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Drawing in perspective with Inkscape

When you come across with perspective for the first time, in the beginning it seems that this artistic tool is
very difficult to master. But in fact, everything is much easier you just have to understand what it
represents. nd eventually tenacity and practice will do the trick.
!o begin with, let"s discuss a little theory. #erspective is used for drawing three$dimensional object in the
two$dimensional plane. Its use allows to visually enhance your picture. !here are many types of
perspectives, but we will e%amine the creation of the most basic ones.
!he first thing we need to know in order to construct a picture in perspective is the location of the hori&on
line the line where the sky seems to meet the land. Despite your position, this line will always be at
your eye level. !hen, on the hori&on line we place vanishing point, wherein au%iliary lines come together.
By using these vanishing lines, we can build a three$dimensional object in perspective. 'ines which are
not absolutely vertical or hori&ontal will come together at a vanishing point.
!o create a perspective in Inkscape we can use helper lines guides. !his practice is useful if you are
just starting to learn the perspective. But if you(re already familiar with it, then perhaps the following
Inkscape tools can help you make it easier to construct.
I. Perspective using 3D Box tool
By default, using the )D Bo% tool *+hift , -./ we can create a bo% in two-point perspective *a bo%
stands at an angle to us/. 0anishing points will be attached to the vecrtial edges of the page.
1 hori&on line
2 vanishing point of the left side of the bo%
3 vanishing point of the right side of the bo%
!here is no vanishing point in the 4 direction, because these lines are absolutely vertical and parallel to
each other.
0anishing points at two$point perspective should be located far enough from each other. If they are
placed too close, the result will be distorted.
In order to create a three-point perspective *when the height and the depth of the bo% are visible/, we
need to toggle vanishing point in 4 direction from finite to infinite. It should be noted that at this form of
perspective the third vanishing point is placed beyond the hori&on line.
One-point perspective is the easiest to construct *the bo% is looking at the viewer/. !o create an object
in this perspective with )D Bo% tool, toggle vanishing points in 2 and 4 directions from finite to infinite,
and set the following parameters5 25 678, 45 98. 0anishing point in the 3 direction needs to be toggled to
finite and placed anywhere on the hori&on line.
II. Extension Perspective
In order to transform a path in perspective we need to use the e%tension with the same name. But before
that, we need to prepare a few things5
the path that will be used as a guide
the path *or group of paths/ which we will transform
'et(s take, as an e%ample, the te%t object. -irst, create a te%t object *-7/ and convert it to a path *#ath:
;bject to #ath/. !his action will cause the complete loss of the ability to edit object as a te%t object
*change font, spacing, spelling, etc./. But this step is necessary because this e%tension only works
correctly with paths.
fter converting te%t to a path, we get a group of objects where each letter is an individual path. 4ou can
leave the group as it is, but you can ungroup it *+hift , <trl , =/ and go to #ath: >nion. !his action will
allow us to transform the te%t into a single path.
?ow, let"s create a guiding line with Be&ier tool *+hift , -@/. !he path should be created in certain
seAuence depending on the desired result. 4ou need to start drawing a guiding line from the left bottom
corner and continue in a clockwise direction.
-inally, choose the path for transformation and guiding line *by holding +hift down/, and then go to
B%tensions : Codify #ath : #erspective. 0oila, our te%t in perspective is readyD =uiding line now may be
Besides the te%t, you can use this method to transform circles, stars, regular polygons and other objects
in perspective. Note! !hey all must be converted to path.
III. Perspective using the Path Eect E!itor
nother way to transform the object in perspective lies in the #ath Bffect. -or a start, as in the previous
method, let"s create a guiding line. <onvert the object that you want to transform to a path *#ath: ;bject
to #ath/. !hen, go to the menu #ath: #ath Bffect Bditor and add the EBnvelope DeformationF effect.
fter this, bend each path one by one according to your guiding line. -or more convenience, you can
enable snapping to paths. >nfortunately, the result of using this method may be less accurate than by
using the e%tension E#erspectiveF.
Note "# "r#nn$ !his way only simulates a true perspective. !rue perspective affects not just the height of
an object, from side to side. It also affects widths *of vertical or near vertical elements/. ;bjects get more
and more narrow, the farther away they are. s an e%ample, the vertical portion of the -, G, I, ', and B, in
the word H-G=I'BH would get smaller and smaller towards the Hfar endH of the word *depending which
way you HstretchedH it/.
;f course, on a computer screen, this will usually be a very small difference, and often not even
noticeable by the viewers of the image. But there are times when it makes a very noticeable difference.
-or e%ample, in photorealistic or technical drawings, it could be important.
dding perspective won(t only vary your picture, it will also bring an element of realism. <onstructing
perspective without knowing the basics is bound to cause mistakes. nd everyone will see the
unnaturalness in your drawing. +o train yourself and e%periment. Inowledge about perspective is
necessary for any artist.
!hat"s allD If you"ve found any mistakes in the te%t or you have a better solution feel free to comment.
!hank youD

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