Specification Radar Water Level Sensor

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Approval Date: 30.03.2011 Version: 2
The radar water level sensor is to record readings of water level versus time in rivers,
lakes, reservoirs. The level data are stored on a data logger, and optionally transmitted to
a base station via a GSM/GPS modem! also optionally, the actual level reading could be
shown on a "#$ display.
on!itions an! re"uire#ents
The instrument shall be of such a design that it operates reliably and accurately under
the prevailing environmental conditions.
The instrument shall be easy to operate and maintain.
%ll materials on the instrument e&terior shall be non'corrosive.
% radar sensor shall measure the water level indirectly, from above.
(ater level shall be independent of temperature gradient )air or water*, water +uality
and sediment load.
The radar sensor shall make readings in such a way to reduce the influence of wave
%ll batteries associated with the instrument, i.e. the batteries for normal operation
and the backup batteries, shall be easily replaceable by the local operator ideally using
batteries readily available in ,ndia.
$uring battery replacement, the instrument settings and data shall be retained.
The instrument shall be supplied with the accessories as needed for effective
The instrument shall have an e&pected technical lifetime of not less than -. years.
The instrument shall be capable to operate at least - year without any servicing.
#alibration data and test certificate shall be part of the delivery for each instrument.
The water level readings shall be recorded in data logger memory.
,f specified in the Schedule of e+uirements, the instrument should support
GSM/GPS interface for online monitoring
$ata retrieval and other communication shall be possible through a $ata etrieval
System )$S*, i.e. a Palmtop #omputer or a "aptop #omputer )not included in the
scope of the instrument supply* loaded with dedicated software.
/or communication with the $S, lr$%, 0luetooth or 1S0 2.. or better interface shall be
available with optional additional S232# serial port.
The delivery shall include compatible cables for connecting the data logger to the 1S0
port of the $S.
The communication bet ween t he s ens or , logger and $S and P# shall be
suitable for the cable lengths involved.
The hardware and software used with this product and the optional telemetry system
should fully support ,P45 and ,P46.
%n error monitoring communication protocol shall be used. The protocol shall
ascertain error free data e&change between the logger and $S. The protocol shall
function in both directions. #ommands, programs, water level records and all other
data are e&changed under control of the protocol and data may only be accepted if they
are error free.
7+uipment Specification8 %$% (%T7 "747" S79S: 4ersion - -..&&&'-/;
The instrument should be solar powered for installation in remote locations
The logger shall be capable to measure the voltage of any system battery)ies*.
:perator<s and maintenance manuals, related to the type and model of the
instrument, shall be part of the delivery.
#omprehensive operators and maintenance training for respectively field observers
and instrument specialists shall be part of the delivery.
The proper functioning of each instrument shall be demonstrated at delivery.
The radar water level sensor may be easily mounted to a bridge, frame, pipeline or
e&tension arm. The purchaser may e&ecute his =udicious discretion in the choice of
configuration and options.
1. Ra!ar sensor
sensor t&pe impulse radar water level sensor
#easurin' ran'e >..?m to @-?m )i.e. minimum ..?m or less to ma&imum -?m
or more*
(lan)in' *one >..?m
a$$ura$& A....3m
(ea# an'le -.'-6
antenna flat transmit and receive antenna
po+er suppl& solar powered! power supply voltage range at least -.'-B 4$#
solar panel rated capacity 3.(, :pen circuit voltage8 2-4, Short circuit
current 2.5 %
po+er $onsu#ption standby/sleep mode >..-. m% at -24, measurement/active
mode >-B m% at -24
!i#ensions The sensor should be small and unobtrusive! the width, depth
and height dimensions of the sensor shall all be less than
+ei',t >3 kg
2. Data lo''er
#easure#ent resolution -2 bit %/$ converter or better
#easurin' interval pre'set at - hour, ad=ustable from -. minutes to 25 hours.
The measuring interval shall be user ad=ustable, water level readings shall be e&ecuted
at Cinteger times<. 7&ample, if the measuring interval is - hour, then readings should take
place at8 ..h.., .-h.., .2h.., etc. The first reading after initiation of the instrument
should be made at the first instant of .. minutes in the hour.
#easurin' ti#e @2. seconds
The instrument should at least be capable to take the arithmetic average of readings
collected over a period of 2. seconds or more. :nly the average value is recorded.
!ate day, month, year in the following format8 $$/MM/DDDD
with leading Eero<s ).-/.3/2..- for -
of March 2..-*
ti#e hh8mm8ss ). to 23 hours, . to BF minutes, . to BF
seconds* with leading Eero<s ).?8.B8.;*
The specification given above is only valid for the way date and time are presented to the
user and does not apply to the way the data logger handles these.
