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Student Senate

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

6:00pm, 111 Harrison Hall
I. Call to Order
II. Two Minutes of Silence
III. Roll Call
IV. Announcements and Remarks by the Chair
a. Senator Introductions
b. Senator of the Month Nominations
Mr. Forrest: Heubner, Horvath
Mr.Ciccone: Cowles
Chair: Sinclair
V. Consent Calendar
VI. Student Concerns
Ms.Riddle: I wanted to follow up on my concerns. The crime alert has been
changed; it now reads more about resources. Thanksgiving transportation has been
arranged, there will be a door to door 8-noon shuttle on Wednesday
Mr.Mac- How can I get that information?
Ms.Riddle: It should go out over list serves
VII. Reports-
a. President of the Student Body- Cabinet has decided to submit reports by email
because we are so behind schedule tonight
b. Vice President of the Student Body
c. Vice President of Campus Activities
d. Vice President of Student Organizations
e. Secretary for Diversity Affairs
f. Secretary for Off-Campus Affairs
g. Secretary for On Campus Affairs
h. Secretary for Academic Affairs
i. Secretary for Public Relations
j. Treasurer
k. Tech Director- Thank you for feedback on the new Miami site, there have been
great ideas
l. Advisor - Equifinality

VIII. Special Business of the Day:

a. Nancy Heidtman – Housing, Dining and Guest Services

Ms. Hedtman: Dining Services received an A on the sustainability report; last

year we spent 2.4 million on just Ohio products; one of first college food services
that has a self scan; Nutrition kiosks in the future; Looking into more diversified
menus, reduced waste; Looking into composting
Mr. Frazier: Diplomat, Passport and Snack accounts for off-campus students,
possibility of opening the Diplomat plan to sophomores living in fraternity

Mr.Woodruff: the way the plans are laid out, it is in the best interest of the
students to have either type of plan. For instance, the diplomat plan works best
when everyone is required to have it- the students in residence halls pay their fair
share of fixed costs and thus supporting dining services

Ms.Heidtman- It doesn’t makes sense, because of the fee, off-campus students

wouldn’t be receiving any real benefits

Mr.Moody- what’s the reason for lunch being cash/credit card only during lunch?

Ms.Heidtman- we are not set up to take that kind of volume in that small crowded

Mr.McNamara- So you have mentioned smaller portions

Ms.Heidtman- We haven’t decreased portions, we have done more self service

style dining to encourage students choosing smaller portions

Mr.McNamara- I work in a dining hall and I see so much waste at the end of the
night, is there any way to change or improve this?

Ms.Heidtman- There is room for improvement certainly, we work very hard at

forecasting it as best as possible, but this is hard to do. This is why I mentioned
the composting possibilities. I think restaurants are our future, they’re more
economical and are what the students want.

Mr.McNamara- do you see the 1809 room accepting meal plans any time soon?

Ms.Heidtman- I don’t oversee that operation

Ms.Wadworth- is there any way to improve the quality of the orange juice?

Ms.Heidtman- I can tell you it is 100% orange juice, that is one of the first things
I did when I got here

Ms.Bahir- I work at Erickson, with the self-serve students are taking more food
but with no tray to use, now that they have moved the trays and taken away the
places to put them. Is the department planning on going tray-less?

Ms.Heidtman- Its tough with the bi-level dish rooms, but I do not think Erickson
will be going tray less. We have the plan in place at Hamilton but we have no yet
pulled the trigger. I need more information, if you would like to help us research
the worth in going tray less.

Mr.Mac- do you think re-opening shriver during lunch time would alleviate
congestion at the other dining halls?

Ms.Heidtman- I think dividends has taken some of the pressure off of bell tower

Mr.Davis- If there is a demand why wouldn’t we offer a meal plan to the

fraternities on campus?

Ms.Heidtman- while I don’t think it would be beneficial to students, I will look

into that.

Mr.Kadon- If it is expressed that students want this could we get a few test days
for opening Haines food court for lunch?

