Chen One in India:: Multinational Corporation

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Multinational Corporation

A corporation that has its facilities and other assets in at least one
country other than its home country. Such companies have offices
and/or factories in different countries and usually have a centralized
head office where they co-ordinate global management. Very large
multinationals have budgets that exceed those of many small
Chen one in ndia !
Chen One
ChenOne is a chain of fashion stores owned by Chenab Group (based in Faisalabad, Pakistan).
first Chen!ne store was opened in 1""# at $sla%abad
$sla%abad (1""#)
&ahi% 'ar (han (1""#)
)ahore (Gulber* branch) (1""+)
Faisalabad (1""+)
(arachi (1""")
&awalpindi (,--1)
Faisalabad (.erena /otels) (,--,)
Peshawar (,--,)
0bbottabad (,--1)
)ahore (2efence branch) (,--1)
3ultan ( ,--4)
.ialkot (,--5)
Gu6rat (,--5)
(arachi (ari7 &oad) (,--+)
8hurban (,--+)
.ar*odha (,--")
8ahawalpur (,--")
$sla%abad (2iplo%atic 9ncla:e)(,-11)
$sla%abad (.erena)(,-11)
Gu6ranwala (,-1,)
.ahiwal (,-1,)
Chen!ne offers fashion clothin*, foot wear, bed linen, kitchen accessories and furniture.
How come Chen one will become a multinational
Organization ;
Self Analysis:
First of all chen one has to make self analysis in term of
"etermine your industry#s growth
"omestics sales
Certificates % S&' (ACC$)
+anagement team capabilities
Chen one has to identify its strengths' wea,nesses' opportunities
and threats.
Analysis of Indian market/economy:
.hen the Chen one has to analyze the target country in term of/
+ar,et conditions
Go:ern%ent<s attitude to e%ploy%ent, forei*n inter:ention, forei*n
e=chan*e, indebtedness and policies.
Go:ern%ent<s policy of econo%ic de:elop%ent, forei*n e=chan*e, barter
deals, e7uity arran*e%ents, re%ittance of funds, state inter:ention, pri:ate
sector de:elop%ent and i%port substitution.
Go:ern%ent<s social ob6ecti:es includin* inde*enisation, subsidies,
population and sociali>ation.
)aws, tariffs, duties, trade re*ulations, balance of pay%ents, licensin* and
labour laws.
$olitical 0nvironment
3arket characteristics?physical, cultural, si>e, *rowth rate, sta*e of
3arket institutions ? distribution, %edia, research, ser:ices
$ndustry conditions? si>e, practices, de:elop%ent sta*e, appropriate
@ow if board of directors thinks that they can full fill the tar*et country
de%ands and can satisfy the custo%ers needs , and are capable to attract
the tar*et country custo%er then they should %o:e towards further steps.
ar*et country e=perts or *eneralist staff to plan operationsA
Bhat are the authorised tar*et %arkets and the product appropriatenessA
3arket si>eA
3arket placeA
Bhat is the sta*e of de:elop%ent and stren*ths of co%petition both state
and pri:ateA
Bhat is the appropriate productC%arket technolo*yA
Bhat is the necessary adaptaton of the %arketin* %i=A
/ow do the *o:er%ent and co%pany ob6ecti:es coincideA
Bhat is the tradin* riskA
Bhat *o:er%entCor*anisation interface is re7uiredA /ow are licencies
a*reed and obtainedA Bho are the principle characters.
/ow does the co%pany ha:e to be structured to %eet the *o:ern%ent,
econo%ic and social ob6ecti:es as well as co%pany ob6ecti:es
Gi:en the *o:er%ent<s policies, attitudes and econo%ic and social
ob6ecti:es how is an effecti:e %arketin* plan desi*ned, resouced and
i%ple%entedA what de*ree of adaptation and cooperation is re7uired at all
le:elsA (Go:ern%ent %arketin* institutions and function)ABho will be
responsible for each le:el.
&esources re7uired (finance and /&)
3arketin* strate*ies
2ecisions about place, buildin*s, branches ,labour force, in:est%ent etc
Plan implementation:
0fter thar Chen one has to i%ple%ent its plans in order to beco%e a %ultinational
or*ani>ation. Plan should be i%ple%ent with proper %ana*e%ent , strate*ies and
all acti:ities should be %onitored.

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