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Rewarding Customer Loyalty

and Marketing Promotions

Purpose of this document 1
Classication of Users 1
Loyalty Coupons 2
Purchases 2
Success Screen 3
Usage Screen 3
Reports 4
Discount Coupons 5
Campaigns and Line Items 5
Tracking Usage and Reports 6
Purpose of this document
This document will highlight the features for implementation of a Marketing promotions
based system and a loyalty management system for the customers who are signing up or
purchasing content from
The intent of building such a system is to create greater stickiness in the customers who
have already done their rst purchases on the website (Loyalty) and bring in new
customers who are still not on the website, through promotions, both on-ground and
Classication of Users
There are primarily two kinds of users the system will target. These are as below:
1) An existing customer: This is a reader and a user who is consuming content on He could be an existing buyer, who has already purchased a
magazine, a book or a comic, or someone who has just signed up and is new to the
system. An existing customer will be looked at as someone whose loyalty to the
platform needs to be enhanced. This should eventually lead to him returning to the site
and purchasing more content against his user ID.
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2) A non-existing customer: This is a user who is currently not on This
user needs to be incentivized to come on readwhere, and purchase the content so that
we can convert him and gain his loyalty.
The creation of this system will hence promote two different functions:

Loyalty Coupons

Discount Coupons
Loyalty Coupons
The loyalty rewards system is a simple system which focusses on aggregation of users
who have purchased content from and award them with a percentage off
on their next sale.
The system will have three links under the Loyalty tab.
!The Purchases tab will list all the purchases which have happened based on the lters
!The Sub-Filters will allow further ltering.
!The Sub-Filters should only appear on the application of the primary lters of Month and
!The Sub-Filters will work only on the data which is visible after the primary lters are
version 0.00a | Mediology Software Private Limited | Private and Condential
On selection of a month and year, a list of people who have subscribed / purchased
content from the various publishers will appear. In front of each row there will be an Add
Reward button.
On Clicking the Add Reward Button, a Modal window will pop-up. The window will provide
details about the individual who has purchased that item.
The Previous History Section on this window will work as below:
This section has three elements:
1) User: The User Email ID is the unique id which identies the user in readwhere. The
User email ID will need to be clickable. If the email ID is Clicked, it should open a
separate window where all the purchases made by the user (Purchase History) should
be shown.
2) User Details Screen screen should also show the overall Loyalty Score. Loyalty Score is
a measure of how frequent this user is on our system and is an indicator of the rewards
the user should received.
3) Loyalty Score should be calculated as Rs 20 spent on Readwhere = 1 Point.
4) Rewards Claimed should display the total number of coupons a particular user has
claimed in making a purchase on readwhere. It should list the Publication Name,
Publisher, Date of Purchase, Coupon Code Claimed. If any Coupons are not claimed
they should also be listed here, and colored red.
The Add Loyalty Coupon Section on this window will work as below:
1) The Date will be prelled as the current date or the date on which the coupon is being
2) Percentage will be a number lled. The utility as a result would enable discounting of
the purchase by the percentage mentioned in the box.
3) Validity will represent the time period for which the coupon will be valid. Default will be
one month, if this value is not set. Sometimes in order to meet targets this number can
be set to a near date so that more people are encouraged to purchase sooner.
4) The Check Box Send Via Email will generate the coupon code and re an email to the
user outlining coupon details, validity, popular titles on readwhere etc. If the checkbox is
not checked, no email will be red.
Success Screen
On the successful creation of a coupon, the coupon code will be displayed. The track
usage screen will outline the coupons which have been created for using across the
Usage Screen
The Usage screen will list all the coupons which have been generated on a particular
period, and whether they have been used or not. The table with the details on the coupon
usage should include data on the following:
1) Coupon Code
2) User ID
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3) Coupon generated date
4) Publication Used / Unused
5) Claimed Value
Claimed Value will be determined as the percentage discount availed on a sale. So if a
50% coupon is availed on a publication or subscription which has a Purchase price of Rs.
400, then the Claimed Value will be Rs. 200 (or 50% of Rs. 400).
Reports are excluded for now.
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Discount Coupons
Discount Coupons are more generic coupons and they target the users who are not users. Discount coupons will typically of two different types:
1) Single Use Coupons: Single use coupons have a lifetime of use for one single time only.
After they are used that time, they cannot be used again. They are akin to a loyalty
coupon in that respect.
2) Multiple Use Coupons: Multiple use coupons can be used multiple times. In the creation
of these coupons it is specied as to the number of times a multi use coupon will be
used. After a multiple use coupon is used those number of times, it expires. A multi use
coupon can also expire if the validity of the coupon is exceeded.

Another coupon type in Multiple Use Coupon is a Multiple Use Claim Value based
coupon. In this type of coupon, a pre-xed value is set. Say Rs. 50,000 is set as the
value of a Multiple Use Claim Value Coupon. On every use the claim value will
reduce. The coupon will be valid until the claim value reaches 0 or a negative

Campaigns and Line Items
The system will have following
A Campaign is a container, which contains multiple line items. Each line item contains
Discount Coupons.
So the Object hierarchy will be as below:

Campaign 1

Line Item 1 (Single Use)

Discount Coupon 1 (Single Use)

Discount Coupon 2

Discount Coupon 3

Line Item 2 (Multiple Use)

Discount Coupon 1

Campaign 2

Line Item 3 (Multiple Use Claim Value )

Discount Coupon 1
One Campaign can have multiple line items. The creation of a line item will require input of
the following elements:
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Campaign Name



Line Items 1
Line Item n

Line Item Name

Line Item Type (Single, Multiple, Multiple Claim Value)

Start Date

End Date

Discount Percentage
If the Line Item Type is Single, then ask for

Number of Single Use Coupons

If the Line Item Type is Multiple, then ask for

Number of Uses of the Coupon

If the Line Item Type is Multiple Value Based, then ask for

Maximum Claim Value (in Rs.)

Tracking Usage and Reports
The Usage tracking will be based on Line Items for Discount Coupons. Each Line Item will
be clickable and will redirect to a reporting screen where the usage of the coupons in that
line item will be visible.
The usage will have the following parameters upfront:
1) Total Claimed Value
2) Percentage Used
3) Number of days remaining
The report for Single Use Coupon will display the list of all the coupon codes which have
been generated and the following:
1) Coupon Code
2) User ID who used this coupon
3) Coupon Use
4) Publication Used / Unused
5) Claimed Value
The report for Multiple Use Coupon will display the list of coupon code which have been
generated and the following:
1) Coupon Code
2) Claimed Value
3) Last Used Date
4) Total Claimed Value
Similarly for Multiple Use Value based coupon, it will display total claim value remaining,
besides the elements for Multiple Use Coupon.
version 0.00a | Mediology Software Private Limited | Private and Condential

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