Ms.Heidtman- I can’t promise anything, but I will jot this idea down and take it to
the director

Mr.Goodman- Miami spice is very unhealthy, usually over 1000 calories each

Ms.Heidtman- that makes me wonder if our recipes are right, but we are working
hard to peal back portions and re-work nutrition information

Mr.Herbst- I hear a lot of complaints from people who have passport, but no time
to get to a dining hall during meal time because you chose meal plan before

Mr.Woodruff- The diplomat option may be better for those students, but those
who are limited by scholarship requirements, should know that the passport meal
plan is very reasonable, if you are able to get to every meal or not

Ms.Bahir- Any plans for smaller packages of soy milk and has there been any
considerations for milk that is not treated by antibiotics?

Ms.Heidtman- We can’t find the packaging that makes it cost effective to buy
large qualities for soy and organic milk for our dispensers.

IX. Old Business:

a. SR010914: A Resolution to change the Elections Bylaws
Mr.Sinko- I’d like to thank the whole elections committee for working so hard on
Mr.Frazier- I think it sounds great
Passed by unanimous consent
X. New Business:
a. SR010916: The Establishment of Associated Student Government’s Sustainability
Mission Statement
Mr.Forrest: we wanted to give our committee a defined place, and establish the
importance of sustainability on this campus
Mr.Hanna- is this a mission for your committee or for the whole student senate?
Mr.Zwayer- this is for the whole student government
Mr.McNabb- would you consider broadening it to include all of ASG outside of
this room?
Mr.Zwayer- yeah, definitely

b. SR010917: The On-Campus Walk About Expansion Bill

Mr.Ciccone- have you looked into the solicitation problems and how the
university defines that, I personally was not allowed to do a walk about
Mr.Zwayer- Mr.Bodner is working on the solicitation issues, usually we just talk
to Gerry in res life and they give us a go ahead to do it, hopefully you can go in
and let them know that we are not selling anything just giving information
Mr.McNabb- I talked to Gerry today, it was a misunderstanding, we are not
prevented from walk-abouts according to solicitation rules
Mr.Forrest- I want to congratulate you for your first bill
Mr. Sinclair: Nathan helped me a lot, but thank you
Mr.Rees: would you consider adding my sponsorship
Mr.Sinclair: of course
Mr.Ciccone: would you consider changing it so off campus and on campus would
happen at the same time
Mr.Zwayer: of course, I think it would be easy and appropriate, we would have to
examine variations in dorm closings vs house closings

