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Environmental Services Solicitation TFTP-EW-990899-B (Refresh #15 !

oc"ment 1#
Complete this form and all attachments as re!ired in the instr!ctions "elo# and s!"mit to $SA eOffer%
Path#a& to S!ccess Certificate
Path$a%s to S"ccess trainin& is a free online co"rse accessi'le at the (en)or S"**ort +enter at
htt*,--vsc.&sa.&ov "n)er the (en)or Trainin& ta'. This is a man)ator% trainin& co"rse that each offeror m"st
com*lete $ithin 1/ months of s"'mittin& an offer. 0f the Path$a%s to S"ccess Trainin& is not availa'le via the
(en)or S"**ort +enter at the time the offer is s"'mitte)1 this re2"irement $ill 'e $aive) '% 3S4.
4n em*lo%ee of the offeror $ho is an a"thori5e) ne&otiator for this offer has com*lete) the Path$a% to
S"ccess trainin& $ithin the *ast %ear1 an) a co*% of the trainin& certificate is s"'mitte) in e6ffer.
4s of the )ate the offer is s"'mitte)1 the Path$a%s to S"ccess Trainin& is not availa'le via the (en)or
S"**ort +enter.
A'ent A!thori(ation Letter
6fferors "tili5in& the services of a thir) *art% to ne&otiate on 'ehalf of the offeror m"st s"'mit an a&ent
a"thori5ation letter i)entif%in& the a&ent(s )esi&nate) to re*resent the offeror. 3S4 $ill not contact an% thir)
*art% i)entifie) as an a"thori5e) ne&otiator $itho"t an a&ent a"thori5ation letter an) $ill not acce*t an% offers
s"'mitte) '% a thir) *art% a"thori5e) ne&otiator $itho"t a si&ne) 4&ent 4"thori5ation 7etter. 4ltho"&h an
a"thori5e) ne&otiator ma% s"'mit an offer on 'ehalf of the offeror1 at a minim"m one of the offeror8s a"thori5e)
ne&otiators m"st have a vali) )i&ital certificate to access e6ffer1 or si&nificant )ela%s ma% occ"r in the
*rocessin& of the offer. 6fferors shall confirm the follo$in&,
The offeror has not )esi&nate) an% a&ents o"tsi)e the offeror8s or&ani5ation to re*resent the offeror on
this offer.
The offeror has )esi&nate) an in)ivi)"al $ho is not an em*lo%ee of the offeror as an a"thori5e)
ne&otiator an) has *rovi)e) a si&ne) a&ent a"thori5ation letter in e6ffer "sin& the format *rescri'e) in
!oc"ment 1/. 9
4t least one a"thori5e) ne&otiator1 $ho is an em*lo%ee of the offeror an) $ho has a'ilit% to si&n a
contract on the offeror8s 'ehalf1 has a vali) )i&ital certificate an) is familiar $ith 3S4 e6ffer.
CCR ) ORCA Re'istrations
Each offeror m"st re&ister at the +entral +ontractor Re&istration (++R an) 6nline Re*resentations an)
+ertifications 4**lication (6R+4 $e'sites at $$$.'*n.&ov-ccr an) $$$.orca.'*n.&ov1 res*ectivel%.
Pa&e 1 of 1#
Environmental Services Solicitation TFTP-EW-990899-B (Refresh #15 !oc"ment 1#
The offeror confirms that 'oth ++R an) 6R+4 re&istrations are c"rrent as of the )ate the offer is
s"'mitte) an) reflect the :40+S co)e(s ali&ne) $ith the S0:(s offere)1 an) the *rinto"ts of these
)oc"ments are attache).
:6TE, 0f ++R an) 6R+4 re&istrations are not s"'mitte) or are e;*ire)1 or )o not contain the :40+S
co)e(s for the S0:(s offere) at the time the offer is s"'mitte)1 the offer $ill 'e re<ecte).
Pre*io!s MAS Contract Cancellations and+or MAS Offer Re,ection Letters
The offeror has not ha) an% *revio"s =4S Sche)"le contracts cancelle) or =4S offers re<ecte) $ithin
the *ast / %ears.
