Cuyler Larry Garnet 1972 Mexico

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Village Evangelism In Mexico


December 1971
field address Jenuary 1972
Apartado Postal 111
Matehuala, S. L. P., < . ^'
Dear Friends in Christ, ^
403 ^
V \
Larry &Garnet are please<^ to hnnounce the.^foption^pf a baby
^^fton, Indiana girl. She is legally iheirs and they haVeNaamedi^r Luisa Garnet I
The boys are ddlighted with a baby sister* She is 7 months old
now and was very sick when they got her. Little Luisa's daddy
family, which includes 5 boys, so her mother was trying to
416 w? washtogtoiT^st! support the family working as a maid. She earns a day. It
407i""' just didn't seem to go around 2 The Cuylers are very thankful that
God sent them this added blessing. It is hard to imagine the poverty
SPONSORING CHURCH situation for those like Luisa's mother--she didn't want to give her
First Church of Christ baby awayshe just didn't have a choice. The situation for the
Biirffton, Indiana poor in towtt IS just as bad as it is in the villagesor worse.
The poor in town can't even have animals or a small garden. Larry
Garnet have seen naked children and old women digging in and
/! ' eating out of the garbage cans down by the market.
w ' V/
<yj ' 'V y /j' We 're so thankful for Christians like you who are willing to send
' these people. Maybe their physical needs will never
V V met, but if they're willing to listen and obey, many will spend
y 'y}' eternity where they will hunger and thirst no more.
C vf
rf ^
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V >
At the end of this year we want to thank you for the many, many ways
you have encouraged, supported and lifted up Larry, Garnet and the
C i;\ /' There were times when maybe it was your doUare, or your
Yr letter, or your prayer that helped them through a difficult time. As
. V their forwarding agents, it has been a truly inspiring yeari We receive
jj Y blessings in our "work" I We've been to the mission field and seen
p L Larry and Garnet at workwe know the sacrifices they have made and the
, exhausting pace they keepbecause Larry fears there is not enough time
y;' reach everyone, before the Lord returns, with the massage of God's
y salvation plan to all who will accept it. It's a real privilege for
us to share, in a small way, the work of a young couple who love God
with all their being] And it works the other way, too, we've worked
with you. The letters, calls and churches we've visited convinces us
that the very "cream of the crop" of Christians are praying and support
ing the Cuyler family. It really thrills us to know that there are so
many mission-minded Christians who really take God at His Wordi We can
never adequately thank you for all you've done this past yearbut we
do look forward to another year with you.
Please continue in your prayers. It is our prayer that you will continue
to send and support our missionaries, and that this year, you will each
lead someone else to ChristTogether we can change the world 2
In Him,
Village Evangelism In Mexico
Apartado Postal HI Dear Frionds.
Matehuala, S. L. P., y
November 1971 V
Thanks so much for your support for the Cuyler family. They
STATES ADDRESS are vsry pleased with the pragress being made both in the villages
403 w. Mmer St. and in Matehuala.
Bluffton, Indiana
Larry is now holding services in their house on Sundays. During
FORWARDING AGENTS the WGek he visits the villages. He is visiting, again this month,
w"'*\iSswni^n"st" mountain village of Siberia, where the communists threw stones
Bi^fton, Indiana at them last year. They also recently visited another mountain
village and were the first Americans to enter either of these villages,
These mountain villages can be reached only by horse o.r mules. They
must travel 3 hours by truck, then k hours by animal to reach them.
First Church of Christ
sprtog St., at Clark Ave. But they have evidence that the communists have been there (they have
46714 seen the written propaganda)" and Larry is determined to reach these
people with the message of Christ before Satan has conplete control!
The other missionaries at Sandia Chico are very busy, too, both in
the medical work and the evangelism.
The Lowell Tate family visited with us for a short while before start
ing back to Mexico. They brought us a list of V.B.S. items and pattern
to be prepared by groups or individuals here and then sent to Mexico
for the missionaries to use in the vi3J.ages this summer. If you can
help in this way, please write for the list.
Garnet sent a list of a few needs, if you are planning to send a box:
1. powdered milk 5* disposable diapers
2. band aids 6. dishes, pots and pans (to
3. telfa pads be used by summer recruits)
U. T.V. trays 7, pencils
We ^e especially grateful to the Harris Prairie Church of Christ for
their gift of the master ad^dresser. It certainly is a time-saver!