c. The 2009-10 Elections Rules

Mr.Zwayer- I wanted to first explain why we changed the elections rules, year
after year there are changes, last year we allowed people to run together allowing
them to make a name for themselves through issues and help create a more
cohesive unit and executive cabinet
Mr.Forrest- questions on word structure will not be heard since you have all
already had a chance to look over this. The first change is the president and vice
president running as a slate; the vice presidents responsibility is to support the
president , which would be hard when they don’t run together; it is also hard for
the vice president to have anything to run on when the main duty is to support the
Mr.Harris- adding the element of e-signatures, in our bylaws, good academic
standing is a requirement, and it has not been implemented in the past; we have
been working on a system to do this that is completely private, candidates would
give permission to check this, but it would the information would remain
confidential to Dr.Shanley and the chairman of the elections committee
Mr.Collins- Copyright infringement, joint expense reports
Ms.Wadsworth- closed campaigning before the Monday after spring break, closed
campaigning includes facebook groups that are not open to all users
Mr.Harris- expenditure restructuring, $2000 between the president and vice
president, parties running together would get the highest amount +$500 per
additional candidate, so you would have the addition of going alone or running
with another candidate; last year every candidate had 1,000 for primary,
additional 500 for general
Mr.Zwayer- our goal was to make sure it was equal and fair to all potential
Mr.Harris- were not allowing student orgs to use resting accounts, avoiding
loopholes to the restriction, no student fee dollars should go to this
Ms.Bowyer- no campaigning in all three ASG offices; next section are the
elections procedures- polling stations on the date of the elections; minor and
major violations decided by elections committee- not turning in weekly spending
reports as a minor violation
Mr.Harris: revision to the spring elections timeline- condense elections to 7
weeks,expanding ASG window of viability, no impact on off–campus senator
Mr.Herbst- why would you require the televised debates
Mr.Forrest- getting the issues out to the student body is really important to us,
having candidates engage students and get the candidates out there, create a place
for them to be in one place- all issues exposed at one time
Mr.Herbst- restriction on cleaning up material, but no penalty for it
Mr.Zwayer- its hard to monitor this, we would hope you would just clean up the
mess after elections
Mr.Frazier- no campaigning over the list serve, can I not send it over my
fraternity list serve
Mr.Zwayer- no this is just for list serves related to ASG
Mr.Bly- Why did you decide to go for the slate process for President and Vice
Mr.Forrest- because the Vice President’s duties are to support the president, duty
to commit themselves to the agenda of the president which would be hard to do if
they are not on the same page from the start
Mr.Bly- do you foresee any problems with attendance for these elctions because
of the party rules
Mr.Forrest- the position has been completely unopposed in the past two years,
beyond that, we are all extremely committed to getting out there and speaking to
the students about elections
Mr.Hoffman- I have a big problem with having it so close to a break
Mr.Zwayer- we are trying to create a real air of timeline, and while its hard to say
to just plan ahead, we hope you would have help in putting up signs and banners
Mr.Harris- banners do not have to be put up immediately, you can wait
Ms.Bowyer- Matt, did you mean for students who come back a day late?
Mr.Hoffman- I was talking about students who come back several days later, I
just think we have to be sensitive to the students time
Mr.Ferguson- I am on the slate about the slate idea, I just don’t think the bylaws
are the sole reason for this change, what are your thoughts on candidates who may
not have someone to run with, there are so many circumstances where there could
potentially not be 2 people to run, or a president who brings in a weak vp, but still
Mr.Zwayer- The vice president’s responsibilities are elections, lobbying, and
student legal services, this makes it very difficult for vice president to campaign
on his/her own, but if you’re running as a slate you truly can claim that you are
willing to support the president and his overarching goals for the next year. We
wanted to create and air of support in the top levels of student government. Our
hope is to create a cohesive leadership within student government to give a
forward drive within the student body.
Mr.Ciccone- Can you explain section 9 subsection d?
Mr.Harris- I think it’s a leftover from last year, elections committee goes through
setting up a debate, and we want our candidates to show up
Mr.Zwayer- we want to make sure the candidates know all the rules, and alleviate
any potential violations we have seen in past years
Mr.Ciccone- should we broaden the language to include all rules of the elections
committee and not just night and televised debates.
Mr.Zwayer- I am reading it as three separate items, not as a training for debates
Mr.Struebing- why did you decide to make the slate mandatory as opposed to
making the slate financially advantageous but it would not kick out candidates
with unfortunate circumstances
Mr.Zwayer- We talked about this, but I know when you lower caps, people go
around these caps, and lie on the expense reports, so from the financially
advantageous standpoint- lowered caps may not work
Mr.Harris- the issue of the slate is just a matter of whether a president from one
party and a vice president from another party- is that the best way to go about it?
Mr.Streubing- last year the total of Jon’s campaign was about $800, and Jon spent
his money well, so I don’t understand the necessity of making the cap so high
Mr.Forrest- this was the most heated elections committee we had, I would like to
go back to the place that we have never had an election with mass competition,
which doesn’t require you to do as much, but we’re hoping to educate the student
body and create some competition
Mr.Cowles- have you thought about how this would limit students outside of
Mr.Forrest- I actually think it will diversify the ticket because candidates should
choose a party of various populations
Mr.Zwayer- this year we are really committed to matching up outside candidates
with someone to run with
Ms.Hrnjak- how do you plan on ensuring elections committees in the future will
be equally committed to diversifying the candidate pool
Mr.Zwayer- if the senate in years to come is concerned, they should join elections
committee and ensure that dedication is present
Mr.Hoffman- I am worried that we are prioritizing student government over
Mr.Collins- I think in the long run academics is more stressed because the
timeline is shorter
Mr.Bly- We have a body of individuals that have been deeply committed to
getting ASG’s name out to the student body, and by mandating the slate, you are
thinking you will get competition for positions we haven’t had positions before,
how do you know this will work? I am worried by making this so definitive it will
create a one party election
Mr.Zwayer- I would like to encourage all of you to come talk to us this week
with specific questions, we want to address your concerns and make sure what
we’re doing is understood
Mr.Ferguson- will you guys be holding a meeting?
Mr.Collins- Friday at 4 o’clock

XI. General Announcements

XII. Adjournment

A Resolution to change the Elections Bylaws

Nathan Zwayer, Off-Campus Student Senator

ASG Elections Committee
Adam Harris, Student Body Vice-President


Submitted to Student Senate on:

November 3, 2009

Whereas: Article I, Section 106.D of the Associated Student Government Bylaws states:
The Elections Committee shall establish rules governing election campaigns, subject to the
approval of Student Senate.