7+uipment Specification8 %$% (%T7 "747" S79S: 4ersion - -..&&&'2/;
re$or!in' $apa$it& minimum of -.,... water level readings.
The recorded data shall also contain an instrument serial number and/or station
identification code and information on date and time of recorded water levels readings. The
serial number shall be uni+uely attached to the data logger. The station identification
code shall be uni+uely attached to the data logger at installation and shall not be added
after data retrieval by user interference. The memory shall have a ring organisation
)endless loop*. The memory shall be protected against accidental erasure by a password
or e+uivalent.
error #ar)in' error code, i.e. GFF.FFF
:ut of range data and errors shall be clearly and unambiguously marked and be
distinguishable from valid data. The error mark is an impossible value, which cannot be
generated under normal operating conditions.
re$or!in' resolution ....- m or better
#e#or& t&pe minimum 5M0, non volatile memory is preferable. 4olatile
memory )%M* shall be protected from data loss by a rechargeable )from the solar
panel* battery. The solar panel and rechargeable battery shall be sufficient to retain
memory contents more than one year during normal ,ndian weather conditions
a recording interval of - hour
the value recorded will be an arithmetic average from readings over 2. seconds
H monthly access to the loggers for data retrieval and monitoring purposes
$o##uni$ation inter%a$es dedicated cable from radar sensor to data logger
communication between logger and $S shall use ,r$%,
0luetooth, 1S0 2.. or better, S$,'-2, S232 serial port,
and/or S5?B serial port
The communication hardware between logger and $S shall be suitable for the cable
lengths involved.
,f specified in the Schedule of e+uirements, it should support GSM/GPS interface for
online monitoring )see section ;*.
(uilt-in $lo$) time keeping better than - minute per month
!ispla&e! ti#e resolution - second
over-volta'e prote$tion on all i/o lines, regardless mode of connection
during deployment
0uilt'in over'voltage protection is re+uired on the electronics unit, in particular on all
e&ternal connections, e.g. sensor supply and signal, e&ternal power supply and data
communication interface.
+ater level in!i$ator "#$ display with ....- m resolution )optional*
3. .ountin' an! en$losure %or ra!ar sensor an! !ata lo''er
The instrument shall be fitted easily and +uickly on a bridge, measuring frame, pipeline or
e&tension arm. adar sensor mounting supports shall be provided as re+uired for each
specified site.
The sensor electronics, data logger, electronics, batteries and all other electrical
components shall be contained in one or more weatherproof protective enclosures. The
sensor housing will be 14'stabilised. %ll materials and combinations thereof shall be
7+uipment Specification8 %$% (%T7 "747" S79S: 4ersion - -..&&&'3/;
lightweight and durable )corrosion proof* e.g., /P, $elrin or stainless steel )%,S, 3-6* or
"ightning, overvoltage and surge protection shall be provided on all sensors and power
supply lines.
operatin' te#perature '3B# to 6.#
The operating temperature range specification applies to all components of the
instrument, like8 sensor, cable, data logger, batteries, etc.
,u#i!it& @F.I
in'ress prote$tion the sensor, its enclosure and cables shall comply with ,P6B or
better protection
/. DRS so%t+are
The $S software shall support functions for conversion of the collected data into
%S#,, )te&t* tables, and for efficient visualisation of the time series in tabular and graphical
Graphical a&es shall be generated automatically and be manually ad=ustable.
1nits along the a&es shall not be awkward but intuitive and easily understandable.
%ll a&es shall have sufficient graduation.
The labels along the time a&is shall be in sensible time intervals, i.e. hh8mm for
relatively short periods and dates, e.g. $$/MM/DDDD, for long periods. The same
applies for the level a&is.
The unit'labels shall not cover each other.
To enhance readability, ade+uate gridlines, both along time and level a&es, shall
be generated automatically by the graphics functions, appro&imately B gridlines per
The user interface shall support efficient functions to select and visualise subsets of
the time series, e.g. a single day or several days somewhere out of many weeks of
7fficient window functions shall be available to visualise the data in the
re+uired resolution.
Software that can only display sample counts or total duration or does not support
a&is and grid ad=ustment is not permitted.
The $S software shall support error free transfer of the retrieved data to a P#.
9ote that in particular, the graphics capabilities are a ma=or reason to apply a
palmtop or "aptop computer as $S.
0. P So%t+are
P# software shall be part of the delivery and will be used in the office, e.g. on a
desktop P#.
The P# software shall efficiently and reliably transfer the collected data from the $S
to a P# environment.
The P# software shall have functions for conversion of the collected data into
%S#,, )te&t* tables.
