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Database Fundamentals

Course Outline
Lesson 1: Understanding Core Database Concepts 1
Objective Domain Matrix 1
Key Terms 1
Understanding Database Concepts 2
Understanding Flat-Type Databases
Understanding !ierarc"ical Databases
Understanding #elational Databases $
Understanding Database F%ndamentals &
Understanding #elational Database Concepts '
Using t"e ()* (erver Management (t%dio +nter,ace -
Understanding Data Manip%lation
*ang%age .DM*/ 12
Understanding Data De,inition *ang%age .DD*/ 12
Using DD* (tatements 1
(0ill (%mmary 11
Kno2ledge 3ssessment 1'
Competency 3ssessment 1-
4ro,iciency 3ssessment 1-
Lesson 2: Creating Database Objects 20
Objective Domain Matrix 25
Key Terms 25
De,ining Data Types 25
Using 6%ilt-in Data Types 21
Using 7xact 8%meric Data Types 2$
Using 3pproximate 8%meric Data Types 2&
Creating and Using Tables 2-
Creating 9ie2s
Creating (tored 4roced%res &
Understanding ()* +njections :
(0ill (%mmary :
Kno2ledge 3ssessment -
Competency 3ssessment $1
4ro,iciency 3ssessment $1
Lesson 3: Manipulating Data 43
Objective Domain Matrix $
Key Terms $
Using )%eries to (elect Data $$
Combining Conditions $&
Using t"e 67T;778 Cla%se $1
Using t"e 8OT Cla%se $'
Using t"e U8+O8 Cla%se $'
Using t"e 7<C74T and +8T7#(7CT Cla%ses $:
Using t"e =O+8 Cla%se $:
Using )%eries to +nsert Data &1
+nserting Data &2
Updating Data and Databases &$
Using t"e U4D3T7 (tatement &$
Deleting Data &&
Using t"e D7*7T7 (tatement &&
Tr%ncating a Table 2it" T#U8C3T7 T36*7 &1
Deleting a Table 2it" D#O4 T36*7 &1
Using #e,erential +ntegrity &1
(0ill (%mmary &'
Kno2ledge 3ssessment &'
Competency 3ssessment &-
4ro,iciency 3ssessment &-
Lesson 4: Understanding Data torage !1
Objective Domain Matrix 11
Key Terms 11
8ormali>ing a Database 12
Understanding 8ormali>ation 12
Understanding t"e First 8ormal Form 12
Understanding t"e (econd 8ormal Form 1
Understanding t"e T"ird 8ormal Form 1$
Understanding t"e Fo%rt" 8ormal Form 11
Understanding t"e Fi,t" 8ormal Form 11
Understanding 4rimary? Foreign? and
Composite Keys 1'
Understanding 4rimary Keys '5
Understanding Foreign Keys '5
Understanding Composite 4rimary Keys '$
Understanding Cl%stered and 8on-cl%stered +ndexes '$
Understanding Cl%stered +ndexes '&
Understanding 8on-cl%stered +ndexes '1
Creating a 8on-cl%stered Table '1
(0ill (%mmary :5
Kno2ledge 3ssessment :5
Competency 3ssessment :2
4ro,iciency 3ssessment :2
Lesson ": #dministering a Database $4
Objective Domain Matrix :$
Key Terms :$
(ec%ring Databases :&
Understanding (erver-*evel (ec%rity :1
Understanding Database-*evel (ec%rity :1
Understanding ;indo2s (ec%rity :'
Understanding ()* 3%t"entication -5
Understanding Database (erver #oles -1
@ranting 3ccess to a Database -2
Understanding Fixed Database #oles -$
Understanding Object 4ermissions -&
Managing #oles -:
Understanding O2ners"ip C"ains --
#evie2ing a (ample (ec%rity Model 155
6ac0ing Up and #estoring Databases 151
Understanding #ecovery Models 151
Understanding Database 6ac0%ps 151
Understanding 6ac0%p Devices 15
Understanding Database #estores 15
(0ill (%mmary 151
Kno2ledge 3ssessment 15'
Competency 3ssessment 15:
4ro,iciency 3ssessment 15-
3ppendix 3 115

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