Whereas: Article VI, Section 602.A of the Associated Student Government Bylaws currently
The election of the Executive Cabinet shall be held at a time recommended by the Elections
Committee, after the month of January, but no later than four weeks before the end of the second
semester, subject to the approval of Student Senate.
Whereas: The Associated Student Government Elections Committee (ASGEC) has found that
the current elections cycle is wanting,

Therefore be it Resolved: The Associated Student Government Elections Committee

recommends that the following bylaws changes be approved by Student Senate:

SECTION 104.G: Elect the President of the Student Senate for the following academic year.

SECTION 602.A: The election of the Executive Cabinet shall be held at a time recommended by
the Elections Committee, but no later than four weeks before the end of the second semester the
last week of classes; not including finals week, subject to the approval of the Student Senate.

Further be it Resolved: that the passage of this resolution will henceforth override all date
limitations as prescribed by the Standing Rules of the Associated Student Government,

Further be it Resolved: that subsequent to the passage of the this resolution, Administrative
Committee will review, at a time deemed proper by the Chair of the Administrative Committee,
the Standing Rules of the Associated Student Government to make sure that said Standing Rules
are properly aligned to the bylaws changes made by this resolution.

The Establishment of Associated Student Government’s Sustainability Mission Statement

Kellie Huebner, Hamilton and Minnich Hall Senator

Matt Forrest, Off-Campus Senator
Dori Bahir, Off-Campus Senator

Nathan Zwayer, Off-Campus Senator, Chair Environmental Sustainability Committee

Audree Riddle, Off-Campus Senator
Erica Fox, Environmental Sustainability Committee Member
Adam Harris, Vice President of the Student Body
Justin Beighley, Environmental Sustainability Committee Member
Micheal Eilers, Environmental Sustainability Committee Member
Blake Newsock, Peabody and Thomson Hall Senator
Environmental Sustainability Committee

Submitted to Student Senate

November 10, 2009

Whereas: With the passage of SR020901 A Resolution to Establish an ASG Ad hoc

Committee on Environmental Sustainability, a committee was formed charged
with encouraging “the development of environmentally sustainable initiatives
around Miami’s campus and in the greater Oxford community;” and

Whereas: The committee as a whole views it essential to its effectiveness and existence
going forward to make a definitive statement regarding sustainability; and

Whereas: A mission statement is established by a group to outline its goals, offer a sense of
direction, and provide guidance in decision making; and

Whereas: Associated Student Government currently has no formalized commitment to

engaging in sustainable practices; and

Therefore be it resolved: ASG adopts a Sustainability Mission Statement that reads as


Associated Student Government is committed to continual advocacy through Senate and all
committees in maintaining environmentally sustainable and socially responsible practices.

Further be it resolved: That the Associated Student Government will maintain and
establish sustainable and responsible practices in any and all
functions thereof.

The On Campus Walk-About Expansion Bill

Tyler Sinclair, Stanton Hall Senator

Nathan Zwayer, Off-Campus Senator
Randi Keefer, Secretary for On Campus Affairs
Jonathan McNabb, Student Body President
Michael Sinko, Emerson Hall Senator
Matthew Bodner, Dennison and Wilson Hall Senator
Stephanie Deters, MacCracken Hall Senator
Matthew Forrest, Off-Campus Senator
Matthew Herbst, Tappan Hall Senator
Nithya Kumar, Brandon/McFarland Hall Senator

Submitted to the Senate

X, November, 2009

Whereas: Representative government cannot function properly without the involvement of

those represented, it is imperative that student senators build relationships with
their constituents and are available to them.
Whereas: A Walk-about is designed to build relationships with their respective
constituencies and to foster a positive on-campus community

Whereas: The continuing and effective communication to all members of the student body
is essential to any functioning government, as outlined in Section IV,
“Representative Excellence” in the Four Year Plan
Whereas: Section 105.D of the Associated Student Government Bylaws states that: To
communicate the ideas and concerns of their constituents through the proper
channels and to inform their constituents of Student Senate activities.
Whereas: The first On Campus Walk About has been declared successful. While having had
positive impact on the student body, it leaves students without the ability to build
and maintain relationships, interact with their representatives, and remain
informed on the accomplishments of their government.

