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World Literature Name: ____________________________

Questions: War by Luigi Pirandello

1. Identify the CONFLICT in this story. Is it primarily an external Man-vs-Man conflict,
or is it primarily an internal Man-vs-Self conflict?

2. What/when is the CLIMAX of this story? How can you tell it is the climax?

Your book says: [Pirandellos] focus on the social masks that people wear has been a major
influence on modern fiction, as well as on modern drama. Pirandello was fascinated by the
contrast between appearance and reality in human behavior. He viewed life as a series of illusions,
each concealing a surprising core: comedy in tragedy, sanity in madness, grief in happiness. He
saw people as suffering from the necessity of leading insincere public lives, and he watched with
compassion as they clung to their delusions. He created literature that he hoped would force people
to examine their convictions, acknowledge their inner selves, and lead more authentic lives.

3. In the short story War the author, Luigi Pirandello, does not give any of the characters
names. Why not? What effect does that have on the story and the reader?

4. Which of the characters are wearing social masks as Pirandello would say (at least at
the beginning of the story) ?

5. Choose one of the characters you listed in #4. What is the mask he/she is wearing, and
what is true about him/her?

6. Of the characters you listed in #4, choose one (same or different than in #5) who is a
DYNAMIC CHARACTER. What is the change they undergo? What causes it?

7. Both the woman in mourning and the fat man are described as hiding their faces. Why is
this an important detail? What purpose does it serve in the story?

8. Why does the woman ask the fat man if his son really died?

9. How does Pirandello use the technique of REVERSAL? (Reversal is in the Glossary of
Literary Terms at the back of your World Lit textbook.)

10. What is the central IRONY of the story?

11. Which of the broad themes we are focusing on this semester is/are evident in this story?

12. What does Pirandello point out about a parents love for a child?

13. What is Pirandellos attitude toward patriotism? Cite a specific statement or quote from
one of the characters to support your answer. Do you agree? Why or why not?

1) The characters in War all make arguments why they believe their experience is better or
worse than the others experiences, who has suffered the greatest loss, etc. Each character has a
unique situation. Each individual has a unique personality. If you had to choose one, with
whom do you agree the most? Do you think it is possible to compare their situations? Can one
person understand another persons pain or loss and their personal, emotional response to that
situation? Why or why not?

2) Do you ever wear a social mask? Give an example of a time or situation when you wear a
mask. Identify the mask as well as what is more truly your inner character. Why do you put on
the mask? What purpose does it serve? How would things be different without it?

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