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uoc. ~O. StInUOll CO<IaT 0' ....

..,'aLU.n OlVlS'OII
• UlntHt. OOCUT 100 .....
llO'I"OlI 100. J.M_OISJ_OITl
UPOll.& 'MT, ,
"""""'IB\' CJ.JU:1ItWI
. , .... 1U~a:t.L . . u.s, UoL'!"I1OO
B&Oft...,. 01' nA'" 01'
""" ftAn 01' _ JUllU.


nLDh lO!J7/01 .', ~ c. ...-muo. PJIO a:
Bt, AT'T'OJllI8' (;EtI~....... ,ot

nIS ....?nIIl ....VIIG 8UlI OClLf PHUlO,..:> TO TO ~ , If 'B OIl

n18 JOTI DIl' 01' 0C'l'08U;. lOOB. anD,
0UI1ltaD AI I"OU.C*S'

GIWfRlI DEniO ot1rIR

~""""PL'tA"y"" tIC I \ ( I ,
OETtlIl,llIIlf: ~ ILfOIaILU'"
Of' CloJroTDATZlI I'\IllStwrT 'l'O
L..l.....i....A U'I1-11

....... u."" pro ••• ~ C. _frio• • _ ........, l.n.
pre....... All _ . ."" . . .HuttOft, !s ....:>ce. i ...,.ioco
_ n.

1~ UOY of ,nr<l<1ub.... In .~ainn ~ hen. .,", of SUU,

.ina lI!tc~.U 'Idl. ('~"" fee"""'y') noordino the bOoll,"" to
.....,-.I _1<101 10 U. ro.... ~' GOo""...} Il-.:doc to boo Mold
". ,. _ : •• UU. AppoUSnt ...u ........:
~IU U"" SoOCnury .... hUlll >O!>.ot _ " . , . , _ 10 loOt
.U~ -.., _ L..L..I....t.o. ."u-n '" ~ ..... ~ t
. .rlfle. .i . . of ue _UHe.U..... for ofUco of \.be ~ . . joe
put, .. udlclat. . f .... '~I_t 'It tile WaN '~te
~U'" In ("lICCah") ond k."",~ 111 Ob_ C"or.--), 111
'l~ J_
order lor UM' " ..... or u . . . . . .Ol\dldo and U.l. n.~U",
010. . . of ....,.on to 0W'O'" "" NoH..... 10 t~lo .u... '

lIpOoeIUcaU,. "ppooUou pol... t . . . ~ foU_lot .........n.. A<!

pO.... ion .., u.. ....."..,
'"'" s.e.-.u..,.of ...... "'" hU. Ua.o.
olther-ata dayo "foro o"r abe'lon "" ..
ony ...... IOt.. ooai..... e<I 10 uy dl .
,..ltlO1' or ,.~ .... HUe... of
_noHor. or ..... """ "tl"" .,..Ufl.....
filed ..!to II. . uo to
. .-. .tId ~ . 0"",,"" zu. _
O'OtM f.....abUI
ond ..-.1 of
effloo. ...<1 10........ .... ,to club of !:be
_ r e I """"ti•• of <be ....... o:.. ~ .... of
'I! 'Wb geMl...... fllF yDqt " " Ulln
.l.hlp "K' C1l5mn " ' he tzy 'n sgl'tJ ... tg
nltl II 'w=h "KT'on. nh ...~n~, 10
04d101oo ~o UH' _ . or ~ ... cuclideO" tor
7n',(_~ ud. 1/1...·rr. . 1"",,~ "t olMl unl . ."
........ 1taD,J'...c!It..· . _ " 1 : l c l _ l "
..,. oad> 00.... U1". . . or peUU. . til "Itt
11.1.00• • ull coe.."" <l>e _ 1_
ot .11 _ r " .4.1d tbe o!U tor
""lc~ t""1' are opocu lr -s"o.• te<I. lOci
~I'HI _ . 01 the pe.... l •• by which Or ~h.
1'011011'.1 .ppeU.01oo u.... o< ""leb t/lO~ .re
roopoc~l... l1' -.looU<l. e,odlcl.~. . ~ ... I.o"
cUr.n11' by po~101 ltI>oot oU.ti""d ...
p011Hc.l _ n u 1 lIell 1>0 oortlU" ••
~ e.""lde~... ,I.-n... • .. ~--...
.tAll be _ . eon.1U.... """ !o",..,_. _