The offeror has ha) one or more *revio"s =4S contracts cancelle) $ithin the *ast / %ears.
=4S +ontract :"m'er(s,
The offeror has ha) one or more =4S offers re<ecte) '% 3S4 $ithin the *ast / %ears1 an) has s"'mitte)
a co*% of re<ection letter(s an) an% attachments to the re<ection letter(s *rovi)e) '% the 3overnment1
s"ch as an offer revie$ chec>list.
C!rrent $SA M!ltiple A#ard Sched!le -MAS. Contracts
The offeror )oes not have an% c"rrent 3S4 =4S contracts.
The offeror has one or more =4S contracts c"rrentl% a$ar)e)1 as follo$s,
+ontract :"m'er(s,
:ote, 0f %o" have a c"rrent 3S4 =4S contract1 ens"re that the 3S4 4)vanta&e file is *oste) an) is
c"rrent1 acc"rate1 an) com*lete1 *rior to s"'mittin& an offer "n)er this Sche)"le.
Other Pendin' MAS Offers
The offeror )oes not have an% other c"rrent =4S offers 'ein& eval"ate) '% 3S4.
The offeror has one or more =4S offers "n)er eval"ation '% 3S41 as follo$s,
Sche)"le(s offere),
The 3S4 +ontract S*ecialist(s eval"atin& the offer (name an) *hone n"m'er,
Pa&e / of 1#
Environmental Services Solicitation TFTP-EW-990899-B (Refresh #15 !oc"ment 1#
/inancial Statements for Pre*io!s 0 1ears
Financial statements (incl")in& 'alance sheets an) income statements for the *ast t$o %ears are
The firm has e;*erience) net losses in one of the t$o *ast %ears1 or has other ne&ative financial
information ()elin2"ent ta;es1 active s"its or liens1 etc.. The offeror has attache) a )etaile) e;*lanation
re&ar)in& the ne&ative financial information an) $hat if an% ste*s have 'een ta>en or are 'ein& ta>en to
a))ress the sit"ation (attach e;*lanation to this )oc"ment.
:ote, Personal or cor*orate income ta; )oc"ments are not acce*ta'le to s"'mit in lie" of stan)ar)
financial statements. 4")ite) financial statements are *referre)1 '"t 3S4 $ill consi)er "na")ite)
statements if it is not the firm8s commercial *ractice to o'tain a")ite) financial statements.
:ote, 3S4 ma% re2"ire offerors $hose financial statements in)icate the firm )oes not have a)e2"ate
financial reso"rces to *erform "n)er a res"ltant contract to s"'mit a))itional financial information for
3S48s revie$1 s"ch as *roof of e;istin& lines of cre)it1 or com*letion of )oc"ments in con<"nction $ith
a *rea$ar) financial revie$ '% 3S48s Finance +enter. The 3S4 contract s*ecialist eval"atin& the offer
$ill notif% the offeror if a))itional financial information is re2"ire) an) $ill s*ecif% the information
Note: Offers not containin' the most recent t#o complete &ears of financial statements #ill "e
S!"contractin' Plan
The offeror has re*resente) it is a small '"siness for all S0:(s-:40+S offere) an) a s"'contractin& *lan
is not re2"ire).
The offeror has re*resente) it is an other than small '"siness for one or more S0:(s-:40+S offere) an)
a s"'contractin& *lan is re2"ire). The s"'contractin& *lan com*lies $ith the sam*le *rovi)e) in
!oc"ment ? an) is incl")e) $ith this offer.
:ote, 7ar&e '"sinesses1 non*rofit or&ani5ations an) e)"cational instit"tions1 re&ar)less of the n"m'er
of em*lo%ees or ann"al reven"es1 are a)vise) of the re2"irement to s"'mit a Small B"siness
S"'contractin& Plan (see +la"se 55/./19-?/1 incor*orate) '% reference.The 3overnment $ill revie$
each *lan to ass"re it is consistent $ith the *rovisions of this cla"se. S"'contractin& *lans are s"'<ect to
ne&otiations alon& $ith the terms an) con)itions of an% contract res"ltin& from this solicitation. The
offeror@s s"'contractin& *lan m"st 'e a**rove) '% the +ontractin& 6fficer *rior to a$ar).