These are the same wonderful Christians who print and mail their newsletter.
Garnet asked us to remind you to pray for them and said they will write
a newsletter soon. We hope that many of you will take the time to write
to Larry and G^net during the coming holiday season. It is a lonely
time for our missionaries so far from loved ones. Yet they count it
a privilege to serve our Lord. Thanks for all you do!
In Christ,
William & Jleamo-it
February - 1972
Dear Friends:
Once again it's past time to let you know of the
many ways God has been working and helping us
here. We never cease to be amazed by the way He
works in our lives and those with whom we are
working. First of all, we say Thank /ou. to all of
you who are supporting us financially and with
your prayers. We know that without your prayers,
love, concern, and financial help, the many won
derful things that have been accomplished would
not have been possible.
This summer we held VBS in the ranches;
j.u, I over 1,000 people were reached with the
tfA'1 word of Christ. Our hope is that many of
these people will accept Jesus. We thank
all of you who sent items to help us
with our VBS. In October we started
holding evangelistic services in the
villages. We have been showing film-
strips, along with preaching servi
ces. Our attendance has been from
50 in the smallest village to 200 in
the larger ones, resulting in 5 baptisms.
Lowell and Brenda Tate, and Celestina,
one of the Mexican Christians have start
ed holding services in two other new vil
lages . We baptized a man in one of the
illages about a year ago, but were un-
ble to hold regular services, in that
village, because of lack of personnel.
Apartado Postal 111
Now, Lowell and Brenda have taken up much of the slack, as they help
with evangelism and the farming at Sandia Chico.
^ a-*"
We are now planning to star-Tt h^ Bjble- T.HStirtut.e^.^y help the people to
learn more about the Bibl^f^'^' Jim Mick, who. has-'-sdrved the Lord three
years in Chile, is our di^atox.. One" df 'the Mexican men and myself are
the teachers. Instead of students coming to us, we plan to go to them.
At the end of two years' study, the students will receive a certificate.
Our hope is that these people will be abT- to take over in their own
villages, and that some of the men will become elders and deacons. We
hope that each of you will pray for the Institute and the Jim Mick fami
One day last summer, we came to Matehuala & learned there was to be a
Fair in July. Each businessman was to set up a booth and display the
things he sells in his store, or to display cattle, etc. Several
businessmen asked us to set up a Bible Booth at the Fair; it cost us
$40. At first we thought it was rather expensive, but as more and more
of the people thought that we should and showed much interest, we
finally decided to set up the booth. When we went to purchase the booth
it was the last one available. We decorated it with Bible pictures,
crepe paper, and construction paper. The booth was called "The Bible".
For many years, people in Mexico have been told that they should not
touch the Bible or study it; some believed it was forbidden. Consequent
ly, many of the people have had no contact with the Scriptures. They
became very interested in our booth. As a result, it served as a first
step in leading the people to Christ. Because of the interest of the
people. Garnet's health, and the children's education, tjptn
moyjs^^ to Ma 1a - We discussed it with our forwarding agent, and he is
"pfeparea to explain to anyone wanting more information. The move was
not to leave the work in the villages, but rather to help them become
more independent. We are now having Bible studies with the people here
in Matehuala. Two of the men from Matehuala went with me to Siberia
just after Christmas. We had a wonderful service with over 100 present,
and it served as a good opportunity for the two men to learn more about
One of the men here in Matehuala asked us why we didn't start a Bible
Bookstnrp. He said that the young people arc able to find all sorts of
filthy literature, but there is very little decent literature available.
He said it would be a service to him and his people, if we would do our
best to bring decent literature to Matehuala. Thus, we decided to starti/
a Bible Bookstore. A building has been located and shelves ordered, but
we still lack donations to supply the bookstore.
Our health has been greatly improved since coming to Matehuala. Garnet
has gained 20 lbs., and the children are growing and gaining weight.
We now have our own baby girl. Her father left her mother before she
was born, as he has married in the U.S., and wasn't assuming any respon
sibility for his family here in Mexico. The mother was only making 48c
a day and was unable to take care of the baby. She was 7 months old,
very, very thin, and had large boils all over her body when we got her.
