the;2 A"y dditi!"s? deleti!"s !r 9riti!"s t! 'rt I sh!uld be e::e6ted s!lely
by " ppr!prite e"try i" 'rt II? t! redu6e the ris< !: ;bi#uities2 Whe" E;pl!yers reCuire
the Ge"erl C!"diti!"s t! be tt6hed t! te"ders they sh!uld "!t 66ept ph!t!$6!pies s
su6h 6!pies ;y 6!"ti" pr!9isi!"s 0hi6h di::er :r!; th!se 6!"ti"ed i" the pri"ted
Clause . 6!"sists !: de:i"iti!"s !: <ey0!rds used thr!u#h!ut the C!"tr6t d!6u;e"ts2 It
sh!uld be re;e;bered 0he" redi"# the te*t tht i" #e"erl "y 0!rd 0hi6h be#i"s 0ith
6pitl letter represe"ts de:i"ed ter; 0hi6h hs the ;e"i"# #i9e" i" Cluse . "d "! !ther
;e"i"#2 The !"ly e*6epti!"s re the de:i"iti!"s u"der %#& @6!st@? @dy@?
@:!rei#" 6urre"6y? "d @0riti"#@ 0hi6h be#i" 0ith letters i" the l!0er 6se2
Where de:i"iti!"s re sel:$e*pl"t!ry "! 6!;;e"t is #i9e"2
De:i"iti!"s 1.1
the C!"tr6t %s herei":ter de:i"ed& the :!ll!0i"#
0!rds "d e*pressi!"s shll h9e the ;e"i"#s hereby
ssi#"ed t! the;? e*6ept 0here the 6!"te*t !ther0ise
%& %i& GE;pl!yerG ;e"s the pers!" ";ed s su6h i"
'rt II !: these C!"diti!"s "d the le#l su66ess!rs i"
title t! su6h pers!"? but "!t %e*6ept 0ith the 6!"se"t
!: the C!"tr6t!r& "y ssi#"ee !: su6h pers!"2
%ii& GC!"tr6t!rG ;e"s the pers!" 0h!se te"der hs
bee" 66epted by the E;pl!yer "d the le#l
su66ess!rs i" title t! su6h pers!"? but "!t %e*6ept 0ith
the 6!"se"t !: the E;pl!yer& "y ssi#"ee !: su6h
%iii& GSub6!"tr6t!rG ;e"s "y pers!" ";ed i" the
C!"tr6t s Sub6!"tr6t!r :!r prt !: the W!r<s
!r "y pers!" t! 0h!; prt !: the W!r<s hs bee"
sub6!"tr6ted 0ith the 6!"se"t !: the E"#i"eer "d
the le#l su66ess!rs i" title t! su6h pers!"? but "!t
"y ssi#"ee !: "y su6h pers!"2
%i9& GE"#i"eerG ;e"s the pers!" pp!i"ted by the
E;pl!yer t! 6t s E"#i"eer :!r the purp!ses !: the
C!"tr6t "d ";ed s su6h i" 'rt II !: these
4( J FIDIC .8+8
It sh!uld be "!ted tht this de:i"iti!" ide"ti:ies the E"#i"eer s the pers!" ";ed s su6h
i" 'rt II !: the C!"diti!"s the e::e6t !: 0hi6h is t! pre9e"t the E;pl!yer :r!; 6h"#$
i"# the E"#i"eer 0ith!ut the 6!"se"t !: the C!"tr6t!r2 The res!" :!r this 6h"#e :r!;
the third editi!" is tht the ide"tity !: the E"#i"eer %"d his reputti!"& hs bee" :6t!r
i" the 6l6ulti!" !: the C!"tr6t!r@s Te"der2
%9& GE"#i"eer@s Represe"tti9eG ;e"s pers!" p$
p!i"ted :r!; ti;e t! ti;e by the E"#i"eer u"der
Sub$Cluse /2/2
%b& %i& GC!"tr6tG ;e"s these C!"diti!"s %'rts I "d
II&? the Spe6i:i6ti!"? the Dr0i"#s? the )ill !:
Hu"tities? the Te"der? the Letter !: A66ept"6e? the
C!"tr6t A#ree;e"t %i: 6!;pleted& "d su6h :urther
d!6u;e"ts s ;y be e*pressly i"6!rp!rted i" the
Letter !: A66ept"6e !r C!"tr6t A#ree;e"t %i:
%ii& GSpe6i:i6ti!"G ;e"s the spe6i:i6ti!" !: the
W!r<s i"6luded i" the C!"tr6t "d "y ;!di:i6$
ti!" there!: !r dditi!" theret! ;de u"der Cluse
5. !r sub;itted by the C!"tr6t!r "d ppr!9ed by
the E"#i"eer2
%iii& GDr0i"#sG ;e"s ll dr0i"#s? 6l6ulti!"s
"d te6h"i6l i":!r;ti!" !: li<e "ture pr!9ided
by the E"#i"eer t! the C!"tr6t!r u"der the C!"$
tr6t "d ll dr0i"#s? 6l6ulti!"s? s;ples? pt$
ter"s? ;!dels? !perti!" "d ;i"te""6e ;"uls
"d !ther te6h"i6l i":!r;ti!" !: li<e "ture
sub;itted by the C!"tr6t!r "d ppr!9ed by the
%i9& G)ill !: Hu"titiesG ;e"s the pri6ed "d 6!;$
pleted bill !: Cu"tities :!r;i"# prt !: the Te"der2
%9& GTe"derG ;e"s the C!"tr6t!r@s pri6ed !::er t!
the E;pl!yer :!r the e*e6uti!" "d 6!;pleti!" !:
the W!r<s "d the re;edyi"# !: "y de:e6ts therei"
i" 66!rd"6e 0ith the pr!9isi!"s !: the C!"tr6t?
s 66epted by the Letter !: A66ept"6e2
%9i& GLetter !: A66ept"6eG ;e"s the :!r;l 66ep$
t"6e by the E;pl!yer !: the Te"der2
The Letter !: A66ept"6e? t!#ether 0ith the C!"tr6t!r@s 0ritte" 6<"!0led#e;e"t %i:
d=ust;e"ts h9e bee" ;de t! the Te"der&? h9e the e::e6t !: 6!"stituti"# 6!"tr6t
bet0ee" the E;pl!yer "d the C!"tr6t!r2 The Letter !: A66ept"6e sh!uld i"6lude?
either i" the te*t !r s ppe"di6es theret!? stte;e"t t! this e::e6t? 6!;plete list !:
the d!6u;e"ts 0hi6h 6!;prise the Te"der s 66epted? t!#ether 0ith 6!":ir;ti!" !:
the d=ust;e"ts %i: "y& 0hi6h h9e bee" ;de t! the Te"der !ri#i"lly sub;itted? by
#ree;e"t bet0ee" the E;pl!yer "d the C!"tr6t!r? i" 6!rre6ti"# rith;eti6l err!rs
"d ;!di:yi"# !r eli;i"ti"# reser9ti!"s2 The Letter !: A66ept"6e 0ill !rdi"rily
re6!rd the C!"tr6t 'ri6e? "d 0ill re:er t! the deli9ery !: per:!r;"6e se6urity "d
the e*e6uti!" !: :!r;l C!"tr6t A#ree;e"t sh!uld these be reCuired2
J FIDIC .8+8
The Letter !: A66ept"6e is s!;eti;es pre6eded by letter !: i"te"t i" 0hi6h the
E;pl!yer e*presses his i"te"ti!" t! 66ept te"der? sub=e6t t! de:i"ed 6!"diti!"s2 The
letter !: i"te"t is "!t !rdi"rily bi"di"# up!" the E;pl!yer u"less it is stted therei"
tht the E;pl!yer 0ill ;<e py;e"t :!r spe6i:ied 0!r< u"dert<e" pri!r t! the issue
!: the Letter !: A66ept"6e2 I: the C!"tr6t!r is reCuired t! u"dert<e s!;e 0!r<
pri!r t! the issue !: the Letter !: A66ept"6e it is s!;eti;es d9"t#e!us t! b!th the
E;pl!yer "d the C!"tr6t!r tht seprte 6!"tr6t sh!uld be e"tered i"t! i" respe6t !:
su6h 0!r< rther th" tht " tte;pt sh!uld be ;de t! i"6!rp!rte su6h 0!r< i"t! the
C!"tr6t t lter st#e2 Sh!uld the p!te"til E;pl!yer de6ide? :ter the issue !: the
letter !: i"te"t tht he 0ill "!t? :ter ll? pr!6eed 0ith the W!r<s the C!"tr6t!r ;i#ht
0ell h9e di::i6ulty i" !bti"i"# rei;burse;e"t :!r "y 0!r< 0hi6h he hs lredy
d!"e u"less there is spe6i:i6 u"dert<i"# by the E;pl!yer t! py hi;2
%9ii& GC!"tr6t A#ree;e"tG ;e"s the 6!"tr6t
#ree;e"t %i: "y& re:erred t! i" Sub$Cluse 82.2
%9iii& GAppe"di* t! Te"derG ;e"s the ppe"di*
6!;prised i" the :!r; !: Te"der ""e*ed t! these
%6& %i& GC!;;e"6e;e"t DteG ;e"s the dte up!"
0hi6h the C!"tr6t!r re6ei9es the "!ti6e t! 6!;$
;e"6e issued by the E"#i"eer pursu"t t! Cluse
The C!;;e"6e;e"t Dte "d the Ti;e :!r C!;pleti!" h9e bee" relted dire6tly t!
the re6eipt by the C!"tr6t!r !: the "!ti6e t! 6!;;e"6e2 This "!ti6e sh!uld there:!re
be se"t !r deli9ered #i"st si#"ture !: re6eipt2 The Appe"di* t! Te"der ;<es
pr!9isi!" :!r stti"# the ti;e i"ter9l :ter the issue !: the Letter !: A66ept"6e 0ithi"
0hi6h the C!"tr6t!r is t! re6ei9e the "!ti6e2
ii& GTi;e :!r C!;pleti!"G ;e"s the ti;e :!r 6!;$
pleti"# the e*e6uti!" !: "d pssi"# the Tests !"
