China Research Assignment

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Year 7 Ancient China Creations

You are to travel back in time and unlock the mysteries of Ancient China. In this assignment you will be
given the opportunity to choose from a wide variety of activities and you can choose the methods of
communication. The marks you gain for this assignment will be based upon the level of research you
complete and the originality of your creation. You MUT include a bibliography with your finished
assignment. You only need to complete TWO of the following activities! however
you may complete more than two if you wish.
ome of these tasks are easier than others! and the level of difficulty for each task
is indicated by the number of fans ne"t to it # one fan means it$s pretty easy! and
three fans means it$s %uite hard. &ut there$s a catch' The easier the task! the
harder it will be for you to achieve top marks as I will e"pect a much greater level of
research and originality in your creation. Challenge yourself to do the hardest task
you think you can handle' To get a better idea of how your marks will be awarded! check
the marking guideline.
Design an information sheet on how silk is made. Tr to incl!de "hotos
or drawings of silkworms and their lifeccle. #resent a one "age historical
o!tline of the role of silk in trade$ es"eciall the %Silk &oad'.
(esearch the life and reign of hi )uangdi. *raw a series of cartoons to tell
the story of hi )uangdi! using speech balloons and captions.
+ind out what the ,- animals of the Chinese .odiac are. *esign a .odiac chart
which can show which sign you have been born under.
Conduct research into the terracotta warriors found in hi )uangdi$s tomb.
Make your own terracotta warrior out of clay or plasticine. (esearch the
archaeological e"cavation of the tomb and write up an /"cavation (eport.
T&A+*LLI(, T-&O.,- C-I(A
Imagine that you have been asked by a travel agency to prepare background
*0*s to two historical sites for Australians visiting China. You are to
present the guides in the form of a multimedia presentation using an
application like Microsoft 1ower1oint or MovieMaker 2which you will hand
in on disk or C*(om3. You need to present information on two sites! and
your presentation should go for about 4 minutes. (emember! you must
present your information in a way that can be readily understood by people
who lack your knowledge of ancient China.
Imagine you are one of the workers who built the 5reat 6all. 6rite a letter to
your parents describing the hardships you have suffered! how the 6all is
progressing! and how you feel about your situation.
#A#*& C.T and C-I(*S* LA(T*&(
Design an instr!ction sheet for the Chinese art of "a"er c!tting.
Descri0e some of the designs and what the re"resent and
incl!de one "a"er c!t that o! "rod!ced.

Design an instr!ction sheet for making a Chinese "a"er lantern.
Incl!de a 0rief histor a0o!t the lantern.
C-I(*S* C.ISI(* 1roduce a recipe book showcasing the diversity of Chinese
cuisine. 1rovide a description of the ingredients and cooking styles.
Include a brief outline of the history of rice cultivation and the
importance of rice as a staple diet.
C-I(*S* A(TI1.*S 1roduce a pamphlet outlining the most popular and
collectable Chinese anti%ues. You could look at porcelain!
vases! snuff bottles! silk clothing2ming nap3wooden 7ewel
bo"es or furniture! ivory87ade carvings! artwork.

Y9U can come up with your own suggestion and clear it with your teacher''
D.* 2 T.*SDAY 34
(O+*/5*&$ 3463
Ancient China Creations /arking ,!ideline
Criteria * D C 5 A
:ittle evidence
of research.
ome research!
may be
for the task.
/vidence of
level of
/vidence of
appropriate and
detailed research.
Clear evidence of
appropriate and
detailed research.
1roblems with
little evidence of
originality or
ome use of
effectively with
some problems!
some evidence
of originality
and creativity.
effectively in an
original and
creative way.
effectively for a
specific purpose
in a highly
original and
creative way.
Attempts a
but with many
Attempts a
with some
sources! some
includes some
sources! mostly
includes a range
of sources.

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