Section B7 Steel Reinforcement For Structures

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Steel Reinforcement for Structures

Steel Reinforcement for Structures
B7 01 Scope
The work covered by this Section of the Specification consists in furnishing all plant,
equipment, material and labor and in performing all operations in connection with steel
reinforcement, complete, subject to the terms and conditions of the Contract and in strict
accordance with this Section of the Specification, the Drawings and the directions of the
Engineers !epresentative"
B7 02 Standard specifications and test methods
Steel reinforcement for structures shall consist of hot rolled steel bars, cold worked
steel bars, deformed bars#hot rolled or cold worked $can be ribbed or twisted steel bars ,
respectively%, hard drawn steel wire and steel fabric reinforcement as shown on the
Drawings and reinforcement schedules"
E&cept as modified by this Specification, the following standard specifications and test
methods shall govern in all cases and reference must be made accordingly to the 'ritish
Standard (nstitutions listed publications"
'S Code of )ractice C)((* )art ( $+,-.% The Structural /se of Concrete"
'S000, $+,1,% 2ot rolled steel bars, etc "
'S001+ $+,1,% Cold worked steel bars, etc"
'S003. $+,1,% 2ard drawn mild steel wire, etc"
'S0034 $+,1,% Steel 5abric, etc"
'S0011 $+,1,% 'ending dimensions and scheduling of bars, etc"
'S6077 $+,-3% Steel" concrete and composite bridges
8enerally steel reinforcement will be in accordance with 'ritish Standard but where
stated on the Drawings or in the Special Specification of )articular 9pplication steel
reinforcement to other Standards will be permitted"
B7 03 aterials
9ll mild steel bars shall consist of round steel of cross sectional area, weight and
density, process of manufacture, chemical composition and quality as specified in the
appropriate 'ritish Standards in Clause '- 7. as follows"
+" 2ot rolled mild steel bars and hot rolled high yield bars shall comply with the
requirements of 36000, $+,1,%"
." Cold worked steel bars shall comply with the requirements of 36001+ $+,1,%,
4" 2ard drawn mild steel wire shall comply with the requirements of '6003. $+,1,%,
0" 2ot rolled or cold drawn deformed bars are bars which have been so shaped that
their bond with concrete e&ceeds that of a plain round bar" The bond strength of
deformed bars, as defined in 36000, $+,1,% and 36001+ $+,1,%, shall e&ceed that of a
plain round bar by 07 per cent or more when tested in accordance with 'S Code of
)ractice C) ++7 )art + $+,-.% 9ppendi& E"
Deformed bars can be ribbed or twisted for hot rolled or cold worked steel bars
B7 1
Steel Reinforcement for Structures
6" Steel fabric reinforcement shall comply with the requirements or 'S0034 $+,1,%,
and shall be delivered +7 the Site in flat mats"
1" (n the case of bars complying with the requirements of 'S000,$+,1,% or
'S0001+$+,1,% the Contractor shall provide a certificate confirming that samples, taken
from the bars delivered to the :orks, pass the rebend test" The frequency of sampling
and the method of quality control shall be in accordance with Table 0 and Clause .7
respectively of these 'ritish Standards"
T!B"E B7#1
T'pe and Si(e
Characteristic )ield
inimum Elon*ation
2ot !olled 'ars 8rade .67
9ll si;es
.677 ..
2ot !olled 'ars 8rade 017<0.6
1mm up to = inc+" +1mm
0177 +.
2ot !olled 'ars 8rade 017<0.6
*ver +1mm
0.67 +0
Cold :orked 'ars
/p to = inc+" +1mm
0177 +.
Cold :orked 'ars
*ver +1mm
0.67 +0
2ard Drawn >"S" :ire
/p to = inc+"
0367 #
B7 0- Construction re.uirements
l" /eneral0 (n general bar lists and bending schedules with diagrams will be included
in the Contract Documents, but the Contractor shall be responsible for satisfying himself
of the correctness of all detail in accordance with the Drawings and the quantities, before
placing orders"
." $rotection of aterials0 Steel reinforcement shall be protected at all times from
damage and when placed in the structure shall be free from dirt, loose mill scale and rust
scale, paint, oil or other foreign substance"
4" Bendin*0 !einforcement shall be bent to the dimensions given in the 'ar Schedules
which shall comply with 'S0011 $+,1,%"
9ll reinforcement shall be bent at temperatures in the range of 6?C to +77?C"
Cold worked bars and hot rolled high yield bars shall not be straightened or bent again
once having been bent" :here it is necessary to bend mild steel reinforcement projecting