C!;pleti!" !: the W!r<s !r "y Se6ti!" !r prt
there!: s stted i" the C!"tr6t %!r s e*te"ded
u"der Cluse 44& 6l6ulted :r!; the C!;;e"6e$
;e"t Dte2
%d& %i& GTests !" C!;pleti!"G ;e"s the tests spe6i:ied
i" the C!"tr6t !r !ther0ise #reed by the E"#i"eer
"d the C!"tr6t!r 0hi6h re t! be ;de by the
C!"tr6t!r be:!re the W!r<s !r "y Se6ti!" !r prt
there!: re t<e" !9er by the E;pl!yer2
It is spe6i:i6lly stted tht the Tests !" C!;pleti!" ;ust be 6rried !ut be:!re the
e*piry !: the Ti;e :!r C!;pleti!" "d deCute ti;e sh!uld be ll!0ed :!r the
6rryi"# !ut !: the tests2
%ii& GT<i"#$O9er Certi:i6teG ;e"s 6erti:i6te is$
sued pursu"t t! Cluse 4+2
%e& %i& GC!"tr6t 'ri6eG ;e"s the su; stted i" the
Letter !: A66ept"6e s pyble t! the C!"tr6t!r
:!r the e*e6uti!" "d 6!;pleti!" !: the W!r<s "d
the re;edyi"# !: "y de:e6ts therei" i" 66!rd"6e
0ith the pr!9isi!"s !: the C!"tr6t2
4/ J FIDIC .8+8
The C!"tr6t 'ri6e is the su; stted :!r the pr!9isi!" !: the 0h!le !: the W!r<s but it
is "!t "e6essrily the su; the C!"tr6t!r 0ill re6ei9e s thr!u#h!ut the C!"diti!"s there
re pr!9isi!"s :!r dditi!"s !r dedu6ti!"s e2#2? :!r 9riti!"s2
%ii& GRete"ti!" A!"eyG ;e"s the ##re#te !: ll
;!"ies reti"ed by the E;pl!yer pursu"t t! Sub$
Cluse ,(2/%&2
%:& %i& GW!r<sG ;e"s the 'er;"e"t W!r<s "d the
Te;p!rry W!r<s !r either !: the; s ppr!prite2
%ii& G'er;"e"t W!r<sG ;e"s the per;"e"t 0!r<s
t! be e*e6uted %i"6ludi"# 'l"t& i" 66!rd"6e 0ith
the C!"tr6t2
%iii& GTe;p!rry W!r<sG ;e"s ll te;p!rry 0!r<s
!: e9ery <i"d %!ther th" C!"tr6t!r@s ECuip;e"t&
reCuired i" !r b!ut the e*e6uti!" "d 6!;pleti!"
!: the W!r<s "d the re;edyi"# !: "y de:e6ts
%i9& G'l"tG ;e"s ;6hi"ery? pprtus "d the
li<e i"te"ded t! :!r; !r :!r;i"# prt !: the 'er;$
"e"t W!r<s2
'l"t? s su6h? is "e0 de:i"iti!" "d is di::ere"t :r!; C!"stru6ti!"l 'l"t 0hi6h
ppered i" the third editi!"2 'l"t? i" the :!urth editi!" ;e"s pl"t 0hi6h is t! be
i"6!rp!rted i" the 'er;"e"t W!r<s2 It sh!uld be "!ted tht the de:i"iti!" !: 'l"t
i" the 6i9il 0!r<s d!6u;e"t is di::ere"t i" !"e respe6t :r!; the de:i"iti!" !: 'l"t i"
the third editi!" !: the Iell!0 )!!< C!"diti!"s2 I" the Iell!0 )!!< 'l"t i"6ludes
;terils but i" the Red )!!< it d!es "!t2
%9& GC!"tr6t!r@s ECuip;e"tG ;e"s ll ppli"6es
"d thi"#s !: 0hts!e9er "ture %!ther th" Te;$
p!rry W!r<s& reCuired :!r the e*e6uti!" "d 6!;$
pleti!" !: the W!r<s "d the re;edyi"# !: "y de$
:e6ts therei"? but d!es "!t i"6lude 'l"t? ;terils
!r !ther thi"#s i"te"ded t! :!r; !r :!r;i"# prt !:
the 'er;"e"t W!r<s2
%9i& GSe6ti!"G ;e"s prt !: the W!r<s spe6i:i6lly
ide"ti:ied i" the C!"tr6t s Se6ti!"2
Where the W!r<s re t! be di9ided i"t! Se6ti!"s there sh!uld be 6ler ide"ti:i6ti!" i"
'rt II !r i" the Spe6i:i6ti!" i" !rder t! !perte Cluses 4> "d 4, "d suitble pr!9i$
si!" sh!uld be i"6luded i" the Appe"di* t! Te"der2
%9ii& GSiteG ;e"s the pl6es pr!9ided by the E;$
pl!yer 0here the W!r<s re t! be e*e6uted "d "y
!ther pl6es s ;y be spe6i:i6lly desi#"ted i" the
C!"tr6t s :!r;i"# prt !: the Site2
It 0ill pr!bbly be "e6essry t! de:i"e the Site i" detil i" the Spe6i:i6ti!" !r by ;e"s
!: dr0i"# i"6luded i" the C!"tr6t d!6u;e"ts2
%#& %i& G6!stG ;e"s ll e*pe"diture pr!perly i"6urred
!r t! be i"6urred? 0hether !" !r !:: the Site? i"6lud$
i"# !9erhed "d !ther 6hr#es pr!perly ll!6ble
theret! but d!es "!t i"6lude "y ll!0"6e :!r
J FIDIC .8+8
Atte"ti!" is dr0" t! the :6t tht @6!st@ i"6ludes !9erhed 6hr#es 0hi6h i" tur" i"$
6lude :i""6il 6!sts but the de:i"ed ter; d!es "!t i"6lude pr!:it2
%ii&GdyG ;e"s 6le"dr dy2
All peri!ds !: ti;e h9e bee" e*pressed i" ;ultiples !: se9e" dys? @dy@ ;e"i"#
6le"dr dy "!t 0!r<i"# dy2
%iii& G:!rei#" 6urre"6yG ;e"s 6urre"6y !: 6!u"$
try !ther th" tht i" 0hi6h the W!r<s re t! be
%i9& G0riti"#G ;e"s "y h"d$0ritte"? type$0ritte"?
!r pri"ted 6!;;u"i6ti!"? i"6ludi"# tele*? 6ble
"d :6si;ile tr"s;issi!"2
T0! spe6i:i6 ";es ;ust be e"tered i" 'rt II u"der Cluse I2 These reP
.2. 2%&%i& The E;pl!yer is %i"sert ";e&
.2l2%&%i9& The E"#i"eer is %i"sert ";e&
I: !ther ide"ti:i6ti!"s re esse"til e2#2? the ";e !: " I"ter"ti!"l Fi""6i"# I"stitu$
ti!" %IFI& they sh!uld be dded t! the b!9e e"try2
Further de:i"iti!"s 6" be dded i" 'rt II sh!uld they be reCuired2 F!r e*;ple? i"
i"ter"ti!"l 6!"tr6ts tri"i"# !: pers!""el hs be6!;e :reCue"t reCuire;e"t2 I"
su6h 6ses de:i"iti!" !: @Tri"i"#@ 6!uld be i"tr!du6ed 0ith reCuire;e"t tht de$
tils re stted i" 'rt II !r i" the Spe6i:i6ti!"2
and 1.2 The hedi"#s "d ;r#i"l "!tes i" these C!"diti!"s
Notes shall "!t be dee;ed prt there!: !r be t<e" i"t! 6!"$
siderti!" i" the i"terpretti!" !r 6!"stru6ti!" there!:
!r !: the C!"tr6t2
1.3 Words
i;p!rti"# pers!"s !r prties shll i"6lude :ir;s
"d 6!rp!rti!"s "d "y !r#"isti!" h9i"# le#l
and 1.4 Words i;p!rti"# the si"#ulr !"ly ls! i"6lude the
Plural plural
"d 9i6e 9ers 0here the 6!"te*t reCuires2
1.5 Wherever i" the C!"tr6t pr!9isi!" is ;de :!r the
C!"se"ts? giving !r issue !: "y "!ti6e? 6!"se"t? ppr!9l? 6erti:i$
cate !r deter;i"ti!" by "y pers!"? u"less !ther0ise
Certi:i6tes and specified su6h "!ti6e? 6!"se"t? ppr!9l? 6erti:i6te !r
Deter;i"ti!"s determination shll be i" 0riti"# "d the 0!rds G"!$
ti:yG? G6erti:yG !r Gdeter;i"eG shll be 6!"strued 6$
6!rdi"#ly2 A"y su6h 6!"se"t? ppr!9l? 6erti:i6te !r
deter;i"ti!" shll "!t u"res!"bly be 0ithheld !r
T0! i;p!rt"t reCuire;e"ts re 6!"ti"ed i" this Sub$Cluse2 The :irst is tht ll "!$
ti6es? et62? ;ust be i" 0riti"#2 The se6!"d is tht "y 6!"se"t? ppr!9l? 6erti:i6te !r
deter;i"ti!" ;ust "!t be u"res!"bly 0ithheld !r delyed2
44 J FIDIC .8+8
Engineer's 2.1 (a) The E"#i"eer shll 6rry !ut the duties spe6i:ied i"
Duties and the C!"tr6t2
. .
The E"#i"eer ;y e*er6ise the uth!rity spe6i:ied i"
!r "e6essrily t! be i;plied :r!; the C!"tr6t? pr!$
9ided? h!0e9er? tht i: the E"#i"eer is reCuired? u"der
the ter;s !: his pp!i"t;e"t by the E;pl!yer? t! !bti"
the spe6i:i6 ppr!9l !: the E;pl!yer be:!re e*er6isi"#
"y su6h uth!rity? prti6ulrs !: su6h reCuire;e"ts
shll be set !ut i" 'rt II !: these C!"diti!"s2 'r!9ided
:urther tht "y reCuisite ppr!9l shll be dee;ed t!
h9e bee" #i9e" by the E;pl!yer :!r "y su6h uth!rity
e*er6ised by the E"#i"eer2
%6& E*6ept s e*pressly stted i" the C!"tr6t? the E"#i$
"eer shll h9e "! uth!rity t! relie9e the C!"tr6t!r
!: "y !: his !bli#ti!"s u"der the C!"tr6t2
Re:ere"6e hs bee" ;de erlier t! the :u"6ti!"? duties "d resp!"sibilities !: the
I" "u;ber !: Cluses i" the C!"diti!"s the E"#i"eer is reCuired t! u"dert<e due
6!"sultti!" 0ith the E;pl!yer "d the C!"tr6t!r be:!re ;<i"# his deter;i"ti!"2 The
e*te"t !: su6h 6!"sultti!" 0ill be t the dis6reti!" !: the E"#i"eer2
The C!"diti!"s estblish tht? 0ith 6erti" spe6i:ied e*6epti!"s? ll i"stru6ti!"s :r!; the
E"#i"eer t! the C!"tr6t!r 0ill be i" 0riti"#2 Where " i"stru6ti!" :r!; the E"#i"eer
t! the C!"tr6t!r is "!t 6!":ir;ed i" 0riti"# by the E"#i"eer the C!"tr6t!r hs the
ri#ht t! 6!":ir; the i"stru6ti!" i" 0riti"# t! the E"#i"eer? see Sub$Cluse /252
Restri6ti!"s !" the E"#i"eer@s uth!rity ;y deri9e :r!; the reCuire;e"ts !: le#islti!"