The P# software shall have functions for conversion of the collected data into
%S#,, )te&t* files. The tabular data will be imported by other software packages,
e.g. for analysis and presentation in a spreadsheet and for storage in a database.
The e&port file format is specified in Section ;.
The P# software shall support the same and more tabular and graphical
presentation functions as specified under $S software.
The P# software shall be mouse'driven and fully compatible with MS'(indows ?.
7+uipment Specification8 %$% (%T7 "747" S79S: 4ersion - -..&&&'5/;
1. Stan!ar! !ata te2t %ile %or#at
The te&t file is the intermediate data representation that is used for loading of the data
into the hydrological data base system.
The P# based software shall have a facility to generate a te&t file with water level data
in the standardised format.
The te&t file formatting function may be part of the standard proprietary P#
software. %lternatively, the function may be implemented in a separate, MS'(indows
JP/4ista based program.
The te&t file facility shall be easy to use.
:nly S,'units shall be presented, i.e. m for levels.
9on'S, units like feet, inches are not permitted.
The te&t file shall have a section with header lines.
The header lines shall precede the data lines.
The header lines shall contain instrument serial number, any reference level )e.g.
installation altitude* that was used to convert from instrument reading in to water
The header may contain other opt i onal data such as measuring range, station
,$, station co'ordinates and similar.
/or each specific instrument make and model, the number of the header lines must
be fi&ed, i.e. all instruments of that make and model shall always generate the
same number of header lines, in the same format.
The contents of the header lines is for use by the operator but will not be
automatically assessed by the $ata 7ntry Software )S($7S*.
%ll header lines shall be terminated by a K#LK"/L se+uence.
The data shall be organised in columns
column -8 date in dd/mm/yyyy
"eading Eeros shall be included, i.e. .6 /ebruary 2..- will be e&pressed as
.6/.2/2..-. The K/L character may be omitted, then the format becomes ddmmyyyy.
column 28 time in hh8mm8ss
Time shall be e&pressed in 25 hours. The %M/PM representation is not permitted.
"eading Eeros shall be included, i.e. 6 oMclock in the morning shall be represented
by .68..8...
The K8L character may be omitted, then the format becomes hhmmss.
column 38 water level in metres with millimetre resolution, e.g. 5F.65. m.
%lternative data se+uences are not permitted.
,f a parameter can be negative, then a character position for the minus sign shall
be reserved.
The column separator shall be one of the following8 KspaceL, KtabL, KcommaL,
or KsemicolonL.
:nly one type of separator may be applied.
7nd'of'line is indicated by K#LK"/L se+uence.
%ll data lines shall comply with this column format, empty lines or intermediate
partly filled lines, e.g. with date and/or time only, are not permitted.
%ll columns shall be complete, i.e. each field in a column shall always contain data.
7rroneous or missing water level data shall be indicated by 'FF.FFF.
7&amples of data lines8 3./.B/-FF? --8..8.. F.?;B
3./.B/-FF? -28..8.. 'FF.FFF
3./.B/-FF? -38..8.. F.F?F
3./.B/-FF? -58..8.. -..3?.
3./.B/-FF? -B8..8.. -..?..
7+uipment Specification8 %$% (%T7 "747" S79S: 4ersion - -..&&&'B/;
The three columns contain date, time and water level data respectively.
3. Tele#etr& s&ste#
,f specified in the Schedule of e+uirements, the remote station )sensor and data
logger* should support a GSM/GPS based data transmission system with at least one
month power backup.
The transmission system )GSM/GPS modem and antenna* should be integrated with
the sensor and data logger.
The system and any e&ternal connectors should be watertight ),P6B or better* and
impact resistant!
The system must be power'supplied by standard lithium batteries for operation time of
minimum one year by one set of batteries and/or solar'powered )one transmission per
day, up to 25 measurements per day*. The system should minimise power
The remote station shall send the data with the help of GSM/GPS modem interfaced
to the data logger in a format compatible for decoding at the GSM/GPS server.
,n addition, as and when the remote station is +ueried by the GSM/GPS Server at any
time to take samples of water level readings, the same shall also be done and
information be provided to the server for onward availability to the users.
%n alarm notification must be sent by the system via SMS to four mobile phone numbers
through suitable means of communication in case of a preset event condition occurring e.g.
ma&imum water level e&ceeded, minimum battery voltage reached, etc.
$ata download / retrieval from remote P# via GSM/GPS network compatible to
F..MNE and -?..MNE )Ouad 0and* under software control.
tools and spares
signal, power and communication cables as re+uired for all normal user operations
7+uipment Specification8 %$% (%T7 "747" S79S: 4ersion - -..&&&'6/;

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