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Vulture Locust
Ryan Bartek [vocals/guitar/bass]
Nathan Pogue [percussionist warmachine]

1 Resolution Of A Conflict // when push comes to shove and order falls to ruin // when the
bow breaks and the fires arise // when leeches dry and the cowards tremble // when total eclipse
blackens the sky // no recourse no solution resolution solved by violence // demonize
propagandize criminalize destabilize // nationalist corporatist terrorist cataclyst // tailored lies
for armageddon criminalized autonomy // no recourse no solution resolution solved by violence
// when push comes to shove and order falls to ruin // when the bow breaks and the fires arise //
when leeches dry and the cowards tremble // when total eclipse blackens the sky // demonize
propagandize criminalize destabilize // nationalist corporatist terrorist cataclyst cataclyst
2 Home Invasion // oppression regression abduction execution // a police state is a state where
the government exerts absolute control over an entire mass population suspending law by
emergency military totalitarian // exerting complete control over every civilian when the system
fails to function order through the barrel of a gun // oppression detention abduction execution
regression submission eviction invasion // curfews imposed throughout the nation secret police
outweigh the courts clandestine tribunals when collapse is widespread // tear gas used to
subdue crowds annihilation of habeas corpus exerting complete control when the system fails
to function // home invasion
3 I Remember Building 7 // the shadow of the past is the shadow which holds us hostage //
injustice of the past echoes of a brighter lost age the deception of yesteryear the truth of their
damnation controlling the strings of fear the basis of our nation // closed your eyes on 911 but i
remember building 7 // deny the crimes of 911 i remember building 7 // the shadow of the past
the shadow that holds us hostage the injustice of the past the glory of our nation // closed your
eyes on 911 but i remember building 7 // deny the crimes of 911 i remember building 7
4 Terror Alert Level // color coded // threats of terror // unified // propaganda
5 HAARPstrummer // 3.6 million watt destruction injected at a pinpoint location mayhem
from E-L-F waves mutate the ionosphere // gokona alaska federal harbinger //
HAARPstrummer // shockwaves tear through every fault line earthquakes tsunamis chaos
through the skies // 3.6 million watt destruction injected at a pinpoint location mayhem from EL-F waves mutate the ionosphere // gokona alaska federal harbinger // HAARPstrummer
6 Monsanto Is Gojira // they control all the banks they control all the farmland they control
all the seeds they own all politicians /// monsanto is gojira monsanto is gojira biotech is
godzilla but monsanto is gojira
7 Chemtrail // conducted in secret the jet streams suspend aluminum barium and other toxins
a tin foil hat manifestation? sinister contrail manipulation? // pacify the population raining
down annihilation secretive extermination bilderberg affiliation // conducted in secret the jet
streams suspend barium, calcium and titanium exposing the mass to plutonium the new world
order all bets fully in?

