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ousgrove School ulsLrlcL

ulglLal Learnlng
LnvlronmenL (ulLL)
owerfu| Learn|ng for a Chang|ng Wor|d by
8u||d|ng a 21
Century Learn|ng Lnv|ronment that |s
k|gorous, Mean|ngfu| & ke|evant
SLraLeglc Coal
1echno|ogy as a 1oo| for
1each|ng & Learn|ng:

lncorporaLe approprlaLe,
purposeful and eecuve
Lechnology Lools Lo supporL
lmplemenLauon of Lhe sLandards
based currlculum.

ulsLrlcL Comprehenslve lan
now do we create a r|gorous, re|evant,
student-centered |earn|ng env|ronment
that beuer prepares a|| students for the
now do we prov|de dynam|c |nstrucnon
|n order to estab||sh an exemp|ary
schoo| commun|ty?
now do we engage students |n the
|earn|ng process necessary for co||ege
and career read|ness?
ulLL ls aL lLs Core
noL a 1echnology lnluauve,
lL ls an lnsLrucuonal lnluauve!

1he A Common Core dened Lhe
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D|g|ta| L|teracy - Lhe ablllLy Lo communlcaLe wlLh an ever-
expandlng communlLy Lo dlscuss lssues, gaLher lnformauon,
and seek help,
G|oba| L|teracy - Lhe capaclLy Lo read, lnLerpreL, respond,
and conLexLuallze messages from a global perspecuve
1echno|ogy L|teracy - Lhe ablllLy Lo use compuLers and oLher
Lechnology Lo lmprove learnlng, producuvlLy, and
V|sua| L|teracy - Lhe ablllLy Lo undersLand, produce and
communlcaLe Lhrough vlsual lmages,
Informanon L|teracy - Lhe ablllLy Lo nd, evaluaLe and
synLheslze lnformauon.

ulLL denes Lhe
ln a 21
CenLury Classroom
lnformauon ls abundanL and
SLudenLs musL be
acuvely engaged.
ConLenL musL be relevanL Lo Lhe
real world.
SLudenLs musL learn Lo work
SLudenL feedback musL be used Lo lmprove lnsLrucuon.
Are We 8eady?
We've been preparlng for Lwo years!

" Weve made and continue to make the needed infrastructure

" Our laptop cart (mobile lab) usage patterns are changing and no
longer sufficient to meet demand.

" Weve permitted use of student-owned devices in classrooms &
overnight laptop loans with successes in the margins.

" Weve participated in readiness seminars and joined with a coalition
of districts in Montgomery, Berks and Lehigh Counties with 1:1
programs where we discuss best practice and learn from others further
down the road.
Are We 8eady?
We've been preparlng for Lwo years!

" We now have a professional development infrastructure and
resources in place.

" We have teacher and student digital leadership teams and together
have done site visits.

" We are launching our first Pottsgrove-developed and taught full time
online course.

" We have strong principal buy-in.

" We are already providing 1:1 learning for every student who walks
out of our door in favor of cyber charter schools.

AnuclpaLed CuLcomes
! Plgher levels of sLudenL engagemenL as measured by sLudenL self-
reporung, Leacher and prlnclpal observauon
! ln comblnauon wlLh professlonal developmenL, shls ln lnsLrucuonal
and assessmenL pracuces as measured Lhrough prlnclpal observauon
and Leacher self-reecuon and performance uslng SAM8 & uanlelson's
! ln comblnauon wlLh currlculum allgnmenL wlLh Common Core,
lmproved sLudenL ouLcomes on varled assessmenLs of learnlng
! More blended (onllne & face-Lo-face) learnlng opporLunlues and fewer
sLudenLs seeklng oLher educauonal opuons
rofesslonal uevelopmenL
1he CCSS were deslgned Lo prepare sLudenLs wlLh 21
cenLury skllls & rely heavlly on
Lhe use of Lechnology. Some of Lhe assessmenLs wlll be oered dlglLally.
Lmlly LlebLag, unlverslLy of vlrglnla
Apple ersonnel worked
wlLh PS faculLy
CpporLunlLy Lo
express concerns
lmpacL of Lechnology use
ln lnsLrucuonal plannlng
Cnllne learnlng resources
ousgrove unlverslLy
Lmbedded professlonal
Weekly Lech lnLegrauon
App sharlng
Lecuveness lan
olnLs Lo Conslder 8egardlng CosLs
! Sav|ngs |n method|ca| trans|non from trad|nona| textbook to e-resources and |oca||y generated
! Near 5100,000 cost oset through the renrement of a current |ease
! oss|b|e reducnon |n cyber charter schoo| tu|non costs (|f we can even reduce costs by 20, we
can cover our annua| recurr|ng costs or AkC of a 1:1)
! keducnon |n pr|nnng costs
! 2ero percent |ease hnanc|ng
! S|gn|hcant one-nme oset through transfer of newer equ|pment from secondary to e|ementary
! Impact on tota| d|str|ct budget |s 0.42 or 51.12 per parnc|panng student per day.
CosLs & Cpuons
AkC for Iu|| 1:1 Dep|oyment -
9-12 Laptops]6-8 |ads
oset of renr|ng |ease. 1ota|
budget |mpact of 5264,20S
per year

AkC for arna| Dep|oyment -
|ad 7-8, Laptops 9

< 5100,000 NC1 INCLUDING
oset of renr|ng |ease. 1ota|
budget |mpact of 50 per year

A8C Lo replace aglng equlpmenL
and lncrease access ln elemenLary
schools assum|ng fu|| 1:1

$0 (1oLal A8C $364,203) or
budgeLary lmpacL of $264,203
A8C Lo replace aglng equlpmenL
and lncrease access ln elemenLary
schools assumlng parna| 1:1

$313,340 (1oLal A8C $313,340) or
budgeLary lmpacL of $213,090
If we do not |nc|ude the nS, we |ose the oset created by transferr|ng a|| mob||e |aptop |abs from nS and a mob||e |ad |ab from MS to the e|ementary d|v|s|on,
reduc|ng the rea||zed sav|ngs between fu|| 1:1 parna| 1:1. D|erenna| w||| vary depend|ng upon a|ternate dep|oyment scenar|o se|ected for fund|ng.

lf deploy grades 7-9, w||| the D|str|ct comm|t to add capac|ty each year unn| we ach|eve a 7-12 1:1 ??

lf we slmply replace Lhe reurlng lease aL same level, we can meeL Lhe refresh schedule ln Lhe elemenLary dlvlslon buL provlde no addluonal access for elemenLary
or secondary.

ulerence beLween full and parual lmplemenLauon, as descrlbed, ls approx. $31,113 per year

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