!r re#ulti!"s? #!9er";e"tl !r !ther2 Usully su6h restri6ti!"s 0ill pply t! the ppr!9l
!: 9riti!"s ledi"# t! i"6reses i" 6!st !r e*te"si!"s !: ti;e2
Sub$Cluse /2.%b& reCuires tht "y spe6i:i6 restri6ti!"s !" the E"#i"eer@s uth!rity shll
be set !ut i" 'rt II? but "e9ertheless? i: the C!"tr6t!r 6rries !ut 0!r< i"9!l9i"#
dditi!"l 6!st !" the i"stru6ti!"s !: the E"#i"eer? the C!"tr6t!r 0ill be e"titled t!
py;e"t :!r su6h 0!r< e9e" i: the E"#i"eer hd "!t the uth!rity t! !rder su6h 0!r<2
The :!ll!0i"# is " e*;ple !: suitble 6luse t! be dded i" 'rt IIP
2.1 The E"#i"eer shll !bti" the spe6i:i6 ppr!9l !: the
be:!re 6rryi"# !ut his duties i" 66!rd"6e
0ith the :!ll!0i"# Cluses !: 'rt IP
%& Cluse %i"sert ppli6ble "u;ber&
%b& Cluse %i"sert ppli6ble "u;ber&
%6& Cluse %i"sert ppli6ble "u;ber&
The list sh!uld be e*te"ded !r redu6ed s "e6essry2
I" s!;e 6ses the !bli#ti!" t! !bti" ppr!9l !: the E;pl!yer ;y pply !"ly t! !"e
Sub$Cluse !ut !: se9erl i" Cluse !r ppr!9l ;y !"ly be "e6essry bey!"d 6erti"
li;its? ;!"etry !r !ther0ise2 Where this is s! the 0!rdi"# ;ust be 9ried 66!rdi"#ly2
I: the !bli#ti!" t! !bti" the ppr!9l !: the E;pl!yer 6!uld led t! the E"#i"eer bei"#
u"ble t! t<e 6ti!" i" " e;er#e"6y? 0here ;tters !: s:ety re i"9!l9ed? 6!"sider$
ti!" sh!uld be #i9e" t! ddi"# the :!ll!0i"# pr#rph t! the e*;ple 6luse #i9e"
N!t0ithst"di"# the !bli#ti!"? s set !ut b!9e? t! !b$
ti" ppr!9l? i:? i" the !pi"i!" !: the E"#i"eer? "
e;er#e"6y !66urs ::e6ti"# the s:ety !: li:e !r !: the
W!r<s !r !: d=!i"i"# pr!perty? he ;y? 0ith!ut relie9$
i"# the C!"tr6t!r !: "y !: his duties "d resp!"sibili$
ties u"der the C!"tr6t? i"stru6t the C!"tr6t!r t! e*e$
6ute ll su6h 0!r< !r t! d! ll su6h thi"#s s ;y? i"
the !pi"i!" !: the E"#i"eer? be "e6essry t! bte !r
redu6e the ris<2 The C!"tr6t!r shll :!rth0ith 6!;ply?
despite the bse"6e !: ppr!9l !: the E;pl!yer? 0ith
"y su6h i"stru6ti!" !: the E"#i"eer2 The E"#i"eer shll
deter;i"e " dditi!" t! the C!"tr6t 'ri6e? i" respe6t
!: su6h i"stru6ti!"? i" 66!rd"6e 0ith Cluse 5/ "d
shll "!ti:y the C!"tr6t!r 66!rdi"#ly? 0ith 6!py t!
the E;pl!yer2

2.2 The E"#i"eer@s Represe"tti9e shll be pp!i"ted by
and be resp!"sible t! the E"#i"eer "d shll 6rry !ut
su6h duties "d e*er6ise su6h uth!rity s ;y be dele$
#ted t! hi; by the E"#i"eer u"der Sub$Cluse /2>2
2.3 The E"#i"eer ;y :r!; ti;e t! ti;e dele#te
to to the
Represe"tti9e "y !: the duties "d
Dele#te uth!rities
9ested i" the E"#i"eer "d he ;y t
"y ti;e
re9!<e su6h dele#ti!"2 A"y su6h dele#ti!" !r re9!6$
ti!" shll be i" 0riti"# "d shll "!t t<e e::e6t u"til 6!py
there!: hs bee" deli9ered t! the E;pl!yer "d the
A"y 6!;;u"i6ti!" #i9e" by the E"#i"eer@s Represe"$
tti9e t! the C!"tr6t!r i" 66!rd"6e 0ith su6h dele$
#ti!" shll h9e the s;e e::e6t s th!u#h it hd bee"
#i9e" by the E"#i"eer2 'r!9ided thtP
%& "y :ilure !: the E"#i"eer@s Represe"tti9e t! dis$
ppr!9e "y 0!r<? ;terils !r 'l"t shll "!t pre=u$ di6e
the uth!rity !: the E"#i"eer t! disppr!9e su6h 0!r<?
;terils !r 'l"t "d t! #i9e i"stru6ti!"s :!r the
re6ti:i6ti!" there!:M
%b& :
the C!"tr6t!r Cuesti!"s "y 6!;;u"i6ti!" !: the
E"#i"eer@s Represe"tti9e he ;y re:er the ;tter t! the
E"#i"eer 0h! shll 6!":ir;? re9erse !r 9ry the 6!"te"ts
!: su6h 6!;;u"i6ti!"2
Sub$Cluses /2/ "d /2> del 0ith the pp!i"t;e"t "d duties !: the E"#i"eer@s Repre$
se"tti9e? :reCue"tly re:erred t! s the Reside"t E"#i"eer2 I" the third editi!" 6erti"
spe6i:i6 duties 0ere ll!6ted t! the E"#i"eer@s Represe"tti9e2 This hs bee" 6h"#ed
i" the :!urth editi!"2 The E"#i"eer@s Represe"tti9e is pp!i"ted by the E"#i"eer "d
the E"#i"eer is resp!"sible :!r his 6ti!"s2 -!0e9er? the ide"tity !: the pers!" pp!i"ted
;ust be ;de <"!0" t! the E;pl!yer "d the C!"tr6t!r be:!re su6h pp!i"t;e"t 6"
be6!;e e::e6ti9e2 Su6h duties "d uth!rity s the E"#i"eer ;y 0ish t! 9est i" the
E"#i"eer@s Represe"tti9e ;ust be dele#ted i" 0riti"# "d 6re sh!uld be t<e" t!
e"sure tht the 0ritte" dele#ti!" is spe6i:i62
J FIDIC .8+8
The E"#i"eer ;ust deter;i"e 0ht uth!rity sh!uld be dele#ted i" !rder t! e"ble the
0!r< t the Site t! pr!6eed 6!"ti"u!usly "d s;!!thly2 The dele#ti!" ;ust i"6lude
pr!9isi!" :!r the E"#i"eer@s Represe"tti9e t! t<e 6ti!" i" " e;er#e"6y su6h s ur#e"t
re;edil 0!r< 0hi6h is re:erred t! i" Cluse ,42
The s6!pe !: dele#ti!" 0ill 9ry depe"di"# !" the si1e "d "ture !: the pr!=e6t? its
l!6ti!" i" relti!" t! the hedCurters !: the E;pl!yer "d the E"#i"eer "d the 6p6$
ity !: the pers!" pp!i"ted2
F!r ese !: re:ere"6e 6luses re listed bel!0 0here the E"#i"eer is ;e"ti!"edP
4? 5? ,? 7? ./? .>? .4? .5? .,? .7? .+? .8? /(? /7? >(? >.? >>? >4%'rt II&? >5? >,? >7?
>+? >8? 4(? 4.? 4/? 44? 45? 4,? 4+? 48? 5(? 5.? 5/? 5>? 54? 5,? 57? 5+? 58? ,(? ,/? ,>? ,4?
,5? ,7? ,+? ,8? 7( "d 7> !"0rds2
Dele#ti!" sh!uld "!t "!r;lly be 6!"sidered i" respe6t !: 6luses 4.? 44? 4+? ,/?
,>? ,5? ,7 "d ,82
I" !rder "!t t! 6use u""e6essry i"terrupti!" !: 0!r< t Site? dele#ti!" !: uth!rity
%i" 0h!le !r i" prt& is 6!;;!" i" respe6t !: the :!ll!0i"# 6lusesP
4? 5? 7? ./? .4? .,? .7? .+? .8? /(? /7? >(? >.? >>? >4? >5? >,? >7? >+? >8? 4(? 4/? 45? 48?
5(? 5>? 54? 5,? 58? ,( %e*6ept ,(2, "d ,(2+&? ,4 "d 7(2
2.4 The E"#i"eer !r the E"#i"eer@s Represe"tti9e ;y
"y "u;ber !: pers!"s t! ssist the E"#i"eer@s
Represe"tti9e i" the 6rryi"# !ut !: his duties u"der
Sub$Cluse /2/2 -e shll "!ti:y t! the C!"tr6t!r the
";es? duties "d s6!pe !: uth!rity !: su6h pers!"s2
Su6h ssist"ts shll h9e "! uth!rity t! issue "y
i"stru6ti!"s t! the C!"tr6t!r s9e i" s! :r s su6h
i"stru6ti!"s ;y be "e6essry t! e"ble the; t! 6rry
!ut their duties "d t! se6ure their 66ept"6e !: ;te$
rils? 'l"t !r 0!r<;"ship s bei"# i" 66!rd"6e 0ith
the C!"tr6t? "d "y i"stru6ti!"s #i9e" by "y !: the;
:!r th!se purp!ses shll be dee;ed t! h9e bee" #i9e"
by the E"#i"eer@s Represe"tti9e2
Sub$Cluse /24 uth!rises the pp!i"t;e"t !: Assist"ts by the E"#i"eer? !r the
E"#i"eer@s Represe"tti9e2 Su6h Assist"ts h9e li;ited duties2 O" ;=!r pr!=e6t there
0ill be "u;ber !: Assist"ts !" Site2 A :urther e*;ple !: 0here ssist"ts re used is
i" 6ir6u;st"6es 0here pre$:bri6ted 6!"stru6ti!" ele;e"ts !r 'l"t re bei"# ;"u$
:6tured i" Sub6!"tr6t!r@s pre;ises 0hi6h re "!t situted i" the 6!u"try !: the
E"#i"eer !r the 6!u"try i" 0hi6h the Site is situted2
25 Instructions #i9e" by the E"#i"eer shll be i" 0riti"#? i"
Writing provided
tht i: :!r "y res!" the E"#i"eer 6!"siders
it "e6essry t! #i9e "y su6h i"stru6ti!" !rlly? the C!"$
tr6t!r shll 6!;ply 0ith su6h i"stru6ti!"2 C!":ir;ti!"
i" 0riti"# !: su6h !rl i"stru6ti!" #i9e" by the E"#i"eer?