8 The Audacity Of Hoax // fool the mass to advance the agenda three piece suit mega bank
enslaver // i am of the machine which controls you i am of the class whom oppress you i am of
the beast which enslaves you i am of the final coup de tat // indoctrination to moral bankruptcy
federal reserve world supremacy // pull the strings to advance the agenda neo-lib globalist pied
piper // i am god of NDAA torture in secret mortal decay silent screams all hushed in relay i
am god of NDAA // indefinite detention // FEMA CAMP FEMA
9 Sharia Law // condemned by sharia law and the schools of jurisprudence moral codes of an
ancient warlord a plague of dogma and wrathful tyranny exterminate the infidel disease // you
created us and now we shall destroy you you created us now ISIS will destroy you // terrorism
in the name of god butchery by command of allah // islamic state of the levant the black flag of
false flags // islamic state of iraq the black flag of all flags // you created us and now we shall
destroy you you created us... ISIS we'll destroy you // exterminate cleanse the infidels
annihilate slaughter their citadels // 19 virgins upon my death women as cattle slaves of incest
our moon god demands your death // islamic state of the levant the black flag of false flags //
islamic state of iraq the black flag of all flags
10 Weaponized Morgellons // weaponized parasites breeding underneath the skin // shut your
eyes and deny the mutant thing crawling inside // origin unknown fibers have grown //
delusional parasitosis illusional swarms of the skin // weaponized morgellons // ripping at the
skin the insects swarm within // weaponized morgellons weaponized infection // fibrous
mummification mythologic infestation
11 Minimum Wage // i don't wanna punch the time clock i wanna smash your fucking face //
economic hostage situation united prisoners of machine // wageslave endowment slavetraitor
endearment lowest rung of the ladder feasting off the dollar menu // over qualified under paid
not economically viable // say he fix my prices smash up merchandise
12 They Live We Sleep // perched on top of us from birth to death are our owners they have us
control us they our masters venomous lips concealed enslaved bred like cattle // they came
from the skies for their enterprise their power is sight reapers of blight // they live we sleep //
obey consume marry reproduce submit conform this is your god // they came from the skies for
their enterprise their power is sight reapers of blight // obey consume marry reproduce submit
conform this is your god // they live we sleep
13 False Flag // they rain down from the skies deathstrikes from drone armadas mechanized
skynet designed to scorch asunder // criminals murderers liars thieves // counterstrike false flag
// criminals murderers liars thieves // counterstrike false flag

14 Brandishing The Scalp Of God // taught to recite a denigrative logic // a lunatic god
drenched in violence // wrathful scriptures birthed of insanity // opus dei infecting humanity //
fascist torment for all subversion dogma drenched inhuman perversion rejecting the sabbath in
purist revulsion reciting the epoch of total inversion // a stagnant backwards institution // borne
of hysteric convolution // indoctrination of forced absurdity // thieve your flock of their
identity // brandishing the scalp of god eviscerating the soul of god // conformance to the lamb
a cancer to all who choose it united we make our stand eradication of the zealot // lie to us
behind our backs strip from us the will to power the morals of your senseless atrophy the fear
of god blinds all who'd see // brandishing the scalp of god eviscerating the soul of god //
conformance to the lamb a cancer to all who choose it united we make our stand eradication of
the zealot // ablaze their temples purge by fire no savior arrives their god proved liar // mass
inversion of the weakling crucifix all black wolven packs howl 666
15 SowReaper // you have reaped what you've sown you've claimed what you've owned was it
worth your soul? you have squandered your time politely in line now your life grows over // no
heaven no hell only darkness in which to dwell no heaven no hell only darkness in which to
dwell // its too late too late for you your hearts stopped pumping your flesh turns cold as ice
clawing at your wasted life // you get no second chance feel the void consuming you a hell of
self creation genesis of willed affliction // its too late too late for you your hearts stopped
pumping your flesh turns cold as ice clawing at your wasted life // no heaven no hell only
darkness in which to dwell.
Extreme metal assassins VULTURE LOCUST have completed their magnum opus of grinding
death-thrash havoc. Entitled Command Presence, this savage blur of grindcore-based death
metal mayhem blasts its way through 15 mutant tracks of vintage thrash, blackened crust,
doom-blasting sludge and knuckle-dragging slam. With unapologetic contempt Vulture Locust
continue their dystopian vision of a world gone mad dissecting police state brutality, martial
law, and every conspiracy under the sun.
Recorded/mixed/mastered ever so brutally by Nathan Richardson, Recorded/mixed/mastered
ever so brutally by Nathan Richardson (and featuring additional mastering by Robert Nelson of
Glorious Usurper Studios) this unrelenting destroyer of an LP re-records all the tracks from
their earlier promo We Need To Talk plus fresh material.
Hailing from Portland, Oregon, this two-man unit will be performing live heavily throughout
2015 on the West Coast. Future European dates and festival performances are on the agenda
with guitarist/vocalist Ryan Bartek performing alongside a stand-in drummer.
On March 3rd, 2015 Command Presence will be released as a free download at the bands
official website:
VULTURE LOCUST is a D.I.Y. band. // //

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