Note: Offers from firms #hose CCR or ORCA indicate the firm is an other than small "!siness
for an& of the NAICS offered2 and do not contain a s!"contractin' plan as part of the offer2 #ill "e
Pa&e A of 1#
Environmental Services Solicitation TFTP-EW-990899-B (Refresh #15 !oc"ment 1#
Complete this form and all attachments as re!ired in the instr!ctions "elo# and s!"mit to $SA eOffer%
/actor 4: Corporate E5perience 66 Not to E5ceed T#o -0. Pa'es
7riefl& Address Each Element 7elo#%
Note: Offerors are re!ired to ha*e a minim!m of t#o &ears corporate e5perience in order to meet the
Corporate E5perience re!irements% Offers that do not demonstrate t#o &ears of corporate e5perience
#ill "e re,ected%
4% N!m"er of 1ears of Corporate E5perience Pro*idin' Ser*ices Rele*ant to the Solicitation:
0% Or'ani(ation8s Si(e2 E5perience in the /ield2 and Reso!rces A*aila"le to Perform Ser*ices:
9% Compan& 7ac:'ro!nd+7rief 3istor&:
;% Information That Demonstrates Or'ani(ational and Acco!ntin' Controls and Manpo#er
Presentl& In 3o!se or the A"ilit& to Ac!ire the T&pe and <inds of Personnel Proposed:
Pa&e B of 1#
Environmental Services Solicitation TFTP-EW-990899-B (Refresh #15 !oc"ment 1#
=% 3o# >ill 1o! >ill Mar:et Ser*ices to /ederal Clients and >ho >ill Perform These /!nctions?
@% Disc!ss The Ase of S!"contractors if 1o! Intend to Ase Them Ander a Res!ltant Contract% -If
Applica"le2 a Letter of Commitment is Re!ired to Co*er the Term of the Contract%.
Pa&e 5 of 1#
Environmental Services Solicitation TFTP-EW-990899-B (Refresh #15 !oc"ment 1#
/actor 0: Rele*ant Pro,ect E5perience 66 Limit of fo!r -;. pa'es per pro,ect e5perience
Complete one form for each pro,ect s!"mitted -cop& form "elo# and paste additional forms as needed.%
Pro,ects s!pportin' m!ltiple SINs ma& "e s!"mitted2 "!t m!st descri"e specific #or: related to each
Pro,ect E5perience forms are not re!ired for Ancillar& Prod!cts and Ser*ices%
S!"stit!tion /or Rele*ant Pro,ect E5perience: If pro,ect e5perience does not e5ist2 the offeror ma&
s!"stit!te rele*ant pro,ects of predecessor companies or :e& personnel #ho #ill "e performin' ma,or
aspects of the #or:% If the offeror chooses to ma:e s!ch a s!"stit!tion2 the pro,ect description narrati*es
m!st clearl& identif& the entit& and+or :e& personnel that performed the ser*ices% >hen s!"stit!tin' for
pro,ect e5perience2 the pro,ect SO>-s. m!st "e attached%
Project Experience No. (1, 2, 3, etc.) SIN(s) to which this project
Specific services being proposed under the SIN(s):
This project was completed within the last two years OR

Note: Pro,ects that #ere completed more than t#o &ears
prior to the date of the offer s!"mission #ill not "e
accepted "& the $o*ernment%
This project is an on'oin' contract #ith a "ase &ear and option
&ears2 or is a m!lti6&ear tas: order% At a minim!m2 the "ase &ear or
first &ear has "een completed%
Note: Projects that are in their base or first year and that year is
incomplete as of the date of the offer submission will not be accepted
by the Government.