But with Garnet's tender care she is now 8 months old, and doing very
We thank God for His blessings and once again want to thank each of
you. Please do continue to pray for us and the work, both at Sandia
Chico and Matehuala. It is our hope that God continues to bless you as
you serve Him.
Love in Christ,
ioAAy Caytvi
P,S. Larry and an eighteen-year-old convert, Senorino Rodriguez, will
be attending THE 1972 :'DRTHMEN FELLOWSHIP, and will be speaking
during the Northmen Meeting. The dates for THE NORTHMEN this year
are August 1, 2, 3 in the northwoods of Michigan.
For information, write to:
The Northmen
R.R. #3
Big Rapids, Michigan 49307
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Forwarding Agents for the Cuylers are:
Mr. and Mrs. William Leamon
416 W. Washington St.
Bluffton, Indiana 46714
Please send any gifts for the Cuylers to Mr. and Mrs. Leamon. Checks
should be made out to: Village Evangelism in Mexico
{/liiaaQ Ci/anaQtl
(j2__ C[/(Zn(jQL LSm
Apartado Postal 11 I
Matehuala, S.L.P., Mexico
Dear Christian Friends,
March 2, 1972
We are very grateful to the Harris Prairie Church of
Christ for printing and mailing this extra newsletter,
following so soon the one from Larry and Garnet. As
forwarding agents, we have never used this means of
communicating with the Cuylers' friends and supporters,
but feel this is the best and quickest way to inform
you of Larry's serious illness. We had no idea he was
sick at the time of the printing of the last newsletter.
Not long after Larry returned from the Yucatan with
Bill Miller and A1 Hamilton (from Mission Servioes) and
Bill Dykes, he became very ill. He had a high fever
and was delirious he fainted 3 times in one day.
Naturally Garnet was alarmed and Dr. Dillard Griffith
was called from Sandia Chico. He felt that Larry need
ed to be taken to the hospital in Montemorelos, so he
flew both he and Garnet there.
After talking with Garnet on the phone. Bill (Leamon)
made necessary arrangements and flew to Monterrey,
Mexico. Decision would need to be made as to what was
best, and where Larry should be treated. They talked
with the doctors and were told the results of all their
tests showed that Larry has both typhoid & para-typhoid
fever! And they believe he has had it since at least
June or July. They said he was also physically exhaus
ted. When Bill returned home 3 days later, Larry was
still very sick, but the doctors were hopeful of a full
and complete recovery. We don't know how long the re
cuperation will take - it may take months - and he must
be careful, lest he suffer a relapse. Bill and Garnet
and the other missionaries, agreed that he should stay
in Mexico, as he was receiving excellent care.
The doctors indicate that Garnet will be able to take
care of him, so that they can cut down on hospital ex
penses. If Larry is well enough to travel in a couple
of weeks, they hope to go to the Mexican Christian Con
vention in Mexico City. After that, the Lord willing,
they will stay on a few days, to rest. We know that
Garnet's hardest job in caring for him the next weeks &
months will be to keep him from "over-doing"! They
have never taken a vacation or furlough without a hec
tic schedule of travel and speaking trips, so such a
trip is long overdue.
Friends, March 9th marks the completion of 7 years on
the mission field for Larry and Garent and their family
This is not the first time one of them has faced death
because they give their ALL for Christ. They have both
served the Lord with love and zeal to the point of
physical exhaustion and asked not for the praise of man
or material gain, but only to do the will of God.
We ask your earnest prayers for both of them and your
continued support. It would be a real encouragement
for Larry during this time, to hear from you and to
know you have been praying for him and the Lord^s work.
Yours in Christ,
Kitt and Ruby Ldjmon
Larry and Garnet's address is given on the front page
of this newsletter. Cards and letters to them will go
for 8<?, regular mail - or llC, air mail.
Financial gifts should be sent to Mr. & Mrs. William
Leamon, 416 W. Washington St., Bluffton, Ind. 46714
Dateline March 9, 1972
Just as we finished typing the above letter, we re
ceived word that Larry has been released from the hos
pital, and is doing very well much better than the
doctor expected!
The doctor wanted Larry to take a year's rest but
Larry said he couldn't do that, but has agreed to take
3 months to rest and will try to do as little as possi
We Thank God An6u}2Acd ?Aay2Ail
Apartado Postal 111
Matehuala, S. L. P.,
403 W. Miller St.
Bluffton, Indiana
Bill and Ruby Leamon
527 West Ohio Street
Bluffton, Indiana
First Church of Christ
Spring St., at Clark Ave.