0hether be:!re !r :ter the 6rryi"# !ut !: the i"stru6$
ti!"? shll be dee;ed t! be " i"stru6ti!" 0ithi" the
;e"i"# !: this Sub$Cluse2 'r!9ided :urther tht :
C!"tr6t!r? 0ithi" 7 dys? 6!":ir;s i" 0riti"# t! the
E"#i"eer "y !rl i"stru6ti!" !: the E"#i"eer "d su6h
6!":ir;ti!" is "!t 6!"trdi6ted i" 0riti"# 0ithi" 7 dys
by the E"#i"eer? it shll be dee;ed t! be " i"stru6ti!" !:
the E"#i"eer2
J FIDIC .8+8
The pr!9isi!"s !: this Sub$Cluse shll eCully pply t!
i"stru6ti!"s #i9e" by the E"#i"eer@s Represe"tti9e "d
"y ssist"ts !: the E"#i"eer !r the E"#i"eer@s Repre$
se"tti9e pp!i"ted pursu"t t! Sub$Cluse /242
Sub$Cluse /25 6!"ti"s the "e6essry !bli#ti!" :!r the E"#i"eer t! #i9e his i"stru6$
ti!"s i" 0riti"# !r? i: the E"#i"eer 6!"siders it "e6essry tht i"stru6ti!"s re #i9e" !rlly?
tht they re 6!":ir;ed i" 0riti"# s s!!" s p!ssible there:ter2 The i;p!rt"6e !:
<eepi"# re6!rds !: ll ;tters relted t! the 0!r< !" Site 6""!t be !9er$e;phsised
"d it 0ill be see" i" lter 6luses tht the ;i"te""6e !: deCute 6!"te;p!rry re6$
!rds ;y be :u"d;e"tl t! py;e"t !: 6li;s :!r dditi!"l 0!r<2 It sh!uld be "!ted
ls! tht 0here the E"#i"eer d!es "!t #i9e 0ritte" 6!":ir;ti!" !: " i"stru6ti!" t! the
C!"tr6t!r the" the C!"tr6t!r ;y hi;sel: 6!":ir; t! the E"#i"eer tht he hs re6ei9ed
su6h " i"stru6ti!"2 I: the E"#i"eer :ils? i" 0riti"#? t! 6!"trdi6t su6h "!ti6e 0ithi" 7
dys the i"stru6ti!" is dee;ed t! h9e bee" #i9e" by the E"#i"eer t! the C!"tr6t!r2
to Act 2.6 Wherever, u"der the C!"tr6t? the E"#i"eer is reCuired
to e*er6ise his dis6reti!" byP
%& #i9i"# his de6isi!"? !pi"i!" !r 6!"se"t? !r
%b& e*pressi"# his stis:6ti!" !r ppr!9l? !r
%6& deter;i"i"# 9lue? !r
%d& !ther0ise t<i"# 6ti!" 0hi6h ;y ::e6t the ri#hts
"d !bli#ti!"s !: the E;pl!yer !r the C!"tr6t!r
he shll e*er6ise su6h dis6reti!" i;prtilly 0ithi" the
ter;s !: the C!"tr6t "d h9i"# re#rd t! ll the 6ir$
6u;st"6es2 A"y su6h de6isi!"? !pi"i!"? 6!"se"t? e*$
pressi!" !: stis:6ti!"? !r ppr!9l? deter;i"ti!" !:
9lue !r 6ti!" ;y be !pe"ed up? re9ie0ed !r re9ised
s pr!9ided i" Cluse ,72
Sub$Cluse /2, is "e0 i"tr!du6ti!"2 It stipultes i" the C!"tr6t 0ht 0s treted
i" pre9i!us 6!"diti!"s s pr!:essi!"l !bli#ti!" !: the E"#i"eer2 The Sub$Cluse
pr!9ides tht 0he"e9er the C!"tr6t reCuires the E"#i"eer t! #i9e de6isi!"s? !pi"i!"s
!r 6!"se"ts? t! e*press stis:6ti!" !r ppr!9l? t! deter;i"e 9lue !r t! t<e "y
!ther 6ti!" reCuiri"# the E"#i"eer t! e*er6ise his dis6reti!"? he shll d! s! i" "
i;prtil ;""er2 )eh9i"# i;prtilly i;plies bei"# prepred t! liste" t! "d 6!"sider
the 9ie0s !: b!th the E;pl!yer "d the C!"tr6t!r "d the" t! ;<e deter;i"ti!"
bsed up!" the :6ts2
The E"#i"eer@s deter;i"ti!"s 6" be 6hlle"#ed by either prty i" 66!rd"6e 0ith the
pr!6edure :!r deli"# 0ith disputes lid d!0" i" Cluse ,72 -!0e9er? i" !rder t! 9!id
dely !r i"terrupti!" t! the W!r<s? the E"#i"eer@s deter;i"ti!"s ;ust be dhered t!
by b!th the E;pl!yer "d C!"tr6t!r u"til "d u"less they re 9ried by the E"#i"eer
hi;sel:? by ;i6ble settle;e"t !r " rbitrl tribu"l? s pr!9ided :!r i" Cluse ,72
Alth!u#h the C!"tr6t!r ;y dis#ree 0ith " i"stru6ti!" #i9e" by the E"#i"eer the
C!"tr6t!r is !bli#ed? u"der Sub$Cluse .>2. t! 6rry !ut the i"stru6ti!"s2 -e 0!uld
be 0ise t! re6!rd i" 0riti"# his dis#ree;e"t 0ith the i"stru6ti!" "d his res!"s there$
4+ J FIDIC .8+8
Assignment 3.1 The C!"tr6t!r shll "!t? 0ith!ut the pri!r 6!"se"t
!: Contract
E;pl!yer %0hi6h 6!"se"t? "!t0ithst"di"# the pr!$
9isi!"s !: Sub$Cluse .25? shll be t the s!le dis6reti!"
!: the E;pl!yer&? ssi#" the C!"tr6t !r "y prt
there!:? !r "y be"e:it !r i"terest therei" !r thereu"der?
!ther0ise th" byP
%& 6hr#e i" :9!ur !: the C!"tr6t!r@s b"<ers !:
"y ;!"ies due !r t! be6!;e due u"der the C!"tr6t?
%b& ssi#";e"t t! the C!"tr6t!r@s i"surers %i" 6ses
0here the i"surers h9e dis6hr#ed the C!"tr6t!r@s
l!ss !r libility& !: the C!"tr6t!r@s ri#hts t! !bti"
relie: #i"st "y !ther prty lible2
Usully the C!"tr6t!r 0ill h9e bee" sele6ted by the E;pl!yer :!ll!0i"# pre$Culi:i$
6ti!"? te"deri"# "d te"der e9luti!"2 The 0rd !: the C!"tr6t there:!re i;plies
6!":ide"6e !: the E;pl!yer i" the C!"tr6t!r2 Ob9i!usly it is "!t e"9is#ed by the
E;pl!yer tht the C!"tr6t!r he hs sele6ted 0!uld ssi#" the C!"tr6t t! third prty2
This 0!uld be i"6!"siste"t 0ith the !b=e6ti9es !: the 0h!le sele6ti!" pr!6edure2 The
C!"diti!"s? :!r this res!"? pr!9ide tht the C!"tr6t ;y "!t be ssi#"ed i" 0h!le !r i"
prt 0ith!ut the e*press 6!"se"t !: the E;pl!yer2 -!0e9er? i" re6!#"iti!" !: the =usti$
:ied "eed !: the C!"tr6t!r :!r :i""6i"# "d i"sur"6e %prti6ulrly e*p!rt 6redit i"sur$
"6e& this Cluse ;<es e*press e*6epti!"s :!r su6h purp!ses2
The C!"tr6t!r shll "!t sub6!"tr6t the 0h!le !: the
W!r<s2 E*6ept 0here !ther0ise pr!9ided by the C!"$
tr6t? the C!"tr6t!r shll "!t sub6!"tr6t "y prt !:
the W!r<s 0ith!ut the pri!r 6!"se"t !: the E"#i"eer2
A"y su6h 6!"se"t shll "!t relie9e the C!"tr6t!r :r!;
"y libility !r !bli#ti!" u"der the C!"tr6t "d he
shll be resp!"sible :!r the 6ts? de:ults "d "e#le6ts
!: "y Sub6!"tr6t!r? his #e"ts? ser9"ts !r 0!r<;e"
s :ully s i: they 0ere the 6ts? de:ults !r "e#le6ts !:
the C!"tr6t!r? his #e"ts? ser9"ts !r 0!r<;e"2
'r!9ided tht the C!"tr6t!r shll "!t be reCuired t!