Customer/Client Name:
Project Name/Contract Number:
Customer Point of Contact (POC) for Project:
POC's Current Phone Number and Email:
Project Performance Period (include
Dollar Value of the Entire Project:
Dollar Value Received for the Work Performed
Relevant to the SIN(s) Offered:
Brief Summary Of Project:
1o! m!st attach the Statement of >or: -SO>. for each pro,ect and cross reference each SO> to each
Pro,ect E5perience N!m"er%
Project Narrative:
A. Detailed Description of SIN relevant work performed and results achieved:
Pa&e # of 1#
Environmental Services Solicitation TFTP-EW-990899-B (Refresh #15 !oc"ment 1#
B. Methodology, tools, and/or processes utilized in performing the work:
C. Demonstration of compliance with any applicable laws, regulations, Executive Orders, OMB Circulars,
professional standards, etc.:
D. Project schedule (i.e., major milestones, tasks, deliverables) including an explanation of any delays.
E. Describe how the work performed is similar in scope and complexity to that described in the Statement
of Work (Part I of the Solicitation).
F. Demonstration of specific work experience and/or special qualifications detailed in the Statement of
Pa&e ? of 1#
Environmental Services Solicitation TFTP-EW-990899-B (Refresh #15 !oc"ment 1#
Work (Part I of this solicitation).
/actor 9: Past Performance
6fferor shall or)er an) o'tain a Past Performance Eval"ation from 6*en Ratin&s 0nc. (6R0. The Past
Performance Eval"ations are vali) for a *erio) of one %ear from the )ate of iss"ance '% 6R0. The s"'mission
of an eval"ation iss"e) more than one %ear *rior to the )ate of *ro*osal s"'mission $ill res"lt in re<ection of the
The offeror shall s"'mit one (1 co*% of the com*lete) Past Performance Eval"ation an) one (1 co*% of the
or)er form (incl")in& information on "* to /0 c"stomer references $ith its *ro*osal. 4 Cc"stomer referenceD
is )efine) as a *erson or com*an% that has *"rchase) services from %o"r firm. Fail"re to s"'mit the or)er form
an) the com*lete) eval"ation $ith the offer $ill re<ect in re<ection of the *ro*osal. 6fferor is a)vise) to "se
references from *ro<ects involvin& services relate) to this solicitation an)-or those *erforme) "n)er the
a**ro*riate :40+S co)e(s relate) to the services offere). 0f these references $ere not *rovi)e) to 6R01 *lease
e;*lain $h% in the narrative section 'elo$,
The offeror shall a))ress an% ne&ative fee)'ac> containe) in the 6R0 re*ort. E;*lain $hat actions %o"r firm has
ta>en to minimi5e the *ro'lems that res"lte) in ne&ative fee)'ac> in the narrative section 'elo$,
Pa&e 8 of 1#
Environmental Services Solicitation TFTP-EW-990899-B (Refresh #15 !oc"ment 1#
/actor /o!r: B!alit& Control C Not to E5ceed T#o -0. Pa'es
S!"mit one narrati*e re'ardless of the n!m"er of SINs offered% Address each of the follo#in' items to
demonstrate &o!r firmDs capa"ilities in satisf&in' all !nderl&in' re!irements listed "elo#%
1. Describe the internal review procedures which facilitate high quality standards in the
2. Identify the individuals who will directly supervise or review projects specifically
regarding quality control.
3. State whether or not subcontractors are used and if subcontractors are used describe
the quality control !easures the offeror uses to ensure acceptable subcontractor perfor!ance.
Pa&e 9 of 1#
Environmental Services Solicitation TFTP-EW-990899-B (Refresh #15 !oc"ment 1#
". Describe how your fir! handles potential proble! areas and solutions.
#. Describe the procedures for insuring quality perfor!ance while !eeting urgent require!ents.
$. Identify the strategies your fir! will i!ple!ent to !anage and co!plete !ultiple projects for !ultiple
agencies si!ultaneously.