Bluffton, Indiana
Village Evangelism In Mexico
August 1972
Dear Friends,
xnarJc you so much for your financia help for the Cuyler family,
lour support and encouragement are a real source of strength for
^oth Larry i Garnet. They are also aware and often mention how
much they appreciate your prayers and letters.
The whole Leamon family Just returned from visiting them in ^%xico.
Bil.< Jr. (15 yrsc); Bruce (13 yrs.); Brenda (11 yrs.); and Arnie (3
a^l enjoyed being there and after a visit to the village where
Arnie'o family lives, much more thankful for the blessings God so
graciously gives to us. Even after seeing so many pictures of the place,
being there is still a shocki The living conditions are so bad and
they didn't seem to be as well this year as they have been in the past.
te took some medicine with us from Larry's doctor here in the U.S. and
he was feeling much better than he has at any time while they were here
or for months before. Larr.y paces himself well and has rested, too, so
in a short while he is hopeful that he can do more. The attendance at
Sunday services have been 29 and he has been holding Saturday and Tues.
night Bible study for men. They are very encouraged by the attendance
and faithfulness. Larry also started a Bovs' ig
fully sanctioned by the city of :ateijuaigr''^J^athon U'iSon^Jo is there
helping from here in Bluffton, has takAWerJ^ teams,
ihis is really slum-area evangelism and j^ov-idesthe'T^itTf an open door
to these families, tfter they returned to exico, Garnet and Paula
Leininger, from waldron, "achigan, delivered 2 babies. T%ither Garnet
nor Larry are in good health. ;e always ask for your prayers for them,
but now x^e urge you to pray for them DAILY! Please pr^ for their health,
for their children and most of all for the Lord's work. It must continue!
Tne devil works so hard and time is so short. PL -SE, please PRAY!
Sometime, when we don't have much to report on the Cuyler's (ha) we'll
tell you vjhat it's like to "blow" a radiator 1$ miles below the border
If: you haven't already heard a tale of woe like that before!
nolo Lnst to your faith, pass on thg Word to someone else!
you for caring about those who are forever lost!
God bless
Yours in Christ,
Apartado Postal IH
Matehuala, S. L. P.,
403 W. Miller St.
Bluffton, Indiana
Bill and Ruby Lcamon
527 West Ohio Street
Bluffton, Indiana
First Church of Christ
Spring St., at Clark Ave.
Bluffton, Indiana
Village Evangelism In Mexico
September 1972
Dear Friends,
Ive are asking for your continued prayers for the Cuyler family.
Though Larry's health is improving. Garnet has just had tests run
in tfexico City and 2 tumors and an enlarged spleen showed up in the
initial tests. She is in considerable pain, but returned to Hatehu-
ala to get the boys started to school. They are all fine and Lisa is,
too. This is Timmy's first year of school and he is really excited
about it 1 Garnet will return to the hospital (Sept. 18) for more tests
and possibly surgery. IVe ask you to keep her in your daily prayers.
She wants to begin a lad^^'s stud^ group and also teach some of them
how to make American desserts. There are also some ladies who are too
poor to go to the hospital for delivevy of their babies, so she will do
that, too, when her health permits. Both Larry and Garnet are eager
to be working for the Lord and certainly need our prayers I
Will you forgive us for writting about us this month? We just have
to share with you the joy that is ours today I After 3 years of legal
red tape and some extremely emotional times, today Arnie became our
heir, equal to our other 3 children, by his adoption decree being made
finali In our hearts, he has been our son from the day he came to us
at two months of age. Garnet delivered Arnaldo on ^ay 23^ 1969 and
about $ weeks later his mother died, With no mother and the extreme
poverty conditions, the Grandmother was not able to care for him, so
they asked Cuylers to watch him. They were getting ready to come to
the U.S., so they obtained legal custody of him and brought him here.
We asked to take care of him while they traveled on their speaking tour.