!bti" su6h 6!"se"t :!rP
%& the pr!9isi!" !: lb!ur? !r
%b& the pur6hse !: ;terils 0hi6h re i" 66!rd"6e
0ith the st"drds spe6i:ied i" the C!"tr6t? !r
%6& the sub6!"tr6ti"# !: "y prt !: the W!r<s :!r
0hi6h the Sub6!"tr6t!r is ";ed i" the C!"tr6t2
J FIDIC .8+8
Sub6!"tr6ti"# !: 6erti" spe6ilised prts !: the 0!r< u"dert<e" by the C!"tr6t!r is
"!t " u"usul !66urre"6e i" the e*e6uti!" !: 6!"tr6t2 This ;y t :irst si#ht pper
t! be i" 6!":li6t 0ith the 6!;;e"t !" Sub$Cluse >2. but this is "!t relly the 6se2
Alth!u#h s stted i" relti!" t! Sub$Cluse >2. the E;pl!yer 0ishes t! h9e the C!"$
tr6t 6rried !ut by the C!"tr6t!r he hs sele6ted? it is #e"erlly re6!#"ised tht !ther
pers!"s !r :ir;s? by res!" !: their #reter spe6ilisti!"? e*perie"6e !r 6p6ity? ;y
be ble t! 6rry !ut spe6i:i6 0!r<s !r ser9i6es !r :ur"ish 6erti" supplies? ;!re e::i$
6ie"tly th" the C!"tr6t!r2 A66!rdi"#ly? 0ith the E;pl!yer@s 6!"se"t? 0hi6h u"der the
C!"diti!"s sh!uld "!t be u"res!"bly 0ithheld? the C!"tr6t!r ;y sub6!"tr6t 0!r<s?
ser9i6es !r supplies t! !thers2 The resp!"sibility !: the C!"tr6t!r t! the E;pl!yer :!r
the e"tire C!"tr6t re;i"s "d the C!"tr6t!r reti"s resp!"sibility :!r the 0!r< !r
ser9i6es 0hi6h he sub6!"tr6ts2 It is the duty !: the C!"tr6t!r t! =usti:y the "eed? :!r
su6h spe6ilisti!"2 It is s!;eti;es the pr6ti6e tht the E"#i"eer? 0ith the #ree;e"t !:
the C!"tr6t!r? dels dire6tly 0ith the Sub6!"tr6t!r !" te6h"i6l ;tters2 I" su6h 6se
it is esse"til tht the C!"tr6t!r is <ept i":!r;ed t ll st#es? prti6ulrly i: ;tters !:
py;e"t !r pr!#r;;e re i"9!l9ed? s! tht the C!"tr6t!r is i;;editely 0re !:
dis6ussi!"s !r 6!rresp!"de"6e tht h9e t<e" pl6e bet0ee" the E"#i"eer "d the
Sub6!"tr6t!r "d 6" 6!;;e"t !r t<e su6h !ther 6ti!" s he ;y 6!"sider ppr!pri$
N!r;lly the te"derer 0ill stte i" his te"der 0ht 0!r< !r ser9i6es he pr!p!ses t!
sub6!"tr6t "d s :r s p!ssible the ";e !: the sub6!"tr6t!rs he pr!p!ses t!
use2 There re !66si!"s 0he" the E;pl!yer 0ill e*press the 0ish tht 6erti" ts<s?
!perti!"s !r supplies !: 'l"t !r ;teril be sub6!"tr6ted t! prti6ulr spe$
6ilist "!;i"ted by hi;2
I" the e9e"t !: Sub6!"tr6t!r h9i"# u"dert<e" t!$
of 4.2
wards the C!"tr6t!r i" respe6t !: the 0!r< e*e6uted?
or the #!!ds? ;terils? 'l"t !r ser9i6es supplied by
Obli#ti!"s such
Sub6!"tr6t!r? "y 6!"ti"ui"# !bli#ti!" e*te"d$
i"# :!r peri!d e*6eedi"# tht !: the De:e6ts Libility
'eri!d u"der the C!"tr6t? the C!"tr6t!r shll t "y
ti;e? :ter the e*pirti!" !: su6h 'eri!d? ssi#" t! the
E;pl!yer? t the E;pl!yer@s reCuest "d 6!st? the be"e$
:it !: su6h !bli#ti!" :!r the u"e*pired durti!" there!:
Ob9i!usly? i: t the e*piry !: the peri!d duri"# 0hi6h the C!"tr6t!r hs resp!"sibility
t! the E;pl!yer? tht is t the e"d !: the De:e6ts Libility 'eri!d? there is still s!;e
u"e*pired #ur"tee !r !ther !bli#ti!" :r!; Sub6!"tr6t!r t! the C!"tr6t!r the ltter
;ust ssi#" this ri#ht t! the E;pl!yer2 The C!"tr6t!r ;ust e"sure tht the Sub6!"tr6$
t!r 0ill #ree t! su6h ssi#";e"t2
5( JFEDIC .8+8
Language/s 5.1 There is stted i" 'rt II !: these C!"diti!"sP
"d Law
the l"#u#e !r l"#u#es i" 0hi6h the C!"tr6t
d!6u;e"ts shll be dr0" up? "d
%b& the 6!u"try !r stte the l0 !: 0hi6h shll pply t!
the C!"tr6t "d 66!rdi"# t! 0hi6h the C!"tr6t shll
be 6!"strued2
I: the sid d!6u;e"ts re 0ritte" i" ;!re th" !"e
l"#u#e? the l"#u#e 66!rdi"# t! 0hi6h the C!"tr6t
shll be 6!"strued "d i"terpreted is ls! stted i" 'rt
II !: these C!"diti!"s? bei"# therei" desi#"ted the
GRuli"# L"#u#eG2
It is i;p!rt"t t! estblish the ruli"# l"#u#e !: the C!"tr6t "d ls! the l0 t! 0hi6h
the C!"tr6t is sub=e6t2 The FIDIC C!"diti!"s h9e bee" dr:ted i" the E"#lish l"$
#u#e "d #ret 6re is t<e" t! e"sure tht FIDIC tr"slti!"s !: these st"drd 6!"di$
ti!"s 6!"9ey the s;e ;e"i"#2 I: 'rt II !: the C!"diti!"s is prepred i" !"e l"#u#e
"d is the" tr"slted i"t! "!ther there is the p!ssibility tht ;bi#uities "d dis6rep"$
6ies ;y !66ur2 It is !"e !: the E"#i"eer@s :u"6ti!"s t! del 0ith "y ;bi#uities "d
dis6rep"6ies s ;y be6!;e ppre"t but i" d!i"# s! he sh!uld 6re:ully 9!id di6tt$
i"# t! the C!"tr6t!r h!0 the 0!r< i"9!l9ed is t! be 6rried !ut2 The ;eth!d !: 6r$
ryi"# !ut the W!r<s is the resp!"sibility !: the C!"tr6t!r2
Sub$Cluse 52. reCuires tht the l"#u#eKs "d l0 sh!uld be stted i" 'rt II2 The
:!ll!0i"# is " e*;ple !: " ppr!prite 'rt II e"tryP
(a) The l"#u#e is %i"sert s ppli6ble&
"d Law
The l0 is tht i" :!r6e i" %i"sert ";e !: 6!u"try&
I: "e6essry %& sh!uld be 9ried t! redP
%& The l"#u#es re %i"sert s ppli6ble&
The Ruli"# L"#u#e is %i"sert s ppli6ble&
of 5.2 The se9erl d!6u;e"ts :!r;i"# the C!"tr6t re t! be
C!"tr6t taken s ;utully e*pl"t!ry !: !"e "!ther? but i"
D!6u;e"ts case !: ;bi#uities !r dis6rep"6ies the s;e shll be
e*pli"ed "d d=usted by the E"#i"eer 0h! shll there$
up!" issue t! the C!"tr6t!r i"stru6ti!"s there!" "d i"
su6h e9e"t? u"less !ther0ise pr!9ided i" the C!"tr6t?
the pri!rity !: the d!6u;e"ts :!r;i"# the C!"tr6t shll
be s :!ll!0sP
%.& The C!"tr6t A#ree;e"t %i: 6!;pleted&M
%/& The Letter !: A66ept"6eM
%>& The Te"derM
JFIDIC .8+8 5.
%4& 'rt II !: these C!"diti!"sM
%5& 'rt I !: these C!"diti!"sM "d
%,& A"y !ther d!6u;e"t :!r;i"# prt !: the C!"tr6t2
I" the :!urth editi!" the !rder !: pri!rity !: the d!6u;e"ts :!r;i"# the C!"tr6t is
spe6i:ied i" ;!re detil th" i" pre9i!us editi!"s2 -!0e9er? this !rder !: pre6ede"6e set
!ut i" 'rt I is pr!p!sl "d !ther !rders !: pre:ere"6e ;i#ht be pre:erred by the
E;pl!yer2 Either !: the t0! e*;ple 6luses 0hi6h :!ll!0 6" be " ppr!prite e"try
:!r 'rt II !: the C!"diti!"sP
of 5.2 Delete the d!6u;e"ts listed .$, "d substituteP
(1) the C!"tr6t A#ree;e"t %i: 6!;pleted&M
%/& the Letter !: A66ept"6eM
%>& the Te"derM
%4& the C!"diti!"s !: C!"tr6t 'rt IIM
%5& the C!"diti!"s !: C!"tr6t 'rt IM
%,& the Spe6i:i6ti!"M
%7& the Dr0i"#sM "d
%+& the pri6ed )ill !: Hu"tities
0here it is de6ided tht "! !rder !: pre6ede"6e !: d!6u;e"ts sh!uld be i"6luded? this
Sub$Cluse ;y be 9ried s :!ll!0sP
!: 5.2
Delete the te*t !: the Sub$Cluse "d substituteP
The se9erl d!6u;e"ts :!r;i"# the C!"tr6t re t! be
t<e" s ;utully e*pl"t!ry !: !"e "!ther? but i" the
6se !: ;bi#uities !r dis6rep"6ies the pri!rity shll be
tht 66!rded by l02 I:? i" the !pi"i!" !: the E"#i"eer?
su6h ;bi#uities !r dis6rep"6ies ;<e it "e6essry t!
issue "y i"stru6ti!" t! the C!"tr6t!r i" e*pl"ti!" !r
d=ust;e"t? the E"#i"eer shll h9e uth!rity t! issue
su6h i"stru6ti!"2
and 6.1
The Dr0i"#s shll re;i" i" the s!le 6ust!dy !: the
but t0! 6!pies there!: shll be pr!9ided t! the
and Contractor :ree !: 6hr#e2 The C!"tr6t!r shll ;<e
his !0" 6!st "y :urther 6!pies reCuired by hi;2
U"less it is stri6tly "e6essry :!r the purp!ses !: the
C!"tr6t? the Dr0i"#s? Spe6i:i6ti!" "d !ther d!6u$
;e"ts pr!9ided by the E;pl!yer !r the E"#i"eer shll
"!t? 0ith!ut the 6!"se"t !: the E"#i"eer? be used !r
6!;;u"i6ted t! third prty by the C!"tr6t!r2 Up!"