Pa&e 10 of 1#
Environmental Services Solicitation TFTP-EW-990899-B (Refresh #15 !oc"ment 1#
Complete this form and all attachments as re!ired in the instr!ctions "elo# and s!"mit to $SA eOffer%
4: $SA8s Pricin' $oal
6fferor ac>no$le)&es that all *rices s"'mitte) are f"ll% '"r)ene) rates incl"sive of all cost factors (e.&.1
)irect la'or1 in)irect la'or1 3E41 *rofit1 an) 0FF.
0: Pricin' Str!ct!re
Offerors m!st select onl& ONE of the follo#in':
6ffere) *ricin& is 'ase) on the offeror8s c"rrent commercial *ractices an) the offeror maintains a
c"rrent1 )ate) +ommercial Price 7ist (+P7. The )ate) +P7 is incl")e) in the offer. (F4R /.101, (i
C+atalo& *riceD means a *rice incl")e) in a catalo&1 *rice list1 sche)"le1 or other form that is re&"larl%
maintaine) '% the man"fact"rer or ven)or1 is either *"'lishe) or other$ise availa'le for ins*ection '%
c"stomers1 an) states *rices at $hich sales are c"rrentl%1 or $ere last1 ma)e to a si&nificant n"m'er of
'"%ers constit"tin& the &eneral *"'lic
6ffere) *ricin& is 'ase) on the offeror8s c"rrent commercial *ractices an) is 'ase) on commercial
mar>et *ricin& *er F4R /.101. (This incl")es internal *rice sheets. (F4R /.101, (ii C=ar>et *ricesD
means c"rrent *rices that are esta'lishe) in the co"rse of or)inar% tra)e 'et$een '"%ers an) sellers free
to 'ar&ain an) that can 'e s"'stantiate) thro"&h com*etition or from so"rces in)e*en)ent of the
9% Doc!ment E C Pricin' Proposal Template
6fferor has attache) a com*lete) co*% of !oc"ment 81 Pricin& Pro*osal1 for all offere) la'or
cate&ories-services1 classes1 an)-or *ro)"cts1 an) certifies that all information *rovi)e) on !oc"ment 8
is c"rrent1 acc"rate1 an) com*lete.
NOTE: $SA #ill re,ect offerors #here it is apparent2 thro!'h s!pportin' doc!mentation or
si'nificant mathematical errors2 that the Doc!ment E is not c!rrent2 acc!rate2 or complete%
;% Domestic and O*erseas Rates
Offerors m!st select onl& ONE of the follo#in':
6fferor is offerin& )omestic rates onl% an) )oes not inten) to *erform an% services o"tsi)e the Fnite)
Pa&e 11 of 1#
Environmental Services Solicitation TFTP-EW-990899-B (Refresh #15 !oc"ment 1#
6fferor is offerin& the same *rices for la'or cate&ories-trainin&-*ro)"cts offere) re&ar)less of $hether
the% are )omestic or overseas.
6fferor is offerin& se*arate rates for )omestic an) overseas $or> an) has la'ele) the *ricin&
s*rea)sheets accor)in&l% an) has incl")e) them in the offer.
=% C!stomer /acilit& or Contractor /acilit&
Offerors m!st select onl& ONE of the follo#in':
6fferor is offerin& one set of rates that a**lies $hether $or> is *erforme) at the +"stomer8s Facilit% or
+ontractor8s Facilit%.
6fferor is offerin& se*arate rates for $or> *erforme) at the +"stomer8s Facilit% or +ontractor8s Facilit%
an) has la'ele) the *ricin& s*rea)sheets accor)in&l%. The s*rea)sheets are incl")e) in the offer.
@% Ind!strial /!ndin' /ee
The offere) rates incl")e a 0.?5G 0n)"strial F"n)in& Fee (0FF an) the offeror has rea) an)
ac>no$le)&es the re2"irements of cla"se 55/./A8-?B1 0n)"strial F"n)in& Fee an) Sales Re*ortin&.