Therefore be it resolved: The On Campus Walk-About Program is established and will take
place no less than 3 times an academic year to continue informing
on campus students about Associated Student Government’s
actions, to build and maintain relationships between
representatives and their constituencies, and promote
“Representative Excellence”.
Further be it resolved: The schedule shall be set as follows: once before Fall Break, once
after Fall Break and no later than one week before Fall semester
final exams, and once after the start of Spring Semester, but no
later than one week before Spring Break
Further be it resolved: The On Campus Walk-About Expansion Bill shall be effective as
of January 1st, 2010
ASG 2010 Student Body Election Rules

I. Candidate Qualifications

A. All candidates for any office must be a full-time, undergraduate student of Miami
University, Oxford Campus and not on any academic or disciplinary probation.
B. A candidate may run for only one office:

1. Student Body President

2. Student Body Vice President
3. Vice President for Student Organizations
4. Vice President for Campus Activities

C. Candidates for the office of the Vice President for Campus Activities must have
previously served at least one year on the Campus Activities Council.
D. Co-candidacies (two candidates running together for the same office) are not
E. The Student Body President and Student Body Vice President shall be elected as a
1. If a candidate of a slate drops out of the election, another candidate must be
produced within 72 hours (3 calendar days) of the slate’s official resignation
notification to Elections Committee.
2. Failure to produce a candidate within the 72 hour time window will result in
the total disqualification of the slate.
3. Candidates resigning within 72 hours of Election Day will result in a total
disqualification of the slate.

II. Application and Petition

A. The official ASG petition shall serve as the candidate’s application to

participate in the election process.
B. The Elections Committee shall accept petitions any time between
February 1, 2010 and March 1, 2010 at 5PM.
C. Election’s Committee shall accept the petition of a replacement
candidate within 72 hours of the original slate member’s resignation.
D. Each candidate must submit an application and petition to the
Elections Committee certifying that the candidate qualifies and agrees to
abide by and fulfill all duties and regulations set forth by the Elections
Committee, the Constitution and By-laws of the Associated Student
Government, and the regulations of Miami University.
E. Each candidate must affirm their good academic and disciplinary
standing through the e-signature system.
F. Petition Qualifications:

1. Candidates must obtain the signatures of at least one-hundred fifty (150)

Miami University undergraduate students and their unique IDs.
2. Petitions must contain the legal name or recognizable nickname of the
candidate, as he or she would like it to appear on the ballot, and the office for
which he or she is running.

G. Each candidate will receive a receipt upon filing the petition with the Chair
of the Elections Committee. Such a receipt will serve as the official
notification that candidate’s name shall appear on the ballot.

H. All petitions will be final upon filing. No changes by candidates will be

permitted after this time.

I. If no candidate or only one candidate runs for a single office, the deadline
date for filing petitions for that office shall be advanced to March 4 at

J. If only one candidate runs for a single office by the prescribed deadline,
that candidate shall be the winner of said office.

K. Any vacant office shall be filled by the manner prescribed in the ASG
Bylaws Section 602.F

III. Political Parties

A. Any and all candidates wishing to run together/ share resources shall submit to the
Chair of the Elections Committee a completed political party registration form any
time between February 1, 2010 and March 1, 2010.
B. The registration shall contain:

1. The Name of the Party (if any)

2. The Name, Address, telephone numbers, and signatures of the candidates for
the party.

C. Party names, acronyms, or logos may not duplicate or blatantly resemble the name,
acronym or logo of any other existing political party at Miami University,
copyrighted image or symbol, and may not be vulgar or offensive as defined by the
Elections Committee.
D. The Elections Committee retains the authority to alter the party name registration on
the petition to ensure a fair election process, even after the registration has been
officially filed.
E. If a party wishes to dissolve, or one or more of its members is disqualified or cannot
continue to the general election, the total campaign expenditures shall be evenly
divided and counted against the candidates (and former candidates) individual
spending limits.
F. A political party shall be held liable for the actions of its member Candidates and any
individuals supporting them.
G. All candidates running together in the same party shall submit joint expense reports
and staff lists.