issue !: the De:e6ts Libility Certi:i6te? the C!"tr6t!r
shll retur" t! the E"#i"eer ll Dr0i"#s? Spe6i:i6ti!"s
"d !ther d!6u;e"ts pr!9ided u"der the C!"tr6t2
5/ JFIDIC .8+8
The C!"tr6t!r shll supply t! the E"#i"eer :!ur 6!pies
!: ll Dr0i"#s? Spe6i:i6ti!" "d !ther d!6u;e"ts sub$
;itted by the C!"tr6t!r "d ppr!9ed by the E"#i"eer
i" 66!rd"6e 0ith Cluse 7? t!#ether 0ith repr!du6$
ible 6!py !: "y ;teril 0hi6h 6""!t be repr!du6ed
t! " eCul st"drd by ph!t!6!pyi"#2 I" dditi!" the
C!"tr6t!r shll supply su6h :urther 6!pies !: su6h
Dr0i"#s? Spe6i:i6ti!" "d !ther d!6u;e"ts s the
E"#i"eer ;y reCuest i" 0riti"# :!r the use !: the
E;pl!yer? 0h! shll py the 6!st there!:
This Sub$Cluse 6!"6er"s the issue t! the C!"tr6t!r !: Dr0i"#s "d i"stru6ti!"s
reCuired t! e"ble hi; t! 6rry !ut the W!r<s2 The C!"tr6t!r 0ill "!r;lly h9e
pr!9ided " !utli"e pr!#r;;e 0ith his te"der :!ll!0ed by ;!re detiled pr!#r;;e
i" 66!rd"6e 0ith Cluse .42 With this i":!r;ti!" 9ilble t! hi; the E"#i"eer 6"
!r#"ise the issue !: Dr0i"#s "d !ther i":!r;ti!" t! ;eet the C!"tr6t!r@s reCuire$
O" s!;e !66si!"s the E"#i"eer ;y "!t hi;sel: h9e the resp!"sibility :!r prepri"#
su6h Dr0i"#s !r i":!r;ti!" but 0ill be the 6h""el thr!u#h 0hi6h su6h Dr0i"#s !r
i":!r;ti!" re pssed t! the C!"tr6t!r2 It is 6ust!;ry :!r ll Dr0i"#s "d i":!r;$
ti!" t! be supplied i" repr!du6ible :!r;2
This Sub$Cluse ls! e"9is#es tht s!;e Dr0i"#s? Spe6i:i6ti!" !r !ther d!6u;e"ts
;y be pr!9ided by the C!"tr6t!r2 F!r e*;ple? pre:bri6ted
ele;e"ts t! be ;"u$
:6tured 66!rdi"# t! pr!prietry ;eth!ds !: the C!"tr6t!r !r 0here it is pr!9ided i"
the C!"tr6t tht desi#" !: prt !: the 'er;"e"t W!r<s is the resp!"sibility !: the
O"e Copy of 6.2 One 6!py !: the Dr0i"#s? pr!9ided t! !r supplied by
to be
the C!"tr6t!r s :!resid? shll be <ept by the C!"$
on Site
tractor !" the Site "d the s;e shll t ll res!"ble
ti;es be 9ilble :!r i"spe6ti!" "d use by the E"#i$
"eer "d by "y !ther pers!" uth!rised by the E"#i$
"eer i" 0riti"#2
It is !b9i!usly "e6essry t! h9e 6!py !: the Dr0i"#s !" Site "d 9ilble duri"#
0!r<i"# h!urs t! b!th the C!"tr6t!r "d the E"#i"eer !r the E"#i"eer@s Represe"t$
of 6.3 The C!"tr6t!r shll #i9e "!ti6e t! the E"#i"eer? 0ith
t! the E;pl!yer? 0he"e9er pl""i"# !r e*e6uti!"
!: the W!r<s is li<ely t! be delyed !r disrupted u"less
"y :urther dr0i"# !r i"stru6ti!" is issued by
E"#i"eer 0ithi" res!"ble ti;e2 The "!ti6e shll
i"6lude detils !: the dr0i"# !r i"stru6ti!" reCuired
"d !: 0hy "d by 0he" it is reCuired "d !: "y dely
!r disrupti!" li<ely t! be su::ered i: it is lte2
I: the pr!#ress !: the C!"tr6t!r@s 0!r< is li<ely t! be h;pered be6use !: lte issue !:
Dr0i"#s !r i"stru6ti!"s by the E"#i"eer it is i;p!rt"t tht the E"#i"eer sh!uld be
i":!r;ed by the C!"tr6t!r tht lte issue 0ill h9e 6erti" 6!st "d ti;e e::e6ts2
Delays and 6.4
Cost of Delay
of Drawings
I:? by res!" !: "y :ilure !r i"bility !: the E"#i"eer
t! issue? 0ithi" ti;e res!"ble i" ll the 6ir6u;$
st"6es? "y dr0i"# !r i"stru6ti!" :!r 0hi6h "!ti6e hs
bee" #i9e" by the C!"tr6t!r i" 66!rd"6e 0ith Sub$
Cluse ,2>? the C!"tr6t!r su::ers dely "dK!r i"6urs
6!sts the" the E"#i"eer shll? :ter due 6!"sultti!" 0ith
the E;pl!yer "d the C!"tr6t!r? deter;i"eP
%& "y e*te"si!" !: ti;e t! 0hi6h the C!"tr6t!r is
e"titled u"der Cluse 44? "d
%b& the ;!u"t !: su6h 6!sts? 0hi6h shll be dded t!
the C!"tr6t 'ri6e? "d shll "!ti:y the C!"tr6t!r 6$
6!rdi"#ly? 0ith 6!py t! the E;pl!yer2
This Sub$Cluse s:e#urds the C!"tr6t!r i: he is delyed !r i"9!l9ed i" e*tr 6!sts s
result !: lte issue t! hi; !: Dr0i"#s !r i"stru6ti!"s i" respe6t !: 0hi6h "!ti6e hs
bee" #i9e" by the C!"tr6t!r t! the E"#i"eer i" 66!rd"6e 0ith Sub$Cluse ,2>2
Failure by
Contractor to
!r i"bility !: the E"#i"eer t! issue "y dr0$
i"#s !r i"stru6ti!"s is 6used i" 0h!le !r i" prt by the
:ilure !: the C!"tr6t!r t! sub;it Dr0i"#s? Spe6i:i$
6ti!" !r !ther d!6u;e"ts 0hi6h he is reCuired t! sub$
;it u"der the C!"tr6t? the E"#i"eer shll t<e su6h
:ilure by the C!"tr6t!r i"t! 66!u"t 0he" ;<i"# his
deter;i"ti!" pursu"t t! Sub$Cluse ,242
I: the C!"tr6t!r 6!"tributes t! the dely re:erred t! i" Sub$Cluse ,24 the de#ree t!
0hi6h he is resp!"sible 0ill be t<e" i"t! 66!u"t 0he" dditi!"l 6!st !r ti;e is
The E"#i"eer shll h9e uth!rity t! issue t! the C!"$
tractor,from ti;e t! ti;e? su6h supple;e"try Dr0i"#s
and i"stru6ti!"s s shll be "e6essry :!r the purp!se
!: the pr!per "d deCute e*e6uti!" "d 6!;pleti!" !:
the W!r<s "d the re;edyi"# !: "y de:e6ts therei"2 The
C!"tr6t!r shll 6rry !ut "d be b!u"d by the s;e2
This Sub$Cluse uth!rises the E"#i"eer t! issue su6h dditi!"l Dr0i"#s "d instruc-
ti!"s s re "e6essry :!r the C!"tr6t!r t! e*e6ute the W!r<s "d re;edy "y de:e6ts
!bser9ed be:!re the e"d !: the De:e6ts Libility 'eri!d2 It sh!uld be "!ted tht
u"der this Sub$Cluse the C!"tr6t!r is reCuired t! 6rry !ut ll su6h i"stru6ti!"s
issued by the E"#i"eer2
'er;"e"t Works 7.2 Where the C!"tr6t e*pressly pr!9ides tht prt !: the
Desi#"ed by
Permanent W!r<s shll be desi#"ed by the C!"tr6t!r?
he shll sub;it t! the E"#i"eer? :!r ppr!9lP
%& su6h dr0i"#s? spe6i:i6ti!"s? 6l6ulti!"s "d !ther
i":!r;ti!" s shll be "e6essry t! stis:y the E"#i"eer
s t! the suitbility "d deCu6y !: tht desi#"? "d
54 J FIDIC .8+8
%b& !perti!" "d ;i"te""6e ;"uls t!#ether 0ith
dr0i"#s !: the 'er;"e"t W!r<s s 6!;pleted? i" su:$
:i6ie"t detil t! e"ble the E;pl!yer t! !perte? ;i"$
ti"? dis;"tle? resse;ble "d d=ust the 'er;"e"t
W!r<s i"6!rp!rti"# tht desi#"2 The W!r<s shll "!t
be 6!"sidered t! be 6!;pleted :!r the purp!ses !: t<$
i"# !9er i" 66!rd"6e 0ith Cluse 4+ u"til su6h !per$
ti!" "d ;i"te""6e ;"uls? t!#ether 0ith dr0i"#s
!" 6!;pleti!"? h9e bee" sub;itted t! "d ppr!9ed by
the E"#i"eer2
This Sub$Cluse lys d!0" the pr!6edure :!r sub;issi!" by the C!"tr6t!r t! the
E"#i"eer !: dr0i"#s? et62? :!r su6h desi#" !: 'er;"e"t W!r<s s is spe6i:ied i" the
C!"tr6t s the resp!"sibility !: the C!"tr6t!r2 The Sub$Cluse re:ers t! sub;issi!"
t! the E"#i"eer :!r ppr!9l2 It sh!uld be "!ted tht ppr!9l by the E"#i"eer !: su6h
d!6u;e"ts d!es "!t bs!l9e the C!"tr6t!r :r!; resp!"sibility :!r their 6!"te"ts2 The
ppr!9l #i9e" by the E"#i"eer si#"i:ies tht i" #e"erl 0ht is pr!p!sed ppers t!
6!":!r; t! the reCuire;e"ts !: the C!"tr6t2
It is i;p!rt"t t! "!te tht u"der Sub$Cluse 72/%b& the W!r<s re "!t t! be 6!"sidered
s 6!;pleted u"til ;i"te""6e ;"uls "d !ther d!6u;e"ts spe6i:ied i" the
C!"tr6t h9e bee" sub;itted t! "d ppr!9ed by the E"#i"eer2 Dely by the
C!"tr6t!r i" sub;itti"# ;i"te""6e ;"uls 0ill dely the issue !: the T<i"#$
O9er Certi:i6te2
Where prt !: the W!r<s is desi#"ed by the C!"tr6t!r bsed up!" pr!prietry i":!r;$
ti!" it ;y be "e6essry :!r #ree;e"ts 6!"6er"i"# 6!":ide"tility? se6re6y !r the
li6e"si"# !: su6h pr!prietry i":!r;ti!" !r relted ri#hts t! be 6!"6luded bet0ee" the
C!"tr6t!r? the E;pl!yer "d the E"#i"eer2
by the E"#i"eer? i" 66!rd"6e 0ith Sub$
Clause 72/? shll "!t relie9e the C!"tr6t!r !: "y !: his
Appr!9l responsibilities
u"der the C!"tr6t2
This Sub$Cluse e;phsises the e*te"t !: the ppr!9l by the E"#i"eer !: C!"tr6t!r@s
Dr0i"#s re:e"ed t! i" Sub$Cluse 72/2
Contractor's 8.1 The C!"tr6t!r shll? 0ith due 6re "d dili#e"6e?
design %t! the e*te"t pr!9ided :!r by the C!"tr6t&?
execute "d 6!;plete the W!r<s "d re;edy "y de:e6ts
therei" i" 66!rd"6e 0ith the pr!9isi!"s !: the C!"$
tr6t2 The C!"tr6t!r shll pr!9ide ll superi"te"de"6e?
lb!ur? ;terils? 'l"t? C!"tr6t!r@s ECuip;e"t "d
ll !ther thi"#s? 0hether !: te;p!rry !r per;"e"t
"ture? reCuired i" "d :!r su6h desi#"? e*e6uti!"?