NOTE: Offers that do not contain the I// in the prices #ill "e re,ected%
F% Economic Price Ad,!stment
Offerors m!st select onl& ONE method "elo# to appl& to a res!ltant contract:
6fferor maintains a )ate) +ommercial Price 7ist (that is1 a *rice list of all services-*ro)"cts offere)1
availa'le to the *"'lic1 s"ch as *oste) on the firm8s $e'site or in a *"'lishe) catalo&. The offeror
ac>no$le)&es that economic *rice a)<"stments "n)er a res"ltant contract $ill 'e tie) to cla"se 55/./1#-
?01 Economic Price 4)<"stment H FSS ="lti*le 4$ar) Sche)"le +ontacts (SEP 1999 (47T 0 H SEP
6fferor maintains commercial mar>et *ricin& an) re2"ests that economic *rice a)<"stments "n)er a
res"ltant contract $ill 'e tie) to cla"se 0-FSS-9#9 H Economic Price 4)<"stment H FSS ="lti*le 4$ar)
Sche)"le (I4: /00/1 *ara&ra*h (' (1 (a)<"stments 'ase) on escalation rates ne&otiate) *rior to
contract a$ar). The re2"este) ann"al escalation rate is JJJG (not to e;cee) solicitation ma;im"m
i)entifie) in *ara&ra*h ()(B of the cla"se. The offeror has s"'mitte) s*rea)sheets sho$in& the
re2"este) ann"al escalation rates for the 'ase contract *erio) an) all o*tion %ears. The offeror certifies
that the ann"al escalation rate re2"este) conforms to its historic *ricin& escalation *ractices an) a&rees
to *rovi)e the 3overnment a))itional s"**ortin& )oc"mentation1 if re2"ire).
Pa&e 1/ of 1#
Environmental Services Solicitation TFTP-EW-990899-B (Refresh #15 !oc"ment 1#
6fferor maintains commercial mar>et *ricin& an) re2"ests that economic *rice a)<"stments "n)er a
res"ltant contract $ill 'e tie) to cla"se 0-FSS-9#9 H Economic Price 4)<"stment H FSS ="lti*le 4$ar)
Sche)"le (I4: /00/1 *ara&ra*h (' (/ (a)<"stments 'ase) on a&ree)-"*on *"'licall% availa'le mar>et
in)icator. The re2"este) *"'licall% availa'le mar>et in)icator is Gofferor insert information hereH.
:ote, for *rofessional services1 the most commonl% "se) mar>et in)icator is the B"rea" of 7a'or
Statistics Em*lo%ement +ost 0n)e; (E+01 Ta'le 5, +om*ensation H :ot Seasonall% 4)<"ste) H
Em*lo%ment +ost 0n)e; for Total +om*ensation1 for Private 0n)"str% Wor>ers1 '% 6cc"*ational 3ro"*
an) 0n)"str%. 6fferors select the occ"*ational &ro"* or in)"str% that is most relevant to the services
covere) '% this solicitation. 6fferors ma% access the c"rrent B7S E+0 at $$$.'ls.&ov1 an) searchin&
for CE+0D or CEm*lo%ment +ost 0n)e;.D
E% La"or Cate'or& Descriptions
Offerors m!st select onl& ONE of the follo#in':
6fferor has attache) a list of all offere) la'or cate&ories1 $hich matches all offere) la'or cate&ories
i)entifie) in !oc"ment 81 an) *rovi)e) a )etaile) *osition )escri*tion for each la'or cate&or%. 4ll
offere) *osition )escri*tions incl")e f"nctional res*onsi'ilities1 minim"m %ears of e;*erience1
minim"m e)"cational-)e&ree re2"irements1 an) an% a**lica'le trainin& or certification re2"irements.
The firm has *rovi)e) its commercial *ractices for s"'stit"tin& e;*erience for e)"cation.
6fferor is not offerin& an% la'or cate&oriesK ho$ever1 an% fi;e)-*rice) services1 *ro)"cts1 or trainin&
co"rses offere) contain a )etaile) )escri*tion of all elements covere) in the offere) *rice.