He wasn't well (when they went to get him from his Grandmother,he was
being fed dirty tea water and wore a dirty blue rag), so vje brought him
home and our lives haven't been the same since! Then we began a long
process of obtaining permission from his dad (legal custody 1 yr. and
adoption the next),not being able to get him out of exico that first
year, then his dad changed his mind about our having him, he got sick
and nearly died, so his dad agreed again. Then we had the long ordeal
with the immigration department and now, finally, his adoption!! We
were investigated, fingerprinted and filled out more forms than I care
to re ember (now we are on the naturalization forms!) I wish I could
write it all in detail, but as Bill tells the churches, and I the ladies'
groups we visit, at no time was it in OUR hands, we had to trust that
God would take care of things, be can't tell you the joy our little
guy has brought to our lives ! ive KWOi. that nothing is impossible for
God, as that word was used many times in our long ordeal, be think we
have endured much to have him wear our name--"Leamon", then we are
reminded of the price Jesus paid so that we can wear His name"Christ
ian',' It's not even comparable, but we're so thankful we can wear it!
Thanks for all of your help!
Yours in Christ Jesus,
h ^LLSm
September - 1972
Dear Friends and Families:
It has been so long since we*ve written, that it
is hard to know where to begin telling you about
all that has happened I
First, we wish to say "Thank Vou" and "God 6-^2^4
att 0^ you", who have been so kind and generous in
sharing your homes, etc, with us, while we visited
the U.S. We also say "Thank you" to all who have
helped us and the Lord^s work through your prayers
finances, love, concern, material gifts, etc. Each
thought and deed are so much appre
ciated .
Most of you know that I, (Larry)
had a bout with typhoid-Xever in
January, and was hospitalized in
Montemorelos, Mexico for that. I
was sick again, when we were in the
U.S., and was hospitalized there,
too, and had to cancel most of my
speaking engagements. Tests showed
T.B. of the kidney and I am still
taking medicine for this. I am
feeling much better, and we are so
grateful for your prayers for my
The new work in town seemed so
much different at first. We loved
and missed the work in the villages
& the people and the other mission
aries. Now that we are better
Apa r tado Posta1 111
Matehuala,S.L.P,,Mexi co
adjusted to being in town, we love the work and the people very much.
/ I am working with 2 little league ball teams and playing on a team.
/fhs has proved to be a great help in the evangelism as the players from
/ All 3 teams are invited to Sunday services and Saturday night Bible
/ /classes. The Saturday night Bible classes last from 8:30 p.m., until as
/ / late as 2:30 a.m. The interest is great, and the men really enjoy the
( I Bible Study and discussions. When we moved to Matehuala 1 year ago, we
VI began Sunday services with an attendance of 6 people. Now we have be
tween 19 to 30 each Sunday.
Garnet has been teaching a Bible class to the children on Sundays.
Incidentally, she needs flannel graph material. She will be starting a
ladies group - teaching both Bible Study, and how to cook American des
serts, These will begin as soon as she is well enough to start them.
At the time of this writing, we are in Mexico City waiting for the re
sults of some X-rays and blood tests. She has been quite sick, and it
is believed she may have another tumor. Please remember us in prayer.
The ^o^s and Liza are fihe"^ "All 3 boys are in school this year. This
is Timmy^s first year and he is really excited.
Oh, how we wish you could see the suffering and poverty among the peo
ple here. We are happy to report that there has been a lot of rain this
year-, so that our rural ranch friends can grow more and better crops.
Thus, they can feed their families a little better. When we were living
in the rural village, we really hadn't noticed the poverty in the cities
so much. It seems to be as bad, or worse here in town as it is in the
rural areas. As you know, there isn't much government aid for the peo
ple here. In most cases there is none. There is no A.D.C., etc. There
are more people here than there are jobs. Many of the people are so
malnourished, deformed and diseased (T.B., etc.) that many can't work if
they find jobs. We have found much the same problems nutritionally and
medically here, as we did in the ranches. Each day several women and
children come to our door, barefoot and sores on their bodies, begging
for food. We do try to give each one something nourishing to eat. Some
will ask for jobs, such as shining shoes, dumping trash, washing the car
cleaning the yard, etc., in exchange for food. Some beg money to buy
medicines. Many of the poor people in town learned we had done a medi
cal work in the ranch, and came asking for medical help. We always re
fused to treat them, but instead, helped them buy their prescriptions a:
paid for the doctor. The reason we refused to treat them, was because
there are many doctors in town, and we were afraid they would not appre
ciate our working in this way.