from the concrete, the internal radius of bend shall be not less than twice the diameter of
the bar"
B7 2
Steel Reinforcement for Structures
0" $lacin*0 !einforcement shall be placed and firmly maintained in the position shown on
the Drawings" /nless otherwise permitted by the Engineers !epresentative, all bar
intersections shall be tied together and the ends of the tying wire shall be turned into the
main body of the concrete" diameter stainless steel wire shall be used for in#situ
members having e&posed soffits" +@1mm diameter soft annealed iron wire shall be used
Ao splices shall be made in the reinforcement e&cept where described in the Contract
or where approved by the Engineers !epresentative"
6" Co1er Bloc+s0 )recast concrete cover blocks required for ensuring that the
reinforcement is correctly positioned shall be as small as possible consistent with their
purpose of a shape acceptable to the Engineers !epresentative and designed so that they
will not overturn when the concrete is placed"
The blocks, which may be reinforced, shall be short enough to permit their ends to be
covered with concrete" The use of pebbles, pieces of broken stone or brick, metal pipe
and wooden blocks will not be permitted" !einforcement in any member shall be placed,
inspected and approved before any concrete is placed" Concrete placed in violation of
this provision will be subject to removal"
They shall be made of concrete with +7mm ma&imum aggregate si;e and the mi&
proportions shall comply with Table '3<1 of Clause '3 7- to produce the same strength
as the adjacent concrete" Tying wire complying with the requirements of Clause '- 70#0
shall be cast in the block for the purpose of tying it to the reinforcement"
The use of purpose made asbestos#cement spacer blocks will be permitted subject to
the approval of the Engineers !epresentative and that they are of adequate contact area
to ensure that they do not punch into the formwork" The use of plastic spacer blocks will
not be permitted"
1" 2eldin*0 !einforcement in structures shall not be welded e&cept where permitted in
the Contract" 9ll welding procedures shall be subject to the prior approval of the
Engineers !epresentative in writing and shall comply with any appropriate sections of
Clause 3+770#-"
B7 03 easurement
9ll steel reinforcement be measured by the computed weight of all metal actually in
place as shown on the Drawings and as listed in the bar lists, or as ordered additionally
by the Engineers !epresentative" Ao allowance will be made for finishers form blocks,
wire clips or other fastenings, which must be furnished by the Contractor as and where
ordered by the Engineers !epresentative" :hen laps are made other than specified in
Clause '- 70#0 no allowance will be made for the e&tra steel required" :hen steel is
required at construction joints which are not shown on the Drawings and which are
permitted for the ContractorBs convenience, no allowance will be made for the additional
steel required"
5or the purpose of computing weights or steel reinforcement, the following Table '-<.
shall be used"
The availability of various si;es of steel bars will vary according to the country in which
the steel is manufactured, so consequently there could be minor variations in weight<meter
and cross sectional area" The payment to the Contractor for steel bars shall therefore be
based upon the weights in the following Table '-<., unless the Special Specification for
B7 3
Steel Reinforcement for Structures
)articular 9pplication or a decision by the EngineerBs !epresentative permits a
variation in the allowance for weight per linear meter"
T!B"E B7#2
$"!IN RO4N& 5 &E%ORE& STEE" B!RS
1 7 @ .34 7 @ ... .6 0 @ ,7, 4 @ 360
3 7 @ 674 7 @ 4,6 .1 6 @ 47, 0 @ +13
+7 7 @ -36 7 @ 1+1 .3 1 @ +63 0 @ 340
+. + @ +4+ 7 @ 333 47 - @ 71, 6 @ 60,
+0 + @ 64, + @ .73 4. 3 @ 70. 1 @ 4+4
+1 . @ 7++ + @ 6-, 40 , @ 7-, - @ +.-
+3 . @ 606 + @ ,,3 41 +7 @ +-, - @ ,,+
.7 4 @ +0. . @ 011 43 ++ @ 40+ 3 @ ,74
.. 4 @ 37+ . @ ,30 07 +. @ 611 , @ 310
.0 0 @ 6.0 4 @ 66+ 67 +, @ 146 +6 @ 0+4
B7 08 $a'ment
)ayment for steel reinforcement will be made at the price tendered per metric tone for
Steel !einforcing 'ars and steel fabric in place"
)ayment for steel reinforcement and steel fabric shall include the cost of furnishing,
fabricating and placing the reinforcement" Ao allowance will be made for clips, wire or
other material used for fastening reinforcement in place"
B7 4

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