, e ...." . . l fOr U. 1lCC.1.a .ocI Obeao ".,...i,no _ro no01U .... "t ~h.

cop..I •• of .ppellen~·' _ c o .... tIlnN'...." _. ,. . .... _ro
pood.""1' "r u u _r9l0~ .ppllceU..... end
_r.l......... U.,....
l.Jo.... ot tbeor
OUlee ...u.......,.
~ _ ...
•• _c, l.Jo _".r.
'.",,'18M _.. ..
v.c.nc10. or. flll.d nb.lOqU.ndy • • coorMn~
to 1....

~Uont oonU"d. tb.O tbo pbr. . . "by 1. . . . in lL,L..S....6...

19,13_22 rdon to th. Fruid.nU.I c.ndid.t. . tlto....1>. . . nd
nnt to tMir .1.cOon or olto VOt.... .M oh.o tlt40 Ito,U'O
thUoby rlOqUiro. ,Ito . .ry to verity tn. 1.~U
qu.UUenionl of end 0b0l00 to ......... Pr. . ident.

In particulor. .WOn.", roil.. qu. . ti",," .bout

uod.r Artic1. n. S.cUon 1 ot tho Dnited S...... Con.tltuUon.
" on<! Ob
of ,n. ""ite<! S
r • •och ". n.turol llo"" Clthu. or • Citi .."
, .t tho ti_ of on• •dopeion nf [tn.
r.dord) conleituUon." A~IHI11.nt not. . tn.t .... ~"n •
• Ibeit to porentl ..tIC ... n b<><.b united S..... dohon•• on •
fe<l.rU IIiU . . ry be.o 'n thO ro"...... C.nU '''n. in 1936,
tlrritory"n not • p ....t ef tho unhod 'tlt. . . .non tn.
coutitution nUt oCopted. AppellO"t furtnor not. .
l"~blici<e<1 .llovotioni t~.• t Ob.... "",010 toehor .... not .n 01Ohen, .... b<>rn in Itony. or in Inder..I'o, nthor t.II."
tn. ltoto or Ro.. oH • •M tn", Ob. . . . . n.~cly h. . I>Ot .". .onted
nl. orl,in.1 b'rtn ".rtiU".to to ~ n t hi. c'th.n.h'p.
Ait""".n .P!I4'llant _ . not .clopt th... .ccu..tion. of
C1lqu.1l.f1Htion. n. contlnc. thot Oh.y >:*'.uiu ie.depend.".
in d ... l.on »y t"" ..".--tory, not..ith.t.ndin. tb.t IlcCd" onO
01> hove ""0" l1<&1."oeod .t tho "o.pectlv. "oei"""l conv.ntion.
of b<>th . .jor peliti""l porti•• 0:><1 or. "" tho •• norol .I.ctlon
!>ollote of tho other fOrty_nine .to,...
Uvin. ...",i_ 'weU."t·. olei... .nd tho ""itte"
_ d U o " nf tn. Attorn.y Genoul . . . . . . . . . .tilried thn
eplHln.nt hoo fol.le<l to dfloOn.tuu • lHolihcod of .""co..on
thO . ."lto o' hi. cl.1JoI. i""l"• hio 1ntocpr.Utio" of tho