I% Tra*el
6fferor ac>no$le)&es that an% travel $ill 'e han)le) in accor)ance $ith cla"se +-FSS-A?01 +ontractor
Tas>s-S*ecial Re2"irements (:6( /00A. The offeror ac>no$le)&es that costs for trans*ortation1
lo)&in&1 meals an) inci)ental e;*enses inc"rre) '% the contractor in *erformance of s*ecific tas> or)ers
are allo$a'le s"'<ect to limitations containe) in the Fe)eral Travel Re&"lation an)-or Ioint Travel
Re&"lations. +osts *ertainin& to travel are not incl")e) in the *rices offere)1 an) $ill 'e offere) at the
tas> or)er level onl% as a**lica'le.
4J% Commercial Sales Practices /ormat -CSP.
6fferor has com*lete) an) s"'mitte) the +SP1 incl")in& a )isc"ssion of an% )eviations to commercial
*ricin& offere).
Pa&e 1A of 1#
Environmental Services Solicitation TFTP-EW-990899-B (Refresh #15 !oc"ment 1#
Rationale for Estimated Sales
The +SP re2"ires the offeror to i)entif% estimate) sales "n)er a res"ltant contract. Provi)e a 'rief
e;*lanation 'elo$ as to ho$ the offeror arrive) at its estimate) sales (for e;am*le1 'ase) on *rior or
c"rrent fe)eral sales1 or realistic e;*ectation of sales if no *rior or c"rrent fe)eral sales e;ist.
44% /air and Reasona"le Pricin' Narrati*e
Offerors m!st select onl& ONE of the follo#in':
The *rices offere) to 3S4 are e2"al to or 'etter than the offeror8s )esi&nate) =ost Favore)
+"stomer(s1 an) there are no commercial sales )eviations that $o"l) res"lt in a commercial c"stomer
receivin& rates lo$er than the offere) 3S4 rates.
The *rices offere) to 3S4 are not e2"al to or 'etter than the *rice offere) to the firm8s )esi&nate) =ost
Favore) +"stomer(s1 an) a narrative is *rovi)e) 'elo$ that f"ll% e;*lains the offeror8s rationale for
*ro*osin& hi&her rates than those *rovi)e) to the =ost Favore) +"stomer(s1 an) )emonstrates $h% the
3S4 *rice is still fair an) reasona'le. 4n% )eviation from an offeror8s commercial sales *ractices is
e;*laine) incl")in& the circ"mstances s"rro"n)in& an) fre2"enc% of the )eviations.
40% Pricin' Doc!mentation
6fferor has s"'mitte) *ricin& )oc"mentation for E4+L *ro*ose) service-*ro)"ct (e.&.1 each la'or
cate&or%1 *ercenta&e 'ase) fee1 etc. S"**ortin& )oc"mentation ma% consist of co*ies of invoices1
contracts1 2"ote sheets1 etc. 0nvoices or other s"**ortin& )oc"mentation are clearl% mar>e) an) tie to
the offere) items in !oc"ment 8. Where there is not a clear relationshi* 'et$een the s"**ortin&
)oc"mentation an) !oc"ment 81 the offeror has *re*are) an) attache) a cross$al> ma**in& the
s"**ortin& )oc"mentation to the offere) items on !oc"ment 8.
NOTE: Offers lac:in' clear and rele*ant pricin' doc!mentation #ill "e re,ected%
Pa&e 1B of 1#
Environmental Services Solicitation TFTP-EW-990899-B (Refresh #15 !oc"ment 1#
49% Professional Compensation Plan
6fferor has com*lete) an) incl")e) in its offer a Professional +om*ensation Plan settin& forth salaries1
an) frin&e 'enefits *ro*ose) for the *rofessional em*lo%ees $ho $ill $or> "n)er the contract in
accor)ance $ith +la"se 5/.///-B#1 Eval"ation of +om*ensation for Professional Em*lo%ees.
Note: Indi*id!al compensation disclos!re is not re!ired% S!"mission of 'eneral compensation
practices often printed in an emplo&ee hand"oo: is s!fficient%
4;% Ancompensated O*ertime
The offeror has incl")e) in its offer a co*% of the offeror8s *olic% that a))resses "ncom*ensate)
overtime in accor)ance $ith cla"se 5/./A?-10 (see !oc"ment 5 for the f"ll te;t of this cla"se.