Then, simultaneously some business men, including some doctors and us,
came up with an idea. We began talking to several doctors, asking them
for their cooperation in treating the poor. The doctors here will al-
most never treat free. So, we asked if we could treat ONLY those whom
we knew were too poor to pay a doctor. Those who had complications too
( big for us to handle, we'd take to the various doctors here in town, and
we (Cuylers), and some of the business men would help pay for their
care, ALL of the doctors said it was a good idea and ALL would cooperate
with us 100%, even loaning us hospital rooms, etc., if we would do the
work. So, the medical work will continue here in town. It will be much
easier for us here than out there, because:
(1) Facilities are better (electricity, telephones, etc.)
(2) More doctors available
(3) More medicine available (closer)
(4) Better food conditions
(5) Better schools for children
(6) Medical work will NOT have to be done in our home.
Already 2 babies have been delivered since we arrived back from the U.
S. Several others are scheduled for this Fall. We have found the medi
al work an excellent way to reach souls for Christ. Filemon's little
boy, Manual, had his feet operated on and is doing very well. Please
remember Sebastian in your prayers. He has been suffering from crippling
arthritis, but still faithfully continues in the Lord's work in the
Our new home should be completed before Christmas. It is located on
the outskirts of town, and we have 8 acres ojf-land. I have already
brought the cows inI ' -
This afternoon we received some results of Garnet's X-rays and blood
tests. She will be going into the hospital September 18th, for more ex
tensive tests and possibly an operation. Please remember her in your
prayers. She wants to go home now, to get the boys started to school,
before returning. One tumor was seen in the X-rays and there is also an
enlarged spleen. The medical bills have been very high this summer, and
we thank all of you who so generously meet these expenses! May God
richly bless all of you!
Yours in Christ,
LaMAy, GoAmt, and Att
Please see back page - -
6^09^ 'OMI 'roMim
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FORWARDING AGENTS for the Cuylers are: Note thetr change
of address
Mr. and Mrs, William Leamon
527 W. Ohio
Bluffton, Indiana 46714 Phone: 1-219-824-2262
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Cuyler
Apartado Postal 111
Matehuala, Mexico, S.L.P.
Cards and letters can be sent to them for same postage as
in the United States please do not send money directly
to them.
All gifts for the Cuylers should be sent to Mr. & Mrs. Leamon.
Checks should be made out to: Village Evangelism in Mexico
Apartado Postal 111
Matehuala, S. L. P.,
403 W. MUler St.
Bluffton, Indiana
Bill and Ruby Leamon
527 West Ohio Street
Bluffton, Indiana
First Church of Christ
Spring St., at Clark Ave.
Bluffton, Indiana
Village Evangelism In Mexico
Noveiriber 1972
Dear Friends of the Cuyler Family,
This is truly a month of Thanksgiving! Five people from
Matehuala have accepted Christ and been obedient to Him in
Christian baptism!-.. One..of these was Timmy Cuyler, the others
were those Larry has been teaching. He reports that seve^ al
others are close to making their decision for Christ.
There has also been a wedding since we wrote last. Dr. and ffrso
Max Wilson are announcing the marriage of their son Jonathon (Joto)
to a Jfexican Christian girl. They were married October 18, first
at a civil service (according to Mexican law), then in the after
noon Larry performed the Christian service in the Cuyler home.
Garitet baked a wedding cake and naturally Larry preached the Gospel
to the guests! He wouldn't miss an opportunity like that, nor would
Joto want him to! Joto and Aurelia have a small apartment in
Matehuala and are working with Larry and Garnet to win souls for
Ctoist. This young couple has already been inviting people into
their home to witness to them and invite them to services. He
has quickly learned the language and feels that right now the Lord
is leading them to continue to serve Him in Misxico. Joto's family
IS planning to visit them and the Cuylers in December. As you
pray for the Cuyler family, will you also remeniber this Christian
young couple as they seek God's will in their lives?
Larry and Garnet are planning to go to the border (Eagle Pass)
on December 20th. They have to renew their papers. If you have
a^thmg to send to them, we advise you to send them very soon, so
that they can pick them up at that time.
As we give thanks for the blessings and souls won in Mexico, we
never cease to give thanks for you who make it possible. The Lord
uses you in a mighty way^and not until "The Roll is Called Up
Yonder will you see how much He has used you to further His Kingdom,
Thanks for each gift and each prajnsr.
In His Service,

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