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Nouns: hat, apple, racket, cup, money, shopping bag, books, parcel, aspirin, blackboard, mask, pram,

( L e v e l ) potatoes, magnifying glass, suitcase, broom, bucket, pencil, flowers, popcorn, envelope, bottle, bag of
~-------- flour, credit card
Pre-intermediate or
( L a n g u a g e f o c l l s
Going to
lJNIT 1 : Future
What on earth

Board game
( ~ T . . !!. y p ~e ) ~h;~';~~~~~~i~'~'b~~~d"~~;;;~"~~~~"I~~'~~'~~~'~~'~~~~'~i~~~'~h~'~~~~~~~i~~'~f';~~~~~;~~'~"~i~h"~h~'~i~h'~'f~. ~~. ;~.
form: going to. As it requires p lay ers to imagine avariety of actions for each one of the objects
dep icted on the board, the game can be very stimulating and humorous.
Language output
( ~ _ _ I _ n _ t e _ r _ a _ c t _ i _ o _ n _ _ ) ~ . : " ; ; h ~ ~ ~ ; ~ ~ ~ h ~ ~ ~ ; ~ ~ ~ ~ ; ; ~ ; ~ d ~ ~ ; ; h " ; h ; ; ~ ~ ; ; i~ i~ ~ ' ; i~ ; ; ? " ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' .
B: I'm going to look for my contact lenses.
( ~ _ _ 'I1 - - ,O p =- i_ C_ _ )
Intended actions
Groups of two to six
( ~ _ _ T _ im_ e )
20 minutes
( ~ _ _ M _ a t _ e . . ; . . . . r i _ a l_ _ )
Board and dice (one per
group), counters (one per
1Bringto class p ictures of objects that are largeenough for the whole class to see. Give one of
them to a student, step back, and ask: What on earth are you going to do with that ... ? Elicitan
answer from that student and other p ossible or funny answers from the rest of the class. Draw
students' attention to the use and meaning of going to. Rep eatthis p rocedure to make sure
students can usethis form ap p rop riately and understand the idea of the game.
2 Divide"the class into group s and hand out the material.
3Play ingthe game:
Play ers p lace their counters at ST ART .
T he first p lay er casts the dice and moves his or her counter accordingly . If it lands on a square
with an object in it, the p erson to his or her left initiates interaction with him or her, as shown in
Language output. If the counter lands on a square with instructions in it, he or she must
follow them.
Play erstake turns p roceeding in this way . T he first p lay er to get to ( but not bey ond) the FINISH
p oint wins the game.
Forintermediate students with good vocabulary andto make the game more challenging and
humorous, have them come up with unusual actions for the objects, e. g.
A: What on earth are you going to do with that magnifying glass?
B: I'm going to start a camp fire in the garden.

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