4=% Repair and Alternations -Onl& Applica"le to Solicitations J9/AC and EF; V.
The offeror has rea) the a**lica'le cla"ses an) ac>no$le)&e) it $ill com*l% $ith the cla"ses sho"l) an%
tas> or)ers 'e *lace) a&ainst a res"ltant contract for these services.
4@% Ser*ice Contract Act:
The offeror has rea) an) ac>no$le)&es the re2"irements *ertainin& to the Service +ontract 4ct (S+4
*"rs"ant to cla"ses 5/.///-B11 5/.///-B/1 5/.///-BA1 an) 5/.///-B91 '"t is not offerin& an% la'or
cate&ories that are covere) '% the !e*artment of 7a'or !irector% of Service 6cc"*ations. The offeror
"n)erstan)s its o'li&ations to com*ensate its em*lo%ees in accor)ance $ith the *revailin& $a&e
)etermination for an% $or> *erforme) '% an% of its em*lo%ees "n)er a res"ltant contract or tas> or)er
*lace) a&ainst the contract for services covere) '% the Service +ontract 4ct.
The offeror has rea) an) ac>no$le)&es the re2"irements for Service +ontract 4ct (S+4 *"rs"ant to
cla"ses 5/.///-B11 5/.///-B/1 5/.///-BA1 an) 5/.///-B91 an) f"rther verifies that all *rices offere) for
la'or cate&ories covere) '% the S+4 meet or e;cee) the S+4 $a&e )etermination rates an) frin&e
'enefits for the areas $here the offeror e;*ects to *erform the ma<orit% of $or> "n)er the contract.
SCA Eli'i"le La"or Cate'ories and SCA Matri5
0n accor)ance $ith *rovision S+P-FSS-00/1 items 1# (iii thro"&h (vi1 the offeror has attache) an S+4
7a'or +ate&or% 7ist sho$in& all la'or cate&ories *ro*ose) that are s"'<ect to S+4 an) an S+4 =atri;
Pa&e 15 of 1#
Environmental Services Solicitation TFTP-EW-990899-B (Refresh #15 !oc"ment 1#
sho$in& the a**lica'le S+4 Eli&i'le 7a'or +ate&or%1 S+4 E2"ivalent +o)e Title1 an) Wa&e
!etermination :"m'er follo$in& the sam*les *rovi)e) in the *rovision.
SCA Eli'i"le La"or Cate'ories Economic Price Ad,!stment
There are three methods for determinin' price ad,!stments of SCA eli'i"le la"or cate'ories% Select
#hich method #ill appl& to a res!ltant contract -select onl& ONE method.:
Price a)<"stment for the 'ase contract *erio) an) all o*tions e;ercise) shall 'e in accor)ance $ith cla"se
5/.///-BA1 Fair 7a'or Stan)ar)s 4ct an) Service +ontract 4ct Price 4)<"stment (="lti*le Mear an)
6*tion +ontracts. When a mo)ification is iss"e) to all contract hol)ers incor*oratin& a revise) in)e;
of $a&e )eterminations1 contractors shall notif% the +ontractin& 6fficer of an% increase-)ecrease
claime) "n)er cla"se 5/.///-BA $ithin A0 calen)ar )a%s after recei*t of the mo)ification.
4n escalation metho) is ne&otiate) *rior to a$ar) in accor)ance $ith the cla"se 0-FSS-9#91 Economic
Price 4)<"stment FSS ="lti*le 4$ar) Sche)"le (see 0tem ? a'ove.
When the offere) *rices are 'ase) "*on a commercial *rice list1 then onl% revisions in the commercial
*rice list $ill ena'le the contractor to revise *rices. The contractor $ill onl% 'e allo$e) increases in
accor)ance $ith cla"se 55/./1#-?01 Economic Price 4)<"stment FSS ="lti*le 4$ar) Sche)"le
+ontracts (See 0tem ? a'ove.
Pa&e 1# of 1#

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