s.c....ry •• r"""ti.... 1 ,,-.- L..L.LA... 1',13·21, .nd tn"o hi.
for UU.ord'nory 'njunctive . . H.~ en
not'on.l Oll'Ction ..,.t
t.II. .vo e' 0
be ..oj..,tl<l. CU"," Y 1>0919;'. '0 IL..oL.
126, 13: (1912). IIo""",,U •••""n..... hOe u.... uon.bly delOyod in
fiHn~ tho p .....". HtJ.V'Uoc "" OCt,,",," :7. 20OS • .mitn ori.o•
... t o' thO Secnto""1 .",ioo'l In cortifyi". .l•• tor. 'er 1Ie'Clic
."d 010_ on ' o p t _ r 22, 200•. lis ~ U,lJ_l0
tuqulri". cbjoet1on. to '.rtiUc.t.. 01 ,,"";notien for
",. . id.ntin Olectou to be fUod ..lthln four O.y. "I the HHn.
d. .dlin.) • .lu.....&1G. KcMenr'. Y Conln •• 1U ~ 'OS.
U~ (App. Di •. 2007). Ito 01.0 note th.t th.u 1. no
_ . U . t i " " of 1_.:11.,•• n<! 'r...poroblo h.... , ice..... h .. ""1
th.U.nv. to 'hi .ll'Cti"" r . .ulto Oln .... i t tho "OIIpletto" o~
'.",,'18M _.. ..
v.c.nc10. or. flll.d nb.lOqU.ndy • • coorMn~
to 1....

~Uont oonU"d. tb.O tbo pbr. . . "by 1. . . . in lL,L..S....6...

19,13_22 rdon to th. Fruid.nU.I c.ndid.t. . tlto....1>. . . nd
nnt to tMir .1.cOon or olto VOt.... .M oh.o tlt40 Ito,U'O
thUoby rlOqUiro. ,Ito . .ry to verity tn. 1.~U
qu.UUenionl of end 0b0l00 to ......... Pr. . ident.

In particulor. .WOn.", roil.. qu. . ti",," .bout

uod.r Artic1. n. S.cUon 1 ot tho Dnited S...... Con.tltuUon.
" on<! Ob
of ,n. ""ite<! S
r • •och ". n.turol llo"" Clthu. or • Citi .."
, .t tho ti_ of on• •dopeion nf [tn.
r.dord) conleituUon." A~IHI11.nt not. . tn.t .... ~"n •
• Ibeit to porentl ..tIC ... n b<><.b united S..... dohon•• on •
fe<l.rU IIiU . . ry be.o 'n thO ro"...... C.nU '''n. in 1936,
tlrritory"n not • p ....t ef tho unhod 'tlt. . . .non tn.
coutitution nUt oCopted. AppellO"t furtnor not. .
l"~blici<e<1 .llovotioni t~.• t Ob.... "",010 toehor .... not .n 01Ohen, .... b<>rn in Itony. or in Inder..I'o, nthor t.II."
tn. ltoto or Ro.. oH • •M tn", Ob. . . . . n.~cly h. . I>Ot .". .onted
nl. orl,in.1 b'rtn ".rtiU".to to ~ n t hi. c'th.n.h'p.
Ait""".n .P!I4'llant _ . not .clopt th... .ccu..tion. of
C1lqu.1l.f1Htion. n. contlnc. thot Oh.y >:*'.uiu ie.depend.".
in d ... l.on »y t"" ..".--tory, not..ith.t.ndin. tb.t IlcCd" onO
01> hove ""0" l1<&1."oeod .t tho "o.pectlv. "oei"""l conv.ntion.
of b<>th . .jor peliti""l porti•• 0:><1 or. "" tho •• norol .I.ctlon
!>ollote of tho other fOrty_nine .to,...
Uvin. ...",i_ 'weU."t·. olei... .nd tho ""itte"
_ d U o " nf tn. Attorn.y Genoul . . . . . . . . . .tilried thn
eplHln.nt hoo fol.le<l to dfloOn.tuu • lHolihcod of .""co..on
thO . ."lto o' hi. cl.1JoI. i""l"• hio 1ntocpr.Utio" of tho