IV. Elections Rules and Procedures

A. Campaigning includes, but is not limited to, any verbal, written, or implied request
for political support. Any interpretation of this definition shall be at the sole
discretion of the Elections Committee.

1. “Closed campaigning” shall be defined as the legal use of public or private

verbal and private electronic media pursuant to University Policy.
a. “Closed campaigning” shall be permitted at any and all times during
the academic year in which a candidate is running.
b. Violations during “Closed campaigning” shall be considered only
pursuant to University Policy and these rules. The Elections
Committee shall be responsible for adjudicating all violations.
2. “Open campaigning” shall be defined as use of all media delineating in the
aforementioned definition of “Closed campaigning” but include the additional
legal use of Public written, electronic or tangible media pursuant to University

a. “Open campaigning” shall begin at 12:01AM on Monday, March 15,

b. Posting physical campaigning materials prior to “open campaigning”
shall be considered a violation of these rules.
c. All other violations during “open campaigning” shall be considered
pursuant to University Policy and these rules. Elections Committee
shall be responsible for adjudication of all violations.

V. Campaign Expenditures and Contributions

A. Candidate campaign expenditure limits are as follows:

1. Candidate slates for Student Body President and Student Body Vice President
shall together not exceed $2,000.
2. Individual candidates running for Vice President of Student Organizations
shall not exceed $800.
3. Individual candidates running for Vice President of Campus Activities shall
not exceed $800.
4. Candidates running for Vice President of Student Organizations or Vice
President of Campus Activities that also belong to a political party shall
increase the expenditure limit of the political party by $500 per party member.
(IE. $2,000+$500+$500 = $3,000 expenditure limit ; $800+$500 = $1,300)
B. ASG auxiliary accounts and Student Organization SD accounts may not be used to
promote a candidate. IE. RHA Accounts, Hall Accounts, etc.
C. Expense/Contribution Reports:
1. All expenditures made by a Political Party, an individual candidate, or their
campaign must be included in a detailed and accurate expense report.

a. The expense report shall include all receipts and other such documents
necessary to verify the expenditures of the campaign.
b. Contributions by student organizations and other outside sources must
be documented.

2. Each candidate or Political Party must submit weekly expense reports to the
Chair of the Elections committee beginning Thursday, March 18, 2010 at
5:00pm and every subsequent Thursday at 5:00pm until one week following
the General Election
3. Shared resources shall be defined as any campaign material that bears the
name of more than one candidate. These shared resources are prohibited
unless candidates are members of the same political party.

VI. Campaign Materials and Procedures

A. A campaign material or resource shall be any item that the candidate, Party or
campaign staff used during the course of the election. It shall also include any item
that must be accounted for on the expense report. Campaign Resources shall also
include the campaign staff itself. Any interpretation of this definition shall be at the
sole discretion of the Elections Committee.
B. All residence floors shall be open to campaigning subject to University Regulations
as outlined in the Student Handbook, Chapter 8, 5.8.B- Political Canvassing
C. All campaign materials that are to be posted or distributed must conform to the
University Regulations as outlined in the Student Handbook (Chapter 7, Signs,
Posters, and Banners).
D. No campaign material may be posted in or on any of the University Libraries.
E. No campaign material may be posted in or on any of the ASG, RHA, or CAC offices.
F. No campaigning is permitted in any ASG, RHA, or CAC meeting.
G. No campaign material may be posted on any listserv of and/or affiliated listserv of
H. All candidates and Political Parties are responsible for the actions of their staff
members. It will be the responsibility of the candidate to ensure that his or her staff
members are fully aware of and understand all applicable campaign regulations. All
candidates must submit to the Chair of the Elections Committee a complete list of
their staff members and their phone numbers by a date to be determined by the Chair
of the Election Committee. A staff member is defined as any person engaging in
open campaigning on behalf of the candidate.
I. All candidates are responsible for the removal of all campaign material one week
after the conclusion of the general election.