6!;pleti!" "d re;edyi"# !: "y de:e6ts? s! :r s the
"e6essity :!r pr!9idi"# the s;e is spe6i:ied i" !r is
res!"bly t! be i":erred :r!; the C!"tr6t2
This Sub$Cluse sttes the C!"tr6t!r@s !9erll resp!"sibility :!r the e*e6uti!" !: the
W!r<s "d :!r the re;edyi"# !: "y de:e6ts !bser9ed be:!re the e*piry !: the De:e6ts
Libility 'eri!d2
Site Operations 8.2 The C!"tr6t!r shll t<e :ull resp!"sibility :!r the de$
"d Methods of quacy, stbility "d s:ety !: ll Site !perti!"s "d
C!"stru6ti!" methods !: 6!"stru6ti!"2 'r!9ided tht the C!"tr6t!r
shll "!t be resp!"sible %e*6ept s stted hereu"der !r
s ;y be !ther0ise #reed& :!r the desi#" !r spe6i:i$
6ti!" !: 'er;"e"t W!r<s? !r :!r the desi#" !r spe6i$
:i6ti!" !: "y Te;p!rry W!r<s "!t prepred by the
C!"tr6t!r2 Where the C!"tr6t e*pressly pr!9ides tht
prt !: the 'er;"e"t W!r<s shll be desi#"ed by the
C!"tr6t!r? he shll be :ully resp!"sible :!r tht prt !:
su6h W!r<s? "!t0ithst"di"# "y ppr!9l by the E"#i$
The C!"tr6t!r is resp!"sible :!r the s:ety !: ll Site !perti!"s "d ;eth!ds !:
6!"stru6ti!"2 Resp!"sibility :!r desi#" "d spe6i:i6ti!" !: the 'er;"e"t W!r<s
#e"erlly rests 0ith the E"#i"eer? but there ;y be e*6epti!"s su6h s the detiled
desi#" !: spe6ilised ite;s !: 'l"t !r pre:bri6ted ele;e"ts %s re:erred t! i"
the 6!;;e"t !" Sub$Cluse ,2.& desi#"ed "d ;"u:6tured by the C!"tr6t!r !r by
"!;i"ted Sub$6!"tr6t!r %re:er t! the de:i"iti!" i" Sub$Cluse 582.&2
Te;p!rry W!r<s re "!r;lly desi#"ed "d spe6i:ied by the C!"tr6t!r2 Where this is
the 6se the E"#i"eer ;y? depe"di"# up!" the "ture !r i;p!rt"6e !: the Te;p!rry
W!r<s? reCuire i":!r;ti!" b!ut their desi#"2 Where prts !: the 'er;"e"t W!r<s
re t! be used duri"# 6!"stru6ti!" s Te;p!rry W!r<s the desi#" ;y ri!t "e6essrily
be 6rried !ut by the C!"tr6t!r2 I" these 6ir6u;st"6es the C!"tr6t!r shll "!t be
resp!"sible :!r this desi#"2 Where su6h e*6epti!"s !66ur? these sh!uld be de:i"ed ei$
ther i" 'rt II !: the C!"diti!"s !: C!"tr6t !r i" the Spe6i:i6ti!"2
This Cluse sh!uld be red i" 6!"=u"6ti!" 0ith Cluses /($/5 deli"# 0ith ll!6ti!"
!: resp!"sibilities "d i"sur"6e2
C!"tr6t 9.1 The C!"tr6t!r shll? i: 6lled up!" s! t! d!? e"ter i"t!
and e*e6ute the C!"tr6t A#ree;e"t? t! be prepred "d
6!;pleted t the 6!st !: the E;pl!yer? i" the :!r;
""e*ed t! these C!"diti!"s 0ith su6h ;!di:i6ti!" s
;y be "e6essry2
U"der the l0s !: ;"y 6!u"tries the !::er %the Te"der& sub;itted by the C!"tr6t!r
"d its 66ept"6e %Letter !: A66ept"6e& by the E;pl!yer re su::i6ie"t t! 6!"stitute
le#l 6!"tr6t2 -!0e9er? i" s!;e 6!u"tries "d prti6ulrly i" less de9el!ped 6!u"$
tries? C!"tr6t A#ree;e"t bet0ee" the E;pl!yer "d the C!"tr6t!r is reCuired2 The
:!r; !: the A#ree;e"t ;ust be ""e*ed t! 'rt I !: the C!"diti!"s 0he" the Te"der
d!6u;e"ts re issued2
The le#l spe6ts i" 6!""e6ti!" 0ith C!"tr6t A#ree;e"t sh!uld be b!r"e i" ;i"d %e2#2
the "eed !: 6!u"ter$si#"ture !r rti:i6ti!"? libility i" l0? peri!d !: li;itti!" :!r 6ti!"
i" l0&2
I" lr#e i"ter"ti!"l 6!"tr6ts? the C!"tr6t!r 0ill s!;eti;es be =!i"t 9e"ture2
I" su6h e9e"t Cluse 0!uld !rdi"rily be dded i" 'rt II subseCue"t t! Cluse 7/ %see
e*;ple te*t @E!i"t "d Se9erl Libility@ !" p#e .7>&2
the C!"tr6t reCuires the C!"tr6t!r t! !bti"
:!r his pr!per per:!r;"6e !: the C!"tr6t? he
shll !bti" "d pr!9ide t! the E;pl!yer su6h se6urity 0ithi"
/+ dys :ter the re6eipt !: the Letter !: A66ept"6e? i"
the su; stted i" the Appe"di* t! Te"der2 Whe" pr!9id$
i"# su6h se6urity t! the E;pl!yer? the C!"tr6t!r shll
"!ti:y the E"#i"eer !: s! d!i"#2 Su6h se6urity shll be
i" the :!r; ""e*ed t! these C!"diti!"s !r i" su6h !ther
s ;y be #reed bet0ee" the E;pl!yer "d the C!"$
tr6t!r2 The i"stituti!" pr!9idi"# su6h se6urity shll be
sub=e6t t! the ppr!9l !: the E;pl!yer2 The 6!st !:
6!;plyi"# 0ith the reCuire;e"ts !: this Cluse shll be
b!r"e by the C!"tr6t!r? u"less the C!"tr6t !ther0ise
I" dditi!" t! Rete"ti!" A!"ey "d the reCuire;e"t tht the C!"tr6t!r@s ECuip;e"t is
<ept !" Site %Sub$Cluse 542.&? the ;=!rity !: i"ter"ti!"l 6!"tr6ts reCuire the
C!"tr6t!r t! pr!9ide :i""6il se6urity e"titli"# the E;pl!yer t! s!;e :!r; !: ;!"e$
try 6!;pe"sti!" i" the e9e"t tht the C!"tr6t!r :ils t! e*e6ute the C!"tr6t stis:6$
Su6h se6urity ;y t<e 9ri!us :!r;s depe"di"# ;!"# !ther thi"#s up!" the reCuire$
;e"ts !: the E;pl!yer "d the types !: se6urity 9ilble2
I: su6h se6urity is t! be pr!9ided? the :!r; ;ust be ""e*ed t! the C!"diti!"s2 T0!
e*;ple :!r;s !: per:!r;"6e se6urity re #i9e" !" p#es 7? + "d 8 !: the se6!"d
9!lu;e !: the Red )!!< 6!;prisi"# 'rt II2 The Cluse "d the 0!rdi"# !: the e*$
;ple :!r;s ;y h9e t! be 9ried t! 6!;ply 0ith ppli6ble l0 "d pr6ti6e2
The ;!u"t !: the se6urity is 6ust!;rily e*pressed s per6e"t#e !: the C!"tr6t 'ri6e
but the per6e"t#e ;y 9ry :r!; pr!=e6t t! pr!=e6t 'er:!r;"6e #ur"tees :!r i"ter$
"ti!"l 6!"tr6ts re usully te" per6e"t !: the C!"tr6t 'ri6e 0heres surety b!"ds
0hi6h #ur"tee 6!;pleti!" !: the C!"tr6t re usully set t ;u6h hi#her per6e"t$
#e2 It sh!uld be "!ted tht the E;pl!yer h!ldi"# surety b!"d 6""!t 6ll up!"
surety :!r py;e"t !: su; !: ;!"ey $ he 6lls :!r 6!;pleti!" !: the C!"tr6t2 Where
there is pr!9isi!" i" the C!"tr6t :!r py;e"ts t! the C!"tr6t!r t! be ;de i" :!rei#"
6urre"6y? Sub$Cluse .(2. ;y "eed t! be 9ried2 As " e*;ple?the :!ll!0i"#
dditi!" 6!uld be ;de i" 'rt II t! Sub$Cluse .(2.P
Performance 10.1 Add the :!ll!0i"# :ter the :irst se"te"6eP
The se6urity shll be de"!;i"ted i" the types "d pr!$
p!rti!"s !: 6urre"6ies stted i" the Appe"di* t! Te"der2
'eri!d of 10.2 The per:!r;"6e se6urity shll be 9lid u"til the C!"$
of tractor hs e*e6uted "d 6!;pleted the W!r<s "d
'er:!r;"6e remedied "y de:e6ts therei" i" 66!rd"6e 0ith the
Contract. N! 6li; shll be ;de #i"st su6h se6urity
:ter the issue !: the De:e6ts Libility Certi:i6te i"
66!rd"6e 0ith Sub$Cluse ,/2. "d su6h se6urity
shll be retur"ed t! the C!"tr6t!r 0ithi" .4 dys !: the
issue !: the sid De:e6ts Libility Certi:i6te2
I" 6!"trst t! pre9i!us editi!"s? the Sub$Cluse 6!"ti"s stipulti!"s 6!9eri"# the peri!d
!: 9lidity !: the se6urity? the ti;e li;it :!r ;<i"# 6li;s "d the ti;e li;it :!r the
retur" !: the se6urity t! the C!"tr6t!r2
Cli;s under 10.3 Prior t! ;<i"# 6li; u"der the per:!r;"6e se6urity
'er:!r;"6e the E;pl!yer shll? i" e9ery 6se? "!ti:y the C!"tr6t!r
Se6urity stating
the "ture !: the de:ult i" respe6t !: 0hi6h the
6li; is t! be ;de2
A :urther di::ere"6e :r!; pre9i!us editi!"s is tht the E;pl!yer? pri!r t! ;<i"# 6li;?
