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Tybalt Capulet

Basic Information
Birth Date: Feb 18
Birth Year: 1578
Gender: Male
Looking For: A Fight
Relationship Status: Single
Interested In: Violence and Sword fighting
Political Views: The Capulets should rule
Religious Views: Catholic
Contact Information
Hometown: Verona, Italy
Current Residence: Verona, Italy
Juliet Capulet
Romeo Montague
Lord Capulet
Lady Capulet
Lord Montague
Juliets Cousin
Lord Capulets Nephew
Swords fighting anmious- I love fighting
especially with swords so this is mine.
Party Hard Group- I enjoy parties, I like to
get drunk, and have fun.
Weapons Fans- I love weapons! Give me
any weapon and I will be happy.
Capulet House- I am the nephew of the
powerful Lord Capulet. I deserve some
credit for that.
Status Update:
That fight was great! Im glad I didnt stop it because its fun to kick those Montagues to the
ground. We should be able to fight more because I just want to destroy those Montagues.
Act 1 Scene 1
That man needs to back off Juliet! She is way too young and needs to grow up more before
she can find a man and settle down. He just needs to slow down and come back in a couple of
Act 1 Scene 2
I hope that Juliet doesnt like Paris at all even though he is a good man. She needs to dislike
him so that she will wait before she marries.
Act 1 Scene 3
Those Montagues need to stay away from the Capulet party. We would allow anyone else in
except for those dirty Montagues. We dont want them there at all.
Act 1 Scene 4
Tybalt Likes the Capulet Family FaceBook page
Why does Lord Capulet let that Montague stay in the party? I want to get him away from Juliet
and everyone else in this party and keep him away from us.
Act 1 Scene 5
Ya mad brah???? haah go Montague! This party rocks! Its so much fun! ps Julliet is cute
-Romeo (Ethan)
Tybalt commented on Romeos page: I am going to kill you!!! I cant believe you came to that
Capulet party and now you have brainwashed my cousin! You are dead when we duel.
Tybalt Disliked the Montague Family FaceBook page
Im glad that those Montagues ditched Romeo when they couldnt find him. He doesnt deserve
to have any friends or family because of his actions toward my dear cousin, Juliet.
Act 2 Scene 1
Why cant Romeo just accept what Juliet told her! Juliet told him to slow down and that this
probably wont work, but he rejected that he idea. He instead pushed her to swear her love to
him and get her to marry him! He needs to get away from her. Im going to get revenge on him!
He better watch his back.
Act 2 Scene 2
Tybalt commented on Juliets page: You need to wise up cousin. Romeo may seem good on
the outside, but on the inside he is a terrible human being. You need to pull yourself away from
him and choose a different husband.
I cant believe that Friar Lawrence consented to marry Romeo and Juliet! What was he
thinking? He should have gone along with his original mind set that Romeo is moving too fast.
Act 2 Scene 3
Tybalt commented on Friar Lawrences page: Why the heck did you agree to marry Romeo
and Juliet!!! Juliet is supposed to marry Paris not some dirty rotten Montague!!!!!! You need to
reconsider this marriage because it will not end well.
Im ready to duel Romeo! I am ready to finally get him back for all the pain he has caused me
about Juliet. I am excited to kill him, and I am glad that I extended the challenge to duel.
Act 2 Scene 4
The nurse should have never told Juliet about what Romeo has arranged with Friar Lawrence.
She should have kept her worrying and wondering what is going on so she doesnt go to get
Act 2 Scene 5
Friar Lawrence has very good advice. Romeo and Juliet need to not get married so early! I will
get revenge on this Romeo for what he has done to my dear cousin Juliet!
Act 2 Scene 6
That fight was fun, but it didnt end very well. I loved the part of fighting Mercutio for I got to kill
a Montague!!! But the fight with Romeo had a bad ending. I am now speaking to you from the
grave and will forever for Romeo has killed me. Romeo should have joined me in death for
killing me but he was spared to be banished. I will have him soon enough.
Act 3 Scene 1
Juliet should not defy her parents in such a way! She should be punished for the bad things she
has said to her mother and father. She should marry Paris and never see Romeo again. She is
making the wrong decision.
Act 3 Scene 5
Friar Lawrence is a traitor to the Capulet family, to the prince and to the church. He should not
be helping Juliet with a plan to get back to Romeo and especially to leave Verona. His title of
Friar should be revoked, and he should be punished for his crimes.
Act 4 Scene 1
Why the heck would Juliet follow through with this ridiculous plan that Friar Lawrence gave her?
She needs to be stopped and humbled into seeing that you dont get everything that you want in
that life. I hope that she is also punished for lying to all of Verona about her death.
Act 4 Scene 3
Tybalt dislikes sleeping potions.
I am glad that Romeo is going back to Verona. I hope he kills himself there with that great
poison he bought. I just hope that he does it before Juliet wakes up so that she can still marry
Paris and have a good life.
Act 5 Scene 1
Tybalt liked poisons
Tybalt commented on The Apothecarys page: Thank you for selling Romeo that poison. He
needed it so that he end his life and hopefully he will humble my cousin and she will have a
happy life also.
I cant believe that Juliet killed herself! She should have stayed on Earth and had a good life.
I didnt want her to join me here because her life would have been so much better if she had
stayed on Earth and married Paris. This is all Romeos fault and he got what he deserved for it.
Act 5 Scene 3

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