VII. Elections procedures

A. If there are more than two candidates for any office, there shall be a primary election
for that office; the two (2) candidates receiving the largest number of votes in the
primary election shall be in the final election.
B. The Primary Election, if required, shall be held on April 1, 2010. The General
Election shall be held on April 8, 2010.
C. Officers shall be elected in the general or primary election by a majority of the votes
D. The names of each candidate shall be rotated on the ballot.
E. Voting shall be done using an online system.
F. The Chair of the Elections Committee shall declare the outcome of the general
election at a special meeting of the Student Senate on the day following the election,
thereby formally certifying the election results.
G. Students wishing to contest any certified election result and/or requesting a recount
must present a written complaint to the Chair of the Elections Committee within
seven (7) days of the election date. The Chair shall present the complaint to the
Student Senate who may order a recount or appropriate action.
H. Failure of a polling station to be open for the full election period shall not constitute
as grounds for contesting the election.

VIII. Violations and Penalties

A. The elections Committee will consider violations of these rules and of University
policy as outlined in the Student Handbook based on documentation and evidence,
either verbal or written, made by members of the Elections Committee or by any
individual of the Miami University community.
B. All Violations and the penalties levied by the Elections Committee shall be public
C. Accused candidates will be granted due process and the Elections Committee will do
its utmost to ensure the fairness of any and all meetings and hearings.
D. At least fifty percent (50%) of the Elections Committee shall constitute quorum for
any meeting or hearing. The Chair or Vice-chair of the Elections Committee must be
present at any hearing.
E. Violations will be categorized as either major or minor at the discretion of the
Elections Committee.
1. Minor Violations shall be any violation of the election rules, Miami
University Regulations, or the ASG Constitution and By-laws that the
Elections Committee deems to be minor.
2. Minor violations, if substantiated by the Elections Committee, will be met
with an official warning, reduction in campaign spending up to $50 per
individual candidate, or other appropriate punishment as determined by the
Elections Committee.
3. Major Violations shall be any violation of the election rules, Miami University
Regulations, or the ASG Constitution and By-laws that the Elections
Committee deems to be major.
4. Major violations, if substantiated by the Elections Committee, will be met
with a reduction in campaign spending up to $100 per individual candidate; or
other appropriate punishment as determined by the Elections Committee.
5. In the Event of a major violation the following procedure shall be followed:
a. Documented accusation to Elections Committee
b. Investigation by the Elections Committee
c. Hearing held by the Elections Committee
d. Private deliberations by the Elections Committee
e. Delivery of the decision by the Elections Committee
f. Official warnings may only be issued by the Elections Committee.
g. The range of penalties shall include:
i. Official warning
ii. Monetary fines payable to ASG and submitted to the Elections
iii. Reduction in campaign spending limit
iv. Prohibiting the candidate from campaign canvassing for a
designated period of time
v. For violation of University Policy or falsification of any report,
referral to the Dean of Students for disciplinary action
vi. Disqualification from the election.
vii. Three (3) major violations shall constitute disqualification
IX. The Elections Committee

A. The members of the elections committee shall be required to remain impartial

during the course of the election. The Chair of the Elections Committee shall have
the discretion to remove any members of the committee found to have flagrantly
violated this rule (such a removal is subject to an appeal to the Student Senate).
B. The Elections Committee shall produce weekly reports including: violations of
the rules, the committee’s decisions and opinions, and the candidate and political
party expense reports.
C. Such reports shall be composed weekly, beginning on Tuesday, March 2, 2010
and concluding on Tuesday, April 13, 2010. The reports shall be forwarded to all
candidates, political parties, The Miami Student, and placed on the ASG website.
D. The committee has the right to require candidates to attend mandatory training
sessions, a meet the candidates’ night and any televised debates.

X. Standing Nature of these Rules

A. These rules shall remain in effect until such time as the Student Senate sees fit to
change them.
B. Any interpretation of these rules shall be at the sole discretion of the Elections

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