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Wind Energy

- pros and cons

stervangskolen, Denmark
NIMBY is slang for Not In My BackYard.
Which basically means that people think that something is
a great idea, you just dont want it anywhere near yourself.
You can use NIMBY on things like: Windmills, nuclear
power stations, highways and homes for people with
mental disorders, criminals etc.
DN: DN is Danish Environmental Preservation Association.
Denmark has a lot of wind in the air, which is the reason that we have a lot of
windmills. In 2040 the plan is that all Denmark, will be powered by windmills, or
thats the plan at least.
Were beginning to place the windmills in the water mostly because it doesn't
annoy anyone and there's also a bit more wind.
Windmills and noise

Vestas was founded in 1945, by the person
of the name Peder Hansen.
Vestas is the manufacturer of windmills
in Denmark, it has around 17.000 employees
around the world.
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