s.c....ry •• r"""ti.... 1 ,,-.- L..L.LA... 1',13·21, .nd tn"o hi.
for UU.ord'nory 'njunctive . . H.~ en
not'on.l Oll'Ction ..,.t
t.II. .vo e' 0
be ..oj..,tl<l. CU"," Y 1>0919;'. '0 IL..oL.
126, 13: (1912). IIo""",,U •••""n..... hOe u.... uon.bly delOyod in
fiHn~ tho p .....". HtJ.V'Uoc "" OCt,,",," :7. 20OS • .mitn ori.o•
... t o' thO Secnto""1 .",ioo'l In cortifyi". .l•• tor. 'er 1Ie'Clic
."d 010_ on ' o p t _ r 22, 200•. lis ~ U,lJ_l0
tuqulri". cbjoet1on. to '.rtiUc.t.. 01 ,,"";notien for
",. . id.ntin Olectou to be fUod ..lthln four O.y. "I the HHn.
d. .dlin.) • .lu.....&1G. KcMenr'. Y Conln •• 1U ~ 'OS.
U~ (App. Di •. 2007). Ito 01.0 note th.t th.u 1. no
_ . U . t i " " of 1_.:11.,•• n<! 'r...poroblo h.... , ice..... h .. ""1
th.U.nv. to 'hi .ll'Cti"" r . .ulto Oln .... i t tho "OIIpletto" o~
_ w.

tbe .11K~"', "lid ~ elKton ..111 ll<>t ............... t U. Cl..,toul

C",11_ ...~ dl OllC_r n. J~OI . . . ~ ..,t. n. I I,
.uL..A1.IlI J ll...L..l:....l I 7 ("'!'Il4o .1IKOon 01 ...... l ... n. oDd .lce
u . . ldut of uch UAn ,hall _t aft<! ,he 'booi .... <>t•• Oft the
Urn lIOII<loy -'"r 'M •..,011<1 ........._ , In !>IoC_r ".••
foll .....l'" t.lItth: ._1"........ Ot .""b pt.e. la • ..,10 fun .....~.
le,I"I.'=- of • ....,10 'un "Jr.oll (IUte'."I.

~ puloUc \.:>....... I"
..,itl... ,I"" UM ~_ o~ U. ,,1..::u- CaM
all _ r l y ••ocU'" aIld UN Dal.,...

p"'atu, of &\111-...... of NllO" -...I Uot nt.l..l"" of
lMUotl "l-rU<lTl. .....~l.a11l.1J ... i,h
_11.00". cblM t .... r.lhf.

'1""11, .... tOX.. 11> pOO.ollIl UU• •1a11ar Htlllnl"" in the

1,,<1<0...1 """'-ro.. oIl.aU..., a , UM ...._d... q"~.1tHc.Uo... for
"IH.,. 01 -=,,11:1 ..... _ 1'>0." - . , ~"Uo"'J "'"..,.;<I..
~l. :kL.
t....L.. Is-v" _ . _ .t.......SlI.ii 1d • Cirtl ""ti 01-
nil. 100' ... U91t11 (1.0. . . . . OCt. "Ii: ZUlli .." r ..
III L.....IlillIl.. 1. U (II ••••• 2~'" ~ .Q...L. .IIIU.o.
Ill, 110<10 ~ •• I . . "" . . . . by . . AprIl 10, HI'1""u.
'."daria, til••• IO/:Col" to " " .. ennl born (Ula",,· uo.".. ArU"le
It. keU"" I or t.tIoo \l1IHe<I ~u ... eon.dtud .... llco-.pon.o~. .,
loner aU., b1 ..r.....o. _1.
_U..,.. ·• ....J.OOI lor l.... .... .,,..1 u.. _ •• luy·,
dl"'lood 1nect.ioIl ie ,,"flied ..... hie _~90~" .pplicnlO11 i..

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