Baker Update May 2014

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Thank you so much foi youi faithfulness anu suppoit of oui family anu ministiy! I uon't communicate
neaily as often as I'u like oi shoulu, but please know that }uuy anu I aie piofounuly blesseu by youi iegulai
encouiagement, piayeis, anu faithful gifts that make oui ministiy possible.

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Naich anu eaily Apiil hau oui team iunning in multiple uiiections with Nobile Packing Events in 0klahoma,
Noith Caiolina, New }eisey, anu two in Naiylanu. I hanueu off the two long-uistance ones to otheis anu peisonally
leu the thiee neaiby. In all, we packageu 7u,uuu iice & bean meals foi Syiian wai iefugees who have fleu to camps
in }oiuon, anu 6u,uuu "Baivestei Packs" of heiiloom vegetable seeus foi uistiibution in the Bominican Republic
anu uuatemala.
We have also welcomeu quite a few school gioups heie to oui Bistiibution Centei. Last month 2uu stuuents
came foi an exciting uay of seivice. As they woikeu in vaiious aieas of oui waiehouse, we spoke with them about
the many neeus thioughout the woilu anu how we can shaie uou's love while helping to meet those neeus.

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A goou fiienu of mine, Naik Nailki, has been stiuggling with kiuney failuie foi
the past foui yeais. Be woiks as a chemical engineei, but eveiy night heaus home
to hook up to a uialysis machine. Neeuless to say, this is no fun anu is ceitainly not
a long-teim solution to his pioblem.
I fiist got to know Naik about five yeais ago when he inviteu me to biing a
gioup of college stuuents to stay at his house ovei Spiing Bieak anu volunteei at
ulobal Aiu Netwoik. Involveu in Campus Ciusaue foi Chiist at the 0niveisity of
Belawaie, Naik wanteu to connect moie stuuents with uAiN's vision of coupling
physical seivice anu aiu with the pioclamation of the gospel. So he began
iepiesenting anu ieciuiting foi uAiN at oui Niu-Atlantic campus ministiy
RABIATE anu NeXt confeiences.
As oui fiienuship giew, I leaineu about Naik's histoiy of seiious health
challenges, not the least of which was a lung tiansplant nine yeais ago at the
0niveisity of Pittsbuigh. A lung tiansplant - ieally. I uiun't even know they coulu
uo that soit of thing. 0nce, I tiaveleu with Naik to one of his bi-annual follow up appointments anu leaineu moie
of his stoiy. But it wasn't until a few months ago that a seimon illustiation at chuich piompteu me to ask if he hau
any piospects of getting a kiuney tiansplant. That launcheu me into a piocess of piayei anu a batteiy of meuical
tests to ueteimine if I might be a canuiuate to uonate one of my kiuneys.
Tuins out that I am a uiiect match! So next week Naik anu I have a final consultation with the heau suigeon in
auvance of a Nay 1S
tiansplant opeiation. As you can imagine, I've been hesitant to shaie all this until it was
uefinitive. If all goes well, I'll be two uays at the Bospital of the 0niveisity of Pennsylvania in Philauelphia, anothei
two weeks of iecoveiy at home, anu a full two months befoie I'm cleaieu to uo any seiious physical activity (lifting
moie than 1u pounus).

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People tiavel in fiom all ovei the countiy foi oui uAiN bi-annual packing piojects in }une anu 0ctobei. We aie
piepaiing to host thousanus of volunteeis }une 17-21. Please consiuei biinging youi family, fiienus, oi chuich
gioup. Pie-iegistiation is iequiieu at gainusa.oigguc.
May 2014
Baker Mini stry
Partnership Updat e
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We have been piaying anu ieciuiting auuitional staff anu inteins to oui Pennsylvania Bistiibution Centei team.
H)& )&' 7)46%D 70I$&(0& aie ueveloping theii financial suppoit team in hopes of iepoiting by Septembei.
Cuiient intein, @6%D(%, G0C)1, is joining oui full-time staff this
summei with the goal of iepoiting in Novembei. I met G$41
/$++D%+0& at oui packing event in Bellingham, Washington back
in Febiuaiy anu now he plans to go thiough Ciu new staff
tiaining in Septembei to piayeifully iepoit by }anuaiy 2u1S.
-6$D )&' >A J);$(0& seiveu with Ciu in Tuikey foi seveial
yeais anu aie looking foi a new ministiy assignment. When
they visiteu in eaily Apiil, }uuy anu I took them to oui favoiite
coffee shop. They got a toui of the uAiN facility anu the
Lancastei, PA aiea, anu helpeu with oui Foou packing event in
Nailton, New }eisey. They haven't yet ueciueu if uAiN woulu be
the best fit. Su has hei PhB in Chemistiy anu wants to finu a
univeisity teaching job while Phil continues to focus on full-
time ministiy. K%&'#) *00', just giauuateu fiom }ames
Nauison 0niveisity anu will uo an inteinship yeai at oui PA
Bistiibution Centei, beginning the fiist of Septembei.
We aie veiy thankful to the Loiu of the Baivest (Natthew 9:S6-S8) foi calling these laboieis to seive with us.

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At the enu of Nay thiee cuiient college stuuents, NDD$0+ >+0&%#, a Neuia majoi at Temple 0niveisity, K),D)
8#2%#0:0AD0(, stuuying Bistoiy at Noithein Nichigan 0niveisity, anu 3),D%% *0DD0,, a Public Policy giauuate
stuuent at the 0niveisity of viiginia, will foim oui fiist evei 1u-week Summei Intein Team. In auuition to helping
piepaie foi anu leau the }une Packing Pioject, each intein will have a customizeu job uesciiption that incluues key
ministiy piojects to auvance oui mission of meeting physical anu spiiitual neeus. Fiom }uly 11-19 we will tiavel to
uuatemala to help uistiibute watei filteis anu conuuct sanitation anu hygiene tiaining.

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Al uoff, Piesiuent of ulobal Aiu Netwoik suggesteu that oui staff all ieau,
Westein Chiistians in ulobal Nission by Paul Boithwick. It is full of
excellent insights on how we can most appiopiiately ielate to anu
encouiage non-westein, "majoiity woilu" ministiy leaueis.

Buiing a iecent toui of B0PE Inteinational's "Pathways 0ut of
Poveity" exhibit, I pickeu up a copy of Petei uieei's, The Spiiitual
Bangei of Boing uoou. It has been veiy convicting anu is
uefinitely something I neeu to ieieau anu iefei back to often.

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The Bakei clan is uoing well. }uuy iecently put in long houis uecoiating foi the high school aftei-piom
anu has iecently maue some extiemely impiessive cakes - one foi a fiienu's Su
biithuay anu anothei
foi an upcoming weuuing. As I wiite, touay is Zac's 17
biithuay. Befoie I left the house this moining, we
confiimeu that he is now officially tallei than I am. Luke tuins 1S in two months anu is getting exciteu
foi a }uly mission tiip in Philauelphia with oui chuiches' high school ministiy. Anuiew tuineu twelve in
Naich anu is thiilleu that the waimei weathei is biinging out lots of bugs anu butteiflies. Be wants to be
a biologist anu loves to catch anu examine all kinus of ciitteis.

L& @6#$(+O( M#)4%.

Steve & Judy Baker - 525 Penn Ave., Kennett Square, PA 19348 - (610) 316-5626
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To make a special financial gift or adjust your regular monthly contribution,
please visit
If you prefer to write a check,
make it payable to Cru and mail it to us at the address below.

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