is reCuired t! "!ti:y the C!"tr6t!r stti"# the "ture !: the bre6h %de:ult& i" respe6t !:
0hi6h the 6li; is t! be ;de2 Duri"# the dr:ti"#? the p!ssibility !: i"6ludi"# peri!d
!: "!ti6e 0s e*;i"ed but it 0s 6!"sidered tht su6h pr!9isi!" ;i#ht i;pede the
use !: the C!"diti!"s2 N!r;l pr6ti6e is tht 0he" the C!"tr6t!r is "!ti:ied !: "y
de:ult? he is #i9e" " !pp!rtu"ity t! re;edy it pri!r t! 6li; u"der the se6urity bei"#
Where restri6ti!"s !" the s!ur6e !: the se6urity re i;p!sed this sh!uld be delt 0ith
by ddi"# " dditi!"l Sub$Cluse t! Cluse .( i" 'rt II2 E*;ples reP
S!ur6e of 10.4 The per:!r;"6e se6urity? sub;itted by the C!"tr6t!r
in accordance with Sub-Clause 10.1, shall be furnished
" i"stituti!" re#istered i" %i"sert the 6!u"try 0here
the W!r<s re t! be e*e6uted& !r li6e"sed t! d! busi"ess
i" su6h 6!u"try2
S!ur6e of 10.4 Where the se6urity is i" the :!r; !: b"< #ur"tee? it
'er:!r;"6e shall be issued byP
(a) b"< l!6ted i" the 6!u"try !: the E;pl!yer? !r
%b& :!rei#" b"< thr!u#h 6!rresp!"de"t b"< l!6ted
i" the 6!u"try !: the E;pl!yer2
FIDIC d!es "!t d9!6te the use !: !"$de;"d #ur"tees2 As su6h #ur"tees 6"
be 6lled 0ith!ut =usti:i6ti!"? their use is li<ely t! i"6rese the te"der su; t! re:le6t
this ris<2
5+ JFIDIC .8+8
Inspection 11.1 The E;pl!yer shll h9e ;de 9ilble t! the C!"tr6$
!: Site tor, be:!re the sub;issi!" by the C!"tr6t!r !: the Te"$
der? su6h dt !" hydr!l!#i6l "d sub$sur:6e 6!"di$
ti!"s s h9e bee" !bti"ed by !r !" behl: !: the
E;pl!yer :r!; i"9esti#ti!"s u"dert<e" rele9"t t! the
W!r<s but the C!"tr6t!r shll be resp!"sible :!r his
!0" i"terpretti!" there!:
The C!"tr6t!r shll be dee;ed t! h9e i"spe6ted "d
e*;i"ed the Site "d its surr!u"di"#s "d i":!r;ti!"
9ilble i" 6!""e6ti!" there0ith "d t! h9e stis:ied
hi;sel: %s! :r s is pr6ti6ble? h9i"# re#rd t! 6!"$
siderti!"s !: 6!st "d ti;e& be:!re sub;itti"# his
Te"der? s t!P
%& the :!r; "d "ture there!:? i"6ludi"# sub$sur:6e
%b& the hydr!l!#i6l "d 6li;ti6 6!"diti!"s?
%6& the e*te"t "d "ture !: 0!r< "d ;terils "e6es$
sry :!r the e*e6uti!" "d 6!;pleti!" !: the W!r<s "d
the re;edyi"# !: "y de:e6ts therei"? "d
%d& the ;e"s !: 66ess t! the Site "d the 66!;;!d$
ti!" he ;y reCuire
"d? i" #e"erl? shll be dee;ed t! h9e !bti"ed ll
"e6essry i":!r;ti!"? sub=e6t s b!9e ;e"ti!"ed? s
t! ris<s? 6!"ti"#e"6ies "d ll !ther 6ir6u;st"6es
0hi6h ;y i":lue"6e !r ::e6t his Te"der2
The C!"tr6t!r shll be dee;ed t! h9e bsed his
Te"der !" the dt ;de 9ilble by the E;pl!yer "d
!" his !0" i"spe6ti!" "d e*;i"ti!"? ll s :!re;e"$
Duri"# the preli;i"ry st#es !: pr!=e6t the E;pl!yer "d his E"#i"eer 0ill h9e
6!lle6ted dt up!" 0hi6h t! bse desi#"s? 6!st esti;tes? 6!"tr6t d!6u;e"ts "d
dr0i"#s2 It is i" the i"terests !: the E;pl!yer t! h9e the desi#" !: the 'er;"e"t
W!r<s pr!perly de9el!ped "d :!r this res!" he 0!uld be 0ell d9ised t! h9e 6rried
!ut s th!r!u#h " i"9esti#ti!" !: the Site s is pr6ti6ble2 I" tht 0y he 0ill deter$
;i"e the e*te"t !: the i"9esti#ti!" he 6!"siders "e6essry "d 0ill py !"ly :!r the
!"e i"9esti#ti!"2 I: te"derers 0ere re#ulrly !bli#ed t! u"dert<e e*pe"si9e i"9es$
ti#ti!"s? they 0!uld h9e t! i"6lude i" their te"der pri6e the i"9esti#ti!" 6!sts
:!r u"su66ess:ul te"ders 0hi6h 0!uld result i" #e"erlly hi#her te"der pri6es t! E;pl!y$
A!re!9er? te"derers re usully #i9e" li;ited peri!d i" 0hi6h t! prepre te"ders "d
it is i;pr6ti6ble? "d i" ;"y 6ses i;p!ssible? :!r the; t! 6rry !ut :ull site
i"9esti#ti!" pr!#r;;e? prti6ulrly sub$sur:6e e*pl!rti!" i"9!l9i"# drilli"# "d
sub$sebed i"9esti#ti!"s :!r dred#i"#? i" the ti;e 9ilble2
F!r these res!"s this Cluse pr!9ides tht the E;pl!yer shll ;<e 9ilble ll dt t
his disp!sl 0he" issui"# i"9itti!"s t! te"der2 S!;e !: the i":!r;ti!" ;de 9ilble
by the E;pl!yer ;y be t!! bul<y t! distribute !r it ;y be 9ilble t 6e"trl p!i"t
%e2#2? b!reh!le 6!res& !r it ;y !"ly be 9ilble !" :il; !r tpe !r i" re:ere"6e 9!lu;es
su6h s hydr!l!#i6l "d ;ete!r!l!#i6l re6!rds2 I" su6h 6ses the C!"tr6t ;ust i"6lude
" dditi!"l Sub$Cluse i" 'rt II i"di6ti"# 0here the i":!r;ti!" 6" be i"spe6ted2
The :!ll!0i"# is " e*;ple !: su6h Sub$CluseP
A66ess 11.2 Dt ;de 9ilble by the E;pl!yer i" 66!rd"6e
t! Data with Sub$Cluse ..2. shll be dee;ed t! i"6lude dt
listed else0here i" the C!"tr6t s !pe" :!r i"spe6ti!"
t %i"sert prti6ulrs !: the !::i6e !r !::i6es 0here su6h
dt is st!red&2
-!0e9er? the Cluse presupp!ses spe6i:i6lly tht the C!"tr6t!r sh!uld 9isit the Site
"d 6!lle6t su6h :urther i":!r;ti!" s ;y be reCuired :!r the preprti!" !: his te"der2
The C!"tr6t!r 0ill be e*pe6ted t! h9e 6he6<ed up!" the 9ilbility !: the ;terils
"d the lb!ur he "eeds t! e*e6ute the W!r<s2 -e 0ill ls! be e*pe6ted t! t<e s;ples
!: ;terils :r!; b!rr!0 res !r ;<e test pits? s he ;y deter;i"e t! be "e6essry2
Further? he ;ust 6he6< ;!"# !ther thi"#s the 6!"diti!"s :!r tr"sp!rtti!" t! the Site2
Where the C!"tr6t 6!;prises dred#i"# "d re6l;ti!" 0!r< it ;y be ppr!$
prite t! 9ry Sub$Cluse ..2. by " e"try i" 'rt II s :!ll!0sP
11.1 In the :irst pr#rph? delete the 0!rds @hydr!l!#i6l "d
!: Site sub-surface' "d substitute @hydr!#rphi6 "d sub$se$
I" the se6!"d pr#rph? u"der %& delete the 0!rd @sub$
sur:6e@ "d substitute @sub$sebed@ "d u"der %b& delete
the 0!rd @hydr!l!#i6l@ "d substitute @hydr!#rphi6G2
12.1 The C!"tr6t!r shll be dee;ed t! h9e stis:ied hi;$
!: Tender self
s t! the 6!rre6t"ess "d su::i6ie"6y !: the Te"der
"d !: the rtes "d pri6es stted i" the )ill !: Hu"ti$
ties? ll !: 0hi6h shll? e*6ept i"s!:r s it is !ther0ise
pr!9ided i" the C!"tr6t? 6!9er ll his !bli#ti!"s u"der
the C!"tr6t %i"6ludi"# th!se i" respe6t !: the supply !:
#!!ds? ;terils? 'l"t !r ser9i6es !r !: 6!"ti"#e"6ies
:!r 0hi6h there is 'r!9isi!"l Su;& "d ll ;tters
"d thi"#s "e6essry :!r the pr!per e*e6uti!" "d
6!;pleti!" !: the W!r<s "d the re;edyi"# !: "y de$
:e6ts therei"2
)!th Sub$Cluses 0ithi" Cluse ./ h9e li"<s 0ith Cluse ..2 Sub$Cluse ./2.
e;phsises tht the te"derer is dee;ed t! h9e ;de th!r!u#h i"9esti#ti!" !:
the Site "d its surr!u"di"#s s :r s 0s pr6ti6ble 0ithi" the ti;e ll!0ed :!r the
preprti!" !: his te"der2
,( JFIDIC .8+8
Th"< y!u :!r tryi"# S!lid C!"9erter 'DF2
The tril 9ersi!" !: this pr!du6t !"ly 6!"9erts .(R !: y!ur d!6u;e"t? 0ith .( p#e
F!r this 6!"9ersi!"? S!lid C!"9erter 'DF 6!"9erted .( !: /,( p#es2
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